Home Pulpitis Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). Treatment of VSD in adults Autonomic dysfunction treatment

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). Treatment of VSD in adults Autonomic dysfunction treatment

Strictly speaking, vegetative-vascular dystonia is not a disease and is not included in the international classification of diseases. However, this diagnosis is often made. VSD is considered as secondary autonomic disorders that arose against the background of mental or somatic diseases. The quality of life suffers greatly if a person is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Getting rid of this disorder forever is a completely solvable task. And even at home, you can do a lot, especially if you use different treatment methods in combination.

It is not always possible to fight vegetative-vascular dystonia without the help of medications. The main classes of drugs prescribed for vegeto vascular dystonia:

  • sedatives - inexpensive, sold without a prescription, made from natural plant materials;
  • anxiolytics will relieve excessive anxiety and anxiety;
  • antipsychotics will calm the nerves;
  • Antidepressants will help restore lost interest in life;
  • nootropics will solve problems with memory and attention;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • sleeping pills will help cope with sleep disorders.

Important! Only the attending physician prescribes medications and determines dosages; it is permissible to choose only sedatives on your own.

The medications used also depend on the type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which can manifest itself as heart rhythm disturbances (cardiac) or pressure surges (vascular), and also have both types of symptoms (). For the first type of VSD, beta-blockers are often prescribed. If blood pressure tends to increase, antihypertensive medications may be necessary. If, on the contrary, the pressure is low and vegetative-vascular dystonia is diagnosed, caffeine and tinctures of tonic plants help get rid of the symptoms. For all types of VSD, antioxidants and vitamin complexes to improve immunity.

Herbal medicine

Traditional medicine has considerable experience in how and how to treat vegetative vascular dystonia at home. This is primarily treatment with decoctions and infusions medicinal plants. These include valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, which have sedative properties, St. John's wort with the properties of a natural antidepressant, mint with a slight hypnotic effect, relieving pain syndrome hops, heart-soothing hawthorn and many others medicinal plants. If the hypotonic type of vegetative-vascular dystonia predominates, you can help yourself with the help of natural tonic plants - ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea.

Folk recipes are most often presented not in the form of individual herbs, but in the form of collections. Each component has an effect on one of the symptoms, and a mixture of them helps more effectively. There are many of them, here are just a few:

  1. A mixture of chamomile, birch buds, St. John's wort, and elecampane root is prepared as an infusion, filtered, and honey is added.
  2. Echinacea flowers, Rhodiola rosea root - 2 parts, hop cones - 1 part. Honey is also added to the finished infusion. A good general tonic.
  3. 2 parts each of the roots of Leuzea, Rhodiola, Angelica, mistletoe herb, 3 parts of valerian root and St. John's wort, 4 parts of licorice root and rose hips. The infusion is especially suitable for men.
  4. 2 parts each of dandelion roots, licorice, Rhodiola rosea and Leuzea, nettle leaves, wormwood, knotweed, rose hips, 3 parts each of angelica root and viburnum fruits. The gathering is considered female.
  5. Valerian root, cumin, motherwort, calendula and dill in equal parts - this infusion harmonizes nervous system.
  6. Rose hips, barberries and black currants, taken equally, lemon balm and nettle leaves. Increases overall tone, relieves headaches and dizziness.

To prepare infusions, you usually take two tablespoons of crushed and mixed ingredients per 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse in an enamel or glass container until cool or in a thermos. Drink 60–120 ml up to three times a day.

There is also an interesting recipe, the healing effect of which is noticeable after two weeks of use. Pour a glass of oatmeal (not flakes!) into a liter of water and boil until thickened. Strain and mix the broth with the same amount of milk, add honey. Take 100 ml three times a day.

Hibiscus tea has unique properties. When hot it increases arterial pressure, cold - lowers. You can prepare it directly in a mug or glass: one large flower is poured with boiling water, covered with a saucer and allowed to stand. In case of hypotension, it is better to drink immediately; in case of hypertension, it is better to cool it.

Juniper berries are often recommended for home treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia according to the following scheme: start with one and increase to 12 by the twelfth day of intake, then also begin to reduce one by one. These 24 days of admission constitute the course of treatment. Beekeeping products - honey, royal jelly, propolis and others - have a well-deserved reputation. The enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants they contain are useful for improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Finally, folk recipe, known as "seven glasses". This is a mixture of equal parts of Cahors, liquid honey and juices from radish, carrots, beets, lemon and garlic. Drink 100–150 ml three times a day before meals.


