Home Wisdom teeth What does diffuse changes in the thyroid gland mean? Diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma

What does diffuse changes in the thyroid gland mean? Diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma

Definition of the concept

Diffuse changes become possible due to ongoing negative processes in endocrine cells. The pituitary gland or antibodies increase the volume of the gland to compensate for the lack of iodine obtained from food and water. The hormonal balance is disrupted, and neoplasms appear.

The change in tissue density is a consequence various diseases. The increase occurs due to proliferation connective tissue, increased calcium concentration. Reduction - due to edema, the occurrence of an oncological tumor, inflammation.

During ultrasound examination the affected thyroid tissue looks like a coarse-grained formation, in which areas with low and high echogenicity alternate.

Depending on the pathology, there are several types of diffuse nodular changes thyroid gland:

  • Thyroiditis is an inflammatory disease that has acute, subacute, and chronic forms.
  • Goiter, which is formed as a result of organ enlargement and has such forms as endemic and sporadic (depending on the cause), euthyroid (with normal level hormones), toxic (with an excess of hormones), hypothyroid (with a lack of hormones).

To make such a diagnosis, a comprehensive study is required, after which treatment can be prescribed.

Causes of the disease

The causes of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be divided into two groups: main and accompanying.

The main reasons include:

  • Imbalance of iodine in the body, which is necessary for the synthesis of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the thyroid gland.
  • Autoimmune reactions. They affect the activity of the thyroid organ and cause diseases such as Hashimoto's goiter and toxic goiter.
  • Infections. They occur when bacteria enter the thyroid gland along with blood and lymph.

In addition to these reasons, there are also accompanying ones that can also provoke the disease. These reasons include the following factors:

  • Poor nutrition, when the diet contains an excess of foods that disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland. These are cabbage, beans, corn, peanuts.
  • Radiation.
  • Persistent intoxication associated with the type of activity.
  • Disruption endocrine system.

When treating this disease, the effect will depend on correct definition reasons that caused the changes.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of this disease directly depends on the pathology. Manifestations various forms diffuse changes are determined by the level of hormones.

The main symptoms will be:

  • Heterogeneity of thyroid tissue, different densities in its different parts.
  • Blurred boundaries of the gland body.
  • The growth of an organ, its transformation into a goiter.
  • The presence of dysfunctions performed by the gland.

In addition, concomitant symptoms are added to the main symptoms, which are the result of a malfunction of the thyroid gland. Changes affect the following aspects of the body:

  • Hair and nails become dull and brittle.
  • A person is often exposed to colds.
  • Changes dramatically general state, there is increased fatigue, movements become sluggish, you constantly want to sleep, and your body temperature rises slightly.
  • Efficiency drops sharply.
  • There are bursts of nervousness, and the person may become depressed.
  • Weight loss or gain may occur.
  • Intimate problems are typical.

External symptoms and signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are immediately visible to a specialist. When conducting necessary research the diagnosis is clarified, the cause of the disease is clarified, and then the correct treatment can be prescribed.

Forms of the disease

Thyroid disease has several forms. Changes can be dictated for various reasons, the degree of complication or the mechanism of formation of neoplasms.

Based on this, the following forms are distinguished:

  • diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma or transformation of its structure;
  • According to the degree of manifestation of changes, pronounced deviations from the norm are distinguished from moderate ones;
  • According to the structure of the body, neoplasms are diffuse-nodular and diffuse.

The thyroid parenchyma refers to the working body, consisting of small follicles, between which vessels with blood and lymph pass. Normally, the hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine are produced here. When damaged, follicular cells grow and the hormone balance is disrupted. At an early stage, such a change can be detected by a doctor by palpation, then the growth becomes visible from the outside.

If the structure is disrupted, the density of the gland changes, some follicles are replaced by connective tissue.

If the parenchyma increases evenly and slightly, then this does not lead to hormonal and structural disorders. With pronounced deviations, severe deformation of the structure and parenchyma of the gland is observed.

In addition, strongly pronounced diffuse changes cause not only hormonal imbalance, that is, the endocrine system suffers. The process involves the heart, blood vessels, bones, changes in the reproductive system are observed, and nervous disorders are noted.

If during ultrasound diagnostics along with the increase, atrophied areas are detected, this makes it possible to diagnose diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland, which may indicate oncology. Diffuse focal changes include neoplasms such as adenoma, cyst, lipoma, teratoma, hemangioma. Malignant tumor will last stage diseases.


Diagnosis of thyroid diseases in women and men occurs in stages. To make a diagnosis, it would be correct to go through:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • hardware examination.

First everything in mandatory During medical examination, they are examined by an endocrinologist. During the procedure, he examines external signs glands. If any pathology is detected in the gland tissue, the specialist sends the patient to additional research. Only after this will it be possible to prescribe treatment.

Hardware research includes the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • computed tomography.

They allow you to obtain all the necessary information about the condition of the patient’s thyroid gland. The most common procedure is ultrasound, which clearly shows echo signs of diffuse changes in the tissues of the gland.

