Home Removal The secrets of my character are the main features of the name Karina. What does the name Karina mean, the secret of the name

The secrets of my character are the main features of the name Karina. What does the name Karina mean, the secret of the name

In 1934, during the heroic drift of the Chelyuskin steamship, a girl was born right on board into the family of the Vasiliev expedition members, who was named Karina in honor of the Kara Sea. This is how the now popular name Karina appeared in Russia. The girl’s parents did not know that the history of this name is much older and goes back to the distant past.

According to one version, the name Karina comes from the Latin word “carus”, which means “dear” or “dear”. According to the second version, the word “Carina” is translated from Latin as “keel of a ship.” Thus, the ancient Roman sailors, naming their daughters with this name, paid tribute to their ship.

Another version of the origin of the name Karina is ancient Greek. Perhaps the name came from Greek name Corinna, which means "girl". And in Scandinavian countries the name Karina is shortened from the baptismal name Katarina, in the Russian tradition better known as Ekaterina.

In Rus', Karina was the name of the mourning goddess who accompanied funeral rites. From the Old Russian language Karina is translated as “to mourn.”

Today the name Karina is consistently included in the name books different nations world, including Russian. Famous women There are quite a lot of people bearing this beautiful and sonorous name. Among them are Russian actress Karina Razumovskaya, ballerina Karina Sarkisova, fencer Karina Aznavuryan, animal trainer Karina Bagdasarova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

IN Orthodox calendar the name Karina is missing. For this reason, girls are baptized with any other consonant name, for example, under the name Ekaterina.

Characteristics of the name

The name Karina attracts attention, which cannot but affect its owner - she is active, demanding, capricious, decisive, with somewhat inflated self-esteem. Sometimes her self-confidence and capriciousness prevent her from listening to the voice of reason, but in general, Karina knows how to avoid trouble by calculating everything two steps ahead.

Karina has a good understanding of people and can easily find a common language with anyone. She knows how to listen and hear, she can really give useful advice. But Karina does not know how to sincerely empathize; there is no place for sentimentality in her life at all. She also always makes friends for her own benefit. When the benefits end, most often the friendship ends.

Karina loves to be in the spotlight and keep abreast of events. She extremely dislikes smooth and monotonous everyday life, so the main trait of her character is restlessness. Her incredible activity borders on aggressiveness; she often forgets that “chasing two birds with one stone” is never successful. If healthy egoism overcomes narcissism, Karina will have every chance of becoming a very successful person.

The girl endures criticism addressed to her with difficulty, although she is characterized by demonstrativeness and extreme incontinence and impulsiveness. She strives to attract attention even with negative antics; inattention and neglect can lead Karina to depression.

But Karina is not an intriguer; for this she lacks psychological insight and patience, so all her actions are open and straightforward. She always prefers to take shortcuts, even if they are more difficult. She has a strong character that does not tolerate long conversations, but prefers to act. To Karina’s credit, it must be said that she always blames herself for her failures, not those around her.

In general, Karina is an extraordinary, integral person, a real fighter and researcher who never stops at what she has achieved. In addition, nature, as a rule, endows her with an extraordinary, catchy appearance, which is impossible not to pay attention to.


Little Karina is a stubborn and capricious girl who causes her parents a lot of trouble. If parents follow their daughter’s lead, then over time her selfishness and vanity will bring her a lot of trouble in life.

Karina is an average student, which is largely due to her natural laziness, which the girl will have to fight with all her life. She stands out among her peers for her determination and adventurism; her classmates respect her and are sometimes afraid of her. Karina's changeable character, demonstrativeness and lack of restraint do not allow her to establish smooth relationships with her classmates.

Karina's future largely depends on her upbringing, on what qualities her parents instill in her in childhood. A girl has many chances to become an overly selfish person who cannot and does not want to feel and hear other people. The girl’s fate will turn out favorably if she manages to find the patience she lacks and directs her energy to working on herself.


As a child, Karina often got sick, which greatly weakened her immunity. Possible allergies and asthma. Colds may be accompanied by complications on the kidneys and heart. Karina should take care from childhood and treat her health with double attention.

An adult woman is predisposed to emotional overstimulation. The tendency to neuroses requires serious attention and treatment. A passion for sweets is the reason for her tendency to be overweight, so Karina will often have to go on diets, which also does not help stabilize her emotional state.


Karina is a passionate and temperamental person who prefers to dominate in any relationship, including sexual ones. She subconsciously chooses weaker men who can be easily controlled.

The topic of sex is not taboo for Karina; she openly talks about her desires. During intimacy, a woman is very emotional, she does not skimp on tenderness and compliments for her lover, but she also expects a response from him. Physical pleasure in itself, without love and romance, does not give Karina the desired pleasure. Tender kisses, affectionate words are an integral part of sexual intercourse for her. She knows how to meet her partner’s wishes and tries to please him in every possible way.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Usually, more than one marriage happens in Karina’s life, and her difficult character is to blame. Even if she marries for great love, this is not enough to build harmonious family relationships. She makes compromises with difficulty and tries to remake the person for herself. Karina finds her family happiness already in adulthood, when she gains wisdom and patience.

She is best as a husband a man will do restrained, low-emotional, self-confident, not allowing himself to be manipulated. Another quality of Karina is jealousy. She does not want to share her husband’s attention with anyone, so she will not tolerate any competition.

Karina loves to receive guests, but she can hardly be called an impeccable hostess. Housekeeping will never be a priority for her.

The most successful marriage is possible with men named Igor, Oleg, Vladimir, Evgeny, Mikhail, Timofey, Alexey and Pavel. Relationships should be avoided with Anton, Georgy, Valentin, Valery, Vasily, Nikita and Ilya.

Business and career

For Karina, work is one of the ways of self-expression and an opportunity to attract attention. She is hardworking, prudent and pragmatic, striving to get a prestigious and interesting profession. Monotonous and routine work will never suit her, as well as work where there will be no opportunity to stand out. She loves it when her successes and achievements do not go unnoticed.

A leader by nature, she has excellent organizational skills. She will make a strong leader, capable of leading a team. In solving complex issues, Karina will be guided by logic, not feelings. She is one of those women who is not spoiled by career success; on the contrary, it makes her more self-confident, more tolerant and generous.

Karina has an excellent ability for business - her ability to communicate with people and fantastic intuition helps her in this. It is difficult to deceive her; she senses any trouble a mile away. Karina will never refuse the help of more authoritative and knowledgeable partners, and is also unlikely to agree to dubious transactions or breaking the law.

Karina's main hobby is traveling, so it would be nice if her work involves business trips. But she has every chance of becoming successful in any activity, including creative professions. A woman named Karina has enormous opportunities, the only question is whether she will be able to take advantage of them.

Talismans for Karina

  • Patron planet - Moon and Mars.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Aries and Pisces. It is recommended to call girls born under these zodiac signs Karina.
  • The most successful time of year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Thursday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow, green, brown and red.
  • Totem plant - cedar and fir. Cedar is considered the tree of life, symbolizing integrity, strength, longevity and power. In Christianity, cedar is considered a symbol of Christ, personifying dignity, spiritual beauty and greatness. Fir is capable of giving off its positive energy; its calm aura relieves irritation, negative thoughts and anger. The fir talisman will nourish Karina vitality, give self-confidence.
  • Totem animal - swallow and walrus. The swallow is a symbol of success and happiness, family well-being. Often the swallow acts as a mediator between the world of the dead and the living. The walrus is a symbol of knowledge, scholarship, and comprehension of the mysteries of existence. This animal patronizes those who strive for knowledge and are not afraid to develop and improve.
  • Talisman stone - jade and carnelian. Since ancient times, jade jewelry has been considered strong amulets. If the stone changes its color to a darker one, this is evidence of wrong behavior, stubbornness and delusion. In ordinary life, jade promotes favorable changes and helps find a way out of a seeming dead end. Carnelian brings its owner material well-being and fame, as well as good luck in love. Carnelian is considered a stone of prudence; rosaries or beads made from it are useful for hot-tempered people who easily lose their temper.


