Home Oral cavity Tarot card Three of Cups, description, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling. Business and finance, in professional activities

Tarot card Three of Cups, description, interpretation and layouts in fortune telling. Business and finance, in professional activities

Key meanings of the Three of Cups (3 of Cups) in an upright position:

  • holiday
  • friendship
  • creation
  • community
  • teamwork
  • reunion
  • happy outcome
  • compromise

Key meanings in reverse position:

  • third party in the relationship
  • suppression of creativity
  • lack of social life
  • breaking up with friends
  • gossip
  • selfishness
  • past joy now brings suffering

The Three of Cups (Chalices) is a card of celebration and completion. Three young girls dance in a circle with their golden goblets raised in a toast of joy. They reach out to each other and connect through their emotions and friendship.

The ground is covered in fruit and there is a general feeling of abundance and happiness. It seems that this is the time of harvesting or the fruits of one's labor. Hard work brought good results.

The Three of Cups signifies celebration, communication, and entertainment. This is a card for a happy reunion of family and friends. Close people come together to celebrate the success of one of them, the birth of a child, a wedding, or other happy occasion.

Although this is a strongly feminine card, it can also represent masculine friendship. She emphasizes the importance of friends in life and the need to get together sometimes.

There is a tendency towards redundancy in this map. The cups are raised quite high above the heads of the celebrants, which can be interpreted as a warning. You should be careful and not overdo it. This also applies to alcohol at a party and emotions, which should not overshadow common sense.

This lasso also means multiple choice.

Three of Cups (Chalice) - meaning and interpretation in the upright position

The Three of Cups (3 of Cups) is an indicator of friendship and harmonious relationships. This is the time when you are open to helping others and others are open to helping you. Having a pleasant time with family and friends.

Family, friends, group of like-minded people. Receiving moral support, compassion, understanding, help from such a community of people.

The Three of Cups heralds a period full of communication. A harmonious balance between fulfilling obligations and spending time with friends and family. Visiting bars, restaurants, enjoying tasty food, drink and pleasant company.

Even though the challenges are still there, there is an opportunity to take a break from the tedious daily routine and enjoy the company of your friends and loved ones. Such breaks are often necessary after stressful situations in order to recover emotionally or physically.

The appearance of this lasso during a period of life’s troubles and difficult situations indicates that time and support from friends are needed to recuperate. You can find a successful way out of a difficult situation. Possibly with the support of third parties.

In a broader sense, the Three of Cups indicates the end of any problems. Especially if they are related to interaction and communication with other people. A compromise will be found. The result will satisfy the interests of all interested parties.

This is also a very creative card. She points out that creative potential will be better revealed in a group. You can enroll in a dance, art class or cutting and sewing courses. This great way reconnect with like-minded people and develop your creativity.

The Three of Cups (Chalice) in fortune telling means personal growth, creative development, self-expression. Popularity, self-improvement, broadening one's horizons. Creative plans and projects will be successful. Positive dynamics of the development of the situation.

But don't forget about negative side. Having the meaning of redundancy, this card can be a signal of overwork at work, excessive extravagance, wastefulness, and excessive addiction to alcohol.

On household level The Three of Cups symbolizes a feast, a holiday, and a pleasant pastime. A positive attitude and a feeling of fullness of life.

Three of Cups (Chalice) - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

The frequent meaning of the inverted Three of Cups is the fading of feelings, the third party in a relationship. In this case, the questioner can act as the deceived partner in a couple, or in the role of this very third party. For a clearer understanding of the nature of the relationship, other cards in the layout will help. The presence of the Seven of Swords nearby indicates the likelihood of betrayal and the possibility of deception.

In a broader sense, the Three of Cups in this position can mean that your creativity and initiative are stifled. You are forced to obey and conform to the group, team in which you live or work.

Sometimes the lasso has the meaning of isolation. Loss of connection with society, with loved ones, friends. The reason for such a break may be either a quarrel or the need to devote most of the time to work or family responsibilities. Sometimes friends just grow apart. The card also denotes a period of sadness when the holidays are over and friends and relatives have gone home.

Additionally, a reversed Three may indicate a negative attitude. women's team. Gossip or scandals from people from whom this was not expected. Exclusion from a group or community.

Perhaps those around you are not as sincere as they seem. Hypocrisy, envy, ill will. An enemy disguised as a friend.

One of the meanings is excessive alcohol consumption. Excessive eating and drinking, excess communication. Excessive love for sensual pleasures exhausts and tires.

In terms of results, efforts produce a weak effect and achieve insignificant goals. The holiday is cancelled, unsuccessful ending. Exaggeration of one's strengths and capabilities.

Three of Cups (Chalices) – relationships and love

Perhaps you, as a couple or family, have a reason to celebrate something very important and exciting. At the everyday level it is expressed in good conduct time with your loved one, a pleasant date.

One of the meanings of this card is the presence of a third party in a relationship. In the direct position of the Three, this third person is desired, his appearance is welcomed. Therefore, in some cases the card is interpreted as pregnancy, the appearance of a child in the family.

