Home Coated tongue Conversational style and its characteristics. The most important features of colloquial speech, features of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norms in colloquial speech - the culture of colloquial speech

Conversational style and its characteristics. The most important features of colloquial speech, features of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norms in colloquial speech - the culture of colloquial speech

Conversational style

§ 1. Basic features of colloquial speech

An informal, relaxed, relaxed atmosphere is typical for everyday speech. The specific features of the colloquial style are usually most clearly manifested when we are talking about objects, situations, and topics that are relevant in everyday use. In conversational communication, a special, everyday type of thinking prevails. Colloquial speech occupies an exceptional position in the system of modern Russian language. This is the original, original style of the national language, while all others are phenomena of later secondary formation. Colloquial speech was often characterized as vernacular, which was considered outside the framework literary language. In fact, it is a type of literary language.

Conversational style is contrasted with book styles. It forms a system that has features at all levels of the language structure: phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology and syntax.

The colloquial style finds its expression both in written and oral form.

“Colloquial speech is characterized special conditions functioning, which include: the lack of preliminary consideration of the utterance and the associated lack of preliminary selection of linguistic material, the immediacy of verbal communication between its participants, the ease of the speech act associated with the lack of formality in the relationship between them and in the very nature of the utterance. A big role is played by the situation (the environment of verbal communication) and the use of extra-linguistic means (facial expressions, gestures, the interlocutor’s reaction). Purely linguistic features of everyday speech include the use of such extra-lexical means as phrasal intonation, emotional and expressive stress, pauses, speech rate, rhythm, etc. In everyday speech there is a wide use of everyday vocabulary and phraseology, emotional and expressive vocabulary (including particles, interjections), different categories of introductory words, originality of syntax (elliptical and incomplete sentences various types, words-addresses, words-sentences, repetitions of words, breaking sentences with inserted constructions, weakening and violation of forms of syntactic connection between parts of a statement, connecting constructions, etc.).

In addition to its direct function - a means of communication, colloquial speech also performs other functions in fiction, for example, it is used to create verbal portrait, for a realistic depiction of the life of a particular environment, in the author's narration it serves as a means of stylization, and when colliding with elements of book speech, it can create a comic effect.

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Spoken language is a special phenomenon. At its origin, the language was exclusively colloquial, and the emergence of a literary language is a rather late phenomenon. Colloquial speech - special shape language, serving all the functions of language, primarily the communication and voluntary functions. The sphere that RR serves is informal relations, the environment of use - from semi-literate speakers of the dialect to the most educated layers of society.

Colloquial speech is a special functional variety of literary language. If the language of fiction and functional styles have a single codified basis, then colloquial speech is contrasted with them as an uncodified sphere of communication. Codification is the fixation in various kinds of dictionaries and grammar of those norms and rules that must be observed when creating texts of codified functional varieties. The norms and rules of conversational communication are not fixed.

The study of spoken speech began only in the 60s, when technologies for recording spoken speech became widespread.

As a special variety of language, RR is characterized by three extralinguistic factors:

1) Spontaneity and unpreparedness.

2) The possibility of conversational communication only in informal relations between speakers.

3) Can only be implemented with the direct participation of speakers (dialogic speech)

The conversational norm has a special character: everything that is not perceived as an error in the spontaneous perception of speech (“does not hurt the ear”) is recognized as a norm.

So, colloquial speech is spontaneous literary speech, realized in informal situations with the direct participation of speakers based on pragmatic (situation, addressee, addressee, background knowledge) conditions of communication.

Features of colloquial speech:

1) Phonetics: reduction of vowel sounds, deletion, simplification of consonant groups.

2) Morphology: vocative forms, absence of participles and gerunds (only in the function of adjectives and extremely rarely - in phrases)

3) Syntax: desire for analyticism. The use of the nominative case in place of indirect cases (instead of the genitive in negative cases, in the function of definition, in the function of the nominal part of the predicate), the use non-union proposals, connections in which are derived from semantics, many incomplete sentences, special word order, actualizing words (yes? What is he,... etc.).

4) Vocabulary: semantic contractions (vecherka, minibus), substantivized adjectives (laboratorka), semantic contractions as a result of the omission of the determiner ( kindergarten– garden, kindergarten) or defined (maternity leave – maternity leave), verbal contractions (celebrate /holiday/, enroll /in a university/), metonymies (to be at Repin /at the artist’s exhibition/), colloquial vocabulary.

