Home Dental treatment Characteristics of men and women born in the year of the rat. Year of the Rat: positive and negative aspects of those born during this period

Characteristics of men and women born in the year of the rat. Year of the Rat: positive and negative aspects of those born during this period

Maybe you or your child were born in the year of the Rat, check the list: years of the Rat - 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996. As for the discrepancies regarding what dates in January the Year of the Rat begins , then rest assured, she doesn’t give up a single day of her year. Multiple checks have shown that the Year of the Rat begins on January 1st, maybe even December 31st. For those who are incredulous, I inform you that the biographies and creative heritage of Jack London (12.1.1876), Nikolai Rubtsov (3.1.1936), Sergei Parajanov (9.1.1924) and a number of other famous people born in the first days of January “rat” were most carefully studied years. All of them, in all their properties, are entirely within the sign of the Rat and have nothing to do with the kingdom of the Pig.

So, Rat. When describing this sign, is it necessary to think specifically about rats, nimble little gray animals? Maybe someone doesn’t want to compare themselves to them at all. And yet, in this zoological analogue, many of the features of this sign are clearly visible. Rats sail on ships, ride on trains, live in shacks and palaces, cities and villages, in fields and forests - they are omnipresent and cosmopolitan, as befits an open sign. It is rats who cannot stand impenetrable walls and any restrictions on freedom in general. Our ideas about omnivorousness and ruthlessness are associated with the rat. The same rat is known for its passion for water.

What about rat paws? They are amazingly dexterous. This is precisely what testifies to the experimental and loving abilities of animals.

With the help of such a comparison, we discovered the main qualities of people born in the years of the Rat: openness, ruthlessness, experimental and loving gifts. As for the external similarity, which people think about first of all, you can see that too. Usually, two opposite types of constitution are distinguished: long and brittle (a la Sergei Filippov) and beaver (a beaver is also a rodent) shortened (a la Gavriil Popov), although the author had to see Rats outside of any external type..


People of the Rat sign are characterized by so-called mystical thinking, which is characterized by two “nots”: mystics do not believe in abstract schemes, rigid logic, rightly believing that dogmatism real life rather a hindrance than a helper, they do not recognize frozen experience, worldly wisdom. These two “nots” make Rats wonderful experimenters, because for them to make any conclusions, they need to touch, smell, and double-check everything. This is why Rats, while not being logicians or realists, are extremely common in science.

The consequences of mystical thinking are many. Its owner, on the one hand, is petty and neat (an experimenter in science), on the other hand, a person not of this world, almost a sleepwalker. In any case, the concept of the norm for Rats is extremely expanded. The looseness and freedom of the “rat” thought almost knows no bounds. But the problem is that mystical phenomena form a circle of those very eternal questions that, as we know, cannot be solved. Which, however, does not negate the subordination of these phenomena to their laws. In nature, the elements of fire and water, everything connected with chain reactions and vortex movement, are subject to mystical laws. In the human world, these are both dreams and art movements closely related to the world of dreams - surrealism, theater of the absurd. However, there is no more mystical phenomenon than love. She does not know the laws of logic, and the formula of love that Cagliostro strived for is not computable. But everyday experience in love is useless, moreover, it often interferes with love, drowns out the pure “voice of the heart.” So, the Rats, who reject, as was said, worldly wisdom and experience, were able to approach the secrets of love more than others. Thanks to these two “nots”. The first of them is Shakespeare, it was he who managed to clarify at least something in this incomprehensible phenomenon; his dramaturgy is the “encyclopedia of love”. The second is probably Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest preachers of love. I could give a long list of Rats, most of whom would be playwrights. It is dramaturgy that is called upon to stage eternal questions and look for answers to them, it is dramaturgy that is called upon to take us beyond the limits of time. The leadership of Rats in dramaturgy is overwhelming. Moreover, the leadership of the Rat is practically international. In fact, the eternal problems are the same for everyone. Mystics have big problems with cause-and-effect relationships. As people outside of time, they have difficulty discerning sequence in a chain of events. It is important for everyone who deals with Rats to know about all this. The thinking of Rats tends towards the absurd, and for them this is the norm. Associated with mystical thinking is the unique capacity of the rat brain. People of this sign are able to retain a huge array of unsystematized information in their minds. The Rat has the ability to put incomparable things side by side and bring together the incompatible. It is almost impossible to use this unique ability in life, but you need to remember it.

Mystical thinking gives rise to the so-called romantic will, which has the appearance of a kind of fixed idea, mobilizing all the forces of the body to achieve a goal that has no rational explanation. As an example, we will also consider the rat's desire for water, although the number of such “manias” in them can be quite large. Attention! All of the above applies to men - Rats. For women of this sign, things are a little different, their type of thinking is different!


If the Rat man is more a phenomenon of nature - sometimes quite peaceful, sometimes violent, then the Rat woman rather demonstrates natural violence, deftly uses the mask of her sign, hiding behind it completely sober calculation and sound thinking. Rats women are realists, they pray to the very god of worldly wisdom that Rats men treat so contemptuously.

Realism is knowledge of human psychology, a keen observational eye, skillful participation in intrigue, collection and dissemination of information (and rumors too), love of money and clothes, in a word, everything that is usually attributed to feminine generally. On the other hand, their realism is an impeccable sense of beauty, refined taste, stylistic perfection.

