Home Gums Bachelor of School Medicine training. In Russia they are going to revive school medicine

Bachelor of School Medicine training. In Russia they are going to revive school medicine

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“The ideal leisure time for schoolchildren is discussing works of art. And believe me, this is much more interesting than discussing everyday news at the level of idle talk... If instead we start talking about art, then we can hope that our new Russian generation, which is now growing up, will really cultural. Leisure should not turn into idleness,” Dmitry Dyuzhev is sure. Read the actor’s interview in the “UG Guest” section!

Will doctors and nurses return to educational institutions?

Implementation bills new system school medicine, work on which did not stop even during the parliamentary holidays, will be submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration at the already opened autumn session, the House Committee on Health Protection reported. The approach to school health care needs to be changed and improved legislative framework, experts from the All-Russian Popular Front also believe.

Fulfilling the President's instructions

“We met with people, visited schools, discussed the health assessment system, food quality control and much more. Then the idea arose to create a new system of school medicine, in which the doctor would have the opportunity professional growth and would get busy. The proposal was supported by the United Russia party, its chairman Dmitry Medvedev, and then by Russian President Vladimir Putin,” said Dmitry Morozov, chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Health Protection, which is developing legislative initiatives to introduce a new system of school medicine.

Head of State V. Putin gave instructions to the Government to analyze the situation in the field of protecting the health of schoolchildren and take the necessary measures to protect it, including the provision of primary health care, in December 2016. “I hope that within a year we will fully provide regulatory framework to introduce a new system of school medicine,” D. Morozov said then.

The head of the profile committee of the State Duma noted that a pilot project of such medicine was tested in 5 constituent entities of the Federation and was discussed at parliamentary hearings in the lower house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. “We proceeded from the fact that children practically live in schools. The recommendations developed after the hearings formed the basis of our work,” summed up D. Morozov. Heading the Duma committee, he is also the federal coordinator of the United Russia party project “Health for Children,” the implementation of which is planned for 2017-2022. An important link in this project is given to the development of school medicine. Party activists advocate, for example, that every school should have a specially trained school doctor, and that accessible environment for children with disabilities, development at the federal level of a standard for school equipment medical office etc.

How is your health?

The need for targeted development of the school medicine system is confirmed by the latest data from Rospotrebnadzor, according to which the number of absolutely healthy children in our country does not exceed 10-12%, and chronic diseases More than half of schoolchildren aged 7-9 years and 60% of high school students have it. Frequency functional disorders among schoolchildren has increased over the past 10 years by 1.5 times, chronic diseases - by 2 times.

As noted in Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being, most of these problems are associated with poor nutrition of children, excessive consumption of salt, sugar, flour products, and insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits. Earlier, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Veronika Skvortsova, said that the Ministry of Health, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, is actively working on the implementation of a program to promote healthy eating. She emphasized that the ministry she heads strictly monitors the nutrition of children in schools and preschool educational institutions.

The data from Rospotrebnadzor are in good agreement with the results of a study conducted by the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Scientific and Practical Center for Children's Health of the Russian Ministry of Health. The institute's specialists monitored the health of schoolchildren from 4 educational institutions in Moscow for 11 years - starting from the year the children entered first grade and ending with 11th grade. A total of 426 children participated in the study, each of whom was examined by several doctors once a year. The main conclusion of experts: during their time at school, children’s health deteriorates significantly. Thus, a survey of first-graders showed that 4.3% of them can be considered absolutely healthy - these children fell into health group I. Group II - “practically healthy” - included 44.4% of first-graders. By the 11th grade, there was not a single person left in health group I, the number of students in group II had decreased by a quarter - to 34%. The remaining children fell into health groups III and IV, that is, into the category of people with health problems or suffering from chronic diseases.

Necessary component

The problem of deteriorating children's health in Russia really exists and worries society, says a member of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Tatiana Kusayko. Before parliament, in 2011-2016, she worked as the chief physician of children's clinic No. 1 in Murmansk.

