Home Prosthetics and implantation Why does a 14-year-old teenager not have periods? Causes of delayed menstruation in teenage girls

Why does a 14-year-old teenager not have periods? Causes of delayed menstruation in teenage girls

The most exciting question for mothers and teenagers of this age. Naturally, everyone knows about this, but this does not happen to everyone. What is the reason? Perhaps poor quality food or the environment? The article describes the main and most common reasons for a delay in the menstrual cycle in girls at 13, 14 and 15 years old, which can cause a delay in menstruation at this age for physiological (non-dangerous) reasons, and because of which menstruation can be late by 5, 6, 7 days or even 1 week for pathological (dangerous) reasons.

From the age of 13-15 years, the moment of puberty occurs in girls’ bodies. So what is the cause of this problem? During these years, the girl’s body will undergo many changes, including the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Don't worry if it may not be regular in the first couple of years. This is fine. There are many reasons that affect hormonal balance. But suddenly, after this period, the delays become regular, then you need to consult a pediatric gynecologist.

Reasons for delayed menstruation in adolescents aged 13, 14, 15

Menstruation is a monthly phenomenon of a recurring nature that accompanies a woman throughout her reproductive life. This is a bloody discharge with a cycle of 27-30 days.

IN menopause The stage ends with menstruation and pregnancy can no longer occur.

For every girl, this cycle begins at at different ages and in different time. It can start at the age of 11 or at the age of 14-15. All changes that occur in the body are controlled by the brain. Or rather the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. The cycle can range from 22 to 34 days. The calculation begins from the first day of menstruation until the first day of the next one.

Why is a teenager’s period late, reasons for delayed menstruation

In order to identify the root cause of this condition, it is necessary to remove factors that directly influence the entire cycle. Because everything has its reasons.

Reasons for delay in a 14-year-old girl:

  1. stressful situations on a constant basis;
  2. if there are no periods at the age of 13-15, this may be due to a violation of the diet;
  3. increase in physical stress or vice versa complete absence;
  4. climate change;
  5. weight jumps;
  6. injury to the female genital or pelvic organs;
  7. a deterioration in metabolism can lead to a girl at the age of 14 experiencing a delay in menstruation;
  8. pathologies of women reproductive organs.

There may also be delays purely for personal reasons. Consulting a specialist will help identify the problem. Taking some strong medications can interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system, which can cause irregular menstruation.

Unbalanced diet as a cause of delay and absence of menstruation

At this age, some teenagers begin to adhere to various diets in order to improve their figure. But they don’t even realize what this could mean. When you do not eat enough food, your body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements. It's a shame that some parents don't pay attention to this. After all, not received on time useful material can lead to disruptions in the hormonal system. When menstrual cycle has already started, there may be temporary delays. You need to start treatment immediately and start eating right.

You should monitor the mental abilities of girls, because this also affects the cycle as a whole. Another reason for violations is the lack of nutrients received by the body. Weight problems can also be the root cause of delays. To avoid such problems, you should adhere to the following principles:

  1. Eliminate junk food from your diet (chips, crackers, etc.), introduce dietary fish and meat.
  2. Eat up to 5 times a day every 3 hours, while chewing food thoroughly and taking your time.
  3. Vegetarianism is welcome.
  4. Eat small portions.
  5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as often as possible.
  6. Eat first courses not too hot, and cold drinks or food should not exceed 15 degrees.
  7. Introduce vitamins.

During puberty, you should definitely visit a specialist on such issues. Do not forget that every year you must take lab tests blood (BAC). With its help, you can identify what exactly the body lacks (vitamins, glucose, etc.), since nutritional deficiencies lead to disorders. Recommended to drink folic acid and iron supplements. But only after consulting a doctor.

An active lifestyle has a beneficial effect on the development of a teenager. However, it is worth remembering that overvoltage can lead to undesirable consequences. It will be enough and simple lessons physical culture in the school curriculum. If you stick to these simple rules, then there will be no delay in menstruation. But if during menstruation you put more stress on the body than necessary, bleeding may begin. During this period, it is strictly prohibited to engage in any kind of sport!

Psychological state of a teenager

The normal background of hormones in the body directly depends on mental health girls.

Increased workload, stress, conflict situations, a lot of homework and so on, can easily lead to interruptions in the cycle.