Based on the results of the ultrasound, lab tests, which will allow us to determine the nature of the changes.

Treatment of thyroid diseases

Depending on the different forms the disease is prescribed and treatment is prescribed. It should only be done under the supervision of a doctor; self-medication without knowing the reasons that caused the changes and the extent of the disease can be very harmful.

Indications for use various drugs for a specialist there will be a degree of enlargement of the organ and the inability for it to perform its functions. There are three types of treatment:

  • Taking iodine-containing medications and eating foods rich in iodine. This is possible if the functions of the organ are not changed and there are moderate diffuse changes in the thyroid gland.
  • The use in the treatment of thyroid hormones (drugs Levothyroxine, Euthyrox), which compensate for the hypofunction of the endocrine organ.
  • Surgical treatment followed by hormone replacement therapy. It is used in cases where there is a diffuse nodular change in the thyroid organ. Therapy in this case will protect against stable remission and will prevent a relapse form.

In any case, therapy will improve the condition of a patient who has endocrinological problems.

Preventive actions

In order not to know what diffuse changes in the thyroid organ are, and never experience the consequences, you need to organize proper prevention of this disease.

TO preventive measures can be attributed to the following:

  • Eat iodized salt and foods rich in iodine. This applies to people who permanently reside in an endemic area.
  • Include daily anti-stress therapy. This could be doing yoga, doing exercises breathing exercises, conducting relaxation sessions, using sedatives.
  • Support throughout the year immune system multivitamins.
  • Undergo routine medical examination. When living in unfavorable conditions, it is advisable to visit an endocrinologist annually.
  • News healthy image life, exclude bad habits.
  • If any endocrine diseases undergo full treatment.

If diffuse and focal changes in the thyroid gland are nevertheless detected, then the patient in this case should understand that increased attention to health is required and compliance with all doctor’s recommendations. Then such a diagnosis will not help negative influence for life.

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Signs and causes of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland

Women very often become victims of thyroid pathologies. And the reason for this is the instability of hormonal levels, which is inherent precisely female body. Although diseases of the endocrine organ are mostly associated with impaired hormone production, doctors often diagnose diffuse changes in the thyroid gland. What does this diagnosis mean, what signs indicate the presence of pathology, and what danger does it pose?

general description

Doctors talk about diffuse changes in the thyroid gland after receiving the results of an ultrasound examination, which reveals heterogeneity in the structure of the thyroid tissue.

In the process of replacing healthy cells with unhealthy ones, tissue density changes. And when exposed to ultrasonic waves, it begins to reflect them in a different way than a healthy organ. This process is called echogenicity. That is, when performing an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, its echogenicity is measured. It is on the basis of the ultrasound results that the doctor makes such a frightening diagnosis. However, it does not reflect the true state of the endocrine organ.


Thyroid tissue can transform due to various reasons, both internal and external. The main unfavorable factors include the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases affecting the endocrine or immune systems;
  • living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • harmful working conditions;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • obesity.

Forms of pathology

There are several forms of changes in the structure of the thyroid gland.

  • Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland. The internal tissue of the organ, called parenchyma, consists of cells that produce iodine-containing hormones. Parenchyma cells are actively dividing, and their transformation affects the entire organ. That is, the proliferation of pathological cells leads to an enlargement of the thyroid gland. And since the organ is located at the base of a person’s neck, its enlargement can be noticed during visual inspection.
  • Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland are expressed in pathological changes in the structural structure of not the entire thyroid gland, but only its parts. That is, it shows foci whose structure has been changed. In this case, each affected area is separated from healthy tissue capsule;
  • Focal changes in the thyroid gland. This term means the presence of small nodules not exceeding 1 cm in diameter.
  • Diffuse cystic formations are characterized by the presence of cysts in the glandular tissue of the thyroid gland. Their distinctive feature is that inside the capsules, separating them from the healthy tissue of the organ, there is a colloid - a liquid consisting of hormones produced by the endocrine organ.
  • Moderate diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are expressed in an increase in the organ without disturbing the tissue structure. In this state, the organ fully copes with its task, and therefore does not require therapeutic measures.
  • Pronounced diffuse changes are characterized by a significant increase in the organ with a violation of its structure. This condition can occur both with Graves' disease and with autoimmune thyroiditis.

Sonographic signs of pathology

The parenchyma tissue of the thyroid gland, affected by any disease, is rebuilt, which is determined by ultrasound diagnostics.

Normally, the endocrine organ looks like this:

  • the thyroid gland has clear and smooth contours, and its shape and dimensions correspond to certain parameters;
  • the anatomical location of the organ corresponds to the norm;
  • the homogeneity of the structure is noted;
  • in the cervical arteries and lymph nodes no pathologies are detected.

Signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland with unchanged structural structure the fabrics look a little different:

  • the size of the organ is increased, and not the entire thyroid gland may increase, but only part of it;
  • tissue may grow behind the sternum;
  • diffuse changes in structure are not observed.