This map also suggests frequent attendance at celebrations. This is certainly a good thing, but you have to be careful not to overdo it. Excessive socializing and intoxication can have an impact Negative influence on your relationship.

In addition, for relationships and feelings, the lasso manifests itself in the meaning multiple choice. The protracted period of loneliness ends and several potential partners, from which to choose.

If a cooling has occurred in a couple or the partners are separated, this card portends a happy reunion. Taking relationships to a new level.

Also, this lasso indicates the establishment of relationships not only in a couple, but also in a group of people. This could be a family, a group of friends, some kind of community.

In an inverted position, the Three of Cups for relationships loses the happy and harmonious atmosphere of the upright card. An inverted card is followed by a failed one. love story, failed romance. The celebration turns into condolences. The engagement is broken or the marriage breaks up. A disagreement, misunderstanding in a couple, family or group of friends.

In a more everyday sense - inappropriate behavior at a party, drinking too much alcohol, canceling a date or meeting with friends.

Work and career

In professional scenarios, the Three of Cups suggests successful work in a team of like-minded people. Celebration after the successful launch or completion of a project accomplished by a team. Corporate party.

If the questioner is concerned about finding a job, the lasso may indicate receiving several offers from employers. Positively handling work-related problems or situations. Successful implementation of plans and projects. Pleasure from work. Successful cooperation, partnership.

In an inverted position it means a team in which everyone is for themselves and teamwork does not work. Rivalry, competition, gossip. Getting more modest results of their efforts than they expected.

Alternatively, a reversed card may simply indicate a return to work after a vacation or holiday.

The Three of Cups is a card of friendship and celebration. You can see that the three women have intertwined hands in which they hold cups. These ladies are so close to each other that they seem like one person. Working together is often more powerful than trying to do something alone. The map shows a harmonious social life.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Three of Cups
  • Do you enjoy love or warm communication with friends and family?
  • What experience do you share with people?
  • Are you in a festive mood?
  • Are you working towards a common goal?
  • Have you outgrown any friendships?
Key Ideas
The difficulties are almost over, the problems are close to being resolved. By overcoming difficulties, you get to know yourself better. Self-knowledge helps you build self-confidence and gain control over your life.
Upright Card: Good times are coming. Apparently, a party or a joint hike is planned.

Reversed card: Time to look for new friends. You no longer have much in common with your former friends.

Direct Card: Working in a team will not only be an opportunity to learn something, but also great fun!

Reversed: You are so busy making friends that you neglect your studies.

Direct card: Whether you are having an affair or not, you are a happy person!

Reversed Card: You may be the target of unwanted attention.

Direct card: A family holiday is approaching. A great reason to enjoy life to the fullest!

Reversed card: Lack of communication with relatives is the source of problems.

Direct card: B free time you help other people and it delivers great joy both for you and for them.

Reversed: Time to look around for new interests that might challenge you. Are you looking for volunteers needed?

Direct Card: If you have been sick recently, you must be feeling better now.

Reversed Card: Find out where your addiction to unhealthy food and drinking came from.

Direct Card: You will soon find yourself in a healthier financial situation, or things may already be looking up.

Reversed card: It's hard when you don't have enough money all the time, but don't let the need ruin your mood. The situation will improve soon.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Dana wanted to know what she needed to do to make friends. The card suggests that Dana will soon be surrounded by friends. She needs to develop self-confidence, show people that she is interested in them, and become involved in their activities whenever possible.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Overflowing cups mean overflowing joy and satisfaction.

This is one of the luckiest Tarot cards.

Holiday. Celebration. Fun.

The number "3" on this card signifies the completion of the first stage of the process, which began with the Ace of Cups, and the Two of Cups marked its fruitful development. The Three of Cups indicates the achievement of a result of great emotional value and upcoming celebrations on this occasion. This card usually depicts overflowing bowls or the celebration of a joyful event: in White's Universal Tarot, this card depicts three dancing women raising bowls in the air in honor of some celebration. However, even if we get these three cards, there is still a lot to be done before the mission of the cards of this suit is finally accomplished.

The Three of Cups is a card that foretells great happiness. The first stage of the relationship is behind us, and we look to the future with confidence. This is a time of joy and celebration, but the Three of Cups does not indicate that this happy outcome is irreversible and reminds us that there is still much to be done before we can feel like we are a finally established couple. This is a map of our healing: spiritual, emotional and physical. It strengthens our confidence in the future and confirms that everything will work out for us in the best way. Any joyful event can happen in our lives - from a wedding to the birth of a child (although sometimes the word “birth” refers to the spiritual or creative sphere). This card means that we are ripe for growth and mastering new ways of expressing ourselves in the area physical development, and when working on any creative project, the implementation of which will bring us deep satisfaction.
When you get the Three of Cups, it means that great happiness awaits you. Whatever you celebrate will be a reward for your previous services. You experience a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that you are loved and appreciated. You enjoy the company of your loved ones and are very optimistic about the future. This card can also signify a final recovery from an illness or accident, or foretell that your destiny will soon take a turn for the better.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Solution to the problem. Completion. Comfort. Healing. Satisfactory result. Execution. Compromise.
Reversed meaning
Excessive pleasures. Superabundance. Excess. Loss of prestige. Postponements. Undervalued.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Three of Cups is a card of victory and success in business or personal life.

