Home Orthopedics Percussion massage for children bugs. Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for coughing in adults and children.

Percussion massage for children bugs. Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for coughing in adults and children.

Children's problem inflammatory diseases respiratory system is that infectious process with inadequate treatment, it progresses from acute to chronic. Massage for coughing in children will help clear the airways of difficult-to-clear mucus, which helps prevent relapse of inflammation.


Cough massage is called drainage massage. Physical impact on the chest improves the discharge of mucus from respiratory tract. This method is good not only for middle-aged children, but also for infants and adult patients. If a child cannot cope with coughing up mucus and it stagnates in the lungs, a massage session is indicated for him.

Drainage massage for children with cough effective only in the stage of disease resolution, when the symptoms of intoxication and dehydration are eliminated. Usually it is 2-3 days acute bronchitis, 3-4 days for pneumonia.

Airway drainage should not be performed in the following cases:

    Saved elevated temperature body temperature more than 38 °C. A massage for a feverish baby will be painful and will not be beneficial.

Most of the population is accustomed to treating non-serious diseases, including colds, using a method that does not include turning to specialists. This could be the purchase of proven medications, folk remedies, following the advice of friends and relatives.

Colds and acute respiratory infections

When suffering from a cold, patients are accustomed to drinking liters of hot tea, eating it with cough marshmallows and putting drops in their nose every three to four hours. But as soon as viral disease affected children, parents immediately turn to specialists, fearing that a common cold could develop into something more serious.

Many children cannot boast of strong immunity, and therefore, in the off-season, acute respiratory diseases affect them more often than other people. But it is impossible to keep a child on antibiotics for a long time; over time, they stop working, and then the doctors give up. To avoid this outcome, every mother should master massage chest for bronchitis.

Percussion massage

An adult who has caught a cough can independently regulate its strength, thereby getting rid of phlegm. But young children are not yet able to cope with this task, so their cough simply tears apart the airways without bringing relief.

Percussion massage will help clear the bronchi of mucus and clear the airways. The secret of the massage lies in tapping the chest. The massage therapist creates vibration in the lungs, separating mucus from the surface of the bronchi. Further, even the slightest cough will relieve the baby of difficulty breathing.

Benefits of Percussion Massage

Percussion massage for children - excellent remedy to remove mucus. It has several other significant advantages.

  • Percussion massage is great way distract your child from chest pain. When a parent taps the child's chest with soothing movements, the little patient's breathing becomes more measured and calm.
  • cells increases blood flow to other organs. The child's heart is saturated with oxygen and works much better.
  • Massage allows you to increase blood supply to the diaphragm.

Should I use only percussion massage?

Doctors advise using percussion massage to treat both the common cold and chronic diseases affecting the respiratory organs. Uniform tapping on the chest calms the sick person, evening out breathing, relaxing the bronchi and removing phlegm. Internal organs the patient is saturated with oxygen.

However, experts note that cough massage is not the main method of treatment. Doctors strongly recommend using it only as an additional means of treatment during drug intervention. Certainly a treatment for colds or flu it will go faster and more successful if you combine three main types of treatment:

  • Medication.
  • Folk.
  • Massage.

However, you should not believe in only one way.

The speed of a child’s recovery directly depends on external factors that affect the baby's body. If a child has been diagnosed with a cough, then all surfaces in the room must be wiped daily with a damp cloth. It is also worth additionally humidifying the air.

What are the benefits of percussion massage?

Percussion massage has become an excellent tool in the fight against cough and phlegm due to the fact that it causes the intercostal muscles to actively contract. These muscles transmit the received signal to spinal cord, which forcibly restores the functioning of the respiratory system.

Chest massage saturates the tissues with oxygen. This, in turn, helps the baby take deeper breaths. Cough massage restores the bronchi after an illness, giving free breathing, has a positive effect on lung ventilation, relieves general fatigue and inflammation in the bronchi.