As the pinnacle of iconic creativity - women's prose, all the canons of which were actually created by Rats. It is enough to name three names, although the list could be longer. George Sand (1804-1876), Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949), author of Gone with the Wind and, the most famous of the Brontë sisters, Charlotte (1816-1855). After all, that’s what critics write about them - the creators of realistic women’s prose.

And therefore, girls born in the year of the Rat, first of all, should be tested for aesthetic sense, introduced to art, literature, and their ability for languages ​​should be identified. As a rule, careers as translators, editors, art critics, and fashion designers are successful for them. The Rat woman is the leader in performing music, and we expect the leadership of this sign in women’s chess.

The realistic type of thinking also influences the overall life strategy. Men must play a significant role in it. The Rat loves to be beautiful, loves to be liked, loves to be the center of attention. However, this sign does not have willpower, and therefore these women cannot rely only on themselves; they are happy to lean on someone’s solid strategic shoulder. The craving for money, beautiful clothes, constant concern about her health - all this also requires the presence of someone who will care for and protect her peace. Precisely peace, for with all its harshness and violence, the Rat first of all craves peace, balance, well-being, and well-being. And against the backdrop of material and other well-being, she will gladly portray unbridledness, rebellion, and so on.

Rat women are beautiful. Yes, I know, there are no ugly women, all signs are beautiful in their own way. But here the beauty that softens the facial features is a light, calm gait, straight posture. It is peace inner harmony and balance, contemplation, narcissism provide the Rat with its famous beauty. Of course, excessive peace can make the Rat too insipid, but, as a rule, this does not threaten her, because long periods of peace are always followed by powerful emotional outbursts - the eternal companions of realists.

In emotional outbursts, the Rat is a real professional, one might say, a virtuoso. Virtuosity is achieved through long training. The Rat is never ashamed of his outbursts, because they always hit the target, always pursue the result and always achieve it. In this sense, the Rat is ideal female sign, all the virtues attributed to women by rumor actually take place here.


The most violent of the four temperaments - choleric - is associated in our minds with maximum energy. In fact, choleric people (Rat, Snake and Goat) have a minimum of energy, but they behave overactively in order to invigorate the body, somehow revive it. It is not surprising that outbreaks of activity may well be followed by deepest depression. There is no reliable source of energy that would constantly feed these signs (unless you borrow from too many active people). Therefore, salvation lies in the alternation of overactivity and long periods deep peace.

You need to know about all this and perceive bursts of activity, as well as energy dips, as the norm for the Rat. The structural horoscope calls this type of temperament dramatic. This means a certain ability to dramatize seemingly ordinary situations, turning them into either comedies or tragedies. (Perhaps the most brilliant representative of the sign - Shakespeare, with his work, wonderfully illustrates the energy dispersion - from comedies with boundless fun and revelry, to tragedies in which it is dark as in black holes, there is neither a ray nor an asterisk: that’s how they live...)

Together with natural optimists, dramatic signs form the six socially active signs, people who take human problems to heart. The combination of a genuine interest in people with the ability to plunge into the depths of one’s own consciousness makes the sign gifted in everything related to understanding a person - psychology, medicine, fiction, and so on.


Family and school encourage the child to fight difficulties, self-education, self-improvement, and this is largely justified; if a person himself does not want to become a man, then no one will force him. Nevertheless, we are forced to agree that many people bear the stamp of doom from childhood. Some are destined to be a genius, others are destined to be mediocrities, some are destined to win in battle, others are destined to die.

The most clear example is the fate of Mozart, who was born in the year of the Rat and, it seems, was immediately a genius. The famous conflict with Salieri, even if it is invented, is very significant. Salieri spent his entire life building himself up, leading himself from stage to stage, while Mozart received everything at once, in direct violation of any cause-and-effect relationships. In this sense, the biographies of representatives of fatal signs (Tiger, Dog, Rat) are always devoid of edification and moralizing. There are no lessons to be learned from them. It is completely unclear where everything comes from and where it goes. Least of all fatal biographies can be considered a career. The most suitable word is fate.

From all that has been said, it follows that the Rat child needs not so much to be raised as to be guessed. Guess fate and help it come true in the best possible way.

Fatalism can be considered a convenient excuse for inaction and passivity, saying that what is mine will not escape me. However, only those who have not found their destiny can be accused of passivity. If fate, that is, the direction, the path, is found, then the fatalist demonstrates fantastic perseverance and unbending hard work, which is undreamed of by someone who decides every hour how to live. Paradoxically, it is not only fatal male sign Rats, but also female. How to combine harsh realism and complete sobriety with some kind of mysterious fatalism? Well, realists also love to play roulette. In fact - all the most important things in a woman's life - husband, children, beauty, Eternal youth, because all this is fate, even if you are at least three times sober.

Probably a reason to reflect on their fate for those who associate life with a fatal sign. Know that the fatalist cannot be remade, reshaped in his own way. Live with what you received.


The hypersensitive energy of the Rat is in obvious contradiction with psychological insensitivity. Thus, in youth, the depth and subtlety of experiences are hidden behind rude manners, youth slang, and shocking ideas. Great scurrilous people and lovers of shocking behavior were encountered quite often among the Rats. Let us remember Francois Villon, our Barkov, Polezhaev...

The most opposite qualities converge in this sign and literally tear it apart, demanding opposite things from a person. Each individual person can possess one or another quality in a certain proportion. One will take more rudeness and less deep experiences, the other, on the contrary, will go into worries, turning all the harshness of demands on himself and not on others. This is the main focus of the structural horoscope; it does not require a person to use all the structural components of the sign. Parents, apparently, can also participate in the process of acquiring the qualities of their child.