Inner meaning
This is a card of success and fulfillment of desires. Whatever romance or venture you engage in will soon bring abundance and joy to the complete satisfaction of all concerned. If romantic relationship started earlier, at this moment you both can say that you are in love.
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: success, accomplishment, abundance, joy. Happy ending, fulfillment of desires. Victory; achieving a great goal.

Reversed, or negative: also success and achievement, but in a purely physical sense. Excess; sensual pleasure. Achieving small goals.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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Traditional meanings: success, recognition, fame. Fertility. The end of difficulties, a happy ending. Recovery, liberation, consolation, healing. Achievement. Perfection. Meeting, gathering. Party. Pleasures, entertainment. Abundance. Engagement. Pregnancy.

Reversed Three of Cups
With the Three of Cups reversed, you may find yourself with less time for friends and fun than usual, most likely due to other commitments. Life is gaining momentum, you simply have no time to hang out. As a result, it can give a bittersweet feeling of nostalgia, regret for a loss or for faded friendships and good old days.

However, you may become too caught up in these experiences and eventually become tired of riding the same emotional tracks. Perhaps you were disappointed by your friends and loved ones, or your usual pleasures suddenly seemed empty and giving nothing. This card may indicate gluttony and drunkenness, as well as various additive disorders. A dance can turn into a drunken brawl, or you can be disturbed by a playful mood where there should be serious work. Support mechanisms may become blocked. Sometimes the Three of Cups reversed means you don't want to hang out with your old crowd anymore. If you want to successfully complete a particular project, the card indicates possible obstacles or lack of cooperation. This may include exclusion from the fraternity or inner circle, ostracism and a feeling of loneliness and abandonment. In one Tarot tradition, this is a theft committed by someone you know. Instead of friends celebrating your victories, you may suddenly find yourself surrounded by those who are jealous of them, or who have completely different goals and values.

When projecting this card onto other people, they will seem to you like stupid dragonflies, carelessly frolicking while the sensible ants are preparing for winter.

In terms of health, it's self-indulgence, but also accidents and falls.

From a shamanic and magical perspective, this card represents the triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone. These are offerings to the “little people” and elemental spirits, helping to maintain a good relationship with the forces of nature. It is also a lifting and pumping up of energy for magical work.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: termination, completion. Control of deadlines in business, speed, haste. Obstacles that must be overcome in order to happy ending. Delay. Excessive pleasures, excessive abundance, excessive self-indulgence. Loss of prestige. Postponements. Stealing books. Accident.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
The little joys of life merged into one huge holiday. I'm happy.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
Most often, this card depicts three girls having fun with all their hearts. They know neither sadness nor despair. Their life, filled with blessings and happiness, flows easily and carefree.

The Three of Cups is a card of success and fulfillment of desires. It is identified with the awakening of all kinds of talents, it says that everything in the life of the Questioner contributes to success, and the situation in which he is currently involved will soon bring joy and complete mutual understanding of all interested parties.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - B, number - 3,
Ruled by planets - Moon, Jupiter, zodiac sign- Cancer,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 54 hexagram (“Bride”),
Weather conditions - rain,
The corresponding color is yellow,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the sephira of Binah.
Card meaning
Straight position
Joy, happiness, abundance of all material and moral goods - this is what this card predicts. She speaks of a bright streak in the life of the Questioner, that any event, be it a meeting, acquaintance or getting a new job, will bring only joy and success. The Three of Cups promises fulfillment of desires, happiness, completion of affairs with great benefit, achievement of goals and strengthening of relationships. Sometimes a card can predict an upcoming engagement.
Inverted position
In this case, the meaning of the card remains unchanged - joy, happiness, success. Only all these benefits will concern the worldly side of life: satisfaction from good food or sex, big purchases, spending on yourself, small everyday joys. Sometimes the Three of Cups in an inverted position is interpreted as a warning about the appearance of an opponent or rival (the card shows three People, which can symbolize " love triangle"). In some cases, this Arcanum indicates excessive preoccupation with the lack of pleasure. Does the Questioner need to strive so much for entertainment? After all, pleasure sometimes turns into pain, and excess becomes a disadvantage. You must show sympathy and mercy towards others, and then you will regain inner balance.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Three of Cups - a happy ending to something, growing love. Academic success, promotions, etc. You find expression for your natural abilities and talents. As for amorous and simply friendly relationships, there may be a gradually increasing isolation and alienation between you and loved ones. Before the final break occurs, think about it and take action.

Reversed - an unhappy ending. Clouds are gathering Your excessive addiction to pleasure will lead to troubles and health problems. Often the card indicates the existence of a love triangle.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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III. Three - girls in the garden with their cups raised up, as if drinking to each other's health.

Straight position:
thorough completion of some task, completion and fun; happy outcome, victory, accomplishment (of something), consolation, healing (of wounds).

Reverse position:
expedition, sending (mail), achievement, horses (end).

