Home Oral cavity Cold water stops teeth hurting. How to get rid of toothache: traditional medicine recipes and medications

Cold water stops teeth hurting. How to get rid of toothache: traditional medicine recipes and medications

If during pain you have the opportunity to run to the pharmacy, but there is no way to see a dentist, you can buy special dental drops. 2 - 3 drops are applied to a cotton swab and applied to the diseased tooth. This remedy relieves inflammation, disinfects the surface and calms the nerve.

Compress with garlic, onion and salt

This is a fairly simple way to eliminate toothache. You will need an equal amount of garlic, onion and salt, which must be ground into a homogeneous mass, put on cotton wool and applied to the sore tooth for 15 minutes.

Rinse with baking soda, salt and iodine

In a 200 ml cup, put 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt (you can also use sea salt). Pour a small amount of boiling water over this and stir, then add cold water to obtain an acceptable temperature. It is desirable that the temperature of the solution is approximately equal to body temperature. After this, add 5 drops of iodine to the solution, and it is ready. This remedy is especially effective not only for relieving toothache, but also for eliminating gum abscesses and gumboils. Rinse your tooth as often as possible.

Pork lard for toothache

If you have lard in the refrigerator, you can try this one. folk way. Cut a small piece, apply it to the tooth from the cheek side and hold for 20 minutes. As a rule, the pain decreases during this time or disappears completely.

Raw beets for toothache

Everything is simple here. It is necessary to cut off a piece of beetroot and apply it to the sore tooth for 15 minutes. This folk method allows you to reduce painful sensations.

Propolis for toothache

If you have bee propolis in your bins pure form, put a piece into the carious hole of the tooth and the pain will subside after a while. You can also use alcohol tincture of propolis, 20 drops of which are added to a glass of water, after which the aching tooth is rinsed with this solution. You can also stock up on special chewable tablets with propolis, which should be kept in your medicine cabinet for various purposes, including to calm down toothache simply by chewing the tablet, thereby clogging the carious hole in the tooth.

Tampon with infusion of propolis, birch leaves and buds

For a person who uses regularly folk remedies, this method will not seem difficult, but most people will have to specifically look for these ingredients in the pharmacy. Mix a small amount of each of the ingredients in equal proportions and moisten a small piece of cotton wool, then place it in the previously cleaned hole of the damaged tooth for 20 - 30 minutes. The pain should have subsided by then.

Tampon with clove oil

All you need is a piece of cotton wool and clove oil. Dip a swab in clove oil and apply it to the sore tooth.

Vodka for toothache

Take a small amount of vodka or other strong alcoholic drink into your mouth and concentrate it in the area of ​​the painful tooth. Keep it there until you feel relief. The gums should become slightly numb and the pain should subside. After this, spit out the vodka.

Valerian leaves for toothache

Place valerian leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​a sore tooth or chew them where it hurts. This will allow short time remove pain.

Horse sorrel leaves for toothache

Place horse sorrel leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​a sore tooth or chew them where it hurts. This will allow, as in the previous method, to remove pain in a short time.

Geranium leaves for toothache

Place geranium leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​the painful tooth and hold them there longer.

Cold water or ice for toothache

Take cold water into your mouth and concentrate it in the area of ​​the painful tooth, after heating it, spit it out and take a new one, or simply place a small piece of ice in your mouth on the tooth and hold it until it melts. This will also relieve pain for a while.

Analgin in the tooth hole

Place a small piece of analgin into the cleaned carious hole of the tooth, cover with a cotton swab and bite. The pain will subside for a few hours.

Sage infusion for toothache

Pour 3 teaspoons of dried sage into 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and let cool to approximately body temperature. Rinse the aching tooth, keeping the infusion in your mouth for a long time. If you do everything right, the pain will stop.

Tampon with basil oil

Soak a piece of cotton wool in basil oil and apply it to the painful tooth and the pain will go away.

Apply ice to your cheek

Wrap the ice in plastic bag or gauze and apply to your cheek in the area of ​​the painful tooth. The pain should subside and if there is swelling, it should decrease.


We have listed a lot of ways to relieve toothache, and we hope everyone will choose for themselves the best answer to the question “How to relieve toothache.” And let us remind you once again - be sure to visit the dentist, do not self-medicate.

