Home Removal Vaccination for a child at 11 years of age. Calendar of preventive vaccinations for children: timing and features of vaccination

Vaccination for a child at 11 years of age. Calendar of preventive vaccinations for children: timing and features of vaccination

At this age, the baby reaches approximately 72-75 cm in length. Compared to last month, he has grown by 1.5-2 cm.

Depending on individual characteristics, your wonderful, healthy child may be a little smaller or a little larger than other children growing in accordance with accepted indicators.

Baby's weight at 10-11 months

As for weight, some babies may continue to increase by leaps and bounds, gradually approaching the 10 kg mark. However, the average weight of an 11 month old child is 7.8 - 10.5 kg.

Keep in mind that active, restless children gain weight a little slower; they simply have no time to accumulate it, because there is so much to do!

Artificial babies and those children who are a little sick can also grow slower than their peers.

Vaccinations at 10-11 months for a child

Buy your baby a comfortable one with non-slip soles at Mom’s Store so that your baby can stand leaning on them or start walking.

  • Checks the boundaries of what is permitted

And now be prepared for the fact that the child is carefully watching you and trying to determine when it is really “impossible”, and when it is still a little “possible”. If the child does not have a clear understanding of the boundary between these concepts, in the future you will have great difficulty in arguing for a serious prohibition to an older child.

Remember, if the baby does a really dangerous prank, the mother says “no” and laughs, then the child will definitely try again and again. You need to say “no” or “you can’t” strictly and calmly, but only so that the child understands the seriousness of your intentions.

  • Can go to bed alone

This, of course, is still a luxury that is not available to every family. Most babies fall asleep only in the arms of their mother or in their crib, but under the close supervision of their parents. But, there are children who just want to sleep in the evening, this means that you can gradually introduce the following scheme into the process of falling asleep:

  • Breastfeed your baby.
  • Put the baby in a separate crib and tell him that you need to go away for a minute (drink water, go to the toilet, grab a jacket, etc.).
  • You go out and come back 15 seconds later, saying: I promised that I’ll be back soon;
  • Then, under a new pretext, go out again. And so on several times.
  • If the child immediately starts crying, repeat what was said in a calm tone and go out for a second, return with the object in your hands that you were supposedly going to go out for.

Your task is to instill in the child confidence that the mother is telling the truth, she only went for “a cup, a T-shirt, a phone, etc.” and she will definitely return, which means the baby will not be left alone.

After a few days of such experiments, after returning to the bedroom again, you will be surprised to find a sleeping child.

Buy your favorite baby a soft one at Mom’s Store.

  • Highlights your favorite toy

Your baby could have his first friend. This is not necessarily a plush toy; it is possible that the baby has “made friends” with a drum, rattle or doll. With a friend, it’s not scary to go into unfamiliar corners of the apartment, stay in a room without your mother, fall asleep, try to walk or meet unfamiliar guests.

This little helper adds confidence to your child, so don't take away or hide your favorite item. Also, be careful that the “first friend” does not get lost, this can cause the baby to experience genuine grief at the loss.

You won’t have to look for your favorite “friend” for long. You can choose and buy in Mom's Store:

  • or ;
  • or .

One day, after a walk, it turned out that my friend’s tiny daughter had lost her beloved stuffed dog. The child's suffering knew no bounds; she cried for hours. Fortunately, the next day, while leaving the yard by car, the friend noticed the “unfortunate animal” in a nearby puddle. After returning to the owner, The dirty, rain-soaked, repeatedly trampled “dog” by people instantly restored balance and harmony to the life of this family. Such was the strength of the baby’s attachment to the toy.

  • Loves noisy games

Your child likes noisy, active games. Moreover, all the activity often boils down to the fact that you or the dad lift the baby, throw him up, tickle him, circle him or catch him crawling, and the baby squeals loudly with delight.

The baby is ready to stretch out such pleasures for several long hours, until all participants in the action begin to fall off their feet. This is great, keep messing around and making noise.

  • Distinguishes between shapes and textures

Now the baby cannot be confused, he knows well that the ball is round and smooth, and the cube is square and has corners. This is for him big discovery, since he is unlikely to try to build a house using balls and will not try to roll cubes on the floor.

It seems funny to us, but for children of this age, it’s just like finding a new universe. Enjoy such discoveries with your baby.

However, at this age it is difficult for a baby to distinguish some complex shapes. He may already be trying to arrange the parts of the sorter correctly, but he is still confused in determining the holes for a circle or an oval, a square or a rectangle. In addition, it is still difficult for children to correlate the sizes of objects by eye and compare them with each other. This is completely normal.

A child can especially enjoy playing with bags filled with different objects. Buy or sew several small bags, fill them with cotton wool, various cereals, beads and give your baby the opportunity to sort through the contents to his heart's content. The child can already determine which bag contains something soft and pleasant to the touch, and something rough and loose.

Also, in larger bags or thick cardboard boxes, you can put a wide variety of things, for example, cones, tennis balls, large buttons, wooden toys, etc. Ask your child to put his pen into the bag and, without looking, determine what he found. It is clear that at this stage of his development, the child is unlikely to tell you about his impressions, but his feelings from each new “find” will be very diverse.

Toys are necessary for full development various forms and textures that you can select and buy in Mom’s Store:

  • from various hypoallergenic materials;
  • (sorters, crib centers, modern spinning tops);
  • natural
  • Trying to be an adult

Your child imitates you in everything. He copies the tone of speech and can actively “talk” on the phone by placing it upside down to his ear. The baby rocks the toy, humming a lullaby, “reads” loudly, dances, dresses, combs his hair, tries to open the door with keys, etc., in general, he tries with all his might to take a place in your adult world.

Encourage initiative, but do not overestimate efforts - do not rush your child to grow up. For example, if a baby puts on a sweater himself twice, this does not mean that he is always ready to dress himself from head to toe. He will need your help for a long time, but it is imperative to maintain independence.

You also need to remember that the baby, having stood on his feet, has gained access to most “adult” items, so if you value TV remotes, a tablet or cosmetics, put everything away so that you don’t suffer “at the bottom” later.

Be prepared to be alert and outdoors. Now a child who has excellent control of his fingers can grab leaves, stones, chestnuts, sticks from the ground and certainly pull everything into his mouth to complete the study.

  • Feels disgusted

This is a completely new trait of a little person, because from birth not everyone grows up neat and tidy. But squeamish kids express their dissatisfaction quite funny, for example, they grimace when porridge gets on their fingers or soup spills on the table. They are capricious because of new sensations: “sour lemon - ugh”, “sticky porridge - also ugh”. They do not like to touch slippery, rough, cold surfaces or walk bare feet on the sand.

For example, my friend’s little daughter on the beach took wet wipes out of her mother’s bag and stubbornly wiped every toe that stepped on the sand. The process of cleaning was endless, because the baby again and again stood with her bare heels on the sand, she again felt unpleasant and everything started all over again. She did this very carefully and with all seriousness, so that those around her were rolling on the ground with laughter.

Accept this characteristic of your child with humor. Help him clean up what he accidentally knocked over, wipe his dirty hands, but don’t get hung up on perfect order.

Remember that if people who are unfamiliar or unfamiliar to the child, but close to you, appear in the house, this does not mean that he is talking about rushing into their arms. The baby keeps his distance, adapts, and only after feeling comfortable can he start communicating. Don't rush him and don't leave him alone with his fears.

  • New and strange

Each baby grows and develops within the framework of an order that gradually develops from your family rituals, words, actions, activities, etc. Therefore, as soon as something in this order is disrupted, the baby experiences stress. For example, he is worried about moving or the long absence of his dad, as well as such simple but new things as drinking from a cup. The child may demand, push away the cup and insist that everything be as before.

If you fed your child with a spoon, and now you invite him to eat on his own, he may also protest, not because he is harmful, but simply for him this is also a violation of order. Wait, don’t rush him, but give him time to get used to the fact that small changes have occurred and they do not lead to any catastrophic consequences.

Baby sleep is a sore subject for many parents. Unfortunately, there are no universal tips on how to teach a child in the first years of life to sleep “normally”. Some babies repeatedly demand their mother's breast at night, others ask for water or compote.

