Home Orthopedics What does menstruation through the fetus mean and how dangerous is this condition.

What does menstruation through the fetus mean and how dangerous is this condition.

The symptoms of the birth of a new life and the approaching menstruation are very similar. And most women begin to suspect that they will soon become mothers when they do not have critical days" However, sometimes it is possible pregnancy through menstruation, signs which every lady should know.
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If a woman needs to find out whether she is in an “interesting position” despite the fact that menstruation has begun, there are the following signs for this:

  1. Positive pregnancy test. A little more than a week after conception, the expectant mother's body produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin. And menstrual bleeding is not only not an obstacle to the test, but can also give a real result. It is better to use the first portion of urine obtained in the morning (the vagina should be covered with a tampon). You should drink less water the night before, and also ensure hygiene of the genital organ and test container before the procedure.
  2. Basal temperature exceeding 37 degrees, which does not subside for several weeks.
  3. The presence of toxicosis (heartburn, vomiting, nausea, weakness throughout the body, dizziness, increased formation of gases in the intestines).
  4. Frequent desire to go to the toilet.
  5. Increased discharge levels, including thrush.
  6. The chest becomes engorged and hurts.
  7. Mood swings occur.
  8. There is a change in appetite.
  9. Starts to hurt Bottom part belly.

Many ladies are sure that it is impossible to get pregnant three days before critical days", during them and in the first 7 days after their end. However, gynecologists say that this can still happen if you do not protect yourself. Even ovulation tests and other methods of identifying safe days do not guarantee that conception will not occur. The statistics are as follows: 17% of women became pregnant by having unprotected intercourse in the first days after menstruation.

Most often, conception occurs on days 12-15 of the cycle, but it can also occur several days before the end of menstruation, when an egg is released from the ovary due to stress, illness or other reasons, which can be fertilized. However, pregnancy rarely occurs at the beginning of the “critical days” due to heavy bleeding and a negative environment for sperm.

In the case of a short menstrual cycle (from 22 to 24 days), ovulation can occur in the last few days of the monthly bleeding, especially if it lasts 7-8 days. Because of this, representatives of the fair half of humanity who have an unstable or short cycle should not use calendar method contraception, but some other (you can consult a gynecologist). Women with normal cycle getting pregnant after menstruation is less common due to the lack of spontaneous ovulation. However, they need to keep in mind that a trip to another country, as well as a change in climate or time zone, can change hormonal levels and lead to an unwanted pregnancy.

If the pregnancy is between 4 and 5 weeks, doctors believe that menstrual bleeding is acceptable. This happens because conception occurred in the middle of the cycle, but after that the egg has not yet reached the reproductive organ. That is, two weeks have not passed, the level of hormones is the same, and so the usual “critical days” have appeared. In the new month this no longer happens.

Nowadays, stable hormonal levels in women are rare, so there are women who are pregnant, but their periods do not come for another 3-4 months. Medicine also knows cases when two eggs mature at the same time, but only one is fertilized, and the other is rejected, causing menstruation.

Bleeding from the vagina may indicate that the embryo is attaching to the uterine wall and causing implantation bleeding (the endometrium lining the uterus separates and leaves the female body). Moreover, pregnancy at this time can be interrupted due to strong contraction of the muscles of the reproductive organ and bleeding. And if at the same time the fertilized egg takes root, then the lady will still think that she is having normal menstruation. However, after the end of menstruation, the symptoms of the development of new life in a woman’s body may become more obvious.

Here are some signs of pregnancy that may be noticeable a few days after your period:

  1. Scarcity of menstrual flow. They also purchase Brown color, look like daub and quickly disappear. This “bleeding” can occur over several months until it is clearly noticeable. big belly with a moving baby inside.
  2. Swelling and tenderness of the breast, pain in it. Veins become more noticeable. The areolas become darker, and later Montgomery's nodes form on them ( sweat glands, which have increased in size). This is how the mammary glands begin to prepare to produce milk.
  3. Changing food preferences. The desire to eat something special (strawberries, chocolate, pickled cucumber) becomes irresistible. The feeling of hunger does not leave, even at night a pregnant woman can eat until she feels full.
  4. State of depression, lethargy, irritability, fatigue. I want to sleep all the time.
  5. Possible constipation.
  6. Increased sensitivity to infectious diseases because the immune system is suppressed. Because of this, colds often occur and the nose gets stuffy.
  7. Pimples and acne appear.
  8. Sensation of metallic taste in the mouth.
  9. Swelling of the limbs appears.
  10. Decreased libido.

If these signs are detected, you can measure for several days basal temperature how to correctly measure basal temperature When it is 37 degrees or more, the likelihood of an “interesting situation” is high. But this method not very reliable, because errors and non-compliance with measurement rules are possible. Therefore, a test should be used (pharmacies sell a wide range of such products).