This problem should be approached more delicately. Perhaps you should not irritate your child with personal questions, because the result will be a backlash. In order for a girl to develop stress resistance, she should adhere to a certain regime throughout the day. Sleep should be at least 10 hours a day.

Problems in the hormonal system

Disruptions in the menstrual cycle are quite common. There are many reasons for this:

  1. pathologies in the endocrine system;
  2. violation of the adolescent's diet;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. genetic predisposition.

Sometimes, the difficulties that a teenager has may seem trivial. But indifference to this topic can lead to disastrous consequences. It is worth remembering that such hormonal problems often lead to diseases of the reproductive organs.

What can be considered a deviation from the norm on the part of hormones if menstruation is late and there is often no menstruation for a long time in adolescence? If there is no normal indicator of the development of the mammary glands, the voice becomes rougher, male-type hair growth occurs, all these are symptoms of what is happening in the child’s body hormonal disbalance. Such signs are characteristic of the predominance of male-type hormones, in which case irregular cycle periods and frequent delays in menstruation at the ages of 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 years indicate a deficiency of the hormone estrogen in the body.

How to bring the menstrual cycle back to normal at 13 and 14 years old?

Many people do not understand why at the age of 14 years - this can negatively affect critical days. When such situations occur, you must immediately contact a gynecologist. You cannot fix this problem on your own. Because it is at this age that girls experience changes in their bodies. Estrogen enters the active phase - it helps ovulation and menstrual bleeding occur.

If a girl does not get her period before the due date, this indicates that the body may be suffering from a lack of this hormone. A full diagnostic should be carried out to make sure of this. Doctors advise: if hormonal levels do not improve, you need to consult a pediatric gynecologist. At full diagnostics the body can identify the problem. After the onset of menstruation, for the first couple of years, they may not be stable. There is no need to be scared, this way the body gets used to the changes. Mothers constantly monitor the health of their children. Therefore, it is very important not to miss this moment when the girl smoothly turns into a mature girl.

One of the most common reasons for frequent delays in menstruation at 13, 14 or 15 years old is incorrect or unbalanced diet growing organism.

Starting from the age of 13, a girl begins to undergo increased maturation of her mammary glands, vegetation begins to appear in the area of ​​the external genitalia and under the armpits, and the internal genital organs begin to mature. This period usually lasts more than 5 years. This is why at this age it is so important to eat properly. During this period, the body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

How to understand that there is a problem with nutrition? If a teenager’s second period occurs 20 days after the first, 1 month or a month and a half after the first menstruation, then this is considered normal. If a girl at 13, 14, 15 years old does not have her period for a long time, when is this considered a deviation? The absence of menstruation for more than 2 months after the first menstruation is already a deviation from the norm. If a teenage girl’s menstruation is delayed for more than 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 months, then these are already symptoms of problems with the menstrual cycle. Also, a problem can be considered those moments when menstruation for the first or second time lasts 3, 4 days, and for the next menstruation bleeding is coming 7-9 days.

It is important to note that in adolescence there is no such thing as a normal menstrual cycle, because The menstrual cycle itself is still just forming. And if there are significant deviations from the norm, then parents are advised to show the child to a gynecologist.

What to do to help a child if a girl at 13, 14, 15 years old has frequent delays in menstruation? If not pathological cause, which provokes a delay in menstruation, then doctors advise adjusting the diet (adding more fortified foods), reducing possible stress for child's body, adjust sleep and rest patterns (a very important aspect so that the child gets enough sleep and always goes to bed at the same time, from 20-00 to 22-00), visit the child more often fresh air, moderate mental and physical stress (exclude intellectual or physical overstrain of the child’s body).

Why a delay in menstruation at 14 years old today worries a fairly large number of both girls and their parents. As for the initial onset of menstruation, it is most often recorded at the age of 12-13 years. This period may differ based on the characteristics of each organism, as well as on how developed the girl’s reproductive system is.

While the girl’s body begins to actively restructure itself, she experiences hormonal instability, which at first may affect the regularity of menstruation, as well as the abundance of discharge. Consequently, if a girl observes a delay in her periods, then this begins to worry her as much as her parents, since the reproductive system is a complex complex that can react significantly to even the most minor deviations from the norm.