This condition can develop both due to a lack of iodine and due to its excess, as well as due to the proliferation of thyroid tissue after surgery.

The main echo signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland with structural disturbances are the following indicators:

  • the thyroid gland is enlarged and has diffuse tissue changes;
  • a single node or many merging nodes may be present on the surface of the organ.

Such structural changes are inherent in autoimmune thyroiditis.

With diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland, one or several nodes are found in its thickness, which indicates a nodular or multinodular goiter.

External and internal manifestations of pathology

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland may go unnoticed and be detected only during a routine medical examination. However, there are characteristic features indicating the presence of pathology.

  • Weight gain or loss without changing the quantity or quality of food.
  • Dryness and brittleness of hair and nails.
  • Decline protective functions body, characterized by frequent colds.
  • People who are diagnosed with thyroid changes experience constant chills or fever.
  • lethargy, muscle weakness and excessive fatigue.
  • The main symptoms of the presence of pathology are decreased performance.
  • The presence of diffuse and focal changes in the thyroid gland causes prolonged depression, aggression and increased irritability.
  • Symptoms of the pathology are manifested in impaired concentration, as well as difficulties in remembering and reproducing information.
  • An increase in the density of the gland parenchyma in women and men leads to a decrease in sexual desire.
  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea;

Diagnostic methods

Nodular changes in the thyroid gland can be detected when initial examination see an endocrinologist. If he detects thickening of the organ or palpates nodes, the patient is referred for further examination.

The safest way to visualize the thyroid gland is ultrasound. The echographic method of hardware diagnostics is indicated in the following cases:

  • if the patient has external or internal symptoms pathologies;
  • if during palpation of the thyroid gland lumps are felt;
  • if laboratory test results confirm hormonal imbalance.

The patient can also be sent to an MRI, where the parenchyma of the thyroid gland is clearly visible, which makes it possible to detect any lesions in its tissue.

Treatment options

Treatment methods for diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are selected based on the causes that caused them. First of all, it is determined how enlarged the endocrine organ is and whether there is a violation of its hormonal activity. For example, if the cause of tissue transformation was autoimmune thyroiditis, it does not begin to be treated until the disease develops into hypothyroidism, a disease characterized by a decrease in hormone production. IN in this case treatment will consist of taking a synthetic analogue of thyroxine. In the same way, other diseases of the organ caused by a decrease in its activity are treated.

If the symptoms indicate excessive activity of the thyroid gland, which is confirmed laboratory research, the patient is prescribed drugs that suppress the production of hormones.

Vitamin therapy is another important stage of treatment that bears fruit. Both vitamins and hormonal agents can be taken safely by both women and men. Their use is indicated even during pregnancy.

It should be noted that such manifestations of pathology as large nodes require surgical intervention. In this case, the affected part of the organ is completely removed.


Despite all the advances in the field of medicine, experts have not been able to figure out the nature of thyroid pathologies. Therefore, not a single one is known the right way, helping to prevent their development.

However, some diseases can still be prevented. Such ailments include conditions caused by iodine deficiency. In this case, it is recommended to include foods containing this substance in your diet, and replace regular table salt with iodized salt. In the presence of hereditary factors should Special attention pay attention to working conditions. If a person’s work is associated with the presence of harmful factors, it must be changed.

One of the provoking factors for the development of diseases of the endocrine system is overweight, so you need to try to eliminate the cause that causes it and adjust your diet and diet. If a violation of tissue density is detected in the thyroid gland, it is necessary to regularly visit an endocrinologist and undergo an ultrasound to avoid further development pathology.

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  2. Kazmin, V.D. Diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands / V.D. Kazmin. - M.: Phoenix, 2009. - 256 p.
  3. Petunina, N. A. Diseases of the thyroid gland: monograph. / ON THE. Petunina, L.V. Trukhina. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 222 p.
  4. Pinsky, S.B. Diagnosis of thyroid diseases / S.B. Pinsky, A.P. Kalinin, V.A. Beloborodov. - L.: Medicine, 2005. - 192 p.

If a puncture is taken for a malignant type of neoplasm, it can cause significant complications. In this case, treatment is carried out by excision of the organ.

Prerequisites for development

Diffuse structural changes in the thyroid gland in most cases are formed in the presence of other diseases, for example, goiter.

The gland can become diffusely heterogeneous in the presence of certain endogenous processes in the body:

  • significant, prolonged emotional and psychological stress;
  • endocrine and autoimmune pathologies;
  • incorrect approach to nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • genetic predisposition.

Also a strong factor affecting a person is environment. Due to unfavorable environmental conditions, soil depletion, water pollution, industrial emissions, the functioning of the thyroid gland, which immediately responds to these manifestations, deteriorates.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland. Diagnosis and symptoms

It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis and identify pathology in a timely manner, this is due to the fact that its symptoms are mild or completely absent.