After which you need to contact antenatal clinic where the gynecologist:

  • Examines the patient on the chair;
  • Will issue a referral for blood donation to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • Will appoint ultrasonography.

All women should keep in mind that if pregnancy symptoms do not disappear with the arrival of menstruation, then a test must be done. If there is pain in the lower part abdominal cavity become stronger and the discharge turns red again, you should immediately call ambulance or consult your doctor, as there are possible situations leading to miscarriage:

  1. Violation of the female body's production of the hormone progesterone;
  2. Ectopic pregnancy;
  3. Unsuccessful attachment of the fetus due to fibroids or endometriosis in the expectant mother;
  4. Anomalies intrauterine development child;
  5. High levels of male hormones;
  6. First, two embryos appeared, but one of them develops in accordance with the norm, and the second is rejected by the woman’s body for some reason.

If you have regular periods, but have doubts, it is better to visit a gynecologist after the end of menstruation.

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If you've heard stories like this, you might be under the impression that menstruation during pregnancy- a common thing, well, perhaps, a feature of the body. Actually this is not true.
But after listening to her friends’ revelations, the young mother, discovering that she had , is not worried at all and is in no hurry to be examined by a gynecologist.

The situation is further complicated by the presence of a fairly large number of “living examples” of this phenomenon. Moreover, mothers claim that despite all this, the pregnancy proceeded normally, and the baby was born healthy.

Well, if so. This means that they were very lucky. After all, in fact, there are no periods during pregnancy and there cannot be! This is a dangerous misconception that can lead to the loss of the child and complications with the health of the expectant mother.
Let's figure out what can cause this phenomenon and why it is so dangerous.

Menstruation during pregnancy: can this happen?

First, let's refresh our knowledge of female anatomy and physiology.
As you know, once a month an egg matures in a woman’s body, ready for conception. If fertilization does not occur, it is destroyed in due time. During this period, the uterus contracts and what is left of the egg, as well as pieces of the endometrium - the tissue lining the walls of the uterus - comes out in the form of bloody discharge.

If the egg has been fertilized, that is, pregnancy, as they say, is obvious, then the essence of the processes taking place changes significantly.
The body prepares a special place for the embryo and works hard to prevent the uterus from rejecting the embryo.

In particular, the female body begins to produce a special hormone - progesterone. This hormone has two main functions. Firstly, it stimulates the growth of the inner lining of the uterine walls (endometrium), so that the embryo can implant and better attach to them. Secondly, this hormone prevents the walls of the uterus from contracting, which protects the embryo from rejection.

I hope it’s clear from here that they can’t go. Well, if they do exist, what is this connected with?

Why do you have periods during pregnancy?

As already stated, bloody issues During pregnancy, it cannot be counted as menstruation. The cause of the discharge can be various pathologies, disorders hormonal functions mother's body. This phenomenon may be a signal of detachment of the fertilized egg, which threatens miscarriage.

Let's look at a few examples in more detail.

Often women who discover that they have menstruation occurs during pregnancy actually suffer disruption of progesterone production. If there is very little of this hormone, then at the time allotted for normal menstruation, bloody discharge with fragments of the endometrium may be observed.

This means that the uterus, as in the usual case, is cleansed and can at the same time reject the fetus. This, of course, cannot be allowed to happen. Therefore, with timely treatment, the doctor prescribes drugs to the expectant mother that replace progesterone. In most cases, the threat of miscarriage with this type of disorder is stopped, and the mother calmly continues to bear the baby.

Also, the reason for the appearance of the so-called menstruation during pregnancy can be pathologies of fetal development (genetic changes) or ectopic pregnancy.
It also happens that the fetus is not attached very well. For example, if future mom suffers from endometriosis or has fibroids. Having attached to such a disadvantaged place, the embryo cannot develop normally and is poorly supplied with oxygen, that is, a miscarriage may occur.

Another hormonal disorder leading to the appearance of bloody discharge is hyperandrogenism. That is, to put it simply, an excess of male hormones. If left untreated, this phenomenon often leads to detachment of the fertilized egg, and, consequently, to a miscarriage.
At timely treatment such consequences can be completely avoided.

One more pretty a rare event can be identified in those women who have menstruation occurs during pregnancy.
It happens that initially 2 embryos are formed, that is, a multiple pregnancy. But at the same time, one of them develops normally, and the other is rejected by the body for some reason (poor attachment site, pathology, etc.). In this case periods during pregnancy are a signal about the process of rejection of one of the embryos.

As you can see, the reasons for such a phenomenon as periods during pregnancy far from harmless. The consequences are even worse.
Therefore, do not listen to the advice of experienced people and do not close your eyes to what is happening. Even if you feel well, do not experience pain or discomfort, but you experience spotting, do not hesitate to consult a doctor with a question. why do you have periods during pregnancy?.

