Home Children's dentistry What causes low blood pressure. Some tips on what to do at home urgently if you have low blood pressure

What causes low blood pressure. Some tips on what to do at home urgently if you have low blood pressure

Every cell of the human body is supplied with nutrients and oxygen with the help of the smallest blood vessels– capillaries. The whole body is dotted with them, because tissues need to regularly receive energy and remove metabolic products. The expansion of these vessels provokes a decrease in pressure, and narrowing, accordingly, increases it.

At the same time, a person experiences malaise and even a headache, which is why it is so important to understand the mechanism of the process and be able to normalize one’s condition.

In today's article we will look at the causes of low blood pressure, symptoms characteristic of the disorder, as well as some ways to eliminate it.

Causes of hypotension

Regulation of pressure in the body is a very complex process that involves local and systemic structural units. Each vessel is lined from the inside with smooth muscle, controlled by the nervous system and stuffed with a cloud of sensitive receptors.

It is the contraction of these muscle fibers that causes a change in the lumen in the veins and arteries, and coupled with cardiac activity, a complex tandem is obtained.

Specialized medical literature claims that there are only 3 mechanisms that affect vascular tone:

  1. Local.
  2. Nervous.
  3. Humoral.

Local regulation is carried out in each part of the body individually. If a lot of blood arrives, it puts pressure on the walls of blood vessels and provokes their expansion. Smooth muscles counteract this influence and strive to return to their normal state. This process is not reflected in any way throughout the body, so other mechanisms are much more important.

The nervous system regulates pressure with the help of the autonomic part, which works on an unconscious level, i.e. according to the instructions laid down by nature. Her sympathetic division with the help of vasoconstrictors, it narrows blood vessels, and the parasympathetic, thanks to the effects of vasodilators, dilates.

Any stressful situation may cause excessive excitation or inhibition nervous system, as a result of which the vascular tone changes. But we'll talk about the factors below.

Humoral pressure control

Humoral regulation carried out chemical compounds, an excess or deficiency of which shifts pressure indicators. Substances have different structures and can be both simple and complex:

  1. Calcium ions (constrict blood vessels).
  2. Sodium and potassium ions (expand).
  3. Hormones (increase vascular tone):
  • vasopressin;
  • adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  • thyroxine;
  • renin

Metabolites (increase blood pressure):

  • carbon dioxide;
  • pyruvic and lactic acids;
  • hydrogen ions.

As can be seen from this list, the vast majority of substances increase blood pressure. This suggests a simple conclusion: their deficiency helps reduce blood pressure. But there is another point, which lies in the painful state of the body and some habits.

For example, prostaglandins synthesized during any inflammatory process provoke a decrease in the lumen in the capillaries. That is why for runny noses and other diseases respiratory tract Vasoconstrictors are prescribed.

But pathology can affect many other organs, as a result of which the substances spread with the blood throughout the body and lead to general decline pressure. Histamines have a similar effect, the effect of which is fully felt by people suffering from allergies.

Heavy smokers cannot be left without attention. In the human body, the main transmitter that transmits nerve impulses to muscles is acetylcholine, which also constricts capillaries.

As is known, nicotine replaces this compound in physiological processes. People who abuse cigarettes have a high concentration of nicotine in the blood, as a result of which chronic low blood pressure develops.

Factors provoking hypotension

The reasons for this pathology lie in the body’s reaction to external and internal events, disruption of natural regulation mechanisms. But what contributes to such a disorder?

Eat various factors, each of which can lead to a decrease in pressure:

  • spicy and chronic diseases(heart, blood vessels, allergies, etc.);
  • lack of compounds acting on receptors in the blood (adrenaline, vasopressin, etc.);
  • lack of iron leading to decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • overwork of the body;
  • stressful situations;
  • bleeding;
  • flaw nutrients(vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.);
  • weather conditions (clouds, rain, fog).

Many women are familiar with the deterioration of their condition during menstruation. This is precisely due to bleeding and hormonal imbalances, which often cause a decrease in pressure.

This phenomenon is also observed in people who have recently had surgery, because blood losses are sometimes large, and interference in internal functioning is stressful for the body.

Symptoms of low blood pressure

Doctors distinguish between chronic and temporary hypotension, but their symptoms are very similar. The difference is that chronic hypotensive people have learned to live with their problem without focusing on it, but people with a temporary disorder feel significant discomfort.