Acute toothache!!! and got the best answer

Reply from User deleted[active]
You can rinse with water and baking soda

Answer from Katerina Ilyina[guru]
It looks like pulpitis, only pills will help until you go to the doctor. You can also add salt or cognac

Answer from User deleted[expert]
Does your doctor have propolis tincture? There is the following recipe -
Dental treatment without filling and natural growth!
This method caused real delight among everyone who met him! All pain disappears within 1-3 days. The holes close, if there are weakly holding roots, they are fixed, and the broken teeth grow noticeably and over time become functional teeth. With it you will forget about visiting dental offices, save time and nerves, and will forever remain with healthy teeth. A very effective way.
1. Vodka tincture of Calamus (swamp or cereal). This plant grows along the banks of reservoirs, blooms in June - July, the roots are used for medicinal purposes, it can be purchased in pharmacies or collected by yourself.
2. Vodka tincture of propolis. It can also be purchased in pharmacies or markets.
To prepare, take 0.5 cups of calamus roots and pour in 0.5 liters of good vodka (40%). Everything is infused for at least a week. Propolis tincture is also prepared. Add 15g of finely grated propolis to 0.5l of vodka and leave for about a week. Store tinctures in a cool place. Tinctures are used simultaneously. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calamus infusion and 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture, mixed and poured into the mouth to rinse. You need to rinse the sore teeth for about 2 minutes, then spit them out. Such procedures must be done either during pain (any) and increased reaction of teeth to cold and hot, or before bed. The duration of the procedures is about a month, although all pain disappears within 1-3 days. Remember that the proposed solutions ensure the penetration of propolis and calamus alkaloids into the deep points of diseased teeth. Calamus will numb the roots, and propolis will fill all microcracks. My teeth stop hurting completely. It has been noticed that the remaining roots, barely holding on to the gum, are attached to it and allow pressure on them without feeling any pain, and evenly broken roots stop collapsing and grow noticeably within a few years, becoming functional teeth. At the same time, to accelerate the growth of teeth, preparations containing calcium are taken in small doses; from folk remedies, it is recommended to take powder prepared from teeth (for example: ground pork teeth), in a single dose of 0.1 g during meals, once a day. Also use fluoride toothpastes.
Be healthy!

Answer from Yergeich[guru]
You're asking for help in the wrong section

Answer from Karl Enegls[guru]
There is internet, but no doctor! what taiga are you in? Look around, maybe you’re going crazy with pain? and you sit at home and suffer?

Answer from Oliya Tymoshenko[guru]
Crush the validol tablet to a powder and rub it into the gum near the sore tooth. It helps a lot. Pain relief right down to the nerve. But this is temporary ambulance. You still can’t do without a doctor.

Answer from LishaiNik[guru]
The tablets that help me are analgin, spasmalgon, and rinsing with chamomile.

Answer from ***SKARLETT***[guru]
Go to the dentist - the nerve needs to be removed...

Answer from Madame Gritsatsueva[guru]
Rinse, rinse and rinse again. As recommended above, soda + salt. If you have a painkiller, you can crush it and put it on the tooth.

Answer from Fury[guru]
It looks like pulpitis, usually it is when the tooth reaches the nerve that it reacts to hot and warm... I haven’t tried it myself, but they say gargling with vodka helps, I’m not kidding. . try, since you can’t get to the doctor
And also, by the way, if the bottom of the tooth is exposed, it happens, you can rinse with herbs and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to eat some vitamins

Answer from Yoma the Unbeliever[guru]
Hypertonic salt solution (tea liter per glass, and rinse, then with plain water). Drink any anti-inflammatory drug (ortofen, indomethacin, pentalgin, piroxicam) and place a tiny tab in the hollow or on the gum. Dry heat on the cheek. And of course, go to the dentist. Otherwise, pus may appear on your neck.

The appearance of pain or unpleasant sensations in the teeth caused by taking hot, cold or sweet food can talk about: exposure of nerve or dentin, destruction of the enamel layer, caries, etc.

