Home Gums Certification work of a dentist therapist of the highest category - abstract. Requirements for the preparation of a doctor’s certification report Report of an orthopedic dentist for the highest category

Certification work of a dentist therapist of the highest category - abstract. Requirements for the preparation of a doctor’s certification report Report of an orthopedic dentist for the highest category

Dentists receive qualification categories in the same way as doctors of other specialties.

There are second, first and highest categories. In this article you will learn about the new procedure for obtaining qualification categories, according to Order No. 274 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by employees with higher medical education, with higher and secondary pharmaceutical education government agencies health care."

  1. the federal law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation,
  2. orders of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n “On approval of a single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees,
  3. chapter " Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the healthcare sector", dated 07/07/2009 No. 415n "On approval Qualification requirements to specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare"
  4. and dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories for medical and pharmaceutical workers.”
  5. Order No. 274

Requirements for dentists when awarding the category:

Second category At least 3 years of work experience in the certified specialty Good practical and theoretical preparation Work skills: modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients
First category at least seven years Required practical experience and good theoretical and practical training in the field of his specialty, well acquainted with related disciplines modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients, active participation in the scientific and practical activities of the medical institution
Highest category work experience in the specialty for at least ten years high theoretical and practical professional training mastery in perfection modern methods prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patients in the field of their specialty, well-versed in related disciplines, with good performance professional activity who take an active part in the scientific and practical activities of the medical institution and advanced training of specialists with higher medical education.

What documents must a dentist provide to obtain a category?

  1. statement from a specialist addressed to the chairman certification commission, which indicates the qualification category for which he is applying, the presence or absence of a previously assigned qualification category, the date of its assignment, the specialist’s personal signature and date (Appendix No. 2);
  2. a completed printed qualification sheet certified by the HR department (Appendix No. 3);
  3. a report on the professional activities of a specialist, agreed upon with the head of the organization and certified by its seal, and including an analysis of professional activities over the past three years with a personal signature (Appendix No. 4).

Requirements for a specialist report (working for the category of doctor):

You can familiarize yourself with the documentation in more detail by downloading the documentation for .

What should be contained in the work for the category of dentist (in the certification report)

  1. The first chapter contains information about the healthcare institution where the dentist works, dental department, equipment of the dentist’s office and workplace,
  2. The second chapter is a report on the work over the past three years. It analyzes the dynamics of the quality of medical work. Implementation modern technologies, the doctor’s mastery of new treatment methods. Also here are the main indicators of the specialist’s work in the form of tables and graphs, namely qualitative and quantitative indicators (percentage and absolute number of sanitized, number of fillings, UET in direct connection with the number of working days of the year). Do not forget to indicate the number of sanitation per rate, the number of sanitation, the number of fillings per day and the ratio of uncomplicated to complicated caries, % of one-session treatment of complicated caries. Each table and graph should end with a brief conclusion (1-2 sentences). Write what treatment methods you use in your work. Indicators preventative work and medical examination.
  3. The third section includes an analysis of new methods of treatment and prevention.

Dentists' reports on the category are available on the Internet for free access; you can read them on our website. I made a selection of reports and did some initial editing and formatting in Microsoft Office Word. However, all of them leave much to be desired and do not fully meet the requirements. They can only be used as a basis, an example.

I. Brief CV 3

II. a brief description of work dental office 4

III. Analysis of work for 3 years (2004-2006) 14

IV. Introduction into practice of elements of scientific organization of labor, new forms of therapy, testing of new medical equipment 23

V. Work with medical personnel of department 34

VI. Sanitary education work 35

I. Brief CV

I, …. (full name), born on …… (date) in ………. (place of birth), in the family……….. (origin).

…. (information about studies)

…. (job information)

…. (information about advanced training, courses and cycles)

…. (information about academic degrees)

…. (information about professional achievements)

…. (information about publications and printed works).

II. Brief description of the work of the dental office

There are certain standards and requirements for the organization of a dental office, determined, on the one hand, by the equipment used, and on the other, by the volume of work and the use of potentially hazardous materials, which, if used incorrectly, can have an adverse effect on health medical personnel: We are talking about an amalgam that contains mercury.

According to the current situation, a dental office per doctor must occupy an area of ​​at least 14 m2. If several chairs are installed in the office, then its area is calculated based on the additional standard - 7 m2 for each chair. If the additional chair has a universal dental unit, its area increases to 10 m2.

The height of the cabinet should be at least 3 m, and the depth with one-sided natural lighting should not exceed 6 m.