In order to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia forever at home, you need to remember this accessible means, How ordinary water. Of course, a circular or fan shower is very rare in an ordinary apartment, but anyone can arrange a contrast shower. For cyclic shifts of hot and cold water The body responds by producing stimulating hormones. Blood vessels alternately dilate and contract. This kind of training hardens them, strengthens their tone and reduces fragility. General metabolism improves. The procedure includes three cycles, each approximately 40-50 seconds, starting with hot and ending with cold water.

Note! The procedure should be enjoyable, otherwise its benefits will be questionable. The temperature contrast is selected individually; you can start with a small difference and gradually increase it. There should not be any severe discomfort. Even a small temperature difference with regular exposure is beneficial.

A good way to relax is baths. Oxygen and pearl baths are available in a sanatorium or a special physiotherapy department. You can easily arrange a relaxation session for yourself at home:

  • In an aromatic bath, if you take care of suitable essential oils. In particular, oils of coniferous plants or ready-made pine concentrate have a good effect on mood and emotions;
  • In the bath with sea ​​salt: blood circulation is well stimulated, the skin is cleansed.
  • In a bath with mustard: dissolve 5-6 tablespoons in warm water in advance, pour into the bath (water at a temperature of 39 degrees). A bath taken before bed for seven minutes is effective against headaches.
  • In a bath with herbs - chamomile, mint, oregano, lemon balm, rosemary. Each of the plants is useful in its own way, but they all relieve stress and unnecessary tension.

Strengthening capillary blood flow and activating gas exchange in the lungs can be helped with a hot chest wrap. You need to prepare two terry towels and fold a not very thick blanket four times. Then soak a towel in hot (70 degrees) water, wring it out very well, wrap it around chest, a dry towel and a woolen blanket on top. Then quickly go to bed and cover yourself with a cotton blanket. After 20 minutes, remove the towels and spend another 40 minutes in bed, resting.

Physical exercise

Without physical activity, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure vegetative vascular dystonia at home. Those patients who have VSD symptoms expressed very strongly in older people, as well as in those who have accompanying illnesses, would be more suitable physiotherapy. A doctor can recommend a set of exercises; the main thing is to do them regularly at home. Exercises with the body positioned upside down cannot be included in the complex. If you have hypertension, you should not lower your head low when doing exercises.

It's very good to go swimming. Playing sports are also useful because they have a positive effect on the emotional background. Aerobic, moderate strength exercises are included in many modern views training. But if repeating monotonous movements seems boring or difficult, there are many types of dance fitness. In this case, there is also a load, but it is not so noticeable, and emotionally such training has a very positive effect.

Skiing and skating, cycling in the summer, light jogging, table tennis, hiking in the forest, in the mountains - all the opportunities to exercise yourself physically can be listed for a long time. But exercises with a barbell and on strength training machines are not for the period of VSD treatment. Of the simulators are useful treadmill, elliptical or exercise bike.

Important! For exercise, especially with aerobic exercise, the flow of oxygen is important. Therefore, you need to practice in a well-ventilated area or go out into the fresh air.

Stress relief

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia at home must necessarily be accompanied by relaxation and stress relief. To do this, you can use various practices - meditation, yoga.


The role of yoga in relieving everyday stress has long been recognized throughout the world. It also allows you to gently get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Classes should not immediately become intense, you should start gradually, dosing the load individually. It is also necessary to take into account the type of VSD and which part of the autonomic nervous system gives symptoms.

If prevails sympathetic division, in stock hypertensive type VSD. During classes, you need to activate the parasympathetic department. The emphasis is on bending and short relaxations, twisting while lying and sitting. When breathing, it is important to focus not on the duration of exhalation.

The hypotonic type of VSD owes its appearance to the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. Dynamic techniques, deflections, lateral bends, standing poses, balances are preferred. All this stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system. Respiratory emphasis is on inhalation.


Breathing practices for regular classes will improve the blood supply to the brain, give impetus to improving metabolism, the result will be improved well-being and relief from vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are many exercises. One of them is called “Full Breathing”. The exercise is performed standing, arms along the body, legs slightly apart. In the process of inhaling, you need to slightly rise on your toes, you can raise your arms up through your sides. As you exhale, lower your arms and lower them.