Cough prevention

It is easier to prevent any type of disease than to try to cure it for a long time. The same applies to coughs with bronchitis. Doctors recommend following a few simple tips, thanks to which you can forget about problems with the bronchi.

As you know, bronchitis is an advanced disease of the respiratory tract. Thus, in order to keep your lungs healthy, you need to consult a doctor on time and fully treat colds or flu. In addition to the main treatment prescribed by your doctor, you should take vitamin C and do not forget about warm drinks: water, tea or traditional tinctures.

  1. After walking or cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. This will help prevent bacteria from spreading throughout the body.
  2. IN public transport or avoid sick people at school/kindergarten. If necessary, purchase a gauze bandage.
  3. Maintain optimal humidity in the apartment.
  4. Another way to avoid frequent colds and cough - hardening. From childhood, a child should be taught to water procedures which involve pouring cool water over your feet. In the summer, it is necessary to let your baby run barefoot, but only in a safe and clean area.
  5. The room should be ventilated daily. Fresh air It will not only give you a more restful sleep, but also improve your immunity.

Young parents should take care of their child’s health, not put off going to the doctor, and master the technique of percussion massage. However, doctors also advise them to monitor their own health, because a mild infection in a parent can cause a serious illness in a child.

Percussion massage is a healing technique characterized by stimulation of the upper respiratory tract.

Percussion massage technique involves tapping fingers on the sternum, ribs and back and other parts of the body.

Massage helps cope with colds, in combination with drug therapy. We will master massage techniques for adults and children in the course of this article.

The airways are lined with sensory nerve endings that transmit information from the respiratory center to the ventilation apparatus.

Massaging respiratory muscles leads to increased contraction of the intercostal muscles. Receptors send their impulses faster.

Percussion massage improves the function of the respiratory system and ventilation of the lungs, increases blood flow, eliminates fatigue and promotes. The technique activates deep breathing, which helps tissues become more saturated with oxygen.

Who and for what ailments is massage suitable?

The percussion massage technique is very useful for those who are subject to frequent colds, suffers from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The course will also be indispensable for people who are in a state of constant stress and fatigue.

During the period of colds and after it ends, percussion massage sessions will maintain health and prevent the development of bronchial diseases. The procedure must be included in ,pneumonia. The positive effect is achieved due to the normalization of lymph flow and blood supply, as well as due to the easy discharge of sputum from the bronchi.

Percussion massage for children: video

The percussion massage procedure is prescribed for children suffering from pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis or long runny nose. The main goal of the course is
stimulate the discharge of thick mucous secretions deposited on the walls of the bronchi using special manual techniques.

Manipulations are not performed on children during acute stage diseases. It's important to know that Fever and heat are direct contraindications to the session.

Executed correctly percussion massage promotes:

  • stimulation of full breaths;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen;
  • improving bronchial ventilation;
  • acceleration of blood and lymph flow;
  • cleansing the bronchi from mucus and sputum.

The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes; for children under one year of age, the massage is given no longer than ten minutes.

Typically, a children's percussion massage procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The baby is placed on his stomach, arms extended forward;
  2. A towel roll is placed under the stomach;
  3. The massage therapist begins intensive tapping with the child’s fingertips (the session lasts 60 seconds);
  4. After tapping, the child is placed on his feet and asked to cough;
  5. You can repeat tapping up to five times.

The procedure for children is performed exclusively in the back area. To achieve maximum effect, actions are repeated up to six times a day.

If the child cries or talks about back pain, then the massage is performed incorrectly. The procedure must be stopped

Massage technique

The percussion massage technique is performed in a sitting or lying position. The essence of the procedure is percussive massage. All movements are carried out on symmetrical areas.

Percussion chest massage

When massaging the chest, the process of mucus separation accelerates, which makes breathing much easier. The duration of the sternum massage is ten minutes. It should be performed several times a day (optimally in the morning, afternoon and evening).