And if in addition to the bloody discharge there is also pain in the lower back, something similar to contractions, the discharge becomes quite profuse, call an ambulance immediately. It may turn out that going to the clinic on your own will cost you your child!

As already mentioned, in many cases, especially if it’s “hormones acting up,” if you consult a specialist in a timely manner, the threat of miscarriage can be avoided. In other cases, even if nothing can be done, the sooner you notify the doctor that you have menstruation occurs during pregnancy, the greater the chances of avoiding health problems and hoping for the next, more successful pregnancy.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

When a woman is able to get pregnant, she changes a lot. At this time, changes occur not only external, but also internal.

One of the first signs of an “interesting” situation in a woman is the absence of menstruation at the scheduled time. There are cases when menstruation occurs despite the fact that the woman has already become pregnant. This is explained by the fact that when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, implantation bleeding occurs.

During a very heavy bleeding and contractions of the muscles of the uterus, a pregnancy that has just begun can immediately end. Despite this, often the embryo goes through all the difficulties and remains in its place. A woman with such a pregnancy may not even suspect that a new life has arisen in her.

If you listen more carefully to your body, you may notice symptoms indicating pregnancy. When menstruation ends, the symptoms of the presence of an embryo in the female body will become much more noticeable. So what are the signs of pregnancy after menstruation?

Pregnancy and menstruation - what are the symptoms?

If your period comes on time or with a delay of several days, there is no guarantee that a little person has not been born inside. But during pregnancy, even if there is menstruation, some signs may indicate conception.

Periods during pregnancy often indicate problems. It is possible that there is a threat of miscarriage or that the woman has an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion about your interesting situation, you should contact a specialist. At ectopic pregnancy the outcome may be fatal.

So, what signs may indicate pregnancy if your periods go as usual:

  • Sign one
    Unusually scanty menstrual flow is a symptom that a woman has become pregnant. Not only the amount of discharge changes, but also its color and duration. Such “menstrual” discharge can be repeated for several months until the symptoms of pregnancy become obvious, namely, the tummy grows significantly and there is a clear sensation that the fetus is pushing.

  • Sign two
    Signs indicating that a woman has become pregnant are painful sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands, their enlargement (both breasts are equally enlarged relative to each other) and the release of whitish colostrum (discharge either occurs spontaneously or with slight pressure on the parapapillary area or nipple). This indicates that the body is preparing to breastfeed the unborn baby immediately after birth.
  • Sign three
    More frequent urge to urination. Even during the early stages, when a woman has become pregnant, frequent urination is observed. During pregnancy, the urge to urinate is strong, and the amount of fluid excreted is insignificant. When a woman finds an “interesting” position, her uterus immediately begins to grow and after a while puts pressure on bladder. Under the influence of the pressure of the uterus, the bladder also changes in size, it is compressed and its ability to accumulate fluid (urine) is significantly reduced.
  • Sign four
    When a woman gets pregnant, her taste preferences change dramatically. Dramatic changes in the taste of women sometimes simply surprise others. By consuming the desired edible foods in moderation, a woman supplies her body with the substances it lacks. Taste preferences sometimes they change towards pica. Pica is an irresistible desire to eat inedible substances (chalk, starch, earth). Naturally, during the manifestation of pica, you should refrain from consuming inedible substances.

  • Sign five
    The body of a woman who has managed to become pregnant undergoes great amount internal changes. In the initial time, after a woman has become pregnant, the symptoms of these changes are not too obvious. After some time, the manifestations of changes occurring in the body become clearly visible. A woman quickly gets tired, tired and becomes less restrained, the reason for this is small organism inside her. The embryo grows and immediately requires energy expenditure female body on its development, despite its tiny size.
  • Sign six
    Often, when a woman has become pregnant, Montgomery tubercles appear. Montgomery tubercles are small bumps that appear immediately after conception on the areola of the breast.
  • Sign seven
    During pregnancy, the fetus grows inside the uterus, thereby stretching it. The uterus is located in the abdomen and naturally, as the size of the uterus increases, the size of the abdomen increases. The abdomen takes on a round, protruding shape, significantly large sizes than before pregnancy.

Changes are “visible” - wait for replenishment

At a later date, strong external changes may occur. There is an opinion that a pregnant woman’s appearance (face, body) changes when she is expecting a girl. But when a boy is due, the woman becomes more attractive. But that's just folk signs, although it’s worth taking a closer look and checking your guesses.

