Home Prevention The impact of noise on humans is a health factor. Negative effects of noise Harmful noise

The impact of noise on humans is a health factor. Negative effects of noise Harmful noise

How to protect yourself from extraneous noise?

Noise pollution has become an environmental problem in large cities.
Excessive noise pollution in the city is destructive for humans.
Acoustic irritation accumulates and sometimes causes irreversible consequences:

Neurological diseases;
- dizziness;
- stunning;
- absent-mindedness.

Unpleasant? Still would!

Myths about plastic windows

Myth 1. Plastic windows block the opening and “don’t breathe”

Modern designs are equipped with high-quality fittings and rubber seals around the perimeter of the sash and frame, which prevents drafts from entering the room. For a user who is not accustomed to such tightness, at first it seems that the apartment has become stuffy. Compared to old wooden frames, which “breathed” thanks to cracks and dried wood, plastic windows really do not allow air to pass through. To avoid stuffiness and ensure access to fresh air, it is necessary to ventilate the room at least 2 times a day for 15 minutes. New wooden windows also do not “breathe” naturally. The surface of the frame is treated with special impregnations and varnishes, through the pores of which wind does not pass. Wood products require daily ventilation for a comfortable indoor microclimate.

Myth 2. Plastic windows are not environmentally friendly

There is a widespread belief that plastic structures are hazardous to health. Most often, the buyer reacts to the mention of lead in the PVC profile. For rigidity, strength, increased service life, beautiful appearance, and reliable protection against moisture absorption, various stabilizers are added to the plastic. These additives may be lead based or calcium and zinc compounds. Only the material does not contain lead itself, but its compound, which has absolutely no effect on human health. The same table salt is sodium chloride. If we said that salt consists of chlorine, would we eat it? But the compound is strikingly different from the chemical element itself. The same goes for profile additions. The safety of plastic has long been studied and proven. We use this material every day for things such as a toothbrush, glasses, and dishes. Baby bottles are made of plastic and even in medicine you cannot do without it; the same vessels for donor blood are made of PVC.

Shchelmanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

The project examines what noise and noise pollution are, how noise affects human health, presents the results of a survey of teachers and school students on the impact of noise on their health, and presents the results of practical work to determine hearing acuity in students in grades 9 and 11.



MUNICIPAL BUDGET EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Secondary school No. 19 with in-depth study of individual subjects."

Ecology project

“The impact of noise on human health”

Completed by a student of grade 11 “A”

Shchelmanova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Project Manager:

Teacher of chemistry and ecology Khripunova T.V.

Zavolzhye 2012

  1. Introduction………………………………………….3
  2. Relevance of the work……………………………5
  3. Purpose of work……………………………………………………………5
  4. Sound characteristics…………………………….5
  5. Noise……………………………………………………………..6
  6. The influence of sounds on the human psyche…..8
  7. Practical part:

Practical No. 1…………………………………9

Practical No. 2……………………………...12

  1. Conclusion………………………………………………………..13
  2. Appendix……………………………………………………….14

10. Literature…………………………………….15


In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works.

The quiet rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to a person. They calm him down and relieve stress. But the natural sounds of Nature’s voices are becoming increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noises

Long-term noise adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound.

It leads to disruption of the heart and liver, and to exhaustion and overstrain of nerve cells. Weakened cells of the nervous system cannot clearly coordinate the work of various body systems. This is where disruptions in their activities arise.
The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (dB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels. A sound of 130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” The roar of the bells tormented and slowly killed the condemned man.

The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It’s not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances.


Noise acts on the body as a stress factor, causes changes in the sound analyzer, and also, due to the close connection of the auditory system with numerous nerve centers at very different levels, profound changes occur in the central nervous system.

The most dangerous is prolonged exposure to noise, which can lead to the development of noise disease - a general disease of the body with primary damage to the organ of hearing, the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Noise levels in residential apartments depend on:

Location of the house in relation to urban noise sources

Internal layout of premises for various purposes

Sound insulation of building envelopes

Equipping the house with engineering, technological and sanitary equipment.

