Home Removal Social psychological service as a factor in the mental health of young people. Improving youth mental health in a changing society

Social psychological service as a factor in the mental health of young people. Improving youth mental health in a changing society

    Good psychological health is necessary for every person to ensure High Quality life and success in all spheres of life. The psychological health of the younger generation is now under threat. A special place among the destructive factors is occupied by the spiritual and moral degradation of society. Spiritual priorities were replaced by material ones. Chase after material benefits has become the meaning of life for many people. Moral standards have disappeared. Patriotism, citizenship, honesty, nobility, kindness - these words remain unnecessary and meaningless for many.
    Communication from a position of strength is increasingly becoming the only effective argument in resolving disputes.
    The criminalization of society has the most unfavorable impact on the health of the younger generation. The percentage of crimes among teenagers and young people is growing.
    Great difficulties for educational work and formation psychological health children and adolescents creates a sharp stratification of Russian society along property lines. It is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for the future of the country and the majority of modern schoolchildren.
    The everyday speech of many people, representatives of various segments of the population, men and women, heavily mixed with obscene expressions, is obvious evidence of the spiritual and moral crisis of Russian society, the pronounced disadvantage of the psychological and social health of children.

    In order to solve these problems, students at school conduct

  • special correctional and developmental classes (general class, group, individual) according to the programs: “I am a first grader”, “First time in fifth grade”, “I am learning to choose” (grades 7, 8), “I choose” (grades 9, 11) , “Personal Self-Improvement” (grades 5-11), “Development Lessons” (grades 1-4),

  • psychodiagnostics are organized to study the individual and personal characteristics of schoolchildren (the purpose of which is to identify the professional inclinations of students in grades 7, 8, 9, 11 and help them choose a future profession);

  • Psychological lessons and large psychological games are conducted (for example, the game “Sociological Survey”), the purpose of which is to help the student understand himself and form in him the necessary positive moral values ​​and orientations;

  • Constant consultation and education of teachers, students and their parents is carried out.

What are the results of this work?

Firstly, psychological work 100% of the school's students are covered, this is already a result.

Secondly, a clear picture is created of how the processes of psychological and personal development of students are going and how successful their adaptation is in the educational process of school and beyond the walls of school, in adult life.

It should be noted that % of first-graders, % of fifth-graders and 95% of tenth-graders successfully adapt to school

There are many reasons. Here are a few of them:

  • low level of readiness of children entering first grade;

  • low level of development of cognitive processes in students;

  • lack of interest in learning among many schoolchildren;

  • lack of a person-oriented approach to students in the educational process;

  • lack of parental control over the studies of many children.

The lifestyle of parents is the model by which the child builds his relationships with the world, including in matters of caring for his health. In adolescence, the influence of peers on the formation of attitudes naturally increases. The negative nature of this influence increases the risk of joining psychoactive substances, others bad habits, which gradually lays the foundation for many ailments that manifest themselves years later.
Therefore, you, parents, and we, teachers, need to master the methods and techniques of practical health psychology, which will allow us all to counter the negative influences of the environment with a system of values ​​and attitudes, skills and abilities that will act as a kind of antidote to the numerous influences of the natural and social environment.
The psychological health of a schoolchild is the basis of his well-being in life.
It is unacceptable to save effort and resources on its formation.

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“Report on the topic “Psychological health of schoolchildren””

Report on the topic “Psychological health of schoolchildren”

A person needs not only physical health, but psychological health. The main criterion for a person’s good psychological health is his successful social adaptation in society.

Psychologically healthy person

    knows how to adequately assess the situation, himself, other people, his capabilities, strengths and weaknesses;

    owns his thoughts, feelings, actions in accordance with the situation, his interests, individual capabilities;

    able to find a common language with people and manage conflicts;

    able to act;

    capable of achieving and maintaining the required level of intellectual performance;

    has a sense of humor and is witty;

    able to enjoy life, love and be loved;

    accepts himself, is satisfied with his life, self-sufficient;

    able to maintain an optimistic attitude even in difficult life situations;

    strive to do good, help, take care of someone.

Good psychological health is necessary for every person to ensure a high quality of life and success in all areas of life. The psychological health of the younger generation is now under threat. A special place among the destructive factors is occupied by the spiritual and moral degradation of society. Spiritual priorities were replaced by material ones. The pursuit of material wealth has become the meaning of life for many people. Moral standards have disappeared. Patriotism, citizenship, honesty, nobility, kindness - these words remain unnecessary and meaningless for many.

Communication from a position of strength is increasingly becoming the only effective argument in resolving disputes.

The criminalization of society has the most unfavorable impact on the health of the younger generation. The percentage of crimes among teenagers and young people is growing.

Great difficulties for educational work and the formation of the psychological health of children and adolescents are created by the sharp stratification of Russian society along property lines. It is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences for the future of the country and the majority of modern schoolchildren.

The everyday speech of many people, representatives of various segments of the population, men and women, heavily mixed with obscene expressions, is obvious evidence of the spiritual and moral crisis of Russian society, the pronounced disadvantage of the psychological and social health of children.

The psychological health of children and adolescents cannot but be influenced by medical and social factors. The traditional careless attitude towards one’s health in our country, the inability to timely seek treatment medical care, the habit of self-medication leads people to deplete their health resources, and in addition, sets a bad example for the younger generation.

The rich people of the Ancient East paid their doctors only for those days when they, the rulers, were healthy. A cultural educated person not the one who constantly turns to doctors, but the one who, through his lifestyle, does not create the preconditions for illness.

The lack of health fashion has a negative impact on the formation of a health culture in society. American high school students ranked 17 life values; health took first place, while Russian high school students ranked only ninth.

Forming and maintaining the psychological health of students is one of the tasks solved by the school. The main criteria for the success of this work in school are the successful adaptation of schoolchildren to the conditions educational process at school and full mental and personal child development at different age periods. That is why the work of the school psychological service is based on solving the following tasks: diagnosing the level of psychological and personal development of students, identifying difficulties that students encounter in the educational process of school at different levels of education, especially during adaptation periods (grades 1, 5, 8, 10) and providing them with timely psychological and pedagogical assistance, development cognitive activity And personal sphere schoolchildren and the formation in students of vital knowledge and skills, such as the ability to evaluate themselves, their abilities, interests, inclinations, the ability to find ways of their own self-improvement, make choices (behavioral, professional), the ability to build relationships with people, and communicate.

In order to solve these problems, students at school conduct

    special correctional and developmental classes (general class, group, individual) according to the programs: “I am a first grader”, “First time in fifth grade”, “I am learning to choose” (grades 7, 8), “I choose” (grades 9, 11) , “Personal Self-Improvement” (grades 5-11), “Development Lessons” (grades 1-4),

    psychodiagnostics are organized to study the individual and personal characteristics of schoolchildren (the purpose of which is to identify the professional inclinations of students in grades 7, 8, 9, 11 and help them choose a future profession);

    Psychological lessons and large psychological games are conducted (for example, the game “Sociological Survey”), the purpose of which is to help the student understand himself and form in him the necessary positive moral values ​​and orientations;

    Constant consultation and education of teachers, students and their parents is carried out.

What are the results of this work?

Firstly, 100% of school students are covered by psychological work, this is already a result.

Secondly, a clear picture is created of how the processes of psychological and personal development of students are going and how successful their adaptation is in the educational process of school and beyond the walls of school, in adult life.

It should be noted that % of first-graders, % of fifth-graders and 95% of tenth-graders successfully adapt to school

There are many reasons. Here are a few of them:

    low level of readiness of children entering first grade;

    low level of development of cognitive processes in students;

    lack of interest in learning among many schoolchildren;

    lack of a person-oriented approach to students in the educational process;

    lack of parental control over the studies of many children.

The role of school, family, and a student’s immediate environment is great in shaping his attitude toward learning, health, and a healthy lifestyle.

The lifestyle of parents is the model by which the child builds his relationships with the world, including in matters of caring for his health. In adolescence, the influence of peers on the formation of attitudes naturally increases. With the negative nature of this influence, the risk of addiction to psychoactive substances and other bad habits increases, which gradually lays the foundation for many ailments that manifest themselves years later.