During the time when a woman has become pregnant, her skin often changes:

  • chloasma appears. Chloasma is pigmentation skin women due to increased secretion of melanotropin. After the end of pregnancy, after some time, the pigmentation will gradually disappear, and the skin will take on its normal appearance;
  • pigmented line along the abdomen. A dark line usually appears by 3 months after conception;
  • acne. After a woman has become pregnant, her skin undergoes significant changes; pre-existing acne pimples either appear or disappear;
  • "stars" on vessels. Arachnid species veins appear all over female body and is clearly visible through the skin. This appearance is facilitated by an increase in the female sex hormone (estrogen) in the blood;
  • stretch marks on the skin. Stretch marks appear in the second half of pregnancy and directly depend on heredity, the amount of weight gained and the structure of the woman’s skin. When a woman has become pregnant, the collagen fibers of the skin rupture and stretch marks appear. The skin areas in the abdomen, thigh, and chest are subject to the appearance of stretch marks;
  • erythema of the palms. When a woman has become pregnant, the level of estrogen in her blood increases and this leads to redness of the palms or the appearance of red spots on them;

Conclusion: in about the time of appearance initial signs pregnancy, you should listen to yourself more carefully, perhaps you managed to get pregnant.

Everyone knows that one of the reliable signs of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation. And having discovered this, confirmed with the help of tests, the woman confidently begins to prepare for weeks of waiting. And when does one notice menstruation during pregnancy? early stages, the signs of which can appear both at the very beginning and at the end of the trimester, does not understand what is going on.

Read in this article

Menstruation and pregnancy: is this real?

When the question arises whether menstruation is possible in early pregnancy, it is easy to answer in the negative. From a physiological point of view, this is impossible. Rejected during menstruation outer layer mucous membrane And this happens when an unfertilized egg undergoes extinction, the volume of progesterone in the blood decreases, the endometrium becomes thinner and part of it is excreted, replaced by new tissues.

During pregnancy, the embryo formed in the middle of the cycle remains in the uterus, for which the body creates for it the necessary conditions. Everything happens exactly the opposite than before the critical days: progesterone rises, the endometrium loosens and thickens to secure the fertilized egg in it.

But the body does not always work like a clockwork mechanism. And despite the unchanged algorithm, women observe nuances in themselves that are similar to menstruation and the signs that precede it. In these cases, they are confident that they can get their periods early in pregnancy. Of course, there can be no talk about them, but similar discharge can arise from various reasons.

Embryo implantation

Implantation bleeding can be mistaken for periods during early pregnancy.

After 7-10 days, counting from conception, the fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube to gain a foothold in the uterus. It is screwed into its inner covering, which is riddled with blood vessels.

And the initial phase of pregnancy gives the tissues swelling and high sensitivity. Capillaries are easily destroyed, spilling blood out. The process lasts up to 2 days and occurs precisely during critical times. The amount of discharge is minimal, but it looks like a period in early pregnancy. They may experience a slight pulling pain in the abdomen.

This process is absolutely physiological, so a woman should not be afraid for her position. For some, it goes completely unnoticed.

Hormonal disbalance

The lack of progesterone, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy, can also lead to a woman wondering whether menstruation occurs during pregnancy in the early stages. There is bleeding, very similar to them, but much smaller in quantity. Menstrual-like mucus comes out of the vagina on those days when, according to the calendar, critical days would come. A woman may feel the malaise characteristic of them.

Such scanty periods during early pregnancy are not dangerous, and it is possible to cope with them. The gynecologist will prescribe hormonal agents, which normalize the background. A woman should rest more these days and not think about bad things.

Damage to the vagina

The appearance of discharge as menstruation, during early pregnancy, showing obvious signs, is possible after sexual intercourse. This does not always mean increased uterine contractions and a ban on sex life due to the possibility of interruption.

But during this period, the blood supply to the genital organs increases, so the vessels of the vaginal surface are easily damaged. The discharge may not come out immediately, but after a while in the form of a reddish smear. And if this happens on the dates when menstruation should occur, it seems that this is it.

This can also happen after an examination by a gynecologist. Arriving home, the woman will find discharge similar to menstruation, which is not.

Two eggs in one cycle

Menstruation may occur during early pregnancy if the body produces two eggs in one cycle. This happens when using medications that stimulate ovulation.

And sometimes nature itself gives such an opportunity to young and full-blooded women, especially if their family had multiple pregnancies in previous generations. But not always both female reproductive cells unite with sperm.

The fertilized one remains inside the uterus, developing as expected, and the “extra” one is excreted, which gives a rare combination: early pregnancy and menstruation. The discharge is weak, but can be accompanied by all the symptoms characteristic of menstruation.

Pregnancy during menstruation

The union of sperm and egg is possible only under certain circumstances. They are created during ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Sex cell becomes completely ready for fertilization, all efforts reproductive sphere aimed at its preservation and favorable treatment.

Some women try to use this pattern in order to get pregnant. And the period of time after ovulation is considered safe in this regard, especially closer to menstruation. And having discovered two lines on the test, they wonder whether pregnancy is possible during menstruation, the symptoms of which they feel. Although this seems to be unrealistic.