Sources of noise in the human environment can be divided into two large groups - internal and external.

External sources: subway, heavy trucks, railway trains, trams

Internal: elevators, pumps, machines, transformers, centrifuges

Sources of noise



Effect on the body




Quiet conversation

30-40 dB

Sleep gets worse



50-60 dB

Decreased attention, deteriorating vision

Recess at school


Changes in skin blood flow, stimulation of the body



In production

Reactive plane

86 dB

91 dB


102 dB

Hearing loss, fatigue, headache, heart disease


130-150 dB

Pain, death

Relevance of the work

Wherever we are, no matter what we do, we are accompanied everywhere by a variety of sounds. Our every movement causes a sound - rustling, rustling, creaking, knocking. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. The sounds of nature are always pleasant to him, they calm him down and relieve stress. But in everyday life we ​​are more likely to encounter noise from household appliances, industrial noise, and traffic noise. And we notice that our body is getting more and more tired. What is the reason for this? Do the sounds around us really have such a strong influence on the state, then how does it manifest itself?

Goal of the work

  1. Find out what noise is, what impact sounds can have on a person, what noise pollution is and what its sources are, how noise disease manifests itself.
  2. Find out from the literature about the impact of noise on humans and the environment
  3. Determine the level of hearing of students when performing practical work, methods of combating noise pollution.

Study plan:

  1. Sound Characteristics
  2. Noise and its effects on human health
  3. Research work with students and teachers
  4. Conclusion
  5. Memo: What needs to be done to make the house quieter

Sound Characteristics

Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound.

For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences.


For a long time, the influence of noise on the human body was not specifically studied, although already in ancient times they knew about its harm and, for example, in ancient cities rules were introduced to limit noise.

Currently, scientists in many countries around the world are conducting various studies to determine the effect of noise on human health. Their research showed that noise causes significant harm to human health, but absolute silence also frightens and depresses him. Thus, employees of one design bureau, which had excellent sound insulation, within a week began to complain about the impossibility of working in conditions of oppressive silence. They were nervous and lost their ability to work. And, conversely, scientists have found that sounds of a certain strength stimulate the thinking process, especially the counting process.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions.

Some people lose their hearing even after short exposure to relatively reduced intensity noise.

Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headaches, and increased fatigue.

Very noisy modern music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases.

Noise has accumulative effects, that is, acoustic irritation, accumulating in the body, increasingly depresses the nervous system.

Therefore, before hearing loss from exposure to noise, a functional disorder of the central nervous system occurs. Noise has a particularly harmful effect on the neuropsychic activity of the body.

The process of neuropsychiatric diseases is higher among people working in noisy conditions than among people working in normal sound conditions.

Noises cause functional disorders of the cardiovascular system; have a harmful effect on the visual and vestibular analyzers, reduce reflex activity, which often causes accidents and injuries.

Research has shown that inaudible sounds can also have harmful effects on human health. Thus, infrasounds have a special impact on the mental sphere of a person: all types of intellectual activity are affected, mood deteriorates, sometimes there is a feeling of confusion, anxiety, fright, fear, and at high intensity - a feeling of weakness, as after a strong nervous shock.

For example, a famous American physicist suggested that the director of the play use very low, rumbling sounds, which, the scientist believed, would create an atmosphere of something unusual and frightening in the auditorium. To produce an alarming sound, the physicist designed a special pipe that is attached to the organ. And the very first rehearsal scared everyone. The trumpet did not make audible sounds, but when the organist pressed a key, an inexplicable thing happened in the theater: the window panes rattled, the crystal pendants of the candelabra rang. Worse, everyone who was present at that moment in the hall and on stage felt causeless fear! And the culprit was infrasounds, inaudible to the human ear!

Even weak infrasounds can have a significant impact on a person, especially if they are prolonged. According to scientists, it is infrasounds, silently penetrating through the thickest walls, that cause many nervous diseases in residents of large cities.