Aries- a sociable, interesting and very friendly woman, endowed with great willpower, courage and speed of reaction. She is a militant idealist, never shying away from difficulties, always ready for sacrifices and open struggle, but workarounds and patient waiting are difficult for her. Karina-Aries quickly spends her strength and also recovers quickly, but most importantly, she never lowers her proud head. If there are few problems and difficulties in her life, she will definitely create them herself. She is characterized by a generous display of emotions, but she may lack sensitivity and tact a little. For all her intelligence and activity, Karina-Aries is a surprisingly naive and trusting woman. She can easily be taken advantage of by a charming scoundrel, for whom she will be ready to go through fire and water. But such an extraordinary personality does not need the “right” men - she will be bored with them. She needs a hero, she needs passion and a constant boiling of passions. In marriage, Karina-Aries continues to prove her originality and exclusivity, forcing all household members to live exclusively under her dictation.

Taurus- a faithful and devoted woman, always ready to help family and friends. Wu Na has amazing common sense and practicality, but at the same time she is very soft, feminine and attractive. Karina-Taurus strives for comfort, does not like change and unjustified risks, does not tolerate petty meanness and hypocrisy, and values ​​honesty and decency in people. This woman has a powerful sexual temperament and invariably attracts men to her. As a housewife, she is impeccable and can make even the most unsightly home cozy and attractive. The only thing that can darken living together next to this woman is her stinginess in expressing emotions. Karina-Taurus's devotion knows no bounds, but she will demand the same from her husband. You should not abuse her limitless patience, since the culprit will have to make a lot of effort to regain her favor. Karina-Taurus can forgive a lot, but only as long as she is sure that this is a mistake, an accident, and not malicious intent.

Twins- a changeable, unreliable personality, behind which hides a lonely and vulnerable soul. She is smart, versatile, curious, and pleasant to talk to. Sometimes Karina-Gemini experiences acute attacks self-doubt that can lead her to depression. In the character of this woman there is always a certain nervousness, insincerity, and subtle calculation. She is in constant movement, often changes jobs, friends and passions. Internal conflicts constantly occur in her soul, therefore, with all her inconstancy and unreliability, this woman deserves not condemnation, but sympathy. Karina-Gemini craves love and attention, but does not seek to tie the knot. She values ​​her freedom very much, sometimes bordering on debauchery, and does not want to change her habits even after the wedding. She is not created for family life, since routine and monotony make a woman’s life miserable. Karina-Gemini needs a like-minded husband, not jealous and not too demanding.

Cancer- timid, modest and shy Karina, the owner of a very difficult character and rich inner world. It is difficult to find an approach to her; it is as if she is fenced off by a wall from the whole world. What is a trifle for others can become a real tragedy for Karina-Cancer. She is touchy, suspicious, vindictive, lives by her own law, which no one understands. Most often, she is a deeply decent person, prone to sentimentality and self-sacrifice, but it is very important for her to know what other people think of her. Emotional security is her life goal, which a woman will always strive for. Karina-Cancer is a great owner at heart, and it doesn’t matter whether it concerns her favorite cup or her beloved man. For all her dreaminess and isolation from the world, she is practical, perspicacious, and sometimes even stingy. Family will always be a priority for her, and her husband will never lack love, care and tenderness. Analyzing all her words and actions, Karina-Cancer will never allow tactlessness towards the people dear to her.

a lion- a tough and principled woman, the owner of a very difficult character. But, despite this, she knows how to make people fall in love with her and make them follow her. By nature, she is a born leader, but at the same time she is sincere, generous and very charming. She is always deep in her feelings, be it love, compassion or hatred. In Karina the Lioness, the desire to rule, to command, to be in the center of attention, to bathe in flattery and compliments is very noticeable. She is very sensitive to what others think about her. Her Achilles heel is vanity. This woman cannot be subdued or fit into any framework; she always goes forward with her head held high, not paying attention to minor failures. Patience is not her nature, so any situation in which she is forced to wait for something will easily throw a woman off balance. In family life, Karina the Lioness values ​​the reliability and loyalty of her partner, and she herself is rarely capable of betrayal. Her husband needs to be prepared for the fact that Karina the Lioness will always be in the spotlight and have many fans, but about infidelity in in this case there is no question.

Virgo- a demanding, purposeful and secretive woman striving for the ideal. By nature, she is a perfectionist, not used to stopping halfway, which helps her become very successful in her profession, but not in her personal life, where feelings are needed. Karina-Virgo does not know how to rest and relax, have heart-to-heart conversations, but she knows how to work, earn money, and study. Sometimes she lacks creative initiative, which she successfully compensates for with diligence and responsibility. Karina-Virgo makes all decisions in her life guided exclusively by cold calculation, and not by feelings. But ambition and vanity are alien to her; she is critical not so much of others as of herself. As a wife and housewife, Karina-Virgo is excellent, but it can be difficult for her to find a partner who would meet her high requirements. This must be a person with a good financial base, have excellent manners, and treat his wife with respect. Most often, Karina-Virgo marries once and forever.

Scales- a delicate, tactful and diplomatic person, a master of compromise. She easily finds a common language with people, skillfully avoids any conflicts, but always to her own benefit. She never gossips or reveals other people’s secrets, while she prefers to keep her “skeletons in the closet” to herself. This helps a woman retain what she needs peace of mind, maintain your peace and normal way of life. If necessary, Karina-Libra will take the path of lies and betrayal, just so that everything in her life is good. Altruism and self-sacrifice are not her style. One of the most amazing qualities of Karina-Libra is the ability to hide her sharp mind and insight behind her charming appearance and seeming frivolity. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, not a trace will remain of her defenselessness and self-doubt. However, Karina-Libra really needs a life partner with a strong character who would take responsibility for the family. A woman does not strive for leadership in a relationship; on the contrary, she will gladly give this role to her husband.

Scorpion- a silent and principled person, with greatly inflated self-esteem. She is able to withstand any test, go through any pain and suffering, but the only thing she will never tolerate is inattention and disrespect for her person. The main character trait of Karina-Scorpio is self-confidence. She cares little about other people's opinions, as well as other people's problems, but the paradox is that this woman desperately needs love. Insight and blindness are surprisingly combined in her character - it is almost impossible to deceive her, but only if she herself does not want to be deceived. In her work, Karina-Scorpio is a real careerist, smart and very efficient, but due to her complex character she is not very loved in the team. A woman hates boredom and monotony, however, she can make a great wife and mother. Sanity helps Karina-Scorpio avoid extremes, however, she should always remember that by nature she has a great predisposition to alcoholism and drugs.