You can identify signs of diffuse changes in thyroid tissue:

  • severe and regular fatigue;
  • decreased attention and concentration;
  • frequent colds;

When the thyroid gland malfunctions, the immune response decreases, which, in turn, leads to:

  • increased human susceptibility to infections (bacterial, viral);
  • soreness and discomfort in the muscles;
  • excessive dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain;
  • hair loss;
  • delamination and brittleness of the nail plate;
  • decreased libido;
  • condition disorders nervous system(apathy, depressive disorders);
  • disruptions in intestinal function.

Depending on the degree of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland, women may experience different symptoms. This may affect the regularity menstrual cycle, the possibility of conceiving and bearing a child.

The symptoms of diffuse pathology of the gland are more pronounced in adolescents (during puberty), after childbirth, and also during menopause.

Methods of detection

If there are primary clinical symptoms You should immediately contact an endocrinologist.

During the examination of the patient, a thyroid examination (palpation) is performed. This makes it possible to identify the presence of nodes in the gland, its structure and size.

Quite informative diagnostic methods are: , blood tests for , .

When neoplasms are detected, a histological examination of the resulting sample is performed.

How to treat diffuse changes in the thyroid gland

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are changes in all thyroid tissues. They can be determined using ultrasound ( ultrasound examination). They are not a disease and arise due to certain biochemical processes.


Doctors identify several reasons why diffuse changes occur in the thyroid gland.

These include:

If a person lives in an endemic environment where there is a lack of iodine, then he may develop some diseases associated with its deficiency.

If a disruption occurs in the functioning of the gland, this changes its structure and tissue. It may increase in size (organ hyperplasia).

Inflammation occurs due to autoimmune disorders. This causes chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAIT). With this disease, the production of lymphocytes and antibodies increases. They damage organ tissue.

If the body does not receive enough iodine from the food it eats, then the organ that produces hormones malfunctions. Failures also occur when there is an excess of iodine. Therefore, it is very important to monitor its amount when eating food.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland also occur in some ailments.

These include:

  • endemic and mixed goiter;
  • toxic diffuse goiter;
  • subacute thyroiditis;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis chronic form.


Under certain factors, signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland appear:

  • goiter, which increases in size;
  • hyperplasia;
  • on ultrasound, the contour of the organ is blurred;
  • heterogeneity and foci appear;
  • malfunction of the organ.

There are two types of malfunctions: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Changes can be recognized by the following symptoms.

  • dry hair;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • anxiety;
  • neurotic state;
  • depression;
  • memory impairment;
  • jumps in body weight that are not associated with food intake;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • problems with sexual functions;
  • Difficulties with bowel movements independent of food intake.

Echo signs are manifested by compactions and nodes in the thyroid tissue, as well as the presence of uneven density. There is a persistent dynamics of growth in the size of the node.

Most often, diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are diagnosed accidentally during an examination by a doctor. He may notice slight hyperplasia of the thyroid gland and send the patient for examination.


Parenchyma changes

Parenchyma performs important functions and consists of different tissues (hematopoietic and epithelial, as well as nerve cells and others). Parenchyma can only work correctly together with the stroma. They form a kind of duet that allows the organ to function correctly.

Parenchyma tissues consist of follicles different sizes. They are surrounded by blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. Main function follicles is the production of hormones, which include iodine molecules.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma occur in the follicles. They are considered structural and functional parts. In this case, the entire parenchymal tissue changes. This causes hyperplasia of the gland and affects both lobes of the organ.

More often this is discovered during examination by a doctor and during an ultrasound. The diagnosis of “diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma” will be made even when the signs are not obvious. At this time nothing bothers a person, but the gland is already having a hard time working. The patient can accelerate the development of the disease through stress, overexertion, both physical and mental, as well as various infections.

When the functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted, a hormonal imbalance occurs. This negatively affects the health and functioning of the body as a whole. Basically, changes in the parenchyma (diffuse) appear due to hormonal imbalance and provoke an enlargement of the organ (can occur in adults, children and adolescents).

Diffuse-focal changes

Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland are expressed in the form of hyperplasia of the organ with the manifestation of foci, with altered structures and tissues. Formations can be detected on ultrasound, but they can be of different types.

These include:

  • cystic;
  • adenoma;
  • teratoma;
  • hemangiomas;
  • paraganglioma;
  • lipoma;
  • oncological tumors (cancerous).

They are not separate diseases and appear when there is an imbalance of certain functions, and can also occur with the following ailments:

  • nodular and mixed goiter;
  • thyroid adenoma;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis in chronic form (khait);
  • oncological diseases of the organ.

The manifestation of diffuse focal changes may indicate that tumors of a malignant or benign form are developing in the body.

They can be seen on ultrasound, which is allowed for children and adolescents. During examination, it is important to differentiate HAIT from diseases.

Treatment for CAIT is carried out and prescribed individually.

Diffuse-nodular changes

Nodular diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be detected by palpation. This is possible due to the fact that the gland is located almost on the surface and can be easily felt, especially with hyperplasia.