Therefore, you, parents, and we, teachers, need to master the methods and techniques of practical health psychology, which will allow us all to counter the negative influences of the environment with a system of values ​​and attitudes, skills and abilities that will act as a kind of antidote to the numerous influences of the natural and social environment.

The psychological health of a schoolchild is the basis of his well-being in life.

It is unacceptable to save effort and resources on its formation.


2017 Issue 1 (44). pp. 19-24_

UDC 316.6:159.9


The article is devoted to the problem of psychological health of young people. The article analyzes favorable and unfavorable biological, social and psychological factors formation of psychological health of the younger generation.

Key words: youth, psychological health, mental health, social level of psychological health.


The article is devoted to the problem of youth"s psychological health. The article analyze favorable and unfavorable biological, social and psychological factors of the formation of the psychological health of the younger generation.

Key words: young people, psychological health, mental health, social level of psychological health.

Healthy mind in healthy body- here is a brief but complete description of the happy state in this world.

John Locke

Youth is a socio-demographic group of the population experiencing a period of formation of social maturity, entry into the world of adults and adaptation to an autonomous independent life. On the one hand, the future renewal of society depends on this socio-demographic group; on the other hand, the specific social and psychological features of this social group are determined by the age characteristics of young people, the process of their formation spiritual world, socialization, specific position in the social structure of society.

Due to age and socio-psychological characteristics, young people gravitate towards new types of activities, master complex professions with relative ease, are distinguished by selflessness and responsiveness, special emotional sensitivity, the desire for an ideal, maximum manifestation of strengths and abilities. Its formation occurs in difficult conditions of the breakdown of many old values, during the formation of new social relations in our country .

The boundaries of youth are fluid. They depend on the socio-economic development of society, the achieved level of well-being and culture, and people’s living conditions. The impact of these factors is really manifested in the life expectancy of people, the expansion of the boundaries of youth age from 14 to 30 years. The lower limit is determined by the fact that it is at this age that a person first receives the right to choose socially: to continue studying at school, enter a technical or humanities college, lyceum, or go to work. By the age of 30, a person, as a rule, reaches physical and professional maturity, the formation of his family is completed, and he occupies a certain position in society.

Currently, according to sociologists, there are two extreme groups of young people - prosperous and disadvantaged. It depends on the various reasons, including on their socio-psychological level of development. The socio-psychological level of development is determined by intellectual development and psychological health.

Before defining the term psychological health, let us turn to the meaning of the concept of health. Health is “...a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition contains levels of health: physical; mental; social. We are interested in mental health because it is a component of psychological health.

The term “mental health” was first coined by the World Health Organization (WHO). The report of the WHO Expert Committee “Mental health and psychosocial development of children” (1979) states that mental health disorders are associated both with somatic diseases or defects in physical development, and with various unfavorable factors and stresses affecting the psyche and associated with social conditions.

The term “mental health” is ambiguous; it seems to connect two sciences and two areas of practice - medical and psychological. In recent decades, at the intersection of medicine and psychology, a special scientific branch has emerged - psychosomatic medicine, which is based on the understanding that any somatic disorder is always somehow associated with changes in the mental state. In turn, mental states become the main cause of somatic illness or are, as it were, an impetus leading to illness. Sometimes mental characteristics affect the course of the disease, sometimes physical illnesses cause mental distress and psychological discomfort.

In the dictionary edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, mental health is considered as “a state of mental well-being, characterized by the absence of painful mental phenomena and providing adequate regulation of behavior and activity to the conditions of the surrounding reality.”

Speaking about the difference between mental and psychological health, Dubrovina I.V. highlighted the difference - mental health, in fact, has to do with individual mental processes and mechanisms; psychological health characterizes the personality as a whole and is in direct connection with the manifestation of the human spirit.

V. A. Ananyev tried to determine the “norm” of psychological health. “If the norm for mental health is the absence of pathology, symptoms that interfere with a person’s adaptation in society, then to determine the norm of psychological health it is important to have certain personal characteristics. And if the psychiatrist’s concern for the most part is getting rid of the patient from pathological factors, then the direction of the psychologist’s actions goes towards the acquisition by a person of useful properties that contribute to successful adaptation. In addition, the norm of psychological health presupposes not only successful adaptation, but also the productive development of a person for the benefit of himself and the society in which he lives."

Pakhalyan V. E., analyzing the concept of health and the concept of psychological health, defines psychological health as “... a dynamic state of internal well-being (coherence) of an individual, which constitutes its essence and allows you to actualize your individual and age-related psychological capabilities at any stage of development” .

Answering the question of what psychological health is, the author of the monograph “Psychology of Health,” V. A. Ananyev, identifies the following traits of a psychologically healthy person:

Somatic health;

Development of self-control and assimilation of reactions that are adequate various situations In human life;

The ability to distinguish between real and ideal goals, boundaries between different substructures of the “I” - the desiring self and the obligatory self;

The ability to regulate one’s actions and behavior within the boundaries of social norms (Lazursky A.F.).

In general, an analysis of the literature allows us to identify a number of significant features used by modern psychologists when describing the psychological health of an individual:

1. A person’s awareness and comprehension of himself, the world as a whole, and his interaction with the world.

2. Completeness of “inclusion”, experiencing and living the present, being in the process.

3. The ability to improve the best choices in a specific situation and in life in general.

4. The ability not only to express oneself, listen to another person, but also to participate in co-creation with another person.

5. Deep eventfulness as a person’s ability to be in full-fledged contact that promotes the improvement of participants, genuine dialogue and to organize it.

6. A sense of freedom, life “in accordance with oneself” as a state of awareness and following one’s main interests and the best choice in the situation.

7. Feeling of one’s own capacity - “I can.”

8. Social interest or social feeling (in A. Adler’s terminology), that is, interested consideration of the interests, opinions, needs and feelings of other people, constant attention to the fact that there are living people nearby.

9. A state of stability, stability, certainty in life and an optimistic, cheerful attitude as an integral consequence of all the above qualities and properties of a psychologically healthy person. This state should not be confused with a state of rigidity, “closed-mindedness” by stereotypes and patterns. On the contrary, it is a state of flexible but stable balance in a dynamic life world with a significant degree of uncertainty.

Considering the concept of psychological health in the unity of biological (physical, physiological), mental and social, it can be argued that psychological health presupposes stable, adaptive functioning of a person at the vital, social and existential levels of life.

As Regush L. A and Orlova A. V. note, psychological health at the vital level of life presupposes a person’s conscious, active, responsible attitude towards his biological needs, the needs of his body. Such a person cares not only about the health, cleanliness, and beauty of his body, but also examines and is aware of his usual movements, gestures, clamps, and the muscular armor as a whole. In addition, a psychologically healthy person can explore his very attitude towards his body. In general, the health of the vital level of life is characterized by a dynamic balance of all functions internal organs, adequately responding to the influence external environment striving to maintain the homeostatic state of the entire organism as a whole.

The psychological health of the social level of life is determined by the system of social relations into which a person enters as a social being. At the same time, the conditions for the flow of social relations, determined by the norms of morality, law, value orientations and morality, become the most significant for a person.

Social health criteria are often:

The level of social adaptation and the adequacy of human reactions to external influences(Myasishchev V.N.);

Adequate perception of social reality, interest in the surrounding world,

focus on socially useful work, altruism, responsibility, empathy,

selflessness, consumer culture (Nikiforov G.S.);

The ability to set goals and achieve goals (Tikhomirov O.K.).

The level of human social functioning is characterized by a complex system

subject-object relations containing both subjective and object characteristics

sticks. Subject characteristics include the patterns of a person’s mental organization, manifested in the functioning of the emotional-volitional and cognitive spheres, which provide the basis for the formation of a personality integrated by the value-moral system in the worldview. Object characteristics also have certain patterns that manifest themselves in social relations set by the norms of the cultural environment, social and state organizations or subcultural values.

Therefore, there are no uniform criteria for a social norm; each cultural environment forms its own norms, and an indicator of social health is the level of adaptability to the norms of the society in which a person lives. Social immunity at the subjective level is internalized social and cultural norms, presented in the structure of values ​​and the standard of interpersonal relationships, the violation or non-fulfillment of which frustrates a person, manifesting itself in external or internal conflict, which causes anxiety, signaling the possibility of problems with social health.