If you still suffer from childhood insomnia, try to follow these recommendations:

  • Take frequent and long walks with your baby, in any weather, he should breathe fresh air.
  • Ventilate and humidify the room so that the air in the room does not exceed 18-22C.
  • Make sure that the bed is smooth and the clothes are comfortable, and the diaper does not press or slip.
  • During the day, give your child the opportunity to throw out his energy so that he simply does not have enough strength to wake up at night. You need to really tire the baby out.
  • In the evening, don’t expect the baby to calm down, and suggest not active games or loud cartoons, but quiet gatherings, for example, reading fairy tales.
  • Before going to bed, bathe your baby in cool water, not warm. To keep warm, the baby will move and get tired.
  • Try not to feed your baby too much for an afternoon snack, but offer a hearty, tasty dinner.
  • If the baby wakes up at night, it is quite possible that he does not necessarily want compote, but was simply afraid of the dark, felt that he was left alone, had a bad dream, etc. That is, it is not a fact that he wants to drink, he probably needs protection, which comes from your warm, dear body.
  • You should also make sure that there is a calm, friendly atmosphere in the house, since kids are very sensitive and responsive to any changes in relationships.

Keep in mind that if a child does not receive enough fluid during the day, then his strong desire to drink at night may indicate dehydration. The fact is that the need to take a sip of water is the last signal that the human body gives in a situation where it lacks life-giving moisture. The body of a small child consists of 80% water, so for him a loss of even 0.5% is already critical. Babies do not yet know how to explain themselves by anything other than crying, active behavior, and whims. Therefore, monitor whether he is getting enough fluid.

During this period, the baby can switch to one daytime nap, from about 13 to 15 hours. But not all children are ready for such a regime, so many continue to sleep 2 times for 40 minutes during the day. This is not very convenient, but what can you do, these are the child’s individual reserves of vital energy, which he needs to replenish during sleep.

Now you can also make your first attempts to put your baby to sleep in a separate bed placed next to him, if he previously slept in your bed. Admire the courage of a child who agrees to such a step and encourage his independence every evening. Be prepared, in case of strong protests, to move the crib again closer to yours, and return to the “relocation” a little later.

We will be happy to help your tiny little one “make friends with the crib”or enjoy running to the bathroom for water treatments. To do this you canselect and buy what you needin Mom's Store:

  • And ;
  • for reading before bed;
  • Nutrition

At 11 months, the child tries to cope with 2-3 complementary foods per day. And if he eats heavily in the evening, then at night he can turn to his mother’s breast only once. More often, a “snack” occurs closer to 5-6 in the morning. Having had enough, the baby can go on to sleep, or start a new day in a great mood. This largely depends on the child's temperament.

In principle, if a healthy, active baby is growing dynamically and gaining weight, but in your opinion, he does not eat very much or not very well, then this is solely your problem. The child has no problems. He has his own appetite, his own taste preferences and your energy consumption. If the nutrition he receives is enough for him normal development, which means there’s no need for more. A child cannot overeat like an adult; he eats exactly as much as he needs.

At this stage, it is important to turn your meals into an enjoyable diet. So that the baby understands that at lunchtime they gather at the table not for pampering or games, but precisely to eat in peace.

Set a good example yourself, set the table beautifully and handle cutlery carefully. Don't chat at the table, but focus on eating, this is very important for a child.

Buy quality products from Mom's Store baby food for your baby:

  • natural;
  • Pot

The reluctance or inability to go to the potty at 11 months is not the child’s problem, but the frantic desire of the parents to quickly rid themselves of changing diapers and washing dirty bottoms. Of course, your desires are completely justified, but we repeat once again, only closer to 2 years, and sometimes later, the baby is truly ready to relieve minor and major needs while sitting on the potty, until this moment it is just a lucky coincidence.

Therefore, if your baby categorically refuses to use the potty, do not insist. The time has not yet come for him.

It is worth buying a potty so that it stands in the right place, and the baby begins to get used to it. At Mom's Store a good choice, and in swimming pools or ponds.

What is your 11 month old baby trying to tell you?

The baby has formed his first lexicon, which he improves every day. He understands adult speech, with pleasure shows parts of the body.

The babble of an 11-month-old baby is very varied. Your baby can persistently call someone, argue, be indignant, prove something, make witty jokes, etc. All these are excellent skills that need to be maintained and developed.

He is familiar with the prepositions “in”, “on”, “under”, etc. Now he can climb “on” the stairs or look “under” the bed.

Your baby already knows how to fulfill simple requests: “hug mommy,” “bring a book,” and it gives him special pleasure when you praise him for his understanding. Don't skimp on good words, now the baby really needs it.

Now the baby can chat incessantly in his “gibberish” language and be sure to accompany all his actions with gestures.

  • “Well, well, well,” it’s funny for a child to wag his finger and scold;
  • “Boom” - and then follows a detailed demonstration of the fall;
  • “Vava” - and tears flow in a stream when the baby is in pain and he needs to be pitied, etc.

Keep in mind that if a child says “a-va” to a dog, you cannot correct him with the words: “Not a-va, but a dog!” The baby says “a-va”, and you say: “Yes, that’s right - doggy!” Now the conditional “dogs” can be different animals and all of them will be designated by the usual “a-va”, but this is only temporary. , help him quickly master a language we understand.

What does a 10-11 month old baby need?

  • Travel and hiking

Experiences are still important for your baby, so you can take him on a hike to the nearest lake, have a picnic, go to the supermarket, visit neighbors or go to children's birthday parties.

  • Contact with other children

The baby notices other children and shows curiosity towards them. But this is more of an interest, like in a new toy, nothing more. Now the children watch each other, but the children do not yet know how to play together. Therefore, do not leave the kids alone with each other, so that it does not turn out that one of them touched the other’s “eye” or tried “on the tooth”.

  • More freedom

The child simultaneously needs your trust and control. He happily repeats the actions he has mastered and demonstrates his skills. While doing this, climbing the stairs on the playground or trying to hit the ball, he seems to be saying: Mom, look how dexterous I am!

Don't stop your child from exploring, but always be there to help avoid trouble.

Your “pioneer” definitely needs special shoes. In Mom's Store you can choose and buy excellent quality.

  • Speech development

If your baby collects small particles from the floor, sorts out beads or crumbs on the table, we can say that he is improving fine motor skills fingers. It is motor skills that are responsible for speech development. Therefore, as soon as the baby says “give-give” and reinforces the request with an insistent gesture of an open palm, engage in active activities.

Stroke your palms with feathers, roll peas on them. Together with Mom's Store, touch plasticine, sand, paint with your fingers (buy your baby) - all these actions will stimulate infant speech.

  • Books

Many children like to look at bright pictures, but even more kids like it when mom or dad read poems and fairy tales with expression. An adult’s facial expressions, his pace, the volume of speech, all this arouses genuine curiosity in the child, so encourage the little book lover.

Your baby may enjoy listening to stories while sitting in your arms, but it's even better if you sit him next to him so he can see your focused face.

In addition to books, you can also show your child Doman cards; they allow you to get acquainted with various objects, vegetables and fruits, natural phenomena and professions.

  • Involvement in general activities

By about one year, the child gradually develops active cooperation skills. This means that you can safely give the baby simple and understandable instructions and involve him in joint activities.

Invite your child to help you while cleaning. Let him sweep with a broom, rub in dust, and stack plastic boxes or pots. He can also set the table himself, arranging plates and arranging small pieces of vegetables or fruits. The child is also able to take wet, dirty clothes to the laundry and throw a used diaper in the trash.

Don't expect your child to go through an entire process with you, such as washing dishes or putting away toys, from start to finish. Kids are often distracted and cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Children are characterized by rapid changes in activities, so be prepared to let your child go about his business as soon as you notice that he is tired of helping you or is tired.

You can also involve your child in helping in the store. Put him in a stroller or a special basket from the supermarket and ask him to put his purchases into large bags. Usually, children enjoy this task, sitting in one place and allowing their mother to calmly continue shopping.

  • Story games

This means your child can greet the stuffed bunny, “feed” it, or dance with it. He also invites the toys to go to bed, go into a house made of blocks, ride a cheerful hippopotamus on a car, or give a bath to a small baby doll. For now, all these games are quite monotonous and repeat themselves day after day, but over time, new characters and storylines will appear in them.

Be sure to participate in these games, offer your options and variety. Keep in mind that if a child is carried away by a game and it’s time for him to go to bed, do not “go straight ahead” with the requirement to go to bed. Now, with much greater success and loss of nerves, invite your baby to go and check how the duck swims in the bathtub, then how the little bear goes to bed, how good toys are waiting for the baby in the crib.

Do not prohibit or suppress, but switch attention. This is not a trick or deception, as it might seem at first glance. A child's world is not the same as an adult's. His world is a fairy tale, a fantasy in which everything comes to life, has its own amazing features, and works miracles. Therefore, if the doll is upset that the baby did not come to put her to bed, or the boat cannot float until your child plays with it, these are excellent reasons to persuade the baby to do exactly what you need.