In connection with the use of amalgam for filling teeth Special attention paid to the finishing of the floors, walls and ceiling of the office. The walls of the dental office should be smooth, without cracks. Corners and junctions of walls, floors and ceilings should be rounded, without cornices or decorations. Walls and ceilings are plastered or rubbed with the addition of 5% sulfur powder to the solution to bind sorbed mercury vapor into a durable compound (mercury sulfide) that is not subject to desorption, and then painted with silicate or oil paints. The floor of the office is first covered with thick cardboard, and rolled linoleum is laid on top, which should extend onto the walls to a height of 10 cm. The junction of the linoleum sheets, as well as the places where the pipes exit, must be puttied and covered with nitro paint. These measures are necessary to ensure effective sanitation and cleaning without the possibility of mercury accumulation.

Work published






ABOUT therapeutic work dentist-therapist


For 2001, 2002, 2003

Saint Petersburg

Tel. house: _________

tel. slave: _________

I, __________________________________, born in 19__, graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov, Faculty of Dentistry, specializing in dentistry.

From 19__ to the present I have been working as a dentist in the therapeutic department in dental clinic No.__ _________________ administrative district of St. Petersburg.

In the treatment room there are 6 doctor’s chairs with stationary dental units “Hiradent 654” and “Hiradent 691”. The office is equipped necessary tools and equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases (DSK-2, EOM-3 devices, etc.).

Instruments are sterilized centrally in the sterilization room. The Terminator device is used to process the tips. Burs and instruments are processed and sterilized nurse. For endodontic instruments there is a glassperlene sterilizer. Small tools are stored in the Ultraviol shelf.

There is a UV-KB-“Ya”-FP chamber - bactericidal for storing sterile medical instruments. To work with light-curing composites, I use lamps - dental polymerizer ESTUS-Profi, Cromalux, etc.

My main task is the treatment and prevention of dental diseases among the adult population of the region. I usually accept patients on compulsory medical insurance. Work shift - from 5.5 to 6.5 hours. During a shift, I provide assistance to an average of 11-12 patients, of which 4-5 are primary. During a working day, I fill on average 13 teeth, of which 2-3 are complicated. There are 1-2 sanitizations per day. From time to time I work in the duty room of the clinic. Here I provide emergency dental care to the population.

During the period of work (2001-2003), I examined a total of 7638 patients, 2702 primary patients, 849 were sanitized, which is an average of 33.1% of the number of primary patients. During the reporting period, 8704 teeth were cured, of which 6861 were caries, 1843 were complicated forms. 27280 UET were produced.

I begin the appointment with a medical history, then an external examination and examination of the oral cavity, during which I determine the hygiene index, identify bite pathologies, the condition of the oral mucosa, and palpate submandibular lymph nodes. The result of the examination is making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment plan based on the data obtained.

Most common cause When patients visit a dentist, it is caries. The importance of the problem of caries is also due to the fact that if it is not treated in a timely manner, various odontogenic complications can develop (pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis, etc.). Unfortunately, in last years the number of complicated forms of caries increased. Only now the situation has improved somewhat, which is due to preventive measures and educational activities of doctors. Therefore, an important part of my job is patient education. proper hygiene oral cavity. I explain to patients how to brush their teeth correctly, select suitable toothpastes and rinses, and talk about the benefits chewing gum and dental floss.

When treating dental caries, I take into account the degree of activity of the process, the depth of the lesion (caries in the spot stage, superficial, medium, deep) and Black's classification. Acute caries is characterized by rapid progression. It is also distinguished by a large number of carious cavities of varying depths located in the immune zones. The enamel loses its natural shine, becomes dull, the edges of the cavity are fragile, and the dentin is soft, peeling off in layers. When treating acute caries, it is necessary to identify the causes of the disease and combine local and general treatment.

To treat caries in the spot and superficial stages, I use fluoride varnish (topically). I advise patients to use and independently apply toothpastes rich in fluoride and calcium (“Dental”, “Pearl”, “Colgate”, etc.), use mineral water, rich in fluoride, calcium, sodium, for oral baths. I recommend using Calcium D-3 Nycomed internally according to a regimen depending on the patient’s age, calcium glycerophosphate, and eating foods rich in microelements. In the most severe cases, I refer patients to a physiotherapy office for remineralization therapy. If it is necessary to fill a carious cavity, I try to determine the patient’s level of anxiety. When it is high I use premedication. In the absence of contraindications, this is a course of benzodiazepine drugs: Seduxen, Elenium, etc. about 10 days. When seeing a patient, I choose a method local anesthesia and type of anesthetic.