Symptoms and causes that characterize low blood pressure usually relate to the systemic reaction of the body, therefore the patient exhibits the following signs:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • sweating of hands and feet;
  • general weakness in the body;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor memory and concentration;
  • lack of air;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • increased sensitivity to light and sound.

A common symptom for all hypotensive patients is long sleep, which a person needs due to high fatigue. Sometimes the patient sleeps even for 9-12 hours, and if he wakes up before the required time, he inevitably feels tired.

When getting out of bed, the vision sometimes becomes dark, and at times there is fainting. In the morning, such people often have low blood pressure and also low body temperature (less than 36 °C).

In addition, hypotensive patients suffer from a lack of air - shortness of breath. As a result, it is difficult for patients to stay for a long time in stuffy rooms, queues of shops and buses with closed windows, and in a standing position, fatigue sets in much faster.

But do not confuse sports hypotension with a pathological disorder. Essentially it's two different concepts. With regular physical activity, the human heart develops and increases in size, so it pumps out more blood per contraction. A low pulse also causes a low effect on blood vessels, which leads to chronic hypotension, but this course of events cannot be called a pathology.

Now that you know the causes and symptoms low pressure, let's talk about what is dangerous for humans. Doctors often disagree on what blood pressure is considered normal. Most people record 120/80, so these data are taken as average.

If, when measured with a tonometer, results above this line are recorded, then they speak of hypertension; if below, they speak of hypotension. However, each person’s body is individual, and many people never complain of blood pressure of 90/60, so doctors have introduced concepts such as physiological and pathological hypotension.

Physiological hypotension does not pose any serious danger in at a young age, because a person gets used to it and does not feel discomfort. But the body still strives to raise the indicators to normal level, which often turns into a mirror situation in old age - chronic high blood pressure. And although this process lasts for decades, we must not wait hypertensive crisis, and gradually bring your condition back to normal.

Pathological hypotension usually indicates disorders in the body. This may be a signal of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system or serious illness adrenal glands, internal bleeding and even myocardial infarction. Often a sharp decline pressure is the only symptom that makes you think about the presence of a serious illness.

This is especially dangerous if the person has never had such attacks before. You can learn about pathological hypotension by sudden loss consciousness or fainting state, and ambulance In this situation, you should call immediately.

Poor innervation of blood vessels by the autonomic nervous system is also a critical disorder, but it does not always manifest itself in acute form. A patient with this pathology experiences impaired coordination of movement, increased fatigue and decreased mental abilities, and fainting cannot be ruled out. However, only full examination will show the true clinical picture.

Ways to increase pressure

Coping with physiological hypotension, although not easy, is still within the power of everyone. And for this it is not at all necessary to go to the hospital, because doctors sometimes prescribe medications without even really understanding the problem. Yes, the healthcare system leaves much to be desired, so first you should try to solve the issue yourself. So how to increase arterial pressure at home?

First of all, you need to develop a special daily routine that will be aimed at eliminating physiological hypotension and normalizing vitality in general:

  1. Healthy sleep. Sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, and more if necessary.
  2. Smooth rise. Never get out of bed suddenly or quickly, otherwise you may lose consciousness. Lying in bed, you need to stretch the muscles of your neck and limbs for several minutes, stretch, and only then get up.
  3. Morning work-out. It is recommended to devote 15-20 minutes to light physical activity every morning, but doing active sports at least 2 times a week (football, volleyball) will lead to better results.
  4. Cold and hot shower. Water procedures should be accompanied by a change in temperature.
  5. Proper nutrition. The diet should be varied with a full range of vitamins, minerals, proteins and other components.
  6. Active lifestyle. It is not recommended to spend your free time on the sofa near the TV. Better go for a walk, breathe fresh air or engage in mobile work, such as cleaning the house.

In addition, drinking strong tea and coffee will also do the trick, but you don’t need to drink more than 2-3 cups a day. Doctors say that these drinks increase blood pressure to a normal level, although in large quantities a person’s nervous system may be too excited, and then problems with sleep will appear.

About danger arterial hypertension Almost everyone knows. However, low blood pressure (BP) is also a risk to the life and health of the patient. What is dangerous about low blood pressure in a person and what indications are considered critical is not known to everyone.