According to Graudina and Shiryaev, only notes can be classified as colloquial speech among written genres; according to lectures - diaries, notebooks, and friendly letters.

Dialogue is studied not only linguistically. In addition to it, oral communication is studied by psychology, philosophy, and cultural studies. From different views Various conditions for successful speech are derived from the culture of colloquial speech:

1. The first condition for the emergence and successful course of dialogue is the need for communication, communicative interest, which is not expressed in linguistic forms, which depend on the depth of acquaintance, social dependence, and emotional background.

2. The second condition is the closeness of the worldview of the speaker and the listener, similarity of interests, similar cultural canons.

3. The main condition for successful communication is the ability of the listener to penetrate into the communicative plan (intention) of the speaker. Since comprehension of the meaning occurs parallel to the linear development of the utterance, the listener does a great deal of work in interpreting the utterance, and, therefore, it is very important for him to understand, and the understanding must be adequate to the speaker’s intention.

4. The success of communication depends on the speaker’s ability to vary the way of linguistic representation of a particular real event. This is due to their presentation in speech of such functional categories as beingness, characterization, qualification, identification, optativity, certainty, location, and so on. In addition to the scenario presentation of events, the speaker also adds his personal perception of the situation.

5. The success of verbal communication is influenced by external circumstances: the presence of strangers, the communication channel, mood, physiological state.

6. It is important for speakers to know the rules and norms of speech communication etiquette.

7. The conditions for successful verbal interaction are rooted in the correspondence of plans and schemes speech behavior interlocutors.

Communication failures– failure by the initiator of communication to achieve the communicative goal and, more broadly, pragmatic aspirations; lack of interaction, mutual understanding and agreement between participants in communication. Since the development of communication is determined by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors, the reasons for communication failures can be different:

1. The efforts of the participants in communication are negated by an alien communication environment: for example, conversation in front of strangers, interference from third parties, forced distraction from the conversation due to various external circumstances interfere with the dialogue.

2. Violation of parity of communication. If one of the participants begins to dominate, interrupt, constantly ask questions, and do not wait for signs of reaction from the listener, communication comes to naught.

3. Ritualization of communication. The use of clichés such as “We’ve already been through this,” categorical statements, common judgments - all this interferes with the implementation of communicative plans.

4. The reason for breaking contact may be an inappropriate remark addressed to the listener regarding his actions, personal qualities, which can be interpreted as an unfriendly attitude of the speaker towards the listener.

5. Failures in communication may stem from sociocultural stereotypes, background knowledge, rejection of the personality or character traits of one of the interlocutors.

NB: The information taken above is from the Graudina/Shiryaev textbook, where the names of the chapter sections exactly repeat the wording of the question. Another classification of the causes of failure (according to the summary) is based on maxims from Grice's Principles of Speech Cooperation:

1. Alien communication environment.

2. Violation of the maxim of approval (a positive assessment of what is associated with the interlocutor).

3. Violation of the maxim of tact (respect for the interests of the interlocutor).

4. Violation of the maxim of quantity (an utterance must contain no more and no less than that, what is needed for understanding).

5. Violation of the maxim of manners (see ethical aspect speech culture).

52. Complex syntactic whole and paragraph. Types and means of communication between sentences in the SSC.

The structural organization of the text includes smaller units called SPUs or superphrasal units (SFU); Paragraphs can also be considered structural parts of the text.

SSC– a structural-semantic and communicative unit of syntax, which is a combination of several sentences in meaning and syntactically.

Therefore, sentences in a text do not exist in isolation. They are combined with other sentences, leaving close semantic and syntactic unities. In addition to these factors, SSCs are characterized by the unity of subjective-modal coloring and rhythmic-intonation unity. On the background general theme text STS – carriers of microthemes.

STS, which in addition to SFU can also be called a “prose stanza,” has the following structure:

1) Initiation– the first phrase, which is the most informative and sets the topic, introduces a new thought and determines the style of presentation. The beginning is autosemantic, i.e. self-sufficient in terms of meaning.

2) Average Part.

3) Ending- a phrase that echoes the beginning.