  1. Inhale, expanding your belly (filling the bottom of your lungs).
  2. Expansion of the chest (filling the middle part of the lungs).
  3. Inject air into the collarbone area (filling the upper part of the lungs).
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  5. Release the air from your stomach.
  6. Release air from the ribs area.
  7. Complete the release of the upper part of the lungs.


You can find harmony with yourself, restore peace and tranquility by mastering meditative techniques. This immersion into oneself makes it possible to harmonize the energy of thoughts, extinguish anxious and panicky ones. This condition makes it possible to independently help yourself with vegetative-vascular dystonia. It will take willpower and concentration to do it regularly. But the effect will be long-lasting.

There are many meditation techniques, but you should not blindly imitate someone who is practicing. It is important to adhere general rules. It is necessary to completely retire, monitor your breathing and lengthen your exhalation, visualize the situation or image in which you would like to be. Body position is not that important. First of all, the lotus pose comes to mind, but during meditation you can sit on a chair or lie down. Convenience and comfort are important. The eyes are closed, but sometimes the gaze is focused on some object or point.

Find out more about how to deal with various psychological problems with the help of meditative practices, you can psychologist channel Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Balanced diet

Treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia at home is impossible without harmonizing nutrition. Minerals and vitamins should be present in the diet in sufficient quantities, but foods containing harmful substances and toxins should be excluded from the menu:

  • less processed and canned food, fast food;
  • limit salt and salty foods;
  • forget about fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  • eat sweets and sugar less often.

You need to replace unwanted products fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and nuts, lean meat and fish, cereals and legumes, fermented milk drinks and cottage cheese. Useful products even more than harmful ones, they will not let you go hungry.

It is possible to fight and defeat vegetative-vascular dystonia if all possible treatment methods are used in combination. However, bad habits will always be an obstacle on this path. Therefore, you need to gather your willpower and urgently change what is definitely not beneficial:

  • quit smoking, don’t drink alcohol;
  • establish a routine, go to bed before midnight, get enough sleep;
  • do not overwork - the balance between work and rest is important;
  • walk on fresh air should become a replacement for television programs and social networks;
  • find interesting and useful hobbies, hobbies that will improve your mood and distract you from bad habits;
  • choose pleasant, interesting people to communicate with;
  • enjoy life or just smile more often. A smile engages the right part of the brain, and a positive emotion will follow.

Anyone who is working on themselves, their character and health will benefit from the advice of a psychologist

If you are constantly worried, move little, feel a loss of strength and strange pains throughout your body, do not brush off the problems. This means that the body’s “internal regulator” works with double mobilization or even to the limit of its capabilities. So strange symptoms will not go away on their own. In such cases, doctors suspect a disorder of the autonomic nervous system and advise a comprehensive examination.

Let's talk about the causes of failure in self-regulation systems, methods of therapy and prevention.

What is an autonomic nervous system disorder?

A disorder of the autonomic nervous system is a complex disorder of the autonomic part of the central nervous system, which is manifested by a deterioration in general well-being and symptoms similar to somatic diseases: migraine, tachycardia, heart attack, sexual dysfunction, osteochondrosis. This disorder is not recognized official medicine How separate disease, but according to statistics, 65-75% of adults suffer from autonomic disorders. The age peak occurs at 25-40 years, and in 40% of cases the disease significantly reduces performance. Therefore, at the first symptoms of dysfunction, it is necessary to identify its cause and begin treatment.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) helps a person flexibly adapt to changeable external conditions. It is this that causes the heart to beat faster in response to fear or physical activity, makes us sweat in the heat, gives the “command” to the pupils to dilate, and bladder shrink... However, forced adaptation to negative external influences depletes the system and can cause it to fail. And at some point, natural settings fail.

The autonomic nervous system is a complex structure responsible for the vital functions of each organ and the entire organism as a whole. Accordingly, signals of “disorder” can be sent to any organs, including the skin. Autonomic dysfunction belongs to a broad group of nervous disorders, so its manifestations can be the most unpredictable:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of organs or systems: problems with the heart, lungs, irritable bowel syndrome, frequent urination, sweating.
  • Sharp short-term surges in pressure and temperature.
  • Shallow sleep.
  • Body aches.
  • Increased anxiety, tension.
  • Sudden fainting.
  • Reduced performance.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Lethargy, irritability.
  • Sudden pain of unknown origin.