When a person feels sharp pain teeth, then most likely he will go to the dentist. But what if the pain is not acute and is caused by certain factors? Not everyone will go to the doctor with such a problem. And yet, the question is: “Why does toothache appear when I drink tea or eat something cold and sweet?” - It’s better to ask a doctor. But consider possible reasons You can experience unpleasant sensations on your own.


If the tooth’s reaction to hot is the appearance of aching, unpleasant pain, then we can talk about exposure of the nerve. Normal, complete, not painful tooth there is a cavity with a nerve. If eating hot food causes pain, then perhaps the nerve has been exposed, and the tooth can be considered 50% dead. This is due to lack of access to nutrients and lack of sensory functions.

When tissues decompose, methane is released. Exposure to heat causes it to expand, which leads to compression of the nerve that runs through all the teeth. This explains the appearance of pain. In this case, you cannot do without a dentist, who may advise removing the diseased nerve from the tooth.

If the reaction to hot food still remains after this procedure, you should not immediately consult a doctor. This is considered normal and after a little time everything will pass. To eliminate unpleasant sensations, you can use.

But it happens that even after a decent amount of time, pain remains with a person. This may be due to poor quality of treatment, for example:

  • Not complete removal nerve;
  • poor channel processing;
  • incorrect identification of the cause of pain.

When it first passes and then returns again, this may indicate poor channel processing. Here you cannot do without a second visit to the dentist, because the treatment must be completed.


If a tooth hurts from eating cold food and water, then the tooth may be infected. Then you cannot do without a dentist, because root canal treatment is required. The dentist will do this treatment under anesthesia because it causes a lot of pain.

If a tooth’s reaction to hot or cold is observed after visiting the dentist where a crown was placed, then you don’t have to be nervous, this is caused by inflammation of the pulp from the actions performed. After a little time, the toothache will go away.

When pain from treatment does not go away after a week, then the reason for this may not be full implementation treatment, or failure to identify the exact cause of the pain. You need to immediately contact the clinic.

If pain occurs from eating cold food and water, then the enamel may be damaged. This is the most common factor painful, but it will cause tooth pain and during cold air inhaled through the mouth. You can solve this problem with the help of toothpastes for sensitive teeth.

Why does enamel destruction occur? This coating firmly and reliably protects the tooth, but this protection can also be destroyed over time. The reason for this is the impact of:

  • blows;
  • whitening;
  • polishing;
  • chemical solutions found in some drinks;
  • food intake (for example, highly sour, hot, cold).

The following can also cause pain:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pregnancy that caused hormonal changes;
  • defeats endocrine system;
  • violation of oral care rules.

Tooth sensitivity from eating hot and cold may indicate dentin exposure. This is the name of the dental bone covered with a layer of enamel and located behind the gum line. It is entirely composed of tubes, inside each of them there is a nerve emerging from the pulp. Exposure of exposed dentin to hot or cold food and water causes pain.


In addition to the fact that eating hot food or eating cold food causes unpleasant sensations in the teeth, sweets can also cause these sensations. The reason for the appearance of such symptoms is the development of caries. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom at an early stage it is quite simple, but this will only relieve the symptom, and the tooth will continue to decay.

The causes of caries lie in violations of the rules of personal oral hygiene. This leads to the slow destruction of dental tissue. This causes holes to appear in some areas of the tooth, where food particles can get in. Ignoring such symptoms will lead to the development of peritonitis. Therefore, you should seek help from a dentist, because at the initial stage of the disease, treatment it will go faster and more efficient.


You can provide first aid to yourself using the means traditional medicine. Knitting and antiseptic properties boasts dry oak bark. You need to pour 1 tablespoon of bark into a glass of water, cook for 7 minutes, wait for it to cool and rinse your mouth with it.

An infusion of chamomile flowers will help soothe and relieve pain. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water, wait 60 minutes, rinse your mouth 6 times every day.

Dry burdock herb can also relieve pain. Into a glass hot water add 1 teaspoon of herbs, boil for 3 minutes, wait 60 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth up to 6 times every day.

To avoid unpleasant reactions to hot, cold or sweet foods, you need to carefully monitor your oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist. These two factors will help keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.

Increased tooth sensitivity - quite famous phenomenon, which causes significant problems. There is an acute reaction to cold food, hot, sweet, spicy, sour and other foods.