  1. The massage therapist places his palm on the patient's chest and presses it tightly against the skin. At this time, the other hand clenches into a fist and begins to strike back side second hand. After two or three movements, the first hand moves slightly to the side, and the strikes are repeated. This way the entire anterior surface of the sternum is worked out, and then the back. On the anterior surface, manipulations are carried out in the area under the collarbone and at the lower ribs, on the posterior surface - above the shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades and under them.
  2. After the main techniques, the skin must be rubbed.
  3. A series of chest compressions. The master's hands are placed on the diaphragm area on the sides of the patient. During inhalation, the palms move towards spinal column, and during exhalation - to chest wall. At the moment of maximum inhalation, the sternum contracts. Manipulations are repeated at the level of the armpits. These techniques irritate the nerve endings of the alveoli, receptors of the lung and pleura, and also create favorable conditions for active, deep breathing.
  4. Oblique breast massage. The masseur places his right hand in armpit, left - on the lower side near the diaphragm. At the peak of inhalation, the sternum contracts. Hands change, the technique is repeated again.

Percussion massage for arthrosis

For arthrosis, percussion massage is often used as an effective method of treating diseased joints. If you follow a diet and regularly perform a series of special exercises (rosary beads, fingering toys), you can achieve improvement even with.
Noticeable progress is replaced by a slow improvement in the functioning of the joint.

Arthrosis is characterized painful sensations and, therefore, movements during the first sessions are light and neat. Over time, the intensity increases. The procedure helps to destroy calcium needles, due to which the joint cannot function normally.

Techniques and rules of massage for arthrosis of the hands:

  1. The patient's hand is on the master's lap, he presses it with his palm and applies a series of blows with his other hand. Reliable fixation of the patient's palm is a prerequisite for massage. If you do not follow it, you can injure the joint even more.
  2. Pain should be avoided. If the patient feels pain, then inflammatory process in the joint may intensify. Some joint pain is possible after the procedure, this is normal.
  3. For mild arthrosis, it is enough to carry out two sessions of percussion massage per week. If the disease progresses to severe stage, the interval between procedures is increased to one week. In some cases, doctors strongly recommend massage only twice a month.


Health cannot be bought, but a person can prevent some changes and significantly improve his well-being. Percussion massage will help reduce joint pain, alleviate bronchitis and pneumonia, and activate deep breaths.

Cough book. ABOUT children's cough for dads and moms Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky

Percussion massage

Percussion massage


I have already heard several times from friends and acquaintances that percussion massage helps children with coughs very well. But no one can really explain anything. Tell me what kind of treatment method this is and whether I can help my son myself. We are already 11 years old, but with any cold we cough for two weeks.


Tapping on the chest and the resulting vibration of the bronchi lead to the fact that the sputum seems to be separated from the inner surface of the bronchi. It is clear that it is difficult to cough up sputum that is, so to speak, “stuck” to the bronchial mucosa, but it is easy to cough up sputum that is freely located in the lumen of the bronchi.

Percussion is Latin for percussion, hence the name “percussive chest massage.”

Percussion massage greatly facilitates and speeds up the process of mucus discharge, but under no circumstances is it independent method treatment. It is always carried out in the background drug therapy, its effectiveness is closely related to the “correct” air parameters and plenty of drinking.

It is important to know that percussion massage is not performed if at the time of the procedure the child’s body temperature is higher than normal.

The most effective method of percussion massage for parental self-medication looks like this.

We place the child on his stomach. Arms extended forward. Place a pillow under the pelvic area. Thus, the child lies at an angle, with the butt higher than the head. The parent massage therapist sits next to you and taps the back frequently, intensely, but not painfully, with his fingertips, trying to ensure that the tapping finger hits the skin not at a right angle, but in the direction of the head.

After tapping for one minute, the child needs to be lifted (sit down, stand - in general, give him vertical position) and ask to cough. Then repeat tapping again for a minute, and so on 4-5 times. There is no need to hit your chest. The back and lateral surfaces of the chest accessible for “knocking” are quite sufficient for effective massage. Another nuance - during percussion, it is advisable to change the position of the child’s head every 20–30 seconds.