To autonomic dysfunction syndrome( SVD) lead to very real diseases. Often these are endocrine problems, diseases of the kidneys, heart, genitourinary and digestive systems. Patients with varied but unclear symptoms make the rounds of doctors' offices, conducting a "overhaul" of their bodies. If after all the tests, ECG, MRI, electroencephalography, daily monitoring blood pressure, no organ pathologies are detected, patients are referred to a neurologist. It was he who after diagnostic procedures clarifies the cause of suffering, and then prescribes adequate treatment.

Causes of the disorder

A single cause of ANS dysfunction has not yet been discovered. But the danger of earning it is simply enormous. To understand why the diagnosis of “nervous system disorder” is being made more and more often today, just read the list of possible root causes:

  • Genetic predisposition, heredity.
  • Difficult pregnancy, birth trauma.
  • Poor nutrition, overeating.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Workaholism, chronic stress.
  • Understated, excellent student syndrome.
  • Hormonal imbalance, age-related disorders.
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcoholism).
  • Head injuries.
  • Self-medication, drug abuse.
  • Allergy, chronic infection.
  • Mental, physical, mental stress.

According to statistics, manifestations of autonomic dysfunction make themselves felt already in adolescence and are much more common than colds. In men, the disease is diagnosed two times less often than in women. But this is only because women monitor their health more carefully and seek medical help more often.

SVD therapy

Regardless of the causes of the disease, the goal of treatment is to reduce levels and combat stress. Therefore, a nervous disorder is treated comprehensively: pharmacology and non-drug methods. These can be herbal medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins, antidepressants, heart medications. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor, but the patient is required not only to take medications regularly, but also to be willing to work on himself.

What to do if you have a ANS disorder

Change your lifestyle and diet. One of important rules for a person who is interested in recovery, do not force the body into a stressful state. Therefore, you will have to give up the habit of sitting at the computer in the evenings, eating on the go, and working on weekends. It will be all the more pleasant to acquire new habits: going to bed on time, getting enough sleep, devoting time to communicating with your family, being active.

Master relaxation techniques. You can unload the psyche using different methods. The main thing is to choose for yourself the one that brings you more pleasure: fitness (aerobics, Zumba), sports (swimming, cycling, exercise equipment), nordic walking, dancing. Breathing techniques help to control yourself in stressful situations. Aromatherapy, a hot bath with aromatic oils or a relaxing massage will permanently reinforce relaxation and a positive attitude.

Sign up for psychotherapy. Individual or group classes with a psychotherapist they help to work through internal reasons stress that leads to ANS disruptions. During psychotherapy sessions, the client learns to behave correctly during conflicts, change his attitude towards negative events, and express feelings and emotions. The psychotherapist not only talks with the client, but helps to find the root cause of the disorder and get rid of the emotional thorn painlessly and forever.

Carry out prevention. To consolidate the results of therapy, you need to reconsider your habits, work and rest schedules, nutrition, preferences, and tastes. Be sure to take vitamins, get tested regularly, and give up caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol. You will have to accustom yourself to physical exercise, even if at first it will be simple walks. But the main thing is not to get nervous over trifles. After all, all diseases are “from nerves.”

Autonomic nervous system disorder – dangerous condition for the patient and his loved ones. Therefore, doctors do not advise tracking incomprehensible symptoms at the very beginning, so as not to lead yourself to critical condition. You can start with pleasant methods: visiting a spa, relaxing massage, vacation by the sea. If the condition does not return to normal, you should still consult a doctor.

Vegetovascular dystonia can develop for many reasons. The most common ones include the following:

Hereditary predisposition. If either parent suffers from VSD, there is a high chance that the child will inherit the disorder.

Temporary hormonal imbalances or illnesses endocrine system . Hormones take part in regulating the functions of the nervous system, and any changes in hormonal balance can lead to VSD. This explains why vegetative-vascular dystonia often debuts during puberty, during pregnancy or after childbirth, during menopause - natural hormonal changes provoke this disorder.

Excessive loads. This can be either mental or physical stress, which depletes the nervous system, including the autonomic department.

Unhealthy Lifestyle. This can include bad habits (alcoholism, smoking), lack of a normal work and rest schedule, unbalanced diet, sedentary work that is not compensated physical activity, etc. Such circumstances force the autonomic nervous system to work “for wear and tear”, since it has to constantly support normal functions organism against the backdrop of unfavorable conditions.