This situation is rare, but it does occur. Due to existing problems with hormones or minor disruptions, ovulation may occur immediately before menstruation. The embryo is still in the fallopian tube, and the endometrium begins to slowly peel off and be excreted. This is what pregnancy looks like during menstruation; the symptoms of the latter differ from the usual ones:

  • They arrive a little earlier than expected;
  • There is noticeably less discharge;
  • The color of the mucus coming out is different - lighter or darker;
  • The duration of “red days” is shorter.

Whether menstruation occurs in the early stages of pregnancy needs to be monitored by women whose cycles are unstable for various reasons. It is in such cases that there is a big risk of getting a surprise if you protect yourself only using the calendar method.

Is it different for a pregnancy that occurs during menstruation?

At the beginning of critical days, a woman’s well-being changes, as during pregnancy. And when she feels this, she is not always able to discern what caused the change, because the main sign of its onset - the delay - is no longer there. Otherwise, pregnancy through monthly symptoms are the same as usual:

Watch this video about early pregnancy signs:

Dangerous menstruation

What menstruation is like during early pregnancy depends on the causes of this discharge. They are by no means always natural; it is known that many women have to preserve their children with the help of medical advances.

Beginning of miscarriage and miscarriage

Having periods with clots in early pregnancy is almost always a bad sign.
because they pose a threat to this situation. The endometrial tissue is rejected, making it easy for a weak and tiny embryo to slip out.

If you delay visiting a doctor, the bleeding will end, that is, the detachment of the fertilized egg and the end of the pregnancy. Sometimes there are prerequisites for this in the form of a reduced amount of progesterone.

But its deficiency can be easily compensated by using synthetic or herbal analogues in the form of medicine. A miscarriage can occur without obvious reasons if the fetus initially had genetic defects or has stopped developing. With it, the woman feels paroxysmal pain and weakness. Heavy periods during early pregnancy also indicate a miscarriage.

Both conditions require the intervention of a gynecologist. If there is a threat of miscarriage, he is able to save the pregnancy. In the event of a miscarriage, he must assess the woman’s condition and also provide the necessary assistance.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the fertilized egg stops in the fallopian tube or anywhere else other than the organ itself intended for it, pregnancy is called. Its development causes vascular damage and bleeding. When they occur during your period, it appears as if your period has begun early in pregnancy. Moreover, there is additional symptom- abdominal pain.

True, during menstruation it weakens and soon disappears, and tubal pregnancy strengthens it over time. And this condition requires professional help for the woman.

Hydatidiform mole

An abnormally developing pregnancy may occur in such a way that instead of a normal embryo, grape-shaped cysts are found in the uterus. This is a hydatidiform mole, in which an incomplete egg is fertilized. She does not have chromosomes, so during development only the paternal ones double.

The anomaly causes a discharge similar to menstruation; during early pregnancy, other signs hardly appear. Unless toxicosis is more pronounced, sometimes gestosis can be observed. It is necessary to get rid of a hydatidiform mole as quickly as possible so that its tissue does not penetrate into other organs.

Menstruation during pregnancy: how to distinguish it from normal

Comparative characteristics and how to distinguish normal periods during pregnancy from normal ones are shown in the table.


During pregnancy

Regular periods

When they come

Typically delayed

Number of allocations

Skimpy, sometimes a daily pad is enough

As usual


Most often dark, brown

They can be bright when an early miscarriage begins.

At the beginning they are darkish, as the discharge increases they become brighter and bloodier, and at the end of the critical days they again become darkish.


Not the same as a girl usually has during her period - abnormally short (one or two days) discharge or, conversely, a long-term, persistent spotting.

Normally 5-7 days, if there are any gynecological diseases, may be longer.

Other complaints from the woman

Additionally, they may disturb nagging pain lower abdomen, lower back

When a miscarriage begins, it can become cramping in nature.

Normally, nothing should bother you; in any case, the condition should not differ from the usual critical days.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Normally, you cannot have periods during pregnancy. This is due to the following: during menstruation, it is rejected inner layer the uterus (endometrium), and when pregnancy occurs, it is to it that the embryo is attached. The appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy is a sign that there is a threat of miscarriage.

However, the appearance of discharge during pregnancy cannot be ruled out; the condition can be caused by various external and internal factors.

How to determine pregnancy during menstruation

You can understand that pregnancy occurred “during menstruation” by several factors:

  • “menstruation” is not the same as a girl usually has - less abundant, comes with a delay, without pain or, conversely, with nagging unpleasant sensations;
  • the first signs of pregnancy appear - nausea, tastes are distorted, libido decreases, nipples and areola areas of the mammary glands become sensitive;
  • do a urine pregnancy test - it shows a reliable result already from 14-20 days from conception, which for most girls occurs just during the next menstruation;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs - at such a short period of time, ultrasound will not always show a reliable result - a fertilized egg will be detected in the uterus, but in some cases the method will be informative;
  • taking a blood test for hCG is one of the ways to accurately determine whether there is a pregnancy or not, regardless of where the fertilized egg is located - in the uterus or just on the way to it.