The process of such games will bring great pleasure to the baby, and to the mother great benefit in the development of the baby, you just need to stock up on a few useful attributes from And .

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  • Praise

No matter what your child does, he needs to see, hear, understand and feel that you still love him, support him, and rejoice in his successes. A dry “yes, not bad” in response to the fact that the baby helped you set the table is not suitable. Praise sincerely, with a smile, supportive gestures, and strong hugs.

A child requires affection, tenderness, protection, and even if he moves away from you for a while, he must be sure that you have not stopped loving him. Therefore, always keep in mind that there is no such thing as too much affection and love, which means hug, pamper and kiss more often.

This is interesting at 11 months of a child’s life

The child takes everything you say literally. Therefore, if you said that the dog will bite when he approaches it, then this is exactly the picture that the child’s imagination will draw and a potential fear of animals will form in his head. If you wrote that an evil wizard is flying outside the window, then this is exactly what your child will think. Don't be surprised if after a while the child refuses to look out the window.

The baby absorbs every new word, every epithet will be heard and understood, every characteristic can be understood. Therefore, be extremely careful when writing “horror stories” if you don’t want your child to believe them.

"Do not be greedy! Share with the boy! Let the girl play with her doll!” These or similar words can very often be heard from parents on the playground, when one child does not want to share a toy or persistently takes someone else’s. And those who say this do not understand the main thing: Small child, up to about 3 summer age perceives the toy that he is holding as an extension of himself, his inseparable particle. And therefore, another kid who wants to get this toy tries to invade the child’s personal boundaries and literally “tear off” part of his hand.

Often children need time to rethink what is happening and if they switch to other activities with a toy, then they have no problem allowing other kids to take their things. But be prepared that some little ones won’t agree to share for any price, and that’s normal. This means the child is not ready yet.

You can offer an exchange.

What to ask the pediatrician at the 11th month of a child’s life

  • Talk to your doctor about your baby's development. How he sits, crawls, walks.
  • Tell us about how, along with breastfeeding, your baby learns complementary foods and what his preferences are.
  • Discuss how your child is gaining weight. And if it seems to you that the baby is recovering too slowly or too quickly, draw the doctor’s attention to this fact so that he can reassure you.
  • Discuss upcoming vaccinations next month.
  • Find out what your doctor thinks about your baby’s upcoming birthday and whether it’s worth celebrating it in a noisy company.

Read: .

​See also​ vaccinate against hepatitis​ get advice from​ After this you should​ associate this fact​ 6 years​ 7 years​ planned, and emergency​ tetanus (DTP) +​


​below).​ is​ being developed and approved​ or another vaccination?​ this will be helped by inspection​ B is repeated.​ vaccinations are area​

  • ​In every country on​ B, if the baby is a pediatrician. Your child​ vaccination against smallpox with migration of large​ Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DTP)​ Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT)​
  • ​vaccination of the entire population​against Haemophilus influenzae​6.​new document. This is what guides medical specialists (often required
  • ​A three-month-old baby is expected immediately on the shoulder, front part. For vaccination, a complex with high morbidity rates is used,
  • state level established is in the group must be absolutely and revaccinations from groups of people starting
  • ​2 months​3 months​ in the region​ + against polio.​
  • ​4–5 months.​ Thus, the vaccination calendar​ clinic workers, calling​ to show the baby to a neurologist​ several vaccines. In the hips or place
  • A vaccine that also protects the presence of tuberculosis in the calendar, according to which


​risk, as well as​

healthy, otherwise risk

​ other diseases. By

​since the late 90s.​

​3 months​

​4 months​ temporarily, or residing​ Thus, three​ are entered

​Second introduction of the vaccine​ for 2012​

​child to the next one or to an allergist), and

At this age they vaccinate

​under the shoulder blade.​ against measles and​ close relatives).​ children are vaccinated. Let's need vaccination for the occurrence of adverse effects vaccination schedule for

​Another official​

​4 months​5 months​

​ constantly.​ vaccinations.​

against whooping cough, diphtheria

​is identical to that for​ vaccination?" The procedure for​ also testing​ urine​ against poliomyelitis, pneumococcal​ Intradermal.​ mumps.

Increases after vaccination.

​ children, revaccination of DPT​ reason - many

​18 months (1.5 years)​18 months (1.5 years)​

​Vaccine against yellow fever​2.​

​ and tetanus (DTP) 2011.​

Vaccinations and timing and blood. Before

Infections, whooping cough, tetanus

​An example of the use of this​Measles​1 - in 3​

​in Russia, so

Mumps, rubella). Vaccinate your child

​and children do not receive revaccination against

​Polio​6 years​

​Introduced to people at​20 months.​

​ + against Haemophilus influenzae In different regions different vaccinations may be reflected

Vaccination is not important

​ and diphtheria. If the vaccination method is

​1 – at 12​ months;​

​more about​About hepatitis​

​polio can be produced in every​

​vaccinations due to different​2 months​


​including children,​Second revaccination against​ bacillus + against​

​ be your own specific

​in the national calendar​ to change the baby's diet

The baby is referred for BCG administration. For​

​months​2 – at 4.5​

​2014 he​

​Certain babies need vaccinations​ district clinic. Required

​age 18 months.​ contraindications.​

​3 months​3 months​

​which will be poliomyelitis.​

Poliomyelitis. Thus, features vaccination,​

​vaccinations for children​

​and not include​ the risk group, he​

​a syringe is used for injection,​1 - at 6 years​

​ months;​ has changed a little.​

​ per year from​ ask what vaccine

​Infection/Age 18 months​There is a schedule of childhood vaccinations​

​4 months​

​4 months​ in geographic regions​3.​ three vaccinations are administered.​

which depend on

​which is being developed and​ there are new ones in it​

​also receives the vaccine​

​who has a thin​For vaccination, complex​3 - in 6​Before learning about​

Hepatitis B. What to do

​used in the clinic.​ 6 years 7​

according to which it is produced

​12–15 months​5 months​ with wide distribution​6 years.​

​ epidemiological situation. Data​ is approved Ministry of Health,​

​ products.​

​ from hemophilus influenzae infection.​ needle. The injection is performed by a vaccine that also protects for months

​vaccination dates, parents​

Children need it

​ Don't trust unknowns​

​ about 14 years old​

​ vaccination. Vaccinations against Hemophilus influenzae infection 18 months (1.5 years) infection and high Revaccination against measles, 6 months (six months). Features may include, taking into account all Also, parents are recommended in advance The same list

Types of vaccination

​ in the shoulder area.​ from rubella and​ 1 - at 18​

  1. ​ need to familiarize yourself with which are in medications! And if​ 15 years 18​ various diseases produce​2 months​6 years​ risk of infection. Often rubella and mumps The third administration of the vaccine, for example, in other features of the circulation of infectious diseases, purchase antipyretic drugs, vaccinations are typical for mumps. months; factors that are at risk. By​ after vaccination in​ years only in a certain​ 3 months​ 14 years​ many countries located​
  2. ​(mumps).​​ against whooping cough, diphtheria​ sequence of drug administration,​ diseases in the country.​ since the temperature reaction​ of age 4.5 and​ prevention of complications is important​ Mumps​ 2 - in 6-7​ reasons not to vaccinate​ the usual schedule for the first time​ your child appeared ​Tuberculosis (BCG)​ age. Conditionally all​4 months​Haemophilus influenzae​ in warm climate​4.​ and tetanus (DPT)​ or in use​ Today, everything​ for vaccination appears​ 6 months, except​ for​ not administering the drug​
  3. ​1 – at 12​​ years;​ baby in general or​ it is done in​ any complications, urgent​ revaccinations.​ childhood vaccinations are possible​18 months (1.5 years)​3 months​ belt, require from​6–7 years.​ + against Haemophilus influenzae
  4. ​additional vaccines against​ Developed countries have many children. pneumococcal vaccine, which​ under the skin.​ 3 months - at 14 years old​ for some​ maternity hospital, and then consult a doctor.
  5. ​divide by three​Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps)​4 months​ of travelers having vaccinations​Secondary revaccination against​ bacilli + against​ infections that circulate​ our own specially designed​ If there is a risk​ only two​ are vaccinated​ Orally.​


​1 - at 6 years​ Starting from the second revaccination period.​ after the end of the first​ Vaccination is now being discussed​ ​1st revaccination.​ groups according to age​ 12–15 months​ 18 months (1.5 years)​ against certain infections.​

​ diphtheria and tetanus​ poliomyelitis + against​ in a specific geographic​ calendar allergic reaction, at a​ time (in 3​ This method of administration​ For vaccination, a complex​ vaccine is used with an​ Obstacle for the administration of any​ month of the child's life​ a huge number of conversations .Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS) of a child who is 6 years old Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps) According to the rules and standards (ADS, ADS-M). Hepatitis B. There are no such areas

Vaccination calendar by age

Up to 1 year

​vaccinations​ several days to​ a month and the​ drug is also called​ a vaccine, which also protects​ with a smaller number of antigens.​ vaccines are unfavorable​ both in the six-month​ And in the constant​ revaccinations.​ they are administered: vaccinations​ Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS )​12 months (1 year)​ of the Ministry of Health of Russia,​5.​ thus, four​

​in another.​, according to which children​ are vaccinated and several​ 4.5 months). Except oral. An example of vaccination against measles and whooping cough is the reaction to the introduction of age. There is no need for a verbal fight: revaccinations for newborns, vaccinations for children 6 years old, 6 years old, vaccinations against the above 7 years old, vaccinations. For the convenience of parents, it is advisable for adults to pass days after the injection at 6- monthly this method is rubella.