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual on Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Venus as a symbol of joy and gratitude.
The Three of Cups expresses joy, carefree and gratitude - feelings that are so clearly manifested in people, for example, at the traditional Harvest Festival. It shows that something important and beautiful has come into our lives, or that we have received a gift (from a person or from fate itself) that has filled us with joy, happiness and gratitude. On a deeper level, the card can mean optimism and a feeling of completeness of being; on an external (event) level, it can mean a holiday, a feast.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Second decade of Cancer from July 2 to July 11.
Astrological equivalents: Neptune in the Seventh House.
The second decade of Cancer, ruled by Mercury, carries the idea of ​​understanding the processes of life creation and the conscious inclusion of feelings in these processes: switching from inner world to the external and, conversely, from external impressions to the wealth of one’s soul. It symbolizes abundance and prosperity.
On the Tarot card, among flowers and fruits, three beautiful girls raised CUPS, revealing the feminine trinity of the female incarnation. But in the situation described by this card, it is recommended to adhere to the status quo so that the holiday of the soul that life gives us does not turn into a violent bacchanalia. Feeling must follow thought, which helps to establish a correspondence between deeply hidden processes - changeable and elusive sensations - and outside world, to which they seem to be alien. Emotional instability, rapid changes of feelings and thoughts are psychologically reflected in internal dissatisfaction. But it forces us to turn to memory in order to find life guidelines and understanding of the present in repetitions of the past.
Three is a number associated with the ideal, with the desire to realize what is desired. It signifies strong emotions and also develops intuition (which is generally characteristic of CUPs). At the level of the Three of Cups, the emotion seems to begin to take shape, but the real form will be at the level of the Four; at the Three level, only trying on takes place.
Trap - overindulgence feelings.

Straight position:
In the upright position, the position of the card can mean the resolution of problems, recovery, obtaining a satisfactory result, a successful ending (of something), victory in an undertaking that does not require special strength, coming to a compromise, improvement. Three means that the initial emotional impulse takes some satisfactory forms. In this case, one emotion can be replaced by another, more acceptable one. Such games usually occur at the subconscious level.

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the card symbolizes excessive love of pleasure, lust, voluptuousness, a tendency to exaggeration, waste of one’s vitality on pleasures, excesses, lack of prestige, misunderstanding of the situation, delays, completion of some task, most likely with a very modest result.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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This card usually shows three figures holding cups; it also means friendship and love, a time to rejoice and a time to share your joy with others. This is the success of a planned business, the restoration of good relationships, the onset of a favorable “streak” in life, a successful journey, in a word, luck, although more likely of a spiritual than a material plane.
Unlike the Two, the Three indicates the success and improvement of relationships of many or at least several people who make up a family, group, team, etc.
Owners of the “Egyptian Tarot” deck or other Kabbalistic variants should take into account that this card can mean marriage or a close karmic connection between two people.
Compared to higher cards Cups, this card can mean a relatively small benefit (success) compared to other, more favorable chances - but without unnecessary risk. Compare with the Six, Nine and Ten of Cups.

Retains its favorable meaning, indicating only that in this moment Something interferes with success and good relationships, but it will pass with time.

In the center of the card are three graceful girls in outfits of different tones and splendor. The girls are in the center of a blooming garden, they dance in a circle or spin around in a dance. They are happy and easy. The girls hold a golden cup in their right raised hand, a festive atmosphere reigns. Each color of the robe represents the elements: air, water, fire.

The Three of Cups is a symbol of idealized female friendship. They are equal and each is beautiful in its own right.

The symbol of the Three of Cups is a narrow circle of like-minded people, most often closed, which is not very easy to get into.

Interpretation of direct provision


  • jubilation,
  • success in business,
  • joy,
  • perfection,
  • successful outcome of the case.
  • embodiment of what you want,
  • receiving consolation,
  • recovery,
  • gaiety and frivolity,
  • entertainment, holiday, feast, feast,
  • ease in solving problems,
  • dating, flirting, falling in love,
  • achieving the goal,
  • reciprocity in relationships,
  • abundance, harvest, fertility,
  • optimistic attitude,
  • searching for a compromise,
  • entering into close and trusting relationships.

The Three of Cups is positive emotions, a symbol of joy, success, a person is satisfied with what he has, receives joy from life, a feeling of victory and confidence in himself and the future.

A positive and prosperous period begins in life, all difficulties are resolved safely. No matter how difficult the situation may be, it will be resolved easily and naturally.

The Three of Cups is a harbinger of your victories, a reason for celebration. Ahead of you is financial stability, the realization of what you want, the achievement of harmony in all areas of your life.

But don’t forget about your loved ones and friends. Why do you need success if there is no one to tell about it, and if there is no one to share it with? Your relationships with friends and family are quite strong and strong. Together with your family, you will share joy and enjoy what you have achieved, just as they once shared the bitterness of losses and failures with you. Your family is a protective fortress and reliable support in any life situations.

