Home Tooth pain What year begins according to the eastern calendar. What will next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! Family and friends

What year begins according to the eastern calendar. What will next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! Family and friends

Confucius said: “In order to predict the future, you need to carefully study the past.” Possibility to follow eastern calendar and gives us such a chance - to be prepared in advance for what the coming year has in store for us. Knowing which animal year 2018 will be, we will be able to greet it correctly, put on the table those treats that the totem of the year likes, decorate the house so that it will give us access to achieving new heights in career, love and health.

What does the Year of the Dog have in store for us...

If you believe the Chinese (Oriental) calendar, then 2018 (Earth Dog) year will be more than favorable for a person, because the Dog will become his totem. What other animal's year could be friendlier for us? It was the dog that many centuries ago became our best assistant in hunting, in protecting our home and in many other aspects of life. This is also confirmed by the previous milestones of the dog’s “reign”. Here are just a few examples that affected the development of the world as a whole:

The symbol of 2018 is an attentive, compliant and obedient animal, but not without cunning, enterprise and the ability to create an impressive reserve.

Character of the Yellow Earth Dog

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 belongs to the Yellow Earth Dog. Color and belonging to the most unshakable element indicate to us that the year will be simple, understandable for everyone, without surprises and cardinal changes. But such peace is not prepared for everyone, but only for those who have certain qualities of character. In order for the Dog to be happy, you need to show it that you are a person:

  • patient,
  • reliable,
  • conservative,
  • able to keep his word
  • careful,
  • secretive,
  • not greedy
  • not aggressive.

Opposite qualities will only anger the totem of the year and direct its aggression against you. Neither word nor deed should diverge from the promises made on the eve of the New Year, even if they were given to oneself (to give up bad habits, to get along with relatives, to repay a debt, etc.). Ignorance of which animal’s year is coming does not justify bad actions, because the Dog is very attentive and unusually pedantic.

Another side of the character of the 2018 symbol is extraordinary loyalty and kindness to everyone around him. She cannot and does not know how to judge strictly and remember evil for a long time. Justifying your bad thoughts, deeds and actions will not be easy, but it is possible. One mistake will need to be “justified” by a dozen good deeds, then the punishment will not be terrible and severe.

Work, love, health – what to expect from a Dog

Next year's totem is not just this or that animal. It is important to understand that the eastern horoscope gives them belonging to one of the elements and a color that symbolizes their character.

  • The Earth Dog of 2018 belongs to the element of earth, which indicates the stability and stability of this period of time. In addition, it is called Metallic - resistant to unexpected changes, recessions and distortions in any direction, be it family relationships, business or any other.
  • A lot depends on what color the totem animal is. The color yellow, according to Eastern wisdom, indicates the attractiveness of the totem of the year for success in any direction. The Yellow Dog is holistic, goes in the intended direction, without deviating from the path, without deviating from an already drawn up, planned scheme of actions.
  • In 2018, everyone will have a chance to achieve high performance in everything. But apparent stability will have to be supported by one’s own willpower and determination. You shouldn’t expect the totem of the year to do anything and decide for you.
  • If it is necessary to make a decision, then the leadership should not be momentary impulses and impulses, but endurance and tact. The habit of stepping over something, not taking into account one’s desires, the opinions of relatives and friends, the habit of going against someone else’s or one’s own honor will lead to collapse and failure even in small things.
  • Another “don’t” from the Yellow Earth Dog is that you shouldn’t let unfamiliar, insincere people into your life and, moreover, establish close contacts and relationships with them. This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new people will cause collapse family hearth. Well, those who are in search of a loved one should be doubly careful - casual relationships will be very dangerous.
  • The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems - it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, confront you with unusual characters, whose task in our lives is to teach us to recognize good and evil even under a mask. You need to carefully study new acquaintances and learn as much as possible about them before letting them into your world and your life, but you also shouldn’t push them away right away.
  • Track correct life positions in our life, the Dog will be even in our gastronomic preferences - it does not like copious intake of sweets, alcohol, fatty foods and, surprisingly, meat.

get scared huge amount There are no rules and requirements for the 2018 totem. Main feature The character of the Earth Dog is patience with everything and everyone, but we will also have to learn to show this trait.

