Home Oral cavity Lymphatic drainage massage lpg - objectives, contraindications, methods of implementation, advantages - hardware lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage massage: types of procedure, indications and features of implementation Conducting microcurrent lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage lpg - objectives, contraindications, methods of implementation, advantages - hardware lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage massage: types of procedure, indications and features of implementation Conducting microcurrent lymphatic drainage

The beauty of the face and body depends not only on external care with the help of cosmetics, but also on the internal state of the body. Modern cosmetologists offer many procedures that help restore the skin, internal organs and systems from the inside. One of these physiotherapeutic methods is lymphatic drainage.

This is a procedure that helps remove toxic and poisonous substances from the body naturally: through the lymphatic system. These are very important functional ducts, whose functions are cardiac assistants. vascular system.

Table of contents:

Lymph is the fluid that circulates between the cells of the body. It promotes the movement of proteins and amino acids between various organs and tissues, and is also responsible for the delivery of fluid to the blood. Lymphocytes produced by lymph are activators of the body's natural defenses.

A large number of harmful substances entering the body from external environment, contribute to the slow thickening and poisoning of the lymphatic fluid, as a result of which the body does not receive enough nutrients and begins to react with a deterioration in its external and internal condition. In this way, edema is formed, an imbalance in the circulation of essential fluids, including blood, and tumors of various origins can also form.

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage on the body

In order to get rid of various kinds puffiness, swelling, or, cosmetologists recommend conducting a session of manipulations that promote uniform distribution fluids in the tissues of the body and the gradual removal of excess water and harmful substances from it. Lymphatic drainage massage helps cleanse the intercellular space and improve lymph flow, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the metabolic balance.

Lymphatic drainage can be performed using both manual and hardware methods.

Manual lymphatic drainage

This massage is preferred by those who like to combine the relaxing effect of contact with the master’s hands and the beneficial effect of dispersing lymphatic fluid. In addition to the fact that this type of physiotherapy has significant strengthening and healing effects, it gives a body tired from work an incomparable pleasure of relaxation.


The technique differs significantly from the movements used in classical massage. Only a certified, specially trained person with a medical education can carry out such manipulations.

Manual massage provides an impact on the deepest and most tense points, eliminating long-term stagnation in the lymphatic system. Gradually increasing pressure has a beneficial effect on muscle tone, stimulates accelerated cholesterol removal and a significant decrease in body weight.

The result is a beneficial effect on the circulatory and lymphatic systems. This provides the necessary therapeutic and cosmetic effects. However, this physiotherapy procedure is not very popular, since the sessions are quite long and expensive, and the result itself is achieved slowly, but it lasts for a longer time.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

Modern clinics specializing in aesthetic medicine, can offer several ways to perform lymphatic drainage massage using special devices.


Massaging and stimulation occur using microcurrents of very low power, absolutely safe for humans. Electrophoresis releases harmful substances stagnant in the blood and lymph, and accelerates the flow of these fluids, due to which the accumulations are more quickly absorbed and removed from the body. Also, with the help of currents, active substances are introduced under the skin, nourishing cells, stimulating regeneration and cleansing blood vessels. They help eliminate swelling and healing.

Using this technology, you can even perform facial lymphatic drainage using smaller attachments. As active substances natural plant components are used to promote renewal, nutrition and rapid healing of the skin.


It is provided by pressure through a special suit using two microprocessors that control the pressure inside it. This helps to lose weight and remove weight. Also, rarefied pressure helps treat varicose veins and reduces the risk of recurrence.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage

The principle is similar to pressotherapy, but in in this case A significantly reduced pressure in the device nozzle will play a physiotherapeutic role. This helps accelerate metabolism within cells, stimulating the outflow of lymphatic and blood substances.

This type of lymphatic drainage is the most difficult for specialists, as it requires special skills..


An incorrectly calculated level of pressure in the nozzle can lead to rupture of the surface of the upper layer of the epidermis, damage to blood vessels, and the formation of new hematomas.

LPG massage

It is performed with an ultra-modern device, the nozzle of which contains special rollers that grip the skin and act on sensitive areas, promoting the activation of lymph flow. The nozzle moves along the surface of the body on its own, thanks to external rollers and rollers. This provides an additional massaging effect. Suitable for combating “orange peel”, even in the most severe clinical cases.

The result of lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage has a beneficial effect on the color, elasticity and freshness of the skin. It is able to remove puffiness, a feeling of “bruising,” bags under the eyes and swelling formed due to stagnation of excess fluid. The oval of the face is significantly corrected for the better; in addition, thanks to the effect that stimulates metabolic processes, small wrinkles can be smoothed out, as a result of which the face looks more youthful and attractive.

Lymphatic drainage of the body recommended in cases where weight loss is required. Any anti-cellulite procedure begins with lymphatic drainage massage. The condition of the skin improves, the body cells are gradually saturated useful substances and a large amount of oxygen, as a result of which congestion and swelling disappear, shapes are leveled, and the severity of the appearance of spider veins and spider veins is reduced. The functioning of the vascular system improves, thanks to the gradual narrowing and outflow of excess fluid, and the intensity of pain and discomfort decreases.

  • Active circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid in the body is one of the main guarantees of health, wellness and external attractiveness. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, stand a lot during the day, suffer from swelling and heaviness in your limbs in the evenings, or are simply tired of an unsuccessful fight against cellulite, lymphatic drainage massage may be a good solution.
  • This simple and safe procedure will help remove excess fluid from tissues, prevent early aging of veins and blood vessels, reduce the risk of varicose veins and “stars” on the legs and restore elasticity to the skin. This massage can be performed not only manually, but also with the help of a lymphatic drainage device.

How is the session going?