After removing the nerve, the pain does not go away immediately, it disappears gradually. But if pain bothers a person for a long time then this could be a symptom poor quality treatment: poor cleaning of the canal, the nerve is not completely removed, the cause of the toothache is incorrectly identified.

In any case, you should complete the treatment by contacting your dentist again.

And cold in the teeth, and trembling in the body...

Reasons why a tooth may react acutely to cold:

  1. Inflammation of the dental nerve or tooth tissue, which requires timely treatment at the dentist.
  2. Destruction of tooth enamel in case of defeat or chemical exposure food additives, which today can be found in large quantities in foods and ready-made semi-finished products.
  3. Mechanical tooth decay The reason for the blow is the use of a hard brush. In this case, the nerve endings are exposed and respond with pain to the cold.
  4. Inflammation of the soft tissues of the tooth– . In this case, you urgently need to visit the dentist and undergo a course of treatment.
  5. Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy or menopause. Due to hormonal changes, tooth enamel can become thinner, which leads to a reaction to a cold environment with acute pain.

Provoking factors for sensitivity to cold can be: gastritis, diseases of the endocrine system, stomach ulcers, poor hygiene oral cavity, constant consumption of very cold, very hot or sour foods.

Pain after filling placement

It is important to know that any treatment is an intervention, as a result of which the person still long time will feel .

If the pain does not subside, but only increases, lasts for a very long time, and there is an acute reaction to eating hot or cold food, then you should contact the dentist again for re-treatment.

If your teeth cramp and hurt after treatment, then the problem is this:

  • there is a reaction to the materials used for filling;
  • there was an accidental breakdown of the tool and this moment a fragment is present in the tooth;
  • inflamed tooth tissues remained unremoved;
  • the dentist caused a burn to the pulp, which is accompanied by subsequent inflammation;
  • the tooth cavity was poorly filled with filling material;
  • there was damage to the seal immediately after its installation;
  • The dentist violated the filling technology.

If all filling procedures are performed correctly, the pain goes away within 2-3 days. When any violation occurs during treatment, or the patient has a characteristic intolerance to filling materials, the pain will only increase.

Help at home

The sensitivity of teeth is checked with a directed stream of water from a syringe at a temperature of 30 degrees or a directed stream of air from a gun.

If the examination is not enough or external dental defects are not detected, the dentist will prescribe where the teeth can be found on the image. hidden damage teeth. Only then can the doctor begin treatment.

Dental hyperesthesia is eliminated by several methods:

  • medicinal;
  • hygienic;
  • physiotherapeutic;
  • surgical.

If it appears due to thinning of the enamel, then a popular type of treatment is the closure of the dentinal tubules with calcium, fluorine, strontium, and phosphates - which stops the sensitivity of the teeth to an aggressive environment.

Dentin tubules can also be closed using a laser. You can block nerve impulses using desensitizers - these special means are included in toothpastes and rinses.

Increase penetration depth medicines possible using laser, electrophoresis, ultrasound. The sensitivity of the tooth surface can be isolated by applying varnish containing fluoride substances, balms and denatured alcohols.

The presence of caries, chips, cracks is treated by filling the problem areas, and if necessary, a simple procedure is carried out.

If painful teeth retraction is accompanied by nervous excitability, patients are recommended sedatives. For general therapy, you need to use soft toothbrushes, give up certain foods and smoking.

How to prevent the problem?

Prevention of dental hyperesthesia is aimed at closing the dentinal tubules using toothpastes, gels, decoctions and other products selected by the dentist.

Some rules must be followed for:

To prevent tooth sensitivity, you can rinse with herbal decoctions that strengthen the gums and tooth enamel. Avoid eating too hot or cold food.

If during hygiene procedures If you experience any pain, you should immediately contact your dentist. There is no need to bring the situation to a painful reaction to cold and hot - this leads to additional destruction of teeth and nerves.

Only a specialist can provide qualified assistance in solving the problem. Timely consultation with a doctor is a guarantee of successful treatment.