“This causes concern for the state, including the pediatric community. A combination of factors leads to a decrease in the number of healthy children various factors, such as deteriorating environmental conditions, genetic disorders, age-inappropriate physical, psycho-emotional and psychosomatic stress,” said a member of the ONF Central Headquarters. According to T. Kusayko, the main thing in preventing the deterioration of children’s health is prevention. “For example, the current physical inactivity of modern children and poor nutrition lead to obesity, diabetes mellitus, heart disease. Against this background, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle. As part of its popularization and disease prevention, many events are carried out with the support of the state, public associations, volunteers,” she noted. The senator added that there is still a lot of work in this direction.

“New federal projects and programs for the protection and protection of children, the formation of a healthy lifestyle just show that work is being done. But it is also necessary to note the responsibility of parents, who must first of all take care of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for their children, including by example“, - T. Kusayko believes. She emphasized that the basis of protection child's body against many diseases - vaccine prevention, so parents' refusal to vaccinate also leads to an increase in the incidence of children.

“School medicine, properly organized, hygiene of children are necessary components in preserving the health of minors, the main directions of which are diagnosing the health of students, assessing the prevalence of risk factors and sanitary and epidemiological well-being, medical analysis readiness for something new academic year, improving the health of children during the rest period,” noted a representative of the ONF Central Headquarters. - One of the most important factors is the state of primary health care. The shortage of personnel in this area is crucial in reducing it. The changes made this year to the procedure for conducting medical examinations may soon provide positive results. After all, for full recovery or preventing disease, timely identified pathology is important. In conditions where in schools the medical staff is often represented by part-time or part-time doctors, and nurses come on a schedule and are not there all the time, preventive work And early diagnosis extremely difficult. It is necessary to legislate the foundations of interdepartmental interaction between educational and medical organizations, as well as the powers of the education and healthcare systems in organizing the health care of children and adolescents.”

It would seem that the order of rendering medical care minors, including while studying at school, as well as recommended staffing standards medical workers, who must finally be determined by regional authorities, are already registered in Russian legislation. There is a law on protecting the health of citizens, a law on education, and relevant regulations.
By the way, this is what the Russian Ministry of Health thinks. But the fact remains, alas, a fact: up to 40% of school graduates, as noted at parliamentary hearings in the State Duma, are not able to meet the minimum standards physical training. So we need one system monitoring students to monitor their health and new approach to the organization of school health care.

It’s too early to take control...

And everything new, as you know, is well forgotten old. This means that it is necessary to return medical offices, doctors and nurses to schools, who began to disappear from them after the law on protecting the health of citizens and new law about education.

“Then we actually entrusted the organization of medical care only to the healthcare system. After this, schools were forced to remove doctors from their staff, and in order for them to still have medical offices, they had to transfer fully equipped premises to the healthcare system for this purpose, or obtain a license to carry out medical activities, says the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Lyubov Dukhanina. “At the same time, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved such a list of equipment that should be in these offices that in many regions there simply was not enough money to purchase it - previously, school doctors and nurses made do with much fewer instruments.”

As a result, according to D. Morozov, in many schools teachers now essentially have to take care of the health of students. “How can they cope with this task if we have been training doctors for 6 years? - asks the deputy. - Why did we suddenly take and, in fact, place full responsibility for the health of children on teachers, not to mention the responsibility to provide first aid? What can he do if one of the 30 students in his class has seizures? Or an asthma attack? Yes, in this case, even I with my specialty pediatric surgeon I would not want to stop such an attack without medication. But a teacher has no right to give children medicine!”

But the Ministry of Health has its own considerations. Diagnoses of schoolchildren in electronic medical records should not be available to teachers or school health workers, V. Skvortsova told reporters. “When we talk about the fact that school teachers should be informed about something, they should be informed about the health group, so I would say. And about the risks that accompany a child: possibilities, how he tolerates physical loads, stress and other issues. But the diagnoses are not disclosed,” TASS quotes her. V. Skvortsova noted that as part of joint work with the Ministry of Education, “those outpatient clinics” will be connected to the network medical organizations where children are observed, and we also involve representatives of school medicine if they are independently licensed and do not work under a contract with a nearby clinic.”

And Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Tatyana Yakovleva held, as MG already reported, a meeting on the implementation of the School Medicine project in Russian regions. Within its framework, special training will be organized for school health workers, who will have to build their work with an emphasis on preventing illnesses among students, pay more attention to control, compliance with sanitary standards, and monitor the level of physical and educational activity. The result of such activities should be a reduction in the number of schoolchildren suffering from myopia, poor posture and obesity.

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education of Russia are already working on creating a unified database for the prevention of morbidity in school-age children.

Having refused to establish a permanent presence of medical workers in schools, the Ministry of Health has so far responded only to the ONF’s proposal to develop lists of syndromic storage of medicines and dressings for providing emergency medical care to children. Starting next year, however, a number of medical universities will begin training specialists in the new specialty “bachelor-school medicine.”

This is the situation. But the return of medical rooms to schools was provided for 4 years ago by the “National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017,” approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

So the order of the head of state to develop measures to protect the health of schoolchildren has not been fully implemented, and it is premature to remove it from control, they believe Popular Front. In the meantime, school medicine is waiting for changes...

Konstantin SHCHEGLOV, MG columnist.

Who is responsible for the activities of the school doctor?

As Dmitry Morozov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, previously explained, the bill will prescribe a set of measures to protect children’s health. This document will also create favorable conditions for the work of healthcare professionals.

“The essence of the initiative is to restore school medicine, bring it closer to modern realities,” said a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, member of the Parliamentary Newspaper press center. working group on drafting a bill Tatiana Kusayko.

With the adoption of laws on protecting the health of citizens and on education, medical offices began to slowly leave schools - in many regions there was simply not enough money to purchase the necessary equipment approved by the Ministry of Health. Essentially, in order to educational institution medical offices remained, he needs to transfer fully equipped premises to the healthcare system or obtain a license for medical activities. There are problems with this: Rospotrebnadzor says that only 60 percent of educational organizations in the country have this license.

“Therefore, two departments must look into this issue - the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education,” explained a member of the Federation Council Committee on Rules and Organization of Parliamentary Activities Nadezhda Boltenko. “In addition, we need to talk about close interaction between the territorial clinic and the school that operates in this area, at least in case of an epidemiological situation,” the senator notes.

A separate topic is who will be responsible for the work medical staff in the education system. Tatyana Kusayko is convinced that their activities should remain under the responsibility of education workers. But her colleague Nadezhda Boltenko has a different opinion.

“Doctors guard health, and do not engage in education and upbringing, like teaching staff. At one time, when medical offices were accountable to school directors, this did not end well. This ultimately affects the quality of services provided,” the parliamentarian noted.

Finally, if the school doctor is registered with the medical department and not the educational department, he will be entitled to benefits medical workers, which is also important. This issue should be resolved by the draft law being developed.

A doctor will monitor the quality of students' nutrition

Perhaps the main thing that the document should establish is the specific responsibilities of the school doctor. “You need to understand that their activities are primarily aimed not at treatment, but at prevention,” recalled Larisa Tyurina, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy. - A doctor in an educational organization must examine children, identify their diseases and refer them to additional examination of necessity".

In addition, school doctors should be in charge of monitoring the health status of those admitted to classes. physical culture, as well as the quality of food preparation. “Today, the Ministry of Health has already decided to develop a certain model of school medicine in five regions - that is, we will begin to “test out” the mechanisms of the new system quickly,” says Tyurina.

The quality of services provided will also increase. medical services V educational organizations- Veronica Skvortsova’s department has already begun training personnel in the new specialty “Bachelor of School Medicine”. In the meantime, first aid to students is forced to be provided by teachers, who do not always have the appropriate skills. “Neither the Ministry of Health nor the Ministry of Education simply has the funds to train teachers in these techniques,” Boltenko stated. As a result, every year from 6 to 12 students die from cardiac arrest in class.