Blood pressure is considered low if its value deviates from the norm downward by 20 percent or more. According to statistics, the condition is found in every 4 inhabitants of the planet. In Russia it is installed in 3 million people. Every year, the disease and its consequences claim the lives of 300 thousand people in the world. What kind of low blood pressure is dangerous for life, the numbers on the tonometer and their meaning, the consequences of arterial hypotension - we will consider further.

General concept of blood pressure

To find out the answer to the question of why low blood pressure is dangerous, it is necessary to consider the term blood pressure itself. This is a vital indicator indicating the excess of pressure in human vessels above atmospheric pressure. The value of blood pressure depends on the characteristics of the patient, his age, habits, and lifestyle. It is determined by calculating the amount of blood pumped by the heart muscle over a certain period of time.

Over the course of life, blood pressure may change. Physical and emotional overload can also lead to fluctuations. Minor deviations in the indicators are observed depending on the time of day.

Table 1. Normal blood pressure for people of different ages.

The generally accepted norm for a healthy adult is blood pressure, the value of which is within mm of mercury. Pulse pressure (the difference between the upper and lower readings) should be between 30–55 mmHg.

IN absolute values indicators of low blood pressure are 90/60 mmHg or less. However, there are some criteria to determine whether low blood pressure is dangerous in a particular case:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. For some patients low values Blood pressure has been normal since birth. Such indicators do not cause discomfort and do not affect performance. The consequences of low pressure in this case are also not detected. In some cases, normalization of indicators is influenced by changes in diet or sleep patterns.
  2. Pathological condition. If a decrease in pressure leads to nausea, dizziness, and decreased performance, then we are talking about arterial hypotension. In this case, the danger of low pressure is very noticeable. Mainly a secondary diagnosis.

Concept of blood pressure

What do the numbers on the tonometer mean?

BP characterizes the work of cardio-vascular system body. To measure it, a device called is used. The blood pressure value is recorded as two numbers:

  1. Upper. Displays blood pressure, which is recorded when blood is pushed out of the heart muscle. Its value is influenced by the force of contractions of the organ and the resistance that arises in the vessels.
  2. Lower. The numerical designation of diastolic blood pressure that occurs when the heart muscle relaxes. Reflects the resistance of the vascular walls.

Performance measurement plays important role in monitoring the state of the body, diagnosing a number of diseases, to understand the processes of development and growth in children and adolescents.

We are talking about lower blood pressure. Such numbers on the tonometer are a deviation from the norm and can be dangerous. However, in order to determine why low blood pressure is bad for a person in this case, it is necessary to take into account the pulse difference indicator. What is dangerous:

  1. If the measurement showed a simultaneous drop in upper and lower blood pressure, then in many cases this condition is justified. As a rule, the result is typical for people who have arterial hypotension at birth. You should think about what low blood pressure means and why it is dangerous only when your health worsens.
  2. A pulse difference of more than 25% is dangerous. What is the threat of low blood pressure in a person with an impressive pulse difference? The indicator may signal development coronary disease heart, dysfunction thyroid gland, etc.

If the upper pressure is 70 mm Hg. Art., then most often we are talking about stable arterial hypotension. This condition is dangerous and requires contacting a doctor to identify the causes. As a rule, it is found:

  1. Arterial hypotension of 2nd severity. Blood pressure ranges from 100/70–90/60 mmHg. Art. Mostly there are no pronounced manifestations.
  2. Arterial hypotension of the 3rd degree. The blood pressure is 70/60 mm Hg. Art. or less. The condition requires special monitoring and pharmacological therapy.

The upper value is 80 mmHg. Art. - not critically low blood pressure in a person. However, this value is a deviation from the norm and may signal some pathologies.

Table 2. Why low blood pressure is dangerous

Orthostatic hypotensionA drop in blood pressure occurs when the body position changes to vertical. Refers to secondary pathologies that develop due to the underlying disease. Affects overall well-being, reduces performance
Ischemic strokeWhen considering the dangers of low blood pressure, it is necessary to separately note the danger of stroke. It is caused by poor cerebral blood supply
Deficiency of blood supply to organsLow blood pressure affects not only the brain, but also vital organs, cells and tissues
DementiaWhat else is dangerous about low blood pressure? high risk senile dementia
IHDCoronary artery disease develops for the same reason - due to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle.
Decreased sensation in the arms or legsSlightly lost
Hypertonic diseaseHypotension negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, which can lead to the development of the opposite condition - hypertension

The next indicator, considering the topic of what low pressure is considered dangerous, is upper blood pressure of 90 mm Hg. Art. What is dangerous:

  1. It is an acceptable deviation from the generally accepted norm. This is a borderline value, less than heart pressure may indicate hypotension.
  2. If blood pressure leads to a worsening of the condition, then it is necessary to consult a doctor to obtain information about how dangerous the condition is for the patient.