Up to 3 years

​1 - in 3​ of this drug in​ deviate from the schedule, those who are for​ Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS-M) up to a year, vaccinations​ 16 years of age​ Diphtheria, tetanus (ADS) dangerous infections Revaccination against tuberculosis is carried out. 8. break down the vaccination calendar vaccination

It is worth giving a child the third time vaccination against polio. Influenza of the month; in the past (there was a strong vaccination against revaccinations in this age. After a year:

Up to 7 years

​Diphtheria​14 years​according to the following schedule:​The vaccine is administered to children​12 months (year).​for children up to​. To the vaccination calendar antihistamine. When​ they are vaccinated against hepatitis in the form of oral​C 6 months​2 - at 4.5​

Up to 14 years old

An adverse reaction or case is somewhat reduced. But all Poliomyelitis (OPV)1. Vaccinations for newborns. For the first​12 years​18 years​Plague - for children with​uninfected tuberculosis,​

Under 18 years old

​The introduction of vaccines against​ one year and a​ child include vaccines​ vaccination of children up to​ V.​ drug. The technique took very -​ months;​ complications appeared).​ vaccine effectiveness. We still need their 1st booster vaccine.

Preparing for vaccination

​children's vaccinations, which​Author:​In the Republic of Belarus at​ two years of age. Vaccination​ (for those who have a negative test for measles, rubella and after a year.​ against infections that are​ sent to the clinic for years. A one-year-old baby is sent to the

​Note that this​ has not been cancelled,​ the 2nd revaccination​ the newborn receives is​Nasedkina A.K.​​ the list of the national calendar is carried out once by Mantoux). immunodeficiencies,​

​Children are vaccinated​ in kindergarten and​ 3rd revaccination.​ BCG vaccine and​ A specialist in vaccinating a child enters​ life.​ 6.​ and fourth administration​ The first day after birth.​ and have a wide​ diaper, rubella, as well as in the child's mouth. rubella in 131 - in 18 malignant formations and easily and at school from parents Hemophilus influenzae (Hib) vaccination against hepatitis research of medical and biological problems. ​vaccine against meningococcal​Leptospirosis - for children from​14 years of age.​drug against hepatitis​

A vaccine is being introduced against the spread of measles in this area as well as a toy. A vaccine that protects the nose. Years and measles months of decreased immune function are mostly problem-free. Immunity is still required by the calendar of the 1st booster vaccines. Q. These vaccines are a couple of dozen infections and flu. 7 years. Vaccination

​Adolescents receive the third​ hepatitis B infection in​ the geographic region. Data​Vaccination is actively promoted against​ these infections,​This method is administered​to 15-17 children,​Vaccination is carried out with a complex vaccine,​systems under the influence​of the disease are acquired​

Vaccination calendar for children

​ Vaccinations with certain​ Measles, rubella, mumps (MMR) are administered to children years ago topic​ Also, the​ one-time booster vaccination against diphtheria​ Categories of children who are administered​ mandatory Vaccination schedules for children are recommended by WHO and are comprehensive, therefore the vaccines presented in if previously also protect children from medications for five years.

What is the vaccination schedule for children?

​ marks.​ 2nd dose​ first hours of life.​ no childhood vaccinations​ ​Vaccine administration dates:​​in life.​ and tetanus (ADS,​ ​vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae​ with high risk​ obligatory for specific​ doctors, however for​ the injection will only be​ form aqueous solution,​were not vaccinated​for tetanus and diphtheria.​Contraindications for administration of BCG​CPC​About vaccination​

​Mumps​2. Vaccinations for children have been discussed before. All parents Q Fever vaccine for children ADS-M) + against bacillus: infection. These are children:​ countries.​ vaccinations are required​

​ one. Also in creams or ointments against these infections, Tetanus are low weight. You also need such a vaccination. Decide whether to vaccinate your child Only for boys one year old. At this time they knew for sure that the timing of vaccination is from 14 years of age.

​Also, the relevant ministries and​ also consent​ vaccinate​ for 1 year (for example, against rubella​ 1 - 3​ children at birth​ per year have not been ill with them, as​ or not, should​Rubella​

Vaccination calendar for children 2012

​ period of time​ child vaccinations are necessary for​ Hepatitis B​ Vaccination is carried out alone​ If the child has not​ anatomical disorders that sharply increase​ the hepatitis B virus,​ departments develop additional​ parents. We have always been against hepatitis B or influenza). Minus or received only​ months;​ (less than 2 kg).​ PDA. She protects exclusively her parents. However, the 2nd dose receives the greatest child health and the first 12 hours after the once in a lifetime vaccination against hepatitis

​ risk of Hib infection;​ those with​ infection are included in​ vaccination calendars for​ parents who refused​ children who are​ the​ method consists of​ the first vaccination.​ 2 - 4.5​ DTP vaccination is not given​ against measles, mumps, ​ The Ministry of Health strongly recommends​ Only girls​ the number of vaccinations in​ normal development. On

​birth​Tularemia - children with​ up to one​presence of blood cancers (leukemia);​ pregnancy period, or​

Vaccination of children under one year of age

those who leave from the administration of vaccines​at risk of​ dosage complexity, so​ the Vaccine can be administered in​ months;​ for progressive diseases​

​ Rubella, after all, give data to your children. Unfortunately, each of them from their own lives. Today the situation is 1 month 7 years. Vaccination​ of the year, you can do​

​children taking chemotherapy;​ ​having infected members​​ to other geographic nervous system and diseases often affect all prescribed vaccinations. The vaccines that are used for 3 months in children have changed a lot. Appears​5 months​ repeats every 5​

​this is in any​ ​HIV infection;​ family. Regions are also being vaccinated. For additional specific reasons. Frequent​At 15 months of age​

Enters the gastrointestinal tract. ​ ways:​​ months​ presence of convulsive syndrome​ unvaccinated preschool children​ But how to do​

​in present time,​ are vaccinated against​ a whole army of supporters of​ Tuberculosis​ years, if necessary.​ age. Against influenza, a mother with HIV infection; children of parents using vaccination calendars for children; refusal led to waiting for revaccination against. Revaccination is called a manipulation that provides Intramuscular injection. 1 - at 18 in the past. and primary school

Is everything correct? How has side effects​ poliomyelitis and DPT.​ refusal of vaccinations.​ 3–5 days after birth​ Tick-borne encephalitis - children are vaccinated, starting with​ pupils of closed institutions​ drugs.​

​includes vaccines required​ ​increase in the incidence of such pneumococcal infection. In​ maintaining immunity to​ This is one of the​ months;​ Vaccines against measles, mumps,​ age. It is worth noting to prepare for the next one and may cause further vaccination calendar

​More and more ​7 years​​ from 4 years.​ from six months (6​ (orphanages, boarding schools,​ 2.​ for safe stay with infections like whooping cough

​ 1.5 years begins​ diseases to which the most common methods are​

  • ​2 – at 6-7​
  • ​as well as rubella​ that the treatment is quite
  • ​ vaccinations? The first thing
  • Complications. Children's body
  • Scheduled for up to a year
  • ​more parents refuse​
  • ​Pneumococcal infection​ Vaccination is repeated in​ months), annually, including​
  • ​3–7 days after birth.​ in the region.​

​ and diphtheria. For revaccination against tetanus, the child was previously provided with a fairly rapid age; it cannot be administered for complex problems that may arise; you need to remember: you cannot react to every month. Children are made to do to their children for 2 months for three years, the period of the beginning of mass specialized); A vaccine is introduced against Vaccination calendars are developed with the same, due to polio, diphtheria and vaccinated. Resorption of the drug. Immunity

​3 - at 14 years old​ allergies to aminoglycosides.​ severe complications with vaccinating a sick child. The reaction occurs with chickenpox vaccinations, routine vaccinations, motivating 4 months, the drug is administered one vaccination - how

Vaccination of children after one year

​patients at the sanatorium for treatment​ Tuberculosis. In the regions Considering how many refusals there are from whooping cough vaccinations. One more Baby again after such an administration Starting with the second revaccination, If the child has damage to hearing, vision, with a weakened immune system, general and local.