Communication in the SSC can have several options:

1) Chain connection - the sequence of sentences in SSC is connected by topic-rhematic relations: the rheme of the previous sentence becomes the topic of the subsequent one.

2) Parallel connection - parallelism of sentence structures related to the first general structure.

Means of connecting sentences in SSC can be lexical, syntactic and grammatical: pronominal substitution, introductory words, subordinating clauses, coincidence of types of tense forms of the verb, word order, intonation contour.

Paragraph– a compositional and stylistic unit of division. Paragraphs are related to the author's will; the same text can be divided into paragraphs in different ways. The SSC is objective, division into the SSC is inherent in the text itself.

These elements are not equal, because paragraph is a logical-compositional unit inherent only in written texts; Paragraph sizes can range from one sentence to several STS; V business speech on the contrary, one sentence can be divided into several paragraphs.

The paragraph performs the following functions:

1) highlighting parts of the text (logical and semantic)

2) easier perception

3) placement of accents (accentuative-emphasis, expressive-emphasis)

An informal, relaxed, relaxed atmosphere is typical for everyday speech. The specific features of the colloquial style are usually most clearly manifested when we are talking about objects, situations, and topics that are relevant in everyday use. In conversational communication, a special, everyday type of thinking prevails. Colloquial speech occupies an exceptional position in the system of modern Russian language. This is the original, original style of the national language, while all others are phenomena of later secondary formation. Colloquial speech was often characterized as vernacular, which was considered outside the framework of the literary language. In fact, it is a type of literary language.

Conversational style is contrasted with book styles. It forms a system that has features at all levels of the language structure: phonetics, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology and syntax.

The colloquial style finds its expression both in written and oral form.

“Colloquial speech is characterized by special conditions of functioning, which include: the absence of preliminary thinking about the utterance and the associated lack of preliminary selection of linguistic material, the immediacy of verbal communication between its participants, the ease of the speech act associated with the lack of formality in the relations between them and in the the nature of the utterance. A big role is played by the situation (the environment of verbal communication) and the use of extra-linguistic means (facial expressions, gestures, the interlocutor’s reaction). Purely linguistic features of everyday speech include the use of such extra-lexical means as phrasal intonation, emotional and expressive stress, pauses, speech rate, rhythm, etc. In everyday speech there is a wide use of everyday vocabulary and phraseology, emotional-expressive vocabulary (including particles, interjections), different categories of introductory words, originality of syntax (elliptical and incomplete sentences of various types, words of address, words of sentences, repetitions of words, breaking sentences with inserted constructions, weakening and disruption of forms of syntactic connection between parts of a statement, connecting constructions, etc.).

In addition to its direct function - a means of communication, spoken language also performs other functions in fiction, for example, it is used to create a verbal portrait, for a realistic depiction of the life of a particular environment, in the author’s narrative it serves as a means of stylization, and when colliding with elements of book speech, it can create a comic effect.

Language features conversational style

Pronunciation. Often words and forms in colloquial style have an emphasis that does not coincide with the emphasis in more strict styles of speech: d O talk(cf.: normative Great Danes O R).

Vocabulary. Colloquial and everyday vocabulary, being part of the vocabulary of oral speech, is used in casual conversation and is characterized by various shades of expressive coloring.

These include:

Nouns: lies, nonsense, spiteful, good fellow, hustle, nonsense and etc.;

Nominal adjectives: meticulous, sophisticated, hard-working, lax and etc.;

Verbs: to be sarcastic, to be greedy, to be secretive, to be sick, to chatter, to bother and etc.;

adverbs: that's it, quietly, head over heels, instantly, little by little, slowly, thoroughly and etc.

There are also colloquial pronouns (sort of), unions (once - in meaning If), parts (perhaps over there meaning, it’s unlikely Lee), INTERMEDIATE METHODS (well, eh).

Phraseology occupies a significant place in everyday speech. This is due to the dominance of a specific way of thinking in the sphere of everyday communication. Concrete thinking does not shy away from abstraction. A person generalizes his specific observations, highlighting something significant and abstracting from some particulars. For example: No smoke without fire. You can't hide an sew in a bag. Leopard change his spots. For me, mathematics is a dark forest. Quieter than water, below the grass. Instead of saying They live unfriendly, quarrel - They say: They chew like dogs.