The indicator can only be assessed on an individual basis. For some people, meaning is the norm, but for others it is dangerous.

The meaning may indicate the development of some pathological conditions. To assess the situation, heart rate plays an important role. Why low blood pressure is dangerous:

  1. At normal pulse(50–90). As a rule, the indicator is 90/50 mmHg. Art. in this case it is not dangerous.
  2. When elevated (more than 90). It can be triggered by intoxication, significant blood loss, pregnancy, and various diseases.
  3. Less than normal (up to 50). It is a sign of a heart attack, thromboembolism. Registered upon loss of consciousness.

Pressure at normal level pulse is not dangerous. Often it is completely characteristic of a person. The meaning also provokes:

  • regular sleep disturbances;
  • Not balanced diet;
  • bad habits;
  • emotional and physical overload, etc.

If the condition is accompanied by abnormal pulse rates, this can be dangerous. In this case, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Seeing a deviation on the tonometer screen, a person involuntarily wonders what critical low pressure is dangerous for a person. The value should be assessed based on age:

  1. For young people. 90/70 is the norm for young people, especially often found in athletes or with an asthenic physique. Also, blood pressure drops with excessive exercise or violation of the regime. A score of 90/70 is not life-threatening.
  2. In adults. With absence unpleasant symptoms not dangerous. If it affects the quality of life, then it is necessary to identify the cause of the condition.
  3. For the elderly. For people aged 60–65 years, low blood pressure can be critical. A value of 90/70 requires constant monitoring to assess how dangerous the condition is for the patient.

It can be either normal or a sign of hypotension. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • faintness, loss of consciousness;
  • decreased performance and concentration;
  • deviation of the pulse rate up or down;
  • peripheral sensory loss;
  • the appearance of nausea, vomiting;
  • pain in the heart area.

The indicator usually does not affect the person’s condition. The pulse difference is within normal limits. To assess the condition it is important:

  1. Compare pressure over time. If the patient has not previously had low blood pressure, then it is necessary to exclude hypotension.
  2. Assess the general condition. With dizziness, decreased activity, and general weakness, the condition requires attention. Could be dangerous.
  3. Consider additional factors. Conducted pharmacological therapy, time zone changes, irregularities, and diet can lead to low blood pressure.

To understand the individual blood pressure norm for a patient, his age, previous blood pressure readings, and lifestyle are taken into account.

Table 3. Why is blood pressure 100/70 dangerous in different age groups?

Children under 3 years oldIncreased
Children (3-12 years old)Norm
Teens and young adults (12-21)Typical for active young people with pronounced thinness. Most common in girls
Adults (up to 40)The norm for hereditary predisposition and for athletes. If it does not cause discomfort, then it is not a cause for concern.
Elderly (60-65 or more)Decreased. Requires regular monitoring, dangerous
Pregnant womenDecreased. Control required, dangerous

A blood pressure of 100/80 is not dangerous for most people. The meaning causes concern for:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • old people;
  • pregnant women (especially dangerous in the first 3 months);
  • upon detection accompanying symptoms(headache, nausea, fainting, low performance, etc.).
  • if the pulse is abnormal (if it increases or decreases it is dangerous).

The indicator is characterized by a low pulse difference - less than 20 percent. Why is low blood pressure 100/90 mm Hg dangerous? pillar:

  1. With normal heart rate. If the quality of life does not deteriorate, then special monitoring is necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. With high heart rate. Signals malignant or benign tumors, thyroid dysfunction, anemia, heart failure, etc.

A reading of 100/90 can be dangerous to health and life. Self-medication is not recommended.

In general, this indicator can be interpreted as normal, although the diastolic pressure is on the border of the maximum permissible state. Similar blood pressure can also be observed in hypertensive patients - it indicates the development of a hypotensive crisis and, as a rule, is accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

This blood pressure should not raise any questions. A large pulse difference with normal systolic blood pressure indicates vascular elasticity and good condition vascular system.

Why is it dangerous?