The described procedure can be repeated 5–6 times a day, of course, if there are indications for it.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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Used to treat cough drug therapy And helper methods. These include folk remedies, herbal decoctions, and physiotherapy. With the help of special movements, the discharge of sputum is increased. The patient's condition is improving. Drainage massage is a procedure for quickly clearing the airways of accumulated mucus.

What is drainage massage

The basic principle of this method is to drain (remove) pathological fluid from the bronchi and lungs by placing the patient in a special position. In this case, the accumulated mucus moves under the influence of gravity towards the trachea. Receptors of the mucous membrane are irritated. A nerve impulse is generated. As a result of its effect on the brain, coughing impulses occur. The pathological fluid is pushed out.

Using massage on a child to enhance mucus discharge reduces congestion in the bronchi. The resulting cough removes mucus, children cough more often, and breathing improves.

The patient's condition stabilizes and recovery accelerates. The role of drainage during chest drainage massage is performed by changing body position in children.

When dry severe cough this procedure is not carried out.


Drainage or postural massage is performed for the following diseases:

  • Bacterial, viral, fungal bronchitis.
  • Emphysema.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cystic fibrosis with a predominance of the pulmonary form.
  • Intra- and community-acquired pneumonia.
  • Bronchial asthma of any origin in the acute stage.
  • Obstructive pulmonary diseases.
  • Bronchiectasis.
  • ARVI with tracheitis.

Attention! The main objective of postural manipulations is to improve blood supply, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects. They are held in medical institutions. By following the necessary techniques, you can perform them yourself, at home.

Drainage is effective means for the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory system. The entire complex of measures taken will lead to quick recovery patient.


This procedure activates blood circulation, normalizes the tone of the bronchial muscles, and increases the mobility of the costal muscles. This is not always necessary. Sometimes you can harm a person. There are situations in which this should be avoided. Contraindications for this procedure:

  • Children's age up to 3 months.
  • Coronary and renal pathology.
  • Decompensation of acquired and congenital diseases.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages.
  • Severe heart failure.
  • High temperature more than 38 degrees.
  • Open wounds and trophic ulcers.
  • Presence of inflammatory skin diseases.

Expectoration manipulations should not be performed on newborns; expectoration is quite difficult for infants. In infants, the cough reflex is not sufficiently developed.

Attention! For young children, massage when coughing is not performed immediately after meals. Active movement and changes in body position can cause nausea, regurgitation, and vomiting. If a child cries or is capricious, they calm him down. They distract you with a rattle and give you some water to drink. Only then do the manipulations take place.

How to do drainage massage correctly

This manipulation reduces the intensity clinical manifestations, improves metabolic and trophic processes in the body. Before the massage, the child or adult is given expectorant herbs or tablets to drink to expel mucus, which will stimulate the thinning of the mucus. It will be better for her to move away. Then general warming rubbing is carried out, enhancing the drainage effect.

Important! When coughing, there are special features in massage for infants and children adolescence and adults. The duration is determined by the individual condition and severity of the disease.

Although positive result The procedure can be used at any age; cough massage in a child under one year of age is carried out after consultation with a doctor. The pulmonary system in children is imperfect. It is necessary to do this massage correctly; mechanical methods of influence are used with caution.

Saline solution for inhalation


Drainage massage for coughs is done in three versions. The patient's position during the session is great value to stimulate mucus removal. You need to choose a position based on the location of the pathological focus.


  • The patient is placed on a hard surface and the head end is lowered. He takes the “searching for slippers under the bed” pose.
  • Place a cushion or towel under your feet.
  • Lying on his stomach. Massage using flat or superficial and deep stroking of the chest. Gently rub the muscles between the ribs and the intercostal space with your fingers.
  • The specialist kneads the body with his palms, longitudinally, spirally or circularly moving the skin parallel to the ribs from the spine.
  • When inhaling, the massage therapist's hands move parallel to the 11th - 12th ribs. As you exhale, squeeze your chest tightly. Compression of the diaphragm stabilizes ventilation in the lower parts of the lungs. Carry out on both sides for 3 - 5 minutes.