Colloquial phraseology is the great guardian of traditional form. It stores many phraseological units that arose in ancient times.

Word formation. In the category of nouns, the following suffixes are used with a greater or lesser degree of productivity, giving the words a colloquial character:

- ak (-yak) - good-natured, healthy, simpleton;

- an (-yan) - rude, old man;

- ach - bearded man;

- ash - tradesman;

- ak-a (-yak-a) for words general kind- reveler, bully, onlooker;

- szhk-a- sharing, cramming, feeding;

En is a darling;

- l-a - tycoon, thug, crammer;

- n-i - fuss, bickering;

- rel-i - running around, getting dirty;

- tai - lazy, slobbery;

- un - chatterbox, talker, screamer;

- uh-ah - dirty, fat;

- ysch - silly, naked, strong, baby;

- yag-a - poor fellow, hard worker, hard worker.

Colloquial vocabulary also includes words with the suffix - sh-a, denoting female persons by their profession, position held, work performed, occupation, etc.: director, secretary, librarian, cashier.

In most cases, suffixes subjective assessment give words a colloquial coloring: thief, naughty girl, little house; dirt, beard; enormous, furious; in the evening, in a whisper etc.

For adjectives that are colloquial in nature, one can note the use of the suffix -ast-: big-eyed, toothy, tonguey and etc.; as well as prefixes pre-: kind, nice, most unpleasant and etc.

Many verbs in -nitchit belong to colloquial everyday vocabulary: to misbehave, to wander, to cheat.

Morphological features of colloquial speech are characterized by the following:

Prepositional case form of nouns: I'm on vacation, in the workshop (cf.: on vacation, in the workshop);

Nominative plural form: agreements, sectors (cf.: agreements, sectors);

Genitive form plural: orange, tomato (cf.: oranges, tomatoes);

Colloquial version of the infinitive: see, hear (cf.: see, hear).

Syntactic features of colloquial speech are very unique. This:

Predominant use of the dialogue form;

Predominance simple sentences; Of the complex ones, compound and non-union compounds are more often used;

Widespread use of interrogatives and exclamation sentences;

Use of words-sentences (affirmative, negative, incentive, etc.);

Extensive use of incomplete sentences;

Interruptions in speech caused by for various reasons(excitement of the speaker, unexpected transition from one thought to another, etc.);

Using introductory words and phrases of different meanings;

The use of plug-in constructions that break the main sentence and introduce additional information, comments, clarifications, explanations, amendments, etc. into it;

Widespread use of emotional and imperative interjections;

Lexical repetitions: - Yes Yes Yes.

- various kinds of inversions in order to emphasize the semantic role of the word highlighted in the message: I like the white shoes better;

- special forms of the predicate.

In colloquial speech there are complex sentences, parts of which are connected by lexical-syntactic means: in the first part there are evaluative words - well done, smart, stupid etc., and the second part serves as a rationale for this assessment: Well done for standing up.

Control questions and tasks

Exercise 1.

1. Determine what styles these texts belong to.

1. A thunderstorm is an atmospheric phenomenon consisting of electrical discharges between clouds (lightning and thunder), accompanied by rain, hail and violent gusts of wind.

2. - What a thunderstorm! It's scary to go to the window.

Yes, there hasn't been a storm like this for a long time.

Can you imagine finding yourself in a field during such a thunderstorm...

3. A strong wind suddenly began to roar in the heights, the trees began to storm, large drops of rain suddenly hit, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. (I. Turgenev).


Determine your speaking style. Indicate the linguistic features of conversational style.

Gay, a kind person! - the coachman shouted to him. - Tell me, do you know where the road is?

The road is here; I'm standing on solid ground. - answered the roadie, - what's the point?

Listen, little man,” I told him, “do you know this side? Will you undertake to take me to my lodging for the night? (A. Pushkin).

Task 3.

What linguistic means make the text emotional?

It was about the Christmas tree. The mother asked the watchman for an ax, but he did not answer her, but got on his skis and went into the forest. Half an hour later he returned.