Parliamentarians also hope that schools will return dental care- it is especially important for young children.

The senators have no doubts that the law will be adopted - the return of medical rooms to schools is provided for in the “National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017,” approved by President Vladimir Putin five years ago. However, it is too early to talk about when the bill will be ready, said Tatyana Kusayko: experts will have to agree on many issues and consider all the proposals that the working group received from the regions.

In any case, parliamentarians urge not to forget that protecting the health of schoolchildren depends on the interaction of teachers, medical workers and parents.


Numerous appeals from teachers and parents resonated with deputies State Duma RF. Parliamentary hearings were held there on legislative regulation organizing the provision of medical care to children in schools and preschool institutions in order to provide the younger generation optimal conditions for growth and development. Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosstrakhnadzor, representatives of scientific community, school directors, chief doctors of clinics, representatives of the parent community. The free discussion lasted more than 3 hours. “This suggests that the problem of school medicine has long been overdue, examples of best practices have accumulated. Problems with personnel, interdepartmental interaction, and wages have aggravated. And the main idea was that it is necessary to change the attitude towards the role of school medicine in order to preserve physical and mental health child,” says a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Vladimir Leonidovich Krugly.

“My communication with people during the election campaign lasted 124 days, six meetings daily. And there was not a single meeting where the issue of school medicine was not discussed. And it’s not surprising. After all, modern children spend most of their lives at school. And here a lot arises questions regarding lighting, power, checking physical condition and the characteristics of each child who enters school, the presence of chronic diseases. As a surgeon, I don’t really understand how teachers take responsibility for large group children, practically not knowing how, if necessary, to help them with emergency conditions. But such things happen... At parliamentary hearings, we were given examples of positive practices. But this is an exception. We need legislation,” says the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Dmitry Anatolyevich Morozov.

At the Director of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education Svetlana Veniaminovna Ivanova There are reasons for solving the problem under discussion. She said in particular: “In school today, many legislative norms make it difficult to maintain the health of schoolchildren. For example, a teacher does not have the right to engage in any medical practice, to the point that he cannot give the child a thermometer. But there is neither a doctor nor a nurse at the school. In practice, it is not uncommon for a child to come to school sick, for example, with the flu, and the teacher, not being able to even measure his temperature, allows the student to attend classes. As a result, his illness progresses, leaving behind complications, and other school students and teachers become infected from the sick student and also become ill. But the teacher, among other things, has no medical training. After all, in our educational programs Pedagogical educational institutions remained with very small training volumes in child physiology and psychology. They need to be returned. A doctor at school can work together with the teaching staff, discussing certain problems at teacher councils, helping to solve them, and correcting stress levels educational process, overload of children. Of course, our subject teachers, striving to conscientiously fulfill their duties, want to give their students as much knowledge as possible. As a result, homework volumes are growing literally every year. And of course, a medical worker is needed every day at school, because... There are a lot of medical problems. Teenagers do not know how to communicate with each other in person, but only in the format of social networks."


Head of the Department of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents First Moscow State Medical University them. THEM. Sechenov Vladislav Remirovich Kuchma called on teachers (and this, in his opinion, should also be reflected in legislative acts) to fulfill Sanitary standards and rules (SanPin), which say that the workload of eleventh graders should be 34 hours a week. But in reality this is not the case. Today this load is 50 hours! This also leads to the fact that the health status of modern children is far from favorable. And almost all school education workers say literally the following: “Bring medical workers back to schools so that they can work in them as permanent basis". Doctors involved in prevention among the adult population directly said at parliamentary hearings that in childhood the risk factors that lead to low life expectancy for Russians arise and form. high level mortality from cardiovascular diseases. At the hearings, it was noted that there is a shortage of both financial opportunities and trained personnel for the work of school medicine.