Sagittarius- a cheerful, active, energetic and cheerful person who loves new acquaintances and noisy companies. This woman has a boyish character, loving movement, travel and adventure. I would like to say “alive” about her, she is so eccentric and independent. Karina-Sagittarius does not accept lies and insincerity, she is always straightforward, and strives to get to the truth in everything. All her emotions are absolutely sincere, she does not know how to pretend at all. Routine and everyday life have a destructive effect on this woman, and monotony instills boredom and a desire to plunge headlong into the next adventure. Karina-Sagittarius is so independent and self-sufficient that she is not ready to give up her freedom for the sake of her beloved man. She will not tolerate jealousy and the desire to control it, so for a happy marriage she needs a partnership. At the same time, her love of freedom has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity, which means that her man can completely trust his wife. It is unlikely that after the wedding, Karina-Sagittarius will agree to spend a lot of time at the stove and obsessively maintain order in the house, so her sum will have to come to terms with this.

Capricorn- a practical, calculating and pragmatic woman who devotes a lot of time to work and career. Success attracts her with unusual force; she moves towards her goal with incredible persistence, stubbornly overcoming obstacles step by step. She does not understand and does not accept actions without specific purpose, and if this goal is defined, nothing can lead it astray. For the sake of her life plans, a woman is capable of enormous self-restraints and deprivations, and fate, as a rule, forces her to choose the most difficult life path, despite the fact that the woman carefully calculates and plans all her undertakings and misdeeds. She never meddles in other people's affairs, does not gossip or intrigue, and rarely gives advice. Karina-Capricorn values ​​her independence very much, so she will make a very demanding wife who does not forgive insults and betrayals. This woman’s happiness lies in hard work, in the pursuit of stability and well-being.

Aquarius- sociable, sincere, dreamy nature, able to show oneself with the best side. She knows how to think independently of the reality around her, and lives, as a rule, according to her own rules, which are not always clear to others. Karina-Aquarius is unusually curious; she is interested in almost everything that comes into her field of vision. This woman has a very multifaceted perception of the world, she is an innovator and pioneer by nature, not afraid of being misunderstood or unrecognized. She is not afraid to shock others, she is not afraid to express her opinion that goes against the opinion of the majority. Very often, the logic of Karina-Aquarius is so unique that it defies understanding. The woman is very reluctant to handle household chores, preferring to decide global problems, forgetting that there is a mountain of unwashed dishes at home. This woman strives with early years to be different from everyone else, and marriage cannot change her in any way. She really doesn’t like it when there is silence in her life and nothing happens.

Fish is a creative person who never tires of improving himself and discovering new facets in himself. She loves loneliness, but cannot live without love. This woman thinks and feels extraordinary, and it can be difficult to understand her. Her key quality is dreaminess and a certain isolation from the world. By nature, she is passive, very susceptible to external influence, dependent on other people's will and ideology. Karina-Pisces does not have the slightest desire to dominate her partner; she desperately needs a sense of security and confidence in the future. Due to excessive sensitivity, she can inflate even the smallest problem to a universal scale, so it seems to her that there are more problems in her life than others. Karina-Pisces is family-oriented, and this is the purpose of her life. She has a kind, sympathetic heart, and it is completely unsuited to fighting for a place in the sun. Her role is a loving and caring wife with a strong and energetic man.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Karina is a demonstrative person who loves to attract attention and be in the center of events. In addition, she is an incorrigible romantic who creates various male images in her imagination, makes plans, common feature which is absolute unreality. As a child, Karina was fascinated by fairy tales, and she continues to live in this fairy-tale world, which has nothing to do with reality. Her first acquaintances are sweet, delicate, indecisive, romantic boys with not entirely conscious sexual attraction. It must be said that among these women there are others who are the complete opposite of the first. Instead of a gallant and romantic lover, in their imagination there is often a rude man unrestrained in his desires, with whom, if he appeared in reality, they would willingly enter into a relationship and, probably, would be happy.

However, all Karinas, as a rule, avoid strong, confident, one hundred percent men, feeling safer among men who are psychologically weak, in need of care and condescension.

“Winter” Karina establishes strong connections with a man who does not have a too violent temperament. As a rule, she lives happily ever after with him. “Winter” Karina is experienced in sex and strives to take the initiative in the sexual process. She loves to discuss the details of their intimate relationship with her partner, during intimacy she confides him in all her feelings, speaks tender words to her lover, encouraging and exciting him. Physical pleasure in itself, without the flair of romance, does not give Karina complete satisfaction. She is somewhat nervous, reacts sharply to her partner’s sexual behavior, but tries to remain independent. Happens many times in marriage.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Ship Manager”, “Ship Keel” (Latin). In Russia, this name appeared again during the years of exploration of the North, when polar explorers gave it to a girl born during the winter in the Kara Sea. Hence the new meaning: Karina – “Born on the Kara Sea”

Energy of the name and character: Karina is distinguished by her determination and expansiveness. Usually a woman with this name is self-confident, energetic and very proud. One could say that Karina knows her worth, if only her self-esteem in most cases were not inflated. What to do, a sonorous, beautiful and rare name, one might even say a romantic name, attracts attention, deepening self-esteem, and expansiveness makes this self-esteem too active. Speaking in Russian, Karina has many chances to become an overly selfish person.

At the same time, it cannot be said that Karina’s energy does not imply restraint; no, this woman has enough strength to be able to manage her feelings, but her imperious character inclines her to manage not her own, but other people’s feelings. Well, based on this, she is already trying to regulate her state of mind accordingly. However, this does not happen often; in most cases, Karina is in too much of a hurry, preferring to achieve what she wants in such a way that she makes up for the lack of patience with an excess of energy. Undoubtedly, this quality could ensure success if Karina served in the cavalry, but in real life, where little is decided in one day, a slightly different approach is needed.

Besides, no one in history has ever been made happy by the idea that you can achieve happiness by subjugating those around you. Happiness is the essence internal concept, and it is impossible without mutual understanding, and therefore the majority of people in power are unhappy due to their inner loneliness.

Karina’s fate is most favorable when she finds the patience she lacks and directs her energy to working on herself. God be with them, with relationships, if you do your job, relying primarily on your own strengths, then real success can come, and relationships will improve.

Secrets of communication: Karina’s excessive demands on people often overshadows communication with her. However, if you withstand its first onslaught, the second is unlikely to be as decisive. She is often powerless in the face of well-aimed humor, but perhaps only sincere sympathy for her can calm her down, which she desperately needs, although you can’t tell by her appearance.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Karina

Among the many famous women of the past, Karina, the wife of the famous Norwegian navigator Flokko, is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious figures. On the one hand, she is a very real historical person, on the other hand, practically nothing is known about her: neither where she came from nor how she died. It is as if Carina appeared from oblivion only for a short moment in order, as Flocco’s wife, to help her husband discover a previously unknown land.

They said that she was almost a witch - in any case, there were rumors that someone was persistently looking for Karina in order, as was the custom in those days, to put her to the fire. Probably, wanting to save his wife, Flocco took her with him on the voyage, even though the woman on the ship is far from the best sea mascot. The goal of the navigator’s journey was a certain land discovered to the northeast of Scotland.

On Karina's advice, in order not to get lost, the traveler took three ravens with him on his voyage, believing that they could help him find a distant land. However, as soon as the first raven was released, it flew back to the shores of Norway. The second bird did not fly anywhere at all, remaining calmly sitting on the mast. And only the third raven led the sailors to previously unknown shores, which Flokko called Iceland. Two years later, the traveler returned to Norway to report his discovery, but his witch wife was no longer with him. No one knows what happened to Karina, and only legends say that she was the third raven who, having shown Flocco the way to Iceland, flew south to warmer countries.