The social psychological health of an adult is determined by the degree of professional self-realization of a person. Professional self-determination at the social level is characterized by an attraction to cooperation, a desire to follow norms, and hard work. The meaning of life at this level is determined by the desire for trusting relationships, security and responsibility. Professional activity (according to the research of M. Ya. Dvoretskaya) is characterized by the desire for social stability, which is a consequence of life and professional choices with the avoidance of frustrating situations and useless, meaningless activities.

Psychological health at the social level of life is evidenced by a high degree of harmonization by a person of his relationships with society. In the process of harmonizing his relationships with society, a person becomes aware of his social needs, expands the means and methods of their implementation. At this time, he forms his own autonomy, self-determination, self-government, and realizes the forces and abilities inherent in nature.

Psychological health at the existential (deep) level of life presupposes: a person’s orientation towards his deep inner world, the formation of trust in his inner experience, renewed, spiritual relationships with the outside world.

The existential level of life also has its own criteria and indicators of health. First of all, these include the presence of meaning in life, which determines a person’s aspirations towards the ideal, the implementation of which is usually associated with a struggle between the ideal and reality. The existential ideal is something infinite, never achievable, especially within the short life of an individual in the sensory world. It is defined as the eternal, never-ending goal of human existence.

The existential ideal is intended to determine what is eternal and unchangeable in human nature, setting off the transitory values ​​of finite existence. It promotes the search for the meaning of life, associated with the resolution of existential dichotomies (life - death; freedom - responsibility; meaning - meaninglessness; loneliness - love; conscience - law), which, in turn, activates the process of human self-knowledge. The presence of existential dichotomies, on the one hand, indicates the presence of deep internal conflicts, accompanied by growing anxiety and unaccountable fears, but, on the other hand, with their positive resolution, it represents an opportunity for personal growth, where making a choice and taking responsibility for it determines the direction personality in general.

A negative resolution of dichotomies is most often associated with the phenomenon of “burning of conscience,” when a person, in his unbridled desire for consumption and pleasure, chooses the path of external well-being, making his spiritual, truly human life meaningless.

Different authors put different content into the concept of “psychological health”.

So, for example, A. Maslow considers a psychologically healthy person to be a person who self-actualizes, E. Fromm calls such a person a “productive person,” K. Rogers a “fully functioning person.”

So, let us once again emphasize the difference between mental and psychological health. Mental health relates to individual processes and mechanisms of the psyche: thinking, memory, sensation, perception, emotions, will, etc. Psychological health characterizes the personality as a whole, its attitude to the world, itself, its own life.

Candidate of Biological Sciences Khvatova M.V. in the article “Phenomenological approach to the study of personal health of young people” discovered and highlights the contradiction between the need for the formation of a healthy, creative, active, socially responsible personality and the lack of formation of the value of health at the personal-semantic level, the lack of readiness to realize a healthy lifestyle. Health is a declared value for young people, but not realized; there is no active subject position, personal responsibility for their health and well-being. The same attitude applies to psychological health.

Health is presented to modern youth as a kind of resource that provides a person with a long and carefree life; external motivation predominates in the answers and only 5% see the opportunity to actualize their potential for self-realization. Noteworthy is the stereotypical idea of ​​modern youth about health, which is imposed by the environment and the media. As for respondents with poor health, it is worth noting that they define health for themselves as the key to successful activities, a good career and life in general, and not as the key to a long, carefree life (students’ opinion).

Psychological health as a set of personal formations ensures the successful functioning of a person in difficult conditions, maintaining his social and personal status, realizing his own personal potential. A psychologically healthy young man successfully adapts to society, affirms his own ideals, and uses constructive strategies on his path to acme. Acme (from the Greek act - the highest degree of something, blooming power) is the pinnacle of a person’s maturity (acme), a state that covers a significant stage of his life and demonstrates how accomplished he is as a person, as a citizen, as a professional in what -areas of activity. At the same time, the acme of personality is characterized by greater or lesser variability and individuality. Modern acmeology is primarily interested in the age at which people of different professions reach their peak period and how long they remain established at this level. At the same time, the main problem of acmeology is not so much the chronological extent of full maturity, but rather the mental state of a person, which can turn any period of life into a period of flourishing, filled with psychological health.

Speaking about psychological health and illnesses, it is important to note that there are no psychological illnesses - there are mental disorders and physical ailments. Psychological health is determined by how a person relates to his spiritual, mental, physical health and development.

Factors unfavorable for the psychological health of young people include the spread of smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse. Drug use is influenced by many factors, mainly social and psychological (curiosity, gaining popularity, facilitating contacts, the desire to imitate, conflicts, idleness, fear of life’s difficulties, etc.). The consequences of drug addiction are tragic: a person degrades, he loses interest in life, he ceases to be a person, and medical consequences even more sad. Drug use causes significant harm to society and the individual. The bulk of drug users are young people; one of the consequences of drug addiction is the physical and social degradation of the most active part of the population; a factor that largely determines the lifestyle and lifestyle of young people is the criminalization and commercialization of their leisure time.

And favorable development is facilitated by reading good literature, especially spiritual literature, communication with intelligent, spiritually developing people, in particular with a confessor, and self-development. A young man must become the subject of his own health; it depends on his will what technologies he will create and how he will use techniques for producing his health.

One of the forms of work on the formation and development of the psychological health of young people can be participation in socio-psychological and personal training aimed at updating reserve capabilities and developing socio-psychological competencies. At the trainings “Development of confident behavior”, “Development of resilience”, “Development of communication skills”, “Learning to live in peace and harmony” (Training for the formation of tolerant attitudes), “Development of identity capital”, young people have the opportunity to study their own resources, gain knowledge on personal self-development and to form socio-psychological skills. Such trainings are developed by students of the Humanitarian Institute studying in the direction of “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” during practical classes in specialized disciplines. In the process of their development, students accumulate knowledge and skills in personal self-development, the formation of socio-psychological competencies, which is a condition for the development of the psychological health of young people.


1. Ananyev, V. A. Psychology of health. Book 1. Conceptual foundations of health psychology [Text] / V. A. Ananyev. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006 - 384 p.

2. Children's health: biological and social aspects[Text]: methodological manual / ed. M. G. Romantsova. - St. Petersburg: Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 1999. - 48 p.

3. Pakhalyan, V. E. Development and psychological health. Preschool and school age [Text] / V.E. Pahalyan. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 240 p.

4. Pedagogical psychology [Text]: textbook / ed. L. A. Regush, A. V. Orlova. - St. Petersburg, 2011. - 416 p.

5. Practical psychology of education [Text]: textbook / edited by I. V. Dubrovina. - 4th ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 592 p.

6. Mental health of children and adolescents in the context of psychological services [Text]: a guide for a practical psychologist / ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - 4th ed. - Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2000. - 176 p.

7. Psychology [Text]: dictionary / under general. ed. A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. -Moscow: Politizdat, 1990. - 494 p.

8. Simonovich, N. N. Psychological characteristics social well-being youth [Text]: abstract. dis. . Ph.D. psychol. Sciences / N. N. Simonovich. - Moscow, 2007. - 24 p.

9. Khvatova, M. V. Phenomenological approach to the study of youth personality health [Text] / M. V. Khvatova // Gaudeamus. - 2012. - No. 1 (19). - pp. 41-45.

10. Encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms[Text]. - Moscow: Medicine, 2005. - 600 p.

Sections: School psychological service

Attention to health issues in last years has increased noticeably. Attention to the health of schoolchildren has naturally increased.

The concept of health-saving technologies, which has emerged in recent years, involves the consolidation of all school efforts aimed at preserving, developing and strengthening the health of students.

The task of school teachers is to fully prepare a teenager for an independent life, creating all the prerequisites for a happy life. And without health this is unattainable. Therefore, by ensuring the health of schoolchildren and creating a culture of health among them, the school lays the foundation for the well-being of future generations.

There are more than 300 definitions of “health.” Let us highlight the main groups in which health is determined:

  • as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity;
  • as a set of physical and spiritual abilities (vitality) that an organism or personality has;
  • as an integral multidimensional dynamic state, in the process of realizing genetic potential in a specific social and economic environment, allowing a person to carry out his biological and social functions to varying degrees.