Ultrasounds, which occupy a prominent place in the range of industrial noise, are also dangerous. The mechanisms of their action on living organisms are extremely diverse. The cells of the nervous system are especially susceptible to their negative effects.

Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disorders in the human body are practically defenseless against noise.

Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system.

The influence of sounds on the human psyche

Cat purring promotes normalization:

Of cardio-vascular system

Blood pressure

Classical music (Mozart) promotes:

General calm

Increased milk secretion (by 20%) in a nursing mother

Rhythmic sounds, due to their direct effect on the brain, contribute to:

Release of stress hormones

Memory impairment

The ringing of bells kills quickly:

Typhoid bacteria


Practical work No. 1

A sociological survey conducted among students and teachers of school No. 19 about the impact of noise on health:

Teachers Students

Conclusion: According to teachers and students, noise affects human health

2.Where do you think there is increased noise pollution on the school grounds?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: The main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room

3. Do you consider noise to be the cause of absent-mindedness and distraction of students in the lesson?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: Most teachers and students believe that noise affects concentration in class

4. What personally prevents you from concentrating in class?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: According to the majority, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson

5.How do you feel about noise pollution? How does noise affect you?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: For most respondents, noise causes headaches and fatigue

6. Where is there a lot of noise pollution?

Teachers Students

Conclusion: The majority of respondents believe that the greatest noise pollution is in school

Thus, according to students and teachers, noise can be a source of illness, fatigue, and can interfere with the normal rhythm of life, and the school is the object of increased noise levels.

Practical work No. 2

"Determination of hearing acuity"

Purpose: to determine the hearing acuity of students.

Equipment: ruler, clock.

Hearing acuity is the minimum volume that can be perceived by the subject's ear.

9th grade students



Average distance

1 student

2 student


3 student

Conclusion: all students have good hearing

11th grade students

1 distance

2 distance

Average distance

1 student

2 student


3 student

Conclusion: 11th grade students also have good hearing.

Conclusion: school students have good hearing, but 9th grade students have slightly better hearing.


Sounds negatively affect human health, especially in the modern world, when there is a lot of noise around. Based on a survey of students and teachers, it was found that: noise affects human health, the main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room, noise affects concentration in the lesson, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson, noise causes headaches and fatigue, and what is the greatest noise pollution at school.

The opinions of teachers and students are similar to the table given before the practical work. During the work on the project, it was also possible to determine the hearing level of students in grades 9 and 11, which showed that so far there are no special problems with hearing, but that may arise later, since in grade 11 the level of hearing is already lower.

All this is due to the fact that teenagers very often listen to loud music on headphones and the fact that a lot of technology has appeared that negatively affects people’s health (mobile phones, cars)



What you need to do to make the house where you live quieter:

  1. External walls must be soundproofed
  2. Double glazing significantly reduces noise
  3. Plant trees between the house and the road
  4. Replace thin doors with more solid ones
  5. Install thick, well-padded carpeting
  6. Choose the quietest model of household appliances
  7. If household appliances make a lot of noise, call a specialist
  8. Use soft shoes at home


  1. http://tmn.fio.ru/works/40x/311/p02.htm The influence of noise on human health.
  2. http://schools.keldysh.ru/labmro/web2002/proekt1/zaklych.htm - health factors
  3. Kriksunov E.A. Ecology 9th grade. M. Bustard 2007
  4. Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia 9-11 grades.
  5. Kuznetsov V.N. Ecology M. Bustard 2002

Slide captions:

Ecology project “The impact of noise on human health”
Completed by: student of class 11 “A” Shchelmanova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Project leader: teacher of chemistry and ecology Khripunova T.V.
Zavolzhye 2012
Rationale for choosing a topic
Wherever we are, no matter what we do, we are accompanied everywhere by a variety of sounds. Our every movement causes a sound - rustling, rustling, creaking, knocking. Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. The sounds of nature are always pleasant to him, they calm him down and relieve stress. But in everyday life we ​​are more likely to encounter noise from household appliances, industrial noise, and traffic noise. And we notice that our body is getting more and more tired. What is the reason for this? Do the sounds around us really have such a strong influence on the state, then how does it manifest itself?
Goal of the work
Find out what noise is, what impact sounds can have on a person, what noise pollution is and what its sources are, how noise disease manifests itself. Learn from the literature about the impact of noise on humans and the environment. Determine the level of hearing of students when performing practical work, methods of combating noise pollution. The health of the nation should come first in any country. Therefore, much attention is paid to studying the influence of various factors on human health. Knowing the problem is the first step in solving it
Study plan:
Characteristics of soundNoise and its effects on human healthThe influence of sounds on the human psycheResearch work with students and teachersConclusion Memo: What needs to be done to make the house quieter
Sound Characteristics
Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound. For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences.
Noise and its impact on human health
Noise is an unpleasant or unwanted sound or a set of sounds that interfere with the perception of useful signals, break silence, have a harmful or irritating effect on the human body, reducing its performance. Noise is a general biological irritant and, under certain conditions, can affect all organs and systems of the entire organism, causing a variety of physiological changes.
Sources of noise
Noise levels in residential apartments depend on: the location of the house in relation to urban noise sources; the internal layout of premises for various purposes; the sound insulation of the building envelope; the equipment of the house with engineering, technological and sanitary equipment. Sources of noise in the human environment can be divided into two large groups - internal and external
Impact of noise levels on human health
External sources are vehicles that create large dynamic loads during operation, which cause the spread of vibration in the ground and building structures. These vibrations are often also the cause of noise in buildings. - subway - heavy trucks - railway trains - trams Internal sources - engineering and sanitary equipment, which may be located in adjacent rooms of your apartment or office - elevators - pumps - machines - transformers - centrifuges
Noise units
The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels (dB). This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 dB is harmless, it is a natural background. Loud sound -80 dB. 130 dB – painful sensations, 150 – the sound becomes unbearable
The influence of sounds on the human psyche
A cat's purring helps normalize: Cardiovascular system Blood pressure Classical music (Mozart) promotes: General calm Increased milk production (by 20%) in a nursing mother Rhythmic sounds, due to a direct effect on the brain, contribute to: Release of stress hormones Memory deterioration Bell ringing quickly kills: Typhoid bacteria Viruses
Purpose of the area, buildings, territories, premises
Permissible sound level, dB
7-23 h
23-7 hours
Resort and health-improving (zones)
Territories and areas of public recreation (outside resort areas)
Industrial or residential areas
Doctors' offices in hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, pharmacies
Living rooms of apartments
Sleeping quarters in preschool institutions
Classes at school
School sites
Sport halls
Practical work No. 1
A sociological survey conducted among students and teachers of school No. 19 about the impact of noise on health: 1. Can noise be considered an invisible killer Teachers Students
2.Where do you think there is increased noise pollution on the school grounds?
Teachers Students
According to teachers and students, noise affects human health
The main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room
3. Do you consider noise to be the cause of absent-mindedness and distraction of students in the lesson? Teachers Students
4.What personally prevents you from concentrating on the lesson?
Teachers Students
Most teachers and students believe that noise affects concentration in class
According to the majority, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson
5. How do you feel about noise pollution? How does noise affect you? Teachers Students
6.Where is there more noise pollution?
Teachers Students
For most respondents, noise causes headaches and fatigue
The majority of respondents believe that the greatest noise pollution is at school
Practical work No. 2 “Determination of hearing acuity”
Purpose: to determine the hearing acuity of students. Equipment: ruler, watch. Hearing acuity is the minimum volume that can be perceived by the test subject’s ear. PROGRESS: 1. Bring the watch closer to you until you hear a sound. 2. Attach the watch tightly to your ear and move it away from you until the sound disappears. 3. Measure the distance (in 1 and 2 cases) between the ear and the watch in cm. 4. Find the average value of two indicators. Draw a conclusion.
Students from grades 9 and 11 were involved in the project. 9th grade students: 11th grade students: Conclusion The intensity of sound varies significantly depending on the distance of the sound source (noise), the closer the clock, the higher the noise level, and vice versa. If the sound of the clock is heard at a distance of 15-20 cm, it is satisfactory (minor problems), 5cm is already a sign of hearing loss (in the future, complete deafness is possible). As a result of practical work, it turned out that the hearing of 9th grade students is not much better than that of 11th grade.