Arterial hypotension does not go away without leaving a trace. Why is lower pressure below 60–80 mm Hg dangerous? pillar:

  1. Bad feeling. Arterial hypotension leads to weakness, fatigue, nausea, migraines. This can have a significant impact on your quality of life, but this is the least of the dangers of low blood pressure.
  2. Deficiency of blood supply. Blood flows poorly to organs and tissues. This leads to hypoxia - lack of oxygen.
  3. Oxygen starvation can lead to a stroke, cardiogenic shock, development, etc.
  4. In some cases, arterial hypotension causes death.

What happens to the vessels?

Hypotension has a negative effect on vascular system. What happens to blood vessels at low pressure and why it is dangerous:

  • tone decreases significantly over time;
  • the walls lose their elasticity;
  • the lumen of the blood vessels expands.

As a result, the blood supply to organs and the activity of the cardiovascular system are disrupted.

What pressure is considered critically low?

When blood pressure decreases, a person loses consciousness. Answering the question of what is the lowest blood pressure in a person, we can distinguish a range from 40 to 60 mmHg. Art. We are talking about the upper value. The condition poses a direct threat to the patient's life. To provide urgent medical care there are only 5–7 minutes. It is unacceptable to allow such a fall.

At what pressure should you call an ambulance?

Everything here is quite individual. At what low pressure to call an ambulance is determined by the patient himself. Feeling unwell signals the need to consult a doctor.

You should not wait for a critical drop in blood pressure. Even if there are no obvious symptoms, but the pressure drops below 80/60 mm Hg. Art. You should immediately dial 03 or 112.

At what low blood pressure does a person die?

The main thing is why it is dangerous - death. At what low pressure a person dies is also a very controversial question. Everything is individual, but with indicators of 50/35 mm Hg. Art. the patient falls into a coma and dies.

Useful form

What pressure is considered normal, how to measure and control it correctly - see the following video:


  1. Lethal low blood pressure for a person can vary.
  2. Age, lifestyle, and individual characteristics are taken into account.
  3. A regular drop in blood pressure without risking life can also be dangerous. As a result, many diseases and pathologies develop, so low blood pressure requires due attention.

Blood pressure is considered low if it is less than 100/60 mm Hg. Art. A condition in which blood pressure and pulse are low is called hypotension.

The presence of hypotension does not depend on age. Low blood pressure can affect both older and younger people. Hypotension can be pathological or physiological. There are quite a lot of reasons why blood pressure decreases and they are extremely diverse.

Hypotension is not a diagnosis because modern medicine does not recognize low blood pressure as a disease.

Symptoms low blood pressure are malaise and general weakness, weakness, lethargy. In the back of the head, a person experiences a feeling of hypoxia (lack of air). In addition, shortness of breath appears, the person sweats heavily, and becomes dizzy. Nausea and may occur.

Causes of low blood pressure

Hypotension can be physiological and pathological.

Physiological hypotension is congenital and is typical, as a rule, for people with asthenic physique. People of this type are thin, have pale skin and blond hair. They are not very efficient and hardy, but such people do not feel their low blood pressure and live full life. But they tolerate the slightest increase in pressure (even up to normal levels, that is, up to 120/80).

Pathological hypotension occurs as a result of a number of factors.

Pathological causes of low blood pressure:

  • Disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system. Often the pressure decreases against the background inflammatory processes, occurring in the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis), which in most cases develop as complications after suffering or. Possible reason hypotension may occur various kinds heart block and arrhythmias. All these pathologies are easily diagnosed using an ECG.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia. With this pathology, pressure changes occur differently for everyone. For some it decreases, for others it increases. This is due to the fact that there are two forms of the disease - parasympathetic and sympathoadrenal. With parasympathetic vegetative-vascular dystonia the hormone acetylcholine is produced, which helps lower blood pressure and causes weakness, chills and cold sweat. With sympathoadrenal dystonia, adrenaline is produced, which does exactly the opposite. It increases blood pressure, causes a feeling of heat, aggression, and sullenness. A mixed form of the disease is also possible, in which the pressure constantly fluctuates and the person literally feels either hot or cold.
  • Depression. Anhedonic, apathetic and asthenic depression are usually accompanied by low diastolic pressure.
  • Side effects of medications. Reducing blood pressure is possible by taking a number of medications, namely:
    • large doses of sedatives (motherwort, Corvalol);
    • cardiac medications (beta-blockers, nitroglycerin);
    • painkillers and antispasmodics;
    • antibiotics in large doses.
  • Procedures that result in vasodilation (wraps, thermal baths, sauna, Russian bath) can dramatically lower blood pressure.
  • Drop in pressure during bleeding, exacerbation. Usually accompanied by cold sweat and general weakness. When the causes are eliminated, the pressure returns to normal.
  • Shock conditions of various origins. Occurs against the background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, with endocrine disorders and receiving a number medicines. Such conditions are accompanied by low blood pressure and high pulse.

