Home Pulpitis Rheumatologist at the clinic. Free consultation with a rheumatologist online

Rheumatologist at the clinic. Free consultation with a rheumatologist online

Rheumatology is a branch of medicine dedicated to pathologies connective tissue and joints, bones and muscles. A rheumatologist diagnoses, treats and prevents these diseases. A more familiar definition for such conditions is “rheumatism.” Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can also be treated by other specialized specialists - surgeon, orthopedist, neurologist, but there is a list of diagnoses that only a rheumatologist can treat: gout, arthritis, systemic scleroderma.

When should you go for an appointment?

Inflammatory processes in the joints are a common phenomenon today. On the Internet you can find many ways to get rid of these manifestations. At best, they will provide temporary relief, at worst, the problem will worsen. Make the correct diagnosis and make effective program Only a rheumatologist can treat.

You urgently need advice if:

  • The color of the limbs has changed;
  • Swelling of the joints is noticeable;
  • There is pain and discomfort in the joint area.
  • Waking up in the morning, you feel that the joint is uncontrollable, and after half an hour the situation returns to normal.

Traditionally, treatment is carried out without surgery, using massage, special exercises and injections.

What diseases does a rheumatologist treat?

It deals with more than two hundred diseases, including:

  • Rheumatic heart defects;
  • Joint diseases associated with connective tissue pathology;
  • Systemic diseases which are accompanied by diseases internal organs;
  • Connective tissue diseases.

People who often suffer from infectious diseases and sore throats, with complaints of swelling and changes in the shape of the joints, should not postpone a visit to a rheumatologist, as they are at risk.

Diagnostic methods

Rheumatology uses several reliable methods:

  • Tomography – computer and resonance;
  • X-ray.

In addition, patients undergo extensive urine and blood tests.

Initial appointment with a rheumatologist

The first visit is an examination and conversation.

The doctor is interested in:

  • What symptoms bother you? Lately;
  • What health problems exist in the family;
  • What medications are being taken;
  • Which x-rays were made recently (show).

You need to tell how rheumatism complicates your life and answer a number of questions. Not all of them will relate specifically to arthritis, but if the doctor wants to know the answer, then there is a reason for this.

How is the examination carried out?

The doctor conducts a complete examination of the patient. The rheumatologist will ask you to bend and straighten the joints and compare them. If the examination is painful, you must inform your doctor.

The doctor can give an injection to take material for testing, or send the patient to the laboratory for this.

The results of the study will show the problem, and an echogram, x-ray and MRI will help determine the cause of the pathology.

After diagnosis, it is prescribed drug treatment. If joint pain is severe, a blockade is performed to relieve pain and preserve the patient’s ability to work.

Depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor will give recommendations on diet and prescribe medication. Physiotherapy, reflexology and massage will be prescribed as additional activities. A repeat appointment is carried out after 3 months so that the effectiveness of therapy is clear.

Known factors lead to joint problems:

  • Excess weight;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Physical inactivity;
  • Injuries;
  • Venerable age;
  • Heredity.

Patients with rheumatic diseases should take into account the following nutritional recommendations:

  • Cooked foods in the diet should be limited; they should account for no more than a third of the weight of raw foods;
  • Consumption of meat and fish dishes, chicken meat Animal fats also need correction - they can be eaten no more than twice a week;
  • The amount of clean water you drink should be increased to three liters per day;
  • You should fast one day a week (fasting days).

Troubles can be minimized using simple tips:

  • Be careful and avoid injury;
  • Give the body moderate physical activity;
  • Monitor your weight;
  • Create a balanced diet;
  • You need to try to walk and move a lot.

Cartilage wear cannot be restored, but this process can be blocked.

Make an appointment with a rheumatologist

Signs of rheumatoid diseases should be a reason for immediate contact with a specialist. Take advantage of the services of doctors at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow by making an appointment with a rheumatologist by phone or online.

A rheumatologist is a specialist who deals with diseases of an inflammatory and dystrophic nature. These pathologies affect joints and connective tissues. Greek word rheuma, from which the specialization gets its name, literally means “substance that flows.” This means that it is the joint fluid that causes certain inflammatory diseases joints.