Interpretation of the inverted position

  • finishing the job started
  • study,
  • achievements,
  • sending,
  • excess of physical and sensual pleasures,
  • frivolity and carelessness,
  • extravagance,
  • love triangle,
  • treason,
  • lie,
  • unreliable acquaintances
  • disappointments, dissatisfaction, mental turmoil,
  • complexity of relationships,
  • inability to communicate,
  • voluptuousness,
  • surplus,
  • excess of something
  • modest results
  • meanness, betrayal, indulgences,
  • manipulation of people.

The card means forcible concealment of talent, ruined potential, reluctance to develop one’s talents, to use knowledge and skills. Restraint shown inappropriately.

You should be more careful in your communication and relationships with your loved ones and your significant other. There comes a turning point, discord or conflict is possible. The reasons for the conflict can be different, and it can also be one reason or several.

Pay attention to your behavior, whether you devote enough time to your loved ones. A significant role selfishness and disregard for the feelings of others play a role.

Perhaps your relationship has included such aspects as jealousy, betrayal of one of the partners, lies, deception, understatement, fading of feelings, quarrels and conflicts, but has someone else appeared?

You will also experience a loss of strength, a breakdown in affairs, minor troubles, difficulties and problems. Look for the reasons for your failures in your behavior, namely in communication and the manner of presenting yourself.

Don’t give up, be more attentive to your loved ones and try to change yourself a little.

A favorable meaning penetrates the inverted position and tells the person that difficulties are temporary, now is not the time to strive for success, perhaps someone is holding back your energy, and influence is manifesting external factors. Also, quite often it may turn out that a person limits himself and slows down his development.

Most likely, something that previously gave you comfort may cause you discomfort.

The Three of Cups is a map of relationships and any position or issue is considered in terms of relationships. If health, then attitude towards health. Relationships are not only love, but also contact with friends and loved ones. Work – communication with colleagues, the ability to work in pairs or teams, the ability to communicate and negotiate.

Three of Cups in health

Conception and pregnancy. Alcoholism, overeating, poisoning, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Straight position. Balanced psychological condition, emotions under control, good immunity. In case of illness - recovery. Return to normal lifestyle. Favorable moments for conception. Time for medical examinations.

Inverted position. Injury warning: fracture, dislocation, sprain. You need to pay attention when driving a car. You should not visit the pool or Gym. Classes are only under the supervision of a trainer.

The map can indicate problems with genetics, diseases transmitted by inheritance. You can also learn about generational curses or karmic unprocessed problems.

Three of Cups in relationships

Straight position. Engagement, wedding. Strong female friendship. Renewal of relations. Harmonious relationships in family. Team cohesion. For a woman, the Three of Cups advises taking advantage of the moment and improving the situation in her family or in her relationship with her partner. Openness to your partner, openness to life, the desire to live and be happy, to enjoy what is happening.

People have found each other and see no point in leaving. As for female friendship, here we met representatives of the fair sex who do not compete with each other, they are friendly, since their spheres of action and interests are different and do not intersect at any point.

A comfortable atmosphere has developed between the women, they feel great in each other’s company, because each is individual and unique, each of them is a goddess.

Inverted position. Fading love, love triangle, lies, betrayal. Partner abuse. Your trust and goodness of character can be used against you.

Three of Cups at work

Professions: performer of any role, dancer, organizer, manager, presenter, football player, singer.

Straight position. Completing started tasks. Satisfactory result. Receiving praise from your boss. Multiplication Money, promotion career ladder. But remember, your condition will only improve if you deserve it. Initiative and striving forward will help you achieve what you want; do not be afraid of responsibility.

You get results in matters that do not require much investment of effort and energy. A person likes his work - it’s his favorite thing, he enjoys what he does. Harmony inside and outside.

You can develop your creative abilities and look for a hobby you like.

Remember, do not abuse gambling.

Inverted position. You can expect success in minor endeavors and affairs, but do not take on larger projects, you are not ready for them now. Big things will cause negative emotions, delays in implementation, difficulties and problems.

You exaggerate your capabilities and do not calculate your strength correctly. Possible incompetence of the specialist, misunderstanding of the situation.

Three of Cups about the current situation

Straight position. Fate is ready to present you with a gift in the form of favorable opportunities, chances and the implementation of your plans. Good mood, a positive attitude, peace and harmony in the soul are your main friends for this period. But remember that you should still stay on your toes, don’t abuse your position and don’t chase everything at once. Don't forget about your loved ones.

The situation is developing in a favorable way; a calm and measured period is returning to your life. Everything returns to balance.

Inverted position. A person abuses his position, shows selfishness, neglects the interests of others, and does his job in bad faith. Be more attentive to yourself and your behavior, your sloppiness will not lead to good.

Advice: learn to rejoice not only in your successes, but also in the successes of those around you. Share your joy with others. Learn to accept everything that is given to you by fate and treat it with gratitude. Also, perceive people as they are, do not try to remake or adapt anyone to yourself.

Advice for fortune telling using one card: your loved ones need you. Give attention to everyone who demands it from you.

Questions to ask yourself when the Three of Cups appears in a reading:

  • Who are your real friends? Do the people you consider your friends have the same opinion of you?
  • Are your friends reliable?
  • Why do you communicate or be friends with certain people? Do your motives for friendship coincide? Is the relationship mutual?
  • Who is close to you? Who are you close to? What unites you?
  • In which company do you feel more comfortable? Who do you want to spend more time with? Is there an explanation for this?

