Home Pulpitis The sky is numb for the reason. Why does the tongue go numb: causes of numbness and possible problems

The sky is numb for the reason. Why does the tongue go numb: causes of numbness and possible problems

In the practice of an otolaryngologist, one hears both quite common complaints and not quite common ones. The latter may include a feeling as if the throat is numb. This situation can cause a lot of anxiety for patients, and you need to find out what is causing it.

Numbness is a type of sensory disorder, medically called paresthesia. It can occur in any area of ​​the body where there are corresponding nerve receptors, including the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. The reasons for this phenomenon are local or systemic in nature. The former are often associated with the following processes:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Traumatic injury.
  • Tumor lesion.

It is impossible not to mention the influence of external factors on sensitivity. Numbness in the throat may occur after eating spicy foods, taking certain medications, local anesthesia(at an appointment with a dentist or ENT doctor). But there are also general disorders in which paresthesia of the tongue and pharynx appears:

  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals (cyanocobalamin, iron).
  • Neurological problems (transient ischemic attack, stroke).
  • Endocrine pathology (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism).
  • Diseases cervical spine spine (osteochondrosis, hernia).
  • Psychogenic disorders (neuroses, depression).

As you can see, the causes of numbness in the throat are very diverse: from a local inflammatory process to general illness. And each situation requires an individual approach to determine the origin of unpleasant symptoms.

Why numbness of the tongue or throat occurs will become clear only from the results of a comprehensive examination, which is impossible without the participation of a doctor.


Every pathological process has its own clinical picture, and clarifying it is the primary task of the doctor when a patient seeks medical advice. medical care. From complaints and anamnestic data I receive subjective information about the disease. It is important to note the characteristics of the symptom called numbness:

  • Where is it located?
  • Disturbs constantly or periodically.
  • Is it related to any factors (colds, emotional stress, local anesthesia, taking certain foods, medications, etc.).

The doctor details complaints and specifically identifies additional symptoms, to which the patient could simply not pay attention. And after the interview, a physical examination is carried out, including inspection, palpation and other methods (percussion, auscultation).

Inflammatory pathology

A feeling of numbness may occur in patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases: pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. In such cases there will be other symptoms:

  • Sore throat and sore throat.
  • Dry cough.
  • Hoarseness of voice.

Upon examination, signs of inflammation are visible - swollen and reddened mucosa. Plaques are noticeable on loose tonsils with tonsillitis, and the palatine arches are compacted. The atrophic process is accompanied by thinning of the epithelium, through which the vessels are visible.

Allergic reaction

Numbness of the throat is one of the symptoms of stenosing laryngotracheitis ( false croup), which may appear as a reaction of the body to an allergen. In other words, the laryngeal mucosa swells, and the lumen respiratory tract narrows, which causes ventilation problems. Then in clinical picture there will be the following signs:

  • Barking cough.
  • Stridorous breathing.
  • Inspiratory dyspnea.

At the same time, other allergy symptoms may appear in the form of itching in the throat, hives, watery eyes, and nasal congestion. A severe hypersensitivity reaction is accompanied by anaphylaxis with vascular insufficiency(shock).

Having noticed the first signs of an allergy, there is no time to waste, because there is a risk of serious consequences.


A feeling as if the tongue or throat has become numb can occur after injuries or operations that damage the fibers that innervate them. In such situations, most likely, we are talking about open damage with a violation of the integrity of nerve conductors. Additional signs may include pain, including when swallowing, bleeding, hematoma and swelling, and difficulty breathing.


Oncological processes that destroy soft fabrics- another local reason due to which numbness of the tongue or pharynx may appear. Clinical symptoms are determined by the size of the primary lesion, its location and degree of malignancy. Signs of a tumor include:

  • Intense pain radiating to the ear, nose, neck.
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Feeling foreign body in the throat.
  • Voice change (dysphonia).
  • Bad breath.
  • Ear congestion.
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

If the tumor grows into the bones of the skull, pain in the jaw and teeth and double vision occur. When tissue disintegrates, purulent discharge and severe nosebleeds.

Neurological disorders

Acute disorders cerebral circulationdangerous condition, in which numbness of the tongue is likely. But this feeling usually extends to one half of the body. Hemiparesis is also accompanied by weakening muscle strength in the arm and leg, decreased sensitivity, speech disorders(dysarthria), disorders of consciousness (from stupor to coma). It all depends on the area affected by ischemia or hemorrhage. In most cases, the patient's condition is serious and requires outside help and care.

Spinal diseases

A feeling of numbness in the hands and throat can occur with diseases of the cervical spine, when the corresponding nerve root is pinched or irritated. A similar symptom is characteristic of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. At the same time, other signs attract attention:

  • Pain in the neck of a shooting or aching nature, radiating to the head or shoulder.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • Spasm of the paravertebral muscles.
  • Soreness of the root exit points.

Damage to the cervical spine is sometimes accompanied by vertebral artery syndrome, when patients experience dizziness, noise in the head, and even short-term loss of consciousness (drop attacks). All this is associated with compression of the corresponding vessel and a decrease in cerebral blood flow.

Pathology spinal column It can also provoke sensory disorders in the throat area, which is associated with an effect on the nerve roots of the cervical spine.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

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The symptoms in question may appear when deficiency anemias when the body lacks iron or vitamin B12. Then most patients note a perversion of taste, dry mouth and tingling of the tongue, a feeling of a foreign body and a sore throat. A detailed study reveals systemic problems:

  • Dry skin.
  • Hair fragility and loss.
  • Flattening, separation of nails.
  • Weakness and fatigue.
  • Burning and itching in the vagina in women.
  • Drowsiness and dizziness.
  • Decreased attention and ability to work.