If you ask what year 2018 is according to the horoscope, you will find out that this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This sign is distinguished by devotion and desire for justice. Therefore, the higher moral qualities a person has, the more gifts he will receive from the mistress of the year. In addition, the Dog is capable of reconciling warring parties. Thanks to this, long-awaited peace and harmony will finally reign in many families. It will arrive on the eastern calendar on February 16, 2018.

General information

Before making a forecast for each sign eastern zodiac, the characteristics of the Year of the Dog itself should be given. Astrologers note that every year Yellow Dog characterized by calm, stability, peace and harmony. The Dog’s peacefulness will affect combat zones, where activity will certainly decrease. This year we can expect stabilization of the political situation in the world. Many disputes and conflicts will resolve themselves. The economic situation in most countries will be stable.

Most of the achievements during this period will be associated with the desire of an individual to stand out from the crowd and show his intelligence. This will force many to act outside the box. These are the types of personalities awaited in the year of the Earth Dog big success. They will receive the patronage of the mistress of the year and her protection.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you can significantly improve your life. There will be many opportunities and chances for this. All you need for financial success is to correctly distribute your income and not waste money left and right.

2018 marks a favorable period for long-distance travel. This is due to the fact that the Dog loves to learn new things and will support similar enthusiasts. Traveling will allow you to broaden your horizons, immerse yourself in other people's customs and traditions, and live a different life.

Family for Dogs is the most important thing in life. Therefore, 2018 is the right time to create it. All circumstances will contribute to this. The family will become a reliable support that will always support and help. You can plan weddings, real estate purchases and other major purchases.

The year is favorable for new beginnings. You just need to listen to yourself and choose the right path of development. Perhaps someone has long wanted to quit a job they don’t like. It's time to do it. In return, you will have the opportunity to do what you love, receiving not only pleasure, but also good money. 2018 is favorable for getting a second education, changing your profession and improving your financial situation.

The only thing you shouldn’t do in the year of the Earth Dog is make plans. It’s best to do this in advance and implement your plans in the new year. Moreover, there will be many opportunities for this.

Many people do not know which years belong to the Year of the Dog. The Years of the Dog are 1922, 1934,1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.

Such outstanding personalities as Socrates, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Jacques Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Guy de Maupassant, Akira Kurosawa, Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway, Alexandre Dumas the father, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin were born under the sign of the Dog. .

Forecast for 2018 for all signs of the eastern horoscope

Rats in 2018 you will need to take all matters into your own hands, not be lazy and not feel sorry for yourself. Then the result will not be long in coming. If the Rat shows determination, then this period will be very productive for her, and she will be able to achieve great success. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the Rat will find true friends who will support it in everything. No health problems are expected. It will even improve compared to last year. In the first half of the year, you need to be careful in handling finances, it is advisable not to lend to anyone large sums money and not invest it in dubious enterprises. The Rat will be able to achieve financial stability by autumn.

Bull 2018 promises many surprises. He should moderate his pride and stubbornness and learn to give in. It's best to take a vacation in the middle of the year. This will help avoid serious conflicts, as well as improve well-being and establish sleep and rest patterns. You will need your restored strength to make a breakthrough in your career and improve your financial situation. A large cash inflow is expected at the end of November. Some Oxen will find a creative streak in themselves, which will significantly influence their future, directing their life in a favorable direction. By the end of the year, having strengthened the financial foundation, it will be possible to think about personal happiness. Family will help Oxen feel needed, loved and irreplaceable.

Character Tiger in the year of the Dog will change in better side. He will become calmer, more thoughtful and good-natured. Success and promotion await the Tiger in his career, and profits will increase. Some Tigers will decide to start their own business, which they had previously only cherished in their thoughts. One can only envy their determination and courage. The authority of this sign eastern horoscope will grow a lot. The Tiger's professional merits will be noticed and appreciated. Family life will be stable. Some Tigers may have an addition to their family. At the end of the year, it is worth paying attention to your health in order to avoid deterioration in well-being. In general, the year will be very calm and will pass without conflicts or unpleasant surprises.