When a teenage girl's period is late

Menstruation in a young girl is considered to be delayed only if its manifestations are not observed for at least 2 months. Therefore, if you observe such a phenomenon in yourself, then you should definitely seek advice from a gynecologist who will conduct all examinations and take tests, which will help to effectively determine the cause of the condition. After this, the doctor will be able to make a prescription and eliminate the problem of lack of menstruation in a teenage girl.

The main reasons for delayed menstruation at the stage of its formation:

  • improper diet;
  • physical and moral overload;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • constant or very strong single stress;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • obesity or dystrophy;
  • problems with metabolic processes in a woman’s body;
  • postoperative conditions of the reproductive or urinary organs;
  • genetic pathologies.

Menstrual flow may be delayed due to the fact that in the first two years after the start of menstruation, the flow is unstable. Also, accompanying factors can play a key role here, for example, overheating or hypothermia of the body.

As for such a complex as the “fat complex,” this is a common phenomenon among teenage girls. Consequently, they can resort to a variety of diets. Which also affects such a phenomenon as the biological menstrual cycle.

Adolescents are strongly attracted to bad habits at this age, which also affects the course of menstruation and the phenomenon of its delay or complete absence. Hence, healthy image life is what is needed to restore the natural process of blood loss.

It is also worth noting here that if a girl is already 14-15 years old, and she has never had menstruation, then this is a direct reason to consult a gynecologist. Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the reason for such absence and recommend correct treatment pathology.

The main reasons for delayed periods at 14 years old

When a young woman’s body enters the phase of puberty, each month is determined by a biological process such as menstruation. However, as noted earlier, the first two years the phenomenon may be irregular, which is due to the development of unstable hormonal levels.

Thus, based on this, in order to restore the menstrual cycle as much as possible during this period, it is necessary to exclude the following provoking factors: negative factors:

  • excess weight;
  • anorexia;
  • inflammatory processes or pathologies of ENT organs;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • hormonal instability;
  • unbalanced diet, which contains very few vitamins and microelements;
  • sleep deficiency;
  • stressful situations;
  • excessive physical overload;
  • genetic predisposition.

However, only a highly qualified gynecologist can tell why your period may be delayed after a thorough examination and taking all tests.

As for the main biological process, then during puberty and the menstrual cycle the follicle matures, in which the egg matures. Thus, if such a process is delayed, then menstruation is usually delayed. It is worth noting that if the delay is long and about a couple of weeks after menstruation you can observe very scanty discharge, then this may indicate that the girl has some kind of pathology of the ovaries or other organs of the reproductive system.

If we consider a factor such as stress, then this condition can affect the course of the menstrual cycle. Just like physical activity, moral stress during puberty should be reduced to a minimum. Only under this condition will the formation of the reproductive system proceed correctly without delays or other problems.

As for the phenomenon of obesity, such a factor interferes with the normal functioning of not only the reproductive organs, but also the entire body as a whole. Consequently, excess weight disrupts hormonal levels and metabolic processes in a woman’s body, which is reflected by a certain delay in such a phenomenon as menstruation.

Today, the age at which young women have first sexual intercourse is early. This means that pregnancy can occur at the age of 14. Thus, the mother must have a preventive conversation with her daughter, during which it is necessary to discuss the dangers of promiscuity, as well as basic means of contraception. It is important to establish a trusting relationship so that if problems arise with delayed menstruation or an unplanned pregnancy, your daughter can turn to you without fear of being misunderstood.

Basic steps to restore the menstrual cycle in adolescents

Why a delay in menstruation at the age of 14 can be observed in teenage girls today worries a large number of specialists, children and their parents. Therefore, in order for the cycle to recover as much as possible, it is necessary to consider the following basic principles of a correct and healthy lifestyle for a young representative of the fair sex.

Proper development

As noted earlier, proper ripening female body due to the fact that at the age of about fourteen years a girl begins the phenomenon of menstruation. This period is also due to the following main manifestations of proper maturation:

  • significant enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • vegetation increases hairline in the pubic area and under the arms.

Thus, the period lasts approximately five years and at this time the phenomenon of menstrual bleeding is observed for the first time. It is important to note here that if menstruation was not observed during this period of time, then this is a pathology that requires urgent medical intervention.