Atrophic changes affect not only the tongue, but also other parts of the digestive canal, which causes esophagitis or gastritis. Symptoms mentioned associated with a decrease in iron in the blood and tissues (anemic and sideropenic syndromes).

Psychological problems

A feeling as if there is a “lump” in the throat and the tongue is numb often appears when neurotic disorders or depression. Such disorders are functional in nature and are accompanied by polymorphic symptoms, which can masquerade as various somatic pathologies:

  • Pain in different parts of the body (headache, heart, abdominal, joint).
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Skin itching.
  • Anxiety and emotional lability.
  • Decreased mood and irritability.
  • Disorders eating behavior(bulimia, anorexia), etc.

Taking this into account, many patients consult doctors for a long time, but they do not find organic pathology, considering them to be malingerers. However, with a targeted study of the psychological sphere, the diagnosis is not in doubt.

Additional diagnostics

The origin of the symptoms is determined on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis. As a rule, a clinical examination alone is not enough, so the doctor, taking into account its results, will refer the patient to laboratory and instrumental procedures:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemical analysis (indicators of inflammation, coagulogram, immunoglobulins, iron, cyanocobalamin, etc.).
  • Analysis of pharyngeal mucus (cytology, culture).
  • Allergy tests.
  • Pharyngoscopy.
  • X-ray of the cervical spine.
  • Tomography of the head.
  • Rheoencephalography.
  • Cerebral angiography.
  • Tumor biopsy with histology.

Having received a complete picture of the pathology and knowing its causes, it becomes possible to establish a final diagnosis. And this, in turn, allows you to begin treatment that will relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms.

The causes of numbness in the tongue can be very different: from the exacerbation of any disease to improper use of medications. Therefore, it is necessary to first determine the type of disease: chronic or passing numbness. The latter usually goes away on its own and occurs after mechanical irritation (pressure or shock). But chronic numbness of the tongue needs to be treated. The main causes of this disease can be called:

  1. Side effects from taking medicines. Some medications irritate the nerves that are located at the tip of the tongue. This condition is usually caused by antibiotics.
  2. A disease called glossalgia, which affects the oral mucosa. With glossalgia there is also a noticeable sensory neurosis.
  3. Features of each individual organism that can manifest themselves with age. Numbness of the tongue can develop against the background of thinning of the mucous membrane, dysfunction thyroid gland or problems with the vasomotor system. It usually occurs in women during climate change.
  4. When a person suffers iron deficiency anemia.
  5. Allergic reaction to medications, food.
  6. Sometimes paresthesia can occur against a background of depression and stress.
  7. After the fifteenth week of pregnancy.
  8. Some diseases: diabetes, stroke, multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, Lyme disease, aneurysm, syphilis, cancer spinal cord, Bell's palsy.


Some bad habits can also cause frequent manifestations of tongue numbness (drug use, smoking, alcoholism). Remember that this disease never manifests itself, but comes from external factor or other illness.

Symptoms of tongue numbness

Numbness of the tongue first begins with a slight unpleasant tingling sensation at the tip. It doesn't cause special problems, so patients are in no hurry to see a doctor. Immediately after this, goosebumps begin to run over the entire surface of the tongue, and only then does complete or partial numbness occur.

Numbness of the tongue during pregnancy

After the fifteenth week of pregnancy, some women's tongue begins to go numb. This usually happens if you have expectant mother Vitamin B12 deficiency develops. If this happens, you should contact your gynecologist, who will prescribe vitamins that are safe in your case.


Numbness of the tip of the tongue

The tip of the tongue usually goes numb for the following reasons:

  1. If a person smokes tobacco.
  2. With frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  3. If there is a deficiency or excess of certain minerals in the body.
  4. When a person receives radiation or undergoes radiation therapy.
  5. If the patient is poisoned by heavy metals.
  6. With vitamin B12 deficiency.

Numbness of lips and tongue

Numbness of the lips and tongue can occur constantly or periodically and indicates that there are problems in the body. The cause of this disease is a disruption of the nerves in the tongue and lips. They occur after mechanical damage, with vascular or infectious factors:

  1. For acute migraine.
  2. Bell's palsy.
  3. Having a stroke.
  4. Anemia (especially if there is a vitamin B12 deficiency).
  5. Hypoglycemia.
  6. Angioedema.
  7. Tumors (both malignant and benign).
  8. Depression and other types of disorders.
  9. Dental procedures.

Numbness of the tongue after anesthesia

Sometimes, after dental procedures, the tongue may remain numb, especially if a large amount of local anesthesia was administered. This is considered normal and goes away over time (when the effect of the injection wears off).

Numbness of the tongue after tooth extraction

In some cases, after the removal of teeth, especially wisdom teeth, paresthesia of the tongue may appear. This phenomenon occurs in 7% of cases. Numbness occurs especially often in elderly patients, as well as in those who suffer from abnormally close teeth to the lingual part of the jaw. If everything goes well, then after anesthesia and tooth extraction, the numbness completely ends in 1-10 days. If so-called persistent numbness occurs (that is, paresthesia does not go away for more than a month), you should consult a doctor.

Numbness of tongue and hands

Typically, such symptoms appear if a person suffers from acute attacks migraine with aura. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo a full examination by a neurologist, since the reasons may lie in the body’s increased demands on brain functionality.

Headache and tongue numbness

If you feel not only a numbness in your tongue, but also severe headaches, these may be symptoms of developing hyperinsulinism. Often patients strongly resemble those who were intoxicated by alcohol. Also, numbness of the tip and entire tongue may be present with migraine-like headaches.