For representatives of the year Rabbit (Cat) 2018 will be a very successful year. They will turn to Cats for advice and help. Due to this, their circle of contacts will expand significantly and their authority will be strengthened. The desire for material well-being must be accompanied by noble impulses; only in this case will it be crowned with success. The dog values ​​honesty and generosity, so those representatives of the sign who show them will receive everything they dream of. The eastern horoscope 2018 predicts the Rabbit success in his career and an improvement in his financial situation. Cats are waiting mutual love And harmonious relationships. For free representatives of the sign, the year may end with a wedding. You need to take care of your health, avoid hypothermia, then there will be no problems with it.

Those born in the year Dragon, awaits a busy and interesting life. The cycle of events will whirl them around and not let them get bored. Many Dragons will make new friends and even be able to establish relationships with old enemies. Disagreements between spouses are possible, as no one will want to give in. Financial affairs will be much better. Already in March, income levels will begin to grow. But it is not recommended to spend everything at once; it is better to save money for a major purchase. A rise is likely career ladder or business success. Creative personalities those belonging to the Dragon sign will be in the spotlight. They will be able to express themselves in all their glory, and those who are especially talented have a chance to become famous throughout the world. Health problems can be avoided if you take care of it in time. Family life will become almost ideal in the second half of the year.

Those born in the year Snakes, many surprises await you, both pleasant and not so pleasant. In general, the year is favorable for those Snakes who will act honestly and openly. Kindness and decency are qualities that the Dog values. She will certainly reward such Snakes. Some representatives of the sign will be able to realize their hidden talents and reveal a different side of themselves. Strong family relationships, excellent health, absence of financial problems and career growth - all this promises the Snakes the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. By the end of the year, single Snakes will be able to meet their soul mate and find family happiness. To prevent health problems, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

The year will be interesting for talented individuals who were born under the sign Horses. Exciting trips await them to places they have dreamed of visiting. Horses will have numerous interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting with their soul mate. The relationship that has begun will most likely develop into something serious. Many Horses will pursue their careers and achieve success. In the summer, family representatives of the sign are recommended to begin repairs, after which they will be able to have a great rest on the sea coast. Overall, it's going to be a very quiet year. You only have to worry about your health. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent unwanted consequences.

According to the Eastern horoscope, those born in the year Sheep (Goats), everything will work out very well. They don't even have to make any special effort. Those who have long planned to open their own business will be able to successfully implement their idea. In this case, everything will go like clockwork. Sheep will be infatuated with their mate. Married people will fall in love with their spouse again, and single representatives of the sign will find their love. No difficulties are expected in the work. New successful projects are likely that will bring significant profits. But you shouldn’t spend what you earn right away; it’s better to put the money in the bank. Then in the second half of the year the Goats will not be afraid of financial difficulties.

Monkeys you need to be careful in business. This good period for learning and mastering a new business. Meetings and new acquaintances will fade into the background. Therefore, for sociable and cheerful Monkeys, the year may seem too measured and boring. Throughout the year, it is necessary to devote enough time to the family so that household members do not feel deprived of love and care. Creative individuals will be able to implement a project that will bring them fame, considerable income and recognition in the future. Many Monkeys will want to achieve a promotion, and present period will contribute to this.

For those born in the year Rooster, Earth Dog prepares tests. There is a high probability of an event that will turn the Rooster’s life upside down. And few people will like it, but in the end everything will work out well. Almost all representatives of the sign will have to devote a lot of time to work and caring for their family. The desire to get rich will lead to the fact that Roosters will have to sacrifice personal time, devoting it to work. Sometimes they will feel like they are living in the workplace. But fortunately family life will not suffer from this. The other half will show understanding and support the Roosters in their endeavors. In the summer, you still need to slow down and get some rest. It is best to go with the whole family to the seaside. A couple of weeks of rest will allow you to gain strength to make a breakthrough in the second half of the year and still achieve the desired result.

What to expect for those who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born under the sign Dogs? This is undoubtedly their year. Dogs will be lucky in everything, especially in terms of career. Career will also affect your financial situation, which will improve significantly. In the middle of the year, lonely Dogs will finally find happiness in their personal lives. Romantic relationship will develop rapidly and turn out to be very promising. Many Dogs will decide to start major renovations in their home or buy their own home. All family members will be directly involved in all this. Throughout the year, Dogs will be lucky in any endeavor.