Probability of getting what you want: everything is going according to plan, don’t rush things. New opportunities await you to realize your plans.

Tempting ideas for the Three of Cups:

  1. Open communication and interaction with others.
  2. A clear separation of friends from strangers, the main thing from the secondary. Correct prioritization, both in tasks and in communicating with people.
  3. Security is where reliability is. Reliability of friendship and family.
  4. Being in your own company, feeling freedom and lightness means resting your soul, now you can relax.

Combination of the Three of Cups in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Flirting.

With a magician. Interference in relationships, outside influence.

With the High Priestess. Rivalry on all fronts of life.

With the Empress. Childbirth.

With the Emperor. The emergence of a new person.

With the hierophant. Introduction of religion into relationships.

With lovers. The birth of something.

With a chariot. Confusion of relationships, there is a third person in the couple.

With strength. Manifestation of jealous feelings of ownership.

With a hermit. Conscious solitude, separation, farewell.

With the wheel of fortune. Fertilization.

With justice. Preparation of documents.

C hanged. Relationships that do not bring joy.

With death. The variability of relationships, fate introduces its own routines.

With moderation. Harmonious couple. Equivalent relationships.

With the devil. Impermanence. Revelry and dubious companies.

With a tower of lightning. The agreements have been violated.

With a star. Neutralization of problems in relationships.

With the moon. There are lies in relationships. Confusion.

With the sun. Warmth and hope in relationships.

With the court. Relationships are developing. The entry of something new into your destiny.

With peace. The appearance of a child.

The combination of the Three of Cups in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Beginning is the origin of something.

With a deuce. Calmness, shortness of breath.

With a three. You start to get good at what you do.

With four. Fun, solemn motives.

With an A. Inconsistency of actions, conflict state.

With six. Praise, glorification.

With seven. Allies, colleagues, friends put pressure on you.

With eight. A fruitful period in all areas of life.

With nine. Rest is needed. It is worth making a decision in your choice.

With ten. Burdened by loved ones.

With a page. Emotionality, inspiration, joy.

With a knight. Holiday.

With the queen. You attract attention.

With the king. Prospects, viewing the future.

Interpretation of the Three of Cups in combination with the suit of Cups

With an ace. A third person interferes in your union.

With a deuce. There are good relationships in the team.

With four. Unreasonable expectations of fun.

With an A. Colleagues are disunited.

With six. Something came from the old days.

With seven. Cheerfulness.

With eight. Voluntary refusal of fun.

With nine. Important meeting.

With ten. You are in a good team.

With a page. Engagement, holiday.

With a knight. An offer to go somewhere.

With the queen. You are looking for satisfaction.

With the king. You know how to influence the emotional background of other people.

The combination of the Three of Cups in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Ideas require teamwork.

With a deuce. Reconciliation, but the situation is unstable.

With a three. Problems in the team will hit the company's profits.

With four. Rest, isolation, voluntary decision to refuse.

With an A. Failure, failure.

With six. Permission difficult situation. Recreation in a team.

With seven. Pretense. Separation from the team and friends, isolation.

With eight. Etiquette and good manners.

With nine. You are ashamed of yourself.

With ten. Exile.

With a page. Searching for the vulnerabilities of others.

With a knight. Failure of plans, harm to others.

With the queen. Inability to make peace with the outside world.

With the king. Other people's affairs do not concern you.

Interpretation of the Three of Cups in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. A team victory, a gift from colleagues.

With a deuce. Variability of moods and emotions.

With a three. Collectivism.

With four. Structuring something.

With an A. A turning point in a relationship.

With six. Good intentions.

With seven. Pessimistic attitude.

With eight. Partners, colleagues, team.

With nine. Material income.

With ten. Your loved ones support you.

With a page. News in the financial sector.

With a knight. Promotion, shared merit.

With the queen. Good hostess.

With the king. Fertility, stability.

To penetrate the magic of Tarot cards, you need to study the rules of working with this mantic system, as well as know and be able to correctly interpret the meaning of each of the Major and Minor Arcana. In this material we will highlight the meaning of the Three of Cups Tarot.

Characteristically, there is a very different image of the Arcana Three of Cups Tarot. In the traditional deck, several girls are drawn on the card and perform an interesting dance with bowls. All the action takes place in a beautiful clearing with a magnificent natural view.

And if we turn to the Tarot deck of the Age of Aquarius, here we see three sages, cheerful and peaceful, who generously share their life experiences with each other. There are also three filled bowls in their hands.

What these two descriptions have in common is the special atmosphere of the card - on it a group of several people acts as a symbol of one whole. The Arcana from the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius also shows us lush vegetation. Looking at the map, we involuntarily get into the holiday atmosphere.

What is the meaning of the 3 Tarot Cups?

In the literature about Tarot cards, you can meet this lasso also under the names of the Three of Cups or the Lord of Abundance.

Astrologically, the planet Venus is associated with the Three of Cups, symbolizing grace and joy. In addition, the Troika is also patronized by Neptune, which has entered the seventh house.