Most often, nodes arise due to parenchymal changes with enlarged follicles. Doctors characterize the node as a separate, capsular formation, limited from healthy tissue.

Usually such changes do not make themselves felt for a long time. When they begin to change size, usually increasing, this affects the performance of organs and tissues. Most often, patients complain of a change in voice, a feeling of suffocation and a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the neck. It is also possible that you may experience pain due to structural changes larynx.

It is important to note that often benign education turns into a malignant form.

Doctors call this process malignancy. The reasons for the occurrence of nodal changes have not yet been fully studied, and are currently ongoing. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis must be constantly under the supervision of a doctor.

It can also be a symptom of diseases such as:

  • fibrocystic adenoma;
  • carcinoma.

Education malignant form easy to see on ultrasound. Their structure differs in the heterogeneity and echogenicity of the tissues.

Diffuse cystic changes

This type is cystic formation in the tissues of the thyroid gland during its hyperplasia. They are cavitary and have a limiting capsule that separates them from healthy tissue. Their cavities are filled with colloidal liquid. It contains hormones produced by the gland.

They may not appear for a long time or the symptoms may be blurred. Most often they are discovered at an appointment with an endocrinologist.

Basically, they manifest themselves in the form of an enlargement of the thyroid gland with suppuration or infection. This is accompanied by signs that are characteristic of inflammatory processes in acute form. Appears heat bodies and painful sensations in the area where the cyst is located.

People with such changes need to regularly visit their doctor and undergo examinations.

Diffuse moderate changes

Moderate diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be detected by ultrasound. At the same time, the gland is slightly enlarged. They do not cause much discomfort because their size is small. The organ itself operates as usual without failures.

With this change, there are no foci, the parenchyma has an increased size, but no changes in its tissues.

Usually, doctors do not prescribe treatment for moderate changes. This only occurs when the patient exhibits symptoms or pain.

It is necessary to visit a doctor regularly and monitor the development of changes.

Diffuse pronounced changes

This form of change is manifested by a significant increase in the thyroid gland. Can be determined by ultrasound.

Pronounced changes appear in some diseases of the organ.

These include:

  • thyroiditis of an autoimmune nature or ait;
  • hyperthyroidism, which appears during Graves' disease (Graves' disease).

Sometimes with such a change, cystic and nodular types of formations are observed.

This is mainly due to disruption of the work and functioning of the gland, which negatively affects the hormonal levels of the body. The organ begins to intensively produce hormones or vice versa. A pronounced diffuse change can disrupt the functioning of the cardiac, nervous, reproductive systems, as well as the blood vessels of the body. These malfunctions occur when the thyroid gland does not function properly.

They can occur in children, adolescents and women. It is rare in men.

Changes by type of AIT

Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) usually appears in people aged 39–43 years. Women most often suffer from it, Lately Children and adolescents are susceptible to it. AIT mainly occurs due to hereditary factors, but it can also be triggered by certain pathological changes- excess body weight, bad habits and poor nutrition.

With autoimmune thyroiditis, a person’s immunity and performance are reduced, problems with stool occur, hair and nails become brittle, and sexual activity is impaired.

AIT can be detected by ultrasound, CT and MRI. When confirming the presence of changes and different echogenicity in the tissues, a diagnosis of “autoimmune thyroiditis” is made.


Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland can be diagnosed in the following ways:

  • examination by an endocrinologist;

Ultrasound is most often used, it is the most safe way examinations. It gives the most accurate results.

Indications for an ultrasound examination may be as follows:

  • a person's complaints about his health;
  • external changes of the gland;
  • clearly defined disturbances in the functioning of the organ;
  • unsatisfactory results of blood and urine tests.

Diffuse changes are detected in the presence of echogenic tissue. There may also be a different echostructure of the organ. This is indicated by reduced or increased echogenicity in different parts organ.

Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is good at detecting lesions and diffuse lesions. Also, with their help, the doctor sees the whole picture, which allows him to accurately determine the diagnosis.


The choice of treatment method depends on the strength of the enlargement and the types of changes in the thyroid gland.

If they are caused by iodine deficiency, then doctors recommend consuming foods rich in this substance.

These include:

  • seaweed;
  • buckwheat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • Red caviar;
  • feijoa;
  • apple seeds.

Sometimes iodine-containing drugs are prescribed.

During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the level of iodine in the body and when the norm is reached, you need to stop taking iodine-containing drugs.

If the iodine content is high, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods rich in this substance. The doctor may prescribe special means, to reduce its content.

Treatment is carried out in courses with constant supervision by a doctor; it is also necessary to periodically check the levels of hormones in the blood. This is done using special analyzes in laboratory conditions.

Some forms of goiter require treatment surgically. IN postoperative period appointment is scheduled hormonal drugs, which provide stable remission and prevent recurrence.

This treatment is prescribed on an individual basis based on symptoms and concomitant diseases, as well as their strengths.