According to Higir

Since childhood, he has been a very active, stubborn and touchy creature. She often gets sick, and her parents, in order to please their emotional child, indulge her in everything. Although the girl is lazy and likes to sleep longer in the morning, she nevertheless studies well at school, studies music and choreography. Outwardly she looks like her father, but in character she takes after her mother. He knows how to perfectly, almost professionally, “pretend” when he wants to achieve his goal - and almost always achieves his goal. Karina continues this habit even as an adult.

Karina is a “demonstrative” person. Her need to attract attention, to be in the center of events, truly knows no bounds. People around her often mistake this trait of Karina for a desire to be recognized and appreciated, especially since Karina undoubtedly has merit. However, her “demonstrativeness” most likely reveals ordinary incontinence. She is selfish and jealous. She gets married early, out of passionate love, but the first marriage rarely goes well. Many Karinas are simply not adapted to family life, especially the “winter” ones - they are always dissatisfied with everything, it is a rare man who can withstand their endless complaints.

“Summer” Karinas, on the contrary, are benevolent and patient. They treat people with warmth, are sociable, their home is wide open to guests, and these advantages more than outweigh the small disadvantages of such Karins: they have a big sweet tooth and cannot stand washing dishes.

Karina is usually attractive. Loves big money and handsome men. She has excellent intuition, she knows how to penetrate a person’s psychology and find the right tone of communication. Such women can work especially successfully in teaching, in the service sector - where they have to deal with people.

The name Karina is found quite often, among different nations - it can be said to be international.

1. Personality: Determined women

2.Color: green

3. Main features: sexuality - receptivity - sociability - activity

4. Totem plant: cedar

5. Totem animal: swallow

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. From childhood, the family is given an extraordinary pace of life. They are both active and phlegmatic, their main feature is the ability to solve any problem in a few minutes. Very mobile, cannot sit still. Like their totem, the swallow loves the sun and loves to travel.

8. Psyche. They want to know everything and experience everything, they don’t like to be in the shadows. They are prone to emotional striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, you will strike them in the heart.

9. Will. Is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this

10. Excitability. It is often caused artificially, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and believe in them themselves.

11. Reaction speed. They don’t like it when something is done without their knowledge and participation; they need to play an important, or even main role in the comedy called life. Such women like to surround themselves with a cheerful company of friends; failures do not unsettle them.

12. Field of activity. This is not to say that they enjoy learning; they learn as they go. They make reporters, travelers, and their profession should be related to travel.

13. Intuition. They often use their own conclusions rather than intuition.

14. Intelligence. Smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least that’s what they themselves say.

15. Receptivity. These women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

16. Morality. They are firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand the weaknesses of others, but are intolerant of their own mistakes.

17. Health. Gourmets, and hence all their problems. From childhood it is necessary to monitor your diet.

18. Sexuality. They do not deny anything to those they love; they have a loving heart.

19. Activity. These women have enormous opportunities.

20. Sociability. They love to receive guests, love family, and are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but they understand the role of a wife in a somewhat unusual way. Their husbands need a large dose of stoicism.

21. Conclusion. These are charming devils who will angelically persuade you to marry.

Karina is a bright and temperamental woman with whom you can’t help but fall in love. She is always the center of attention and loves to catch admiring glances.

There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the name was given to a girl who was born on a ship in the Kara Sea. She was born on board the steamer Chelyuskin during the winter there. The location of the expedition became the beginning of this name.

According to another version, his family name is based on Carus, which means “dear”. The ancient Slavs called this the mourning goddess, who always accompanied funeral rites. In Latin, this word means ship, and from Greek it is translated as a girl.

Briefly the girl can be called Karinka, Karochka, Kari, Ina, Karisha, Karishka, Karishenka, Karishenka, Karya, Karishok, Karinushka, Kina, Rina, Rinochka, Pishenka. In Orthodoxy there are no saints with this name, and girls are often baptized under the name Ekaterina. Catholics celebrate St. Carina's day on March 24th.

The secret of the name is determined by talismans and amulets. He is patronized by the Moon and Mars, and lucky signs zodiac - Aries and Pisces. This name is often given to girls, regardless of what nationality they are. Good luck awaits Karinok in the summer, and important matters are easily resolved on Thursday. Green, yellow and red colors bring her success.

Plants used as totems are cedar and fir. Cedar is the tree of life, a symbol of incorruptibility, power, strength and longevity. He personifies spiritual beauty and greatness. Fir synthesizes positive energy, gives calm, relieves irritability, negativity, anger, gives vitality and self-confidence.

Among the animals, the swallow and the walrus become mascots. The swallow brings success, happiness, and prosperity in your personal life. It is believed that this is an intermediary between the world of the dead and the living. The walrus symbolizes learning, comprehension of the mysteries of existence, it helps in gaining knowledge, self-improvement and personal development.

Talisman stones – jade and carnelian. Jade is considered a strong amulet, which changes its color when the owner shows stubbornness; if the owner behaves incorrectly, it becomes darker. Jewelry with this stone helps in difficult situations find the right solution, get out of the dead end. Carnelian gives financial well-being and fame, brings good luck in love affairs. It allows you to remain reasonable and not lose your temper in anger.

Meaning of the name

Character traits change depending on what time of year the girl is born. This name for those born in winter bestows pride and independence. She never asks for help, believing that only she can solve her own affairs. Often he will sit on bread and water rather than ask his parents for even a penny. Even if she is married, she tries to provide for herself.

Autumn Karinochka copes well with her feelings, she is often considered insensitive and cold, but the fire of feelings burns inside her, few people know about this. Summer girls are carefree and extravagant; they live for today, without thinking about the future. They dress in an original way; summer Karina always retains her childlike spontaneity and love of life, which invariably attracts people.

The spring girl is extremely unpredictable, often shocking even her parents. Mysterious and amazing, she never fully reveals herself to men, which attracts them even more. This name is perfect for a girl born in spring.


By nature, Karina is choleric, she is impulsive and excitable. She is characterized by such traits as hot temper and pride. They say about her that she is a person with pretensions, but only those who do not really know her. Inside she is very timid and unsure of herself. Karochka does not tolerate loneliness well, does not tolerate boredom and routine.

Karina has a well-developed intuition, which allows her to understand people well, and she will not fail to use this for her own purposes. She is an excellent leader and organizer, although diplomacy is not her trait; she believes that compromises are for weak people. Karochka clearly does not consider herself one of them.

The girl has high self-esteem, and she can hardly tolerate teasing and jokes about herself. If he meets a stronger person and loses next to him, he takes it hard. She is intelligent, demanding of herself, interesting, has a strong will, but does not know how to resist troubles. She can play the role of the offended, and there are attacks of anger.

Despite her mobility, she does not like to work restlessly. Activity often gives way to anger, and Kara becomes aggressive. She strives for success, but she lacks the endurance to achieve it. There is a trace of authority and selfishness in the character.

Positive characteristics also include determination and uncompromisingness; she is not afraid of other people’s opinions and goes straight to her goal. He will never betray his loved ones. Added to the character disadvantages is haste and the inability to follow nuances, and important details in some matters cannot be missed.