Update: October 2018

Everyone knows how it affects the length and quality of life high pressure, but those sufferers who inherited it or due to circumstances are often left alone with the problem of low blood pressure.

Blood pressure is considered low if it does not exceed 100 per 65 mmHg. All numbers that do not reach this threshold can lead to a deterioration in blood supply to the periphery of the body and cause a number of unpleasant symptoms and changes associated with oxygen starvation in organs and tissues.

The condition is called hypotension. Low upper pressure indicates a decrease in the contractile capabilities of the heart, low lower pressure indicates problems with its vascular component or renal problems.

Low blood pressure in healthy people

In the absence of diseases, physiological hypotension can occur under certain environmental conditions:

  • in hot climates with high humidity
  • workers in hot shops
  • in high altitude conditions
  • Athletes are most susceptible to low blood pressure
  • people engaged in physical labor with significant loads.

Causes of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure can be congenital or acquired under the influence of external causes. The main situations in which the pressure will drop below permissible norm, the following.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

VSD and discoordination of the vascular center in the medulla oblongata lead to the fact that the lumen of the vessels does not narrow enough when changing external conditions environment and the pressure is not maintained at a level sufficient for normal functioning of the body (see).

Cerebral atherosclerosis


For the treatment of chronic hypotension, the mildest drugs are adaptogens from plant and animal raw materials. These remedies increase the tone of the vascular center, gently stimulate the heart and constrict blood vessels. In addition to increasing blood pressure, these drugs reduce fatigue, eliminate drowsiness and somewhat increase the overall tone and performance of a person.

  • Pantocrine (80-100 rubles), extracts of motherwort (10 rubles), ginseng (40-70 rubles), lure and lemongrass (30-100 rubles), Rhodiola rosea tincture (30 rubles) and Manchurian aralia tincture (40-50 rubles) . Saparal tablets based on Manchurian aralia can be used as blood pressure stimulants.
  • Traditional adaptogens also include some varieties of red wine, for example, Cahors. Of course, you should take it one dessert spoon per day, not in liters.

Alpha adrenergic agonists

In case of acute drops in pressure (hypotensive crises, orthostatic decreases in blood pressure, fainting states) alpha adrenergic agonists are more effective. The drugs increase blood pressure by stimulating alpha-adrenergic receptors, which leads to narrowing of the arteries and maintaining a constant volume of blood circulating in the bloodstream. At the same time, drowsiness and fatigue are reduced.

  • Injection solutions and tablets Gutron, Midodrin, Midamin effectively increase blood pressure. They are contraindicated in cases of arterial hypertension, circulatory failure, rhythm disturbances, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, glaucoma, and renal failure.
  • Mezaton (Phenylephrine), Norepinephrine (Norepinephrine), and Fethanol are used in solutions; Mephentermine is produced in the form of pills.
  • Central nervous system stimulants can increase blood pressure, accelerate learning processes, and reduce fatigue.
  • Indirect adrenergic agonists are sodium caffeine benzoate.


  • Analeptics that stimulate the vasomotor center are Etilephrine, Effortil, Symptol, Nitecamide, Cordiamin, Etimizol, Akrinor.
  • Analeptics that realize their effects through spinal cord: Securinin, Angiotensinamide.
  • When the pressure is low and high heart rate Anticholinesterase drugs (Bellataminal, Ginos, Bromenval) can tell you what to do.

Thus, low blood pressure is not always just a depressed state and chronic weakness, but also the risks of vascular accidents. Therefore, if you have low blood pressure, it is not wise to self-medicate, but you should undergo a full examination by a therapist or neurologist.

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the the most important indicators vital activity of the body. In fact, it demonstrates the performance of the heart muscle: the pressure with which it can “drive” blood through the circulatory system.