The level of training of staff who could work at the school also leaves much to be desired. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation expresses its readiness to provide school medical offices with all necessary domestic and imported equipment. But there is a lack of interdepartmental cooperation. And this was also heard at parliamentary hearings. “I still remember that there was an interdepartmental council, which was headed by the Deputy Minister of Education and the Deputy Minister of Health. We discussed all pressing issues. Today there is no such council. And everyone has to enter into correspondence. This, of course, also needs to be done. But so that there is live communication did not turn into bureaucratic red tape. I believe, no matter how difficult the problem may be, it can be solved in the format of one election cycle. To do this, a working group will be created, which will include representatives of the Russian Ministry of Health, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and other members of the government,” he said. confidence V.R. Kuchma.


During the hearings, proposals from a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation were considered, which at the regional level have already taken certain steps to develop the school medicine system.

“Taking into account the health status of the younger generation, it is necessary to formulate at the legislative level a set of measures aimed at strengthening the health of children and adolescents, one of the components of which should be the development of a medical care system directly in educational institutions. That is why the committee is currently actively engaged in developing mechanisms for the practical implementation of this initiative, incl. in terms of its staffing, taking into account the existing shortage of medical workers in certain areas," said D.A. Morozov. He noted that the system of providing medical care in educational institutions should include the following activities: analysis and study of the health status of schoolchildren and organization of necessary medical and health measures; organization and implementation of anti-epidemic measures to prevent infectious diseases and prevention. non-communicable diseases; ensuring medical supervision of physical and hygiene education At school; implementation of systematic monitoring of compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during training sessions and the implementation of the established daily routine; conducting systematic health education work among students, teachers and parents; control of the sanitary and hygienic condition of school canteens; involving teachers, parents and representatives public organizations to active work to protect the health of schoolchildren.

Participants in parliamentary hearings came to the conclusion that full list Such measures should be taken on the basis of the competent opinion of specialists: pediatricians, educators, as well as the parent community. It is necessary to take into account the opinions of the authorities executive power federal and regional levels in the field of education and healthcare. After all, in each region there are certain specific factors that influence the health of schoolchildren.

SCALE 1:1000

At the parliamentary hearings, specific requirements for the school doctor were also voiced: it must be a doctor general practice, who has the necessary competencies to control the life of a child at school from the point of view of safety for his health. Moreover, the expected workload for such a doctor is 1000 students. It is expected that each school will constantly have nurse, whose work is coordinated by a doctor. If necessary, she can call a doctor, not only during school hours, but also during after-school activities and sports competitions.

The parameters of the school medical office were also discussed. So, this will be a room 7 meters long, which will have a cabinet and a first aid kit with medications for providing primary medical care, as well as a manipulation room in which you can test your vision, hearing, carry out vaccinations, and medical examinations.

The doctor is introduced into the teaching staff and helps the physical education teacher, controls the nutrition of schoolchildren, the lighting of the premises, their insolation, the progress of clinical examination... And at the same time, working in the clinic, he can (parents urgently request this) call a neurologist or endocrinologist on time. The issue of having a nurse working in school medical rooms is being considered. higher education, of whom many have already been trained in the country’s universities. The staff of the school doctor will be assigned to the work departments in general educational institutions, which already exist in clinics. “That is, by and large, organizational measures are required, some reconnaissance, and not new finances. I hope for the speedy adoption of the law, because a situation has arisen where teachers want this, and this is understood in healthcare,” Dmitry Anatolyevich Morozov clarified.


And further. Doctors do not have the right to inform either the teacher, the school principal, or even his relatives about what the child is ill with, with the exception of direct caregivers - parents or someone else who performs this function. On the one hand, this is correct. On the other hand, a problem arises for teachers - they do not know the characteristics of the student’s health that need to be taken into account. And this situation needs to be resolved somehow. And who can give a child a pill at school now? Nobody. Even a vitamin. What if a schoolchild, for example, has an allergy? It should be borne in mind that school medicine is primarily preventive. In no case should it duplicate the functions of a clinic or hospital. But the school doctor must be in contact with the local hospital doctor.