According to the forecast of the eastern horoscope for 2018, for those born in the year Cabana, everything will turn out well. They will be able to finally decide on their priorities, understand what is more important to them and what can be put off until later. No financial difficulties are expected throughout the year. But the most profitable period is the beginning of spring. Perhaps Pig will even be able to purchase real estate with the funds he has acquired. For those who are actively looking for their soulmate, summer will be a favorable period. A new relationship will bring a lot of happiness and joy. There is a high probability that they will lead to a wedding. This year, married couples will live in complete harmony, quarrels and resentments will remain a thing of the past. Happiness, love, tenderness, trust and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

The prognosis for most signs of the Eastern horoscope is positive. But even if the stars predicted trials and not very pleasant events for someone, there is no need to be upset. Everything can be fixed with a little effort.

Let us immediately answer the question of what the upcoming 2018 according to the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope will be - the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog, which will begin on February 16, and end on February 4, 2019, with the transfer of rights to manage the next year to the Boar/Pig. In this article we will look at the qualities of the Dog, its habits, inclinations, what we can expect from 2018, what to count on, what to protect ourselves from, and so on.

At the beginning, let us note the qualities of these individuals - those born in the year of the Dog, men and women, are always honest, responsible and fair. This is the category of people you can rely on and trust; they will not let you down in almost any situation.

They are responsible in life and in business matters, you can trust them with almost any information, they will not make it public. For these people, it is important to have a clear meaning of the requirements placed on them, a clear description of the responsibilities, so that they can imagine the final image of the goal.

A person born in the year of the Dog according to the eastern calendar is able to share the pain of others, take care of the interests of his loved ones and relatives, as well as his friends and work colleagues. This person will never ignore someone’s problems, will always help, and will not refuse to lend a helping hand.

As a child, the Dog will have many difficult situations, and she will often have to worry about her incompetence complex.

In her youth, the problems will gradually begin to disappear, although it is precisely at this age that she can do stupid things.

IN mature age she will become a big skeptic and at some point become a pessimist, losing the ability to enjoy life.

According to the horoscope, 2018 is the year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog

Year of the Dog - characteristics of the sign

Chinese name for the year of the Dog: Gou

Chinese Zodiac Year of the Dog: Eleventh

Time of day of the Dog year: 19:00 -21:00

Western Zodiac Sign of the Year of the Dog: Aries

Element of the Year of the Dog: Metal

Qualities of people born in the year of the Dog

Positive character traits (qualities): These are generous, kind, loyal, reliable and honest people, they are devoted to their ideals and their family, they are always dutiful and responsible, they are ready to help, they can be trusted and trusted, they can be relied upon.

Negative character traits (qualities): They can be stubborn and annoying, sometimes they are excessively and groundlessly restless, talkative, pessimistic, they can be disorganized, absent-minded, and overly strict with their loved ones and others.


Poems of the Years of the Dog (reign periods)

Expectations for 2018 - what will it be like, what to expect?

The year 2018 will be ruled by the Dog. As the zodiac eastern horoscope says, it should bring you and me peace, harmony and stability. It is during this period that disputes and misunderstandings will cease and the economic crisis will end.

Those who are in love, but have not yet formalized their relationship, should legalize it this year and think about joining destinies during this particular time period. 2018 is a very favorable year for starting a family. Remember this, and also that the next year will be 2019 of the Pig/Boar, which can present unpleasant surprises, “plant the Pig.”

This person is characterized by such traits as intelligence and insight, ease of communication, some coldness, sociability and honesty, loyalty and stubbornness, openness and friendliness, laziness.

These people have high demands for justice; they will not tolerate oppression and humiliation, either of themselves or of someone close to them or just a stranger. By any means and at any cost they will stand up for their own and someone else’s defense, they strive to justify an innocent person or someone humiliated by someone.

The dog is always “on the alert”, he never rests, he is always at his guard post, he is attentive and restless. It’s not easy to take anything away from this person. The dog is vigilant and will not just give up without a fight. She can be withdrawn, and show her feelings in rare cases, only when necessary.

Men and women of the eastern horoscope sign Dog are great skeptics in life and to a large extent pessimists; in many matters they are critical of themselves, have little faith in their strengths and capabilities. Willpower, good nature, a sense of humor, a sharp mind and a sense of responsibility help representatives of this sign to be a person of a broad soul.

On the other hand, the Dog is a considerable cynic, often does not hesitate in expressions and statements, and can offend a person with his sarcasm. People who know this person are wary of the Dog because of his harsh statements and offensive remarks.