First of all, if there is no menstruation at all, the girl’s parents should panic. Mandatory consultation with a doctor cannot be postponed. This is due to the fact that such a delay in examination may result in infertility or other complex diseases in the future.

Balanced diet

In order for a girl’s body to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary that it receives mandatory composition vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the deficiency may be a direct cause of delayed menstruation during adolescence. Such a deficiency may result in the child’s growth retardation or mental development. This is due to the fact that the girl’s brain will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

Thus, it is necessary to exclude unhealthy foods from the diet, for example, chips and crackers. Meat and fish must be present in daily diet teenager As for the frequency of meals, the girl should eat fractionally and in small portions.

Worth taking general analysis blood and determine hemoglobin level. This is necessary to determine whether this deficiency is the cause of delayed menstruation. Iron is an essential element that forms proper menstruation.

Maximum timely elimination of pathologies and various inflammatory processes

As for the factors that have been considered, they occur without certain pain symptoms. But, as for such situations, when a girl notices pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen in the absence of menstruation, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist for timely consultation. This is due to the fact that a delay in menstruation is already alarming symptom, especially if it is accompanied by pain or other negative manifestations.

If the girl got sick infectious disease or took antibiotics, this may also be the reason why menstruation is absent for a single month.

The girl needs to take into account that her feet, especially in the cold season, must always be warm. Consequently, hypothermia can cause not only a delay in menstruation, but also cause pathologies not only of the reproductive organs, but also of the entire body as a whole.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This pathology is common today among young females. First of all, it is associated with hormonal imbalance, which can be corrected by taking hormonal drugs, which should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is important to understand here that self-medication is not best method eliminating pathology. It is also worth noting that if more than one year passes and the pathology is not eliminated, then in this case the girl as an adult may face such unpleasant problem like infertility.

Other causes and their elimination

You can often encounter a situation where a delay in menstruation in adolescence is directly related to genetic predisposition. However, in some cases the condition does not need to be treated, since the pathology is part of a physiological process and does not cause negative consequences.

Regarding the change climatic conditions, then this can also affect the course and duration of menstruation. During this period, it is important to eliminate bad habits or other negative factors that affect the regularity of menstruation.

Thus, to summarize, it is worth noting that if a girl at the age of fourteen is faced with a problem such as delayed menstruation, then she should definitely consult a doctor to establish the true cause of this condition, as well as to clearly identify all the ways to eliminate the pathology.

First menstruation (menarche) – an important event in every girl's life. Menstruation is a sign of puberty and the ability to bear children. Physiological norms provide for the onset of the menstrual cycle at 11-14 years of age. But deviations from standard indicators are a common occurrence during puberty. Why are periods delayed in teenagers, what contributes to this - current issues for growing girls, as well as their parents.

Physiological features of puberty

Puberty of girls begins at the age of 8-9 years and continues until they reach full physiological maturity. Girls are 2-4 years ahead of boys in development. When the first sexual signs appear in the form of hair growth armpits And pubic area, growth of mammary glands, increase in adipose tissue, you can expect the onset of menstruation within 1.5-2 years.

The first menstruation in most cases appears at the age of 11-14 years. But this doesn't always happen. Sometimes menstruation appears earlier than expected physiological norm(9-10 years) or later (15-16 years). This fact does not always signal the presence of a problem, but it cannot be ignored.

With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that menarche will occur earlier than in girls of the same age in girls who are physically developed, strong, and also prone to obesity. And, conversely, with a fragile physique, menstruation usually appears no earlier than 12-13 years.

Each organism is individual. The genetic factor plays an important role in the process of puberty. If the mother began her periods at the age of 12-13 years, then her daughter will also have them around the same period. However, current statistics indicate an earlier onset of menstruation in today's adolescents compared to previous generations. A difference of 1 year is a fact recognized by gynecologists.

Even in the absence of complaints about deterioration in health, it is advisable to discuss deviations from the norm with a pediatric gynecologist.