The cough massage lasts 15 minutes. After it is completed, you should stand up and cough well. When the procedures are carried out correctly, a large amount of sputum is released.

The drainage method is also effective for weight loss. The movement of blood through the vessels and lymph improves, and metabolism is activated.

Execution technique

The preliminary session improves blood circulation, prepares the body for better discharge mucus. After this, the next stage is recommended. There are several techniques and types of drainage massage for wet cough.

  1. Before starting the massage, the patient lies down on a hard surface.
  2. Rotates alternately around its axis 360 degrees. Takes a deep breath, clears his throat. Movements and poses should be repeated 5 - 6 times.
  3. The patient is asked to sit on his knees in a “praying man” position. Lean forward, touching your head to the floor. Perform all cycles 4 - 5 times.
  4. Lying on his back, the patient turns on his side, hanging his head and arm down. It lies there for a couple of minutes. Then he does this exercise on the other side.
  5. Raise the foot end of the bed and place a folded blanket under your feet. Lower limbs should be located 30 cm above the head.

What can help with a cough at home?

The drainage massage takes 20 - 30 minutes.

Manipulations during exacerbation of bronchitis, cough with pneumonia, asthma are performed daily 3-5 times a day. For visible discharge of sputum, 8–10 sessions are sufficient. If they are poorly tolerated, they are reduced or cancelled.

Apply lymphatic drainage procedure to reduce fluid, swelling in the body, remove toxins from tissues and organs. This method is good remedy for weight loss, improves skin condition.

With such a hardware massage, just one procedure is enough to normalize the cough. However, manual drainage massage more effective for manipulation.

Features in children

When performing a cough massage, the physiological processes of the body and the behavioral reactions of the child are taken into account. For infant the procedure is carried out 1 - 2 hours after feeding.

If vomiting, fever, or crying occur, the session is stopped.

When preparing, observe the following rules:

  • Pinching, squeezing skin until reddened.
  • If a child has a strong cough, massage is carried out from the lower back along the back to the shoulder blades. Massage every centimeter of the body one by one.
  • The intensity should be increased gradually. From light stroking they gradually move to intense pressure.
  • Perform tapping with the edge of the palm.
  • The child needs to spread his arms in different directions, the procedure is then continued. Use your fingers to apply longitudinal pressure in the armpits.
  • Do not rub your palms too tightly in the area of ​​the kidneys or spine.
  • Chest massage small child Proceed with rubbing movements in a clockwise direction.
  • Massage the chest wall, ears, nose, nasolabial triangle.
  • Wave technique. Start from the middle part. Grab a small area of ​​skin, stroke your back with your palms lengthwise, towards your shoulders.
  • Use massage or baby cream.
  • Correctly finding the acupressure point and acupressure when coughing in children reduces cough. It must be performed by a professional.
  • After a preparatory session for a child with a wet cough, postural drainage begins.

Attention! For children vibration massage cough remedies are performed in a gentle manner, without applying significant effort.

Infants after 3 one month old This massage is also done with the fingertips, without tapping.

Below are options for body positioning during postural (positional) massage for cough in children.

  • 0 - 3 months. There is no massage.
  • 4 – 24 months. The baby is placed on the mother's lap. Supports under the arms. He does not yet understand the need for treatment. They calm him down. Give a pacifier or favorite toy.
  • 3 years - 5 years. Place a pillow or folded blanket under your chest. Postural massage for coughs in children over 3 years of age is done carefully. Broncho – lung tissue At this age it is not elastic enough. Coughing can cause damage.
  • 6-10 years. The small patient is asked to lie on his stomach on the cushion so that his head hangs down. It can be manipulated in a playful way. They read books and tell a fairy tale.
  • 11-14 years old. The teenager is at a conscious age. After the procedures, children are not immediately allowed outside. They are covered with a blanket for 30-40 minutes. Cough from sputum production intensifies.

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