Home Smell from the mouth What is sublimation in psychology and how to learn to sublimate sexual energy? What does sublimation mean in simple words?

What is sublimation in psychology and how to learn to sublimate sexual energy? What does sublimation mean in simple words?

Sublimation, Sigmund Freud discusses in his works on psychoanalysis. The concept “sublim” is literally translated as “I lift up.” The definition was introduced by S. Freud in 1900.

Speaking about what sublimation is, the thinker characterizes this concept as one of these. This mechanism consists of switching and transforming the energy of mental attraction to a sublime goal with the replacement of the form of its satisfaction. Z. Freud considered sublimation as a transformation of the energy of drive, the opposite of repression. In this regard, the philosopher considered this mechanism the most desirable method of mastering emerging sexual attraction.

The plasticity of libido components, which is expressed in their ability to sublimate, in a social sense determines the formation of opportunities to achieve a certain level of culture in society itself. This culture will be based on the transformation of the energy of attraction.

By explaining what sublimation is, they also explain the phenomena scientific activity, philosophical knowledge, artistic creativity. Moreover, all these areas are based on, without breaking away from the foundations of psychoanalytic pansexualism.

Speaking about what sublimation is, its main components should be given:

  1. The transition of energy from objects of instinctive attraction to objects of cultural significance.
  2. Transformation of emotions that accompany all human activities.
  3. Liberation mental activity from the predominance of instincts.
  4. Transforming instinctive action into a form acceptable in society.

Freud sought to sublimate the meaning of culture and society as a whole. Thus, with the help of the mechanism under consideration, affective attraction turns into a cultural phenomenon. So, for example, when contemplating works of art, the energy of the psychic impulse is removed from the sexual object. As a result, satisfaction occurs in the form of an aesthetic experience.

In general, psychoanalytic theory considers sublimation as one of best methods mental nature, that are potential cause neuroses. However, this mechanism can also be observed in the process of carrying out analytical work. According to K. Jung, the atmosphere in which healing takes place and where the patient is drawn against his will is the reason for the emergence of “constrained” relationships. This, in turn, necessitates sublimation. Thus, in the process of applying the mechanism in question, based on his own fantasies, the subject finds another way out into the real world instead of supposedly leaving it. A person who is opposed to reality, but has artistic talent (the ability to express his own fantasies through artistic creations, and not through symptoms of illness), under favorable circumstances, avoids neurosis and returns to the real world. If in a person who opposes reality, this talent is absent or insufficiently expressed, then libido (in accordance with the origin of fantasies) inevitably leads, according to the principle of regression, to the resurrection of complexes (infantile desires), and therefore to neurosis.

The compensatory function of sublimation was noted by A. Adler. He used this term in psychoanalysis to refer to the functional balancing of feelings of inferiority.

IN modern world the concept of sublimation is used not only in psychoanalysis. So, this definition is used in industry. For example, today it is often used on fabric. This process involves dyeing the fibers of the product. Unlike others, this method allows you to get a high-quality image bright colors, resistant to the influence of environmental factors.

In psychology, sublimation is a mature type of defense mechanism when socially unacceptable impulses are consciously transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior. For example, a person experiencing extreme anger may take up kickboxing as a way to let off steam. believed that sublimation is a sign of maturity, which allows people to function in a socially acceptable way.

Freud used this word in the concept of spiritual redirection of libido. Thus, this concept has roots in psychoanalytic theory. According to Freud, the concept of sublimation has had a significant influence on the development of personality, as well as culture, at all times.


The first thinker to use this word in a psychological sense was the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Freud considered this defense mechanism to be the most productive compared to others he identified (repression, displacement, denial, reaction formation, intellectualization and projection). Sublimation is the process of transforming libido into “socially useful” achievements, primarily art. Psychoanalysts often cite sublimation as the only truly successful defense mechanism.

Interpersonal psychoanalysis

Harry Stack Sullivan, a pioneer in the field of interpersonal psychoanalysis, defined sublimation as an involuntary substitute for direct gratification that would conflict with a person's ideals or the opinions of social censors and others. important people, surrounding him, socially approved partial satisfaction. Substitution may not be exactly what we want, but it is the only way we can get at least some of our satisfaction and feel safe doing it. Sullivan has documented that all sublimatory things are more complex than the direct satisfaction of the needs to which they are applied. They do not entail impairment of consciousness.