What do rheumatologists do?

A rheumatologist deals with absolutely all inflammatory pathologies of the joints. Doctors in this specialty are involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting:

  • musculoskeletal system,
  • heart,
  • connective tissues (in this case, pathologies are called systemic),
  • joints.

The category of rheumatic pathologies includes more than 100 very diverse diseases that a rheumatologist in Moscow deals with. They manifest themselves in inflammatory lesions:

  • joints,
  • spine,
  • bones,
  • muscles.

The most common diseases encountered by rheumatologists in Moscow are:

  • osteoporosis,
  • osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis,
  • systemic lupus erythematosus,
  • spondyloarthropathy,
  • fibromyalgia,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • gout, etc.

Two thirds of patients become disabled as a result of such diseases. Restriction in movement also leads to loss peace of mind, so rheumatologists in Moscow often have to deal with completely lost people whose work and family life. All this occurs against a background of constant pain during exacerbations of pathologies or chronic course diseases.

What symptoms are referred to rheumatologists?

The main indications for contacting a rheumatologist are frequent sore throats and infectious diseases. It is especially important to see a specialist in Moscow if you have a hereditary history of joint diseases. You should definitely be examined by a rheumatologist if you experience:

  • pain in the joints, neck, lower back;
  • stiffness upon awakening;
  • swelling in the joint area;
  • crunching sound when moving;
  • changes in joint configuration;
  • repeated symptoms;
  • chronic limitation of movement and so on.

In addition to general tests, rheumatologists in Moscow send patients for examination using radiography. Other diagnostic methods are also used, such as:

  • densitometry, etc.

How to become a rheumatologist?

On a functional basis, the Department of Rheumatology of the FPDO is part of the MGMSU NUPC “Diseases of the Joints and Spine”. In addition, they offer training in the departments of rheumatology of such large metropolitan medical institutions as:

  • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova,
  • RUDN University,
  • MMA im. I. M. Sechenova,
  • Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N. N. Priorova,
  • FPPOV First Moscow State Medical University them. Sechenov,
  • Institute GUN TsNIITO im. Priorov and other universities in Moscow.

Famous Moscow specialists

Scientists discovered the first traces of rheumatoid arthritis on the remains of Indian skeletons dating back to 4500 BC. e. The skeletons were discovered in Tennessee (USA), and the first handwritten document that contained a description of symptoms reminiscent of this disease dates back to the year 123. Only in 1800 Augustin-Jacob Landre-Beauvais brought the first clinical description of this pathology.

Russian scientists and doctors took an active part in the development of rheumatology. IN late XIX century, the Russian doctor Bekhterev, together with the French Strumpell and Pierre Marie, described ankylosing spondylitis. In 1908, Tregubov was the first to introduce oxygen into the cavity of a patient’s joint affected by tuberculosis. Doctor Sokolov began using oxygen administration for preventive purposes in the fight against post-traumatic joint contracture. Vessel, Baykulova and many others made a huge contribution to this direction.

Rheumatologist specializes in diagnosis, treatment and prevention the following diseases:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Gout;
  • Spondyloarthritis;
  • Sclerosis;
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • Hereditary diseases of the blood coagulation system;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Vasculitis;
  • Idiopathic juvenile arthritis.

When is a consultation with a rheumatologist necessary?

People who notice the following should consult a rheumatologist: clinical symptoms:

  • Swelling and pain in the joint area;
  • Limitation of joint mobility after waking up, stiffness;
  • Joint deformity;
  • Various pains in the joints;
  • Skin rashes with hemorrhages;
  • Recent sore throat;
  • Pain in the spine, aggravated by stress and exercise;
  • Problems with blood clotting, tendency to bleed;
  • Availability congenital diseases connective tissue.

Lack of qualified timely assistance can lead to damage to the patient’s internal organs, in particular the heart muscle, large blood vessels, lungs, kidneys.

Where can I find a rheumatologist?

The success of treating diseases of connective tissue and joints largely depends on the competence of the doctor. If you need a good rheumatologist in the capital and don’t know where to find him, pay attention to our website.