The nature and color of menstruation during pregnancy is normal

Normally, during pregnancy there can be no talk of any menstruation, however, there may be implantation bleeding, the nature of this is spotting, usually very scanty, for one or two days, and the color varies for everyone - from brown to red. They are associated with the introduction of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Implantation bleeding is rare, occurring in no more than 3-5% of all bleeding during pregnancy.

Many women are misled by such discharge, and they perceive it as menstruation.

Implantation bleeding

False periods during pregnancy

For normal periods (in colloquial speech they are called “false”), without knowing about their pregnancy, women can take the following complications gestation:

  • threat of interruption;
  • /chorion;
  • contact discharge, especially in the presence of cervical erosion or polyps in the cervical canal.

How often do periods occur during pregnancy?

During a normal pregnancy, women are not bothered by bleeding from the genital tract, and only in 5-7% of cases the course of pregnancy is pathological, and bleeding of varying intensity and cause may be observed.

Discharge during menstruation during pregnancy

The days when a woman previously had her period also pose a danger during pregnancy - it is at this time that threats of interruption arise more often due to hormonal imbalances, and, as a result, spotting appears. A woman believes, especially in the early stages, that her period is coming, but does not even think about conception.

Watch this video about discharge in early pregnancy:

Pregnancy and menstruation in the first month

As a rule, it is in the first month that women have doubts about pregnancy, and they often do not yet know that conception has occurred, so spotting is mistaken for regular menstruation. But you shouldn’t be careless about it. If the plans were to have a child, then it is better, if there is any doubt, to do a test or take a blood test for hCG.

Can you be pregnant and have your period at the same time?

Normally, there should be no pregnancy or menstruation. A spotting is a consequence of the following processes:

  • implantation discharge;
  • threat of interruption;
  • discharge from the cervix - in the presence of dysplasia, polyps.

They can also occur in women with a bicornuate uterus, with the fertilized egg localized in one horn and occurring in the empty one. normal changes and “periods” appear monthly.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy after menstruation

Signs of pregnancy, despite “menstruation”, correspond to the usual symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning;
  • positive pregnancy test;
  • changes in mood, behavior, taste preferences;
  • decreased sex drive.

How long can periods last during pregnancy?

“Menstruations” can occur either in the early stages - in the first month, or for some time during pregnancy, but usually last no longer than during the first trimester. As the fetus grows, doubts about the nature of the discharge, as a rule, do not arise.

Scanty or heavy periods during early pregnancy

More often in the early stages, scanty periods occur during pregnancy. Abundant ones accompany the onset of a miscarriage or large chorionic detachment.

Miscarriage. 1 - uterus, 2 - cervix, 3 - fertilized egg, 4 - hematoma.
Incomplete miscarriage.
a - all the membranes are in the uterus; b - remains of the fertilized egg in the uterus.

Are short periods a sign of pregnancy?

Short periods in themselves are not a sign of pregnancy; such cycle disturbances can also be caused by other factors - stress, hormonal imbalances, diseases, etc.

However, abnormally short and very scanty menstruation should alert a woman, and if pregnancy cannot be ruled out, or there are some embarrassing signs, she should undergo additional examination to confirm/refute this fact.

Spotting is also not a sign of pregnancy, but does not exclude it. If in doubt and without reliable contraception, you should at least take a pregnancy test.

Is a period without clots a sign of pregnancy?

Normally, clots should not be present in menstrual flow, so the condition is in no way related to pregnancy.

Menstruation with clots during pregnancy

The appearance of bloody clots during pregnancy may indicate an ongoing miscarriage; they may even contain a fertilized egg, which in the early stages measures up to 1 cm.

However, other gynecological diseases and conditions may be accompanied by the appearance of clots. Their detection after conception should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Scarlet periods during pregnancy

Implantation bleeding during pregnancy may be accompanied by single scarlet discharge, which a woman mistakes for menstruation. But detachment, the threat of interruption, or discharge from the cervix (for example, contact) can also behave this way. Normally this shouldn't happen.


Is pregnancy possible if you have your period?

Conception can occur even during menstruation, especially if a woman irregular cycle, double, late or early ovulation occurs. Therefore, during menstrual periods it is also necessary to use reliable contraception.

How do menstruation progress through a fetus?

This is a household and absolutely non-medical designation of the concept. It doesn’t happen that “menstruation goes through the fetus.”

Bloody discharge during pregnancy appears for other reasons (threat, detachment, cervical discharge, etc.), and not as a result of regular menstruation.

If you have had your period, is pregnancy possible?

The days immediately after and before your period are considered safe days for conception. However, even at this time, conception is not completely ruled out. With a high probability, in the absence of reliable protection, pregnancy can occur in girls with an irregular, long or short cycle, under the influence of stress (moving, psycho-emotional experiences, etc.).

Why are there no periods during pregnancy?