Animal rats do not respect boundaries, penetrate anywhere and everywhere, and do not like to be confined to a limited space. People born in the years of the Rat certainly have a broad nature, gravitate toward simplicity in handling, and are not fans of special ceremonies. Openness in the music composed by the Rats, openness in their films, in their books.

The most important feature of open signs is their desire to please everyone. The closed sign lives calmly in an atmosphere of hostility, the orthodox sign greatly values ​​the favor of “their own”, but is indifferent to the opinion of “strangers”, but only the open sign literally gets sick from the fact that someone, even a stranger, does not love him. The consequences can be the most tragic, even mental disorders, misanthropy and so on. And therefore, love Rats, especially since there is usually something to love about them.

The most universal manifestation of the openness of a sign is the creation of music that everyone likes, regardless of education, social status, age, and even the presence musical ear. Mozart and Rossini, Tchaikovsky and Glinka, Isaac Dunaevsky and Lloyd Weber - here is an example. Who hasn't liked at least some of their music?


Rats have many of them, and the most attractive oddity is a passion for water. The larger (physically) the person, the greater the scale of passion. So, Peter I, striving for water, moved the capital of the land state to the swamps and created a great fleet. Nikolai Rubtsov, striving for water, just dropped out of school and joined the navy. Yuri Luzhkov also loves water, but keeps himself in control; he just defends the Sevastopol court and finances submarines.

So test your Rat child's love for water. Who knows, maybe his destiny is to become a sailor, an oceanographer, a fisherman, or maybe someone who, according to Dr. Salvator, should begin to populate the world’s oceans.


The turning point years in a rat's career, according to the theory of vector impact, should be the year of the vector owner of the Rat - the Monkey. Let's check this position using several examples. Here is the same Yuri Luzhkov. In 1980 (year of the Monkey) he was appointed general director NPO "Neftekhimavtomatika", after which the scientific career is replaced by an administrative one. The next sharp change occurs exactly 12 years later, in 1992, when, after the resignation of Gavriil Popov, he becomes the mayor of Moscow. Thus, the next major change in the fate of the Moscow mayor can be expected in 2004.

Another famous representative of the sign is Stanislav Govorukhin. He released his best film, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed,” in 1979. Next year there is a turning point in consciousness. His new peak was his artistic and documentary films of 1991 and 1992, then again a turning point in consciousness and Govorukhin, who back in 1991 defended The White house, makes a turn to the opposite side, where, apparently, it will remain until the next year of the Monkey - until 2004.

If we remember US presidents, then George Bush was vice president for the first eight years of his 12th birthday (1981-93), leaving four the most important of the year for the presidency. Of course, it is impossible to be elected for a second term in this situation. Another George - Washington gave more precise orders life cycle. Until 1788 (the year of the Monkey) he only fought, after which he only presided.

From all this there is a conclusion: Rats should not start new things before 2004, but should finish what they started in 1992-93. Let me remind you: fortune only increases towards the end of the cycle. The first signs of resource depletion in Rats will not appear until 2003.

Years of the Rat, Mouse:

1900,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996, 2008, 2020

Year of the Rat begins a twelve-year cycle.

Rat- a sign of charm and aggressiveness. He has a charming, sociable and happy-go-lucky character.

The Rat uses his dangerous charm and abuses it without restraint. At the same time, she is always clearly aware of how long it is possible to exploit someone’s labor, draw income from this or that phenomenon, or enjoy the favor of a person.

She is often surrounded by interesting people. As a rule, these are the individuals whom she really considers authoritative and wants to see nearby. But the Rat’s sympathies are not always constant: sometimes she treats people like toys, attracting and pushing away without ceremony, especially if she has strength and authority.

Kind, elegant and generous, the Rat is nevertheless nervous and restless, but skillfully hides this under feigned gaiety.

At first glance, she seems calm, balanced and carefree. But behind this lies constant anxiety.

It is enough to talk to her longer to reveal her nervousness. The choleric temperament is the most violent of all four temperaments.

It is believed that such people are overwhelmed with energy. In reality this is not the case. A choleric person like the Rat has very little energy, but she behaves overactively in order to invigorate the body, somehow revive it. It’s no wonder that her outbursts of activity alternate with deep depression.

The Rat is a good speaker and an excellent critic. Sometimes, however, criticism is not constructive. Many Rats love to gossip.

The Rat succeeds in any field of activity that requires frequent contact with people. She is serious, pragmatic, has a rational mind, but at the same time she is sensitive and romantic. The Rat demands the fulfillment of promises and does not like frivolous, changeable and unreliable people. She plans everything in advance, and disruptions in plans unsettle her.

A significant drawback of representatives of this sign is the inability to maintain self-control. They get angry too easily.

Love is the weak point of the Rat. Here she is trapped, captive of a heart over which her steely will has no power. If the Rat experiences a feeling of dissatisfaction about something that has not come true or failed, it feels not just deceived, but deeply disappointed, and this leads to depression.

Involved in some secret, illegal or hidden deal, the Rat, being a very intelligent animal, enjoys its advantages in any situation. As for relationships with others, she behaves constrained and secretive.

The Rat never trusts anyone and keeps its worries to itself.

She is always ready to chat, and therefore is very popular in society, but rarely maintains friendly relations with anyone.

The first half of her life usually goes well, but in the second half the Rat risks losing everything because of a rash step.