All doctors on the list have extensive experience, high level qualifications and popularity rating among patients. Choosing the best doctor from the list, pay attention to the reviews category, there you can read detailed stories about the reception this specialist other people.

How to get an appointment with a rheumatologist?

You can get a consultation with a rheumatologist by first contacting the clinic administrator by phone or online. Making an appointment in advance will allow you to choose the most suitable time and date, and will also save you the hassle of tedious waiting in the general queue.

At the appointment, the rheumatologist will conduct an examination, collect an anamnesis of life and illness, and prescribe additional research. Based on the results obtained, you will be prescribed adequate treatment.

Consultation with a rheumatologist is necessary for deformation of ligaments, muscles and tendons, which manifests itself sharp pain, soreness, redness and swelling of the joints, limited mobility of the spine, muscle pain, deformation of the fingers and toes, as well as migrating pain in the joints. Diseases of a rheumatic nature affect not only bone tissue, joints and muscles, but also cause dysfunction of internal organs.

A consultation with a rheumatologist at ON CLINIC will help you undergo a timely diagnosis and begin treatment to restore the joy of free movement, improve your well-being and quality of life in general.

Good afternoon, it all started with the throat. A throat swab showed stage 5 streptococcus viridans and my knee began to bother me. They prescribed the antibiotic cef series and melbek for 5 days. Then bicillin 3 times a week. There was no improvement. On the contrary, the pain spread to the hands, elbows and shoulder. Rheumatic tests react protein 0.28. Antistreptolysin 186. Rev factor 8.39. Urine acid 220. Sugar 5.3. Kidneys hr pyelonephus and sands. The liver did not increase. X-rays of the hands showed arthrosis and arthritis. Another doctor prescribed indomethacin tablets and bicillin 5 and rotadone. I am receiving treatment. Acute period It passed, but now my hands and toes hurt as if they were being pierced with a needle. I don't know what I really have? Rheumatic arthritis or something else? What other tests should I take? Ultrasound of the heart shows no changes. Help me please!

Hello! Unfortunately, it is impossible to deliver accurate diagnosis in absentia. We recommend that you contact a highly qualified rheumatologist for an individual selection of examination and treatment. We invite you to our multidisciplinary medical Center. Reception is conducted by rheumatologists with extensive experience, highest category, Candidates of Medical Sciences. If necessary, diagnostics can be performed with us on the day of your visit. Get detailed information, you can make an appointment with a doctor by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be happy to help you!

Tell me whether it is necessary to do an x-ray of the ileal joints and fingers if they really hurt, plus all the blood screening for the refactor was increased and HLA-B27; and ACCP tests were prescribed. Therefore, it is probably possible to make a diagnosis without x-rays.

Hello. To receive competent advice on your issue, we recommend contacting an orthopedist-traumatologist at our center. So that for everyone medical documents and the examination carried out to objectively assess the state of your health and determine treatment methods. Make an appointment by phone: 8-495-223-22-79.

Good day, are you concerned from Turkmenistan, the city of Ashgabat, my son was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. The child is 3 years old. I don’t really trust our doctors whether it’s possible to get advice from your specialists remotely. We guarantee payment.

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations via the Internet. The consultation must be face-to-face so that the doctor has the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of your condition for an expert opinion. Make an appointment with a rheumatologist at our center and get more full information For your question, please call: 8-495-223-22-79.

I’m 35, all my joints are cracking: my back, shoulders, and recently my knees started cracking. The crunch has been progressing for 1.5 years. Sometimes a weak one appears It's a dull pain. What to do? Where to run? I would like to receive a preliminary online consultation.

Hello! “Crunching” in the joints itself is not a disease. But if, in addition to this, joint pain begins to appear, you should consult a doctor for examination. Often such a crunch accompanies arthritis and arthrosis. We invite you to our multidisciplinary medical center for a consultation with a highly qualified rheumatologist. If necessary, a full examination can be completed with us as soon as possible. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be happy to help you!

I have bursitis of my right shoulder. Do I need an intra-articular injection?