Common causes of missed periods

In the absence of menstruation in adolescents aged 13-16 years, gynecologists suspect a delay that is inappropriate normal indicators physiological development during puberty. The most common reasons for the absence of menstruation in adolescents include the following:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area (endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, cystitis and other diseases). This fact should be excluded first of all in the absence of signs of an inflammatory process. Ignore any violations reproductive function V adolescence it is forbidden. An infection that is not destroyed in a timely manner becomes a trigger for the appearance of chronic gynecological diseases. Female infertility often due to the lack of proper treatment.
  2. Traumatic brain injuries often disrupt the natural menstrual cycle. Trauma experienced in childhood can cause reproductive dysfunction in the future. This fact should be reported to the gynecologist at mandatory. You may need to consult a neurosurgeon.
  3. Endocrine diseases ( diabetes, diseases thyroid gland) often provoke menstrual irregularities in girls 12 years of age and older. Treatment systemic diseases should precede the examination of reproductive function.
  4. Hormonal imbalance is observed during the period of physiological maturity. Lack of mammary gland growth, a rough voice, and male-pattern hair growth indicate a lack of estrogen and a predominance of male sex hormones in the body. In this case, it is shown hormone therapy to correct the imbalance.
  5. Anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs and injuries resulting from mechanical damage or surgical intervention, can cause lack of menstruation. A doctor can detect an anomaly by gynecological examination. This pathology is most often diagnosed in the absence of menstruation in adolescents 15 years of age and older.
  6. Increasing physical activity is a common reason why your period may be delayed. For girls who lead an active lifestyle (going to the gym, dancing, extreme sports), a delay in menstruation of 1 year or more is not uncommon. When performing heavy physical exercise burnt fat layer, as a result, the brain blocks ovulatory function. You need to understand that the puberty period requires compliance with a gentle regime in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  7. Increased mental stress is an equally common fact. Heavy school program, additional classes with a tutor, lack of free time provokes a delay in menstruation due to mental overstrain.
  8. Stress and emotional instability characteristic of this period also explain why periods may be delayed. The first love, difficult relationships with peers or parents leave a deep mark on the vulnerable child’s soul. When the stress factor is eliminated, the menstrual cycle is restored.
  9. A sharp change in body weight, observed when using strict diets, determines why menstruation does not come on time. Limiting the consumption of high-calorie foods at the age of 12-17 years is a widespread phenomenon among adolescents. Anorexia nervosa is a trigger for dysfunction of the reproductive system. Obesity also disrupts the natural menstrual cycle.
  10. Bad habits such as drinking alcohol, narcotic drugs and smoking can be the reason why there is no menstruation at 12-17 years old.
  11. Changes in the climatic zone of residence provoke menstrual irregularities (premature onset or delay). If menstruation is absent for this reason, then there is no reason to worry. The acclimatization period is a temporary phenomenon. After some time, the natural cycle will be restored.
  12. If menstruation has already been regular for several months or even years, and then interrupted, pregnancy cannot be ruled out, despite the patient’s young age. The beginning of puberty requires a special approach to personality development. Building trusting relationships at this time is the task of every parent. A girl should be confident in the support of her parents in any situation. Sex education plays a big role. Lack of knowledge about contraceptive methods leads to irreparable consequences.
  13. Application of some medicines affects the reproductive function of the young body. When diagnosing pathology, it is necessary to exclude the girl from using hormonal contraceptives. They directly affect the absence of menstrual flow.

What is cause for concern?

If at the beginning of puberty there is active hormonal changes, then there is no particular reason for concern. Another thing is menstrual irregularities at 15-17 years old. Amenorrhea at this age can be primary (when there was no menstrual flow at all) or secondary (the absence of menstruation was preceded by a normal menstrual cycle). Any form of amenorrhea can provoke impaired fertility in the future.

How older age girls, the more worrying the fact of absence of menarche is.

A signal to immediately contact qualified help the following facts should become clear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, and mammary glands;
  • the appearance of unnatural vaginal discharge with the presence of pus and an unpleasant odor;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • nausea, vomiting, general condition disturbance;
  • changes in usual menstrual flow (volume, frequency), appearance of blood clots;
  • delay of 30 days or more.

Any form of amenorrhea requires consultation with a gynecologist.

Perhaps the absence of menstruation is just a temporary phenomenon as a result of hormonal changes in the developing body. But exclude the presence obvious pathology is mandatory. Timely diagnosis, a competent approach and adequate therapy will prevent possible complications in future.