Thus, the understanding of health is different, but each definition mentions the psychological (spiritual) health of the individual as an important link in the understanding of health.

One of the most traumatic factors influencing the deterioration of schoolchildren’s health is the general stress-generating system of organizing the educational process and conducting lessons by many teachers. Up to 80% of students constantly experience academic stress. Hence the rapidly deteriorating indicators of neuropsychic and psychological health.

In 1979, the World Health Organization coined the term “mental health.” It can be defined as “a state of mental activity, which is characterized by the determinism of mental phenomena, a harmonious relationship between the reflection of the circumstances of reality and the individual’s attitude towards it, the adequacy of the body’s reactions to the social, psychological and physical conditions of life, thanks to the individual’s ability to control his behavior, plan and carry out his life path in the micro and macro social environment.”

Unlike the concept of “mental health,” the term “psychological health” is not yet often used. But in cases where a person cannot be unambiguously called either healthy or sick, it is more appropriate to use the term “psychological health” to assess the state of health.

The level and quality of psychological health are characterized by indicators of social, socio-psychological and individual mental adaptation of the individual.

Many Western scientists and psychologists of the 20th century, who studied personality theory in line with the psychoanalytic and humanistic directions, expressed their ideas about a healthy, mature, well-adapted personality. In the concept of a healthy personality, they essentially put the idea of ​​“psychological health.”

Health psychology places at the center of its consideration a healthy person, his individual psychological characteristics, and the resources of his psyche that allow him to maintain health under the inevitable influence of pathogenic environmental factors.

For schoolchildren, such a pathogenic factor is school stress as a state of psycho-emotional stress of varying duration, which is accompanied by a feeling of discomfort. An important feature of emotional stress is increased anxiety.

It is anxiety, as many researchers and practical psychologists note, that underlies a number of psychological difficulties in childhood. On the one hand, children with severe anxiety are considered the most “convenient”: they prepare lessons, fulfill all the teachers’ requirements, and do not violate the rules of behavior; on the other hand, these are often the most “difficult” children who are assessed as inattentive, ill-mannered, and uncontrollable. All this serves as a reason to contact a psychologist.

In preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, anxiety is the result of frustration of the need for reliability and security from the immediate environment, that is, from close adults. For a younger schoolchild, a teacher may also be such a close adult.

Primary school age is traditionally considered “emotionally rich”. This is due, firstly, to the fact that upon entering school, the range of potentially disturbing events expands, primarily due to evaluative situations; secondly, at this age, organization in the child’s emotional behavior increases. The liveliness of the direct manifestation of feelings by a small schoolchild is for teachers not only a valuable sign that characterizes the student’s emotional sphere, but also a symptom that indicates which qualities of the emotional sphere need to be developed and which need to be corrected.

Based on the above, I would like to note the relevance today of the problem of preserving and strengthening the psychological health of children.

Therefore, we set ourselves target – to develop an effective model of psychological support for younger schoolchildren that will help preserve and strengthen the psychological health of children.

Results of the effectiveness of the support system for junior schoolchildren in maintaining psychological health

1. Diagnostic work

One of the important components of psychological support is the study of elementary school students. For our study, we selected methods that allow us to identify anxious children, study the child’s personal characteristics, assess the child’s self-esteem, his sense of self in the world:

  • color choice tests M. Luscher;
  • Temml, Dorky, Amen tests;
  • projective techniques: “Drawing of a family”, “Tree”;
  • A.P. technique Wenger;
  • questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation of primary school students N.G. Luskanova;
  • test school anxiety Phillips;
  • Spielberger-Hanin Reactive and Trait Anxiety Scale;
  • “Observation Map”, proposed and adapted by L.M. Kovaleva.

The presented methods allow diagnostics to be carried out both in a group form and individually. The methods are valid and reliable. Data obtained from a group study correlate with data from other methods, which makes it possible to monitor the age-related development of children.

Empirical Research Data

For the last four years, while recruiting children into 1st grade, I noticed that every year children with a high level of anxiety enter the Gymnasium Municipal Educational Institution. Moreover, according to tests of intellectual development, these children show a high and good level.

The results of diagnostics carried out during the period of children’s adaptation to 1st grade (in October - November) also make us think.

The most stable indicator remains “the predominance of negative emotions.” The factor “chronic fatigue” tends to decrease. And for the “overexcitement” factor, the indicators are not stable and depend on the year of enrollment (possible reasons - the teacher’s communication style).

Based on the data received, an interview was conducted with teachers for each student who made up the “risk group”, where the further path of their pedagogical support was determined. Parents were invited to a consultation, where the style of family education was individually clarified, and parents were explained what consequences - deviations in the child's development - their educational uncertainty could lead to. Recommendations were given.

Children from this “risk group” were given classes to relieve tension and develop emotional stability.

At the end of the first grade, studies of the emotional background were conducted again. Based on the results, in the second year of study, a group was formed again, and classes were held with this group. But the results of diagnosing my emotional state after finishing second grade gave me pause.

Table 1. Diagnostics of the emotional state of students in comparison of the 2001–2002 academic year of enrollment and the 2002–2003 academic year of enrollment

Year of enrollment Research time
Mood (SO) Energy (VC)
Predominance of negative emotions Norm Predominance of positive emotions Chronic fatigue Compensation
tired state
Optimal performance
2001–2002 academic year School recruitment 17% 63% 20% 12% 30% 55% 8%
Adaptation in 1st grade 25% 59% 16% 10% 22% 68% 0%
End of 1st grade 19% 66% 15% 5% 26% 69% 0%
End of 2nd grade 16% 68% 16% 5% 25% 70% 0%
2002–2003 academic year. School recruitment 18% 51% 31% 15% 29% 52% 4%
Adaptation in 1st grade 17% 55% 28% 2% 38% 60% 0%
End of 1st grade 16% 58% 26% 2% 30% 68% 0%
End of 2nd grade 15% 60% 25% 3% 29% 68% 0%

The decrease in the number of students with a negative background mood is insignificant. Indicators of chronic fatigue and overexcitation are stable. Moreover, different children fall into the “risk group” for their emotional state at different times.

This led me to the idea that the activities carried out: determining the child’s pedagogical support, the impact on the family situation, as well as developmental activities with the child affect the change in the child’s emotional state, but this is only a single thing. The rest of the children in the class are deprived of such support, and parents, when faced with their child’s school difficulties, do not always react adequately or are lost and do not know who to turn to for help.

In the 2003–2004 school year, I conducted a study in which 50 third grade students aged 9–10 years took part, of which: 22 boys and 28 girls, as well as their parents. Purpose of the study: to determine the dependence of the level of anxiety of children on the developed anxiety of mothers.

I'll focus on the main ones conclusions:

  • The level of anxiety of children depends on the formed level of personal anxiety of mothers. And we have proven this to a statistically significant level.
  • As mothers age, they are less likely to convey their emotional state to their child at a certain point in time. Only the mother’s anxiety, as a property of her personality, influences the child.
  • Girls are more dependent on the emotional state of their mother.
  • Availability normal level Anxiety in the mother requires a lot of neuropsychic stress from her.

All these conclusions led me to the idea that psychological support for elementary school students in order to preserve their psychological health should be built on different principles. And I have highlighted the main ones:

  1. There are many factors that influence the development of high anxiety in a child. Of these, there are those that we cannot change, for example, the state of development of society, the environmental situation, etc., and there are others such as family relationships, style of pedagogical communication, emotional development of the child, influencing which, under certain circumstances, we can change the overall picture.
  2. At the psychodiagnostic stage, it is necessary not only to identify children who are characterized by increased anxiety, but also to conduct research into the style of family education.
  3. Based on the results of frontal diagnostics, students in the “risk group” are identified, with whom individual lessons should be conducted according to a program specific to each.
  4. Psychoprophylactic measures should be carried out with students who are not in the “risk group”.
  5. For parents, it is necessary to develop a system of work aimed at educating and preventing anxiety in children.
  6. Conduct psychoprophylactic activities with teachers.