Hello! It is difficult to comment on your case in absentia. This issue should be discussed with an orthopedic traumatologist. Only after an in-person examination, collection of anamnesis and clarification of the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to give recommendations for treatment. You can get such a consultation at On Clinic. Our appointments are conducted by specialists with extensive experience, who also use intra-articular injection methods in practice. You can find out more detailed information and also make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07.00 to 23.00. We will be happy to help you!

Good afternoon. Tell me, please, is it possible to vaccinate a child if one of the parents (father) has ankylosing spondylitis? The child is 2.5 years old and has not had any vaccinations.
Thank you very much for the answer!

Hello. You can contact our multidisciplinary child Center. For more detailed information, as well as to make an appointment, you can call 8-495-223-22-87 from 08.00 to 21.00 daily. Thank you for your request.

Hello, it started in December 2018 sharp pain in the knees after physical activity, after 3 weeks the acute pain disappeared, but swelling and shooting pain remained when squatting, for example, or bending the knee at an acute angle.

In March I went to see a traumatologist, first I wrote arthrolgia, in the X-ray description they wrote gonarthrosis, the traumatologist said that the X-ray was clean, when the traumatologist referred me for procedures in the direction it was written arthrosis-arthritis.

Prescribed: meloxicam 10 injections, combilepen 2 times a week, mydocalm 150 mg tablets. Massage and magnetic laser. The swelling went away on the third day (probably from the magnet), but the pain remained when bending the knee or turning it incorrectly. 2 weeks after the course the swelling returned.

In May, I went to see a rheumatologist, did an ultrasound, the ultrasound showed bursitis, tendonitis and inflammation of the middle meniscus, the rheumatologist said reactive arthritis. Prescribed nimesil 2 rubles. a day for a week, topically and mucosat 30 injections. The second week has passed and I still can’t sit down. The swelling did not go down.

I took a complete blood test, rheumatoid factor, C-reactive protein, ALT, AST, creatinine, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia - everything is clean.

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations via the Internet, especially since it is impossible to make a diagnosis and give recommendations in absentia. The consultation must be face-to-face so that the doctor has the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of your condition for an expert opinion. To make an appointment with an orthopedic traumatologist at our center and get more complete information on your question, please call: 8-495-223-22-79.

Good afternoon, I have Ostug-Schlatter disease. My therapist made an appointment with a rheumatologist for VK. Can you tell me what this is?

Hello. What is VK, please check with the doctor who you are registered with. We recommend that you contact our center for a face-to-face consultation with a rheumatologist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. OnClinic has all the conditions for examination, its own laboratory, and general practitioners. You can make an appointment by phone. 8 495 223 22 22 daily from 08.00 to 23.00. Thank you for contacting.

Male 41 years old. Swelling of the ankle joint of the left leg. I contacted a traumatologist. He did x-rays, biochemistry of blood and urine. All tests except urine biochemistry are normal. Uric acid (UA-A) - 7.40. The traumatologist gave a recommendation to contact a rheumatologist about diet and after the tests improve orthopedic insoles. Could you recommend a diet?

Hello! We do not give recommendations in absentia. A visit to a rheumatologist is necessary not only to be prescribed a diet. The doctor must assess the risk of developing pathological process and, if necessary, assign additional examination. Our clinic employs rheumatologists with extensive experience, highest qualification category, Candidates of Medical Sciences. We have our own laboratories and medical equipment latest generation. Diagnostics can be done on the same day of treatment. You can make an appointment with a rheumatologist by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be happy to help you!

Help!!! I received a test for Skinning connective tissue diseases in a 14-year-old girl. Antinuclear factor 1:640 to normal 1:160, Comment DFS70. What advanced analysis is better to take in vitro, since we live in a small town and only after the holidays on May 13 we will go to Moscow to see doctors. She has some kind of disease, she has chronic fatigue, hair loss, sometimes muscle weakness and joint pain. In the cold and sun, reddish butterfly-type spots appear, We are very worried, What tests do you recommend, She also has diffuse changes in the pancreas, gastritis.