Rats are stubborn, cunning, but usually not brave. They sometimes hesitate too long before making an important decision. They compensate for their lack of courage with perseverance and patience, but when driven into a corner by life or circumstances, Rats are capable of desperate acts.

The Rat thrives in periods of stability, but has difficulty finding its place in times of change. However, her skills are especially valuable in moments of crisis, since the Rat has an extremely developed sense of self-preservation.

Rats care about public opinion. They care what others say and think about them.

Only when they reach great heights in their business do they spit on public opinion, because they believe that you won’t be liked by everyone anyway.

The material side of life matters to her great value, since the Rat is not used to denying itself anything. The Rat strives for wealth so much that stinginess and stinginess often become the main traits of its character. These people are generous only with those they love - be it a relative, friend or loved one.

Rats are thrifty and love to save money. The Rat is constantly worried about its future and, although it lives in the present, it always dreams of saving in order to secure its old age. They can forget about economy only when they are passionate or have a great feeling. The need to throw something away from time to time causes her unbearable suffering.

Rats have a strong attachment to children. It is difficult to experience cooling in relationships with children, but children, as a rule, love them very much, since Rats give all their love.

The combination of a genuine interest in people with the ability to plunge into the depths of their own consciousness makes people of this sign gifted in everything related to understanding a person - psychology, medicine, literature.

The Rat has a large margin of safety. Sometimes she is overcome by melancholy and despondency, but she stubbornly overcomes all difficulties and trials.

If in Russia mice and rats have a bad reputation, then in the East everything is different. The rat is the companion of the god of happiness, and its absence in the house or yard foreshadows misfortune.

The rat is a man. Characteristic

The source of controlled love and uncontrolled will, an open sign. He is more willing to do mental work than physical work. He loves and knows how to save money, but sometimes he can spend it at one point. He does not limit himself in any way and, if he happens to lend money to someone, he does it disinterestedly.

Rats hate impenetrable walls and any restrictions on freedom in general.

The love of an open sign can lead to many hobbies, and yet it is what leads this sign to marriage.

People of the Rat sign are characterized by mystical thinking. As people who feel out of time, they have difficulty discerning sequence in a chain of events. It is important for everyone who deals with Rats to know about all this. The thinking of Rats tends towards the absurd, for them this is the norm.

Associated with mystical thinking is the unique capacity of the rat brain. People of this sign are able to retain a huge array of unsystematized information in their consciousness. The Rat has the ability to put incomparable things side by side and bring together the incompatible.

Rats can be lazy and hardworking, but they don’t go without money because they are thrifty and stingy. Always find a way to have spare funds, additional earnings, saving for a rainy day. Life rewards hardworking Rats with material well-being.

Rat woman. Characteristic

They are characterized by rationalistic thinking, which gives them a sense of power.

Rats women are realists, they pray to the god of worldly wisdom, which Rats men treat so contemptuously. Realism is knowledge of human psychology, a keen observational eye, skillful participation in intrigue, the ability to collect and disseminate information, love of money - in a word, everything that is usually attributed to the female race as a whole. On the other hand, their realism is an impeccable sense of beauty, exquisite taste, and stylistic perfection.

Peace, inner harmony and balance, contemplation, and narcissism provide the Rat with its famous beauty. Her open disposition and glaring sexuality make her an object of universal admiration. This is the bride's ideal. The Rat loves to be beautiful, loves to be liked, and to be the center of attention.

IN family life prefers material well-being and the absence of strict control. The Rat woman has a pronounced tendency towards hoarding. Therefore, she can often be found at sales, where she diligently buys everything.

Varieties of Rat

Metal Rat (1900,1960, 2020)

Water Rat (1912,1972, 2032)

Wood Rat (1924,1984, 2044)

Fire Rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Earth Rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

Born in the year of the Rat

William Shakespeare, Peter I, Jules Berne, Pierre Beaumarchais, Jack London, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Leo Tolstoy, August Bebel, Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Ludwig Feuerbach, Dmitry Pisarev, Nikolai Burdenko, Mikhail Isakovsky, Ivan Yakubovsky, Andrei Tupolev, Mikhail Glinka , Emil Zola, Marietta Shaginyan, Kim Il Sung, Janos Kadar, Dinmukhamed Kunaev, Nikolai Bukharin, Maurice Thorez, Maxim Litvinov, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann, Vladimir Dolgikh, Heinz Guderian.

Year of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph Rat: Tzu.

Motto of the Rat:“I control.”

Sign location: first.

Triad: the first (Triangle of Creators).

Element (element) of the Rat sign: Water-Yang.

Nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: north.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Sagittarius.

Time of day under the control of the Rat: 23.00-01.00.

Color: black.

Gemstone: pomegranate.

Food traditions: dishes from peas, cabbage, pork.

Years of the Rat

  • January 31, 1900 – February 18, 1901, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 10, 1912 – February 5, 1913, year of the Water Rat;
  • February 5, 1924 – January 23, 1925, Year of the Wood Rat;
  • January 24, 1936 – February 10, 1937, year of the Fire Rat;
  • February 10, 1948 – January 28, 1949, Year of the Earth Rat;
  • January 28, 1960 – February 14, 1961, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 15, 1972 – February 2, 1973, year of the Water Rat;
  • February 2, 1984 – February 19, 1985, Year of the Wood Rat;
  • February 19, 1996 – February 6, 1997, year of the Fire Rat;
  • February 7, 2008 – January 25, 2009, year of the Earth Rat;
  • January 25, 2020 – February 11, 2021, year of the Metal Rat;
  • February 11, 2032 – January 30, 2033, year of the Water Rat;
  • January 30, 2044 – February 16, 2045, year of the Wood Rat.