OK! Even though the toys weren’t very elegant, even though the hares made from rags looked like cats, even though all the dolls looked alike - straight-nosed and pop-eyed - and, finally, there were fir cones wrapped in silver paper, but such a Christmas tree in Moscow, of course, no one had it. It was a real taiga beauty - tall, thick, straight, with branches that diverged at the ends like stars.

(A. Gaidar).

Task 4.

Determine the stylistic and semantic originality of the highlighted words.

1. With this diploma of his, he’s completely arrived. 2. What are you here for? bazaar arranged? 3. I'll come to you in the evening I'll take a look. 4. I will not go in front of anyone bow! 5. The child also needs his own corner have. 6. By the way, he is a figure at work.

Task 5.

Uncover the meanings of colloquial metaphors.

1. Why are you sitting? inflated? What are you not happy with?

2. It is necessary that the foreman be toothy a guy so that he could talk to his superiors and suppliers, and make a reassurance to his own comrades.

3. Everything in a family almost never happens smooth. Nadya is offended by her Peter, but she herself has the same character - not sugar.

4. If you don’t develop the will in yourself from childhood, then you will grow up not as a man, but as a rag.

5. He is now so obsessed with this problem that forcing him to do something else is completely useless.

Task 6.

Match the meanings of the highlighted words. Determine which ones are stylistically neutral and which ones are conversational.

1. Nikolai in childhood was very stuttered. About fishing you tell me don't stutter.

2. Under cotton wool a blanket will make you sleep hot. What are you doing today cotton some kind.

3. He was in love with me, even matched They're wooing me a foreman in our workshop.

Task 7. Determine which of the two synonyms is neutral and which is colloquial.

1. The controller, my dears, also has a difficult job: firstly, stowaway to find the passenger, and secondly, to force him to pay a fine. I didn’t put on my jacket today, but the money was still there. Well, I had to go to work hare to go - there was no time to return.

2. - How did you spend your vacation? - I went to the Oka River, we lived in the village. All day long went through the forest. Oh, how lovely! Today is noon was dangling shopping for gifts. People before the holiday - God forbid!

3. - Well, tell me honestly: you are got cold feet Then? Tell me honestly. Well, of course, I was a little scared. And if you were me didn't you get cold feet?

4. Distribution of books disposes of Valentina Vasilyevna, you should contact her. -Who do you have here? tests commands?

Task 8. Determine the meanings of the highlighted words.

I wake up in the morning, someone bale-bale on glass. 2. There were cakes in the refrigerator here. And the cakes bye bye. 3. Well, I think I’ll sit down now and study. And here - ding. - Vovka comes. 4. - Irina at home? - What you! I came, ate, changed clothes and whoops! - And Zhenya swims - oh-oh-oh! At least sign him up for the rescue team.

Task 9. Explain the meaning of the highlighted expressions.

You and I, Artem, no stake, no yard. At the nearby large station, workers made porridge. Grishutka to these smugglers stood across my throat. He disappeared as if he had sunk into water. I was looking for until the seventh sweat. “It fell out of the blue,” - Rita said laughing. By night he completely exhausted. Case not worth a damn. I'm in these things shot bird. Tell me, Tsvetaev, why are you do you have a tooth on me?

Task 10. Explain the meanings of the following phraseological units. If you have any difficulties, consult a phraseological dictionary.

Be in seventh heaven; not to believe your own eyes; walk on hind legs; open your mouth; freeze in place; both ours and yours; be silent like a fish; walk around to about; from small to large; play cat and mouse; come out dry from water; lead a cat and dog life; written in black and white; the house is a full cup; chickens don't eat money; only bird's milk is not enough.

Task 11. Write down phraseological units with the word eye. Select similar phraseological units from your native language.

Don't take your eyes off; eat with your eyes; blink your eyes; can't close my eyes; pull the wool over someone's eyes; close (to what), open your eyes (to whom, what); speak to your eyes; speak behind your back; talk face to face; you need an eye and an eye; do by eye; blurred vision; spin before the eyes; sparks fell from the eyes; hide your eyes; go wherever your eyes lead you; don't believe your eyes; fear has big eyes.

Task 12. Replace the highlighted combinations with phraseological units with the word eye.

