Home Prosthetics and implantation Dental clinic 2 paid department. Doctors and specialists

Dental clinic 2 paid department. Doctors and specialists

I am grateful to Daniil Alexandrovich Kovalev. Dentist from God. I've been terribly afraid to have my teeth treated since childhood, and the sound of the drilling machine generally makes me faint! Because of this, I deliberately chose a doctor with good reviews, who would be ready to tinker with me, explain everything and calm me down. I was right) The staff are all very nice, the doctor who treated me, Daniil Aleksandrovich Kovalev, explained everything and warned me about his every action. The truth was still quite scary. P.S. They did something so that I didn’t feel the moment of the injection! I recommend!

Today at approximately 16.30 I went to this clinic for the first time with acute pain. After standing in line at the registration desk for a long time, I was asked to come back and fill out an attachment form. Next, the administrator (with a light bob) began to find fault with the form I filled out, said that in some places it was filled out incorrectly, asked if I had received a policy in Moscow (I am a native Muscovite and this is the first time I have been asked such a question), spoke rudely and in a boorish manner, asked which specialist do I want to contact (dear management, if a client comes in with acute pain, is this question appropriate??? Is it generally appropriate in in this case torment the client with questions and be rude?????). Further, when I found myself near the doctor’s office, I discovered that I still had to sit and wait in line for at least an hour.... Dear management, a person comes to you with ACUTE PAIN and asks for help, but he is forced to stand in lines, fill out and refill questionnaires, they are rude....What kind of doctors are these and what kind of attitude is this towards patients??? Of course, I didn’t sit in line for an hour or two, but went to private clinic. But the sediment remains..... I understand that you free clinic, but this does not give you any right to treat patients this way! You are doctors, and we are patients!!! And your administrators work in a POLYCLINIC, and not in a cheap eatery!!!

I had tooth 6 removed. The removal was difficult (inflamed chewing tooth) for me psychologically and physically, but thanks to the work of Olga Viktorovna Abramova, everything went away, not everything was as bad as I thought. In my life there were many dentists who, with their work and attitude, humiliated the work of doctors, and I had a biased impression of the government. medical workers. The visit to Olga Viktorovna became pleasant surprise. She patiently answered my questions and calmed a 34-year-old child in a panic) And she is also beautiful!

Mikheev Dmitry! An excellent doctor! He does everything efficiently and carefully! I recommend! A lot of clients come to him!

You can get to him without any problems, he treats very badly!

I don’t agree. He cured a tooth that everyone had given up. And the fact that he has coupons is happiness, otherwise he would have been left without a tooth. In general, when we write reviews, we should remember what teeth we come with. When our eyes have already popped out of our heads from pain and we want them to grow a new one for us. So take care of your teeth yourself and come to the doctor on time

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. A.I. Dorokhina. (periodontist) for your attention and professionalism! Her painstaking professional work and human support helped me a lot difficult situation with gums! After each visit, you leave with confidence that your problems will be solved! Thank you very much again!

One day the time comes when the help of an orthopedic doctor is needed. In 2013, I had to remove a denture that had only been in place for six months and remove a tooth. On the advice of my dentist, I came to an appointment with orthopedic dentist Anastas Fedorovich Avramidi. I had doubts and was worried because... had the experience described above. I trusted and was not mistaken. Thanks to his high professionalism and knowledge of his business, Anastas Fedorovich installed a new denture for me. From the first day, surprisingly, it was comfortable and did not cause discomfort. Since then there have been no problems with him. In the summer of 2014, I again needed to consult an orthopedist. I called the clinic, but they told me that Avramidi had quit. I started looking for him on the Internet. By the end of November my search was crowned with success. I came to the reception. And now I have a second denture installed by Anastas Fedorovich. It is not easy to find a specialist of such a level as Avramidi. He is worth searching for him all over Moscow. I sincerely recommend. If colleagues come into his office and ask for advice, it’s worth a lot. Thanks to hard work, professionalism, diligence, patience, and talent, you will receive a high-quality service. Be sure that after your first appointment you will have no doubts about the doctor as a specialist. high level. You will appreciate confident hand movements and high-quality preparation of teeth for prosthetics. As I was told, he worked for more than 10 years at the Henry Clark clinic on Paveletskaya, and now works at dental clinic No. 2, st. Udaltsova, house No. 8 on Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station. Thank you, Anastas Fedorovich, for your work. Health to you and your family!