Characteristics of the Rat

The Rat is one of the most revered signs of the eastern horoscope. She is very tenacious, easily and quickly adapts to changing circumstances, smart and cunning and, therefore, practical. It is the year of the Rat that opens the 12-year calendar cycle.

The Chinese horoscope takes into account complex and polysemantic connections, and therefore for interpretation it is necessary to know the entire wealth of associations for each sign. The Rat sign has a Yang nature, which is associated with the masculine principle, activity, light, warmth, and creation. At the same time, the natural element (element) of the Rat is Water, in which the Yin nature is clearly expressed. This combination immediately indicates that people born this year have an innate ability for a harmonious balance of two principles.

Domesticated pet rat

The Rat corresponds to the northern direction, which, in turn, is associated with the end of the night and the first hours of the morning. The North is traditionally associated with midwinter, the time when Yin is at its strongest. The month of the Rat is the 11th month of the year (December according to the Gregorian calendar); The time of day 23.00-00.01 is dedicated to the rat - the so-called “first watch”.

The sign of the Rat in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to the black color (hei), which is associated with the mysterious and intimate, as well as with knowledge and movement. The color black also symbolizes success in risky endeavors. Being a sign whose main element is Water, the Rat is strongly influenced by Mercury (Chenxing), which is also associated with the color black in Chinese astrology.

The Rat is included in the first Triangle of Spiritual Relationship - the Triangle of Creators, the vertices of which are the first, fifth and ninth branches, i.e., respectively, the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. In this triad, the Rat acts as the initiator.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Rat develops with the Dragon and the Monkey, as well as with neighboring signs - the Ox and the Pig. The worst partner in any area for the Rat is its antagonist - the Horse.

People born between February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 are under the auspices of the Red Fire Rat. eastern calendar. Individuals who are under the influence of this beast are hardworking people who are accustomed to achieving their goals. They are endowed with a bright and memorable appearance, easily adapt to life circumstances. But the sign’s excessive self-confidence can lead to confrontation with other people.

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    Characteristics of the sign

    Natures born in the year of the Rat are very emotional. They are always eloquent and strive for innovation. The incredible energy that overflows the sign, when skillfully directed, can benefit a person in many areas of his life.

    The Fire Rat is distinguished by originality and extraordinary thinking. She will not tolerate attempts to lead herself and can be too straightforward, which creates certain difficulties in relationships with others. This is a perspicacious person who is almost impossible to mislead.

    The element that patronizes people born in 1996 has endowed its wards with such a distinctive quality as determination, which makes life much easier for the Red Rats. These are very intelligent natures who do not need to think for a long time before taking any action. At the same time, Fire gave them a large amount of vitality and energy.

    Red Fire Rats are creative and creative people with a very hot temperament.

    The whole life of this sign is very active. The childhood period usually passes happily and carefree. Youth is stormy and full of many different adventures. But this period of life for the Rat is quite dangerous, since she runs a high risk of losing everything she has acquired in an unsuccessful business or because of passion. The third phase of life for representatives of this sign is quite calm, although even in old age these people try to breathe full breasts and at the same time look respectable.

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    Rat Woman

    An active and inquisitive nature, endowed with incredible charm. For this girl, the opinions of others about her person are very important, which is why she develops some fear of criticism. From the outside, the Rat sometimes seems meticulous, but this behavior is explained by the fact that it respects generally accepted rules and laws. However, such a nature will never be equal to people who have a social position lower than hers.

    The Rat woman practically does not live in the present, since she is more concerned about the future. Because of this, representatives of the sign have a tendency to hoard. They are thrifty and actively look for opportunities to save money on their next purchase. Sometimes this trait can lead to quarrels in the family.

    Such ladies are never left without male attention due to their own attractiveness, sexuality and friendliness. But deep down in their souls, representatives of this sign often have a certain fear and excitement, which only a loved one and warmth can help them get rid of. family hearth. This is why the Rat Woman gets married quite early. These girls become wonderful housewives and keepers of the hearth.

    Rat Man

    He is a very attractive looking man, knowledgeable and friendly. He gives the impression of a calm and self-confident man, but as soon as you stand in his way, the feigned coldness disappears, giving way to anger. If he gives free rein to his emotions in critical situations, he becomes unpredictable and scary.

    Generosity is not distinctive feature Rat men. But if the opportunity arises to prove himself, he will spare no expense to show his own power and confidence.

    Having fallen in love with a woman, this man loses the ability to think about anyone else, because his feelings are always sincere and all-consuming. But due to their sociability and emotionality, representatives of this sign have quite a lot of love affairs throughout their lives. Over time, one of them will definitely become the basis of a strong marriage.

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    Areas of activity

    Rats are versatile in different areas own life. According to the Chinese horoscope, such people strive to lead and dominate not only at work, but also in love. To understand how to gain the favor of such a person, you should study him from all sides.

    Communication and friendship

    People under the influence of this animal do not like to sit still. They strive to constantly be on the move - not only physically, but also spiritually, constantly developing as a person. Therefore, it is very important for Rats to be in the center of people’s attention, which pushes them to participate in all sorts of events and activities.