Depending on the location of the lesion, I perform infiltration or conduction anesthesia. Most often, I use lidocaine as an anesthetic with the addition of adrenaline as a vasoconstrictor, if the patient does not have cardiovascular diseases. In the presence of allergic reaction for lidocaine, I use ultracaine, septanest. Mepivocaine is better suited for children and pregnant women.

Then I carry out mechanical treatment of the cavity, taking into account the selected filling material, in accordance with the classification of cavities according to Black. The treatment consists of the following stages: opening the cavity, forming the internal contours of the cavity, removing carious dentin, treating the walls of the cavity and the edges of the enamel. To prevent pulp irritation, I treat the cavity with a warm solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 1% dimexide solution, 0.05% chlorhexidine solution or distilled water. At deep caries I apply a therapeutic pad made of a material containing calcium hydroxide - Calasept, Calcicur, Dycal, Calradent, Supra-dent, Radent, then an insulating pad - varnish, phosphates, Uniface, glass-ionomer cements. Then I choose the filling material. Many factors are taken into account: aesthetics, degree of shrinkage, chewing load, financial capabilities of the patient. Currently, our clinic has the ability to provide patients with modern materials that meet any requirements. I use silicate cements in my work - Silitsin, Silidont; chemically cured glass ionomer cements - Stomafil, Kemfil; GIC light-curing - Vitremer; chemically cured composite materials - Compodent, Charisma, Degufil, Evicrol, Diamond; light-curing composites - Prismafil, Evicrol-solar, Filtek A-100, Filtekz-250, Herculate, Alert, Charisma, Arabesk, Revolution, Progidy. When working with composites, I sometimes use the “sandwich technique,” ​​which consists of using cements in combination with composite materials to restore a tooth destroyed by caries. The layer-by-layer application of the above materials resembles a sandwich.

Closed “sandwich technique” - GIC or compomer fills the cavity to the enamel-dentin border, and is covered with a composite material on top. The closed sandwich technique is used in cavities of classes 1, II, III, IV, V according to Black.

The open sandwich technique involves the use of a compomer or glass ionomer cement in areas in contact with the gum, without overlapping the area with a composite material. The open “sandwich technique” can be used for filling cavities of classes II, III, V according to Black.

To eliminate cosmetic imperfections, I make veneers and am proficient in cosmetic dental restoration techniques. To prevent caries in patients young I seal fissures using Fissurit, Sealant materials or liquid sealants such as Revolution.

I often encounter complicated forms of caries - these are pulpitis and periodontitis. I treat them simultaneously or in several visits (depending on the diagnosis of the disease). Existing methods of treating pulpitis are divided into conservative and surgical.

At conservative method The entire pulp (coronal and root) remains viable. I use this method for traumatic pulpitis, for chronic fibrous pulpitis (current without exacerbations), and for accidentally exposed pulp horn in young patients. I use additional methods EOM. I apply Calasept, Calcecur to the pulp horn and cover it with a temporary filling for 2-3 days.

I repeat the EOM and if I see a downward trend (compared to the data of the first day), then I remove the temporary filling, carry out medicinal treatment of the cavity, apply a medical pad, an insulating lining and permanent filling.

The pulp extirpation method under anesthesia involves removing the entire pulp without first devitalizing it. This method is used in the treatment of pulpitis in teeth with well-passable canals. If there is any doubt about the possibility complete removal pulp in one visit, using the method of devital extirpation.


MUZ dental clinic No. 2


FOR 2008 – 2010


Kaliningrad – 2011

Report plan

1. General information………………………………………………………………. 3

2. Equipment of the office and organization of work in

dental office…………………………….. 4

3. Work of a dentist in a therapeutic clinic

reception ………………………………………………………5-19

4. Sanitary educational work … …………………19-20

5. Sanitary and epidemiological operating regime

office…………………………………………………………………… ….. 21-22

6. Conclusions ……………………………………………………… 23-28

1. General information

I have been working at dental clinic No. 2 since August 1991. Clinic No. 2 provides therapeutic and preventive dental care to the adult population.

The clinic is located in a two-story adapted building at the address: st. Proletarskaya 114. The clinic has a compressor room for supplying compressed air to dental units, a centralized washing and sterilization room, a physiotherapy and x-ray room, and a reception area. The clinic operates in two shifts from 7.45 to 20.15, Saturday from 9.00 to 15.00.. There are 2 medical departments and one denture. The treatment departments have 6 therapeutic rooms, 1 surgical room, 1 periodontal room, acute pain. Treatment rooms are equipped with modern drills. All turbine units are supplied with compressed air centrally.