We arrived with acute pain. At the reception desk they told me to take a coupon to any doctor and skip the line. And so they did. Dr. Rylov, who had an appointment, said that he already has 2 patients under anesthesia and he will be able to see them only after them. OK. We wait. We waited for more than an hour, no movement. We go to the registry again, ask them to resolve the situation, to which they ask us, “Is it true with you?” strong pain or just like that?" As a result, they sent the guy to the head of the department (in my opinion, room 9, without any sign who is there and what is there). Dr. Anonymous looked, sent for an x-ray (there is another 40 minutes), then said, "Well, for Not every doctor will undertake such work" and again sent Rylova to the doctor in the order of priority. As a result, we spent 3 hours there. No one helped at all. Probably, this manager can only be visited with money and this is the only way he treats, and without it he is an iPhone 6 won't tear your head off.

I had two teeth done by Natalya Vyacheslavovna Garshina, but she did it poorly and fell out on the third day. light seal, which they give a one-year guarantee and costs 1,800 rubles, I ended up going to a paid private office, where they redid everything that the miracle dentist Garshina had done for me.

People, before going to this clinic, read the reviews and went to someone who had more or less good reviews, I must tell you the quality of the work is terrible, everything that was done in this dental clinic was remade into paid dentistry. They openly impose paid services, light filling 1800, anesthesia 300 in total 2100, but when you pay and at the same time they give you a poor quality, it leaves a strong impression on your soul, I came back twice after each time to redo it or finish it, why not do it right right away? In the end I found a more acceptable one private dentistry where the same services cost 2800 rubles. but everything is fine and I even redid what was done at dental clinic No. 2. Those who are looking for cheaper, you should go there, those who want excellent, are looking for and find at least a paid one, they are interested in doing excellent, they value their reputation, and reputation is everything these days!

Why do these barbarians need such equipment? They can’t even provide paid services properly!

Scroll structural divisions:
Therapeutic dentistry
Surgical Dentistry
Orthopedic dentistry
Dental laboratory
X-ray examination

Therapeutic dentistry

Works under the compulsory medical insurance program (Mandatory Health Insurance) in two shifts with a good material and technical base: The department is equipped with new modern dental units; equipment for high-quality sterilization and autoclaving. All department offices are equipped with ultraviolet cabinets for storing sterile instruments.

The medical work of the department is aimed at the prevention of dental diseases, treatment of caries and its complications. Improve and master modern methods treatment:
Restoration of the crown parts of teeth using parapulpal anchor pins and ready-made anatomical matrices with composite materials and modern glass ionomer cements;
Working with endodontic tips for passing and mechanically treating the root canals of teeth;
Method of anti-inflammatory apical therapy with materials containing calcium hydroxide for the improvement of endodontium and periodontium.
Job modern drugs and filling materials from foreign and domestic companies;
Use of physiotherapeutic treatment methods according to indications, incl. laser

The whole range of therapeutic dental services aimed at maintaining the anatomical shape and functional state tooth, including those with complex pathological changes.

IN therapeutic department A large dispensary work is carried out for patients with multiple caries, IVOV, UVOV

Surgical Dentistry

Part surgical department includes: surgery, periodontics and physiotherapy. The department provides the entire scope of outpatient surgical treatment and specialized care for patients suffering from periodontal diseases and oral mucosa.

The department has a good material and technical base with modern equipment.

Along with tooth extraction, the department performs:
Plastic surgery for shortened frenulum of the upper and lower lips;
Complex operations to remove impacted canines, third molars of the upper and lower jaws;
Opening abscesses of the maxillofacial area;
Sequestrectomy – surgery osteomyelitis;
Dental-preserving operations;
In the periodontal office from operational methods techniques are used aimed at eliminating pathological periodontal pockets: open curettage, flap operations, gingivectomy, gingivotomy using drugs that stimulate osteogenesis.
In surgical and periodontal offices, modern optimizers of reparative osteogenesis are used in their work, according to indications.
Modern anti-inflammatory drugs are used latest generation, reducing pain after surgical interventions and for the prevention of post-extraction complications.

Extensive medical examination work is carried out in the surgical and periodontal offices. For the purpose of diagnostics for subsequent treatment and monitoring of the treatment, patients are sent to an X-ray room, where X-rays of the area of ​​interest are taken, including panoramic and digital ones using a device with a radiovisiograph.