  • During the session, special cuffs containing air chambers are placed on the patient’s limbs or body. As a result of the sequential increase and decrease in air supply, the cuffs begin to compress and unclench, providing a mild compression effect. As a result of wave-like compression of tissues and blood vessels, the movement of fluid inside the body accelerates, and the cells begin to receive increased amounts of fluid. nutrients, and waste and toxins leave the body.
  • Signing up for a session of hardware lymphatic drainage or, as it is also called, pressotherapy, is not difficult - after all, today most beauty salons offer such procedures to clients. However, one visit will clearly not be enough to solve accumulated health problems, and regular visits Men who are busy at work or women who are overloaded with household chores may simply not have time to see specialists. In this case, the optimal solution would be to purchase a personal lymphatic drainage device - a device that is easy to operate, effective and suitable for home use.

How does the device work and what should you pay attention to when choosing?

The lymphatic drainage device consists of three main elements:

  • control unit;
  • air ducts;
  • suit worn by the patient.

The unit has one or two air pumping compressors and metal or plastic valves built into it. There are control buttons on the surface of the device, which can additionally be duplicated on the remote control if it is included in the package of the selected model.

The presence of a remote control is not mandatory, but a very nice option that makes working with the device easier. It may be especially important if you do not have the opportunity to place the device within reach of your hands. As a rule, a standard device has from four to six automatic programs and an additional mode with manual settings.

Air ducts are a part through which air from the unit enters the cuffs worn by the owner of the device. They should be flexible enough and not too narrow. The most convenient devices are those in which the connecting hoses are pre-attached to each other for quick connection to the device.

The suit usually consists of several cuffs designed to different parts bodies. This design allows you to “tailor” the product to a specific patient and simplifies the dressing process. The most advanced models may have cuffs for the arms, legs, hips and waist, allowing you to massage almost any problem areas.

When choosing a lymphatic drainage device, be sure to pay attention to the material from which the cuffs are made. Since they have to constantly deflate and inflate during operation, their service life directly depends on their strength. High-quality cuffs should be dense and elastic, and the most reliable of them generally have a two-layer design.

You should not ignore the number of chambers in each cuff - the larger this number, the more securely the suit fits to the body, increasing the effectiveness of the massage. In conditions where compression is performed consistently and over relatively small areas of the body, the outflow of lymphatic fluid and blood is most active. An additional advantage is provided by devices with a function that allows, if necessary, to turn off individual cameras - this is useful if any area of ​​the arm or leg is damaged and it is undesirable to subject it to lymphatic drainage.

The average cuff size is designed for people with sizes from 38 to 54. If you do not fit into these parameters, take care of purchasing a special expander - it will increase the circumference of the cuff and make it possible to use the device normally.

Review of popular models

The most popular manufacturers of lymphatic drainage devices that inspire maximum confidence among doctors and patients are the Korean models Unix Air and Power, products from the Israeli brand Lympha Press and Japanese devices from the Takasima brand. The brief overview below will help you understand the differences and features of individual models.

    This budget but functional device is ideal for those who plan to engage in the prevention of limb diseases and cosmetic procedures at home. The device has six automatic modes and a convenient digital display, so even an owner who is not very experienced in handling modern medical equipment will be able to cope with the controls.

    This lightweight, compact and easy-to-use model can be adjusted to the patient’s needs as much as possible. It works in intensive, kneading, relaxing, lymphatic drainage and acupressure. You can set the procedure time and adjust the pressure level in the chambers individually, and information about the condition of the cuffs will be shown on the backlit display screen. The Unix Air Control compressor operates almost silently, and the device comes with a remote control.

    This is a more expensive model, which is suitable both for home use and for installation in beauty salons. The kit includes an arm and waist cuff, separate leg cuffs and massage insoles. The device operates in four modes and, like the previous device, has the ability to adjust the procedure time and air pressure. There are two outputs for connecting the cuffs, which means that, if necessary, two people can use the Power-Q6000PLUS at the same time.

    This is one of the most high-tech devices with unique capabilities. The Pretherapy mode is as close in effect as possible to the work of a professional technician; the pressure level in each of the 12 chambers is set individually, allowing targeted work with the desired zones, and the Patient lock technology makes it possible to set a mode that fully complies with the instructions of the attending physician.

    A successful device for home use is equipped with a built-in microprocessor that controls pressure, a touch panel, a “Reverse” function and 10 automatic programs. For emergencies in UNIX Lymph Pro An emergency shutdown button is provided, and the owner of the device can set the massage time independently in the range from five minutes to an hour and a half.

Who should not use the device?

  • Almost any medical procedure has a number of contraindications. Lymphatic drainage massage was no exception. So who should not use this useful device?
  • First of all, these are cancer patients, in whom such exposure can cause tumor growth.
  • Pressotherapy is not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy. Starting from the 12th week, to the expectant mother Such procedures are allowed, but only on the legs and only to relieve severe swelling. It will also not be possible to use the device immediately after childbirth. If you are breastfeeding, toxins released during massage may pass into your milk. But after completion breastfeeding Lymphatic drainage will be an ideal option with which you will bring your figure to its “pre-pregnancy” toned shape and restore the elasticity of stretched skin.
  • People who have serious problems with the cardiovascular system, such a massage is contraindicated, since when blood and lymph flow are activated, the load on diseased organs increases significantly - in the future, this can further worsen the patient’s condition or cause new complications.
  • You should not use a lymphatic drainage device if you have thrombophlebitis, as the procedure may cause the blood clot to break off.
  • Other limitations include hepatic and renal failure, enlarged lymph nodes, tendency to bleed, active menstruation, epilepsy, skin diseases and even minor external injuries, osteoporosis and cholelithiasis.