Much in Karisha’s fate also depends on upbringing, which means that parents must not forget to instill in their child morality, moral principles and respect for people. Developed intuition helps her go through life, acquire the necessary connections, but on the other hand, she overestimates her strength and believes in her superiority, despising those around her.

This quality, on the one hand, will help Karochka avoid many troubles and dangers, on the other hand, she is too accustomed to trusting reason, which often fails her. Complacency often results in failure. Beauty, natural charm and grace hide the callousness of the soul and lack of compassion.

She treats men outwardly with indifference, but internally she idealizes her partner, which brings them both trouble. As a rule, she is disappointed in men because she puts too much high requirements to them. Karina should pay attention to her health, especially psychological. Mental overload is contraindicated for her.

Owner of the name Karina in general, she has an interesting and eventful life, but she is clearly deprived of luck. But she treats all failures simply, gets up and moves on.


By nature, Karochka is a sexy and passionate woman, she strives to be a leader in all respects. Subconsciously attracts weaker men to herself, who will obey her. She is open with partners, freely voicing her desires and preferences. Emotionality is high, and she expects a similar return from a man. Love and romance are important to her. Without this, relationships are not fun.

He creates a family out of great love, but due to his difficult character, few people endure it. Therefore, most likely, more than one marriage awaits her. She can hardly build harmonious relationships, does not like to compromise, actively remakes a person to suit himself. Calms down and gains wisdom over the years, and marriage at a more mature age will be successful.

A calm and unemotional man will suit her A person who has strong self-confidence will be difficult to manipulate. Karochka is very jealous, and any suspicion of adultery causes a storm of negative emotions. She is not ready to share her husband’s attention with anyone.

Karish leads the house with a firm hand and loves it when many guests come. She will make a good housewife, but these things will never be a priority for her. For marriage, Karina should choose men with the names Oleg, Evgeny, Vladimir, Pavel, Vladislav, Mikhail, Timofey, Alexey, Igor. Relationships with Ilya, Valentin, Anton, Daniil, Arthur, Valery, Nikita, Georgy, Vasily may not work out.


The meaning of the name in terms of career suggests that having found her path, Karinochka will be able to realize herself, get attention and express herself. Possessing hard work, prudence, and pragmatism, women with this name make excellent organizers, strong leaders, and they are able to lead people.

To solve business issues, he is always guided by logic; feelings recede into the background. Climbing career ladder, oddly enough, does not spoil Karochka. On the contrary, she gains confidence in her abilities and opens up, which makes her more generous and tolerant. The work must be prestigious and interesting.

Activities related to calculations, monotonous and routine work will not suit her. Its success should be visible to everyone. An excellent option for Karina is her own business. She will definitely rise thanks to her natural intuition and ability to find an approach to people. Kara feels deceived, so it is very difficult to deceive her.

Questionable events are not for her, but from the help of strong and influential people will never refuse. The main hobby of the owners of this name is traveling, and she will be quite happy with a job that involves frequent business trips. Kara is also attracted to creative professions; she will also be successful in this field. The opportunities ahead are enormous; the main thing is to have time to take advantage of them.

Proud Impulsive Determined

Karina Mishulina, Russian actress

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Karina mean?

The meaning of the name Karina is not a mystery; it has Latin roots and is common in Germany, Scandinavia, Poland, Greece, Russia, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

We are familiar with the Slavic form of the name Karina, which is often shortened to Kara, Rina and other diminutive derivatives.

In some countries, Karina is a form of the name Katerina, Katarina, Ekaterina.

The Greek meaning is “pure”, “innocent”. In Italy and Spain - comes from the word Cara - “beloved”.

In Russia, it is believed that the name comes from the Latin Carina, meaning “keel of a ship.”

Karina was the name of a girl who was born in the middle of the Kara Sea on board the Chelyuskin steamship.

A girl with this rare name- is always a bright personality. She is immediately noticeable in any company - her charisma and unusual appearance attract the eye.

Would you name your child this name?

During the reign of the Roman Empire, the famous and respected genus Carinus flourished. This generic name was transformed over time into Carus - “dear” and came to modern Italy, Spain and Portugal as Cara - “beloved”, “sweetheart”. The Italian form of the name Karina means "beautiful".

“Ruling the ship” - this is what the name Karina means in Latin. The mighty fleet is the main force of the Great Roman Empire. A fleet is a ship that is not afraid of storms and reefs. And the ship is a keel beam that sets its course.

And brave sailors, paying tribute to the faithful frigates, named their daughters after the keel - and that’s how the name Karina appeared.

The Orthodox meaning of the name is also taken from Latin.

Perhaps the secret of origin lies in the Slavic word “Karna”. This is the name of the mourning goddess, who watches over the battlefields, raises the souls of fallen warriors to heaven, and, together with her sister Zhelya, is the patroness of funeral rites.

In the 17th century there is a description of the goddess in ancient Russian pagan rituals already under the name Karina.

The Arabic origin of the name Karina is Karima, which means “generous”, “generous”.

Name forms

Simple: Kara Full: Karina Vintage: KarineAffectionate: Karinka

Karina is a complex and multifaceted personality, full of both positive and negative traits.

Karina's positive sides are determination, patience and energetic character.

These qualities are most clearly manifested in the work sphere. Karina loves and knows how to communicate with people; she can find an approach to everyone. They make excellent managers, educators, doctors and hairdressers.

The most determined bearers of the name will fit perfectly into the trading sphere. They say about such people: “They can sell snow in winter.”

A negative characteristic of the name Karina lies in their developed self-esteem: it is difficult for them to maintain a balance between self-esteem (quite justified, since Karin has a lot of diverse talents) and selfishness.

Karinas born in winter are very demanding, especially towards their spouse, which makes it difficult to get along with them.

But if you find the key to them, there is no more faithful and devoted wife and mother.

“Summer”, on the contrary, are the guardians of the family hearth, infinitely patient, and have a calm character. These are wives whose house is a full cup: the children are always fed, clothed, listened to and surrounded by care, the husband dotes on her, and numerous guests are always drawn to the light.

But Karin’s health often fails. They are tender and fragile, get tired quickly, need long rest and recuperation after difficult working months.

The main secret of the name Karina is her external, ostentatious impenetrability. Yes, these are strong women whose onslaught is extremely difficult to withstand. Karina needs to prove your determination to get close to her, then she will allow you to give warmth and support, since she needs them, like any other woman.

Karina is beautiful. And not just cute or attractive, but truly beautiful, like precious stones.

Such stones need a decent setting. Karin has great self-esteem, which is why they strive for a luxurious life, full of pleasures and beautiful, wealthy men.

She wants to shine always and everywhere, and since she is persistent, she constantly finds herself in the center of everyone's attention.

A passionate and jealous nature, she hurries down the aisle with the first “handsome and rich” person she meets. Such a love story usually does not last long, but Karina gains valuable experience and in the future chooses her husband more carefully.

Motto: “I am the most charming and attractive!” - that's what the name Karina means.

And she does not convince herself, but challenges those who dare to doubt.

Character traits









Girls named Karina usually have a huge heart: tender, loving, vulnerable, and at the same time passionate and seeking reciprocity.

It is difficult to get through to them and gain favor, but if this succeeds, such a person is truly lucky, since few people can love as sincerely and selflessly as Karina.

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl

The name Karina is international and is found all over the world. The most known value- “dear”, “sweetheart”.