1 student
2 student
3 student
1 student
2 student
3 student
Sounds negatively affect human health, especially in the modern world, when there is a lot of noise around. Based on a survey of students and teachers, it was found that: noise affects human health, the main sources of noise are floors, gyms and the dining room, noise affects concentration in the lesson, noise in the corridor interferes with the lesson, noise causes headaches and fatigue, and what is the greatest noise pollution at school. The opinion of teachers and students is similar to the table given before the practical work. During the work on the project, it was also possible to determine the hearing level of students in grades 9 and 11, which showed that so far there are no special problems with hearing, but that may arise later, since in grade 11 the level of hearing is already lower. All this is due to the fact that teenagers very often listen to loud music on headphones and that a lot of technology has appeared that negatively affects people’s health (mobile phones, cars)
What you need to do to make the house where you live quieter: External walls should be soundproofed Double glazing significantly reduces noise Plant trees between the house and the road Replace thin doors with more solid ones Lay thick carpeting with good padding Choose the quietest model of household appliances If household appliances make a lot of noise, call specialistUse soft shoes at home
http://tmn.fio.ru/works/40x/311/p02.htm The influence of noise on human health. http://schools.keldysh.ru/labmro/web2002/proekt1/zaklych.htm - health factors Kriksunov E.A. . Ecology 9th grade. M. Bustard 2007 Mirkin B.M., Naumova L.G. Ecology of Russia 9-11 classes. Kuznetsov V.N. Ecology M. Bustard 2002

Noise is primarily an unfavorable sound that negatively affects the health and nervous system of every person. How does noise affect the human body? Let's try to answer these questions, and also talk in more detail about what noise is and its effect on the human body. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you can conduct not only a noise study, but also many other tests.

Impact of noise on human health

Ninety-nine out of a hundred people will support the opinion that the effect of noise on the human body causes, at a minimum, frequent headaches and deterioration in overall health. But how exactly does noise affect the human body?

In order to answer this question, let’s first define what exactly we mean by the concept of noise. So, in order to study the effect of noise on humans, we use the definition of noise from its hygienic definition. Noise is a set of unfavorable and harmful sounds for humans that do not represent an important, informative and useful semantic load. We can say that noise simply clogs the information background of the room in which a living organism is located.

Even understanding what noise is, not everyone understands how noise affects the human body and what the consequences of constant exposure to noise may be. A clear illustration of the negative impact of noise on a person can be constant work in an enterprise where the noise level is significantly increased.

To date, scientists have discovered and made public that any extraneous noise is a biological irritant. In simple terms, it has a negative impact of noise on a person, not only directly on the auditory analyzer organs, but also on the entire body.

The effect of noise on the body primarily affects not the hearing and the corresponding organs, but the structures of the brain. This is what leads to various harmful changes in other organs, including sound and the nervous system.

As a generalization of all of the above, the effect of noise on the human body can be classified into two categories:

    specific or characteristic action;

    not a specific action.

If we talk about a specific effect, then it is manifested by various changes in the auditory analyzers, and not a specific effect - occurring in all other organs.

Let's talk in more detail about these classifications of noise, and also study in more detail the impact of noise on humans from various angles.

Specific effects of noise on the human body

Before embarking on a more detailed study of the topic of the influence of noise on human health, it should be remembered that first of all, noise affects the auditory analyzers. Scientifically speaking, being in constant noise contributes to the so-called aural effect. Simply put, this is a slowly progressive deterioration of hearing similar to a disease such as auditory neuritis. In medical terminology, such a disease may sound like cochlear neuritis.