These apples were sent to me yesterday from Almaty - extraordinary beauty! 2. My friend and I are doing wood inlay. But in different ways. He calculates everything, copies the drawing, and then selects the tree exactly. And I - without any precise calculations. As a result: I envy him, he envy me. 3. Sergei should come to me now. Will you be offended if we go straight to my room? We really need to talk alone. 4. Something Ivan to us hasn't come for a long time. Maybe he went somewhere? 5. That closet is the whole room. spoils - I somehow feel sorry for him: we’re used to it, it’s like he’s a member of the family. 6. I think: what is Frolov trying to do? don't date me. And if he meets, he tries not to look on me. Well, then he himself came and honestly told everything.

Task 13.

Name colloquial phraseological units with words that you know head, hands, tongue etc. Select similar phraseological units from your native language.

Task 14.

Using the suffixes -UN/UN-ya, -UH-a, -USH-a, -USHK-a, -L-a (-LK-a), -K-a, -G-a, -IK, form colloquial nouns with the meaning “name of a person based on an excessively manifested characteristic.”

Boast, grumble, walk, work, yawn, whine, whine, chat.

Task 15.

Using the suffixes (-я) Г-а, -УЛ-я, (-я) K (-yak), -YSH, - CHAK, -ACH, ON-ya, -IK, -ITs-a, form from the following adjectives colloquial nouns with general meaning"the name of a person based on a strongly manifested characteristic."

Modest, dirty, fat, healthy, strong, kind, cheerful, dexterous, naked, quiet, clean, stupid, smart.

Task 16.

Explain from what words these colloquial verbs are formed.

To be idle, to be frank, to be cautious, to be liberal, to be fashionable, to be modest, to be capricious, to be delicate, to be lazy.

Task 17.

Determine from the context what semantic and stylistic shades each of the highlighted nouns has.

1. Arman! You are already an adult, and I intend to talk to you man to man. 2. Sasha, you listen to what your father tells you, he worries about you, and he knows life better than you. 3. Sasha! Don't bother me - you don't have any urgent matters right now. So come with us. 4. Ahh, Sashok! Come on, brother, come in, they were just talking about you. Just in time for tea. 5. Sashenka, You should rest a little. Go son, take a walk in the fresh air.

Task 18.

Try to restore full form the following colloquial phrases. Sample: Not seen with a baby stroller? - Did not see woman with baby stroller?

1. Do you have cough medicine?

2. With green balconies - is this yours?

3. I'm two thirty and one bagel?

4. Behind me is a woman with glasses and a child.

5. Didn’t you come here in a gray fur coat?

6. In a blue robe, she always flirts with him.

Task 19.

Write down these combinations in two columns: in the left - stylistically neutral, in the right - stylistically marked (that is, colloquial)

Steep descent, steep temperament; household, home child; wave a handkerchief, wave out of town; slide down the slope, slide down the deuces; battle glory, battle girl; hold on to, city, hold on to a chair; climb a tree, get into a stupid story.

Task 20.

Replace phraseological units with synonymous words or free combinations.

1. She and her mother-in-law live in perfect harmony, she’s just lucky with her mother-in-law. 2. I’m not boom-boom in these tables. 3. Don't worry! We will accept them honorably. 4. Didn’t they know that they were coming here to work, and not for a picnic? If they don’t want to work properly, good riddance! 5. Don’t explain it to me, it’s been like two and two to me for a long time now. 6. – Isn’t Kostya bored there? - What you! He and Petka are like water, he has no time to think about us.

Speech culture develops the skills of selecting and using linguistic means in the process of verbal communication, helps to form a conscious attitude towards their use in speech practice in accordance with communicative tasks.

To be modern also means in the field of oral speech to proceed from the norms accepted at the present time, and those who seek to influence others with their speech cannot afford non-normative elements. Knowledge of the norm - required condition competent and expressive speech, free and interesting communication.

“To fully communicate,” writes A.A. Leontyev, - a person must have a whole range of skills. He must quickly and correctly navigate the conditions of communication; be able to correctly plan your speech, correctly select the content of the act of communication, find adequate means to convey this content, be able to provide feedback. If any of the links in the act of communication is disrupted, then it will not be effective.”

Serious work on yourself and your speech begins only when you clearly understand why you need it. Linguists studying oral speech, concluded that it is structurally different from written. They are fundamentally similar, otherwise it would be impossible to retell what was read and write down what was said. If in written speech there is one channel of information, then in oral speech there are two: a) information that is contained in spoken words and b) information that is received in addition to words, which accompanies speech to one degree or another, connected with words.