    Sociable and at the same time cunning, such a person skillfully uses his charm. He is well aware that he is capable of skillfully manipulating others. This allows him to enjoy the trust of people and even the fruits of their labors. Although this sign communicates exclusively with individuals of interest to him, he always seeks the benefits of any connections.

    The main disadvantage of Rats in relationships with others is their inability to keep their mouths shut.. Because of this, communication problems arise in the lives of representatives of the sign. To avoid trouble in this area, you should learn to keep criticism and harsh statements to yourself. Otherwise, the Rat risks surrounding himself with acquaintances rather than friends.

    Work and career

    Innate ambition forces the Rat to achieve impressive results in the professional field. Most representatives of the sign are ready to go over their heads in the name of their goal, going far beyond the bounds of decency. This person’s biggest fear is failure to fulfill their own plans.

    The Rat uses its well-developed analytical mind for both good and bad. However, sometimes those born under this sign commit rash actions, which later forces them to take a dangerous path.

    The love for everything new also manifests itself in work. Rats try to introduce various new schemes and techniques into their field of activity, thereby increasing labor productivity. This is why they often succeed.

    Most suitable professions for the sign are:

    • advocate;
    • broker;
    • businessman.

    Acting in law enforcement agencies is also good.

    Love and relationships

    The weak point of Rats is love. Representatives of this sign in love lose the ability to think rationally and often become hostages own feelings and emotions. But even showing immense generosity and dedication in relationships, they still manage to remain selfish. If such a person is driven into a corner, he will suddenly move from a defensive position to an attacking one.

    The Rat in love does not hesitate to show great care towards the object of passion. People of this sign are not used to hiding their own emotions.. Lack of reciprocity on the part of a partner can greatly hurt them, which is why they may harbor a grudge or withdraw altogether. For the Rat to be comfortable in a relationship, she needs to constantly receive new emotions.

    Family and Children

    Representatives of the sign are adherents of strict routines, so even in the family they set their own rules. Because of this, from the outside it may seem as if tyranny reigns in the Rat’s house, but this is not at all the case. The sign just needs a strictly outlined plan and distribution of responsibilities between family members.

    These natures become exemplary parents, since with early age instill in their children qualities that are positive in their opinion by example. The rat surrounds its offspring with care and affection. Thanks to his innate insight, he is well versed in the thoughts and actions of the child, prompting him to solve the problem, if necessary.

    With a loved one, this person shows truly great generosity and sentimentality. With him, the Rat will always be generous and open. The only thing that can disrupt the harmony in a relationship with this person is the lack of passion and indifference on the part of the partner.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the Rat

    To the positive and negative traits character of the mark include:

    Sign mascots

    Compatibility according to the Chinese horoscope

    The eastern horoscope provides an opportunity to check compatibility with a particular person. This information will be very valuable for those who need to adjust their relationship with the most important people In my life.


    Two Rats will get along well with each other due to the complete similarity of their characters. Sometimes, however, such a union looks rather boring. In love and marriage between people there is a special tenderness and reverent attitude towards the chosen one.

    In their sexual life, Rats can hardly be called selfish. For these people, the pleasure of their partner comes first. The only thing that can threaten the relationship of this couple is the desire for leadership of one of the partners. One of them will have to give up his thirst for power.

    Bull (Ox)

    Not a bad couple who have a chance for a strong relationship. True, the Bull should have restrained his assertive nature, with which he is capable of frightening anyone in his path. However, the Rat will surprisingly withstand the attacks of its partner thanks to its sense of humor.

    The ingenuity of the Rat will diversify the couple's sex life. The ox will be able to give his chosen one a feeling of security and psychological comfort, so in general they will be happy.


    A very problematic union, which is unlikely to bring pleasure to both partners - their characters and worldviews are too different. Relationships can be strong and lasting only if the signs stop fighting for leadership and slightly change their life plans.

    The only place where their temperaments completely coincide is in bed. The Rat and Tiger will be completely satisfied with each other. Marriage is most possible in a union in which the Tiger is a man. It is in this option that the couple gets the opportunity to come to compromises.

    Rabbit (Cat)

    The Rat should not get involved with the Cat and have illusions about possible happiness. The rabbit acts as a stronger partner and begins to put psychological pressure on her. Even if the Rat initiates the breakup, in the end it will still be the only one affected.

    Relationships between these people rarely progress to the stage of marriage. If this happens, the Cat should lower his demands on his partner and stop putting pressure on him. But even in this case, the union is unlikely to live up to expectations.

    The Dragon

    The Dragon does not strive to create a family, but when he meets a Rat on his way, he is able to dramatically change his mind. Having established a relationship with her, the representative of the sign will try to provide all the necessary benefits, which will cause a reciprocal desire in the Rat to do the same in return.

    Being smart, cunning and endowed with a fair amount of humor, these partners will become one. The relationship promises to be harmonious, as the signs complement each other perfectly. In bed, they will need to learn to trust their chosen one; if this works out, then everything will be just fine for the couple.


    If there are happy and long-lasting relationships between these people, it is only thanks to the remarkable efforts of the Rat. At the initial stage of the union, she admires the intelligence and wisdom of the Snake, who, in turn, experiences a genuine interest in her sociable partner. But later, the Snake’s independence will make the Rat doubt the sincerity and devotion of the chosen one.

    In the sexual sphere, a real hurricane rages between them, which, however, subsides quite quickly. After this, further relationships will lose all meaning.


    Very difficult relationships, which still occur quite often. The romance between these people begins very passionately and beautifully. Over time, when the passion gradually subsides, all the unpleasant qualities of the signs are revealed - stubbornness, assertiveness, perception of one’s opinion as the only true one.