Sexual sublimation, also known as sexual transmutation, is an attempt, especially in some religious traditions, to transform sexual urges or "sexual energy" into creative energy. In this context, sublimation is the transfer of sexual energy, or libido, into physical acts or other emotions in order to avoid confrontation with sexual desire, which itself is contrary to a person's faith or religious beliefs. It is based on the idea that "sexual energy" can be used to create a spiritual nature, which in turn can create more sensual works, instead of just "raw" sexuality. The classic example in Western religions is priestly celibacy.

Various schools describe the general sexual urges as carriers of spiritual essence, and there are various names for life energy - life winds (pranas), spiritual energy, Ojas, Shakti, tummo, or kundalini. It is also believed that sexual sublimation can help awaken the mystical in a person.

Without weakening the pressure. This change of the original sexual goal to another, non-sexual, but psychologically close to it, is called sublimation.”
In psychoanalysis, we most often talk about a change in mental states, a therapeutic transition from melancholy to joy, from grief to pleasure. This is how the protective psyche works, transforming the energy of sexual desire into a socially approved goal. IN . 1950s Amer. television showed a series of programs for young parents. They demonstrated how to swaddle a baby and how to feed him. The most famous experts in the country gave advice to the newlyweds. It was then conducted to the audience to determine the popularity of the cycle. It turned out that many parents had no idea about the program at all. But childless TV viewers watched the TV lessons with increasing fascination. It was those who did not have children who with pleasure “swaddled the child”, “played” with him, and became familiar with the ABC of parenthood.
The example of the television series can be discouraging. It was understood that the one who creates an idol for himself is aware of his actions. Here a different picture emerged. It turned out that the viewer lives in a world of intense, unconscious motivation; he rejoices and suffers, is obsessed with suppressed drives, desires, and aspirations. It is these motives, and not the critical ones at all, that determine his actions.
S. is one of the main sources of artistic creativity and intellectual activity and provides their energetic basis. T. Adorno, who discovered the effect of a complex interweaving of love and hatred for television characters, came to the conclusion that the sublimation effect can enhance the manipulation of consciousness. The spirituality of a person is largely determined by the tyranny of the unconscious. The individual does not look for eternal truths in the television spectacle, not a reason for developing analytical abilities, not deep artistic impressions. He is drawn to television viewing under the influence of psychological attractions. In this fact lies, according to Adorno, the secret of the duality of consciousness. Rejected as a thinking object, the average viewer finds in screen crime an attractive spectacle, a redemptive release from everyday experiences.
Monotonous, exhausting constantly creates dissatisfaction in a person. Many of his aspirations and expectations do not come true, and therefore are pushed into the sphere of the unconscious. All this gives rise to the fictitious implementation of failed plans, in a distraction from the unpleasant reality. Roughly speaking, a person needs psychological, and he finds it in stories popular culture. Psychologists say that when detective and crime shows are shown on blue screens, real crimes decrease. Evil inclinations, in the language of psychoanalysts, are sublimated.

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004 .


(Late Latin sublimatio, from lat. subli-mo - lift high, lift up) in psychology, psych. the process of transforming and switching the energy of affective drives to goals social activities and cultural creativity. The concept of S. was introduced by Freud in 1900; in the concept of psychoanalysis he developed, S. is considered as one of the types of transformation of drives (libido), the opposite of repression. In social psychology, S. is associated with socialization processes. So S.'s problems are given attention. in creativity psychology, child psychology, sports psychology and etc.

Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


(from Latin sublimare to exalt)

thinning, . In Freud's psychoanalysis - the transformation of repressed sexual desire into spirituality, mostly in the sphere of religion, metaphysics or art. It is in this sense that it explains activities in the field of culture; cm. Resublimation.

Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 .