The health of a teenager is extremely vulnerable. The body of young ladies reacts especially violently to all unfavorable situations. A sensitive mother, knowing this, tries to prevent the girl from exhausting herself with unnecessary physical activity. The mother awaits the first menstruation of her “princess” with joyful excitement. The onset of menstrual bleeding indicates the patient’s successful maturation. When menstruation “sleeps” and does not want to come, the young lady worries. Her mother is tormenting herself with guesses why a schoolgirl at 14 years old does not have periods.

If by the time of her fourteenth birthday a girl has not felt what menstruation is, there is no point in getting ready for a frightening scenario. Perhaps “Juliet’s” body did not have time to accumulate a sufficient amount female hormones. It is also possible that there is an inflammatory process in the girl’s uterus or gonads.

Prolonged childhood and menstruation

The first menstruation (gynecologists call it “menarche”), as a rule, begins in a girl at twelve to thirteen years old. If a fourteen-year-old patient did not wait for this event, there is no reason to “sprinkle ashes on her head.” It is quite possible that the young lady’s body is not ripe for rhythmic changes.

In such a delicate matter as puberty, it’s not wise to look up to your peers. The level of female hormones will differ even between two twin sisters. “But what if you haven’t had your period for too long?” - This is a question that young patients often ask a gynecologist. First of all, the girl must protect herself from nervous shocks. In order for your period to come to you sooner, you should not experiment with your diet. An overly strict diet can deprive a girl’s body of important vitamins, microelements.

The first thing you should do if you don’t have your period is to evaluate appearance female patients. If a girl’s mammary glands have just begun to swell, and vegetation in the “tender zones” has not appeared, puberty is delayed. To make sure that the young lady is healthy, you should show her to a gynecologist.

What's wrong with the breasts?

For the first time, a girl’s period comes three years after her breasts begin to grow. If at the age of thirteen the mammary glands of a schoolgirl have only just “developed”, there is no point in waiting for menstruation at the age of 14. Let us list the reasons for delayed puberty in girls:

  • prolonged depression, conflicts;
  • active sports;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • smoking;
  • colds.

After stress or the flu, a girl’s body may take several months to recover.

Are the patient’s relatives “to blame”?

Another reason for the slow maturation of schoolgirls is the family factor. If the patient’s mother and grandmother got their period no earlier than fifteen or sixteen years old, it is logical to assume that she herself will not begin menstruation until the age of fourteen.

Before “starting” the menstrual cycle, the girl’s body must complete the formation of all organs of the reproductive system. If the gonads function poorly, dominant follicle will not be able to mature. This means there is no point in talking about ovulation or menstruation.

There is a concept of “prolonged childhood”. It concerns not only character, but also physiology. Sometimes menstruation comes to young ladies on the threshold of their adulthood. The absence of ailments indicates that nothing frightening is happening to the girl. Doctors consider the critical date for the onset of menarche to be sixteen years of age.

Depressing reasons for late maturation

It is difficult for an impressionable mother to accept that her daughter does not have her period at 14. The woman starts reading articles and listens to the advice of her friends. She may be tempted to buy medications or supplements for her young daughter to induce menstrual bleeding. It is dangerous to tempt fate and treat a girl yourself. It is quite possible that you yourself invented the trouble. There are situations when doctor's intervention is necessary.

Let's name ailments that depress a girl's puberty:

  • thyroid diseases.
  • pituitary tumor.
  • congenital pathologies of the ovaries.
  • adhesions in the vaginal structures.
  • absence of a uterus.

It happens that a girl does not have a vagina. The young lady's uterus and gonads are functioning, but she does not have menstrual flow. Doctors call this situation false amenorrhea. In some young patients, the hymen has no holes. Of course, this defect interferes with the arrival of menstruation.

To confirm or exclude the presence of the above-mentioned problems in the young lady, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, and a blood test for hormones. If a girl has congenital defects in the reproductive organs, the doctor will decide what to do. Let us remind you that surgical correction allows you to eliminate almost all the bitter “surprises” of nature.

First menstrual bleeding (determined medical term Menarche) is always a very important event in the life of a teenage girl. The onset of the menstrual cycle indicates her puberty and ability to bear children.

According to physiological norms, the first menstruation occurs at the age of 11-14 years. However, deviations from standard norms are not uncommon and the expected critical days do not appear. This makes girls and their parents seriously worried.

What are the reasons why menstruation does not occur at the age of 14 and what should a girl do about it? We will talk about this with you today, on the “Popular about Health” website:

When does the first menstruation begin??