By building a system of support for younger schoolchildren according to these principles since the 2003–2004 academic year, we were able to compare:

Table 2. Comparison chart emotional development students by year of school enrollment (by the factor of predominance of negative emotions)

With the beginning of the use of new approaches to psychological support for primary school students, more students are experiencing an improvement in their emotional state. The number of students with predominant negative emotions is decreasing (by 6–8% in the 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 academic years of enrollment) compared to: by 1% in the 2002–2003 academic year of enrollment or by 0% by the end of the first grade, and then consistently high numbers in the 2001–2002 enrollment year.

Of course, the percentage of students whose emotional state has improved is not too high, but behind each number there is a living person who has found it easier to study and communicate with peers.

And I would like to note that in the 2004–2005 academic year, by the end of 1st grade:

  • improvement in emotional state was observed in 12 people (13%);
  • by the end of the year, 6 people (6%) began to experience negative emotions;
  • in 75 students (81%) the emotional state did not change.

Thus, diagnostic monitoring of the level of emotional development showed the effectiveness of the work carried out on psychological support for junior schoolchildren as a factor in maintaining psychological health.

Let's move on to a description of direct psychological support, including developmental activities with children and psychological education and prevention of parents and teachers.

2. Developmental work

The developmental activities of a school psychologist are focused on creating socio-psychological conditions for the holistic psychological development of schoolchildren. Developmental work is more focused on “psychologically well-off” schoolchildren, whose level of development and current state allows them to solve quite complex psychological problems.

The correctional form allows you to work with psychological problems that are identified in learning, behavior, communication or the internal psychological state of schoolchildren. It is focused on the individual work of a psychologist with a child.

I consider correctional and developmental work as the main area of ​​work of a school psychologist with children. The content of correctional and developmental work should provide a holistic impact on the child’s personality in all the diversity of its cognitive, motivational, emotional and other manifestations.

Developmental work

Developmental work is traditionally focused primarily on the cognitive, emotional, personal, and social spheres of children’s mental life and self-awareness. When creating the program, I focused on the group form of work, both more effective in terms of psychological results and more economical.

At the same time, in my classes I try to actively use the method of fairy tale therapy - one of the effective methods of working with children experiencing certain emotional and behavioral difficulties. The process of fairy tale therapy allows the child to actualize and realize his problems, as well as see different ways to solve them.

Corrective work

When working with a large number of children, it is impossible to create an individual program for each problem. Therefore, I use existing programs in this direction. In individual lessons, in addition to psychotechnical exercises, I actively use sand therapy, art therapy, and fairy tale therapy. In addition to the therapeutic effect, these methods also have a diagnostic role.

3. Education and psychoprophylaxis

This is another traditional component of school practice.

Psychological education in two directions: teachers and parents.

1. Psychological education of teachers is aimed at creating conditions within which teachers could obtain knowledge that is professionally and personally significant for them.

In my model, the main principle of educating teachers is the organic interweaving of the situation of transferring knowledge to them into the process of practical activity. Therefore, psychological education of teachers goes through:

  • short speeches at pedagogical councils on the problem;
  • organizing training seminars on the problem;
  • organization of round tables (based on diagnostic results, on the problem of adaptation, etc.);
  • personal growth trainings for teachers.

2. In its model of psychological support for younger schoolchildren, the goal of educating and counseling parents is to create socio-psychological conditions for involving the family in accompanying the child in the process schooling, creating a situation of cooperation and reforming the attitude of parents’ responsibility in relation to the problems of school education and child development.

Psychological education of parents takes place through:

  • Speech at a parent meeting in order to increase the psychological competence of parents in those issues that are relevant from the point of view of the period of development experienced by children. Before starting developmental work, I make sure to tell parents about its goals and objectives, and give certain tasks to parents to monitor their children during the period of psychological work.
  • Trainings for parents with a specific topic.

So, at the beginning of the 1st grade, a training session “Our common goals and objectives” is conducted, which allows parents to get to know each other, to develop the opinion that the development and upbringing of a child is a common task of the family and the school, and that only cooperation between the school and the family will give positive results. Most often, after this training, primary school teachers, together with parents, draw up a plan of educational work for the year. At the end of the 1st grade, the “Marking” training is conducted. Grade. Self-esteem". The purpose of which is: to give parents the opportunity to feel how the child sees the current family situation and how he feels in it; to develop in parents the skills of communicating with the child, looking at the world through his eyes, and the skills of psychological support for the child.

After the trainings, the number of requests from parents for advice on the problem increases.

  • Psychological counseling of parents is most often carried out as assistance in organizing effective child-parent communication. But there are also situations when parent counseling is a reason to obtain additional diagnostic information from parents about the impact of the family situation on the child’s well-being at school. In any case, the result of counseling parents is an agreement on joint actions of parents and a psychologist in solving the problems of accompanying the child during his schooling.

Graphically, this model of psychological support for elementary school students is presented in Appendix 1 , Appendix 2 .


So, summing up the results of the work done, we can say with confidence that adults are able to create acceptable conditions for the full development of a child. The basis of such development is psychological health, on which the health of a person as a whole largely depends.

In the mid-90s, the prerequisites arose for the development of the concept of a health-saving school that would implement A complex approach to preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren. At the same time, the main components of the school’s health-preserving activities were identified, including not only monitoring the health status of children, but also the health-preserving organization of the educational process, health-preserving (i.e., appropriate to age and individual capabilities) teaching methods and special educational programs for developing the value of health and a healthy image life.

Children need to be trained and set up for a healthy lifestyle. Gradually, the process of nurturing a healthy psyche should turn into its self-education.

The emotional component of the attitude towards health is most fully revealed in the mood that dominates the individual.

It is for primary school age that environmental factors are very significant as a source of risk for psychological health disorders.

To preserve the psychological health of children, it is important not only to have a specially organized impact on children in order to remove the negative effects of deprivation, but also to provide psychological education to teachers and parents in order to familiarize them with the ways of proper communication with children, to provide them with psychological support, to create a favorable psychological environment in the family and school. climate.

Municipal state educational institution for students with disabilities “Special (correctional) comprehensive school No. 6"

“Social and psychological service as a factor in the mental health of adolescents” (from work experience)

Compiled by: Shepherd M.V.

GPA teacher

teaching experience 26 years


Socio-psychological factors in the health of children and adolescents

Human health depends on lifestyle, which is largely personalized and determined by historical and national traditions and personal inclinations (lifestyle). Human behavior is aimed at satisfying needs. Each personality is characterized by its own, individual way of satisfying them, therefore people’s behavior is different and depends primarily on upbringing.

Recently, doctors, psychologists, and teachers have reported that the health of children and adolescents has been deteriorating.

Over the last decade, a qualitatively new phenomenon has appeared in Russia - the so-called “hidden” social orphanhood, which manifests itself in a change in attitude towards children, up to the complete displacement of them from the family. Social orphanhood is a direct result of the social alienation of a child from family, society, and living conditions that are most significant to him. The feeling of alienation (cessation or lack of intimacy between someone, distance, isolation) is associated with deep emotional experiences and significantly influences the formation mental processes child. Alienation occurs in a child because he is not emotionally understood and accepted by other people and, above all, by adults.

Alienation of a child from a social community close to him, treatment of him as not belonging to this community, is a special type of violence. Violence, alienation and social orphanhood are a single interdependent whole. Any facts of violence against a child provoke a process of alienation from society, the result of which is social orphanhood, which swept Russia at the end of the second millennium. How to live in such a difficult situation? The search for an answer to this question begins with an idea of ​​​​the way of life.

The problem of psychological health of preschool children can be specified in a number of concepts such as “emotional state”, “mood”, “emotional well-being”.

Emotional condition – a special state of consciousness, a state of subjective emotional comfort-discomfort as integral sensations of well-being and ill-being in certain subsystems of the body or the whole organism as a whole.

Mood - a mental state perceived to varying degrees as a positive or negative background of an individual’s mental life.

Emotional well-being – a person’s feeling or experience of emotional comfort-discomfort associated with various significant aspects of his life.

Recently, the term “psychological safety” has become widespread, which is directly related to the problem of the child’s emotional well-being.