A zodiac constellation Cancer, also corresponding to the Three of Cups, entered the second decade with its patron planet Mercury. The latter helps a person understand the processes of conscious generation of feelings. We are now talking about the transfer of feelings from the internal world to the external. In addition, Mercury is responsible for prosperity and abundance.

Three of Cups Tarot in upright position

The lasso indicates that the initial emotional message is beginning to take shape in reality. This manifests itself, for example, in the form of resolving a problem, making an amendment, successfully completing a trivial matter, or finding a compromise solution.

  1. In general: 3 of Cups Tarot speaks of some kind of holiday, fun.
  2. In terms of events: describes cheerful friendly gatherings.
  3. At work: a person deals with corporate interests and internal agreements. The business brings high profits.
  4. The individual is in excellent health.
  5. 3 of Cups Tarot meaning in relationships. Describes relationships between relatives (brothers, sisters) and friends.
  6. The card characterizes an out-and-out cheerful person, the “life of the party,” a person with whom it is easy and comfortable to communicate, who is endearing.
  7. Advises: look for like-minded people, go out into people, enjoy every moment of life.
  8. Warns that after the good things can come bad.
  9. The answer to your question is yes. You will be filled with a powerful flow of energy.

Meaning of the 3 Tarot Cups in reverse position

Inverted, the Three of Cups will tell about excesses, a tendency to exaggerate, and misunderstand the situation. The matter will be completed, but its result will be insignificant.

  1. In general: it speaks of insincere friendships, a hangover.
  2. In terms of events: unexpected details and unattractive consequences appear. A period of emptiness.
  3. In business: a period of discord with partners, former partners throw mud at each other. Profits are low.
  4. In health: apathy, lack of vital energy, poisoning.
  5. In a relationship: an individual is disappointed in his partner and puts him through various tests. Can act as a weak vampire.
  6. Arkan describes an insincere, unfriendly person.
  7. The card advises: ending the relationship (some kind of connection) peacefully.
  8. Warns that there are many vile and insincere individuals in your environment.
  9. Describes a celebration that does not bring joy.

Detailed characteristics of the Three of Cups Tarot

Overall meaning

The Three of Cups (in an upright position) is a manifestation of joy, carelessness, lightness and gratitude - feelings that are very clearly visible during various celebrations (for example, the famous Harvest Festival).

The arcan demonstrates that something important, but at the same time beautiful, has appeared in a person’s life. This could be receiving a gift (from someone or from life in general) that brings joy, happiness and a lot of positive emotions.

On a more sublime level, the 3 of Cups indicates optimism, a feeling of fulfillment in life.

In progress

Now a certain important phase of your labor activity, a gala banquet was organized on this occasion. An event can be understood as a successfully passed exam, a defended dissertation, or a promotion or addition. wages, signing a profitable contract. Or the lasso will tell about a warm, friendly atmosphere between colleagues and spending time together.

In the sphere of consciousness

The Arcanum shows that some very important phase of a person’s internal development has now successfully completed. Or he received such a good result from his own activities that he feels truly happy.

It is also possible that a certain crisis period in life has come to an end, a time of life’s trials; a person had to go through a rather difficult path, but it was necessary and had its own high value, because it gave him the necessary life experience.

Of course, the Three of Cups can simply indicate excellent health and mood, an expression of gratitude to fate for the fact that we enjoy life.

The meaning of the Three of Cups Tarot in relationships

In the love sphere, the 3 of Cups will foretell a happy “ Honeymoon“or simply tell about a harmonious relationship with a loved one. You feel inner gratitude for having met such a wonderful person in your life or for having offspring. In any case, the meaning of the card is quite favorable.

Combination with other Tarot Arcana

  • With the lasso “Jester” - flirting.
  • With the Arcana “Magician” - a third party intervenes in the relationship.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso - the presence of a serious rival.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - an addition to the family.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - a child is born.
  • With the “Hierophant” lasso, partners try to bring the relationship into a decent form.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - the birth of a baby.
  • With the lasso “Chariot” - “love triangle”; situation with very complicated relationships.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - a feeling of jealousy.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso, it’s time for loneliness.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso – pregnancy
  • With the lasso “Justice” - the legal component in the relationship has been settled.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso – relationships that “hang in the air.”
  • With the lasso “Death” - life will make its own adjustments to relationships.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - partners take care of each other.
  • With the lasso “Devil” - deception and temptation.
  • With the “Tower” lasso, old agreements are broken.
  • With the “Star” lasso, a person hopes to improve relationships.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - the presence of a lover or mistress, deception reigns in the relationship.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - a “ray of light” in a relationship.
  • With the lasso “Judgment”, relationships “come to life”.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - a child is born.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso - pregnancy or the birth of a project.
  • With the lasso “Two of Wands” - vacation.
  • With the Three of Wands lasso - the appearance of the first successes.
  • With the lasso “Four of Wands” - a solemn event.
  • With the Five of Wands lasso - a period of strife and inconsistency.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso - farewell; honoring.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso, a person is put under pressure by his like-minded people.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso it is a very productive time.
  • With the Nine of Wands lasso, it’s time for a break; you need to decide who will leave the relationship.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso, a person takes the burden of relatives on his shoulders.
  • With the “Page of Wands” lasso - receiving emotional support, good news.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” - someone’s departure is celebrated.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands,” a person finds himself in the center of everyone’s attention.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - the combination speaks of foresight and future prospects.