Hello! We recommend that you start with a consultation with a pediatric rheumatologist, who, if necessary, will prescribe an additional examination individually. We invite you to our multidisciplinary children's center On Clinic Baby. Reception is conducted by specialists with extensive experience, the highest qualification category, candidates of medical sciences. We have our own laboratory and modern medical equipment. Diagnostics can be done with us on the day of your visit. Get Additional information, you can make an appointment with a doctor by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be happy to help you!

Good afternoon I turned to a rheumatologist, and in parallel with my complaints, he discovered that I had connective tissue dysplasia, and the doctor was able to determine this without tests, by external examination. Looking at me for the first time, he determined from me:
- joint hypermobility;
- myopia (I don’t wear glasses or contacts);
- scoliosis;
- flat feet;
- nephroptosis;
- varicose veins;
- mitral valve prolapse.

I really have all this, and the doctor said that the reason for all this + crunching in the joints is a lack of collagen in the body, and this in turn is caused by a deficiency of magnesium.

He prescribed me to drink magnesium long time(years!) with breaks (drink for 3 months, break for 1 month).

I took a blood test for magnesium, and while the norm is 0.66 - 1.07, I have 0.79. Those. There is no magnesium deficiency. Does this mean that I don’t have a collagen deficiency? How can I check this?

I don’t understand why magnesium is normal, because the doctor guessed all my diseases without naming too many.

Hello! Regarding your question, you should either talk in detail with your doctor, or contact (in person) another specialist for clarification. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient information on your condition, so we have no right to recommend anything. You only need a face-to-face consultation with a doctor so that the doctor can obtain all the necessary information about your state of health for an expert opinion. We invite you to our center. You can make an appointment with a specialist by phone on any day and time convenient for you: 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00. Sincerely, On Clinic!

Your rheumatologists treat juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Consult a doctor

Hello! Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that affects the joints in children. The treatment is carried out by a rheumatologist. You can find out more information on any question you are interested in by calling directly children's department ON Clinic by phone: 8-495-223-22-87 daily, from 8.00 to 21.00. We will be happy to help you! Sincerely, On Clinic!

Is Morton's disease one of the secondary or related diseases of rheumatology, in the presence of signs of gout and transformation lower limbs feet (curvature of the toes “heaving”)? Unfortunately, I don’t know how to correctly characterize the curvature of the fingers. Thanks for the expected response.

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations. To receive competent advice on your issue, we recommend that you contact a rheumatologist at our center in person. To make an appointment and get more complete information on your question, you can call the operator: 8-495-223-22-79.

Hello. My legs ache and twist, in addition to trochanteric bursitis and tendonitis. Until they were discovered, 3 months passed, I passed a bunch of tests. Rheumatic factor 285, ESR 41, the rest is normal. There is no treatment, the rheumatologist only diagnosed arthrosis as stage 1. At my age (56 years old) this is almost the norm. I’m always tired, tired, I don’t sleep half the night. Please advise in which area to look for the cause. Doctors drive in circles (traumatologist to rheumatologist, neurologist and back)

Hello! There is insufficient clinical data to provide an answer by correspondence. We recommend a face-to-face consultation with an independent specialist. You can contact our multidisciplinary center. Get advice from an experienced specialist. For more detailed information, as well as to make an appointment, you can call 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00 to 23.00 daily. We are waiting for your call!

Hello, I have seropositive RA, I have been taking methotrexate injections for about a year (15 mg per week). In January of this year I did not take injections due to illness, then in March I took 3 injections of 10 mg each. And it turned out that she became pregnant. just in March. Can you talk about possible risks The child has? Thank you in advance.

Hello. Regarding your question, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. Come to our center for routine examinations. OnClinic has all the conditions for pregnancy management, its own laboratory, and general practitioners. You can make an appointment by phone. 8 495 223 22 22 from 08.00 to 23.00 daily. Thank you for your request.

Hello, please help! I gave birth to a baby 1.5 months ago, I am breastfeeding. The knee joint is inflamed and hurts, an x-ray has determined arthrosis. The surgeon prescribed compresses with Chlorhexidine... please advise what can be done with breastfeeding?

Hello! We do not prescribe treatment in absentia. Regarding your question, you should either talk in detail with your doctor, or contact (in person) another specialist for clarification. You can get such a consultation in our clinic. We invite you to our center. You can make an appointment with a specialist by phone on any day and time convenient for you: 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00. Sincerely, On Clinic!