After surgery, this is a more than natural phenomenon. The body identifies sutures as inflammation, which means that inflammation accumulates in such areas. lymph fluid. It interferes with healing because it compresses the blood vessels. To remove puffiness, lymphatic drainage massage appeared 70 years ago.

What is lymphatic drainage massage

Lymph is translucent, white substance that essentially constitutes tissue fluid. The lymphatic system and the circulatory system are connected to each other, but not physically, but functionally. In capillaries circulatory system and plasma filtration, liquid is released into the intercellular space. It is bound by colloidal and fibrous structures. Some of it comes back, some forms lymph, which enters the lymphatic capillaries. That is, in the intercellular space there is a constant influx and outflow of lymph. The intensity of the process depends on the blood flow and its chemical composition.

  • Lymphocapillaries are very branched. They are closed, on one side they have a larger diameter than on the other. Small lymph vessels are collected into large ones - with valves that ensure the movement of fluid, then enter the lymph nodes, where the fluid is filtered, and foreign and pathogenic bodies are destroyed. Through the lymphatic veins, the fluid enters the subclavian veins, thus returning the purified fluid to the blood.
  • About 3 liters of the substance circulates through the lymphatic system. Regulation of the inflow and outflow of lymph is carried out due to the vegetative nervous system and tissue metabolite. The influx of fluid with weak outflow is responsible for the appearance of so-called swelling.
  • This phenomenon is observed on any part of the body. And if after surgery the swelling seems to be a temporary phenomenon and with tissue restoration the outflow improves on its own, then in other cases the prognosis is not so favorable.
  • Poor lymph drainage may be associated with disease, or perhaps with the condition of surrounding tissues. And this moment serves common cause distress for women. It is known that lymph is retained best and most reliably by adipose tissue. Accordingly, in places where adipose tissue accumulates, the total volume of the body increases automatically due to poor lymph outflow.
  • The same thing is observed when poor circulation. For example, it automatically leads to stagnation of lymph, since when the blood slows down, metabolic processes in the intercellular space slow down. The same thing is observed with poor capillary blood circulation: the fingers and hands, the face often swell for no apparent reason.
  • Lifestyle also leads to a general slowdown of lymph: low exercise stress, sedentary work, food rich in fats and low in proteins - all this leads to excessive removal of fluid from the bloodstream and its stagnation in the intercellular space.

What is lymphatic drainage massage, a specialist will tell you in this video:

Concept and essence

How can lymphatic drainage massage help in such a situation? As is clear from the mechanism of operation of the lymphatic system, it activates the outflow of fluid good job venous vessels, tension skeletal muscles and a well-functioning valve apparatus. There is practically no way to influence the latter. But it is quite possible to accelerate blood circulation and muscle work.

Carrying out

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed by a specialist - in the salon, in massage room, at home. Simple techniques It’s quite possible to do it yourself. For example, a simple massage of the face, arms or legs. Hardware is only possible in a special room - equipment and devices are required.

The session time depends on the purpose and size of the area being treated, and varies within very wide limits - from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.


No special preparation is required from the patient. Which, of course, does not exclude some restrictions. You should not drink alcohol before the session, it is advisable to refrain from smoking. If an abdominal massage is performed, there should be at least 2 hours between the procedure and a meal, and the meal before the session should not include foods that increase gas formation.

All preparatory manipulations are carried out directly in the massage room. The patient is placed on the couch in a comfortable position corresponding to the objectives of the massage. Then the specialist preheats the skin surface in order to relieve tension and spasms.

Result of abdominal massage

Carrying out

The essence of the massage is to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. The technology is selected accordingly. The principle of operation is the same: the massage begins from the proximal parts, and then raises or lowers to the lymph nodes. So, for example, if we are talking about the hands, then the massage starts from the hand and goes up to the axillary lymph nodes. If you do a facial massage, then all movements start from the center and end on the lymph nodes under the jaw, behind the ear.

During the session the patient must be in horizontal position– this improves the outflow of both blood and lymph. All movements should be smooth, rather slow towards the lymph nodes. Reverse movement is excluded. The frequency of movements does not exceed 10–12 per minute. The formation and pinching of skin folds is not allowed.

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage includes circular movements and gentle pressure - in this way the liquid is pushed through large vessels. Typically, lymphatic drainage is combined with a technique for removing muscle tension, since the latter often provokes vascular spasms, and, therefore, lymph stagnation.
  • Deep massage involves superficial stroking, rubbing and vibration in local areas. The movements are stronger, the pressure is slightly higher. Deep massage is more effective, but only on large areas of the body. This technique is not applicable for the face.
  • Japanese is actually a lymphatic drainage facial massage that combines effects on lymph vessels and active biological points.

The video below will tell you about the features and procedure:


Sessions are often combined with body wraps or face masks of the appropriate type.

  • The procedure does not require any recovery; on the contrary, after lymphatic drainage you feel lightness in the body.
  • And the effect on the face is felt almost instantly: folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a beautiful, even color.
  • The long-term effect will be noticeable later, after about the 10th session.

Possible complications

Complications after lymphatic drainage massage are possible only if there were restrictions that the patient did not mention. Also, with sensitive skin and a tendency to form hematomas, bruises may appear - with an anti-cellulite program, which involves a more severe impact, or with a vacuum hardware massage.

Price and clinics

Lymphatic drainage massage is a very common procedure. You can find such a service both in a clinic – usually a medical one – and in many beauty salons. The cost depends on the purpose of the massage and the method - manual or hardware.

  • A session of superficial manual facial massage costs from 1200 to 2000 rubles.
  • The cost of lymphatic drainage massage of the thighs and buttocks reaches 1360–4000 rubles.
  • One pyrotherapy session costs from 750 to 2200 rubles.