Numbness of the tongue and throat

Numbness of the tongue and throat may be caused by malignant formations in the laryngeal region. With this disease, sometimes patients have difficulty swallowing, a sore throat appears, as with ARVI, sometimes digestive system doesn't work well.

Sometimes paresthesia of the throat and tongue appears after inflammation of the oral cavity and larynx, especially if they were severe or were not cured on time.

Numbness of the palate and tongue

Paresthesia of the tongue and palate may occur due to various injuries and diseases. Sometimes this occurs while taking certain medications. Therefore, before visiting a doctor, you should carefully read the instructions for the medications that you are taking or have taken recently. It is also worth analyzing your emotional condition. If you often feel nervous or have stressful situations, this could cause paresthesia.

Numbness of the mouth and tongue

This numbness usually occurs after an allergic reaction to food products, medications, injections (especially at the dentist), and also after tooth extraction. To prevent the allergy from developing further, it is recommended to stop consuming foods or medications that could cause it. Usually after some time (in particular, several days), paresthesia goes away on its own.

Numbness of the face and tongue

Numbness of the face occurs, most often, if a disease of the blood vessels or nerves that are located in this area develops. When paresthesia spreads to the tongue, it means that the person is suffering from:

  1. Bell's palsy, which occurs after infectious diseases such as meningitis or herpes. During this disease, the nerves become inflamed.
  2. Multiple sclerosis– the cells of the body itself attack the nerves and damage them. This autoimmune disease. As a result, the protective sheath of the nerves becomes thinner and destroyed.
  3. Manifestation of neuralgia trigeminal nerve– develops when the inside of the trigeminal nerve is compressed or irritated due to tumors, adhesions, dilated veins, and inflammation.
  4. Having suffered a stroke - blood vessels rupture and become blocked, so oxygen does not reach the brain in the required amount.
  5. If the ophthalmic, mandibular or maxillary nerve has been damaged.

Numbness of half the tongue

With unilateral numbness of the tongue, the patient most likely has damage to the lingual nerve. It often happens that patients complain of loss of sensitivity in only one half of the tongue. At the same time, the throat, mouth and other parts remain sensitive. This fact should be pointed out when going to the doctor so that he can diagnose accurate diagnosis.

Numbness of the tongue due to osteochondrosis

Numbness of the tongue is one of the main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis. This disease has become quite common recently, as it develops in those who sit in front of a computer screen for a long time. Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that develops against the background of infringement of the endings spinal nerves. Other signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are: dizziness and frequent headaches, pain in chest and arms, shooting in the cervical region. If you recognize these symptoms in yourself, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Dizziness and numbness of the tongue

Numbness of the tongue is the first sign of a heart attack or stroke. First, “goosebumps” appear at its tip, and then complete paresthesia occurs. To make an accurate diagnosis of dizziness and numbness of the tongue, it is necessary to do an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Depending on what disease caused it, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia: medications that improve blood circulation (Cavinton, Memoplant, Vitamins B, Sermion) help.
  2. Neurological diseases: vomiting and nausea often also appear.
  3. Osteochondrosis: pressure increases, pain appears between the shoulder blades.

Vomiting and numbness of the tongue

Usually with vegetative-vascular dystonia or syndrome panic attack Numbness of the tongue may be accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting. But only a specialist (neurologist) can make an accurate diagnosis. He must prescribe treatment that is not limited to by medicinal method, but comes in combination (massages, special exercises).

Numbness of the root of the tongue

If the root of the tongue becomes numb, it can be argued that the patient’s glossopharyngeal nerve has been damaged or injured. It is this nerve that works in this area and is responsible for it.

Partial numbness of the tongue

If you notice partial numbness of your tongue, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that such a violation is usually a symptom serious illnesses: vegetative-vascular dystonia (when the brain does not receive enough oxygen due to improper blood circulation), vascular pathologies of the brain (including chronic ones), stroke.

Dry mouth and numb tongue

Dry mouth and numbness of the tongue can be symptoms of many quite serious diseases. As a rule, they arise as a result of chronic, as well as some other diseases: diabetes, acute infectious diseases, vitamin deficiency, radiation sickness.

Bitterness in the mouth and numbness of the tongue

Typically, such symptoms appear if a person takes certain medical supplies. Even ordinary vitamins can cause numbness in the tongue and a bitter taste in the mouth. In such cases, it is recommended to suspend treatment and seek help from the doctor who prescribed the remedy.

Numbness of the tongue after eating

If tongue numbness occurs after eating, it may be a common allergic reaction to certain foods. But there are cases that paresthesia of the tongue remains, and also intensifies when a person eats or talks, causing discomfort. This may be a symptom of glossalgia. Glossalgia is not the disease itself, but the cause of untreated or untreated diseases.

Complications and consequences

If only one side of your tongue is numb, it is considered less dangerous. This is most likely due to nerve damage. But bilateral is the cause of serious diseases that can develop further if they are not detected in time. That is why you should immediately contact a neurologist if you feel the first symptoms of paresthesia.


The main complications after tongue numbness are heart attacks, strokes and the development of benign and malignant tumors. Remember, if you do not visit a doctor in time, this can develop into serious problem at risk to health and life.

Diagnosis of tongue numbness

As soon as a person addresses the problem of tongue paresthesia, comprehensive examination, which helps to find out the cause of this pathology.

First, the doctor examines the patient, collects anamnesis, as well as all information related to the first signs of the disease. The patient also tells what diseases he was recently treated for and with what. After this, it is necessary to take a general blood test to see if the patient has diabetes. Then a full examination begins of cardio-vascular system. In some cases it may be necessary additional research: magnetic resonance, ultrasound.