After suffering a cold (flu), for two months now there has been a temperature of 36.8 - 37.2, periodic pain in the muscles of the arms and legs, general weakness and night sweats, weight loss and slight gain cervical lymph nodes, constant dryness and thirst in the mouth. The immunogram revealed the presence of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus (=143), antibodies to herpes type 6. CMV, herpes 6 and Epstein-Barr virus Not found. Thyroid examined - normal. Thyroid hormones are normal. CT scan with contrast of the entire body, except the head, revealed no pathology. Rheumatic tests are normal. . In all general analyzes blood increased thrombocrit. LE cell analysis is negative. Blood culture is sterile. Puncture bone marrow- no atypical cells were found. We went to an ENT specialist, a gynecologist, a hematologist, a rheumatologist, and a neurologist - there was no diagnosis. What to do next?? All the doctors say you have something autoimmune, but it doesn’t go any further...

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations via the Internet, especially since it is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia. The consultation must be face-to-face so that the doctor has the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of your condition for an expert opinion. To make an appointment with an immunologist at our center and get more complete information on your question, please call: 8-495-223-22-79.

Please tell me whether itching and burning “butterflies” can be observed with SLE?
Passed: KBC, C-reactive protein, a-dsDNA, ANA, Antibodies to phospholipids lgG, lgM.
And what else needs to be tested to diagnose SLE?
I would be very grateful for any answer.

Hello! Diagnosis of SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) is quite complex and must be comprehensive. Laboratory tests are only part of it. Only an experienced specialist should interpret test results. We recommend that you contact a rheumatologist for consultation and an accurate diagnosis. You can make an appointment with a rheumatologist at our clinic by calling 8-495-223-22-22. We will be happy to help you!

About 8 months ago the joints in my legs started to hurt. There was swelling of the fingers. All tests were normal, including culture and smear for chlamydia, except for the blood test for chlamydia, they showed the following results:
Chlamydia IgG (CP) 3.60 (normal 0.00 – 0.89)
Chlamydia IgG (titer) 1;10
Venereologists explained it as phantom and the presence of chlamydia was not diagnosed.
The rheumatologist prescribed a course of antibiotic treatment. The situation improved, the swelling subsided, the pain decreased, but the discomfort remained. Joint pain is especially acute in the morning before lunch.
A repeat blood test was taken in which the numbers still exceeded the norm:
Chlamydia IgG (CP) 2.30 (normal 0.00 – 0.89)
Please tell me, is it worth getting the next course of antibiotics, or are there any other solutions? Or perhaps the cause of joint pain is something else?

Hello. Regarding your question, you should contact your doctor for an in-person consultation. Come to our multidisciplinary center for routine examinations and for clarification on taking medications. OnClinic has all the conditions, its own laboratory, and general practitioners. You can make an appointment by phone. 8- 495 -223 -22 -22 from 08.00 to 23.00. Thank you for your request.

Good afternoon. I'm 27 years old, girl. Recently my joints have started cracking more often. But what worries me more is the strange quiet crunching sound (as if a lot of balloons are bursting) of the knee when you bend it. Nothing hurts. I took an x-ray. They wrote that the phenomena of arthrosis are determined in the form of sharpening of the m/condylar eminences. The ultrasound didn't find anything.

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations via the Internet, especially since it is impossible to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment in absentia. For staging preliminary diagnosis and further examination and treatment plan, we recommend that you contact an orthopedist-traumatologist at our center. Make an appointment by phone: 8-495-223-22-79.

Hello, is it possible to consult online with a pediatric rheumatologist?
Boy 14 years old. I played hockey. As a result of complications after a sore throat, he suffered from purulent arthritis.
Interested in the possibility of resuming training.

Hello! You can find out more information on any question you are interested in by calling directly the children's department of the ON Clinic by phone: 8-495-223-22-87 daily, from 8.00 to 21.00. We will be happy to help you! Sincerely, On Clinic!

Tell me, how much does full-scale rheumatoid factor and C-reactive protein cost and in which clinic can it be taken?