Sometimes this person can be too stubborn. Taking on some new business, the Dog devotes himself wholeheartedly to it. At the same time, he will, with or without reason, criticize everyone who will be nearby at that moment. From the outside it may seem that she is deliberately breaking up the relationship, although in fact, she just wants not to be interfered with in her work.

This person sees the world mainly in dark colors, which is why they are talked about - pessimists in life, who expect little from life, because they are not confident in themselves and their capabilities. The dog clearly lacks confidence and determination, this is reflected in everything, in its behavior, lifestyle, and communication.

Who is 2018, whose year and what will it be - Yellow (Earth) Dogs

Who is the Dog of 2018 compatible with from the horoscope signs?

The Eastern horoscope tells you and me that men and women born under the sign of the Dog, in relationships with the opposite sex and in love, show the same human qualities as in business.

They are intelligent, loyal, reliable and honest. On the other hand, love difficulties can haunt this person all his life. Most often, they themselves are to blame for this, or rather their anxiety and inconstancy in relationships.

People 2018 - Zodiac signs

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rat

Both of these people are peaceful, sympathetic, reliable in relationships, hardworking and energetic, loyal and tactful. The danger of this union is that they are both too prone to compromise and, having finally arrived at a completely conflict-free marriage, they may eventually lose interest in each other.

Create “artificial” conflicts in the family (from time to time) - this is useful.

Dog and Bull

The Dog is gifted with a sense of humor and a wonderful imagination; it is unlikely that it will find happiness next to the sedate, gloomy, boring and picky Ox.

However, on the other hand, if they are already experienced people, they can learn to respect each other’s interests and habits, they will probably be able to live under the same roof, but with reservations, most likely, they will turn out to be more friends than spouses.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Tiger

A fairly common union, very often life will pit these two against one another. In marriage they will complement each other and can be quite happy. The tiger will push his partner, instill confidence in him, and, if necessary, calm him down.

The dog is always nearby and ready to provide decent help and support. A very good union, promising general satisfaction with each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rabbit/Cat

A Dog can create one of the strongest and calmest alliances with a Rabbit/Cat. She will find peace only with a serene Rabbit/Cat, she will be faithful and devoted to him, and the other one will be able to appreciate this.

Everything will always be fine in this couple, unless the Dog is distracted by solving third-party problems, for example, social ones, forgetting about the family.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Dragon

Relationships with the Dragon representative are unlikely to work out; they will initially be strained and are unlikely to last long. He is too proud and inflexible, skeptical of his partner’s dreams and plans, so he is unlikely to accept the constant chatter, sarcasm and clear but sarcastic mind of the Dog. They are also unlikely to be friends; in general, it is a hopeless relationship.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Snake

Quite a good and promising union, where the idealistic Dog is attracted by the wisdom and depth of the Snake, and she admires her to such an extent that she is ready to overlook the ambition and selfishness of her partner.

The Snake really likes it when it is idealized, and it also appreciates the Dog’s honesty, stability and loyalty, although it is unlikely that it itself will pay in the same coin.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Horse

For a dog in a joint marriage, living under the same roof, a representative of the Horse is perfect, who will always support the partner in all endeavors, instill confidence in him and reassure him, and in return will only ask for a little freedom of action. A successful union for both, although it promises periodic explosions, without which, you must agree, no marriage can be strong.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Goat/Sheep

The Goat/Sheep will not be able to tolerate for a long time a Dog who, not intentionally, of course, but will constantly “get” her, she will quickly break off the relationship. On the other hand, the Dog itself will not be able to tolerate the Goat/Sheep for long, because it is too capricious and stubborn, and she “cannot stand this.” The life together of this couple can be called unstable with the risk of breaking up at any moment.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Monkey

This couple has quite high potential, with good prospects- a fairly stable pair. The Dog is attracted by the Monkey's liveliness and sociability, while the latter values ​​the Monkey's stability, fairness, honesty, fidelity, reliability and open-mindedness.

Although both of them are characterized by a certain level of cynicism, which at some moments will complicate the relationship, it is unlikely that it will come to serious consequences.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Rooster

The idealistic Dog and the detached, carefree Rooster look at life differently, each from their own angle. At first, the partner may seem unkind, arrogant and pompous, selfish, self-absorbed.