Contents [Show]

Only cold water helps, but not for long

Good evening!
Already within three days I have a severe toothache, half of my jaw hurts, the pain radiates to my temple and ear. pain relief tablets do not help (I tried ketorol analgin and pentalgin), only cold water helps, but not for long, 5-7 minutes. I can't sleep because of the pain.
I'm wondering if there are any remedies to temporarily relieve the pain? because Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with a dentist, and the prospect of sitting in the bathroom all night by the tap is a little daunting =)) Thank you in advance.

Good evening.
Unfortunately no.
If Ketanov and Baralgin do not help, then only cold water remains. Yes, This is pulpitis of pure water. You need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. After the first visit, the pain will go away and you will feel much better.

New topics on the forum:

Hello, dear doctors! Now I am treating and re-treating my teeth, preparing for prosthetics. I am 46 years old and have been missing lower teeth since childhood: 6-7-8 on the left and 6 on the right. On the left there has been a console for 15 years (functionally useless - I can’t chew), on the right there has been a bridge twice. Please help me decide on prosthetics, what do you recommend? I have the following questions:
1. Is implantation possible?
2. If not, how long will a partial denture last?
3. Would you recommend a nylon prosthesis for me (for starters).
4. Are there any improved consoles being installed now?
5. If you put a bridge on the right side, what are the options for the left side?
6. And a question about treatment: are there situations where arsenic cannot be avoided (except for situations with intolerance to anesthetics).
I'll send you an orthopantomogram. Thank you.

Zaitseva Olesya Viktorovna

Chief Editor dental portal for patients Zub-Zub

Treatment of pulpitis in dentistry // -03-10

The dental pulp includes blood vessels, nerves and soft tissue. connective tissue. It is thanks to it that the tooth has sensitivity and receives nutrients. Its inflammation is called pulpitis.

The cause of the oblique pelvis is open. // -01-24

The discovery of the cause of the oblique pelvis was proven in Switzerland using the atlasprofilax technique.

Dental restoration methods, technique proper treatment // -01-18

Filling teeth with modern technologies and materials are produced with aesthetic precision. Maximum preservation of the correct bite and anatomical shape of the tooth after treatment is one of the main priorities of filling.

How to relieve toothache - 18 methods and recipes

We will look at 18 methods and recipes for eliminating toothache at home, both simple and not so simple. There are plenty of causes of toothache and we will not dwell on this in this material, but will focus our attention exclusively on ways to solve the problem, after which you still urgently need to visit a dentist as soon as possible. I don’t want to scare you, but there are cases when people endure pain until they have to undergo serious complex maxillofacial operations. Therefore, these recipes exist only for those people who really do not have the opportunity to visit a dentist quickly.

Dental drops

If during pain you have the opportunity to run to the pharmacy, but there is no way to see a dentist, you can buy special dental drops. 2 - 3 drops are applied to a cotton swab and applied to the diseased tooth. This remedy relieves inflammation, disinfects the surface and calms the nerve.

Compress with garlic, onion and salt

This is a fairly simple way to eliminate toothache. You will need an equal amount of garlic, onion and salt, which must be ground into a homogeneous mass, put on cotton wool and applied to the sore tooth for 15 minutes.

Rinse with baking soda, salt and iodine

In a 200 ml cup, put 1 teaspoon each of soda and salt (you can also use sea salt). Pour a small amount of boiling water over this and stir, then add cold water to obtain an acceptable temperature. It is desirable that the temperature of the solution is approximately equal to body temperature. After this, add 5 drops of iodine to the solution, and it is ready. This remedy is especially effective not only for relieving toothache, but also for eliminating gum abscesses and gumboils. Rinse your tooth as often as possible.

Pork lard for toothache

If you have lard in the refrigerator, you can try this folk method. Cut a small piece, apply it to the tooth from the cheek side and hold for 20 minutes. As a rule, the pain decreases during this time or disappears completely.

Raw beets for toothache

Everything is simple here. It is necessary to cut off a piece of beetroot and apply it to the sore tooth for 15 minutes. This folk method helps reduce pain.

Propolis for toothache

If you have pure bee propolis in your bins, put a piece into the carious hole of the tooth and the pain will subside after a while. You can also use alcohol tincture of propolis. 20 drops of which are added to a glass of water, after which the aching tooth is rinsed with this solution. You can also stock up on special chewable tablets with propolis. which should be kept in your medicine cabinet for various purposes, including to calm a toothache by simply chewing a tablet, thereby clogging the carious hole of the tooth.