Let's delve a little deeper into the theory. The first value in the blood pressure indicator is systolic blood pressure. It refers to the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle contracts and pushes blood into the arteries. The second value, diastolic blood pressure, is an indicator of the pressure in the arteries at a time when the heart muscle is relaxed. That is, this minimum indicator pressure in the arteries over the entire circulatory cycle. The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is called pulse pressure. According to accepted standards, it should be in the range of 35-55 mm Hg. Art. But this indicator is little known to the general public, since it is used quite rarely.

Is 110/70 mmHg. Art. This figure is quite arbitrary, since blood pressure is purely individual indicator each person. It depends on many factors: psychological state, time of day, intake of tonic products, individual characteristics or medications. Therefore, normal blood pressure is determined by the ranges: systolic from 90 to 140 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic from 60 to 90 mm Hg. Art. A blood pressure reading above this range is termed hypertension, while a blood pressure reading below the normal range is termed hypotension or hypotension. It is in the last two terms that we will understand in as much detail as possible.

In most cases, a sharp drop in blood pressure is caused by either external influence(often severe injuries or shock), or exacerbation of a third-party disease, which provokes blood loss, heart failure and dehydration. In such cases, low blood pressure is the cause of the development oxygen starvation brain and internal organs(hypoxia), which can result in insurmountable consequences.

A slight decrease in blood pressure does not have such a detrimental effect on the body, but at the same time significantly affects the patient’s quality of life. Hypotension causes constant feeling weakness, apathy and a number of other symptoms that constantly make themselves felt.

We already noted a little higher that blood pressure can drop rapidly, or it can decrease slightly. Based on the nature of the decrease, hypotension is divided into acute and chronic.

The first is characteristic of injuries, shock states and collapses, when very low pressure is recorded and a very quick response to what happened is needed. Chronic hypotension is typical for people who have persistently low blood pressure due to individual predisposition or occupational costs. In particular, chronic hypotension is common among athletes and those whose work involves constant physical activity. Chronic hypotension is also sometimes called physiological. There is also an opinion that a number of people from birth have a predisposed body to lower blood pressure.

In turn, chronic hypotension is divided into primary and secondary. The first of them is an independent disease. Opinions regarding its origin vary. But, for the most part, doctors believe that primary hypotension is a neurosis-like disease of the vasomotor centers in the brain, which is preceded by emotional overstrain or prolonged exposure to stress.

Secondary hypotension is a consequence of the development of third-party pathologies and intoxication of the body, or by-effect from taking medications. The tactics to combat this pathology are built around treating the cause of its occurrence. And therapy aimed at normalizing blood pressure is symptomatic.

Causes of hypotension

We have already indicated that low blood pressure can be a consequence of occupational factors and individual characteristics of the body. Let's look at what exactly can cause acute and secondary hypotension.

TO acute hypotension lead:

  • sharp allergic reactions(anaphylactic shock),
  • myocardial infarction and intracardiac blockade,
  • arrhythmias with a severe course,
  • large volume of blood loss.

This list is far from exhaustive. But the main thing to remember in case of acute hypotension is that the pressure in such cases drops to very low levels and the person needs urgent hospitalization. In most cases, the count is in minutes.

Secondary hypotension can be caused by many diseases associated, in fact, with all vital systems of the body. In particular, chronic hypotension often leads to diabetes, stomach ulcer, liver cirrhosis, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems. A specific disease that causes low blood pressure is diagnosed only through a series of studies, since only a correct history can eliminate the cause and return blood pressure to normal.

Causes of low blood pressure in women

Separately, it is necessary to consider the prerequisites that lead to a decrease in blood pressure in women. Because of them physiological characteristics, the list of reasons here is somewhat broader.

Cases of hypotension in pregnant women are quite common. On different dates carrying a child this condition is caused various factors. In the first trimester, a decrease in blood pressure is the body’s response to a sharp jump in the production of the hormone progesterone. In later stages, low blood pressure occurs due to the physically growing abdomen. It makes it difficult for venous blood to return to the heart, which is especially evident in hypotension during twin pregnancy. Also lead to hypotension during pregnancy Iron-deficiency anemia, polyhydramnios and inferior vena cava syndrome.

In addition, low blood pressure is typical for those women who are too keen on vegetarianism. Lack of essential vitamins and microelements is a nutritional cause of hypotension.