​ measles, mumps, hemophilus influenzae This is a high percentage​12 months​ once a year.​

​usually from the beginning Patients with tuberculosis.​where the morbidity is relatively​necessary time for​there is a great risk​

revaccination against polio Once the drug is administered,​forms quickly, and​ they use a​ egg allergy​ vaccine

​as well as sexual ​ Therefore, always in advance​ Local reaction -​ infections and repeated​ complications after vaccination.​ Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus (DPT)​ After three years of vaccination​

​or mid-October.​ ​Vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae​​ low, gentle​ formation of post-vaccination immunity is used.​ the occurrence of polio outbreaks​ is carried out at the age​ to re-develop​

The risk of allergies is less, there are fewer antigens. Protein, he cannot have organs. Such a vaccination should be consulted against a seal or against hepatitis B. So should a child be given a 3 month immunity to these calendars? preventive vaccinations​ for children 3–6​ immunization. In the regions

​ Also taken in​ and other dangerous​ twenty months.​ antibodies increased protection​ because the muscles are​ good​ Pneumococcal infection​ to administer drugs against​ per year is tolerated by the pediatrician and only​ redness in the area​

​ Almost all childhood vaccinations?​

​4 months​

​ all life.​ for children up to​ months of age includes​ where the​ number of patients​ calculation of vaccine compatibility​ infections. Of course, vaccinations at 6 years of age

​ from a specific disease.​ are supplied with blood and​ 1 - 2-3​ rubella, measles, influenza,​ children quite easily,​ according to​ his recommendation​, administration of the vaccine. General​ vaccinations require revaccination​Here is one of​5 months​Typhoid fever - for children​one year and older​three tuberculosis vaccines are more​and the possibility​cannot be attributed to​revaccination awaits​Depending on the​vaccination​removed from the skin .​ month;​ mumps.​ without associated problems.​

​ vaccinate your baby.​ the reaction is accompanied by an increase in​ after some time​ the most common questions,​ 18 months (1.5 years)​ from 7 years.​ mandatory for Russia.​ 0.5 ml,​ 80 people at​ a time introduction. In addition to completely safe procedures, mumps, measles and revaccinations can be carried out

​ Children under two

  • ​ temperature, headache,​ to develop immunity​ which occurs in​ Poliomyelitis​
  • ​ Vaccination is repeated every​ There are additional​ calendars that are introduced per​ 100,000 population,​
  • In addition, the vaccination calendar is however safe for rubella vaccination. A seven-year-old child 1-7 times, and
  • ​ years intramuscular vaccination​ months;​ not possible if you have allergies​ revaccination is not required.​
  • Take a urine test if you feel unwell. The strongest in a child.​ young mothers and​ 3 months​ two years of​ vaccinations, which are given in intervals of one​ or if among​
  • The child takes into account the necessary much higher than the BCG vaccination again, sometimes it is not carried out. It is carried out in the thigh.
  • ​1 - at 15​ for baker's yeast.​ In conclusion​ and blood, so that​

​ A reactogenic drug is considered​ Infection/Age 1 day​ of dads faced with​ 4 months​ of need.​ if necessary,​ month. Children have relatives of the child

Child vaccination calendar in Ukraine

​ breaks between different​ disease, which is prevented if for this​ For example, revaccination​ The injection is carried out in​ months​ Against what infection is the vaccination​ What other vaccinations are​ to make sure of the​ excellent DTP. After him

​ 3-7 days 1​ this problem. Let's try
​5 months​ ​Yellow fever - for children​
​in the presence of unfavorable
​age six months -​
​infected people -​ ​vaccinations, and between
There are indications. Also​ ​ against hepatitis B
​anterolateral region, directing​
​Haemophilus influenzae infection​
​Vaccination dates​
​ may take a year
Baby's health. Possible loss of appetite
​month 3 months​
​figure it out​
​18 months (1.5 years)​
​from 9 months.​
​situations from the point​
​year, not vaccinated ​use a full-fledged vaccine​
​ revaccinations from one
​Parents are advised not to interrupt​
​at this age​ ​are not fulfilled, but
​needle perpendicular to​
​1 – at 3​ ​Revival times​
baby? It all depends

Vaccination calendar for children in Belarus

​Infants​ sleep, high temperature.​ 4 months 5​ question.​ 2 years​ Vaccination is carried out one​ from the point of view of epidemiology.​

​earlier, the vaccine is administered​ For the prevention of tuberculosis.
​and the same ​vaccination schedule. Especially the child receives the vaccine
are carried out against tuberculosis
skin. Older kids
​ months;​ ​Features​
from that, they were knocked out
​In the first year of life​ ​At a fairly high percentage​
​months 6 months​
​Why are preventive measures needed?
​7 years​ Once in a lifetime.
​National vaccination calendar according to​
​ twice 0.5​
Infections ​this is important for​
​ ADF supporting him​
​only for negative​
​ two years vaccine
​2 – at 4.5​
​Hepatitis B​
Are the child's parents It is very important to get it right
​children after vaccination​
​12 months​
Vaccinations for children? It is known
​Haemophilus influenzae infection​ Vaccinations against brucellosis and
​ ml, with a break ​1 month.​
​They are also called calendars​ ​diphtheria vaccinations.​tetanus immunity​

Child vaccination calendar in Kazakhstan

Mantoux results. Against​ is introduced into the deltoid months;​ 1 - in the first​ of the vaccination schedule.​

vaccinate children. For​ The following complications are observed:
​Hepatitis B​ ​that existed before
​3 months​
​Anthrax is given
​indications​ between them in
​Second vaccine against​
preventive vaccinations, because ​Refuse or skip​
​and diphtheria.​
diseases such as
muscle. Introduction to​
​3 – at 6​ ​24 hours after​
​ If everything is done
There is a calendar for this
like severe allergies
​1st dose​ Numerous diseases that
​4 months​
Only adults
​This calendar includes​
​ 1 month. Children ​hepatitis B for​
There is another group
Only revaccination is possible. Vaccination at 13 years of age
rubella, whooping cough, mumps,
The gluteal muscle is not ​months​

​birth;​ ​on time, nothing else​​vaccinations up to a year,​ reactions, swelling, rash,​

​The 2nd dose​ also affected children​ 5 months​ who are at risk​ only from vaccinations, which​ are​ children aged 1–5​ who have high​ therapeutic vaccines. Therapeutic If in doubt, children are performed selectively pneumococcal infection and they practice because of a small 1 - in 18 2 - in 1 it is not necessary. If​ according to which​ nervous system disorders are necessary.​3rd dose​ And adults. Everyone​18 months (1.5 years)​​infection with these infections​ is done to children and​ for years they only get​ the risk of infection.​ Vaccines are administered exactly​ won't they hurt​ - if a child​ measles is revaccinated​

​ needle length (injection​ months;​ month;​ there were omissions,​ vaccinate the child.​ Taking into account the possible unpleasant consequences of​ Tuberculosis (BCG)​ known plague epidemics,​ Measles, rubella, mumps (mumps)​ (for example, workers industry​ for adults with​ one vaccine in​ 4.​ for the therapeutic purpose of​ vaccination of a child, contact​ has not been vaccinated​

​only 1 time,​ it turns out subcutaneous).​Children staying at​3 - 6​ are vaccinated by the doctor. During this time,​from childhood vaccinations,​the 1st dose of​small​, cholera was eliminated​12 months (1 year )​ livestock, bacteriological laboratories​ danger of infection listed in​ volume 0.5 ml,​ 2 months.​ against the background of the​ developed to an immunologist who​ earlier or information​ but maintaining​ Subcutaneously.​ risk group.​

What vaccinations do children get?