The Rooster cannot tolerate such an attitude towards himself; he needs adoration. The success of the relationship directly depends on the Dog - he will be patient, he will support his partner, which means that everything will be fine.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Dog

Two Dogs, but only if at least one of them is active, are well compatible. Both of them are flexible, loyal, reliable, reasonable and will easily determine their place in the family hierarchy of relationships and divide areas of responsibility.

Life is easy for them because they know perfectly well what is expected of them. Of course, conflicts over issues of dominance are also possible, but common goals will help them find a compromise solution, not quarrel, but stick to each other.

Eastern calendar 2018 - horoscope Dog and Boar/Pig

Quite a promising union, with certain reservations - the reserved Pig/Pig must teach the pessimistic Dog carelessness, determination and optimism. If the second one is able to relax, then the marriage will take place and will be happy.

Both of them are reliable in relationships, kind, generous and honest people, their union should be successful, with some minor reservations - they need to give in and trust each other, compromise more often, and not pay attention to their partner’s shortcomings.

In conclusion - in general, if you trust the horoscope for the new year 2018, you can say what this period is destined for the mistress of the year, the Dog, and so it will be for all of us.

The dog, in turn, is capable, at any moment, can change, turn the situation into another, reverse side, radically change your life, its course - draw conclusions!

We remind you what year 2018 is, which animal according to eastern sign- Yellow Dog, and it will begin on February 16, the Dog’s rights will end in the future 2019 on the fourth day of February, with the transfer of rights to the next sign, namely the Pig/Boar.

According to the eastern calendar for 2018, the good-natured Yellow Earth Dog will replace the active and sometimes prickly Red Dog Fire Rooster. The upcoming symbol is distinguished by a calm and reasonable character, integrity, honesty and devotion. She is restless, monitors her well-being without closing her eyes, and at the same time is endlessly friendly. What interesting events does the horoscope have in store for us?

Eastern horoscope for 2018 of the Yellow Dog

The Yellow Dog favors brave, decisive and creative people. She pushes even the most unusual ideas. At the same time, it helps to bring everything to the end for those who make efforts and are not lazy, hoping for chance. Fortune will turn its face even to pathological losers, because yellow symbolizes success. The main thing is not to be afraid to take risks and persistently pursue your goal. In addition to hard work, you need to show endurance. Impulsive actions and decisions will not bring any results. An earth sign requires thoughtfulness and balance.

Despite his goodwill, the Dog is an ardent defender of justice, rules and truth. She is opposed to greedy businessmen, cunning and liars. She is also extremely unsympathetic to individuals who are ready to go over their heads and neglect the wishes of their loved ones. They face obstacles from all sides and real consequences.

The dog respects not only perseverance and honesty, but also humanity. She will definitely help those who are friendly to others. She will repay the cordiality shown to people with success in business. This symbol takes family values ​​especially seriously. Spend time with your parents, spouses and children, take care of their needs, support them in their problems. Avoid quarrels and never deceive your loved ones. This is especially true for marital fidelity - the Dog is ready to punish traitors in the harshest way. All good changes within the family the tailed symbol will be received with joy.

In the coming year, focus on family relationships, rather than trying to throw yourself into everything at once. Particular care must be taken when making new close acquaintances. People from the outside whom you do not know at all can greatly harm the harmony that reigns in your relationship with your family. But old and trusted friends cannot be ignored. Spend time with them, learn about their activities and improve your relationship, even if they have cooled down a little.

The year is great for a wedding, but choosing a partner must be careful

The earth sign also has its drawbacks, which include excessive hard work. Try to overcome laziness, then you will feel that you actually have a lot of energy. The Dog also loves to test virtue and truthfulness when confronted with unusual ones, but not always nice people. If you pass the test and be extremely tactful and not rude with such individuals, then the symbol of the year will remain satisfied. You cannot behave inappropriately, much less deceive even your enemies, otherwise you will harm yourself, not them.

If you do not anger the Yellow Dog with dishonor and aggression towards others, then the whole of 2018 will pass calmly and smoothly. The stability inherent in the Earth will occur in all areas of life: from love to health. The problems that arise will be minor, and you will be able to deal with them easily and naturally. Take advantage of this peaceful time: develop yourself, improve your skills, renew relationships with distant relatives and friends. Perhaps this year you will develop new hobbies and interests, especially related to ecology and in a healthy way life.