Suitable for an Aries girl. Representatives of the sign are bright, impulsive personalities. Karina, under the auspices of Aries, is a fireworks display that is hard to miss.

Karina is a restless, energetic, restless and stubborn child.

Does not recognize compromises, will not make concessions. Pressing and forcing is a waste of time; it is better to present the task as a competition and allow yourself to get ahead. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to sweat to keep up with the restless one.

Girls with this name are a storehouse of talent, you just need to consider them in time. Boring, routine things are not for her .

What will Karina achieve success in?

Karina is a leader. IN kindergarten, school, life, she shines, sparkles, attracts glances and gathers crowds of fans.

The essence of this child is to be a star. And she succeeds.

Organizes any work, guarantees the success of the business, and takes responsibility. Successfully distribute roles between others. Karina does not shy away from working, preferring to be in the thick of things rather than looking from the outside.

People named Karina are restless, but this does not mean that they study poorly. Natural talents and a sharp mind compensate for inattention and restlessness.

Want help with housework? Tell her that only she can entrust such an important, responsible task.

Are kids running around like crazy, knocking over everything in their path? Call Karina, ask to organize a couple of competitions, a performance for adults - and two hours of silence are guaranteed.

What games will Karina like?

If Karina is the only child in the family, get a dog. And not a Yorkshire terrier, but a large and strong one. The girl will be happy to take care of her, walk her and look after her.

Thanks to her strong character, she will be able to subdue and train the animal, become its real owner, and at the same time learn responsibility.

Because of his energy, he prefers noisy games in a large group, sport competitions and walks in nature.

Forms of the name Karina

Short form of the name Karina. Karinka, Kara, Rina, Ina, Ka, Karinya, Rininya, Rinetta, Rinuccia, Karushka, Karisha, Korish. Synonyms for the name Karina. Karino, Karin, Karine, Corinna, Corina.

Short and diminutive options: Karisha, Kara, Karinochka, Rina, Rinochka, Risha, Karinushka.

Name Karina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 卡琳娜 (Kǎ lín nà). Japanese: カリーナ (Karīna). Gujarati: કરીના (Karīnā). Hindi: अलेक्जेंडर (करीना). Ukrainian: Karina. Greek: Καρίνα (Karina). English: Karina (Karina).

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Karen, German Karin, Norwegian Karine, Carina, Karina, Carine; Polish Karina, Karyna, Ukrainian Karina, Finnish Kaarina, Carina, Carin.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport – Karina.

Origin of the name Karina

The name Karina has several versions of origin. According to one version, the name Karina is derived from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Carinus, derived from another cognomen - Carus, derived from the Latin carus, which translates as “dear”, “dear”. This version of origin can be confirmed by the modern meaning of the Italian word “cara”, meaning “beautiful, sweet.”

According to the second version of the origin of “Carina” translated from Latin language means "keel of a ship." The navy in ancient Rome had a vital important. In order for the voyage to be successful, for the ship to remain intact after storms and storms, the strength of the main (keel) beam of the ship was needed. There is a possibility that by naming their daughter Karina, the sailors thus paid tribute to their ship.

The name Karina is possibly a form of the Italian name Cara, meaning "darling", "beautiful", "sweetheart".

In Russian culture, the name Karina could appear from various sources.

According to the first version, the name Karina is a Slavic name. A related name is Karislava. Karina is a Slavic mourning goddess who accompanies funeral rites, hovers over battlefields, and grieves in places of rest for the dead together with Zhelya, her sister. This goddess is mentioned in the “Tale of Igor’s Host”, and is found in the list of various pagan rituals in the 17th century list of the Old Russian “Words of a certain Christ-lover...” From the Old Russian language, “to punish for one’s sister” meant “to mourn.”

According to the second version, the name Karina has. Derived from the Greek name Corinna (Korina), meaning "girl". Related names - Cora, Corin.

According to the next version, the name Karina was given to a girl born on a ship during wintering in the Kara Sea. Karina – “born on the Kara Sea.” In the USSR, this version of the origin had some revolutionary overtones.

According to the Arabic version of its origin, the name Karina comes from meaning “generous” (the female form of the male name Karim). In the Armenian language, the girl’s name will be Karine and the meaning of the name will be “beautiful”, “sweetheart”. It is quite possible that this name appeared among Armenians with the advent of Christianity, and not from the neighborhood with Arab peoples. Among Kazakhs, the names Karina and Karima are used equally, in some cases they are not analogous to each other.

Also Karina is short form appeals to the name Katarina, Karin in Europe (Russian version - Ekaterina), meaning “pure”, “immaculate”. The diminutive Rina is also an independent name.

A rare case, but it was formed from a female name male name- Karin.

The name Karina has different versions of its origin; it appeared in different cultures, but everywhere it was perceived as a native, not borrowed name.

Character of the name Karina

As a child, Karina was very touchy and stubborn. Her parents try to indulge her wishes. The girl studies well at school. She enjoys taking music and choreography classes. She almost always achieves her goals.

She loves to be in the center of events, is selfish, and tries to attract attention to herself by any means. She is demonstrative in her actions.

Karina is very popular with the opposite sex. She looks like her father, but she has the character of her mother. Marries for love, quite early. Not all owners of the name Karina are adapted to family life. “Winter” Karinas are often in a bad mood and make many claims to their husbands. Not every man is able to get along with such a woman. At the same time, “summer” Karinas are sociable, friendly and patient with people, they love to receive guests at home, and they have a lot of advantages.

The secret of the name Karina

Such a woman has a phlegmatic and at the same time decisive character. She is active and loves to be the center of attention. Karina's intelligence is amazing. Such a woman is able to solve a seemingly unsolvable situation.

Karina loves to learn, but in practice. She hates everyday life, tries to constantly be on the move, learn something new. That is why her profession often becomes one that requires numerous business trips.

Karina can become an excellent geophysicist, geologist or journalist.

Karina often understands other people's weaknesses and treats them with reconciliation. She is sexy and sensual, loving, which is why she has many partners. In her family life, Karina devotes herself to her children, but pays little attention to her husband.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color name: black
Radiation: 95%
Planets: Saturn
Stone-mascot: onyx
Plant: caraway
Totemic animal: hoopoe
Basic features character: will, intuition, excitability

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.
Self-realization(character): 93%
Psyche: overly demanding
Health: good health

Numerology of the name Karina

Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive drab, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Karina as a phrase

To Kako
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Karina

K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, the “all or nothing” life credo.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexual meaning of the name Karina

Karina is a demonstrative person who loves to attract attention and be in the center of events. In addition, she is an incorrigible romantic who creates various male images in her imagination, makes plans, the common feature of which is absolute unreality. As a child, Karina was fascinated by fairy tales, and she continues to live in this fairy-tale world, which has nothing to do with reality. Her first acquaintances are sweet, delicate, indecisive, romantic boys with not entirely conscious sexual attraction.

It must be said that among these women there are others who are the complete opposite of the first. Instead of a gallant and romantic lover, in their imagination there is often a rude man unrestrained in his desires, with whom, if he appeared in reality, they would willingly enter into a relationship and, probably, would be happy. However, all Karinas, as a rule, avoid strong, confident, one hundred percent men, feeling safer among men who are psychologically weak, in need of care and condescension.

“Winter” Karina establishes strong connections with a man who does not have a too violent temperament. As a rule, she lives happily ever after with him. “Winter” Karina is experienced in sex and strives to take the initiative in the sexual process. She loves to discuss the details of their intimate relationship with her partner, during intimacy she confides him in all her feelings, speaks tender words to her lover, encouraging and exciting him.