    Marriage, when it comes down to it, is full of quarrels and conflicts. Gradually, the Rat and the Horse get tired of each other. The first one most often meets a new partner, while the second one believes that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, which means it’s time to move on. Only sex can last between signs.

    Goat (Sheep)

    The union of these natures is far from ideal, but still possible. If the Rat is financially secure, then it will become a real idol in the eyes of the capricious Goat. The latter will feel incredibly comfortable when paired with such a person.

    The Rat will have a hard time in a relationship with the Sheep. She will find it unbearable to be next to such a capricious, pampered and vulnerable person. Such a couple usually breaks up the moment the Rat runs out of patience.


    These partners have the opportunity to build long-lasting relationships. The charming Monkey will make a lasting impression on the Rat, although the latter will not fully understand whether it is positive.

    Over time, the Rat will develop sincere sympathy and trust for his partner and will begin to share his innermost thoughts with him. The monkey will appreciate such a gesture and treat it with gratitude. A bonus to success will be complete satisfaction in bed.


    A complex union in which there is no place for harmony. The Rat will not be able to restrain caustic remarks towards the partner, which will greatly hurt the Rooster’s pride. In such relationships it is almost impossible to avoid quarrels.

    A connection between them is possible if one condition is met: the Rat must have very deep and sincere feelings for the Rooster. But even in this case, serious disagreements are possible due to completely different attitudes towards money. After all, the Rat is accustomed to taking care of them and saving them, while the Rooster will squander his finances without hesitation.


    Not a bad couple, the duration of the relationship depends solely on the desires of both partners. Usually the Dog in this union is in a more advantageous position - the Rat will give her his care and financial stability, to which the Dog will certainly respond with incredible devotion.

    The couple will have mutual understanding in bed. The Dog will cast aside its innate restraint and learn to give the Rat tenderness. The marriage will be more prosperous if the role of head of the family goes to the Rat.

    Pig (Boar)

    A very promising couple who can build a long-term relationship. Both partners are bright and interesting personalities, endowed with an extraordinary mind. It is quite easy for them to find a common language. In addition, both signs know how to make good money.

    The pig has a very good and easy character, therefore, the Rat needs to restrain its innate aggressiveness, with which it can frighten off a trusting partner. The couple will not have to face problems in bed, because both the Pig and the Rat are temperamental natures. They won't be bored.

    Characteristics by zodiac signs

    The temperament and character of the Rat to some extent depends on the zodiac sign under the influence of which the person is. The combination of the zodiac and eastern horoscope makes the characteristics of each person individual.


    Very self-willed nature. Excessive curiosity sometimes borders on impudence. Being a sociable and self-confident person, she feels comfortable in society and knows how to set the tone for the general conversation. This zodiac sign is characterized by pragmatism, so such a Rat always tries to benefit from any current situation.

    She knows how to achieve her goals, which is especially facilitated by the energy of the Rat in combination with the stubbornness of Aries. Such people successfully hide their own emotions, but under the cold mask of complete indifference lies seething passion. Despite the craving for numerous relationships, in the end Kotsov creates strong family.


    Creative nature, accustomed to being in constant movement. In communication, such a person is gentle and friendly. His inherent diplomacy makes the Rat-Taurus an excellent business partner. He does not like to be subordinated; he often demonstrates himself successfully in the field of art.

    Representatives of the sign really need a feeling of security and comfort, so they make great efforts to arrange their own comfortable home. In relationships, these Rats are guided by calculation, but living with an unloved person is not typical for them, so the sign, as a rule, remains faithful to their partner.


    Possessing amazing intuition, this nature always chooses the right model of behavior in certain situation. Also, the Gemini Rat subtly detects changes in the mood of the interlocutor, skillfully adapting to him. Her innate cunning and instant reaction allow her to build an excellent career.

    Such a person has a craving for everything new and loves to find all kinds of ways of self-realization, but the inability to settle on what he has chosen forces him to leave most of the things unfinished. It is pleasant to spend time with the Gemini Rat, but due to her carelessness, counting on something more with such a person will be short-sighted.


    The calmest and even, one might say, passive Rat. Her secret dream will be to find a quiet corner in which she can indulge in her own dreams. A person under the influence of this tandem of signs is a homely person and will strive to create a family to which he can devote himself completely.

    He is sensitive to changes and everything new, therefore, when choosing friends and a chosen one, he does it once and forever. The Rat-Cancer feels comfortable only when surrounded by close people, which is why it avoids noisy companies and parties.

    a lion

    A very contradictory personality, in the depths of whose soul there is an endless struggle between the royal nature of Leo and the rationalism of the Rat. Despite the mood swings inherent in the sign, he becomes an excellent business partner thanks to his ability to impress any person.

    The Leo Rat is confident in her abilities, generous and proud, so it is difficult not to notice her. She does not accept a dependent position, so she always strives for leadership positions. Innate intuition allows her to choose the right style of behavior, which makes such a person a good boss. In personal relationships, he tends to show his emotionality; nevertheless, it is a reliable partner.


    The key feature of this Rat is the wonderful combination of its intuition and Virgo's meticulousness. This person sets a goal for himself and prepares to go towards it even if it takes his whole life. Demonstrating your own knowledge and high intelligence, knows how to attract other people to his company.