According to doctors, the first menstruation usually appears no earlier than two years from the moment when visible enlargement of the mammary glands began. First, transparent light discharge(leucorrhoea). They are released from the vagina about one year before the start of real menstruation.

Usually the first cycle begins in girls from 13-15 years old. However, the development of the body continues much longer, until about 18 years of age.

Why don't you get your period at 14??

Main reasons

If a girl 13-16 years old does not have menstruation, gynecologists consider this phenomenon to be abnormal. Such a delay may indicate a violation of the girl’s physiological development during puberty.

Let us briefly consider the most common reasons for this phenomenon:

Inflammatory diseases

Availability inflammatory processes genitourinary system, for example: cystitis, endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome and other pathologies.

What to do?

Periodically visit a gynecologist for preventive examinations. Timely treatment will prevent the development of chronic forms gynecological diseases. You need to understand that diseases that are not cured during adolescence are one of the main causes of female infertility.


This fact cannot be discounted. Nowadays, many teenagers start early sex life and the parents don’t even know about it.

What to do?

It is necessary to engage in sex education for girls. Insufficient or complete lack of knowledge about the mechanisms and methods of contraception very often leads to irreparable consequences.

Traumatic brain injuries

It is too common reason disturbances of the normal menstrual cycle. Even if they were received in childhood, in adolescence can cause a delay in the first menstruation. And, in an adult girl, it is a factor of reproductive dysfunction.

What to do?

Seek advice from a neurosurgeon and gynecologist.

Endocrine diseases

Diabetes mellitus and various dysfunctions of the thyroid gland can also cause the absence of menstruation in a teenage girl.

What to do?

Get a reproductive function examination from a gynecologist and visit an endocrinologist. When diagnosing disorders, begin treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Hormonal imbalance

An imbalance of hormones in the body often occurs in adolescence. If a girl of 14-16 years old does not have active development of the mammary glands, hair growth occurs according to the male type, most likely, there is a deficiency of estrogen in the body, due to an increase in the level of male sex hormones.

What to do?

Contact your doctor. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe hormonal treatment, which will eliminate hormone imbalance.

Congenital abnormalities of the reproductive organs

They can also be the reason why menstruation does not occur at the age of 14.

What to do?

Seek advice from a gynecologist.

Physical overload

This is a fairly common cause of the described phenomenon. For girls who are intensely involved in sports, the onset of their first menstruation may be delayed for a year or even more.

What to do?

It is necessary to determine a gentle regime physical activity, for girls in puberty. This will help avoid such negative consequences.

Increased mental stress

An equally common cause is physical overload. A difficult, intensive school program, extra classes, visiting a tutor after school can cause a delay.

What to do?

Reduce your load, set aside time for additional rest, follow a daily routine, and get enough sleep.

Emotional instability

Increased emotionality is a common occurrence in adolescence. Falling in love, worrying about one's appearance, quarrels with friends and schoolmates - for this reason, a delay in the first menstruation may also occur.

What to do?

When eliminating the cause emotional experience, the menstrual cycle is restored.

Anorexia and obesity

Sudden weight loss, while using a strict diet, can also become a delay factor. Quick loss weight not only disrupts the functions of the reproductive system, but also destabilizes the entire body as a whole. Obesity also contributes to disruption of the normal menstrual cycle.

What to do?

It’s normal to eat well without exhausting yourself with diets. If you are obese, consult a specialist and follow the recommendations of your doctor and nutritionist.

Bad habits

Alcohol, drugs and smoking may also be a cause. In this case, even seventeen-year-old girls may not have menstruation.

What to do?

The answer is categorical - get rid of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. A drug addiction specialist will help with this. After timely treatment, the menstrual cycle is restored within a short time.


The use of certain medications and hormonal contraceptives seriously affects reproductive system and can cause lack of menstrual flow.

What to do?

Consult your doctor about the possibility of replacement medicinal product. Contact your gynecologist with a request to choose a more suitable method of contraception.

If a girl does not get her first period at the age of 14, most likely this is a temporary phenomenon associated with hormonal changes in the body.

However, the presence of pathology cannot be excluded. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and
consult a gynecologist. Competent specialist consultation, diagnostics and timely treatment(if necessary) will prevent the development of complications in adulthood.

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