Physical pleasure in itself, without the flair of romance, does not give Karina complete satisfaction. She is somewhat nervous, reacts sharply to her partner’s sexual behavior, but tries to remain independent. Happens many times in marriage.

Characteristics of the name Karina according to P. Rouget

Character: 90%

Radiation: 90%

Vibration: 100,000 vibrations/s

Color: green.

Basic features: sexuality - receptivity - sociability - activity.

Type: Women named Karina set the family an extraordinary pace of life from childhood. They are both active and phlegmatic, their main feature is the ability to solve any problem in a few minutes. Very mobile, cannot sit still. They love the sun and love traveling.

Psyche: they want to know everything and experience everything, they do not like to be in the shadows. They are prone to emotional striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, you will strike them in the heart.

Will: is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this question.

Excitability: often caused artificially, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and believe in them themselves.

Speed reactions: they don’t like it when something is done without their knowledge and participation, they need to play an important, or even the main role in the comedy called life. Such women like to surround themselves with a cheerful company of friends; failures do not unsettle them.

Activity: These women have enormous opportunities.

Intuition: They often use their own conclusions rather than intuition.

Intelligence: smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least that’s what they themselves say.

Susceptibility: These women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

Moral: they are firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand the weaknesses of others, but are intolerant of their own mistakes.

Health: gourmets, and hence all their problems. From childhood it is necessary to monitor your diet.

Sexuality: they do not deny anything to those they love, they have a loving heart.

Field activities: You can’t say that they like to study, they learn as they go. They make reporters, travelers, and their profession should be related to travel.

Sociability: they love to receive guests, they love their family, they are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but they understand the role of the wife in a somewhat unusual way. Their husbands need a large dose of stoicism.

Additionally: these are charming devils who will angelically incline you to marriage.

Meaning of the name Karina for life

Karina is extravagant and demonstrative. Strives to be the center of attention and achieves this by any means. She is impulsive, eccentric, unpredictable. Karina is selfish and jealous, unrestrained, amorous. She often marries early out of passionate love; her first marriage is most often unsuccessful, although Karina takes as her husband a wealthy man with established views on life and family. She remains unadapted to family life for a long time. I don’t like doing housework or messing around in the kitchen. She tries to shift most of the household chores to her husband. In family life, she is often dissatisfied with something, nags her husband, complains, and behaves like a capricious girl. To please her, a man will have to act as a housewife. Karina can also be very trusting and naive. She is good-natured, her eccentric antics do not harm others in any way, and if they can affect anything, then only on her personal life. Men treat Karina with caution, wariness, and do not refuse lungs love relationship, but they don’t want to see her as his wife. Only a strong man can tame her. With age, Karina becomes a good housewife: if she wants to have a family, then life will force her to learn everything. But her reluctance to wash dishes will remain with her forever. The spouse, children, and relatives will have to come to terms with this. Even during parties at her house, guests will wash the dishes themselves. But Karina’s meat dishes and cakes are excellent, and she cooks them with pleasure.

Meaning of the name Karina for sex

Karina is an incorrigible romantic, creates various male images in her imagination, makes plans, the common feature of which is absolute impossibility. As a child, Karina was fascinated by fairy tales, and she continues to live in this fairy-tale world. Her first partners are sweet, delicate, indecisive boys with not yet fully conscious sexual desire. It must be said that among women with this name there are people who are the complete opposite. Instead of a gallant and romantic lover, their imagination pictures an unrestrained, rude male man, with whom, if he appeared in reality, they would willingly enter into a relationship and, probably, would be happy. However, all Karinas, as a rule, avoid strong, confident men, feeling safer among the psychologically weak, in need of care and condescension.

Pros and cons of the name Karina

What are the pros and cons worth noting about the name Karina? Of course, this romantic, beautiful and gentle name can make its owner stand out in any group. What speaks positively about it is the fact that it combines quite harmoniously with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several harmonious abbreviations and diminutive options, such as Kara, Karisha, Karinochka, Karinushka, Rina, Rinochka, Risha. Perhaps, Karina’s complex and completely unpredictable character is the only drawback of this name, however, it lends itself well to correction in the process of education, and it can be changed in the right direction.


Karina’s health is rather precarious: she gets tired quickly, so she needs proper rest, and also has a weak immune system, which is why he constantly catches diseases.

Love and family relationships

In her family life, Karina often strives to become the wife of a financially secure and very handsome man. But getting along with the owner of this name is not easy, so Karina’s first marriage, as a rule, collapses under the pressure of her willfulness. The only thing she takes seriously is children.

Professional area

In a professional environment, Karina is suitable for work related to the service sector and communication with people. She can make a good salesperson, waitress, doctor, kindergarten teacher, manager, journalist, hairdresser, call center operator.

Compatibility of the name Karina and patronymic

Karina Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna is good-natured and trusting. But at the same time she is eccentric and impulsive. This is exactly the kind of Karina who can get married right after school. She is amorous and sees everything in a rosy light. Life is wonderful for her and does not promise anything bad: Karina does not know or does not want to know about troubles, betrayals, envy. She loves everyone around her and craves reciprocity. Faced with reality, he may break down and suffer serious mental trauma. Disappointments take her out of her usual bright state of mind for a long time. Such Karina is too vulnerable, she is offended by both a careless word and simply the indifference of others. She cannot stand arrogance, rudeness, in such cases she is completely lost and does not know how to behave. Karina is visually attractive; charming and mysterious. It is not surprising that many are drawn to her, but not everyone can understand her sophisticated soul. Karina is completely selfless and sincere in relationships, which many people laugh at. But she does not understand their ridicule, since she is absolutely sincerely sure that it cannot be otherwise, that everyone is as open and spontaneous as she is. Such a Karina in her family life immediately needs to get into good hands, and over time there will be no price for the spouse. You can fashion anything out of it. Under favorable circumstances, Karina becomes a wonderful wife, mother, housewife, and learns everything quickly. She is very hospitable, cheerful, and has a sense of humor. Everyone loves to be in her house, she is happy to see everyone. She gives birth to daughters more often.

Karina Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Natanovna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna is ambitious, has willpower and a strong character. A maximalist, she goes all out to achieve her goal. Impulsive and eccentric, she makes life difficult for herself, although she dreams of peace of mind. He does not treat others seriously, does not listen to public opinion and is not afraid of becoming a victim of gossip or gossip. Her mood often changes, usually for no reason. Karina has a hard time getting used to a change in environment; she is wary of new people around her. She is very attached to her family, never forgets about them, remembers all family dates. Karina is not able to experience failures too deeply, she does not know how to be sad. She believes that there are no problems that are worth spoiling nervous system. He controls his emotions and controls himself. IN intimate relationships Karina prefers an assertive, rude man to a gallant and romantic lover. Often this happens only in her dreams, but in reality she would willingly enter into such a relationship and would be happy. In marriage, Karina is a good housewife and attentive mother. Has a son. In an intimate relationship with her husband, she waits for a long time for mutual understanding: she responds to all his demands, waits with great desire for a response, but receives full satisfaction only after a few years married life.