Hardware is a very popular and popular procedure, which is used both for the general health of the body and for aesthetic purposes. For example, in many salons, in addition to a course of figure correction, you will be recommended to purchase a course of such massage procedures - this allows you to enhance the effect of all other types of therapy.

Hardware lymphatic drainage: features

This salon technique is aimed primarily at restoring venous circulation and normalizing functioning lymphatic system. If we talk about the benefits of such procedures in general, we can note an improvement metabolic processes at the cellular level and removing waste and toxins from the body. Due to this, the following effects are achieved:

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • improvement of the condition of veins in patients with varicose veins;
  • decrease external manifestations cellulite;
  • improving the functioning of all internal organs;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • reduction of chronic pain;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • slight weight loss.

Many people worry that the hardware method does not take into account the characteristics of each client’s body, however, this is not the case. The lymphatic drainage massage device has a lot of settings, from frequency to pauses, and specialists customize its operation individually to the needs of each person.

It is believed that courses of lymphatic drainage hardware body massage best affect the body in combination with a classic manual general massage.

Lymphatic drainage equipment: devices

Today, the most popular types of hardware are pressotherapy and vacuum lymphatic drainage massage.


This option is a procedure during which the patient is put on a special suit, different sectors which alternately supplies a certain amount of air. This promotes a gentle effect on the body and pushes the lymph in a natural direction. Within 30-40 minutes of the procedure you will already notice an excellent effect. It is easy to imagine how your well-being will improve after a whole course, which usually consists of 15 procedures performed twice a week.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage

This procedure is carried out using special tubes that the massage therapist moves throughout the human body in such a way as to stimulate the natural flow of lymph. This procedure has long proven its effectiveness. By the way, even if you purchase an appropriate lymphatic drainage device for your home, using it yourself can be very dangerous, since it is important to know the location and direction of lymph flow to carry out the procedure.

Having learned that this procedure is recommended for almost everyone, people are eager to buy a lymphatic drainage massager for home. However, its improper use can be very dangerous to health, and if you are in doubt, it is better to find the opportunity to visit a salon.

In the middle of the 20th century, a technology appeared that used hardware lymphatic drainage massage of the body. At first, women underwent the procedure in order to relieve swelling after surgery, but gradually this type of massage gained fame, and it began to be used as effective method treatment of varicose veins.

How does the human lymphatic system work?

The lymphatic system is one of the most complex devices in the human body. If for any reason the functioning of the lymphatic system is disrupted, human health is at risk.

Lymph is a fluid located inside the tissue and moves through the vessels. Lymph is involved in the transport of water, amino acids, and minerals. Lymph directly takes part in the removal of waste products from the body. If the lymph begins to stagnate, waste accumulates in the body, and this leads to intoxication.

Problems with metabolism arise, the rate of fat deposition increases, and cellulite appears. Sleep is also disturbed, the skin color becomes gray, and the overall performance of the body decreases.

Lymphatic drainage massage with devices will solve all these problems and normalize the functioning of lymph flow. This procedure is currently extremely popular, women undergo it both for the general health of the body and to maintain and improve their appearance.

Lymphatic drainage massage in cosmetology

At the moment, massage is especially in demand in cosmetology, as it effectively solves many problems with appearance.

  1. Fights cellulite.
  2. Reduces weight, burns excess fat.
  3. Relieves swelling on the face and legs.
  4. Eliminates bags under the eyes and bruises.
  5. Accelerates cell regeneration.
  6. Eliminates wrinkles.
  7. Makes the contours of the figure pronounced and clear.
  8. Returns elasticity and smoothness to the body.

The fight against cellulite is impossible without lymphatic drainage procedures, of which hardware lymphatic drainage body massage is the most popular and effective. In addition to fighting venous diseases, it also strengthens the immune system, improves psychological well-being, calms and relaxes the nervous system, and relieves tension.

Types of massage

There are three main types of hardware lymphatic drainage body massage: microcurrent and vacuum drainage, pressotherapy.


This is very effective procedure. Its essence is that during it various parts of the body are sequentially compressed using compressed air, most often the hips, arms and legs.

This procedure is carried out using special equipment that takes into account the anatomical features of the person. Before the procedure begins, a suit in the form of a large cuff is put on. Inflatable segments, which are also worn on a person, affect problem areas of the body. They supply compressed air, which affects the fat layer.

Pressotherapy helps increase blood circulation, accelerates metabolism in the body, and returns elasticity and smoothness to sagging skin. The biggest advantage of pressotherapy is the effect of vasodilation. Pressotherapy is often combined with wrapping.

The result of this procedure is a reduction in problem areas, the fight against obesity, general strengthening body. This type of lymphatic drainage massage is painless, calming the nervous system and relaxing the muscles. Before undergoing the procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications: thrombosis, renal failure, skin diseases, tuberculosis, etc.

Microcurrent drainage

This procedure helps rejuvenate the skin without the intervention of a surgeon. Weak electrical impulses have a gentle effect on the skin and lymphatic system, restoring it and improving its functioning. Microcurrents increase blood circulation and have a beneficial effect on skin susceptible to aging.

Microcurrent drainage restores atrophied muscles, fights double chins and wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, and evens out the oval. Also, after this procedure, you can observe an improvement in complexion, removal of swelling and bags under the eyes.

Contraindications: pregnancy, malignant formations, stroke, heart attack, epilepsy.

Microcurrent drainage is considered the most gentle type of hardware massage and is recommended even for people with very sensitive and injured skin.