If such a problem arises, then there is no hope that only one ear will be affected. Noise affects both hearing organs equally and, therefore, hearing in both ears decreases equally. If you want to investigate noise or don’t know where to turn, you can call our laboratory and get advice and help from a specialist.

When considering a disease such as occupational hearing loss, such a disease arises and progresses with a certain amount of work experience in unfavorable conditions for your body, namely work in conditions of constant high noise levels.

If we consider what time period is necessary for the appearance of such a disease as occupational hearing loss, then we need to take into account quite a few different factors. This may include not only the sensitivity of the ears, but also the duration of the high noise level, periodicity, noise intensity, frequencies, etc.

In order to avoid such a problem, it is necessary to periodically study the noise level, as well as other air studies (for example), with which the experts of our autonomous express laboratory "EcoTestExpress" can help. After all the required measurements and studies have been carried out, experts will advise you on how you can reduce the noise level and limit the impact of noise on the human body.

New production workers most often exhibit rather nonspecific symptoms in their first years of work. These can be severe and frequent headaches, fatigue, ringing in the ears, etc. All these complaints are most often a characteristic of the protective reaction of the central nervous system to exposure to unusual noise.

If we talk about the self-perception of hearing impairment, then this occurs already after several years of experience, or even later. It is worth noting that various audiological signs of damage to the auditory organ can appear and can be determined much earlier than the moment when a person himself notices that his hearing is deteriorating.

Even the slightest noise, which is accompanied by vibration, has an even more negative impact on human health and the auditory analyzer than ordinary isolated noise.

Order a free consultation with an ecologist

Non-specific effects of noise on humans

As mentioned earlier, people who are regularly exposed to noise are more likely to complain of frequent headaches. They can be of different intensities and have different localizations. Problems such as dizziness when changing body position, memory deterioration, increased fatigue, constant drowsiness, and possible sleep disorders are also possible. In addition, symptoms such as emotional instability, deterioration and loss of appetite, increased sweating, as well as more dangerous symptoms - pain on the left side of the chest, namely in the area of ​​the heart, are possible and usually observed.

In addition to all this, the effect of noise on the human body can manifest itself from a completely different side. Problems may also arise in the form of malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. In order to more clearly explain how noise affects the human body, we can consider one example. Noise that exceeds the limit of 90 dBA and also contains a predominance of high frequencies can cause a disease such as arterial hypertension. The familiar broadband noise regularly becomes a kind of causative agent of various disruptions in the peripheral circulation.

In order to avoid negative consequences for production workers, you can measure the noise level in our independent research express laboratory "EcoTestExpress", which over the fourteen years of its work has become one of the best throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, and has also expanded the range of its services and included And much more.

By the way, do not forget that you can get used to the so-called subjective perception of noise and not notice it throughout the entire working day, but the body will still suffer from such conditions.

The effect of noise on the human body with an intensity above the level of 95 dBA has an even more detrimental effect on the body. Minimal problems with such noise are usually disturbances not only in vitamin metabolism, but also in water-salt, carbohydrate, protein and cholesterol.

Why is noise called unwanted sound?

As we all understand, noise is one of the strongest stressors that can affect all people. The influence of noise on the human body can be reflected not only in the above problems and cause those diseases, but also on the functioning of the endocrine and immune functions of a person.

The sound of noise can negatively affect the body and is expressed in the following biological signs:

    weakening of human immunity to severe diseases;

    weakening of the immune system associated with the formation of tumor processes;

    creating the necessary conditions for the emergence and development of possible allergic and autoimmune processes.

Not only by scientists, but also in practice, it has been established that, in conjunction with the deterioration of the level of hearing, certain changes occur that adversely contribute to the deterioration of the resistance of a living organism to various diseases. For example, with constant production noise of 10 dBA, workers’ immunity is clearly reduced, and illness among subordinates increases by 1.3 times.