Self-treatment can lead to deterioration and serious consequences.


You can avoid the occurrence of diffuse changes, autoimmune and chronic autoimmune thyroiditis by following simple rules.

These include:

  • control of iodine intake;
  • maximum reduction of stressful situations;
  • taking vitamins;
  • regular visit doctor;
  • timely treatment of all diseases.

These simple rules will help you avoid unpleasant consequences associated with structural changes in the thyroid gland.


With diffuse changes in the thyroid gland, the prognosis is favorable, in the case of timely treatment. This means that you need to closely monitor your health and the health of your child.

Poor environment and ignoring the rules healthy life often cause disconnection in the work of the endocrine system. People's metabolism and overall health are disrupted. Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland can appear due to inflammation of the organ, however, other factors can also become the basis.

Diffuse nodular changes

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland in women and men are determined using diagnostic studies. When diffuse nodular changes in the thyroid gland occur, the consistency of the organ tissue is modified, which in a certain way affects the dispersion of ultrasound. In case of formation pathological process When performing an ultrasound, the doctor records the presence of an echostructure of diffuse changes in glandular tissue, which represent a whole class of diseases.

In addition to signs of diffuse structural changes detected on ultrasound, the doctor needs the results of other studies. The attending physician will tell you what tests to take and what procedures you need to undergo.

Additional studies make it possible to find out the type of modification of the structure of the thyroid gland. Only after verification of the diagnosis can therapy be prescribed.

Diffuse changes are different:

  • diffuse toxic goiter, diffuse nodular (also known as endemic) goiter of the thyroid gland, adenomatous goiter and mixed pathological process;
  • subacute thyroiditis, chronic autoimmune process and other pathologies of this type.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostics are performed in this order:

  1. Contact an endocrinologist. If, during the examination, the doctor discovers echographic signs that alarm him, additional studies are required aimed at assessing the state of the endocrine system. Based on the results of clarifying examinations, the doctor prescribes treatment.
  2. MRI, CT, ultrasound. The techniques allow you to obtain extensive information about thyroid pathology. In many cases, it is enough to undergo only an ultrasound examination. Then diffuse changes are detected in the form of modification of the echogenicity of the parenchyma.

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient needs to undergo some tests in the laboratory. These are clarifying tests necessary to determine the nature of the pathological process.

What information can be obtained using ultrasound?

It is a harmless, painless and information-bearing procedure performed using a special sensor. Then the screen displays thyroid and its possible diffuse changes, focusing on existing knowledge and norms, the doctor determines changes in the thyroid gland in a particular patient. Diagnostics based on the use of ultrasound do not harm health, unlike radiation.

Ultrasound allows you to evaluate the following signs of diffuse changes in the thyroid gland:

  • volume of lobes, isthmus of the organ;
  • parenchyma density, homogeneity of structure;
  • blood flow speed;
  • the presence of nodes of a certain structure.

The standard value for assessing thyroid volume is about 25 cm3 for male patients and 18 cm3 for women. Moreover, normally the structure of the tissue that makes up the organ is homogeneous, fine-grained, focal formations are missing.

A targeted study and procedure performed for the purpose of prevention quite often result in the identification of disturbances in the structure of the glandular organ. In regions endemic (deficient in iodine content) for goiter, which cover almost the entire territory of Russia, a third of the population is faced with formations in the form of nodular growths. But even more often there are moderately expressed non-focal structures.

Reasons for the development of pathologies

Medicine has established the essence of the definition of “diffuse changes in the thyroid gland,” but has not identified the factors whose role in the development of the disease is key. It is known for sure that negative changes are promoted by:

Symptoms of diffuse changes

A physician may suspect a diffuse change in the thyroid gland if the following symptoms occur:

Treatment of pathological conditions

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland do not constitute a diagnosis. At the diagnostic stage, this is only the conclusion of an ultrasound examination. To understand how to proceed further, you need to return to the endocrinologist with the obtained ultrasound results. Usually the doctor prescribes the following tests:

  • determination of thyroid hormone levels;
  • titer of antibodies to thyroid hormones;
  • test for TSH levels in the blood.

If in the end the doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, that is, determined reduced organ function, or thyrotoxicosis, which means increased function, medication is required. To correct the lack of hormones, synthetic substances are selected that are analogues of thyroxine, in some cases triiodothyronine. If there is an excess of hormones in the body, thyreostatics are taken.

If fixed high titer antibodies, this is a sign of an autoimmune inflammatory process occurring in the thyroid tissue. Usually the form of the pathology is chronic.

In case of development of autoimmune thyroiditis in the absence of functional disorders Regular visits to the doctor are required. Some women have to undergo treatment for this condition when planning a pregnancy.

In the absence of antibodies, the cause heterogeneous structure The thyroid gland is usually iodine deficient. In the early stages of development, it is possible to effectively get rid of the problem with the help of drugs. First, the patient takes medications containing potassium iodide, and later – hormonal drugs.