2. Office equipment and organization of work in a dental office

The office in which I receive dental patients meets sanitary and hygienic standards. Equipped with a Marus dental unit. There is cold and hot water, the necessary instruments, a set of modern domestic and imported anesthetics and filling materials.

The workload at the reception consists of initial tickets and repeat patients.

I work on the principle of maximizing the number of sanitation procedures on the first visit.

The main tasks at the reception are:

1. Providing qualified assistance to the population.

2. Carrying out sanitary educational work, training in oral hygiene.

3.Prevention of dental diseases.

3. The work of a dentist at a therapeutic appointment.

In recent years, the work of a dentist has undergone significant changes due to the use of:

    Turbine units, which makes it possible to use modern filling materials and makes the preparation of hard tooth tissues painless and quick.

    More effective pain relief (alfacaine, ultracaine, orthocoin, ubestesin).

3. Modern filling materials (light and chemical curing composites).

4. Endodontic filling material: pastes for filling tooth canals with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, restorative properties, gutta-percha pins and endodontic instruments.

I see patients with the following diseases:

1. Carious damage to tooth tissue.

2. Complicated forms of caries.

3. Traumatic damage to teeth.

4. Non-carious lesions of dental tissues.

5. Combined destruction of tooth tissue.

The office has a set of domestic and imported filling materials. Among the domestic ones, I most often use the following materials: uniface, phosphate cement, silydont, silicin, stomafil for fillings.

For deep caries, for therapeutic linings I use drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote the formation of replacement dentin: calmecin, calradent, life, daycal.

In my work I give preference to composite filling materials. Glass ionomer cements stabilize the process due to the fact that fluoride ions are released from them for a long time. I use cements such as stomafil, ketak-molar, and vetremer. These cements are used as cushioning, therapeutic and restoration cements. Their advantages: ease of use, increased adhesion, biocompatibility with dental tissues, high fluoride release, low solubility, strength.

I use chemical and light curing for composite materials.

From chemical available: alphadent, unifil, compokur, charisma, etc.

From light-curing: Herculite, Filtek, Valux, Filtek-suprime, Point, Admira.

They have the following positive properties: color stability, good marginal adhesion, strength, good polishability.

Requirements for composite materials:

1. Good adaptation.

2. Water resistance.

3. Color stability.

4. Simple technique applications.

5. Satisfactory mechanical strength.

6. Adequacy of working time.

7. Required curing depth.

8. R-contrast.

9. Good polishability.

    Biological tolerance.

Standard scheme for using composite materials:

1. Preparation of the carious cavity.

2. Color selection.

3. Applying a gasket.

4. Etching.

5. Neutralization of acid.

6. Drying.

7. Application of adhesive.

8. Restoration of the anatomical shape of the tooth.

9. Tinting the filling.

10. Strict adherence to instructions.

Classification of composites

WITH curing method Purpose

X Chemical Light Class A

  • Powder + curable for cavities of classes I and II.

    Liquid one paste Class B

    Paste paste for cavities III and

The most common disease in dental practice is dental caries.

The most common classification is clinical and anatomical, which takes into account the depth of distribution of the carious process:

    dental caries in the stain stage;

    fissure caries;

    superficial caries;

    average caries;

    deep caries.

Anatomical classification of cavities according to Black, taking into account the surface of the lesion localization:

1 Class- localization of carious cavities in the area of ​​natural fissures of molars and premolars, in the blind fossae of incisors and molars.

2 Class- on the lateral surfaces of molars and premolars.

3 Class- on the lateral surfaces of incisors and canines without violating the integrity of the cutting edge.

4 Class- on the lateral surfaces of incisors and canines with a violation of the integrity of the angle and cutting edge of the crown.

5 Class- in the cervical region.

Basic principles and sequence of local treatment of caries:

    Anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method is determined by the clinical and individual characteristics of the patient. Both domestic and imported anesthetics are available in the workplace.

IN present period We can firmly say that the problem of pain-free dental treatment has been solved. The painkillers used, based on articaine, relieve painful sensations both in the treatment of caries of any location and cavity depth, and all forms of pulpitis. Efficiency approaches 100%. On upper jaw Infiltration anesthesia is mainly used in the area of ​​the root apex. In the lower jaw, the greatest effect is achieved by anesthesia near the condylar process of the lower jaw. Method: with the mouth as open as possible, insert a needle 2 cm above the chewing surface of the lower molars - upward medially in the direction of the ear canal. The duration of anesthesia is 2-4 hours.

2. Opening of the carious cavity: removal of overhanging edges of the enamel, which allows you to expand the entrance hole into the carious cavity.