In addition, it has been proven that even at the above noise level, the likelihood of developing hearing problems, as well as subsequent hearing loss, is almost 3 times faster than the growth rate of neurovascular diseases. From this we can conclude that an increase in noise level without special vibrations by 1 dBA contributes to an increase in the percentage of occurrence of various diseases by 1.5%, and neurovascular diseases will increase in frequency by 0.5%.

All of the above facts indicate that the influence of noise above 85 dBA on the human body has quite serious disturbances and for every 1 dBA, various neurovascular problems arise and subsequently develop at a more accelerated rate, namely six months sooner.


For quite a long time, everyone has known and it is no secret to anyone that noise and its effect on the human body is quite diverse. Each person should try to avoid various noise exposures as much as possible.

By creating queries such as noise and health, the effect of noise on the human body, research work or the effect of noise on the human body, you will be taken to our website, since it is obligatory for us to inform you about a possible threat and do everything possible to ensure that you are healthy and were not negatively affected by noise.

In order to check the noise level not only at work, but also at home, it is necessary to carry out appropriate measurements, which our independent laboratory "EcoTestExpress" can help with. We will conduct all studies on-the-job, and also advise the customer on improving and normalizing the noise level.

Why don't we like our neighbors? Answering this question, every second person will definitely remember the magical sounds of a drill in the morning on one of the weekends. Agree, with such an “alarm clock”, not only will there be no sleep left, but at least half of the nerve cells will be destroyed. Indeed, the impact of noise on our nervous system is enormous. No matter where we are, irritating sounds can throw us and our health out of balance. Why is this happening?

How does noise affect a person?

Noise is usually called a chaotic collection of sounds that differ in their frequency and strength of impact. That is, this is an unpleasant combination of sounds that disturbs our peace, irritates our hearing and even destroys the body. Noise is a physical phenomenon - it is wave vibrations of varying intensity and frequency (and our ears are capable of perceiving frequencies from 16 to 20,000 Hz). The impact of noise on a person can be calculated depending on its source, volume and intensity.

Every day we encounter hundreds of different sources of hearing irritation, both internal and external:

  • While at home, we are faced with the sounds of moving furniture, music from speakers, noise from equipment, household and repair equipment. And every year the number of such irritants increases;
  • without leaving the house, we can hear the so-called intra-block noise: these are the sounds of cars taking out garbage from each entrance, beating out carpets in the courtyards or the screams of children on playgrounds;
  • urban source, i.e. external noise most often comes from motor vehicles. Trolleybuses, cars and heavy road equipment throughout the day are the main source of noise influence on the human body. More than 60% of noise complaints from residents around the world are related to vehicles. It has been proven that people whose homes are located near busy highways and railways most often suffer from headaches.

Impact of noise on human health

What happens to our body when we encounter irritating sounds? As we remember, the impact of noise on health depends on its frequency and intensity. Our auditory perception is about 130dB. Any sounds with a frequency above this norm can cause pain in the ears, and at 140 dB they can cause hearing problems. Noise with a frequency of 160-165 dB will lead to the death of animals within a few minutes, and an intensity of 190 dB can tear out metal rivets from building structures.

The effect of noise on the human body is primarily reflected in our cardiovascular system - noise can change the heart rate and increase or decrease blood pressure. Frequency of exposure and noise levels directly influence central nervous system morbidity. Also, living in an urban environment for 10 years or more leads to the risk of hypertension and cardiac ischemia. Constant exposure to noise can even cause diseases such as gastritis and ulcers, since irritation by various sounds can disrupt the motor and secretory functions of the stomach.

It is especially important to pay attention to the effect of noise on the body of children. Many parents are sure that various noises do not affect children and teenagers. This is a deep misconception. Here are a few facts to prove it:

  • Children who are systematically exposed to noise levels of 68 dB or more are at risk of developing disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Such as acceleration of metabolic reactions, deterioration of blood supply to the skin and increased muscle tension;
  • teenagers who are exposed to noise most of the time lose concentration much faster and cannot cope with solving problems on the development of thinking;
  • When exposed to noise throughout the day, children become tired more quickly, become inattentive, have difficulty concentrating, and have difficulty learning to read. The reason for this lies in the fact that the noise blocks the child’s “internal” speech.