With the beginning of the cycle, the endometrium in women begins to grow and “prepare” for the upcoming pregnancy; the fertilized egg is subsequently introduced into this layer. If conception does not occur, menstrual flow appears. They are a consequence of the rejection of the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, due to a change in hormonal levels - progestogen to estrogen.

If pregnancy occurs, the endometrium is necessary for implantation of the fertilized egg and normal growth and development of the fetus. Therefore, its rejection does not occur and, accordingly, there are no periods.

All these processes are accompanied by a special hormonal background - during menstruation, estrogens are alternately replaced by the predominance of gestagens. And during pregnancy, a stable gestagenic background should remain normal until the very moment.

Can I have full periods during pregnancy?

This is excluded since the two processes contradict each other. Menstruation is a sign of an unsuccessful pregnancy or its absence.

There were all the signs of pregnancy, but my period started - what does this mean?

This condition may indicate a miscarriage at a very early stage. This phenomenon is also called biochemical pregnancy - based on the results of blood and urine tests, hCG is detected slight increase indicators, but in the end there is no fertilized egg in the uterus, and menstruation comes almost on time and almost the same as usual.

Termination of pregnancy up to 4 weeks is a consequence of the inferiority of the ovum; as a rule, such embryos are initially non-viable or have serious genetic abnormalities.

Can you get your period in the first week of pregnancy?

There cannot be menstruation, but spotting for another reason cannot be excluded, for example, if it is implantation discharge, from another horn of the uterus (with bicornus), the threat of interruption, and others.

It is extremely rare that pregnancy can occur during menstruation or on the eve of it - that is, fertilization occurs, but the egg does not yet have time to enter the uterus, but “wanders” around fallopian tubes. In this case, it is theoretically possible that you will have your period in the first week of pregnancy.

If your period comes early, could you be pregnant?

Earlier “menstruation”, more precisely, spotting, which a girl perceives as her menstrual period, can occur during pregnancy, usually in the early stages. Usually this is a threat of miscarriage or implantation bleeding.

Can pregnancy occur after menstruation?

Normally, fertilization and pregnancy occur during ovulation - in the middle of the cycle. However, conception is possible through unprotected sexual intercourse during menstruation. The risk of getting pregnant on such days is higher for girls with irregular periods or a long cycle (in case of late ovulation).

And more about what mothers can do to maintain pregnancy in the early stages.

If, with a serious suspicion of pregnancy, menstrual discharge suddenly appears, a woman should not think that her own feelings have deceived her. It is necessary to find out their nature together with the treating doctor in order to stop the bleeding and eliminate the existing danger. And if there is nothing wrong with the discharge, calmly wait for the baby to appear.

Women are often concerned about the question: can they menstruate during pregnancy? This is of interest to both those who plan to become mothers and those who do not want to give birth. Typically, girls begin to worry if the spotting has passed after a delay, that is, some time after the expected next menstruation. It’s not clear: could this be pregnancy or just a cycle failure?

First, let's define the terminology. Physiological women's processes are designed so that menstruation stops if conception occurs. Therefore, doctors give an unequivocally negative answer to the question of whether menstruation can occur during pregnancy.

But it's not that simple. After conception, especially in the early stages, bleeding can indeed occur, and this condition can easily be confused with menstruation. Sometimes this is abnormal bleeding, which requires urgent medical attention.

Quite often, women find themselves in an unclear position. It happens that a woman is confident in her pregnancy, but she begins to have spotting. It happens that conception is unlikely, but menstruation came after a delay, it is unusual in nature (for example, it is too weak or began earlier than usual). In this case, you need to take a pregnancy test during menstruation, which is in doubt.

Now the main thing is to establish the presence (or absence) of pregnancy as quickly and accurately as possible. To do this, a rapid test is performed to determine the concentration of hCG in the morning urine. This is the same test that is sold in any pharmacy. Since it is spotting that causes a flurry of questions, many people take a pregnancy test during their period, worrying about how reliable its results will be.

How to use the test

During menstruation, the test can show the same as in their absence. In order to receive real result, follow the rules for conducting it:

  • Drink less fluid the day before, especially in the evening, to increase the concentration of morning urine. This is especially important in the very early stages;
  • before the first morning urination, wash yourself thoroughly and insert a tampon into the vagina;
  • collect the first portion of urine into a sterile container;
  • make sure that the test has not expired and is packaged intact;
  • lower the test strip only to the level specified in the instructions, not deeper;
  • observe the time for assessing the result.

As a rule, a pregnancy test during menstruation is negative. Often, premenstrual syndrome in its symptoms is similar to the first signs of conception. And a woman is mistaken when she mistakes PMS for pregnancy.

Rarely, but another option is possible: conception did occur. But on the first day of menstruation, the test has not yet shown it, because the period is too short. You can repeat the test a little later, which can show pregnancy after menstruation, since as the period increases, the concentration of hCG in the urine increases. But, we repeat, then this is no longer menstruation, but a completely different bleeding (more on this below).