To get a complete picture, the doctor will ask for a blood test. Thanks to this study, the number of all types of blood cells is calculated, and their shape and size are also examined. Thanks to a general blood test, diabetes mellitus can be determined, which often causes numbness of the tongue.

Instrumental diagnostics

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most effective method for diagnosing various diseases of the brain and spinal cord, the symptom of which is paresthesia of the tongue.
  2. Ultrasound is mechanical vibrations at a very high frequency level. For this purpose, special ultrasonic emitters are used.

Differential diagnosis

Very important point When making a correct diagnosis, a professional examination of the patient by a doctor is necessary.

Treatment of tongue numbness

Since paresthesia of the tongue is only a symptom, therapy is aimed at eliminating the disease that caused it. As a rule, after diagnosing the disease, the doctor discharges special complexes vitamins, medicines that help improve metabolic processes in the nerves, physiotherapeutic procedures also help. note that self-treatment in this case, it is unacceptable, since the patient usually does not know the cause of numbness.

It all depends on the diagnosis.

With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the main task is to improve blood circulation. For this purpose, various vitamins and minerals are prescribed.

Laryngeal cancer is another disease that can cause numbness in the tongue, throat, face, and mouth. It usually develops in heavy smokers. Treatment comes down to surgery, although it must be combined with medication.

For damage to the nerves that are located in the mouth and throat, especially with trigeminal neuralgia, it is used as drug treatment(Carbamazepine), and physiotherapeutic and surgical methods(acupuncture, pulsed currents, laser puncture, operations).


  1. Vitamins that contain B12 - they are used if paresthesia began after a decrease in the amount of this vitamin in the human body (especially during pregnancy). Prescribed individually by a doctor.
  2. Carbamazepine is a drug used for trigeminal neuralgia. Helps slow down neural populations. The course begins with a small dose (one tablet twice a day), but gradually increases. The drug is taken for six to eight weeks. Carbamazepine should not be used by patients with glaucoma, blood diseases, or prostatitis.
  3. Ambene is a comprehensive remedy for the fight against cervical osteochondrosis. The ampoules contain cyanocobalamin and phenylbutazone. There are contraindications to the use of Ambene injections: problems with blood vessels and heart, ulcers duodenum or stomach, gastritis, kidney or liver failure, infectious diseases, allergies and pregnancy. Side effects may occur during use: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, headache, dizziness, anemia, insomnia. The drug is administered intramuscularly. The course includes three injections (every other day).
  4. Cavinton is a drug prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia. It helps dilate blood vessels in the brain. Take one or two tablets three times a day. The course can be quite long (but this requires a doctor’s examination). Side effects practically none, since Cavinton is well tolerated by the body. Cannot be used for coronary heart disease, arrhythmias and pregnancy.

Traditional treatment

  1. Take a clove of garlic, put it in your mouth and roll it lightly with your tongue. You can nibble a little. Do this for ten minutes after eating up to three times a day. Be sure to repeat before bed. After the procedure, apply a warm compress with sea buckthorn oil to your tongue.
  2. Many patients get rid of tongue numbness through meditation or yoga.
  3. If you have paresthesia of the tongue, you must adhere to a strict diet. It is very important to exclude spicy, sour and salty foods from your diet at least for a while (2-3 months).

Herbal treatment for tongue numbness

  1. Take a tablespoon of dried sage and a glass of hot boiled water. Repeat the same with dried celandine. Take turns rinsing your mouth with tinctures every day for two months.
  2. Take oak bark and add honey to it. Make a tincture so that you can rinse your mouth daily (the more often, the better).
  3. Take crushed dried femoral herb, a glass of water, cook until boiling and then for about another five minutes. Strain while hot, cool. Rinse your mouth with the decoction twice a day, then drink 1 tablespoon. Use for three weeks.


  1. Nervochel – homeopathic medicine, which is used for vegetative-vascular dystonia (which can manifest itself as numbness of the tongue). Thanks to its composition, Nervohel helps reduce nervous spasms and relieve depression. Use three times a day before meals. It is not recommended to take it if you have an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Stonciana Carbonica is a homeopathic medicine that helps in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. It must be diluted depending on the strength of the disease, so you should first consult a doctor.
  3. Gelarium Hypericum – has anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. Take one tablet three times a day while eating. The course lasts up to four weeks. In some cases, vomiting and severe nausea, as well as allergies to components. It should not be taken by patients with lactase deficiency or galactosemia.

Surgical treatment

Since numbness of the tongue is only a symptom and not a separate disease, sometimes in case of serious diseases it is necessary surgery. For example, with trigeminal neuralgia, operations are performed only if it is necessary to move a blood vessel that injures the nerve. Sometimes the nerve can be destroyed. Radiosurgery (bloodless method) is also considered part of surgical intervention in this case.

For cancer of the throat and larynx, various methods have recently been used, depending on the degree of the disease:

  1. The initial (superficial) stages are usually treated with endoscopy. The operation is performed under anesthesia using a laser.
  2. Removal of the larynx - if the size of the tumor is still small.
  3. Removal of the pharynx - usually only part of the organ is removed. Also held Plastic surgery, during which the pharynx is restored.
  4. ],

    It is important to know!

    The tongue often reflects many problems within the body. Normally, it should be clean and pink - and this indicates that everything is in order with the person’s health. Plaque, and even more so, cracks in the tongue - this is the first “bell” about a malfunction internal organs. Therefore, when cracks appear, it is often not only the tongue that is treated, but the entire body.

Dizziness and numbness of the tongue are frightening symptoms for many, as they primarily suggest an impending stroke or heart attack. However, most often this condition passes quickly and does not pose a threat to health. The article outlines both serious and harmless causes of these symptoms.