Vacuum hardware body massage

This technique is carried out in the salon, it restores venous circulation, accelerates metabolic processes between cells, and quickly removes harmful toxins and waste from the body.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is recommended to be carried out with classic massage which will relax a person. During this procedure, a gradual decrease in pressure occurs over the vessels located above the body, and unnecessary liquid appears on the surface. This procedure removes excess lymph from the space between the cells.

This type of massage perfectly renews cells, breaks down fats, speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and activates blood circulation. Cups are applied to problem areas, then the air in them begins to pulsate.

The disadvantage of vacuum massage is that bruises appear in places where the skin interacted with the cups, but they disappear over time, leaving no traces.

Carrying out the procedure at home

Massage of the lymphatic system cannot be performed independently without making sure that the person has no contraindications to it. This procedure should be taken extremely responsibly. A person performing such a procedure at home must know where and how the lymph nodes are located and how the lymphatic drainage moves. After all, improper massage will lead to unpleasant consequences.

You can purchase a special device and perform massage at home. The massage can last from half an hour to 2 hours. Properly performed hardware massage has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, the work of all organs in the body, tightens the skin, reduces pain.


1. Pressotherapy

The procedure technique involves exposure to compressed air. Special pants or boots and sleeves are put on the body, and air is supplied to them. The principle is similar to squeezing the hand with a tonometer, and in this case, under the action of compression, blood flow and lymph movement accelerate. The air in the suit circulates according to a specially set program of low and high pressure.

The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes, the course is 10-15 procedures, it is recommended to repeat every six months.

The procedure normalizes metabolism, eliminates swelling, and can be used on early stages pregnancy (eliminates swelling and improves mood), relaxes after serious physical exertion, effectively fights cellulite, recommended during the recovery period after liposuction, as prophylactic procedure for varicose veins and gout (requires consultation with a doctor). The procedure is combined with a course of wraps, which help reduce body volume and remove fluid from the body. Contraindications to pressotherapy are:

  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • thrombosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • injuries to bones and joints;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology.

2. Microcurrent drainage

A very gentle form of influence on the body's lymphatic system. It is used in lifting and lymphatic drainage programs of the face, when it is necessary to painlessly and quickly restore the oval without surgical and injection interventions. The procedure strengthens and stimulates the circulatory system, activates metabolic processes in cells. Exposure to currents of low frequency and amplitude affects facial muscles, skin, lymph and blood flow.

During drainage procedures, the formation of collagen and elastin is stimulated, the skin heals, and scars are reduced.

The procedure is carried out after consultation with a specialist. The result of microcurrent drainage is immediately noticeable: the complexion improves, the skin feels like it is breathing, and puffiness is eliminated. The number of procedures is selected individually, on average varies in the range of 6-10 and is prescribed 2-3 times a week. Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • herpes in the active phase;
  • heart disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the presence of metal pins in the bones;
  • golden threads.

3. Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage

The main task of the hardware method is to “stir up” the lymph during the procedure, cleanse the lymphatic pathways and remove excess fluid from the intercellular space. The fluid is “squeezed out” and removed by the lymphatic system. The massage technique is similar to the use of medical cups for colds. Indications for the use of vacuum massage are:

  • swelling;
  • the effect of “heavy” legs;
  • excess weight;
  • cellulite formations.

Contraindications to vacuum massage, as in the case of all procedures aimed at improving lymph flow, are heart disease, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, cancer and tuberculosis.

The result of vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is noticeable from the first procedure: swelling is eliminated, body volume is reduced, and an increase in mood and performance is observed. One of the disadvantages of vacuum massage is the possible formation of hematomas (bruises) on the surface of the skin.

To achieve and consolidate the results of the procedures, you must complete a course of 8-10 sessions.

The duration of the massage is 30-60 minutes, and is selected individually with a specialist. After a vacuum massage, it is recommended to consolidate the result by wrapping and applying a tonic body cream.

4. Laser lymphatic drainage (RF-lifting)

Used to eliminate puffiness, facial and pronounced age wrinkles on the face and neck area. Indications for the use of laser lymphatic drainage are:

  • sagging skin, sagging, decreased tone of facial muscles;
  • swelling of the face;
  • excess skin in the upper eyelid area;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;

The procedure combines thermolifting and laser drainage. The massage begins with a laser drainage facial massage, which is followed by heating the surface of the skin with streams of energy and deep penetration down to the collagen fibers. Under the influence of high temperatures they contract and tighten. The result is noticeable after the first procedure. Thermolifting is an alternative surgical interventions, since the result of tightening aging skin is long-lasting - from 6 months to 3 years. As a result of the procedure, complexion improves, pores narrow, facial contours are tightened, wrinkles are eliminated, and the production of collagen and elastin is normalized.

The procedure is painless and has no recovery period(does not cause redness, irritation or inflammation of the skin). The course consists of 6-10 procedures and is carried out in consultation with a specialist.

Contraindications to laser lymphatic drainage are:

  • diabetes;
  • use of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • infectious diseases and skin lesions at the procedure sites;
  • golden threads.


Techniques and tricks

Hardware lymphatic drainage is a special procedure, the action of which is aimed at eliminating edema, normalizing water balance, eliminating stagnation in organism. To carry it out, a special apparatus for lymphatic drainage is used, which uses ultrasound, pulsed current, vacuum or pressure changes to influence the body.

There are several various options its implementation. Among the most frequently encountered are:

  • pressotherapy;
  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage;
  • vacuum lymphatic drainage.

Each of these methods can be used either individually or in conjunction with other procedures, especially those included in the course of anti-cellulite massage.

The mechanism of influence of pressotherapy on the body

Pressotherapy is a frequently used type of hardware lymphatic drainage massage. A person needs to put on a special suit with built-in microprocessors that monitor the set pressure in each part of the body.