The work of the periodontal office is limited to providing specialized care to patients suffering from periodontal disease and oral mucosa

Orthopedic dentistry

In orthopedic treatment, several treatment options may be offered. In the absence of one or more teeth, patients are offered implantation (MIS, AlphaBio systems), which avoids grinding healthy teeth. For patients with partial dental defects or complete absence teeth, elastic removable dentures can be made, which are characterized by increased aesthetic and functional characteristics. If the patient is not satisfied with the beauty of his smile, find perfect shape and color of teeth can be achieved using various metal-free structures. These are veneers (lumineers) made using e.max, Empress technology, crowns on frames based on zirconium oxide, aluminum oxide. Throughout the treatment, auxiliary diagnostic devices are used: a face bow, a modern 3D tomograph. This allows you to achieve an ideal final result in treatment.

Polyclinics are becoming familiar with orthopedic dentists Newest technologies and promising materials that guarantee patients maximum comfort and ease of use of dentures, in particular - working with a new material for basic dentures based on polyurethane "Dentalur"

Paid services.

The following paid services are provided medical services:
- dental treatment;
- whitening;
- restoration;
- treatment and prevention of acute inflammatory diseases oral mucosa;
- local and general anesthesia;
- tooth extraction:
- operations on the oral mucosa;
- physical therapy;
- prosthetics: cosmetic types of prosthetics. Restoring chewing function.

Paid medical services are provided to everyone:
- Russian citizens who do not have compulsory medical insurance;
- citizens of foreign countries;
- to all those who apply at their personal request

This was my first time visiting this clinic. Before that, she was treated at clinic No. 5, in Krylatskoye. I transferred to this clinic because it is closer to travel here. Even in winter, all my teeth began to hurt, both lower and upper, as well as all facial nerve, and rashes (pimples) appeared along the nerve. I went to see a therapist and she said it was herpes. I was treated for 3 months with Acyclovir. I took painkillers. As a result of treatment, after 3 months it was discovered that my healthy tooth even without caries. I came to this clinic, saw the doctor, and took a picture. Doctor Serebryannaya E.G. immediately said that the tooth could not be removed, as if it could not be saved. I still wanted to save the tooth, so I decided to wait until it was removed. What alarmed me was that she sent everyone who was in front of me in turn to be removed. I walked by and looked at the office where teeth are removed; there was a whole line of people waiting. I felt strange. In Krylatskoye, very rarely are anyone sent to this office. There is no queue there for removal. When I stood at the reception desk, I heard that other doctors also sent a lot of people for removal. In Krylatskoe clinic 5, they still try to treat teeth, and not remove them right away. I left and tried to consult with several more doctors. I wanted to save the tooth, since it was absolutely healthy before and had never hurt before. It so happened that the tooth still hurt, and I had to come to this clinic again to see another doctor. Another doctor also said that it should be removed (well, of course, just medical solidarity). Okay, I'm off to delete it. The doctor, as soon as she entered, immediately asked what kind of anesthesia to do, paid or free. And in Krylatskoye they ask what medications you are allergic to, and only then they tell you what kind of anesthesia is suitable. Do you feel the difference? I said I paid. And what do you think, when doctor Eluashvili I.I. began to pull out my tooth, I told her that I hadn’t “got numb” yet, we had to wait a little longer, but she said that everything was already done, we had to pull it out. I started to touch my gums, I felt everything, and when I started to tear, I first loosened the tooth, and then I started to tear first one part of the tooth, and then I also first loosened the other part of the tooth, I felt everything as if I had never been given an injection. Of course, she screamed and then cried from painful shock. So much for paid anesthesia! The doctor said that it was because it hurt so much that you had pus there. This is the first time I’ve heard this from a doctor, that pus affects anesthesia! But what, for example, if appendicitis is removed, and if there is pus there, should the patient scream on the operating table?! Guard, paid anesthesia does not work! Well, even if there is pus there, you can drain it, remove the pus if it is in the way, but not remove it alive! In conclusion, when I turned to the administrator in the 9th office to find out why such an attitude, because it would be possible to give another injection of free anesthesia (nobody canceled it), i.e. 2 anesthesia, but not remove it live . I was told that I should have listened to the doctor, and not gone and found out whether the tooth could be saved. And I got the impression that the clinic does not provide dental treatment. Everyone is sent for removal. It's easier that way. Why treat for free - when it is easier to remove. And then refer him to a prosthetist, again not a free one. Therefore, the surgeon has a waiting list for removal. That’s why they offer anesthesia for a fee, but for some reason it is of poor quality. Conclusion: the clinic works to remove teeth, so that later they can be sent to a prosthetist. They try not to treat their teeth for free! Just remove it, and then they offer paid anesthesia (at least some money)!

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