Spoken speech, due to its two-channel nature, is distinguished by great heuristic and creative possibilities. Writer and philosopher M.M. Prishvin repeatedly addressed this thesis: “To the last extreme we must be careful of using philosophical concepts and stick to the language of whispering about everything with a close friend, always understanding that with this language we can say more than what philosophers have tried to say for a thousand years and did not say.” .

> Features of phonetic, morphological, syntactic, lexical norms in colloquial speech

Conversational speech functions in the sphere of everyday, everyday communication. This speech is realized in the form of a relaxed, unprepared monologue or dialogic speech on everyday topics, as well as in the form of private, informal correspondence. The ease of communication is understood as the absence of an attitude towards a message that is of an official nature, an informal relationship between speakers and the absence of facts that violate the informality of communication, for example, strangers. Spoken speech only functions in the private sphere of communication, and in the sphere of mass communication it is unacceptable. Conversational speech can affect not only everyday topics: for example, a conversation with a family in informal relationships, about art, science, sports, conversations in public institutions. However, for example, conversational speech is not prepared and the topic of conversation is related to professional activity speakers, so it uses scientific vocabulary. The form of implementation is predominantly oral.

The colloquial and everyday style is contrasted with book styles, since they function in certain areas of social activity. However, colloquial speech includes not only specific linguistic means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. Within a literary language, colloquial speech is contrasted with codified language as a whole.

But codified literary language and colloquial speech and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. The main features of the conversational style are the already mentioned relaxed and informal nature of communication, as well as the emotionally expressive coloring of speech. Therefore, the entire wealth of intonation, facial expressions, and gestures is often used. One of the most important features is the reliance on the extra-linguistic situation, that is, the immediate environment of speech in which communication takes place.

Conversational speech has its own lexical and grammatical features. Characteristic feature this speech is its lexical diversity. Here you can find the most diverse thematic and stylistic groups of vocabulary: general book vocabulary, terms, foreign borrowings, some facts of vernacular, jargon. This is explained, firstly, by the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, everyday remarks, and secondly, by the implementation of colloquial speech in two tones - serious and humorous, and in the latter case it is possible to use a variety of elements. Syntactic structures also have their own characteristics. Constructions with particles and interjections are typical for colloquial speech. The word order in this speech is different from that used in writing. Here main information concentrated at the beginning of the utterance. And in order to draw attention to the main thing, they use intonation emphasis.

Clericalisms penetrate into colloquial speech and we can note absurd combinations of stylistically incompatible words: What issue are you crying about?; If I have a wife, I won’t wash the dishes! Another distinctive feature colloquial speech of our time has become saturated with diminutive forms, without stylistic motivation: Hello! Have you prepared the materials?; Give me a certificate; Half a kilo of sausages, etc. In such cases, we are not talking about the size of objects, no particularly tender attitude towards them is expressed, in other words, the evaluative value of expressively colored words is lost. The use of such forms is due either to a complex idea of ​​“polite style” or to the degraded position of the applicant, who is afraid of being refused. For writers, diminutive forms of evaluative words become a source of ironic coloring of speech: Well, how good we are all! How beautiful and pleasant! And that one who pushed the old lady aside with his elbow and got on the bus instead! And there’s the one who’s been sweeping the alley with a broom for three days now. There is a high degree of usage in colloquial speech of reduced words, which in this case lose their connotation of disdain and rudeness: My grandmother is good; The girl walking with him was beautiful.

The largest stylistic layer of phraseology is colloquial phraseology, which is used in oral communication: a week without a year, a black sheep, carelessly. Conversational phraseological units are figurative, which gives them special expression and liveliness. Colloquial phraseology in general, close to colloquial, is distinguished by a great reduction: straighten your brains, scratch your tongue; The crudely colloquial phraseology sounds even sharper: the law is not written for fools, neither skin nor face. It includes swear combinations that represent a gross violation of the linguistic form. The use of phraseological units adds beauty and imagery to speech. This is appreciated by journalists who willingly address in feuilletons and essays: The director is an atheist to the core - he does not believe in either the brownie or the devil. Humorists and satirists especially like to use phraseological units.

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