Karina Bogdanovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a contradictory character. Too domineering, wayward, difficult to get along with, difficult to live next to. She puts forward many conditions to her partner and makes increased demands. Only with strong man, who inspires her true respect and admiration, she feels equal. Karina is quick-tempered, but kind, and outbursts of anger quickly pass. This is a kind of release for her, after which she becomes cheerful, laughs at her own incontinence, and immediately asks for forgiveness from those she offended. There is no point in provoking her into a conflict; she is very touchy, has a sharp tongue, and can say a lot of harsh words. Karina is very independent, she needs to feel completely free from time to time; it should not be limited in this regard. Otherwise, Karina will become irritable and rude. In the company of men, she feels comfortable and relaxed. Karina gets married early and quite successfully. Karina rarely gets divorced with such middle names. She values ​​family and values ​​stability. She needs peace of mind, confidence in a reliable and loving spouse, and beloved children. She is quite sensitive, but she marries a man who is moderate in sex. The excessive temperament of her partner frightens and worries her, and in this case she always suspects him of infidelity: Karina is jealous and suspicious. Karina lives happily with her calm husband. She herself is not looking for love adventures, the measured pace of life suits her quite well.Karina more often gives birth to sons.

Karina Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna "Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna - the owner" is very jealous, proud and ambitious. He tries to hide it, but this is not always possible. In his youth he comes up with an ideal man and stubbornly searches for it all his life. Karina with such middle names is sexy, charming, knows her worth and skillfully uses her advantages. She easily conquers men, conquers them, but never holds them by force, which makes her even more attractive. Many men return to her again after separation, while others remain friends. Everyone is happy to see her, everyone tries to help if Karina finds herself in a difficult situation. She most often marries one of these old friends who know all her strengths and weaknesses and know how to appreciate her. Friendship is of great value to Karina, but the friendship is calm, with smooth relationships. She also strives for peace and stability in marriage. Usually Karina marries a man very close to her ideal, and is quite happy family life. Sex in a relationship with her husband plays a big role for Karina. She is sincere in sex and likes to take the initiative. For her, physical pleasure is not complete without romance: flowers, champagne, candles. From time to time, Karina always arranges such evenings. Without sexual satisfaction, she is jealous and capricious. Karina does not immediately have children; she devotes the first few years of her married life exclusively to herself and her husband. Karina gives birth to children of different sexes.

Karina Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Filippovna is emotional, unrestrained, impulsive. In a relationship with a partner, she plays the role of a capricious girl; in order to achieve her goal, she can cry and pout. But in fundamental cases he firmly adheres to his position. The last word always leaves behind himself, but does it very nicely and tactfully. She has increased sexuality, in intimate relationships Karina is unique, she easily holds her husband at her feet all her life. Possessing an artistic gift, she convincingly proves that in the family she is not taken into account; all she does is fulfill the wishes of the household. Moreover, at such moments she looks defenseless and childishly touching. Karina is also overly jealous. Any mistake on the part of the spouse can provoke a family scandal. Quite a long time after marriage, Karina is just learning to be a real housewife; it is difficult for her to cope with household responsibilities. All this comes with age. That’s why at first Karina tries to live with her parents. Karina usually does not get along with her husband’s relatives. Karina often gives birth to daughters.

Karina and pets

Karina usually loves animals. He prefers to have purebred dogs, large and strong, for example, he gets a Mastino, Sherpei, and Bulldog. Winter and autumn Karina is able to raise a dog with a restless disposition and can subjugate it to herself. In summer and spring, it is better to choose dogs that are more flexible, easygoing, and good-natured: setter, St. Bernard.

It is advisable to give nicknames that are suitable for a particular breed: Anda, Brandon, Grif, Jenny, Johnny, Bonnie, Sheriff.

Famous people named Karina

Katarina Monsdotter, Karin Monsdotter, Kaarina Maununtytjar ((1550 - 1612) Queen of Sweden, the only crowned representative of the Finnish people in history)
Karina Lisitsian (Soviet, Russian and Armenian singer, music teacher. People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1987), Honored Artist of Russia (1997), professor.)
Karina Razumovskaya (Russian theater and film actress)
Karine Khodikyan (Armenian statesman and public figure)
Karina Bagdasarova (Russian circus performer, trainer, Honored Artist of Russia (2003). Daughter of trainer Mikhail Bagdasarov.)
Karina Sarkisova (Russian and Austrian ballerina, prima ballerina of the Vienna Opera)
Karina Zampini (Sampini) (Argentine actress, starring mainly in telenovelas)
Karina Smirnoff (famous American dancer of Ukrainian origin. Winner of numerous prizes and titles in ballroom dancing competitions, including five-time US champion.)
Karine Movsisyan (Armenian pop singer)
Karina Aznavuryan (famous Russian fencer, two-time Olympic champion (2000, 2004), world champion (2003) and European champion (2004). Honored Master of Sports (1996).)
Anna Karina ((born 1940) real name - Hanna Karin Blarke Bayer; Danish and French theater and film actress, film director)
Karina Dymont (Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2003))
Kareena Kapoor (Indian actress)
Karina Moritz ((1967 - 2007) Russian actress)
Karina Lombard (American film and television actress, singer, musician)
Karina Koks (former soloist of VIA “Slivki”)
Karin Enke (also known by other names - Kania, Busch, Encke-Richte; famous East German speed skater, leader of women's world speed skating during the 1980s, three-time Olympic champion)
Karin Rabe (Swedish orienteer, winner of the World and European Orienteering Championships. Four times became the world champion in orienteering in the relay race - in 1981, 1983, 1985 and 1989. Twice. in 1978 and 1987, won silver as part of the Swedish relay team At the 1981 and 1987 World Championships she became a medalist, winning bronze and silver medal respectively.)
Karin Schubert ((b. 1944) German film actress. She starred mainly in Italian cinema. At the age of about 30 she switched to erotic projects. In the mid-80s she switched to filming porn films, where she ended her cinematic career.)
Karine Ruby ((1978 - 2009) famous French snowboarder, Olympic champion in 1998 and 6-time world champion. She competed in slalom and boardercross disciplines. The first woman in history to win Olympic gold in snowboarding. Sports nickname - “Mumun.”)
Carine Ruatfel or Roitfeld ((born 1954) editor-in-chief of the French version of Vogue magazine (until 2011))
Karine Saporta ((born 1950) French dancer and choreographer, representative of new French dance)
Karin Daan ((born 1944) Dutch sculptor and artist. Her modernist works are inscribed in the landscapes of cities such as Amsterdam, Tokyo, Utrecht. Daan’s most famous creation is the Homomonument.)
Karin Boye ((1900 - 1941) Swedish writer)
Karin Moroder (famous Italian skier, Olympic medalist. Specialist in sprint racing, prefers a free style of skiing.)
Karine Laurent Philippot (née Karine Philippot, a famous French skier, participant in four Olympic Games, medalist of the World Cup. Specializes in distance racing, stronger in freestyle competitions.)
Karin Essex (American writer)
Karin Shifrin (Israeli opera singer, mezzo-soprano)

Orthodox name day for Karina

Catholic name day for Karina

Karina celebrates her name day on February 2, March 9, March 24, April 29, June 11, August 2, September 15, October 17, November 7, November 25, December 31.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign or . The energetic and impulsive Aries (March 21-April 20) is very reminiscent of Karina, but to her usual character traits he can add some intolerance, a desire to satisfy his needs, and straightforwardness. Leo (July 23-August 23) is a sign that will reveal Karina’s organizational abilities, force her inherent energy to work in one direction, and add purposefulness and self-confidence to her.

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