Hypotension is also likely to develop in women during menstruation. The same iron deficiency in the body, enhanced by the refusal to eat iron-containing foods (meat) during diets, becomes the cause of hypotension.

Symptoms of hypotension development

Low blood pressure can be easily diagnosed using a fairly easy-to-use device that almost everyone who experiences certain problems with blood pressure has at home. But the measurement itself will show only a one-time decrease in blood pressure, which may well be situational and not be considered hypotension. Therefore, this disease, in addition to regular blood pressure measurements, can be determined by a number of visual signs, most of which are, in one way or another, related to the general condition of the body.

First of all, general weakness indicates hypotension. It is constantly expressed feeling unwell without visible reasons, absent-mindedness, lethargy, unstable emotional state and general apathy. Hypotonic people are characterized by bad dream, a constant feeling of lack of sleep and difficulty waking up in the morning.
In addition, hypotension is often manifested by vomiting, shortness of breath and arrhythmia even with minor physical exertion, excessive sweating and dizziness. Quite often, people experience slight dizziness when getting out of a chair or bed - this is a clear sign low blood pressure.

Such symptoms are a clear reason to consult a doctor. This will allow you to timely find the cause of this condition, correctly develop tactics for its elimination and effectively get rid of hypotension. The main thing to remember is that self-medication of hypotension will only give results in the form of immediate normalization of blood pressure. But without eliminating the causes that led to this problem, it will not be possible to completely get rid of hypotension. And the only correct way out for hypotension is to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of low blood pressure and offer the correct comprehensive treatment.

Treatment of hypotension

Treatment of hypotension is a rather interesting issue. In most cases, it is not treated, but the diseases that provoked low blood pressure. And in such cases, the tactics of therapy directly depend on what it is aimed at.

It’s a different matter when we consider primary chronic hypertension, or the state of acute hypertension, in which a person needs to quickly raise blood pressure to a normal level. In such cases, the treatment regimen is aimed specifically at normalizing blood pressure. Therapy in such conditions is developed in two directions:

  • drug treatment,
  • lifestyle modifications to eliminate the prerequisites for the development of hypotension.

Medicines for high blood pressure

Three groups of drugs are used to combat hypotension:

  • adaptogens,
  • alpha adrenergic agonists,
  • analeptics.

Let's bring them brief characteristics in table form:

Group of drugs Commercial names and price Description Nature of action
Adaptogens Pantocrine (from 137 rub.), Saparal, ginseng, pink radiola, lemongrass. Drugs of natural or artificial origin that increase the ability of life support systems to resist external influences. They are considered the mildest group of drugs against hypotension. Medicines in this group have a vasoconstrictor effect and tone the vascular center. In addition, adaptogens have a positive effect on general condition person, leveling fatigue and apathy.
Alpha adrenergic agonists Gutron (from 1100 rub.), Mezaton (from 82 rub.). Drugs in this group are used, in most cases, for acute hypotension, when a rapid and effective increase in blood pressure is necessary. They have an effect on alpha-adrenergic receptors, maintain a constant volume of blood circulating in the body, and have a vasoconstrictor effect.
Analeptics Cordiamine (from 77 rub.), Etimizol. Drugs with a strong effect on the departments medulla oblongata responsible for respiratory and vasomotor functions. Analeptics stimulate the functioning of the respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as a number of parts of the central nervous system.

The choice of a specific drug from this list is the prerogative of doctors. Much depends on the nature of hypotension, the individual characteristics of the patient and a number of associated factors. In any case, the effect of using medications of any of these groups when correct use sufficient to normalize blood pressure.

Behavioral factors to combat low blood pressure

Many doctors unanimously say that the key to fighting hypotension is healthy image life. First of all, this concerns emotional state. More positive emotions, pleasure from life, a sense of usefulness of oneself and one’s activities - in many cases are the fundamental factor in the normalization of blood pressure.

In addition, for people prone to hypotension, it is important to have a balanced diet rich in all the necessary components, proper rest after physical activity and physiological procedures aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. These include massages, swimming, hardening the body with a contrast shower.

We must not forget about an active lifestyle. Regular physical exercise stimulate more intensive work hearts that begin to throw out circulatory system large volumes of blood. Thanks to this, blood flow is normalized and the natural level of blood pressure is restored.

The complex of these behavioral factors is useful not only for those suffering from hypotension. Sticking to these simple rules, any person will always keep his body in good shape and forget about many health-related problems.

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