(late Latin sublimatio - elevation, from Latin sublimo - raising high, elevating) - in theories of values ​​means raising value from the lowest to the highest level(eg Max Scheler); in Freud's teachings - a special substitution or deviation of instincts from their inherent direction, in which the original (usually sexual) drive is replaced by another, more socially acceptable one. In psychology "S." introduced by Freud in 1900. In psychoanalysis, the concept of S. is used to explain psychological. mechanisms of creativity and denotes the transformation in this process of lower (mostly subconscious) drives. Interpreted as one of the ways to discharge internal. tensions and conflicts, Freud tried to explain it from a biological perspective. determinism; from this view. For him, S. acted as a failure, and S. as a “successful neurosis.” The obvious narrowness of this explanation gave rise to a dilemma: to do away with biological science. determinism and recognize the freedom of choice and decision in creativity or declare its results only a more subtle and disguised form of expression of the same fundamentals. drives (claim as “uplifting”). Having chosen the second of these paths, the authors of numerous Freudian works on the problems of creativity claim the existence of a direct connection between the results of creativity and a small number of variants of the main. drives and their pathological deviations. For example, according to the works of T. Reik, Goethe’s work, his “Olympism” is the result of compensation for paranoid psychosis, to which Goethe is said to have been close in his youth; at the heart of Dostoevsky’s creativity is a feeling of guilt generated in childhood by his hostile impulses towards his father (I. Neufeld, Dostoevsky. Psychoanalytic essay, translated from German, L.–M., 1925). A large role in the formation of art is given to compensation for injuries. childhood(S. Freud, Leonardo da Vinci. Childhood memories, M., 1912). From these positions, creativity appears as a type of amateur activity. psychotherapy.

Psychoanalysts have conducted many studies to identify the conditions of S. and the processes accompanying it. The general scheme of sublimatory activity was proposed by E. Bergler, who identified five levels of S. with the input and switching of a number of mental. mechanisms. Within the framework of the so-called egopsychology, in addition to the process of transferring or replacing the object of desire, emphasizes the role in S. of the transformation of energy itself - it into a form suitable for specific performance. Ego functions.

Freud and especially his followers often connect the doctrine of S. with Plato's doctrine of eros. But if in Platonism lower forms beings are derived from the higher ones, then in Freud, on the contrary, the higher forms are reduced to the lower ones, to the only real biological ones for him. processes. According to M. Scheler, in the doctrine of S. it reveals itself as inverted or as a “short game”; taking into account the fact that mental health takes part in creativity. and psychosomatic processes different levels, the Freudian teaching about S. tries to reduce these levels to one - drives and their material; at the same time creative. how the creation of a new quality eludes direct research.

Lit.: Freud Z., Delirium and dreams in Gradiva, in the book: Jensen V., Gradiva, Odessa, 1912; him, I and It, trans. from German, L., 1924; Kris E., Psychoanalytic explorations in art, N. Y., 1952; Bergler E. O., On a five-layer structure in sublimation, "Psychoanalytic Quarterly", 1945, v. 44, No. 1.

D. Lyalikov. Moscow.

Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by F. V. Konstantinov. 1960-1970 .


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    - (chemical) operation consisting in the separation of volatile dense bodies, for example. ammonia, pyrogallol, benzoic acid, from non-volatile. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. SUBLIMATION [Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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A situation often arises when a person needs to redirect his unspent energy to something useful. People often try to transform their excess sexual energy into some kind of creativity. This, in principle, is called sublimation.

But still, let's take a closer look at what sublimation is. Many people have no idea what this term means. Sublimation is understood as a certain combination protective actions psychics that help a person relieve internal tension using the redistribution of energy flow to achieve further results in any field of activity.

What happens

Sublimation consists of the following components:

  • Redirecting the energy flow from what we like to what has some significant meaning.
  • Transformation of the emotional background that accompanies the process of human activity.
  • Transformation of instinctive actions into a form consistent with the benefits of social life.

In each field of activity, this concept has, although similar, but still slightly different meanings. For example, in philosophy this is the redirection of remaining energy to lofty goals, avoiding actions that are unacceptable in society. was the first to use this concept. By the term sublimation, Freud understood the transformation of sexual desire into something beautiful or something associated with religion.

The approach of such a science as psychology is also interesting. Psychologists note that sublimation in psychology is a certain mechanism of our psyche that protects us from internal overstrain. Therefore, we can conclude that sublimation is a protective mechanism of our psyche. To sublimate means to transform one’s own into activities that are useful for society and oneself.

It is worth saying a few more words about Freud's understanding this concept. He developed his concept according to which to sublimate means transferring the root cause from the source of any process to another purposeful activity. Sublimation, according to Freud, suggests that everything beautiful that has been created to date is the result of sublimated actions.

Manifestation in men and women

Absolutely every living creature has its own preferences in life. And it follows from this that everyone transforms various energy flows in their own way. Scientists, as part of the study of psychology, conducted a survey and found that female sublimation has its own individual characteristics.