Depending on the factor that caused this combination of symptoms, impaired sensitivity of the organ is manifested by either mild tingling or absolute numbness. Partial or complete loss of taste is often observed. Sensitivity loss can affect the root, tip, half of the tongue, or the whole tongue. Sometimes discomfort spread to lips, gums, cheeks, neck, hands. The head may not only feel dizzy, but also hurt, and in some cases the condition is aggravated by nausea and vomiting.

What triggers symptoms

Among common reasons Paresthesia (loss of sensitivity) of the tongue and dizziness note the following:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • stress, depression;
  • migraine;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • deficiency of iron and vitamin B;
  • hormonal imbalances (especially during menopause);
  • a brain tumor;
  • taking certain medications;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • consumption of alcohol, drugs;
  • snake bites, insect bites.

Temporary numbness oral cavity and dizziness are possible after dental procedures. When a tooth is removed, for example, the nerve of the tongue is damaged. If it has been subjected to compression, the numbness will go away within two weeks; Once a rupture occurs, healing will take several months. Dizziness and paresthesia of the tongue and gums may be a reaction to anesthesia during dental treatment. When the injection wears off, the symptoms disappear.

Loss of sensitivity of the speech organ or part of it, combined with a bitter taste in the mouth, can be caused by taking antibiotics. Allergies, especially drug allergies, are expressed by a rash and numbness of the lips and tongue. Rarely, such a reaction can develop into Quincke's edema, accompanied by low blood pressure, dizziness and difficulty breathing if it affects the larynx. This condition requires immediately calling an ambulance.

Paresthesia of the limbs, fingers, lips and tongue - common symptom with diabetes mellitus. An imbalance in blood glucose levels destroys the walls of blood vessels, arteries and nerve fibers, impairs blood flow and causes stagnation. This provokes burning and stiffening of the taste organ and other parts of the body.

Multiple sclerosis causes paresthesia of parts of the body, weakness, and dizziness. Migraine can also cause headaches and numbness of the tongue, lips, and hands. Neurological diseases, in addition to the above, are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Such signs may also indicate a skull injury.

If your tongue goes numb, and your head hurts and feels dizzy, you can suspect osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. A man suffers from tension and lumbago in the neck, high blood pressure, tingling in the fingers, which develops due to pinching of nerve endings by the vertebrae.

If your head hurts or feels dizzy vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is nothing to worry about, since in this condition vascular spasms often occur, which do not pose a threat to health. Because of them, the blood supply may be temporarily disrupted, leading to a crawling sensation, burning and cramping of body parts.

If a headache and numbness of the lips are accompanied by weakness, trembling and hunger, this most likely signals an attack of hyperinsulinism. Sweet tea or foods rich in carbohydrates will help relieve the condition.

Numbness of the tongue and part of the face, accompanied by a headache, is observed with Bell's palsy, an infectious disease characterized by inflammation and blockage of nerves.

When your lips and tongue go numb, your head hurts and feels dizzy, your speech and coordination of movements are impaired, you need to urgently call ambulance, since these symptoms may be warning signs of a stroke.

If numbness is accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid heartbeat, this may be a manifestation of myocardial infarction.

Which doctor should I contact?

It is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of dizziness and numbness of the tongue. This will require consultations with a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, as well as certain studies and examinations:

  • tomography of the brain and spine;
  • blood sugar test;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels.

Since tongue numbness is just a symptom, treatment will depend on the disease causing it. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed (Cavinton, Memoplant, Sermion, B vitamins).

Cervical osteochondrosis is treated with drugs that restore cartilage tissue, massage, physiotherapy, and physical exercise.

If the condition is caused psychogenic reasons, the doctor usually prescribes antidepressants and sedatives.

Bottom line

Paresthesia of the tongue and dizziness do not always signal the presence of pathology. Alarming manifestations may be caused by stress, medications, or anesthesia. Poor circulation and curvature of the spine are accompanied by similar symptoms. However, it is not recommended to independently find out the cause of discomfort and try to eliminate it. Such symptoms are possible in a number of serious illnesses, the presence of which a person may not even suspect. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and start treatment of the disease on time, if any.

Most often, numbness is a normal reaction of the body in response to compression of a nerve or disruption of the blood supply to tissues, for example, when a person remains in one position for a long time.

Less commonly, numbness is a symptom of disease nervous system.
In some cases, numbness in an area of ​​the body may indicate a serious medical condition, such as a stroke (death of an area of ​​the brain) or a tumor.

Diagnosis of the causes of numbness includes many various methods examinations: x-ray, computed tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance, Ultrasound of blood vessels, electroneuromyography, etc.

Treatment for numbness depends on the causes of its development.
In what cases is numbness in parts of the body not a sign of disease?

Numbness, as a normal reaction of the body, occurs as a result of a long stay of the body or part of the body in one position: for example, sitting at a computer for a long time can cause numbness in the fingers, sleeping in an uncomfortable position can also lead to numbness of the face, arms or legs, etc. .

During the cold season, prolonged exposure to the cold can cause numbness in the hands or feet, but this sensation goes away soon after the limbs are warmed up.

If the numbness is not caused by any disease, then it goes away on its own within a few minutes after changing body position or light massage.

If numbness does not go away within a few minutes, appears periodically for no apparent reason, or is present constantly, you should consult a doctor.
When should you consult a doctor immediately?