The advantages of such a lymphatic drainage device are that it:

  • allows you to effectively get rid of annoying cellulite;
  • eliminates overweight bodies;
  • used as an aid in the process of eliminating varicose veins;
  • eliminates severe swelling legs

Pressotherapy - effective remedy, which helps remove toxins from the body and strengthens the immune system.

Conducting microcurrent lymphatic drainage

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage is another type of massage that Lately is in great demand. During operation, a device for lymphatic drainage massage of this type uses electrical impulses responsible for stimulating work upper layers skin. This therapy has a serious effect on the capillaries that are located inside the skin and contributes to the effectiveness of the procedure.

  • Removes bruises and bags under the eyes.
  • Smoothes out existing scars.
  • Eliminates wrinkles, both deep and fine.
  • Corrects the oval of the face.
  • Eliminates double chin if present excess weight.

Made only through the use of natural ingredients plant origin, which have a calming and tonic effect on the skin.

When considering hardware lymphatic drainage massage for the face, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is carried out through the use of a microcurrent procedure.

Hardware microcurrent lymphatic drainage is also performed for the legs. This procedure makes it possible not only to improve physical performance, but also to thin the blood, promoting the uniform distribution of lymph in the body.

How often should vacuum lymphatic drainage be used?

An effective remedy is vacuum lymphatic drainage. The technology is based on the method of influencing individual areas of the skin, the so-called local negative pressure. The procedure helps improve the outflow of lymph and blood and stimulate the metabolic process.

At home, a device for lymphatic drainage massage cannot be used, since such a procedure requires certain knowledge and experience from a person.

This is due to the fact that an incorrectly performed procedure can lead to serious hematomas, bruises and even tissue rupture.

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that hardware lymphatic drainage is used to eliminate excess weight, orange peel, venous congestion and other problems, there are also serious contraindications, which are important to pay attention to. It is strictly forbidden to use:

  • in the presence of allergic skin diseases and pustular rashes on the skin;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • at elevated temperature bodies against the background of ARVI and influenza;
  • in case of serious inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • at hypertensive crisis or problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • in the presence of wounds, dislocations and fractures;
  • in the process of bearing a child;
  • for tumors at any stage of the disease.

The only exception is varicose veins, for which the procedure is possible, but only after consultation with an appropriate professional.

Effect of massage

Regardless of which type of lymphatic drainage massage you choose, each of them has its own positive aspects. The undeniable advantages include:

  • stimulation of muscle contraction, which accelerates the outflow of blood and lymph;
  • implementation of minimal figure correction;
  • the tone of the walls of blood vessels several times;
  • elimination of small scars and cicatrices;
  • disappearance of fine wrinkles, slight skin tightening;
  • partial resorption of minor fat deposits;
  • elimination of serious swelling localized on the skin;
  • normalization of internal organs and improvement of local immunity of the body.

If you want to carry out a lymphatic drainage massage procedure, you need to have a one-time consultation with a specialist who will give you the go-ahead to undergo lymphatic drainage. The effect of the operation will be noticeable after the first procedure. Remember - the more sessions you conduct, the better the result you will get.


What is lymphatic drainage massage

Lymph is a translucent, white substance that is essentially tissue fluid. The lymphatic system and the circulatory system are connected to each other, but not physically, but functionally. In the capillaries of the circulatory system and plasma filtration, liquid enters the intercellular space. It is bound by colloidal and fibrous structures. Some of it comes back, some forms lymph, which enters the lymphatic capillaries. That is, in the intercellular space there is a constant influx and outflow of lymph. The intensity of the process depends on the blood flow and its chemical composition.

  • Lymphocapillaries are very branched. They are closed, on one side they have a larger diameter than on the other. Small lymph vessels are collected into large ones - with valves that ensure the movement of fluid, then enter the lymph nodes, where the fluid is filtered, and foreign and pathogenic bodies are destroyed. Through the lymphatic veins, the fluid enters the subclavian veins, thus returning the purified fluid to the blood.
  • About 3 liters of the substance circulates through the lymphatic system. Regulation of the inflow and outflow of lymph is carried out by the autonomic nervous system and tissue metabolite. The influx of fluid with weak outflow is responsible for the appearance of so-called swelling.
  • This phenomenon is observed on any part of the body. And if after surgery the swelling seems to be a temporary phenomenon and with tissue restoration the outflow improves on its own, then in other cases the prognosis is not so favorable.
  • Poor lymph drainage may be associated with disease, or perhaps with the condition of surrounding tissues. And this moment is a frequent cause of grief for women. It is known that lymph is retained best and most reliably by adipose tissue. Accordingly, in places where adipose tissue accumulates, the total volume of the body increases automatically due to poor lymph outflow.
  • The same thing occurs with poor blood circulation. For example, varicose veins automatically lead to stagnation of lymph, since when the blood slows down, metabolic processes in the intercellular space slow down. The same thing is observed with poor capillary blood circulation: the fingers and hands, the face often swell for no apparent reason.
  • Lifestyle also leads to a general slowdown of lymph: low physical activity, sedentary work, food high in fat and low in protein, stress - all this leads to excessive removal of fluid from the bloodstream and its stagnation in the intercellular space.

What is lymphatic drainage massage, a specialist will tell you in this video:

Concept and essence

How can lymphatic drainage massage help in such a situation? As is clear from the mechanism of operation of the lymphatic system, the outflow of fluid is activated by good functioning of the venous vessels, tension of the skeletal muscles and a well-functioning valve apparatus. There is practically no way to influence the latter. But it is quite possible to accelerate blood circulation and muscle work.