For representatives of the fair half of humanity, the sublimation of love is often relevant. However, this is not the only manifestation option. Here are some more examples of where a woman can direct her energy:

  • Applied creativity.
  • Sports and fitness activities.
  • Doing housework (laundry, ironing, washing dishes, cleaning, etc.).
  • Teaching children.

Men, in turn, use the concept of sublimation of love much less often than women. This is precisely the difference between a man and a woman. For men, love rarely comes first. But they also need to spend their energy somewhere. Here are some examples of what men typically spend a lot of energy on:

  • Building your career.
  • Creativity, and here they can achieve great success.
  • Sports activity.
  • Hobbies (fishing, hunting).

Having learned where you can direct your excess energy, you need to learn how to sublimate it correctly. Let's figure out how to properly redirect your sexual energy flow.

Everyone knows that the most powerful and accessible is sexual energy. If a person experiences some positive changes in this area, then he immediately feels that his well-being is improving, the world begins to seem different, he wants to create something beautiful and interact with other people, it becomes simpler.

There is something that can help transform energy into creativity. This phenomenon is usually called a muse or inspiration. To be honest, scientists have not yet figured out exactly how the process of energy transformation occurs; some of them even completely reject this possibility. However, no one doubts that this happens to people, and not even just once. Remember: sublimation of sexual energy is very important.

It is also important to sublimate a negative reaction - for example. Currently, there are many ways to relieve a person emotionally. Here are some of them:

  • Redirecting negative emotional actions onto something inanimate. It could be a pillow, paper, a punching bag, and so on.
  • Quite often the methods used in . You just need to use them very carefully and better under the clear guidance of a specialist in this field.
  • You need to increase your self-esteem. To do this, you can prove yourself in any field of activity: sports, art, education, science and others.
  • Inspire yourself to do great things.

Sublimation is important for every person. If he learns to transform his excess energy into something good, he will always have something to do. After all, every person wants to be useful to society. Author: Olga Morozova

Sublimation is one of the types psychological protection, which was discovered by Sigmund Freud. This is the transformation of lower types of energy into higher ones. For example, sexual energy can be transformed into creative activity and used to achieve life goals.

  1. Freeing the psyche from prevailing instincts.
  2. Transformation of emotions and experiences that accompany human activity.
  3. Converting low forms of energy into forms acceptable to society.

Sublimation in philosophy

Despite the fact that the term “sublimation” was discovered by a psychiatrist, it is widely used in philosophy. Jung Stilling and the German philosopher Schopenhauer wrote about sublimation in their works. The interest of philosophers in the psychiatric term is due to the fact that it affects cultural aspects. It is the transformation of instincts into socially acceptable forms of energy.

Sublimation in psychology

IN psychological science sublimation is a concept that is considered as defense mechanism, helping a person maintain a “human appearance”. Thanks to sublimation, a person deprived of the opportunity to satisfy basic needs does not become aggressive and maladaptive. He uses sexual energy to achieve life goals, create creative projects etc. Psychologists have proven that any unacceptable motive can be transformed into constructive activity.

Sublimation in other sciences

In physics, sublimation is a concept that is considered as a transition from solid state into gaseous It was from physics that this term “transferred” to other sciences, since it means a transition from one state to another. The word sublimation is even used in cooking. For example, if we dry a cooked product, we get its freeze-dried version. In art, sublimation means transferring an image to another surface using special technologies. In esotericism, sublimation is the transfer of energy released from the chakras into the creative principle.

Examples of sublimation

How does sublimation manifest itself? Here are some examples:

  • Working as a surgeon is a transformation of sadistic tendencies.
  • Police work is a transformation of violent tendencies.
  • Working as a pathologist transforms a latent interest in cadavers and death.
  • Creative achievements are the sublimation of unsatisfied sexual energy.

Sublimation according to Freud

Sigmund Freud was the first to use this term. He considered it within the framework of his theory - psychoanalysis. In Freud's understanding, sublimation is the transformation of instincts into socially important forms of activity. Aggressive energy can find outlet in sports or strict methods of education, and eroticism can be found in friendly relationships and creative activity. The main goal of sublimation is to reduce the sexual need and “switch” to other activities.

Sublimation in art

Sigmund Freud and all followers of psychoanalysis believe that all outstanding works of art were created thanks to the sublimating energy that was released as a result of unrequited love and dissatisfaction in sex.