Despite the fact that numbness is often caused by non-life-threatening reasons, you should seek medical help as soon as possible if, against the background of numbness:
You cannot move your fingers, arm or leg.
You feel very weak and dizzy.
Involuntary bowel movement occurred Bladder or intestines.
You cannot speak clearly or move normally.
Numbness appeared shortly after the injury in the back, neck, and head.
The main causes of numbness in various parts of the body

Numbness can be a symptom of many different diseases, and in order to find the cause of numbness in your case, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

Numbness of several parts of the body, double vision, loss of coordination of movements, weakness, involuntary emptying of the bladder or bowels occurs with the following diseases:
Multiple sclerosis is chronic illness central nervous system, which is characterized by the replacement of areas of nervous tissue of the brain connective tissue with the development of numbness, loss of sensitivity in certain parts of the body, loss of control over movements, blurred vision, etc. The first symptoms, as a rule, appear at the age of 30-40 years, but the disease may develop in children and the elderly.
A transient cerebrovascular accident is a sudden deterioration in the blood supply to the brain with disruption of its functions, which is manifested by numbness of the face and other parts of the body, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. As a rule, transient cerebrovascular accident develops in people over 60 years of age, as well as in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases ( hypertonic disease, ). Since a transient cerebrovascular accident can be complicated by a stroke (death of a part of the brain), when symptoms develop this state You should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
A brain tumor can compress surrounding areas of brain tissue and cause disruption of their functioning with the appearance of numbness in parts of the body, loss of coordination, and movements in the limbs. Other signs of a brain tumor are headache, blurred vision and other symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, as well as weakness, weight loss, loss of appetite, etc.

If the above symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Numbness of certain parts of the body, as a rule, occurs with diseases of the nerves or blood vessels in this area. Let's look at the main causes of numbness in the face, tongue, hands and feet.
Numbness of the face

Numbness of the facial skin may be a symptom of diseases of the nerves or blood vessels passing through the facial area. If numbness of the face is accompanied by numbness in other parts of the body, then the presence of diseases of the central nervous system is likely.

If numbness of the face occurs in one half of it, accompanied by severe pain, twitching of individual facial muscles, then possible reason numbness is trigeminal neuralgia. Read more about this disease in the article All about neuralgia and its treatment.

If the numb area of ​​the facial skin looks redder, a rash appears on the skin in the form of small blisters with liquid, and “shooting” pains in the facial area periodically occur, then it is possible that the cause of the numbness is shingles (herpes zoster). In some cases, against the background of the above symptoms, there is an increase in body temperature, weakness, and loss of appetite. Read more about this in the article All about herpes zoster and its treatment.

If numbness of the face develops a few minutes before an attack of severe headache, mainly in one half of the head, is accompanied by nausea, the appearance of bright spots before the eyes, then the numbness may be related to a migraine aura - a “harbinger” of an attack. Read more about migraines in the article All about migraines and its treatment.
Numbness of the tongue

Numbness of the tongue can develop as a result of a burn to the mucous membrane (when consuming very hot food or drinks). This numbness goes away on its own within 1-2 days, after the damaged oral mucosa has been restored.

Facial injuries, fractures or dislocations lower jaw, as well as manipulations by a dentist can cause numbness of the tongue.

Smoking, as well as prolonged improper use of inhalers containing steroid hormones (with bronchial asthma), can also provoke the development of numbness of the tongue and oral mucosa. Often numbness in this case is combined with a violation of taste sensitivity.

If numbness of the tongue is accompanied by pain or a tingling sensation in the tongue, dry mouth is noted, and the appearance of the tongue is not changed, then glossalgia is a possible cause. It is assumed that the cause of this condition may be stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

Numbness of the tongue combined with pain in the root of the tongue, throat and ear occurs with neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve. Read more about this in the article All about neuralgia and its treatment.

Numbness combined with change appearance tongue and oral mucosa occurs in the following diseases:
Oral candidiasis (thrush): noted on the tongue and oral mucosa white coating, areas of ulceration. With candidal glossitis (inflammation of the tongue) and stomatitis (inflammation of the oral mucosa), a person experiences pain while eating. Read more about this in the article All about candidiasis and its treatment, as well as All about stomatitis and its treatment.
Vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia) leads to thinning of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, while the tongue looks smooth, “varnished”. Other symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are: dizziness, anemia, dry mouth, numbness in other parts of the body, and gait disturbance. The diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency can be made based on a complete blood count.

If numbness of the tongue is accompanied by numbness in other parts of the body, severe weakness, dizziness, impaired mobility in the arms or legs, then the cause may be diseases such as multiple sclerosis, transient cerebrovascular accident and stroke, as well as a brain tumor (see above).
Numbness of hands and fingers

Numbness of one or both hands that lasts more than 2-3 minutes and periodically returns without visible reasons, may indicate certain diseases of blood vessels and nerves.

If numbness affects both arms, or parts of the right and left arms (hands, fingers), then the possible cause is one of the diseases described above: multiple sclerosis, transient cerebrovascular accident, brain tumor, pernicious anemia.

Symmetrical numbness of areas of the right and left arms (hands, fingers, etc.) in combination with impaired movement in the limbs (paralysis) occurs with polyneuropathy. Polyneuropathy is a chronic nerve disease that typically develops in people with diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, as well as after severe poisoning. The development of numbness in the hands can be gradual (over weeks) or sudden. Numbness of the hands due to polyneuropathy is often combined with numbness of the legs.

If numbness in the fingers is accompanied by pain, the fingers become pale (or blue) and cold to the touch, a possible cause is a sharp spasm (contraction) of the blood vessels in the fingers, which occurs with Raynaud's disease, scleroderma and some other diseases.
Raynaud's disease often develops in young women, especially if their activities involve frequent hand injuries or exposure to the cold.
Scleroderma is a chronic disease that is characterized by the gradual replacement of body tissues (skin, internal organs) with dense connective tissue. Other symptoms of scleroderma are: thickening and hardening of the skin, stiffness in joints, muscle weakness, etc.