3. Expansion of the carious cavity . The enamel edges are leveled and the affected fissures are excised.

4. Necroectomy . Removing all affected tissue from the cavity and using a caries detector to identify damaged dentin and leave no traces on healthy areas.

5. Formation of a carious cavity. Creating conditions for reliable fixation of the filling.

The task of operational technology- the formation of a cavity, the bottom of which is perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth (the direction of inclination must be determined), and the walls are parallel to this axis and perpendicular to the bottom. If the inclination to the vestibular side - for the upper chewing teeth and to the oral side - for the lower ones is more than 10-15°, and the wall thickness is insignificant, then the rule for the formation of the bottom changes: it should have an inclination in the opposite direction. This requirement is due to the fact that occlusal forces directed at the filling at an angle and even vertically have a displacement effect and can contribute to chipping of the tooth wall. This requires the creation of an additional cavity in the direction of the bottom to distribute the forces of chewing pressure on thicker and, therefore, more mechanically strong areas of tissue. In these situations, an additional cavity can be created on the opposite (vestibular, oral) wall along the transverse intertubercular groove with a transition to the side of the main cavity. It is necessary to determine the optimal shape of the additional cavity, in which the greatest effect of redistribution of all components of chewing pressure can be achieved with minimal surgical removal of enamel and dentin and the least pronounced pulp reaction.

The ratio of “complicated caries: uncomplicated caries” in dynamics for the reporting period is 1:2.4; 1:2.6; 1:3,4;

There are many patients with deep caries and voluminous restorations - a consequence of the fact that old fillings made of cement and chemical composites are being replaced (with impaired marginal fit, defects, which causes the progression of caries).

Most teeth with complicated caries (946 out of 1018 - 92.9%) are treated in one visit. The exception is exacerbation chronic periodontitis and destructive forms of chronic periodontitis, complicated dental caries with unformed root apex, cases with complex root canal anatomy that require a lot of time.

The share of sanitized patients among those who initially applied for dental care patients increased from 15.4% to 20.3%. The percentage of those treated is low, which corresponds to the characteristics of dental appointments in private clinics, but has increased due to active educational work.

I consider my work during the reporting period to be stable, aimed at quality treatment and providing dental care to the maximum extent.

8. Sanitary and epidemiological regime

One of important points in prevention infectious diseases is strict adherence to the sanitary and epidemiological regime. This is ensured by strict compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents: OST 42-21-2-85 dated 01.01.85 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices”; Order of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR dated July 31, 1978 No. 720 “On improving medical care patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections"; order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 1989 No. 408 "On measures to reduce morbidity viral hepatitis in the country" and others. According to these requirements, daily cleaning is carried out using disinfectants and quartz treatment of cabinets. Used instruments undergo all stages of processing: disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization. As disinfectants one of the available drugs is used: chloramine, hydrogen peroxide, Virkon, Septabic, Beltolen, Bianol, Lizafin in the required concentrations.

Test for the quality of pre-sterilization cleaning - azopyram test. Sterilization of instruments is carried out in dry heat sterilizers at t = 180º C for one hour.

Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel work in protective clothing: disposable masks, rubber gloves, work suit. Every year, issues related to the prevention of hepatitis and HIV infection are discussed at medical conferences. Employees undergo regular medical examinations and receive permission to work.

9. Conclusion, conclusions

In conclusion, we can conclude that the results of treatment and preventive work are improving every year. Currently, the primary task is the constant introduction of modern, most effective methods of diagnosis and treatment into medical and diagnostic practice. This allows you to significantly improve the quality of treatment, reduce repeat visits, and allocate more time for preventive work.


10. List of used literature

1. Bezrukov V.M. Directory of dentistry. - M.: 1999. p. 106, 24, 57, 61, 64.

2. Borovsky E.V. Therapeutic dentistry. - M.: Medicine, 1989. p. 35.

3. Borovsky E.V., Zhokhova N.S. Endodontic treatment. - M.: 1997.

4. Groshikov M.I. Non-carious lesions of hard tooth tissues. - M.: 1985. p. 150, 152, 154.

5. Egorov P.M. Local anesthesia in dentistry. - M.: 1985. p. 10-12.

6. Quintessence. Russian edition.2009

7. Ioffe E. Dental notes.

8. Lectures at advanced training courses for doctors.

9. Lutskaya I.K. Guide to dentistry. - Rostov-on-Don: 2002.

10. "Dentsploy News". Magazine.

11. Ovrutsky G.D., Leontyev V.K. Dental caries.- M.: 1986. p. 317.

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