It is possible to perform an operation. Since with autoimmune thyroiditis and endemic goiter, the parenchyma of the thyroid gland can significantly increase, putting pressure on surrounding tissues, the doctor may prescribe surgical intervention.

Typically, the diagnosis of diffuse thyroid gland is made by ultrasound. This means that the tissue of the entire gland has changed evenly. This often occurs as a result of various diseases.

What are diffuse changes

Diffuse anomalies represent a violation of the structure of organ tissue throughout its entire volume. Evenly enlarged tissues may also contain brushes, nodules and other formations. Diffuse tissue changes without foci or formations are often observed. This condition is expressed in:

  • increasing the volume of the organ as a whole;
  • change in density other than healthy;
  • tissue heterogeneity.

Pathology reflects negative processes occurring in endocrine cells. The organ enlarges under the influence thyroid-stimulating hormone or antibodies, however, hyperplasia can also be of a protective nature. For example, in most cases, an increase in the volume of the glandular organ compensates for the lack of iodine in the body. But a constant excess number of thyrocytes (cells that synthesize T3 and T4) causes hormonal imbalance. In addition, against the background of hyperplasia, focal neoplasms subsequently develop.

This tissue condition cannot be called a disease - it is just an ultrasound conclusion. Violation of thyroid tissue density is associated with various diseases and conditions, but is not a disease in itself. The increase, expressed in hyperechogenicity, occurs with the proliferation of connective tissue fibers, calcium deposition and a decrease in the amount of colloid. Hypoechogenicity or decreased density, edema, malignancy.

The diffuse heterogeneity of the gland is expressed in its coarse-grained structure. Ultrasound shows alternating areas of increased and decreased echogenicity. This picture appears with current autoimmune inflammation.

If diffuse changes are detected on ultrasound, then further examination of the organ is required. When diagnosing the disease that caused them, observation, drug or surgical treatment is carried out.

Causes of diffuse changes

The causes of the pathology are the following factors:

  • lack of iodine in the body, typical for people living in iodine-deficient areas;
  • changes in thyroid hormonal balance;
  • autoimmune inflammatory processes that occur in a number of diseases: for example, in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • unbalanced diet: changes in the volume of the gland are caused by an infatuation with goitrogenic foods, which contain special substances that interfere with the production of hormones (cabbage, beans, corn, soy products, peanuts);
  • release of radiation in the region.

Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland also appear in the following diseases:

  • endemic, mixed, ;
  • subacute thyroiditis;
  • HAIT.

When to get examined

In most cases, the pathology is asymptomatic and is discovered by chance during palpation of the neck during a routine medical examination. But even in this case, the patient usually cannot list any symptoms. Symptoms of trouble appear for the first time only under additional stress: stress, physical overexertion, inflammatory disease, hypothermia. With further examination of the hormonal status, the amount of hormones T3 and T4 may be normal or may be changed.

When the concentration of thyroid hormones changes, pathologies occur in any system of the body. The nervous system is capable of reacting with both excitability and fatigue. Often the condition of the skin changes, and symptoms characteristic of heart disease appear. However, any symptomatic therapy will not bring a pronounced effect.

More often, this pathology manifests itself in women, since they are more susceptible to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menopause and other conditions. Also, women are more strongly affected by the psycho-emotional factor. If pregnancy occurs, the woman should continue the prescribed treatment.

In children, diseases of the glandular organ may have more dangerous consequences. This is due to the fact that pathologies of hormonal balance at this age can lead to problems mental development and growth: malfunctions in the thyroid gland can negatively affect the processes of the brain, in particular its hypothalamic-pituitary department.

Forms of diffuse changes

There are several forms of diffuse changes in the gland:

  1. Parenchyma (organ tissue consisting of follicles): the entire parenchyma of the gland is transformed over its entire area, which is visually expressed in an increase in the volume of the organ in all directions. On initial stage nothing bothers the patient yet, but any overload can provoke the development of a pathological process and disruption of hormone production.
  2. Structural anomalies are transformations associated with deviations from the normal tissue structure. On early stages Symptoms may be absent, although a specialist may detect some abnormalities during palpation. Further examination may reveal normal hormonal status. However, if autoimmune disorders are present, an increase in antibody levels is detected. Further progression of the disease causes disruptions in all systems of the body - nervous, cardiovascular, reproductive systems, even metabolic processes are disrupted.
  3. Diffuse focal changes in the thyroid gland - in uniformly enlarged tissue, the appearance of foci is observed in which the structure of the gland tissue is changed. The lesions may be surrounded by glandular tissue with an unchanged structure. Cysts, adenomas, hemangiomas, lipomas, cancer formations, etc. can be hidden under the guise of foci. Such anomalies are formed in goiter, adenoma and thyroid cancer.
  4. Diffuse nodular pathologies are often detected by palpation. Ultrasound usually confirms the presence of nodes in the enlarged organ. If the formation is larger than 1cm, then a biopsy is recommended. A large number of nodes can trigger the process of cancerous degeneration.
  5. Cystic is the phenomenon of formation of cysts in an enlarged gland. Patients with this diagnosis are recommended to undergo constant monitoring by an endocrinologist.