The Russian Ministry of Health has begun implementing a pilot project “School Medicine”, within the framework of which a draft professional standard for bachelors “School Medicine” has been developed. This was announced by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronica Skvortsova at the meeting Coordination Council under the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the “National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017”. She explained that the project is aimed at improving the health of schoolchildren and increasing their responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones. The Ministry of Health together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and Russian Academy education have developed programs and instructions for teachers, students and parents on healthy image life and first aid. In the regions, options for interaction between health centers, prevention centers, local and school doctors are being tested using information technologies. Based on the results of parliamentary hearings, a decision was made to create a working group. All colleagues will present their proposals on the key document of the parliamentary hearings, which we will present to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

A roadmap for organizing school medicine is currently being developed. The first step is parliamentary hearings, then the formulation of conclusions, then the introduction of changes to the legislative framework. And then - sending proposals to the government apparatus. By spring we should reach the final agreed product. It will not only state that there must be a medical worker at the school, but also explain what responsibilities and powers he is given.

Based on materials from the press conference " Legislative initiatives in the field of school medicine"

In two educational institutions A hygienist and paramedics have already arrived in Rostov.

In the coming years, Russian schools are planning to change the model of school medicine: nurses will be replaced by new specialists - hygienists and paramedics in the preschool and school pediatric departments. The project was called “School Medicine”.

The change in the new model is due to several factors. Firstly, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, intends to focus on the prevention of childhood and adolescent diseases in schools, and secondly, to increase the salaries of school health workers. According to the School Medicine project, the average salary of a paramedic should be 27 thousand rubles, and a hygienist - 35 thousand rubles.

They decided to test the project in five pilot regions of the country - the Republic of Sakha, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Smolensk, Tambov and Rostov regions.

According to the deputy head of the Rostov city health department, Yulia Porutchikova, parents are not sufficiently informed about the health status of their children.

— Not all parents regularly take their child to the children’s clinic for preventive purposes; they often refuse to carry out preventive vaccinations, do not always follow the recommendations of specialists. More than half of parents and teachers do not receive information from health workers at school about the impact educational process on the child's health status. This state of affairs largely dictates the need to reform preventive care provided to children and adolescents,” Yulia Porutchikova emphasized.

Therefore, in Rostov, from September 1, a hygienist and three paramedics from the staff of Rostov Children's City Clinic No. 1 have already started working in schools No. 19 and No. 44. The total number of children in both schools is about 3,000.

— These “new” specialists in “school medicine” will be able to carry out vaccinations in a timely manner and, if necessary, provide emergency assistance, they are not faced with the task of “treating”, because a school is not a hospital, healthy children come here. We have already started holding interactive lectures for schoolchildren, parents and teachers,” added Yulia Porutchikova.

Chief physician of the Municipal Budgetary Institution "Children's City Polyclinic No. 1” Vladislav Erofeev noted that the information support of a medical institution will allow information about schoolchildren to be integrated directly into the electronic medical history and patient websites. This will relieve doctors from routine paperwork and create feedback schools with a children's clinic, as well as with students' parents. The working day of a health worker in schools will be 8 hours. For now, the schools will employ specialist paramedics, but in the future it is planned to involve bachelors and graduates of the Rostov Medical University in the work.

Note that these two Rostov schools were chosen because they are among the largest in the city. Both ARMIS devices are already successfully operating, making it possible to diagnose a child’s wide range diseases, from psycho-emotional to physical, and then automatically transfer data to a pediatrician at the clinic. And he can already analyze the dynamics of a particular disease on the spot, even if he has not seen the child for some time. Examination using the ARMIS device is absolutely free for a child.

Let us add that, according to the results of the medical examination last year, only 10% are healthy among orphans, 17% among orphans in families, and 29.8% among all children from 0 to 17 years old. This average across Russia.

50.4% of children have functional deviations - they can potentially move into the healthy group, 13% have chronic diseases, 1.4% - serious illnesses and 0.8% are allergic.

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