Chronic diseases. Any disease with a long course can lead to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

The presence of any of the listed circumstances does not mean that VSD will necessarily develop. Often a provoking factor is required, which plays the role of a trigger. Thus, the likelihood of vegetative-vascular dystonia increases sharply with a sharp change in climate zone, after experiencing acute stress, and with an increase in body weight.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The autonomic nervous system performs very important functions: maintains conditions for normal functioning of the body (body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.), and “corrects” the functioning of the heart, vascular tone and other parameters when necessary. For example, it stimulates the secretion of sweat in hot weather to cool the body.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a condition in which almost all systems and organs are involved. This explains why the symptoms of VSD are so varied. But all manifestations of this condition can be divided into several categories:

Respiratory (breathing). The patient complains of rapid breathing, not associated with physical or emotional stress, a feeling of shortness of breath - the inability to take a deep breath. Episodes of excitement, fear, and anxiety can cause severe shortness of breath and a feeling of lack of oxygen.

Cardiac (heart). In this case, VSD manifests itself as rapid heartbeat, irregular heart rhythm (a feeling that the heart is stopping in the chest, after which it begins to beat very quickly), pain and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Thermoregulatory. The main complaints are an unreasonable increase in body temperature, not associated with ARVI or other diseases, or a decrease in temperature.

Dysdynamic. Such manifestations of VSD consist of circulatory disorders. This may be a slowdown in blood circulation in tissues and/or negative changes in blood pressure - an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

Psychoneurological. This category of symptoms includes weather dependence, sleep disturbances (nighttime insomnia combined with daytime sleepiness), mood swings, apathy, irritability, unexplained anxiety attacks, and fatigue.

Gastrointestinal. Against the background of VSD, problems with digestive system: constipation, diarrhea or alternation of these conditions; heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, flatulence.

Sexual. Decreased libido, lack of sexual arousal, or inability to achieve orgasm while remaining aroused.

The listed symptoms can be combined in various combinations, and the predominance of certain manifestations of VSD depends on the type of this disorder.

Classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia

In modern medicine, disorders of the autonomic nervous system are usually classified according to how this condition affects the heart and blood vessels, what type of autonomic disorders predominates and how pronounced the manifestations of VSD are.

Based on their effect on the cardiovascular system, there are several main types of VSD:

  • Hypertensive type. For this VSD type characterized by episodes of increased blood pressure (systolic up to 140 mm Hg), which after a short period of time independently normalizes. The patient also complains of frequent headaches, fatigue, heavy heartbeat.
  • Hypotonic type. Blood pressure is constantly low, or episodes of low blood pressure are observed. There is also severe fatigue, headache, and muscle aches.
  • Cardiac type. The patient is concerned about disturbances in the functioning of the heart: a sharp acceleration or deceleration of the heartbeat, pain behind the sternum, attacks of shortness of breath - the inability to take a deep or full breath and a feeling of lack of air.
  • Mixed type. With this type of VSD, changes in blood pressure are observed from high to low, and other symptoms can be combined in various combinations.

Based on how exactly the functions of the autonomic system are disrupted, the following types of VSD are distinguished:

  • Vagotonic type. This type of VSD is characterized by increased sweating not related to physical activity or high temperature environment, “marbled” skin, dizziness, tendency to edema, weight gain, heart pain, severe headache, shortness of breath. At infectious diseases, including ARVI, body temperature rises slightly, but remains elevated even some time after the other symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
  • Sympathicotonic type. With VSD of this type, the skin is dry and pale, sweat secretion is reduced. Episodes of increased body temperature to high values ​​(up to 39.5 °C) are observed during stress, ARVI, and emotional stress. Body weight is usually low. Patients complain of dull, mild headaches, increased blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat.

According to the severity of VSD, it can be:

  • Mild degree. Regardless of the type of VSD, symptoms are mild, periods of exacerbation are short, and remission is long. Exacerbation occurs only after episodes of increased emotional and/or physical stress. The patient's quality of life is not affected.
  • Average. Periods of exacerbation are quite long, up to several weeks or even months. The manifestations of VSD are pronounced; during an exacerbation, the patient’s ability to work is significantly reduced, up to its complete loss during vascular crises.
  • Severe degree. With this course, VSD imposes serious restrictions on a person’s daily life, since symptoms are present almost constantly, sometimes appearing more pronounced, sometimes decreasing slightly. During periods of the most pronounced manifestations of VSD, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital are often required due to persistent cardiac dysfunction and instability of blood pressure.