With a moderate enlargement of the thyroid gland without nodes and foci of compaction, as well as without structural disorders and dysfunctions of the organ, special treatment is not required. However, observation and regular visits to an endocrinologist are indicated at least once a year.

If the anomalies are pronounced, it is necessary to determine the reasons that caused them and drug treatment. The most often pronounced changes occur in Graves' disease and CAIT. Typically they cause functional disorders organ, and also, as a consequence, disruption of the production of hormones and other systems.

Possible consequences

The most likely consequences of diffuse tissue changes include the following:

  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract due to a lack of enzymes;
  • weight gain;
  • insomnia;
  • sensitivity to cold.

Often provokes the manifestation of abnormalities of HAIT, in which disorders of the cardiovascular system are noted:

  • increased heart rate;
  • hypertension;
  • fever;
  • change of consciousness.

The manifestation of structural changes in the thyroid gland can be dangerous and lead to various consequences that are almost impossible to predict with accuracy.


Diagnostics is carried out using different methods:

  1. Examination by an endocrinologist - the doctor conducts a survey to clarify the patient’s complaints and palpates the organ, on the basis of which he gives a referral for further examination.
  2. Ultrasound examination is the most common method for detecting organ abnormalities due to its accessibility and safety. The conclusion about the presence of diffuse changes is made precisely on the basis of this examination.
  3. Laboratory blood tests for hormones can determine the cause of the pathology.

The following parameters can be identified that are examined by ultrasound:

  • The echo structure in the normal state should be homogeneous. If there are pathologies, it becomes coarse-grained. Some areas may reflect ultrasound differently;
  • increased echogenicity: characteristic of areas with a compacted structure (nodules and calcifications), decreased echogenicity occurs in autoimmune and inflammatory processes;
  • normal sizes for women are 18 ml, and for men - 25 ml: if the size of the glandular organ is exceeded, this indicates the growth of the gland;
  • the contours in healthy people are clear, in patients they are blurred.

CT or CT studies are used to detect focal or nodular lesions. With their help, you can evaluate the density and structure of tissues.


Diffuse changes in the thyroid gland are only the conclusion of an ultrasound examination, which in itself does not require treatment. Based on such a conclusion, a specialist may send for further examination - ask for tests for:

  • thyroid hormones;
  • TSH—pituitary thyrotropin;
  • antibody titer.

If hypothyroidism or thyrotoxicosis is detected based on the results of the examination, drug treatment is prescribed. The lack of hormones is compensated by their synthetic substitutes. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of Eutyrox and Levothyroxine or may prescribe a combination medicines- for example, Thyreotom.

Excessive function is suppressed with thyreostatics - iamazole and propylthiouracil are prescribed. For some diseases, treatment is prescribed radioactive iodine, which destroys part of the gland tissue from the inside, causing hormone-producing functions to decrease. During the course of therapy, it is necessary to periodically check the level of the hormone, which is done using laboratory tests.

Autoimmune inflammation is indicated by a high titer of antibodies. This is usually a chronic process. HAIT requires observation by an endocrinologist. This disease can only be treated in the presence of hypothyroidism. Usually in this case the patient is prescribed levothyroxine. Special treatment may be prescribed for women planning pregnancy.

In the absence of antibodies, the abnormalities are associated with iodine deficiency. In the early stages, the endocrinologist may prescribe medications with potassium iodide, and in the later stages, hormone therapy.

With nodular goiter, when they begin to grow rapidly to large sizes, held surgical intervention, since formations can lead to compression of neighboring organs and disruption of their proper functioning. After surgical treatment Hormone therapy is carried out to ensure stable remission and prevent relapses.

Self-medication is under no circumstances allowed. The endocrinologist selects an individual course of therapy for each patient, which is not applicable to other patients. Doctor takes into account individual characteristics a specific patient, unique to his body and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

How to prevent development

Most thyroid pathologies are of an insufficiently studied nature. Therefore, measures for their 100% prevention have not been developed. General algorithm preventive measures should be as follows:

  1. Replacing salt with iodized salt and introducing more iodine-containing foods into the diet.
  2. Prevention of stress, since the psycho-emotional factor plays a large role in the development of pathologies. Anti-stress therapy, which includes relaxation, auto-training, yoga, and breathing practices, will also be effective.
  3. Constantly strengthening the immune system, including the use of vitamin complexes.
  4. Normalization of body mass index.
  5. Regular examinations by an endocrinologist and ultrasound of the thyroid gland after 35 years once a year.

If the patient is on time, then the prognosis for recovery is favorable. The reason for a visit to the doctor may be the appearance of anxiety, a feeling of constant restlessness, fatigue, constant tiredness, etc. It is better to play it safe and take some action at the very beginning of the suspected illness than to wait until the process develops to such an extent that it worsens the patient’s quality of life .

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