A positive test result is the best answer to the question of how to distinguish menstruation from pregnancy for those who dream of a baby.

Since the test can be erroneous, especially if done on the first day of your period, you can donate blood to test for the presence of hCG. This analysis is able to determine conception - already in the first month of pregnancy, approximately 10-15 days after fertilization.

Types of bleeding

Girls who don't have hormonal disorders, usually know when menstruation should start, how many days it can last and what total duration cycle and normal appearance of discharge. Therefore, it is easier for them to suspect signs of pregnancy during false periods. The rest have to rely on general knowledge.

Vaginal bleeding is assessed according to several criteria.

In count:

  • spotting,
  • meager,
  • normal,
  • plentiful.

By color:

  • brown;
  • dark (“black periods”);
  • red;
  • bright scarlet.

By consistency:

  • liquid;
  • with particles of the inner lining of the uterus;
  • thick – when a significant blood clot can be detected.

By duration: every woman knows her usual cycle - for some, menstruation is short and ends in three days, for others it lasts more than seven days.

Menstrual-like bleeding may differ from normal periods. A change in the nature of the usual discharge may indicate pregnancy during menstruation (more precisely, during bleeding). Please pay Special attention, If:

  • menstruation began prematurely;
  • scanty periods began;
  • ended faster than always: it happens that menstruation lasts for one day;
  • had discharge unusual color, so-called black periods, brown or pink;
  • the consistency of the discharge has changed. Signs of menstruation with clots or discharge appeared; on the contrary, the discharge became too thin;

Scanty or spotting discharge is observed when:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • taking hormonal contraceptives,
  • use of intrauterine contraception,
  • traumatization of the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina during aggressive sexual intercourse, medical or hygienic manipulations.

In addition, if after a delay there is a brown spotting discharge, accompanied by abdominal pain, worsening general condition, they may be a manifestation of an ectopic pregnancy.

Heavy discharge that appears suddenly is difficult to confuse with menstruation; it should alert a woman, since heavy bleeding is a direct threat to life.

Discharge during intrauterine pregnancy

When the fertilized egg implants into the wall of the uterus, a small amount of blood is released. This is implantation bleeding, it is often confused with scanty menstruation and it is believed that the period came ahead of schedule. There is very little blood, usually just a few drops of pink or brown. Implantation bleeding is normal and does not threaten pregnancy.

Bloody discharge that looks like menstruation during early pregnancy is a sign hormonal imbalance. With a lack of progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, the body may decide that it needs to normalize menstrual cycle, and will launch it. Then menstrual-like bleeding may occur. A strong contraction of the uterine walls at this moment can prevent the embryo from fully attaching, and then the woman may not even know about her conception, considering her periods to be normal.

How to find out if pregnancy is possible after menstruation, a gynecologist will tell you. Most likely, the doctor will send the patient for blood tests and an ultrasound examination. For your part, listen carefully to your body during a doubtful period. A woman herself can determine the signs of pregnancy if she has her period:

  • bursting painful sensations in mammary glands, their increase and release of colostrum when pressing on the areola;
  • frequent urination;
  • taste and olfactory changes, cravings for unusual foods, inedible substances;
  • drowsiness, fast fatiguability, irritability;
  • the appearance of acne and pigmentation on the skin.

Yes, it could be pregnancy. This condition usually inspires those who really want to get pregnant. But in reality, it often turns out to be a sign of PMS when normal menstruation. If you haven’t gotten your period, you don’t have to wonder for a long time how to distinguish the symptoms of PMS from pregnancy; it’s better to do a home rapid test and go to a clinic to see a specialist.

Probability of fertilization depending on the day of the cycle

The menstrual cycle of women is a very variable process. There are girls whose periods go “like clockwork,” but this is rare; the timing is influenced by many factors - climate, stress, illness. Under such conditions, the egg can be ripe for conception at almost any time. This is unlikely on the first day of your period, but last days quite possible. Therefore, the situation when fertilization can occur in the early stages after menstruation is not so rare.

It is important to understand that pregnancy that begins during menstruation is a variant of the norm. And bleeding that occurs after conception, the so-called pregnancy through menstruation, is a sign of pathology, possibly serious, which can threaten the health and life of the mother and baby.

Therefore, all doubts and questions about how to distinguish pregnancy from hormonal dysfunctions, whether menstruation can occur during pregnancy and how to distinguish them from normal ones should be asked to a gynecologist during a face-to-face consultation. The doctor will indicate what other tests, analyzes and examinations should be taken in order to understand the ambiguous situation.

You should not engage in self-diagnosis, much less prescribe treatment; this is dangerous both for a pregnant woman and for one who does not plan to have a child. If the bleeding is severe, if there is pain, you should call an ambulance or immediately consult a doctor on the first day of your period.

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