The basis of a child’s mental health is his full mental development at all stages of ontogenesis. Because at each age period of a child’s life, certain needs arise for activity, communication, and cognition. Mental health problems, and therefore the need for correctional work arise when age-related and individual capabilities are not realized in a timely manner, conditions are not created for the formation of age-related psychological formations and individual characteristics in all children and schoolchildren who are at one or another stage of ontogenesis (E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, V.M. Astapov, V. L.I. Garbuzov, A.I. Zakharov, E.E. Kravtsova, L.I. Peresleni, L.F. Chuprov, G. Eberlein, etc.).

In this regard, there is a great need to inform parents (legal representatives) about creating psychological comfort in the family, creating a healthy lifestyle, and providing timely psychological and pedagogical assistance to families.

The general goal of recreational activities is the formation of moral, physical, mental and somatic health.

Psychological service at school. Main areas of work.

Psychological service of the school - a specialized unit in the public education system, the main task of which is to provide conditions conducive to full mental and personal development each child, the violation of which interferes with the timely implementation of the age and individual capabilities of students and leads to the need for psychological and pedagogical correction.

The goals and objectives of the psychological service can be determined in accordance with the “Regulations on the service of practical psychology in the system of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation ».

The goals of the service are:

    assistance to the administration and teaching staff educational institutions in creating a social development situation that corresponds to the individuality of students and provides psychological conditions for the protection of health and personal development;

    assistance in the acquisition by students of educational institutions of psychological knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to obtain a profession, develop a career, and achieve success in life;

    assisting students in determining their capabilities based on their abilities, inclinations, interests, and health status;

    assistance to teaching staff, parents (legal representatives) in educating students, as well as in developing in them the principles of mutual assistance, tolerance, mercy, responsibility and self-confidence, the ability for active social interaction without infringing on the rights and freedoms of another person.

Service objectives:

    psychological analysis of the social situation of development in educational institutions, identifying the main problems and determining the causes of their occurrence, ways and means of resolving them;

    promoting the personal and intellectual development of students and pupils at every age stage of personality development;

    formation in students and pupils of the ability for self-determination and self-development;

    assistance to the teaching staff in harmonizing the socio-psychological climate in educational institutions;

    psychological support of educational programs in order to adapt their content and methods of development to the intellectual and personal capabilities and characteristics of students and pupils;

    prevention and overcoming deviations in social and psychological health;

    promoting the dissemination and implementation of achievements in the field of domestic and foreign psychology into the practice of educational institutions;

The main directions of work of a psychologist.

The work of a school psychologist is traditionally organized in the following areas:

    educational work;

    preventive work;

    diagnostic work;

    advisory work.

    correctional and developmental work;

Social and psychological service of the school

one of the components of the school’s holistic system of educational activities.

The main purpose of the service is is psychological support for personal and social adaptation of children and adolescents in the process of learning at school, as well as psychological support for individualization and humanization of the pedagogical process.

One of the tasks of the socio-psychological service – to provide such a psychological climate when children want to study, teachers want to work, and parents do not regret sending their child to this particular school.

Why does a school need a psychological service?

In what cases should you contact school psychologist simply irreplaceable? How can a psychologist-educator help parents, teachers, and students? Let's look into this.

In modern complex world Any adult experiences difficulties, under the influence of which he begins to doubt himself and his loved ones. We get into conflicts with friends and strangers, which can irritate us and sometimes make us depressed. A busy life and the desire to do everything creates stress. If we turn to children, teenagers, girls and boys, then the situation described above is aggravated by the fact that they are all in the process of development, formation, encountering many phenomena for the first time and sometimes desperately need the help of a professional who will listen, support, discover something important in oneself. A psychologist is such a professional.

Even if life develops quite normally, it is the psychologist who, with his methods, will confirm that this is indeed the case. Or he can catch some harbingers of future difficulties and adjust development so as to avoid undesirable consequences. A mom noticed that her first-grader was having a hard time concentrating on a simple homework assignment or applying a rule. The psychologist will conduct a diagnosis, determine the cause, and give recommendations.

Let's remember how difficult it was for most of us to choose a profession. Starting from the 7th and 8th grades, a psychologist helps a teenager better understand himself, identify his preferences, and then make the right professional choice in high school.

Psychologist works with children's groups to develop constructive interaction skills, develop cognitive processes, intuition, and confidence; carry out correction of school anxiety and failure.

Social teacher The main sphere of his activity is society (the sphere of the immediate environment of the individual and the sphere of human relations). At the same time, the priority (especially in modern conditions) is the sphere of relations in the family and its immediate environment, at the place of residence. A social teacher, according to his professional purpose, strives to prevent the problem whenever possible, promptly identify and eliminate the causes that give rise to it, provide preventive prevention of various kinds of negative phenomena (moral, physical, social, etc.) and deviations in behavior.

Interaction within the service:

The main interaction between a social teacher and a psychologist is in the following areas: prevention of crime, neglect, homelessness of students, drug prevention, education, work with “difficult” children. A social educator provides information and legal assistance to students, parents and teachers. The psychologist provides assistance in counseling students, parents and teachers on the psychological characteristics of students of various age categories.

Areas of work:

1. Social and pedagogical. Identification of social and personal problems of children of all ages.
2. Social and legal. Protection of children's rights.
3. Social and psychological. Psychological and pedagogical education with the aim of creating optimal conditions for mutual understanding in the family and in society.
4. Social and preventive. Early identification and prevention of factors of deviating behavior in students.
5. Social diagnostic. Establishing the causes of deviant behavior in children and adolescents and the causes of family social ill-being.
6. Social and informational. Increasing pedagogical and legislative literacy.

Main areas of work

Social teacher

    Checking student attendance.

    Drawing up a social passport for families of students in need of social protection or assistance, and students with deviant behavior.

    Assistance in drawing up plans for class teachers to work individually with “difficult” students.

    Preventive conversations with difficult students and their parents.

    Participation in inspections of plans for educational work with “difficult” students, the work of the Prevention Council, administrative meetings, small teachers’ council, etc.

    Interaction with organs.

    Development of individual abilities of students.

    Providing psychological assistance and support to students.


    Individual counseling for students, parents, and teachers on problematic issues.

    Diagnostics of individual abilities of students.

    Participation in administrative meetings, in the work of the Prevention Council, small teachers' council, etc., participation in monitoring the educational process.

    Assisting class teachers in drawing up plans for individual work with “difficult” students.

    Assistance to teachers in drawing up plans for self-education.

Social and psychological service employees they have a right:

    Attend lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, extended-day group classes in order to observe the behavior and activities of students;

    Get acquainted with the pedagogical documentation necessary for work;

    Conduct group and individual social and psychological research at school (as requested);

    Conduct work to promote psychological and pedagogical knowledge through lectures, conversations, speeches, trainings, etc.;

    If necessary, apply through the school administration to the relevant organizations on issues related to providing assistance to the student;

    Make inquiries to medical and defectological institutions.

Main activities:

    Social and psychological education is the introduction of adults (educators, teachers, parents) and children to social and psychological knowledge.

    Social and psychological prevention is a special type of activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing the mental health of children at all stages of school age.

    Social and psychological consultation (individual, group, family).

Psychologist's advice

If you just can't succeed in your business, think maybe the reason is one of these signs:

You don’t have a clearly defined goal: this shortens the path to success.

There is no general plan: it is important to understand why you are setting this particular goal for yourself.

There is no action plan: if you don’t know what steps to take, you will never achieve your goal.

You are too self-confident: admitting the possibility of error in order to be ready to change your plan of action.

You don’t believe in success: it paralyzes your actions.

You don’t learn from your mistakes: don’t be afraid of them, but analyze them.

Not listening to advice: this is not a sign of softness, but a chance to learn from the experience of others.

You are afraid that they will copy you: this can become a hindrance.

You're tired: this provokes failure.

You are afraid of success: because you don’t know what you will do after it.

Advice from a social educator

The more good deeds we do, the happier we feel.

This direct relationship was confirmed by a large-scale study of psychologists and sociologists.

Those who express their gratitude, tenderness and other kind feelings towards people in specific everyday activities not only look at the world with greater optimism, but also physically feel better and feel their lives are more harmonious.

Of course, good deeds are not the only path to happiness, but these phenomena are still interconnected.

And therefore, if at some unhappy moment it seems to you that everything is going wrong, you should try to do good more often in order to restore peace of mind.