If numbness of the arm or part of it occurs against the background of pre-existing headaches, pain in the neck and back, or “shooting” pain in the chest, then a possible cause is a disease of the spine:
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can develop at any age, but most often occurs in young people 20-40 years old who lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as in people who are obese.
in the cervical spine occurs in people over 30-40 years of age, often develops after injuries to the cervical spine, as well as in obese people.

Numbness of the little finger and ring finger in combination with a violation of their flexion, it occurs with ulnar nerve neuropathy. Ulnar nerve neuropathy is a condition that occurs as a result of damage to the nerve. The most susceptible to this disease are people whose work involves a long stay in a position with the elbow resting on a table (for example, working at a computer), a machine, etc. Right-handed people often have numb fingers on their right hand, and left-handed people - on their left hand.

Numbness of any finger of the hand (or several fingers at once), except the little finger, combined with pain in the hand, which intensifies at night and somewhat weakens during the day, occurs with carpal tunnel syndrome, or median nerve neuropathy. The most common causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are hand injuries, broken bones in the arms, inflammation of the joints (arthritis), swelling due to hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) and pregnancy.
Numbness of the legs and toes

Numbness in the legs or areas of the legs (legs, feet, toes, etc.) may be due to various diseases that interfere with circulation in the legs or cause nerve damage.

Numbness of the legs in combination with severe pain in the legs after prolonged standing or walking, found in diseases blood vessels legs:
Obliterating endarteritis (thromangiitis) is a chronic vascular disease (usually the legs), which is characterized by a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels and impaired circulation in the legs. As a rule, this disease develops in young men (20-40 years old) and smokers. IN late stages diseases, if not treated, will form on the legs trophic ulcers- wounds on the skin of the legs that do not heal for a long time, and then the development of necrosis (necrosis) of the tissues of the legs is possible, which ends in amputation (removal of part of the leg). Manifestations of obliterating endarteritis are also possible on the hands.
Chronic venous insufficiency is a consequence of diseases of the leg veins: varicose veins in the legs, deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, etc. As a rule, chronic venous insufficiency develops in women after 60 years of age, in people who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle. You can read more about these diseases in the articles All about varicose veins of the legs and its treatment, All about vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and their treatment.
Atherosclerosis of the leg blood vessels is a disease in which plaques form in the lumen of the arteries of the legs, preventing normal blood flow. Vascular atherosclerosis, as a rule, develops in people over 60 years of age, obese people, smokers and people leading a sedentary lifestyle. You can read more about this disease in the article Vascular atherosclerosis lower limbs.

If numbness affects the back of the leg and is combined with “shooting” pain in the lower back and leg, then neuralgia is a possible cause sciatic nerve(sciatica). Among the causes of sciatica development are osteochondrosis. lumbar region spine, hernia intervertebral discs, injuries to the lower back, etc. Read more about the causes of sciatica and methods of its treatment in the article All about neuralgia and its treatment.

Numbness in the legs (legs, feet, fingers, etc.) can also be caused by polyneuropathy (see above).
Numbness during pregnancy

During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, many women experience a feeling of numbness, which can affect the hands, sides of the thighs, and feet.

Numbness of the fingers or hands during pregnancy is primarily associated with carpal tunnel syndrome - this is compression of the nerve in the wrist due to swelling of the surrounding tissues. Numbness in the hands with carpal tunnel syndrome worsens at night and in the morning and subsides somewhat during the day. As a rule, in order to cope with this problem, it is enough to do special exercises for the hands. The presence of carpal syndrome does not affect negative influence on fetal development. Soon after birth, all symptoms disappear on their own.
How to deal with hand numbness during pregnancy?
During sleep, your hands should be free: nothing should interfere with normal blood flow in the vessels of the hands. Pay attention to your nightie or pajamas: there should be no elastic bands on them. While sleeping, your hands should not hang from the bed.
Try to avoid activities that involve working with your hands: knitting, working on a computer, etc. If it is not possible to stop working, try to occupy yourself correct position at the computer (so that the hands are at the same level as the forearms, and the angle between the shoulder and forearm is straight). Take breaks during which you do special exercises.
Exercises against hand numbness: 1) raise your hands up and vigorously squeeze and unclench your fingers. 2) move your shoulders back and forth. 3) get on all fours so that your palms and fingers touch the floor surface. Stretch forward and freeze for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Then turn your hands so that the backs of your hands and fingers touch the floor. Stretch back and freeze for a few seconds.
Hand massage also has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the hands and eliminates numbness.

Numbness of the lateral thighs usually occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy, shortly before childbirth. This is due to compression of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh. When bending the leg in hip joint The numbness and tingling goes away. Compression of this nerve does not affect the development of the fetus and goes away after childbirth.

Numbness in various parts of the body, including toes and feet, may be associated with a deficiency of microelements: iron (see also iron deficiency anemia), magnesium, calcium, etc. As a rule, a course of treatment with drugs containing these elements helps to get rid of numbness .

We should also not forget that numbness during pregnancy can be caused by the diseases described above. In this regard, at your next scheduled visit to your doctor, tell us about your concerns.
How to find out the cause of numbness?