Freud cites Leonardo da Vinci as an example. This outstanding man did great amount discoveries. Whatever he undertook, he managed to achieve excellent results. This is due to the fact that he completely abandoned sex life.

Freud also explained his colossal productivity by the fact that at the age of 40 he stopped having sex. He did this consciously, which is why he called this transition conscious sublimation. Freud was an atheist, but at the same time shared religious views regarding sexuality. He considered it permissible only if a person wants to have children. By the age of 40, Freud was already the father of 6 children, so he saw no point in sex.

Sublimation theory

T. Adorno established the relationship between sublimation and television manipulation. When watching television, a person seeks satisfaction not in artistic impulses, but in the satisfaction of repressed needs. For example, a person who represses any acts of violence into Everyday life, satisfies the unconscious needs of watching crime television programs and detective series. Scientists have proven that showing acts of violence on screens significantly reduces the number of crimes in real life.

How women sublimate

The transformation of sexual energy occurs differently for each person, because we all have different professions and preferences. There are some features of sublimation for women as well. Unfortunately, the fair sex does not have many options for transforming sexual energy.

If a woman doesn’t get enough sex, she can get carried away with creativity, play sports, do house cleaning, or get caught up in raising children. And if the first 3 options benefit not only the woman, but also those around her, then the last method of sublimation can result in disastrous consequences. By studying and applying new methods of education, a woman runs the risk of “falling in love” with the child, as a result of which he will either quickly move out or grow up to be an infantile person, incapable of making independent decisions.

How men sublimate

Men have more sublimation options than women. Here are some of them:

  1. They are building a career. They throw themselves into their work, so they use their physical reserves for professional achievements.
  2. They find themselves in creativity. During such periods, men manage to create real masterpieces.
  3. Actively involved in sports. Physical exercise are constantly increasing, becoming daily.
  4. They find something they love or completely “surrender” to some hobby. This could be fishing, hunting, football, playing musical instruments, etc.

Sublimation rules

Most people sublimate unconsciously, so their lives can change for the better or for the worse. If you lack sex, transform unused energy wisely. This way you will achieve good results and be able to qualitatively improve your life. To do this, just follow the rules of sublimation:

  1. Engage in developing your imagination: read science fiction books, go to artist exhibitions, engage in any kind of creativity. Thanks to this, you will be able to make a large number of discoveries and make your wildest dreams come true.
  2. Treat each day as a divine gift. Try to communicate with new people as often as possible. This will give you new experiences.
  3. Trust your intuition. She will help you make incredible discoveries and give you new ideas that will improve the quality of your life.
  4. Use the black hole effect. It is often used by scientists, inventors, artists, writers and other people in creative professions. To fully concentrate on the task at hand, lock yourself in a dark room for several hours. When you abstract yourself from external influence, brilliant ideas may come to you.
  5. The feeling of falling in love is similar to any emotional upsurge. Therefore, try to live any situation “to the maximum.” Do things that bring you joy and pleasure, communicate with positive people.

How to sublimate sexual energy?

Sublimation is a transformation that can be useful in different aspects life. The best way sublimation of the need for sex - creative activity. Sex is one of the most accessible and powerful types of energy. If something changes in this area, then so does human life generally. The world is perceived differently, well-being improves, relationships with others improve. In order not to lose all this, experts advise getting creative. When artists and writers talk about their muses, they mean a sexual object, which helped them transform sexual needs into creative energy. Many creative people Having realized the power of sublimation, they deliberately deprive themselves of sex in order to achieve better results in their profession.

How to transform aggression?

Violation of the instinct of aggression leads to self-destruction, thanks to which a person maintains his life. Aggression cannot be “stored” into yourself; you must definitely find ways to “discharge”. Here are some of them:

  1. Sublimation of aggression using psychoanalytic methods.
  2. Transfer emotional experiences to inanimate objects.
  3. Playing sports. The best option– sports where there is an aspect of competition.
  4. Engaging in creative activities.

The word "sublimation" is used in many sciences. Sublimation is transformation, transformation. In a broad sense, it means a transition from one state to another. However, this term is most often used in psychology, where it is considered as an option for psychological defense. Sublimation helps a person transform aggression and sexual impulses into socially acceptable forms of energy. Thanks to this, a person can live a harmonious life and achieve high results.

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