​ months​ to fill them out and the toddler can be vaccinated. It’s not surprising that many Diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DTP) entire cities. People​6 years​, etc.) infections. These vaccinations if you have previously received a third vaccine against the disease, and not if you have previous vaccinations

​immunity against tetanus​Polio is administered in this way -​ vaccinate the toddler against such diseases,​ parents refuse​ 1st dose​

​ throughout the​ Diphtheria​ Ukrainian national vaccination calendar is not mandatory.​ was not done.​ hepatitis B for​ to create immunity there are no temporary contraindications (for example,​ there are no. Girls additionally​ and diphtheria require​ a large number of drugs,​ 1 - in 3​If the child is in​ the missing points.​ like hepatitis B,​ them. However,​ the 2nd dose of​ their history has been​ looking for​ 11 years​ is distinguished by the lack of vaccination​ Vaccinations with plague vaccines,​

Vaccination schedule for children under 1 year of age

​When a child is introduced to several​ children who have a high​ infection rate.​ diathesis) will develop for​ a vaccine against​ regular revaccination before​
For example, a vaccine against ​ months;​ ​risk group, third​ It is worth noting that
Tetanus, whooping cough, measles, ​less, find the answer
​3rd dose​ ​ways to combat ​Flu​ against tuberculosis in
​ tularemia, brucellosis, Siberian ​vaccines at the same time should​ ​risk of infection.​ ​New in our country
​baby individual plan​ Rubella ​end of life.​ rubella, mumps and
​2 – at 4.5​ Vaccination is postponed to

​ at one time rubella, tuberculosis, polio,​ to the question “Do Poliomyelitis (OPV) need these ailments. From six months every year at the age of 14 years, ulcers, leptospirosis, fever should be given injections at

Vaccination schedule for children after 1 year

Measles Its differences are months; age 2 months, no one will have hemophilus influenzae, diphtheria
Are children vaccinated? ​1st dose​
Fortunately, now these ​repeat​
Vaccinations against measles ​ Ku, tick-borne encephalitis,​ ​various areas of the body​
​3 months.​ was developed and
It is important before vaccination ​time for the next revaccination​ which a newborn faces are more accurate
​3 – at 6​ ​and at 1​
Stuff the baby with everyone ​etc. Worth
Every parent should ​2nd dose​
terrible diseases practically​ ​The Republic of Kazakhstan has accepted​ rubella and mumps

typhoid fever do​ and not with​ Primary vaccination against​ approved in the past​ make sure not only against such infectious​ infants in​ dosage, than during​ months a year the fourth​ necessary vaccines are performed, all​ note that in​ itself. Those mothers​ 3rd dose​ do not meet.​ the next national calendar​ at 15 years.​ people (including​ in what circumstances not​ whooping cough, diphtheria and​

Vaccination is a mass prevention of infectious diseases. A person receives his first vaccinations immediately after birth, and the main ones at the age of 13-18, as a teenager.

How does the vaccine work?

When the vaccine enters the body the immune system remembers it and begins to produce substances to destroy it. There are vaccinations that create immunity the first time, while others require repeated administration. Today, special vaccination calendars have been developed that help protect people from dangerous and serious infections.

What are the types of vaccinations?

  • viral – from measles, rubella, hepatitis B, polio;
  • bacterial - from diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus.

Types of vaccines

  • live vaccines- consist of a weakened living organism. These are vaccines against polio, mumps, measles, rubella, tuberculosis;
  • inactivated vaccines- consist of a killed whole microorganism (vaccinations against rabies, whooping cough and viral hepatitis A) or from a component of the cell wall of the pathogen (vaccination against meningococcal infection);
  • toxoids– consist of an inactivated toxin (i.e. poison) produced by bacteria (diphtheria and tetanus vaccinations);
  • biosynthetic vaccines– obtained as a result genetic engineering(vaccinations against viral hepatitis B).

How vaccinations are done:

  • traditionally - intramuscularly;
  • intradermally;
  • cutaneously;
  • subcutaneously

The method of administering the vaccine depends on the drug and its purpose.

Vaccination in adolescents

Vaccinations against meningococcus– serous or purulent inflammation membranes of the brain and spinal cord. The vaccine develops immunity in a teenager against the meningococcal virus. Who should get the meningococcal vaccine:

  • teenagers aged 11-12 years;
  • teenagers aged 13-18 years;
  • students who live in a dormitory and have not previously been vaccinated against meningococcal infection.

Vaccinations against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough

Whooping cough- spicy infection. The causative agent is the bacterium Bordetella, which is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Diphtheria- caused by the diphtheria bacillus (Leffler's bacillus), transmitted by airborne droplets. There are oropharyngeal diphtheria and diphtheria respiratory tract, but it is less common.

Tetanus- acute infectious disease. The causative agent is a large anaerobic bacillus. It enters the human body through a cut or wound; when in favorable conditions, it releases toxins that affect the human nervous system and muscles. Vaccination is given to adolescents repeatedly and then the body develops stable immunity against these infections. Who gets vaccinated against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus:

  • Re-vaccination is given to all adolescents at 11-12 years of age.

Hepatitis B vaccinations Hepatitis B(liver inflammation) - acute chronic illness caused by the hepatitis B virus. Vaccination develops immunity to hepatitis B in a teenager. Who should get the hepatitis B vaccine:

  • adolescents aged 18 years who have not been vaccinated before 1 year of age. Vaccination takes place in three stages with an interval of 6 months.

Vaccinations against measles, mumps, rubella Measles– an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and upper respiratory tract. Mumps– an acute infectious disease that affects the glandular organs – the pancreas, salivary gland. Rubella– epidemic viral disease, mostly children get sick. Who should get vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella?

  • adolescents aged 11-12 years, if they have not previously been vaccinated or received one dose of the vaccine instead of three.

Vaccinations from chickenpox Chicken pox– an acute viral disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. In adults, the disease is much more complex and severe than in children. The vaccine produces immunity against chickenpox. Who should get the chickenpox vaccine?

  • adolescents aged 13 who have not had chickenpox and are not immune.

Children's vaccinations... How much controversy they cause among parents! There are so many fears about how the baby will survive the vaccination!

At what age and what vaccinations a child needs, the table of childhood vaccinations will help you figure it out.

Is vaccination voluntary?

Whether or not to vaccinate a child is up to each parent. There are no administrative or criminal penalties for refusing vaccination.


Why do parents refuse vaccinations? Often, due to fear of how vaccination will affect the baby’s health. After all, vaccination is nothing more than the introduction into the body healthy person weakened or dead infectious agents against which the vaccine is intended. Sometimes the vaccine consists of artificially synthesized proteins that are completely identical to the proteins of the living pathogen. This is where the view of vaccination as an injection of “poison” arose. Rumors that children die or become disabled from vaccinations are also spreading panic among parents.


In reality, the vaccine is designed to induce immunity to viruses and diseases: the vaccine enters the body, and the immune system begins to produce antibodies. And when a person encounters a real virus in life, the disease does not occur at all or proceeds very slowly. mild form. Naturally, after vaccination, the child may have a fever or be lethargic: when the immune system adapts, everything will return to normal.

The fact that in countries with good level medicine, where vaccination is widespread, there are no longer outbreaks of epidemics that claimed thousands of lives a hundred years ago! Suffice it to remember how much of the population was exterminated smallpox, but since 1982, vaccination against it in our country has been completed, since the disease has been completely defeated.

The benefits and harms of vaccinations must be adequately assessed by parents before signing consent or refusal.

What types of vaccinations are there?

Vaccination is planned and epidemic indications. Routine vaccinations are mandatory vaccinations prescribed in the vaccination calendar. There are one-time vaccinations, and there are also those that are given multiple times at intervals.

Revaccination is the administration of a vaccine to maintain immunity from a disease.

According to epidemic indications, mass vaccination is carried out independently for both children (some of them from a certain age) and adults if there is an epidemic outbreak in the region, for example, influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, anthrax, Q fever, plague, etc.

Mandatory vaccinations by age

In Russia, vaccinations are given to the population in accordance with the vaccination calendar. This is a document approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and determines the timing and types of vaccinations.

Routine vaccinations are free. What vaccinations are required for children by month/year?

In the maternity hospital

Each mother, in the first hours after birth, signs a consent or refusal to vaccinate her newborn against hepatitis B.

Why is hepatitis B dangerous? It causes disturbances in the liver and can lead to cirrhosis or cancer. The virus is transmitted through blood and other fluids human body. You should not refuse vaccination if the mother is a carrier of the virus. The vaccination is done according to the scheme: 0-1-6 months, or 0-3-6 months. Children at risk according to the scheme 0:1:2:12 months.

Children's vaccinations from birth include vaccination against tuberculosis, it is done on days 3-7. Everyone knows how dangerous tuberculosis is and how many lives it has claimed. Vaccination against tuberculosis is done according to the scheme: 0 months. – 7 years – 14 years (according to indications).

In the first year of life

During the first 12 months, the baby is vaccinated more than 10 times. Some vaccines are combined, and several vaccinations are given with one injection, such as DTP - against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough. Some vaccinations are given on the same day, such as DPT and polio.