Hello! Our center has its own laboratory. We carry out these analyzes.
Rheumatoid factor Ig A 800 rub.
Rheumatoid factor Ig M 800 rub.
Rheumatoid factor Ig G 800 rub.
C - reactive protein (CRP) 700 rub.
We invite you to our center. Our clinic has the latest technical base And modern laboratory, which allows short time conduct comprehensive examination. You can find out more detailed information and also make an appointment at the clinic by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07.00 to 23.00.
Sincerely, On Clinic!

Please tell me if there is any effective treatment from "Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis of the 3rd degree."

Hello. We do not practice correspondence consultations. Treatment is prescribed individually, taking into account clinical indications and the results of clinical and laboratory diagnostics. We recommend that you consult in person with a rheumatologist at our center so that the doctor has the opportunity to obtain an objective assessment of your condition for an expert opinion. Make an appointment by phone: 8-495-223-22-79.

As part of employee health improvement for women under the Women's Health program, all women are prescribed Cefriaxone 1g.-i.m. ​​and Metronidazole 100 ml-i.v. I am registered with a rheumatologist since systemic vasculitis. Can I be given these drugs? Are there any contraindications for my disease?

Dad has osteoarthritis hip joints 2 tbsp.
Severe pain for a week. Cannot sit or stand up.
Painkillers don't help.
What to do?

Hello! It is difficult to prescribe treatment in absentia. Prescription of drugs is carried out by a doctor during a face-to-face consultation, after collecting anamnesis, complaints and examination results. We recommend consulting with a rheumatologist. We invite you to our center. Our clinic welcomes specialists with extensive experience, doctors of the highest category, candidates and doctors of medical sciences. You can find out more detailed information and also make an appointment by calling 8-495-223-22-22 daily from 07.00 to 23.00. We will be happy to provide you with qualified assistance!

Hello. The child has juvenile arthritis. Receives Enbrel and Methodject once a week. Is it necessary to cancel injections during ARVI? intestinal disorder, temperature?

Hello. You can contact our multidisciplinary children's center. For more detailed information, as well as to make an appointment, you can call 8-495-223-22-87 from 08.00 to 21.00 daily. Thank you for your request.

I have arthrosis knee joint 3-4 degrees. Doctors recommend knee replacement. I am 77 years old. I don't want to have surgery. There are other ways to relieve pain and heal joints

Hello! To assess the appropriateness of therapy in each specific case, an in-person consultation and appropriate examination are necessary. We invite you to our center. The doctor will advise you and provide necessary help You can make an appointment with a specialist to determine the method and prospects of treatment by phone on any day and time convenient for you: 8-495-223-22-22 from 08.00 to 23.00 hours. Sincerely, On Clinic!

Hello! Tell me, a child at the age of 2 fell ill with JRA (right knee joint), from 2.5 years old the stage of remission. Now the child is 3, the knee joint is normal, but the ankle is inflamed. We are receiving treatment. Can the child visit kindergarten?

Hello. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that requires the supervision of a rheumatologist for timely treatment. If all medical recommendations are followed, children with JRA can attend nurseries educational institutions. Sincerely, On Clinic!

Good day.
Question for a rheumatologist. Please write your opinion.
There is a suspicion of gout or reactive arthritis.
While on vacation abroad, my temperature rose at night to the point of fever. Then on the 2nd or 3rd day the big toe joint started to hurt. Other joints also ached a little, but in the end they went away, but my leg began to hurt more and more, already on the 3rd day it was difficult to walk, I was limping severely. At this point the joint became red and swollen. I went to the hospital and they took a test for uric acid. The analysis showed 336. The norm is up to 450. They said inflammation, gave me medications and antibiotics, took it for 6 days, the pain decreased a little but did not completely go away. and even seemed to have returned. Returning to Russia, home, I went to the clinic, Terpavet prescribed a repeat test for uric acid and reactive protein. The urine test showed 306, reactive protein - 0. Doctors prescribed physio, did a magnet, laser, ultrasound. At the end I was prescribed Arcoxia and an injection of Diprospan in my finger. Now, 3 days after the injection and along with taking Arcoxia, the pain has almost gone away, so sometimes it can be a little unpleasant when you completely disappear thumb legs.
The question is: is it gout? Or is it just some kind of arthritis? did it become inflamed and go away? I first took a uric acid test and then 2 weeks later. Urine levels are at a good level up to 330. So I sit and suffer.