    The Rat-Virgo does not accept the use of ignoble methods, since by nature it is simple-minded and open-minded. In relationships, he shows himself to be a non-conflict person, not prone to gossip and discussing a person behind his back. She always remains true to her principles and friends.


    The aesthetics of Libra and the charm of the Rat make this combination very sophisticated and aristocratic. Such a person has a sense of harmony. Professionally maneuvering between the intricacies of intrigue and gossip, he successfully establishes relationships with others.

    In relationships, the Rat-Libra loves to please the partner with broad and beautiful gestures, but it is very difficult to call her constant. This nature is attracted by change. Although, with age, such a person realizes that he needs something reliable, so he creates a family and values ​​it very much.


    An incredibly strong but complex person who needs to feel safe. He needs a family, so the Scorpio Rat either holds on to parents' house, or creates its own nest quite early.

    By nature this man is a fighter; he is endowed with strong will and endurance, constantly compares himself with others. Stunning physical characteristics combined with an innate sense of competition make representatives of the sign excellent athletes.


    Charming nature key features which becomes a wonderful sense of humor and a sharp mind. Skillfully contacting others, he always knows how to benefit himself. This Rat is very concerned about its own future, which is why it spends a lot of energy and time on protecting its rear, accumulating benefits for a rainy day.

    Representatives of the sign cope well with critical situations: they skillfully resolve conflicts at work and at home. Innate sociability and charm allow such a Rat not to get lost when he finds himself in the center of everyone's attention. She rarely changes sexual partners because she hates to complicate things.


    The Capricorn Rat makes stability in all areas of life its main goal. She never takes risks, preferring to act only after all possibilities have been assessed. This person does not tolerate disorder in relationships, therefore, when making new acquaintances, he tries to find out all the ins and outs of people. For this reason, he rarely makes mistakes in choosing friends.

    Being a lover of reinsurance, the Rat-Capricorn always thinks through several options for a situation at once. Innate intuition allows you to sense possible changes and prepare for them. In relationships he also shows pedantry, but in return he can offer his partner fidelity and reliability.


    A non-standard type of Rat, which in the name of friendship is even capable of refusing benefits. She is less concerned about the future and material values ​​than other zodiac signs: she prefers to rely on human relationships and freedom.

    This is a very smart person, endowed with a lively character and a developed imagination. These qualities allow him to get along well with children. However, pedagogical activity is hampered by rebellious nature and love of freedom. In relationships, the sign is quite fickle; it does not consider it shameful to have several hobbies at the same time.

Zodiac sign Rat, by year of birth: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

Water Rat, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/18/1912 - 02/06/1913; from 02/15/1972 - 02/03/1973;
Wooden Rat, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/02/1924 - 01/24/1925; from 02/02/1984 - 02/20/1985;
Fire Rat, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/24/1936 - 02/11/1937; from 02/19/1996 - 02/07/1997;
Earth Rat, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/10/1948 - 01/29/1949; from 02/07/2008 - 01/26/2009;
Metal Rat, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/28/1960 - 02/15/1961;

Metal Rat, year of birth: 1900, 1960, 2020.

People born in these years are distinguished by their ambition and honesty, the desire to complete all the work they begin to a victorious end, even at the cost of hard work. At the same time, this type of sign is called Metal for a reason. Such Rats are characterized by a lack of flexibility in their character. They often make decisions, the consequence of which is the suppression of all creativity and creative thinking.
To improve his life, the Metal Rat would need to be more willing to compromise and make concessions.

Water Rat, year of birth: 1912, 1972, 2032.

Water Rats have a special gift for diplomatic persuasion. As a rule, these people know a lot about trends that will appear or develop in the future. In the behavior of people born during these years, one can observe a certain duality generated by the fact that, on the one hand, there is a need to process a large amount of information. On the other hand, in their “watery depths” Rats are forced to hide a lot from prying eyes. It happens that Water Rats show excessive sensitivity and interest in other people having freedom of choice.
Water Rats should strive for greater openness and sociability. They must take the initiative from time to time.

Wood Rat, year of birth: 1924, 1984, 2044.

Since Wood is considered a creative element, Rats born under this sign have a penchant for artistry in everything they do. These people are moral fighters. The business they are involved in can successfully develop and expand. At the same time, Wood is capable of creating too many options. Anything that is difficult to control is made more difficult by this element. If there is a combination with Water, which is characterized by indecisiveness, various problems may arise.
Rats of this variety need to learn to control their own desire to get more than they really need.

Fire Rat, year of birth: 1936, 1996, 2056.

People born during these years are wise and decisive. They are supporters of all kinds of innovations, which is one of the factors of their success. Fire Rats endure difficult historical and life periods, accompanied by numerous turbulent changes, quite easily, since they have the ability to flexibly adapt to the most different situations. From time to time they are characterized by excessive passion and exaggerated enthusiasm. The intemperance of their speeches can ultimately nullify all past achievements.
Rats of this variety should work to ensure that harsh, critical statements come out of their mouths as rarely as possible. They should try to redirect their energy in a different direction - a more peaceful and constructive one.

Earth Rat, year of birth: 1948, 2008, 2068.

Earth plus Water - this combination is balancing for Rats. The Earth Rat is characterized by prudence, practicality, strict self-discipline, and endurance, which allows it to do the hardest work. On the other hand, she moves too cautiously, slowly, tries to avoid responsible decisions, and often loses initiative or does not show it at all.
Earth Rats must control themselves more tightly in order to meet deadlines and promptly resolve problems that arise before them. In addition, they should give their imagination more freedom.

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