Since I work as a psychologist at school, the goal of the development program, which is the formation of a creative, free, socially competent person through a system of psychological and pedagogical support and support for children and adolescents, accordingly, the goal of my work is psychological support and support for participants in the educational process.

The tasks that I solve during the academic year:

    Psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family.

    psychological and pedagogical support for students during adaptation periods;

    psychological and pedagogical support for group students social risk:

    prevention of additive behavior;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in students.

    Assisting students in their professional self-determination.

In the course of implementing the assigned tasks, I carry out the following activities:

diagnostic activities;

correctional activities;

consulting activities;.

Many parents want to learn how to better raise their children, they need tools and techniques, they can also use psychotherapeutic methods at a level accessible to them. It is not necessary to give parents in-depth knowledge, butI consider it necessary to introduce them to the basic principles, approaches, techniques, to show how you can increase a child’s self-esteem, give him the opportunity for personal growth, teach him to better feel and understand his child, and openly and honestly build interaction. The above problems I I track well in school, analyze and solve through adaptation.and the introduction of new forms of work of the psychological service, allowing to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of all subjects of the educational process.

Main topic of the appealparents - problems with behavior and poor academic performance of their children, receiving advice on adaptation to school; consultation on issues and problems of age, individual and personal characteristics children; counseling parents of children at social risk; consultation and participation in the prevention and resolution of conflict between family and school on issues of teaching and raising a child, respect for his rights, as well as consultations on the relationship between parents, on the choice of a unified educational system.

Priority direction in my work as a teacher - The psychologist's initial role is educational work with parents and teachers. The need has increased for the selection of non-traditional forms of work with parents, only in this way it was possible to attract the attention of parents who are poorly involved in the upbringing of their own children.

Joint meetings with parents give only positive results, so I systematically conduct

    individual consultations (132 consultations);

    special parent meetings on the prevention of aggressive behavior among students;

    speaking at parent meetings on problems of adolescence and youth; on the problem of providing timely support to students who find themselves in difficult life situations, in a state of crisis (3 meetings);

    parent meeting with elements of the training “The role of parents in shaping the child’s interest in school (together with the children)”;

For several years I have been actively participating in the work of parent pedagogical universal education, where they discuss actual problems:

“Psychological characteristics of first-graders during the adaptation period”;

“How to help your child learn: a practical guide for parents of first-graders”

“The importance of daily routine for psychological and physiological health junior school student"

“Development of self-regulation and planning in primary schoolchildren”

“Development of thinking in younger schoolchildren”

“Difficulties of transition from primary to secondary school”

“Features of school adaptation of fifth-graders: how can we help?”

“I don’t want to study, or Let’s study together!”

"Adolescence"; "Adolescent crisis and its features."

“Addictive behavior and types of addictions”

“Psychological characteristics of a tenth grader”

“Professional self-determination of adolescents”

Working with parents

Adaptation of first-graders to school education.

Questionnaire for parents “Self-assessment of constructive behavior in relationships with children”

The period of transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescence.

About the peculiarities of raising teenagers

Studying the attitude of parents towards their own child, towards the prospects for his education and upbringing (questionnaire)

Assembly Aggression

About family

MEMO “How to help your child get used to school”

"Your child has become a student."

No problem in first classMemo for parents

Memo to parents on preventing children's aggression.

Advice for parents of first-graders

TRAINING for parents 1st CLASS

Memo for parents “Development of logical actions”


Hyperactive children

How to protect a child from violence

Meeting for parents of future 1st graders.

Working with parents:

The most important prerequisites for organizing work with parents, in my opinion, include:

Cooperation with class teachers

Parental motivation

Ability to involve parents in achieving agreed goals (through organizing discussion and planning);

Good contact and effective interaction with parents (through the creation of a trusting environment that eliminates uncertainty and insecurity in relationships);

An innovative work climate that allows for freedom of action, initiative, free expression of ideas, and the possibility of experimentation and creativity.

My main function in working with families is support and assistance. The ideology of adult education presupposes the establishment of equal partnerships, when both parties jointly explore the child’s problem and each opinion has the right to exist. Directly visible results of actions increase interest in teamwork.

To strengthen cooperation between school and family, I'm trying diversify the forms of interaction with the family in matters of raising a healthy generation: I organizemeetings, surveys, workshops, trainings, developingreminders, seminars for parents.

It was possible to attract the attention of a large number of adults and children - 90 people. Further reflection showed that I really liked this event children and parents and there was a desire to continue such meetings. The result of the meeting was positive emotions from the children, who enthusiastically talked about the meeting at home. Children and adults boldly expressed their opinions, defended their opinions, and found a compromise in a dispute with their parents.

The following topics were proposed for discussion:

1. “SCHOOL is...”

2. “Kindergarten is good, but school is better”

H. Evening walks

5. Parental intervention in children's school conflicts.

Presentation of statistical datavarious thematic surveyswithin the school they give meetings with parents even greater interest and create the necessary emotional mood. In the final part of the debate I converted participants’ attention to the gradual connection of children’s and adult audiences into “a single whole of two halves.” We were able not only verbally, but alsovisually unite parents andchildren, thereby making it clear that there is a way out of any problem, this is mutual understanding.

Teachers turn to a teacher-psychologist regarding difficulties in teaching individual students, the presence of behavioral disorders, to resolve some organizational issues and conflict situations. I definitely respond to any request from the teacher, offer and provide consultations to class teachers on individual characteristics students at risk of developing maladaptation, on recognizing crisis and pre-suicidal states of a child, and monitoring changes in his behavior.

The purpose of my work with the teaching staff- This increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in the process of psychological and pedagogical support for students.

To work with the teaching staff I host thematic seminars on the problems of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents and drug addiction prevention, trainings, master classes, joint activities with parents. The teachers of our school are regular participants in all psychological games, debates, trainings.

Speaking at the pedagogical councils “Ethics in the professional culture of a teacher”, “The place and role of the educational system of the class in the educational system of the institution”, “Modified typology of pedagogical abilities”,“Education and Teaching Success” I try to bring to the attention of teachers not only theoretical material, but I definitely invite them to become active participants in practical classes.

Developed and adapted by meguidelines

« For class teachers to study students' families», « The period of transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescence,”

“On the peculiarities of raising teenagers”, “Hyperactive children”,

“How to protect a child from violence.”

Students seek advice on issues of relationships with peers, the other sex, parents, teachers, and on issues of life (including professional) self-determination.

Psychological support has been provided at school for many years.

students of first and fifth grades during the adaptation period.

In the course of implementing the tasks of this area, I carry out the following activities

    determining the level of psychological readiness of future first-graders to study at school (75 people);

    diagnostics of studying the level of adaptation of first-graders to school (75 people);

    diagnostics of the level of readiness for learning at the secondary level of school (77 people);

    speaking at parent meetings on the problems and causes of maladaptation, informing about the psychophysiological characteristics of age;

    carrying out individual lessons with students experiencing adaptation difficulties;

    consulting class teachers, parents and their substitutes on the issue of readiness for transition to the secondary level of primary school graduates,

    acquaintance with the occurrence of educational and behavioral difficulties;

    adaptation of fifth-graders within the framework of the program “How to Make Friends with School”;

The school has adapted a program of psychological support for fifth-graders

Kozin Anatoly Mikhailovich 2009

UDC 615.851

BBK 4481.352 + Yu948


A.M. Kozin ChelSU


The concept of mental health of an individual is considered, the influence of factors on his condition is revealed. Strategic directions and approaches to improving the level of mental health of young people have been identified.

Key words: mental health, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, healthy lifestyle.

The concept of person mental health has been considered in the article. The influence of different factors on young people metal health has been revealed. Chief aims and approaches to the mental health level increasing have been defined.

Keywords: mental health, mental correction, psychotherapy, healthy way of living.

Health has always been a socially significant element, most acutely determining the specifics of the modern state of society. A very important component of human life is mental (psychological) health, determined by the internal well-being of the individual.

A psychologically healthy (self-actualized) personality is increasingly becoming a social reality and a state necessity. Addressing the concept of “psychological health” is important and relevant also because it acts as an integral concept in the modern professional activity of any person.