We also bring to your attention an informative video describing the 3 Tarot Cups

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

✚ For the future

✚ On relationships

The Three of Cups is a very positive card in a relationship reading. From the relationship you can expect a wedding and a long, happy life together. The basis of such relationships is harmony and understanding of the partner’s characteristics. If there is no relationship yet, then you cannot talk about their sudden appearance, but if someone is already looming nearby, then the relationship will definitely be able to work out quite successfully. There is a very high probability of building such communication, the result of which will be a wedding. The main thing in this relationship is not sexual energy, but common interests. Very often, the card means, rather, friendship, in which the feminine principle predominates.

A full description of the map is available at

Straight position

The Three of Cups is a bright streak that reliably enters life, it is a period of carefree and well-deserved rest, it is the fulfillment of desires. This Arcanum can be safely interpreted as a positive dynamic in the development of what was planned, as well as as a gift (and we can talk about either a specific offering from someone or a symbolic, but no less pleasant gift from fate).

If an eventful interpretation of the card is necessary, then it is usually attributed to the meaning of a holiday, a feast, or a pleasant pastime. And at a deep level, the Three of Cups is interpreted as a feeling of fullness of life, a positive attitude.

In addition, together with the Hierophant, the Three of Cups signifies concern for others, for the common good, and with the Four of Wands - a feeling of triumph.

Inverted position

The reversed Three of Cups is an indication of problems that, although not fatal, can ruin the mood at the moment. And another interpretation of it is a penchant for excesses and a desire to make life a continuous holiday.

If this card characterizes a person, then we can definitely say about him that he does not have much authority in the eyes of others.

Pay attention to the following combinations of the Arcana: with the Nine of Wands, the inverted Three of Cups is interpreted as unfounded criticism and mistrust, with the Magician - as the influence of forces that are not yet possible to control.

Love and relationships

Straight position

The Three of Cups for relationships is traditionally interpreted as strong female friendship. However, this is only the first of the meanings. In addition, such a card can indicate relationships that are finally getting better, an overflow of emotions and feelings, and the ability to surrender to love entirely.

The Three of Cups on a personal level can also mean that relationships are moving to a new, higher quality level. And also that between partners there is not just a feeling, but a karmic connection. And besides this, that the person got rid of the complexes that bothered him quite a lot, and gained very valuable experience.

At the event level, Arkan is interpreted as a marriage proposal, a wedding or the birth of a child.

Inverted position

Such a Three for the sphere of personal relationships is usually interpreted, firstly, as a statement that two people are currently experiencing better times, secondly, as fading feelings, and thirdly, as loss of hope. However, even in its inverted form, the Three of Cups does not have a completely negative meaning. Therefore, difficult times, fading feelings, and lost hopes in in this case are just temporary phenomena, which in the future may well lose their influence and be replaced by a white streak in life.

If the inverted Three of Cups falls together with the Three of Swords, then this indicates a feeling of loneliness, isolation from other people. And when paired with the Six of Swords, such an Arcanum should be perceived as depression or, at a minimum, constant sadness.


Straight position

The Three of Cups, when it occurs for the professional sphere, is also very positive. It clearly indicates satisfactory results and significant achievements. Such an Arcanum is an indicator of success that is significant for the one to whom the fortune is told. And although we are hardly talking about a million, a huge inheritance or the position of president of the country, what was achieved is extremely important and touches, as they say, to the depths of the soul.

The following should be considered typical interpretations of the Three of Cups. If you are guessing about work, it means that this is your favorite job. If the alignment concerns prospects, then the card suggests that a promotion is inevitable. If a person asks about the future work team, then the Three of Cups indicates that he will become almost a second family.

The combination of the Three of Cups with Moderation or with the Three of Coins demonstrates especially accurate harmony in a team, very well-coordinated teamwork. And together with the Arcanum Judgment, this card speaks of revival and revival where, it would seem, success can no longer be.

Inverted position

The reversed Three of Cups should be perceived as an exaggeration of one's capabilities, as obtaining more modest, meager results than those expected according to forecasts. Another such Three can be interpreted as a lack of competence or misunderstanding of the situation, as well as weak authority among colleagues or (depending on the context of the alignment) among management.

This Arcanum suggests: a person expects success to knock on his door and does not want to personally do anything to achieve it.

Paired with the Hermit, the inverted Three of Cups denotes isolation from the team, unwillingness (or inability) to delve into the business in which a person is engaged. With the Jester, such a card should be interpreted as an inability to think through one’s actions several steps ahead and as short-sightedness.

You need to learn to easily and naturally accept both the graces of fate and the favor of others, without being overly surprised by them. But, having gotten used to this, you should not begin to go to the other extreme - to live frivolously, not worrying about tomorrow and being in the conviction that everything that is done is for the better.

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