Autonomic dysfunction - complex functional disorders caused by dysregulation vascular tone and leading to the development of neuroses and a deterioration in the quality of life. This condition is characterized by the loss of the normal response of blood vessels to various stimuli: they either strongly narrow or dilate. Such processes disrupt a person’s general well-being.

Autonomic dysfunction is a fairly common phenomenon, occurring in 15% of children, 80% of adults and 100% of adolescents. The first manifestations of dystonia are observed in childhood and adolescence, the peak incidence occurs in the age range of 20-40 years. Women suffer from vegetative dystonia several times more often than men.

The autonomic nervous system regulates the functions of organs and systems in accordance with exogenous and endogenous irritating factors. It functions unconsciously, helps maintain homeostasis and adapts the body to changing environmental conditions. The autonomic nervous system is divided into two subsystems - sympathetic and parasympathetic, which work in the opposite direction.

  • Sympathetic nervous system weakens intestinal motility, increases sweating, increases heart rate and strengthens heart function, dilates pupils, constricts blood vessels, increases blood pressure.
  • Parasympathetic Division contracts muscles and enhances gastrointestinal motility, stimulates the body’s glands, dilates blood vessels, slows down the heart, lowers blood pressure, and constricts the pupil.

Both of these departments are in a state of balance and are activated only as needed. If one of the systems begins to dominate, the functioning of internal organs and the body as a whole is disrupted. This is manifested by corresponding clinical signs, as well as the development of psycho-vegetative syndrome, vegetopathy.

Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is a psychogenic condition accompanied by symptoms of somatic diseases in the absence of organic lesions. The symptoms of such patients are very varied and inconsistent. They visit different doctors and present vague complaints that are not confirmed by examination. Many experts believe that these symptoms are fictitious, but in fact they cause patients a lot of suffering and are exclusively psychogenic in nature.


Violation nervous regulation is the underlying cause of vegetative dystonia and leads to activity disorders various organs and systems.

Factors contributing to the development of autonomic disorders:

  1. Endocrine diseases - obesity, hypothyroidism, adrenal dysfunction,
  2. Hormonal changes - menopause, pregnancy, puberty,
  3. Heredity,
  4. Increased suspiciousness and anxiety of the patient,
  5. Bad habits,
  6. Poor nutrition
  7. Foci of chronic infection present in the body - caries, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis,
  8. Allergy,
  9. Traumatic brain injury,
  10. Intoxication,
  11. Occupational hazards - radiation, vibration.

The causes of pathology in children are during pregnancy, birth injuries, diseases during the newborn period, unfavorable climate in the family, overwork at school, and stressful situations.


Autonomic dysfunction manifests itself in many different symptoms and signs: asthenia of the body, insomnia, anxiety, shortness of breath, obsessive phobias, sudden changes in fever and chills, numbness of the extremities, hand tremors, myalgia and arthralgia, heart pain, low-grade fever, dysuria, biliary dyskinesia, fainting, hyperhidrosis and hypersalivation, dyspepsia, incoordination of movements , pressure fluctuations.

The initial stage of the pathology is characterized by autonomic neurosis. This conventional term is synonymous with autonomic dysfunction, but at the same time it extends beyond its limits and provokes further development of the disease. Autonomic neurosis is characterized by vasomotor changes, disturbances skin sensitivity and muscle trophism, visceral disorders and allergic manifestations. At the beginning of the disease, signs of neurasthenia come to the fore, and then other symptoms join.

Main syndromes of autonomic dysfunction:

  • Syndrome mental disorders manifests itself as low mood, impressionability, sentimentality, tearfulness, lethargy, melancholy, a tendency to self-blame, indecisiveness, hypochondria, and decreased physical activity. Patients develop uncontrollable anxiety, regardless of a specific life event.
  • Cardialgic syndrome manifests itself in various ways: aching, paroxysmal, burning, short-term, permanent. It occurs during or after physical activity, stress, or emotional distress.
  • Astheno-vegetative syndrome characterized by increased fatigue, decreased performance, exhaustion of the body, intolerance to loud sounds, and weather sensitivity. Adaptation disorder is manifested by an excessive pain reaction to any event.
  • Respiratory syndrome occurs with somatoform autonomic dysfunction of the respiratory system. It is based on the following clinical signs: the appearance of shortness of breath at times of stress, subjective feeling lack of air, chest compression, difficulty breathing, choking. The acute course of this syndrome is accompanied by severe shortness of breath and can result in suffocation.
  • Neurogastric syndrome manifested by aerophagia, esophageal spasm, duodenostasis, heartburn, frequent belching, hiccups in public places, flatulence, constipation. Immediately after stress, patients experience impaired swallowing and pain in the chest. Solid food becomes much easier to swallow than liquid food. Stomach pain is usually not associated with eating.
  • Symptoms of cardiovascular syndrome are heart pain that occurs after stress and is not relieved by taking coronal drugs. The pulse becomes labile, fluctuates, and the heartbeat quickens.
  • Cerebrovascular syndrome manifested by intellectual impairment, increased irritability, in severe cases - and development.
  • Peripheral syndrome vascular disorders characterized by the appearance of swelling and hyperemia of the limbs, myalgia,. These signs are caused by disturbances in vascular tone and permeability of the vascular wall.