Hello! Unfortunately, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis in absentia. If practically nothing bothers you now, why are you suffering? To rule out gout, you can have regular blood tests to determine your levels. uric acid. Best regards, On Clinic.


3 months ago I suffered from a severe flu; on about the 2nd day of the flu, pain began in both feet and swelling appeared.

After the flu, the swelling subsided, but there was moderate pain and morning stiffness in the foot and ankle right leg remained.

I haven’t seen a doctor yet, but judging by the symptoms, I suspect it’s rheumatoid arthritis.

At first I used ointments, wiped the painful area with alcohol and then applied Lyoton + Fastum gel, it became a little better but nothing more.

I decided to try mud therapy on my own (sulfide silt mud from Lake Saki), in the form of applications to the lumbar region, for 15 minutes, every other day.

I read that at the beginning of mud therapy there is an exacerbation, my pain really worsened, and I joined and left leg which no longer hurt, and slight swelling appeared in the ankle of the right leg.

The question is: is it worth continuing mud therapy procedures in this case?

It is not yet possible to see a doctor due to lack of medical care. policy. And on private clinic no funds yet.

P.S. I understand that if it’s arthritis, then you can’t start it either. I did not dare to self-prescribe Sulfasalazine for myself; I decided to limit myself to mud therapy for now.

Hello. For a complete diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to collect a detailed anamnesis, including information about genetic predisposition, transferred and accompanying pathologies, the presence of provoking factors, severity and stages of development of symptoms. We ask you to contact us for advice by phone. center 8-495-223-22-22 from 07.00-23.00 daily. Thank you for your request.

Choose one of 374 rheumatologists based on ratings and reviews, make an appointment by phone or online.

Rheumatologist in Moscow: cost of appointment

The price of an appointment with a rheumatologist in Moscow is from 1200 rubles. up to 12277 rub.

Found 195 reviews of the best rheumatologists.

Rheumatologist - who is he?

A rheumatologist is a therapist or pediatrician who has received specialization in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and systemic autoimmune diseases which are called rheumatic. This pathology causes damage to the joints, muscles and bones, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and deformities of the limbs.

What do these doctors treat?

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly causes inflammation in certain organs and tissues. These disorders can affect not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the eyes, heart, blood vessels, skin and nervous system. Most often, rheumatologists treat:

  • Osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis,
  • gout,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • gonarthrosis,
  • chronic back pain,
  • tendinitis,
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

In most cases, patients turn to a rheumatologist for treatment on the recommendation of doctors of other specialties when they suspect that the patient has symptoms characteristic of rheumatic diseases. For example, if a patient complains of constant and constant pain in the muscles and joints that does not go away after a few days, the doctor may suspect symptoms of a rheumatic disease. It is extremely important for patients to see a rheumatologist and get a diagnosis as soon as possible, as such diseases can be treated most effectively in the early stages.

Patients also turn to the doctor to select the most effective medicines for treatment chronic forms diseases.

How is the reception going?

At your appointment, your rheumatologist will take a complete history and perform an examination to look for signs of inflammation throughout your body and musculoskeletal system. The rheumatologist will review the results of all previous tests and studies and prescribe any missing ones, such as lab tests to assess the level of inflammation and the presence of antibodies in the blood. To identify musculoskeletal pathologies, X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan or MRI.

When all the results are received, the doctor will make a diagnosis and develop individual plan treatment. Recommendations may include medications, joint and tendon injections, physical therapy, and referrals to other specialists.

Once a rheumatology diagnosis has been made and an initial treatment plan has been drawn up, the patient should visit a specialist regularly for consultation. During repeated appointments The doctor evaluates the progress and effectiveness of treatment, provides ongoing support and recommendations about what types of medications to try (or which to switch to if the current course is not working), suggests treatment methods to prevent disability or restore function, and other ways to improve quality of life.

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