There are only 2 ways: physical activity and massage. The advantages of the first are that the general lymph flow accelerates, that is, when the muscles work, the entire system is activated. The advantage of the second is that it is available at times when physical activity is prohibited. In addition, massage can be performed locally, in areas where the swelling is highest - healing sutures, areas with poor microcirculation, and so on.

In cosmetology, massage has received its recognition. It is especially in demand when removing cellulite and as an option for facial massage. Its goals are somewhat different from regular massage. In the latter case, the main thing is to activate blood circulation and influence muscle tissue, either stimulating it or causing relaxation. In this case, a variety of techniques are used.

Lymphatic drainage requires a special approach.

  • Firstly, lymph, unlike blood, flows only in one direction, so all movements must have only one direction - from the area to the upper lymph node, otherwise the fluid stagnation cannot be removed.
  • Secondly, the volume of lymph is noticeably smaller, so despite an equally developed vascular system, overly active exposure will not lead to anything. Accordingly, in this massage only gentle pressure and smooth slow movements are used.

Lymphatic drainage massage solves the following problems:

  • acceleration of lymph outflow, according to some data, by almost 8 times. In this way, it is possible to get rid of swelling as quickly as possible;
  • improvement of metabolic processes - the lymphatic system serves to cleanse the blood of waste products and pathogens. Accordingly, the better the lymph circulation, the faster body gets rid of toxic substances;
  • the removal of stagnant fluid normalizes the condition of the tissue. The structure of muscle, adipose tissue, and subcutaneous tissue improves;
  • Lymphatic drainage promotes facial rejuvenation - it is swelling, small but constant, that stretches the skin, resulting in the formation of folds. By removing or preventing swelling, you can also get rid of the premature appearance of wrinkles;
  • lymphatic drainage of the chest – great way prevention of mastopathy, as well as sagging after pregnancy and feeding.


There are 2 main types of lymphatic drainage massage - manual and hardware. Each of them is classified into several subspecies.


Manual - performed directly by a specialist. The advantages of the technique are a variety of techniques, a soft technique taking into account the patient’s immediate condition, and a more pleasant sensation from warm hands. The disadvantage is that the duration of the massage is noticeably longer than with hardware.

There are 3 types of manual massage:

  • surface– the lightest, they affect not so much the lymphatic system as the blood circulation in the capillaries located in skin. Lack of blood circulation here leads to fluid filling in the subcutaneous tissue, and when blood movement is activated, stagnation is automatically resolved;
  • deep- involves a stronger effect in order to affect larger lymph vessels and accelerate the movement of lymph. More often used in anti-cellulite procedures;
  • interior- usually medicinal. The massage is aimed at activating the work of the lymph nodes themselves, which requires high qualifications and skill.


Hardware - the influence is carried out using certain devices. Plus – quite high efficiency and short session duration. The downside is the cost and local impact. There are several subtypes of impact, but the main ones are 3:

  • exposure to microcurrents– electrodes are attached to the treated areas active points. Low frequency electric current is supplied through them. Microcurrents stimulate the work of smooth muscles, that is, the walls blood vessels. Accordingly, blood circulation improves and lymph flow accelerates. This method is superficial. It is often used for facial massage. Exposure to microcurrents helps smooth out wrinkles and folds and improves the condition of skin tissue;
  • pressotherapy- exposure to pressure. Bandages are attached to areas of the body or a special suit is worn. Compressed air is supplied to the bandages. The program allows you to adjust the pressure to achieve maximum effect. Such a massage can only be carried out in a cosmetology or treatment room;
  • vacuum– the reverse method, the impact is achieved by creating an area very low pressure. To do this, plastic cans are attached to the body, from which the air is pumped out. The method activates blood and lymph flow and affects muscle tissue. Most often used in anti-cellulite programs.

Comparison with similar techniques

As mentioned, the best method To speed up lymph flow, sufficient and varied physical activity is required in combination with a protein-rich diet. However, in many cases this method turns out to be inaccessible, and I would like to get the result faster. To speed up the outflow of lymph, in addition to massage, the following options are used.

  • Lymphatic drainage products This is a medicine that is prescribed by a doctor and is not recommended for use on your own. These include phlebonic agents and lymphatic drainage drugs themselves. The first restore the tone of the veins, which ensures improved blood flow. The latter have a lymphotropic effect and are aimed specifically at eliminating fluid stagnation. They are produced in the form of tablets, ointments, and gels. The most well-known include detralex, troxevasin, and aescusan.
    • Ointments and gels are usually prescribed after a variety of facial manipulations: plastic surgery, endoscopic, injection of fillers, implantation - in all cases when swelling and hematomas appear after the procedure.
    • Tablets are more often required for severe forms of lymph stagnation. Compared to by special means massage is an alternative procedure, but with some restrictions. For diseases that cause lymph stagnation, tablets are more effective.
  • Shower– ideally it should be a contrast shower, alternating between the hottest and the hottest cold water, but in some cases cold is sufficient. A stream of water is directed to the area and held for 10 to 30 s. Then the hot one is replaced with a cold one, and this is repeated several times. Always complete the procedure cold water.
    • Baths with cold and hot water are used for the face.
    • A bowl of cold water is enough for your feet - soaring is strictly prohibited if you have this problem. The method is quite successful both for general and local swelling. However, massage does not provide such a long-lasting effect. More precisely, for sustainable results It will take much longer to “temper”
  • Salt rubbing– a couple of teaspoons are mixed with a couple of drops of lemon or orange essential oil. There may be more salt, it depends on the area of ​​the swelling. The mixture is applied to the area and rubbed slowly, accelerating the pace for 5 minutes. After the procedure, the skin in the area should “burn.” The salt is kept for about 5 minutes and then washed off. This method is a good alternative to anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage. Again, the result is less noticeable and more effort is required than with a massage.
  • Lymphatic drainage wrap– vinegar, chocolate, oil. The outflow of lymph is activated due to increased sweating, since the wrap increases the temperature of the skin tissue. It is an analogue of superficial lymphatic drainage, but incomparable with deep or internal.
  • Bath or sauna– thermal exposure to high temperatures, both against a background of humidity and dryness, is the most ancient and no less effective method for getting rid of excess fluid. Any type of blood circulation is activated and, accordingly, lymph flow accelerates. Alas, the method has no less limitations than lymphatic drainage.