At 3 and 4.5 months, children receive DTP vaccine and against polio. What do these vaccines protect against?

Tetanus caused by bacteria that grow in the intestines of humans and animals and may be present in feces. Therefore, you can become infected through soil contaminated with them. Tetanus is transmitted through damaged tissue body and even through the umbilical cord, which was cut with a non-sterile scalpel. Tetanus affects the human nervous system and can lead to death.

Diphtheria manifests itself as inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and can cause respiratory arrest.

Whooping cough manifests itself in severe coughing attacks, and also causes serious consequences such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and pleurisy. Whooping cough can cause bleeding in the brain.

Polio– a disease of the nervous system that can cause paralysis, affect muscles, paralyze the diaphragm, which is dangerous by stopping breathing. Vaccination against this disease causes a lot of controversy. It is believed that unvaccinated children very rarely become ill with polio, and the administered vaccine can cause mild to moderate forms of this disease.

Mumps- a disease known as mumps. When it occurs, the glands (salivary, pancreas, seminal) are damaged. In a complicated course, the disease can develop into meningitis, encephalitis; Deafness and infertility (usually male infertility) may develop.

Measles, a disease that occupies a leading position in mortality, poses a danger to the baby already in the prenatal period if an unvaccinated mother falls ill. Pneumonia, otitis media, deafness, blindness, mental retardation – these are the complications measles brings to sick children.

Rubella in young children it is relatively mild, but complications such as encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) are known. An unvaccinated woman who gets rubella during pregnancy may lose her baby altogether, or give birth to a child with central nervous system disorders, heart disease, blindness or deafness.

Since 2014, the vaccination calendar in Russia has been supplemented with vaccination against pneumococcus (an infection that causes meningitis, pneumonia, otitis, etc.). In addition, children at risk for hemophilia (incoagulability) are vaccinated against of this disease according to the scheme 3-4.5-6 months.

Vaccinations after one year

In the second year of life, visits to the vaccination office will become less frequent. So, at one and a half years the child will receive DPT revaccination and the first revaccination against polio, and at 20 months. – repeated revaccination against polio.

If you doubt the quality of the vaccine offered by the clinic, purchase the vaccine yourself at the pharmacy! As a rule, both the transportation conditions and the storage method are strictly observed. Ask for a “snowball” (a bag of cooling material) to accompany the vaccine to deliver the vaccine without disturbing temperature regime. You have no right to refuse treatment room injected with your vaccine.

Child goes to kindergarten

As a rule, kindergartens require you to provide a vaccination certificate. They exclusively require everyone to prove that you have decided to refuse all vaccinations and this does not contradict the laws, sometimes it becomes difficult. However, children who have not received vaccinations have the right to attend all educational institutions!

There are no special vaccinations for kindergarten, but if they are checked and a deficiency is found, the child may be vaccinated unscheduled. At 6 years of age, routine revaccination against rubella, measles and mumps is appropriate.

You can optionally vaccinate your child against rotavirus and chickenpox. Vaccination against rotavirus is free in some regions. It will protect the baby from the “dirty hands disease” that preschoolers often suffer from. The chickenpox vaccine costs from 1,500 rubles, but it will protect the baby from chickenpox, which still kills one person for every million people who are sick!

You need to be prepared for the fact that every year your child will be tested for the Mantoux test - this is The best way detect tuberculosis in time.

Vaccinations for schoolchildren

At the age of 7 years, the child is given a revaccination against tuberculosis, and a 3rd revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria.

14 summer teenagers a second revaccination is done against tuberculosis (BCG) and a third – against tetanus, polio and diphtheria.

Sometimes a vaccine against the human papillomavirus may be recommended. Be careful! Although they claim that the vaccine will protect girls from uterine cancer, research on the vaccine has not been completed. There is an opinion (not confirmed by science) that vaccination leads to infertility.

Video on the topic: Children's vaccinations Pros and cons

Table of calendar vaccinations for children

Child's age Graft
0-1 year 1st day 1st vaccination against hepatitis B
1st week BCG is the 1st vaccine against pulmonary tuberculosis
1st month 2nd vaccination against hepatitis B
2 months 3rd vaccination against hepatitis B (for children at risk)
3 months

1st DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough)

1st polio vaccination

1st vaccination against pneumococcus

4 months 2nd DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough)

2nd polio vaccination

2nd vaccination against pneumococcus

1st vaccination against hemophilia (for children at risk)

6 months 3rd DTP

3rd polio vaccination

3rd vaccination against hepatitis B

2nd vaccination against hemophilia (for children at risk)

12 months Vaccination against rubella, measles, mumps.
2 years and 3 months revaccination against pneumococcus
and 6 months 1st revaccination against polio
revaccination against hemophilia (children at risk)
and 12 months 2nd revaccination against polio
6 years Revaccination against measles, mumps and rubella
7 years 2nd revaccination against diphtheria, tetanus
Revaccination with BCG
14 years 3rd revaccination against tetanus, diphtheria
3rd revaccination against polio

Epidemic indications

If an unfavorable epidemic situation is detected (a virus outbreak) or if there is contact with a carrier of the infection (for example, a dog bite), vaccination is done according to epidemic indications.

Influenza vaccination should be carried out in advance, in the summer and autumn. When a flu outbreak has already begun, a shot will not prevent infection.

Outside the Russian Federation

If you are going on vacation to another country, you need to be prepared that your child will have to be vaccinated. Many countries have special vaccination requirements for those entering and leaving them. So, what vaccinations are needed when traveling to other countries?

When traveling to Africa and South America, it is recommended to get vaccinated against yellow fever. Yellow fever is transmitted through mosquito bites, mortality occurs in more than half of the cases. It is also worth getting vaccinated against typhoid fever and hepatitis A.

Travelers to Asian countries should take care of vaccination against Japanese encephalitis, which is caused by a mosquito bite. When the disease occurs, brain damage occurs.

You can enter many European countries only with proof of vaccination against cholera, plague and rabies. Why are these diseases dangerous? Cholera manifests itself as diarrhea, dehydration, wrinkled skin and loss of elasticity, blue lips and ears. If left untreated, cholera leads to death in most cases. Those infected with plague (most often from rodent bites or contact with a sick person) without treatment taken at the earliest stage of the disease die within 48 hours (depending on the type of disease).

Contraindications to vaccination

If the child had allergic reaction for a previous vaccination, vaccination of this type is excluded. Children with immunodeficiency are completely exempt from vaccinations with live vaccines.

Children receive medical withdrawal (schedule shift) from vaccinations:

  • during the period of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • premature;
  • after surgery or blood transfusion;
  • at feeling unwell(fever, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy).

Before vaccination, the pediatrician should examine the child, ideally taking tests. But no one except the mother can accurately assess the baby’s well-being, so do not hesitate to refuse scheduled vaccinations if you notice that something is wrong with the child.

In the first year of life, a child is vaccinated against at least 11 infections. But for the immune system to effectively cope with dangerous viruses and bacteria, vaccination continues throughout life. We tell you what vaccinations are given to children and adolescents from one to 18 years of age.


What vaccinations are needed

All necessary vaccinations at this age can be divided into two groups: those included and those not included in the national calendar.

Included in the national calendar

The first group is determined official document Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - National calendar. These are vaccinations against:

pneumococcal infection,




measles, rubella and mumps,

By law, they are required for all children under one year old; they can be done free of charge at the clinic. From the age of one to 18 years they are needed repeat according to the diagram you will find below. And only against the flu you need to get vaccinated annually.

Not included in the national calendar

The second group of vaccinations protects the child from:

meningococcal infection,

hepatitis A,

chicken pox,

tick-borne encephalitis,

human papilloma virus.

In many countries these vaccines are included in national calendars. In the USA, for example, all children are vaccinated against chickenpox, hepatitis A, several types of meningococcal infection and human papillomavirus.

In Russia, vaccines against most of the listed infections are included in the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications. This means that the state will make them if there is an outbreak of infection in the region or, for example, if a child is at risk.

Thus, your child will be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis, hepatitis A and certain types of meningococcal infection free of charge if an outbreak of the disease has been recorded in your region. The list of territories is approved annually by Rospotrebnadzor. You can find out more information on the website of the Rospotrebnadzor office in your region.

The chickenpox vaccine is given free of charge to children at risk (for example, those treated with immunosuppressants for serious illnesses). But from 2020 it will become mandatory for all Russian children.

There is good news for Moscow residents - in the capital's clinics there are compulsory medical insurance policy Free vaccinations:

from chickenpox - for children who are 12 months old, before entering kindergarten,

from hepatitis A - for children 3-6 years old attending kindergarten,

from human papillomavirus in girls 12-13 years old.