The negative impact of noise is not limited to diseases of the hearing organs, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Recently, the question of how noise affects a working person has become relevant. It is not for nothing that many enterprises have introduced regulations on the intensity of noise from devices, machines and various devices. Working in a noisy place is considered a health risk. As studies have shown, in places with increased background noise, labor productivity drops by 10%, and the incidence of illness, on the contrary, increases by 37%. In this regard, employers need to think about what is better - to organize comfortable working conditions for their employees, or to constantly pay sick leave.

Only the noise level that does not affect health in any way and does not affect hearing and the body as a whole can be considered acceptable. You can protect yourself from unnecessary exposure to irritating sounds by installing soundproofing at home. If noise in the workplace annoys you, be sure to inform your management about it.

Noise is a set of sounds of varying intensity and frequency that adversely affect the human body, interfering with his work and rest. The new edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses contains a special article providing for liability for violating silence in public places. The Law on the Police clarifies that the duties of the police include ensuring the implementation of decisions of village, town, and city councils on issues of maintaining silence in public places. The Law on Ensuring the Sanitary and Epidemic Welfare of the Population defines measures that executive authorities, local governments, organizations, enterprises, and citizens are required to implement to protect the population from vibration, noise, etc.

Scientists have proven that noise can not only be debilitating and disturb people's peace of mind, but also pose a danger to their health. Every year the number of people suffering from insomnia and cardiovascular diseases caused by noise increases. Scientists and doctors have found in recent years that constant exposure to a noisy environment is often the cause of phobias and aggressiveness, since loud noise tires a person and it is impossible to get used to it. According to recent studies, high sound intensity causes pain.

Maximum permissible noise levels for humans

A person should live in a calm environment, because... Constant noise is harmful to health. Background noise should not exceed 55 dB(A) during the day and 45 dB(A) at night (normal conversation). However, the intensity of the noise that constantly surrounds us is much greater. Only on a construction site or a street with heavy vehicle traffic, the noise level often reaches 80-90 dB (A).

Constant noise is especially dangerous at work and for people living near airports, shooting ranges, railway stations, etc. If a person constantly works or lives in a noisy environment, even low levels of noise can cause harm. For particularly sensitive people, the ticking of a clock can even cause insomnia. The maximum permissible noise level of 85 dB (A) is the limit beyond which there is a possibility of damage to hearing receptors. Irreversible hearing damage can occur among visitors to discos and rock concerts, because here the sound intensity can reach 130 dB, even causing pain.

Noise intensity comparison

  • 0 dB (A) is the limit of hearing, the movement of butterfly wings.
  • 10-20 - “silence”, sounds are almost inaudible.
  • 20-30 - clock ticking in the room.
  • 30-40 - whisper.
  • 40-60 - normal communication, quiet music.
  • 55-65 - radio or TV heard in the room.
  • 70-90 - volume of cars on the street.
  • 90-110 - jackhammer, music at discos.
  • 110-140 - jet volume.

Noise reduction

  • The employer is required to provide each worker with personal hearing protection at a noise level of 85 dB, which the worker must wear if the sound level exceeds 90 dB.
  • Don't make the music too loud, it will disturb your neighbors.
  • You should not spoil relations with your neighbors. If you warn them in advance about planned renovations or home holidays, they will be more lenient.
  • A quiet, calm environment is necessary for sleep, as extraneous sounds have a negative impact on the sleep phases. Night noise for a long time can cause various health problems and neuroses.

You must try to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the people around you. The volume of the radio should be such that it can be heard only in one room, and not throughout the house. Fans of loud and noisy music are advised to purchase headphones. All repair work in the apartment should be carried out exclusively during the daytime.

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