Among the existing approaches to defining health as a deterministic category associated with a wide range of individual fluctuations the most important indicators vital activity of the body and various factors influencing human health, the following can be distinguished: normocentric (health is considered as a set of average norms of perception, thinking, emotional response and

behavior, in combination with normal indicators of the individual’s somatic state); phenomenological (health problems are included in the subjective picture of the world as variations of individual, unique existence in the world and can only be comprehended in the context of this perception); holistic (health is understood as integrity acquired by an individual in the process of his formation, presupposing personal maturity, integration of life experience); cross-cultural (health characteristics are determined by specific social conditions, cultural context, and the uniqueness of the national way of life); discursive (the idea of ​​health is interpreted through its own logic of constructing social and mental reality); axiological (health acts as a universal human value that harmonizes personality); acmeological (along with physical, mental, social health, moral public health is distinguished, defined through the prism of immunity to various types of social evil, as the moral purity of actions

and thoughts); humanistic (recognizing free creative self-expression, personal growth, integration of experience and spiritual self-determination as principles and criteria for a healthy existence); integrative (any explanatory principles, models, schemes and their multiplicity of features are recognized as adequate ways to study health in different levels human existence).

In this regard, the interdisciplinary status of its development is absolutely obvious for the modern understanding of health issues, since the specifics of health cannot be limited to individual aspects of life (biological, social, spiritual), but represents a complex interrelationship of cultural, social, physical, economic, spiritual, etc. factors. It is the result of the influence of genetic predisposition, environment and characteristics of individual development; is defined as an integral system quality, implying in a psychological context a certain level of personality integration; is perceived as a structure-forming factor of sociality, acquiring the significance of a complex global sociocultural phenomenon.

At the same time, the modern political, economic, technological and socio-psychological reorganization of society requires the transformation of many aspects of human life, his consciousness and worldview, and attitude to many phenomena modern life, its (life) self-preservation and extension. As part of a significant change in the trends of modern realities of social development, increased attention plays a significant role psychological science to the “quality of human life” as the individual’s need to find the meaning of life, his desire for happiness. A psychological indicator of quality of life is the degree of satisfaction different areas life and positive consistency with the mental adequacy of the individual, and one of the indicators is a person’s individual experiences regarding the social situation around and outside him. Those. subjective assessment of the quality of life - how a person feels, perceives, evaluates the quality of his life and how much the created quality of life contributes to strengthening

mental health of the individual, acquires special significance.

The term “mental health” was introduced into psychology relatively recently, in the nineties of the last century. Psychological health can be considered as a personality phenomenon, including three main aspects: spiritual, emotional and social, from which it follows that a mentally healthy person is able to maintain mental balance and socially adapt to any conditions, and mental well-being can be characterized by harmony, balance and mental stability to various factors of the internal and external environment, which can be considered as an optimal prerequisite for a person to fulfill “extraordinary” life goals and tasks related to the search for truth and the meaning of life.

G.S. Nikiforov attempted to list the characteristics (criteria) of mental health through the manifestations of mental processes, states, personality traits (adequacy of mental reflection, ability to concentrate attention on a subject, creativity, emotional stability, optimism, morality, will, energy, etc.), that is, , which characterizes universal human tendencies, personal characteristics: adaptation to the physical and social environment; adequate perception of social reality; focus on socially useful work; interest in the surrounding world; consumer culture; altruism; democracy in behavior; empathy; responsibility to others; selflessness, etc. .

The study of human mental health in the aspect of social life is relevant, which is due to the fact that maladjustment of people negatively and unpredictably affects the full realization of their essential powers. A number of researchers quite rightly write about the exorbitantly increased mental pressure on an individual person, caused by the influence of a whole complex of factors: economic, social, informational, technological, environmental, organizational, etc., which significantly enhances the negative trend in a person’s health. To a large extent negative impact contributes to the presence of social upheavals, “current social stress”, co-

Theory and methodology of vocational education

social infantilism, the existing level of unemployment, crime, inflation, corruption, the threat of terrorism against the backdrop of insufficient legal guarantees from the state, ethnic tension, etc. Such a situation cannot but have a negative impact on the mental well-being and mental tension of the individual. There are facts of a negative impact on the mental and even somatic health of individuals from a constant, largely insufficiently motivated, sometimes unconscious state of their hostility to the world around them.

The variety of information that bombards a person through the media about man-made and environmental disasters, murders, fires, financial scams, criminal showdowns, etc. often stuns, suppresses the individual, and contributes to feelings of anxiety and depression. Such scattered, fragmented and unsystematized information only disorients the individual in the flow of life and affects the depletion of both physical and mental capabilities.

Computer technologies, when using a virtual method of comprehending objective reality, on the one hand, cause a fairly high degree of emotional satisfaction for a person, and on the other hand, contribute to the emergence of a pathological dependence on virtual reality - non-tagolism, “senile dementia”, “computer failure syndrome”. Medical research shows that with excessive involvement in this kind of games, the nervous system of a child or young person is depleted, and even certain pathological changes flow of brain processes. As a consequence of “information vampirism,” a person experiences persistent economic, family, industrial, educational, interpersonal troubles, a feeling of oppression mental state, inadequate self-image, etc. This can plunge people into social stress disorders, which endangers health by suppressing the immune system and slowing down the healing and regeneration processes.

It should also be noted that the natural process of alienation of a person from his natural habitat, its replacement with an artificial one, various types of environmental pollution, spheres of life negatively affect the deterioration of his physical and mental well-being, and contribute to the emergence of all kinds of neuroses. In these conditions, the effective use of available technologies, methods and methods in order to neutralize the negative impact on the personality of the entire complex of external and internal factors and subsequent correction is of particular importance. various types mental disorders through awareness of the self-worth of one's health. Among the available approaches, in our opinion, we can highlight:

Publicly available methods of psychocorrection and psychological influence and psycho-hygienic support of activities;

Primary valeological settings associated with psycho-emotional activity;

Psychotherapeutic special means.

The first approach can be used by individuals both independently and under the supervision of specialists (educational psychologists, valeologists, rehabilitation specialists, etc.). Among those available in the Russian arsenal, scientists recommend: autogenic and psychoregulatory training, body-oriented psychotherapy, psychohygiene, art therapy, orthobiosis (optimization of work, study, rest, harmonization with the environment, etc.); systems of complementary psychotechniques that activate personal resources in relation to the development of the emotional sphere and the relief of some psychosomatic symptoms; role-playing and communicative stress resistance training, techniques of self-analysis, self-control, self-esteem, self-correction, self-improvement (health-saving reflection of life’s meanings and goals), etc. Important, from our point of view, is the methodology of “positive” psychoprophylaxis and psychotherapy, the provision of counseling diagnostic assistance based on the abilities and desires of the “patient” himself to overcome mental illness.

The preservation and strengthening of health is also facilitated by a system of health-preserving forms of human life activity - health

a new way of life that creates a physiological, psychological and moral springboard for the manifestations of oneself in demand by a person in relation to oneself and with the environment, in particular, the development of health-oriented initiatives through the creation and implementation of educational programs in the field of health culture, including analytical, informational, prognostic, instrumental areas regarding the integration of diverse sociocultural experience in the field of health-preserving human life, various methods of self-healing, self-regulation, encouragement to self-manifestation of one’s natural properties and qualities in the implementation of health conservation, etc.

In general, two strategic directions for improving the level of mental health can be identified:

Improving and strengthening the positive that is in every person, expanding internal life resources, feelings of well-being, joy of life and spiritual potential of the individual;

Struggle, overcome, eliminate everything negative (illnesses, problems, limitations, etc.). To do this, you need at least: to know your inner world and the basics of harmonious interaction with others; understand yourself, the essence of what is happening and be yourself; be able to manage oneself, achieve mutual understanding with people; master self-improvement technologies.

In the context of the problem under study, the listed approaches currently seem acceptable and complementary, to one degree or another contributing to the construction of a complex model of a healthy person. Understanding the phenomenon of health through the given characteristics allows us to reveal the essence of activity, self-awareness, self-knowledge by a person of his own nature of health, self-realization. And to build an individual strategy for achieving health, it is necessary to develop

develop psychological competence in relation to the health of all subjects of life. In this interpretation, it is important, in our opinion, to represent and understand mental health as the immunity of our inner world.


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