Autonomic dysfunction begins to manifest itself in childhood. Children with such problems often get sick, complaining of headaches and general malaise when there is a sudden change in weather. As people grow older, autonomic dysfunctions often go away on their own. But this doesn't always happen. Some children, upon the onset of puberty, become emotionally labile, often cry, withdraw into seclusion, or, conversely, become irritable and hot-tempered. If autonomic disorders disrupt a child’s life, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

There are 3 clinical forms of pathology:

  1. Excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system leads to the development of autonomic dysfunction . It is manifested by increased heart rate, attacks of fear, anxiety and fear of death. In patients, blood pressure increases, intestinal motility is weakened, the face becomes pale, pink dermographism appears, a tendency to increase body temperature, agitation and motor restlessness.
  2. Autonomic dysfunction can occur type with excessive activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. Patients' blood pressure drops sharply, skin turn red, cyanosis of the extremities appears, greasiness of the skin and acne. usually accompanied by severe weakness, bradycardia, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, dyspepsia, fainting, and in severe cases - involuntary urination and defecation, abdominal discomfort. There is a tendency to allergies.
  3. Mixed form autonomic dysfunction is manifested by a combination or alternation of symptoms of the first two forms: activation of the parasympathetic nervous system often ends. Patients develop red dermographism, hyperemia of the chest and head, hyperhidrosis and acrocyanosis, tremor of the hands, and low-grade fever.

Diagnostic measures for autonomic dysfunction include the study of the patient’s complaints, his comprehensive examination and conducting a series diagnostic tests: electroencephalography, electrocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, FGDS, blood and urine tests.


Non-drug treatment

Sources of stress need to be eliminated: normalize family and household relations, prevent conflicts at work, in children's and educational groups. Patients should not be nervous and should avoid stressful situations. Positive emotions are simply necessary for patients with vegetative dystonia. It is useful to listen to pleasant music, watch only good films, and receive positive information.

Nutrition should be balanced, fractional and frequent. Patients are advised to limit the consumption of salty and spicy foods, and in case of sympathicotonia, to completely eliminate strong tea and coffee.

Insufficient and not good sleep disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day in a warm, well-ventilated area, on a comfortable bed. The nervous system has been weakened for years. To restore it requires persistent and long-term treatment.


TO individually selected drug therapy is switched only if general strengthening and physiotherapeutic measures are insufficient:

Physiotherapy and balneotherapy give a good one therapeutic effect. Patients are recommended to take a course of general and acupressure, acupuncture, visiting the pool, doing exercise therapy and breathing exercises.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, the most effective in the fight against autonomic dysfunction are electrosleep, galvanization, electrophoresis with antidepressants and tranquilizers, water treatments - medicinal baths, Charcot's shower.


In addition to basic medications, herbal medicines are used to treat autonomic dysfunction:


To avoid the development of autonomic dysfunction in children and adults, the following activities must be carried out:

Video: neurologist about autonomic dysfunction


1. Vein A.M. (ed.). Autonomic disorders: Clinic, treatment, diagnosis.

2. Voronova N.V.: modern methods of treating the nervous system. M.: Aspect Press, 2008.

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Relevance. Autonomic disorders (their origin, clinical manifestations and treatment) are one of the current problems modern medicine. The function of the autonomic nervous system is to maintain functional parameters of activity various systems within the boundaries of homeostasis, i.e. maintaining a constant internal environment; vegetative support of mental and physical activity, adaptation to changing external environmental conditions. There are practically no diseases in the development and course of which the important role vegetative system. Knowledge of basic vegetative syndromes helps diagnose and improve the quality of treatment of diseases with disorders of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, an important place in medicine belongs to modern methods of treating the autonomic nervous system, because The triggering factor for the occurrence of diseases is certain disturbances in this system (1, 2).