Tampon with infusion of propolis, birch leaves and buds

For a person who regularly uses folk remedies, this method will not seem difficult, but most people will have to specifically look for these ingredients in the pharmacy. Mix a small amount of each of the ingredients in equal proportions and moisten a small piece of cotton wool, then place it in the previously cleaned hole of the damaged tooth for 20 - 30 minutes. The pain should have subsided by then.

Tampon with clove oil

All you need is a piece of cotton wool and clove oil. Dip a swab in clove oil and apply it to the sore tooth.

Vodka for toothache

Take a small amount of vodka or other strong alcoholic drink into your mouth and concentrate it in the area of ​​the painful tooth. Keep it there until you feel relief. The gums should become slightly numb and the pain should subside. After this, spit out the vodka.

Valerian leaves for toothache

Place valerian leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​a sore tooth or chew them where it hurts. This will relieve pain in a short time.

Horse sorrel leaves for toothache

Place horse sorrel leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​a sore tooth or chew them where it hurts. This will allow, as in the previous method, to remove pain in a short time.

Geranium leaves for toothache

Place geranium leaves behind your cheek in the area of ​​the painful tooth and hold them there longer.

Cold water or ice for toothache

Take cold water into your mouth and concentrate it in the area of ​​the painful tooth, after heating it, spit it out and take a new one, or simply place a small piece of ice in your mouth on the tooth and hold it until it melts. This will also relieve pain for a while.

Analgin in the tooth hole

Place a small piece of analgin into the cleaned carious hole of the tooth, cover with a cotton swab and bite. The pain will subside for a few hours.

Sage infusion for toothache

Pour 3 teaspoons of dried sage into 250 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and let cool to approximately body temperature. Rinse the aching tooth, keeping the infusion in your mouth for a long time. If you do everything right, the pain will stop.

Tampon with basil oil

Soak a piece of cotton wool in basil oil and apply it to the painful tooth and the pain will go away.

Apply ice to your cheek

Wrap the ice in a plastic bag or gauze and apply it to your cheek in the area of ​​the sore tooth. The pain should subside and if there is swelling, it should decrease.


The latest, simplest method, but also the most harmful to health, is the use of painkillers. Recommendation: Use analgesics only when absolutely necessary. Your health is in your hands. Read more about the dangers of painkillers here - Taking painkillers kills your emotions and dulls your mind.

We have listed a lot of ways to relieve toothache, and we hope everyone will choose for themselves the best answer to the question “How to relieve toothache.” And let us remind you once again - be sure to visit the dentist, do not self-medicate.

Severe pain in a tooth without a nerve

Good evening! The tooth hurts very badly. fang (third in a row)! Only cold water helps, the pain goes away a little. I'm already tired of running to the toilet. Now I’ll tell you about the tooth itself. About six months ago, my fifth tooth, the second after the canine, hurt, I went to the dentist for an examination and they told me that I needed to treat teeth 3, 4 and 5, that is, this same canine too. When I came to treat the canine, they decided to remove the nerve. They gave me an injection, but it didn’t help, so they gave me arsenic. Came the next day, removed the nerve and put a filling. Today he started to ache very much, I look at him and see nothing, no holes, no inflammation, nothing. I don’t even understand what exactly is hurting me. The most interesting thing is that there is no nerve there. Mom says that it’s possible that I have hypothermia of the tooth, she herself had this and she treated it hot water With salt. But I can’t stand hot at all, it starts to ache so much that I climb the wall. But if she’s right, then I generally can’t cool it with cold water, and I keep cold water on my tooth all day.

Can you tell me what’s wrong with my tooth and how to deal with the problem?

Lipa jo Enlightened (43019) 6 years ago

You probably have pulpitis, you can take Nise tablets, and half analgin on the tooth helped me, it hasn’t bothered me for a month now.

Irina Konstantinova Thinker (6446) 6 years ago

Or it is periodontitis - inflammation of the bone around the tooth. and then go back to the dentist and get treatment, or if you are not sure that it is canine 4 or 5, diagnosis see a doctor.

Vladimir Petrov Student (165) 6 years ago

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