Although the Dog is an earth sign, it will be favorable to representatives of every element. She will help her immediate wards achieve success in all areas. Maximum luck can be expected for Capricorns, Aries and Aquarius.

Love predictions, family relationships

The dog is considered a loyal creature that values ​​fidelity above all else. This determines the course to be taken in the love and family spheres. They should become the priority, relegating all others to the background. Spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy the newfound harmony.

Family people will feel a surge of feelings and emotions, relationships will get a second wind. They will be overwhelmed by romance and endless faith in their spouse. Thanks to this, many couples will finally take the decisive step - buy their own nest, go on a trip or plan a new addition to the family. Children born during this period will have such positive qualities like a sense of humor and high intelligence.

Singles should not worry about not having partners in their lives. The dog will be supportive of you and will help you in every possible way in finding your soul mate. It is not necessary to do this if you are not ready for a serious relationship. For many, it is better to limit yourself to flirting and short novels, which allow you to increase your self-esteem and feel needed. However, be as honest as possible with your new acquaintances about your intentions to just have a good time. As soon as you start playing with other people's feelings and neglecting them, the earth sign will immediately snap back and interfere.

If you decide to get a four-legged family member this year, make sure that it is taken care of regularly!

Relationships built in 2018 have every chance of becoming serious and long-lasting. They will be stormy and filled with bright emotions, as well as tenderness and understanding. Get to know people better and don’t make hasty conclusions about them and, most importantly, listen to your own heart, and not the opinions of others. There is a very high probability of meeting the right person with whom you want to start a family. Therefore, in the year of the earth sign there will be many weddings.

The Dog has an extremely negative attitude towards cheaters, deceivers and those who take advantage of other people’s feelings for their own mercantile interests. Such people should not expect luck; most likely, they will remain alone.

Career, finance

The dog has no craving for material things, but gladly helps fulfill the desire to surround himself with expensive and beautiful things. Yellow It is not without reason that they are associated with prosperity, because this year can be successful. Don’t be afraid to please yourself with new things, but don’t spend your last money on them, saving and accumulating savings. At the same time, it is necessary to refuse to buy completely unnecessary things, combining business with pleasure.

Despite the fact that the symbol of the year is maximally focused on family values, it also promotes career success. For everything to work out successfully, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions, for example, to abandon the ugly fight with competitors. Do not use dishonest methods, do not be a hypocrite, do not deceive. In addition, the Dog is a reasonable symbol, so you should not commit rash actions. It’s better to spend time and a little more effort thinking everything through.

If the whole family manages money wisely, by the end of the year they will be able to collect significant capital!

Careers will also go well for those who do not face competitors directly. This year - good time to improve relationships with colleagues and make friends among them. IN conflict situations be restrained and tactful, do not try to insult others.

The main guarantee of financial success in the year of the Yellow Dog is hard work. Don’t sit back, don’t be lazy and don’t think that wealth will come to you on its own. Put in the effort, work towards promotion, implement your ideas. Try to be creative with your workflow, even if it doesn't initially suggest it. This approach will help you find new strength even in your daily routine.

It is better to avoid debts and loans, trying to get out of difficult situations on your own. If you already have debts, then you should pay them off on time, otherwise there is a risk of angering the mistress of the year.

What will health be like: Chinese calendar forecast

The Yellow Dog cares about well-being, so it tries to prevent big problems with health. The main thing is not to neglect yourself, rest and not ignore chronic diseases and complaints. Control the situation, then all problems will be solved quickly and without complications.

The main change in lifestyle should concern diet. Get rid of bad habits- alcohol, smoking, eating fast food, and also do not indulge in sweets and too fatty foods. This will strengthen the body and help fight viruses and colds. The main problems that may arise in the Year of the Dog are poisoning and problems with the stomach and intestines. This is why it is so important to adjust your diet, make it more balanced and healthy.

Avoid stress and conflicts, they are absolutely useless this year

It is also necessary to rest physically and mentally. The dog respects hard workers, but overexertion will not benefit anyone: neither you nor your family. If you take care of yourself and maintain a balance of energy, then you will be able to easily cope with all matters, and you will not feel ill.