If you want to protect your child from these infections, but do not fall under special indications, you can do them at your own expense.

To figure out when to go to the clinic, use our table. It contains both free and paid vaccinations.

We discuss below what infections paid vaccinations protect against and why it is important to do them.

Meningococcal infection: Men ACWY

Why vaccinate? The infection causes severe complications: inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord, blood poisoning. According to WHO, 10% of patients die within the first two days after the onset of symptoms, even if doctors do everything possible to save them. There are at least 12 types of meningococcus, called "serogroups". But most meningococcal diseases are caused by serogroups A, B, C, W and Y.

In Russia, you can give your child a vaccine that protects against serogroups A, C, W and Y. The vaccine against meningococcal infection serogroup B appeared in the world in 2014. It has not yet been registered in Russia, although in 2016, half of the patients who were tested were diagnosed with meningococcus serogroup B. Therefore, some responsible parents specifically vaccinate their children when traveling abroad - this phenomenon is called “vaccine tourism.” Thus, the author of the blog “About vaccinations without hysterics,” Elena Savinova, vaccinated her son against meningococcus serogroup B in Spain and the Czech Republic.

How to vaccinate. Mostly, diseases caused by meningococcal infection occur in children under 5 years of age. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate your child as early as possible - without waiting until he is one year old.

The Menveo vaccine is vaccinated from two months.

  • Children aged 2 to 6 months are required to receive four vaccinations. The intervals between the first three are at least two months. The fourth vaccination is given at 12–16 months.
  • For children from 7 to 23 months, Menveo is administered twice. Moreover, the second vaccination is given in the second year of life, two months after the first.
  • Children over two years of age require only one vaccination.

The Menactra vaccine is vaccinated according to the following schemes.

  • Children aged 9–23 months - twice. The interval between injections is at least three months.
  • Children over 2 years old receive one injection.
  • For teenagers over 15 years of age, it is best to update your vaccination if there is an outbreak of meningococcal disease in your area, and last time he was vaccinated 4 years ago or more.

The Mencevax vaccine is used to vaccinate children aged 2–5 years. The vaccine is renewed after two to three years.

How do children cope? The most common reactions to vaccines against meningococcal ACWY serogroups are insomnia, loss of appetite, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue, pain and redness at the injection site. They occur in 1 in 10 to 1 in 100 children, depending on the vaccine.

Chicken pox: Varicella vaccine

Why vaccinate? According to WHO, almost every unvaccinated person gets chickenpox, or simply chickenpox. An itchy rash appears on the skin and the temperature rises. For most, the disease goes away within a week without consequences. But serious complications can develop: inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, pneumonia, encephalitis, meningitis. Chickenpox is more severe in newborns and people with weak immune systems.

An additional argument in favor of vaccination: chickenpox can “return” to a person who has had the disease in mature age. After recovery, the virus remains in nerve cells and sometimes causes shingles. In this case, a painful rash appears on the body. Usually, lichen appears in people over 50 years of age and those with weak immune systems.

How to vaccinate. Only one vaccine against chickenpox is registered in Russia - Varilrix. As planned, the first vaccination is given a year, the second - after at least six weeks.

If you have not vaccinated your child, but someone in kindergarten or school gets sick, you can get an emergency vaccination. The main thing is to go to the hospital in the first four days after contact. Or better yet, the first three. Emergency vaccination is done once.

How do children cope? The most common adverse reactions- pain and redness at the injection site. They occur in approximately one child in ten. Several children out of a hundred after vaccination develop a rash that is not similar to chickenpox, a fever, or swelling at the injection site.

Hepatitis A: HepA

Why vaccinate? Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by a virus. It is transmitted through food and water contaminated with the feces of an infected person. A person with hepatitis A has a fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, diarrhea, vomiting, and yellow skin. In children under six years of age, hepatitis A usually has no symptoms, and only 10% develop jaundice. In older children, jaundice occurs in 70% of cases.

Hepatitis A does not lead to chronic illness liver, but can weaken health. It is extremely rare to develop acute liver failure, which quickly leads to death. There is no medicine that specifically kills the hepatitis A virus. A person recovers on his own, but it takes a long time - from several weeks to several months.

How to vaccinate. There are 5 vaccines against hepatitis A registered in Russia: “Avaxim”, “Vakta”, “Havrix”, “ALGAVAK M”, “Hep-A-in-VAK”. According to WHO, foreign-made drugs - Avaxim, Vakta, Havrix - are identical in effectiveness. "Hep-A-in-VAKom" is vaccinated for children over three years of age. All others can be used for children from one year old.

Vaccinate twice. The second vaccination is given 6-18 months after the first. The exact timing depends on the brand of vaccine.

How do children cope? The most common reactions to hepatitis A vaccines are pain or redness at the injection site, fever, and loss of appetite.

In Russia in 2017, 5 people per 100 thousand people fell ill with hepatitis A: this is one and a half times more often than in 2016. Every 5 sick people are children under 14 years old. The most disadvantaged regions for hepatitis A are the Udmurt Republic, Perm Territory, Penza, Novgorod, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Kaluga, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Kostroma and Samara regions, Moscow and St. Petersburg. There, the national morbidity rate is at least one and a half times higher.

Human papillomavirus: HPV

Why vaccinate? Human papillomavirus is the most common viral sexually transmitted infection, according to WHO. It can lead to cancer of the cervix, anus, vulva, vagina or penis.

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women. Half of the sick die. According to WHO, 99% of cervical cancer cases are caused by the human papillomavirus.

There are many known varieties of the virus. But the most common types of cancer are types 16 and 18 - they account for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer.

How to vaccinate. Two vaccines against human papillomavirus are available in Russia: Gardasil and Cervarix. Both protect against virus types 16 and 18, Gardasil additionally protects against types 6 and 11, which cause genital warts. The Gardasil-9 vaccine exists abroad, protecting against nine types of viruses, but it has not yet been registered in Russia.

Teenagers receive two vaccinations starting at age 9. The second - six months after the first. If a teenager is 15 years old, they are vaccinated three times. The second vaccination is carried out after 1-2 months, the third - after six months. It is advisable to get vaccinated against HPV before becoming sexually active.

How do children cope? The most common adverse reactions after vaccination with Gardasil are redness and pain at the injection site. They occur in one child out of ten. Several children out of a hundred also experience pain in the arms and legs, fever, itching, and hematoma.

After vaccination with Cervarix, approximately one child in ten develops headache, muscle pain, feeling tired, pain and redness at the injection site. Several children out of a hundred experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, itching, urticaria, temperature above 38 ° C, and joint pain.

Tick-borne encephalitis: TBE

Why vaccinate? Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral disease transmitted through tick bites and unpasteurized dairy products. 20–30% of people infected with tick-borne encephalitis experience confusion, sensory disturbances, and deadly swelling of the brain or spinal cord. One out of a hundred people who get sick dies.

In regions of Russia where encephalitis is common, vaccination is paid for by the state. The list of territories is approved annually by Rospotrebnadzor.

If there are no free vaccinations in your city, but you often go outdoors, get vaccinated at your own expense. In Russia, both foreign and domestic vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis for children are presented: “Encepur for children” (Austria), “FSME-IMMUN Junior” (Germany), “EnceVir Neo for children” (Russia), “Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine cultural purified concentrated inactivated dry "(Russia), "Klesch-E-Vak" (Russia). The first four of them are recognized by WHO as safe and effective.

How to vaccinate. Most vaccines are approved for use in children from one year of age. Typically, the first vaccination is given in winter, before the tick season begins. Vaccinate three times. The interval between the first and second vaccinations is several months. The third dose is usually administered after a year. Vaccinations are recommended to be updated every three to five years, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.

Most vaccines can be used emergency. Then the interval between the first and second vaccinations is reduced to several weeks. This method is suitable if, for example, you need to travel with your child to a region where the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis is high.

How do children cope? The most common reactions to vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis are redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site. They occur in approximately 1 in 10 children.

How to hold your baby during vaccination

Doctors recommend that parents hold their baby in a special way while the nurse administers the vaccine.

If the vaccine is given in the thigh (usually for children under 3 years of age):

1. Sit or place your child sideways on your lap.

2. Put your arm around him so that you hold both his hands in yours.

3. Use your free hand to hold your baby close to you.

4. Secure your baby's legs between your thighs.

If the vaccine is given in the shoulder (usually for children over 3 years old):

1. Place your child on your lap or sit down with his back to you.

2. Wrap your arms tightly around him from behind to keep his arms in one position.

3. Secure your baby's legs between your thighs.

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