If numbness occurs frequently, lasts more than 2-3 minutes and its cause is unknown to you, consult a neurologist. Diagnosis of the causes of numbness in various parts of the body includes the following examination methods:
General analysis blood allows to identify iron deficiency anemia (decreased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood), as well as pernicious anemia(with vitamin B12 deficiency).
X-ray and CT scan(CT) scans can detect bone fractures that may cause nerve damage. Also, using these examination methods, osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, arthritis (inflammation of the joints) and other diseases are detected.
Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is used to determine the location of nerve damage, helping to identify carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, and other conditions.
Doppler ultrasound examination of blood vessels helps in the diagnosis of vascular diseases such as deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, etc.

To clarify the diagnosis, many other examination methods may be needed, as well as consultations with specialists (traumatologists, dentists, etc.)
Treatment of numbness

Treatment for numbness depends on the cause of its development. Since numbness can be caused by life-threatening diseases, treatment should only be prescribed by your doctor.

Modern medicine has come a long way in recent decades. Many diseases life threatening and human health, are treatable, successfully diagnosed and eliminated with appropriate drugs. However, not all diseases are so simple. What to do if your tongue goes numb? What could this mean and how can I get rid of it?

Symptoms of tongue numbness

Numbness as a phenomenon is called in the scientific literature, which means “loss of sensitivity.” Surprisingly, people experience their language differently:
  • someone gets “goosebumps”;
  • someone is bothered by tingling at the tip;
  • For some, sensitivity completely disappears;
  • Sometimes, along with the tongue, the lips also become numb.

Most often, such symptoms are harmless and a person may not even notice them. special attention, but sometimes paresthesia causes people inconvenience and discomfort. In such cases, you must definitely go to see a doctor to identify the exact cause, which can sometimes be quite difficult.

Causes of tongue paresthesia

  1. In some cases, paresthesia of the tongue is observed in a person after visiting the dentist, due to an anesthetic drug. The thing is that the roots of the teeth and the nerve endings of the tongue are located very close, so the doctor can accidentally press down or even seriously damage the nerve of the tongue. In the first case, the numbness usually goes away after a couple of days, but in the second, the period can reach several months.
  2. An allergic reaction of the body to taking any antibiotics or medications. This reason is considered one of the most harmless, because in almost 100% of cases sensitivity returns after a couple of days. But still, if you are faced with the problem of numbness, you must definitely consult with your doctor so that he can replace the drug or stop taking the medication.
  3. Burns from excessively hot or cold food or accidental ingestion of alkali or acid into the stomach.
  4. for food, drinks, toothpaste, toothbrush or toothpowder, chewing gum, alcohol.
  5. serves as another reason. Being a disease endocrine system which controls the amount of the hormone insulin, diabetes interferes with normal functioning various types metabolism (from carbohydrate to water-salt), which leads to dry mouth, constant thirst, trembling hands and partial loss of sensitivity of the tongue.
  6. Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that limits the mobility of the tongue, reducing the sensitivity of its nerves. Sometimes, with this disease, a person’s voice even changes and becomes rougher.
  7. Glossalgia is one of the most obvious causes of paresthesia, because it is precisely a disease of the tongue itself, which is also accompanied by discomfort and pain, burning and tingling in the oral cavity.
  8. Age aspect. Since women in mature age If hormonal levels are disrupted (especially during menopause), the mucous membrane often becomes thinner and the processes of epithelial renewal slow down, as a result of which the tip of the tongue goes numb.
  9. , depressive state, restless sleep, irritability (), increased anxiety- all this in rare cases can provoke numbness along with headache and dizziness.
  10. Pregnancy, most often at 15-16 weeks. So, a woman’s body reacts to increased blood pressure, swelling.
  11. Injuries in the face, neck, jaw, as well as hemorrhages caused by damage to parts of the brain.
  12. Anemia - deficiency of iron and vitamin B12, there may be numbness in the fingers and toes, loss of balance when walking.
  13. Multiple sclerosis, which can cause numbness in many other parts of the body.
  14. , in which a person experiences acute headache, nausea, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, lips and tongue. In this case, the person must be provided emergency assistance, immediately call an ambulance.
  15. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking.
  16. Heavy metal poisoning (zinc, mercury, lead, tin, cobalt).
  17. Excess or lack of minerals in the body.
  18. Taking steroid hormones, accompanied by loss of taste. Hair may also appear above upper lip, purple stretch marks in the buttocks or abdomen, weight gain.
  19. Bell's palsy - dysfunction facial nerves, in which there is a loss of sensitivity in the lips, face, tongue, and cheeks. In extreme cases, none taste sensations.
  20. with an aura - rare disease, found in people exposed to stress. In such patients, the functioning of the sense organs is disrupted; they can hear sounds, see stripes or flashes of light before their eyes, feel unpleasant odors, possible problems with speech, numbness in the fingertips, tingling in the tongue.
  21. Oral candidiasis, in which the patient’s tongue is covered with a layer of whitish plaque, when removed, parts of the tongue will begin to bleed. This disease is very difficult to tolerate, since it is painful for a person to even eat and chew food.
  22. Brain tumors. Numbness of the tongue in this case not the main symptom, but still occurs in a number of cases. Associated symptoms are, first of all, severe headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, low temperature body and blood pressure.
  23. Insect or snake bites, such as cobras, vipers. Paresthesia can spread to the entire face and limbs, causing dizziness, drowsiness, and increased heart rate.

What to do?

As is already clear from the above, numbness of the tongue is a problem that can have many causes, so diagnosing patients is very difficult. Often people do not seek help in the first days because they do not numb their tongue of great importance and don’t even realize that paresthesia is side symptom many serious diseases. This problem cannot be left unresolved.

If you do not know for sure what is causing your paresthesia (if it is not taking medications, visiting the dentist, or anesthesia), then you cannot self-medicate. Numbness of the tongue is not an independent disease, but a symptom of another disease, so it cannot be cured.

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