The New Year 2018 will bring you success, luck and love if you do not provoke its owner, the Yellow Dog, with your unfaithful behavior. Show patience during conflicts, diplomacy at work and do not regret kind words and emotions for your family and friends. If you can do all this, then prepare yourself for a happy and stable time.

2018 is the year of which animal? This question interests everyone who believes in horoscopes and listens to their interpretations. This year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog. As experts say, it will bring peace and stability. It is during this period that the economic crisis will end. It is recommended to purchase real estate in 2018. Those who are in love, but do not plan to legitimize the relationship, should think about joining their destinies at this particular time. After all, what will next year be like? 2018 is favorable for marriage. But after it comes something that can bring unpleasant surprises.


The Dog is characterized by such traits as intelligence, simplicity, some coldness, honesty, sociability, loyalty, stubbornness, openness, friendliness, laziness. People born this year are distinguished by They do not tolerate it when someone is unfairly accused. They strive to acquit the innocent at any cost.

2018 is the year of which animal and what does it mean for humans? This is the year of the Dog, which never rests. She is always on duty, attentive and restless. It's not easy to take something away from her. The dog is alert. She won't give up without a fight. These people are closed. They show their feelings very rarely and only when absolutely necessary. The dog is a skeptic. Her willpower, wonderful sense of humor, and critical mind help her to be a person with a broad soul.

Negative traits

The dog is a big cynic. She doesn't mince words. Many are afraid of her because of her harsh and offensive remarks. The dog is stubborn, sometimes even too stubborn. Having taken up some business, she can devote herself completely to it. At the same time, the Dog will, for any reason and without it, criticize everyone who is in this moment near. It may seem that she is specifically looking for a reason to break off the relationship.

2018 is the year of which animal? Dogs. She sees the world in dark colors. A person born under this sign is a pessimist and does not expect anything good from life. This is reflected in his behavior, lifestyle, and communication style.


A dog is a wonderful friend. Her character contains traits that make her a Person with a capital P. She is loyal, honest, and can have a lot of fun. You can always rely on the Dog in everything. She won't betray. Nobody keeps secrets better than a Dog. Among other things, she has a certain amount of modesty. All this makes the Dog a wonderful friend and interlocutor. But you shouldn’t rush to be frank with her. Long conversations tire the dog. And she is not at all inclined to listen to someone’s confessions. The dog has great vocabulary, but does not know how to express his thoughts. She inspires confidence and is endearing. For a friend or loved one The dog is ready for anything. Her dedication is worth appreciating. After all, to lose faithful person very easy, but almost impossible to return.

What year is 2018?

According to the horoscope, this is the year of the Dog. A person of this sign can be called a person of high moral principles, completely uninterested in money. He is selfless and generous. Regardless of social status and level of income, the intellectual principle predominates in this person. A dog can easily do without the most basic material comfort. Even if he has a financial condition, the Dog does not strive to acquire expensive, high-status, branded items. When she needs money, it will certainly appear. The dog can always provide for itself.


In 2018, what animal will be named after? Dogs. People born this year will become excellent leaders. They will be able to achieve success in industry, pedagogy, religion, and social life. In any case, their activities will be honest and fair. The dog excels at managing even large numbers of people. In addition, she is hardworking and always speaks her mind directly.


2018 is the year of which animal? The horoscope says that people born under the sign of the Dog show the same qualities in love as in business. They are reasonable and honest. Love difficulties will haunt the Dog all his life. Most often, this will be due to her anxiety and inconstancy. A Horse would be perfect for a Dog. The latter will support her partner in all endeavors, and in return will ask only for a little freedom of action. Relations with the Dragon will be strained. He is proud and unlikely to accept her sarcastic mind. Very often life will pit the Dog against the Tiger. They can be quite happy. The Tiger will push his partner to do great things. The dog will be able to provide decent support to the partner. The most durable and calm alliance with the Cat. The Goat will quickly break off the relationship. She is capricious, and the Dog doesn’t like that.

The life of people of this sign can be called fickle. There will be many difficult situations in childhood. The dog will have to worry often. Problems will not disappear in youth. Truthfulness will often get in the way. In adulthood, the Dog will become a great skeptic. She will lose the ability to enjoy life. A dog is its own master. At any time, she can turn the situation in her favor and change her life for the better.

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