In cosmetology, the following factors serve as indications for lymphatic drainage:

  • swelling – on any part of the face and body, the technique is universal;
  • bruises and dark circles around the eyes;
  • chronic fatigue, drowsiness;
  • wrinkles and folds, especially facial wrinkles;
  • sagging skin - both on the face and body;
  • cellulite - usually on the thighs and arms;
  • change in skin type - the fact is that stagnation of fluid provokes excessive dryness of the skin or, conversely, excessive work sebaceous glands. Restoring normal blood and lymph flow will make the skin normal again;
  • excess fat deposits - it is worth noting that lymphatic drainage massage does not affect the amount of fat tissue. Its task is to remove fluid accumulated in the tissue, thereby reducing the total volume.

Before and after facial massage


Unfortunately, this method has quite a few contraindications:

  • any inflammatory processes, especially infectious nature, as well as in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases - the restriction is temporary;
  • trophic ulcers and other skin damage, including scratches, make massage in such an area impossible;
  • oncological diseases;
  • skin ailments - urticaria, dermatitis, acne;
  • thrombophlebitis - massage as a method of influence is prohibited;
  • osteoporosis – partial limitation, depends on the stage of the disease;
  • disorders of blood microcirculation, in which the diameter of blood vessels increases;
  • inflammation of the lymph node - in any area. Accelerating the flow of lymph will lead to an increase in the disease;
  • neuralgia trigeminal nerve– excludes facial massage at the time of illness;
  • pacemaker - hardware methods are strictly prohibited. You should ask your doctor about the admissibility of manual massage;
  • late stages of varicose veins also exclude foot massage;
  • epilepsy, mental disorders;
  • menstruation - at this time, fluid stagnation and the appearance of edema are natural, so any external influence will lead to nothing.

During pregnancy, massage should not be performed during the first trimester. In 2 and 3, lymphatic drainage of the legs and arms is acceptable and desirable. During breastfeeding, the procedure is best avoided; as a last resort, facial massage is allowed. After the end of the feeding period, breast massage is highly recommended. Also contraindicated are: thrombosis with inflamed vessel walls; diabetes of any form; heat bodies.

Carrying out

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed by a specialist - in a salon, in a massage room, or at home. Simple techniques can be done independently. For example, a simple massage of the face, arms or legs. Hardware is only possible in a special room - equipment and devices are required.


No special preparation is required from the patient. Which, of course, does not exclude some restrictions. You should not drink alcohol before the session, it is advisable to refrain from smoking. If an abdominal massage is performed, there should be at least 2 hours between the procedure and a meal, and the meal before the session should not include foods that increase gas formation.

All preparatory manipulations are carried out directly in the massage room. The patient is placed on the couch in a comfortable position corresponding to the objectives of the massage. Then the specialist preheats the skin surface in order to relieve tension and spasms.

Result of abdominal massage

Carrying out

The essence of the massage is to stimulate the lymphatic vessels. The technology is selected accordingly. The principle of operation is the same: the massage begins from the proximal parts, and then raises or lowers to the lymph nodes. So, for example, if we are talking about the hands, then the massage starts from the hand and goes up to the axillary lymph nodes. If you do a facial massage, then all movements start from the center and end on the lymph nodes under the jaw, behind the ear.

During the session, the patient should be in a horizontal position - this improves the outflow of both blood and lymph. All movements should be smooth, rather slow towards the lymph nodes. Reverse movement is excluded. The frequency of movements does not exceed 10–12 per minute. The formation and pinching of skin folds is not allowed.

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage includes circular movements and gentle pressure - this way the liquid is pushed through large vessels. Typically, lymphatic drainage is combined with techniques for relieving muscle tension, since the latter often provokes vascular spasms, and, therefore, lymph stagnation.
  • Deep massage involves superficial stroking, rubbing and vibration in local areas. The movements are stronger, the pressure is slightly higher. Deep massage is more effective, but only on large areas of the body. This technique is not applicable for the face.
  • Japanese is actually a lymphatic drainage facial massage that combines effects on lymph vessels and active biological points.

The video below will tell you about the features and procedure:


Sessions are often combined with body wraps or face masks of the appropriate type.

  • The procedure does not require any recovery; on the contrary, after lymphatic drainage you feel lightness in the body.
  • And the effect on the face is felt almost instantly: folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a beautiful, even color.
  • The long-term effect will be noticeable later, after about the 10th session.

Possible complications

Complications after lymphatic drainage massage are possible only if there were restrictions that the patient did not mention. Also, with sensitive skin and a tendency to form hematomas, bruises may appear - with an anti-cellulite program, which involves a more severe impact, or with a vacuum hardware massage.

Price and clinics

Lymphatic drainage massage is a very common procedure. You can find such a service both in a clinic – usually a medical one – and in many beauty salons. The cost depends on the purpose of the massage and the method - manual or hardware.

  • A session of superficial manual facial massage costs from 1200 to 2000 rubles.
  • The cost of lymphatic drainage massage of the thighs and buttocks reaches 1360–4000 rubles.
  • One pyrotherapy session costs from 750 to 2200 rubles.

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