Goal: to reveal the basic principles modern methods treatment of the autonomic nervous system.


The autonomic nervous system, also called the autonomic nervous system (systema nervosum autonomicum), controls the following body functions, such as nutrition, respiration, fluid circulation, excretion, and reproduction. It innervates predominantly internal organs and consists of two main divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic. The joint work of both departments is regulated and controlled by the cerebral cortex, which is the highest part of the central nervous system. The centers of the autonomic nervous system are located in the brain and spinal cord (3).

Thus, a disturbance in any structure of the autonomic nervous system leads to dysfunction, which leads to the occurrence of disease in one or another system. Knowing where the pathological focus is located, we can prescribe adequate treatment using modern methods to achieve the greatest effect.

Disorders in the autonomic nervous system are a very common problem that we face to modern man. This is a combination of emotional and mental disorders with disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems. Treatment of VNS is a complex process that requires individual approach and constant correction. Modern methods treatments include lifestyle modifications, changes in approach to professional activity, correction of psycho-emotional disorders, application medications, in accordance with the developed syndromes. To implement the entire treatment complex, a neurologist, therapist, or psychologist (psychiatrist) may be required (4, 6, 7).

Let's consider the basic principles of modern methods of treating VNS using the example of VSD. First of all, before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude other diseases of various organs and systems that can give symptoms identical to those of VSD. Only after a reliably established diagnosis can treatment begin. The modern view of eliminating VSD syndrome is the simultaneous use of a complex of medicinal and non-medicinal effects, with the latter playing a leading role. Treatment methods for VSD include:

Correction of psycho- emotional sphere;

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

Modification of work activity;

Physiotherapeutic methods;

Spa treatment;

Drug therapy.

Correction of the psycho-emotional sphere

“All diseases come from nerves,” - this statement could not be more accurate when it comes to VSD. In most cases, someone is “to blame” psychological factor, its elimination promotes recovery. When clarifying the history of the disease, patients almost always independently indicate where “it all started.” If possible, it is necessary to create a positive environment around the patient. This is facilitated by rational recreation, trips to nature (to the forest to pick mushrooms, fishing, just walks in the park, etc.). Having a hobby will only help normalize your psycho-emotional state. Sports activities are advisable (2, 7).

Healthy lifestyle

First of all, you need to optimize your daily routine. High-quality and complete sleep (going to bed at the same time, sleep duration 7-8 hours, etc.), eating at the same time, staying in the fresh air - these are all small but significant factors for successful treatment process. Rejection of bad habits. Moderate exercise stress has a positive “training” effect on cardiovascular system, helps normalize vascular tone, improves blood flow in organs and tissues (4, 6, 7).

Physiotherapeutic methods (6)

Among non-drug interventions, this group of measures is one of the most effective. Physiotherapeutic procedures are successfully used not only in the treatment of patients with VSD in a clinic or hospital, but also in sanatorium-resort treatment. Electrophoresis is most often used with different pharmacological agents(calcium, caffeine, mesatone, aminophylline, papaverine, magnesium, bromine, novocaine), electrosleep, water procedures (Charcot or circular shower, underwater shower massage, contrast baths), sodium chloride baths, general radon, hydrogen sulfide, iodide-bromine baths, transcranial electroanalgesia, sinusoidal modulated currents, galvanization, magnetic therapy, aeroion therapy, infrared laser therapy, UHF, thermal procedures(paraffin and ozokerite applications), mud therapy. Acupuncture and massage are indicated. A course of physiotherapeutic methods can eliminate many symptoms of VSD, sometimes even without additional oral medications.

Drug therapy (7)

The pharmacological spectrum of drugs used is huge due to the variety of symptoms of the disease. The simultaneous prescription of a large number of drugs can be harmful to the patient, therefore, for each patient, a program for taking medications is created in a certain sequence, which is adjusted during the treatment process. Drugs used for treatment can be divided into the following groups:

Sedatives are preferable to herbal remedies (valerian, motherwort) and their combinations (dormiplant, novo-passit, notta, phytosed, persen, sedaphyton, nervoflux, etc.). Combinations possible herbal preparations with barbiturates (especially with concomitant sleep disorders): barboval, valocordin, corvalol, corvaltab, etc.;

Tranquilizers - used for more severe emotional disorders, accompanied by feelings of anxiety and tension. Popular among them are gidazepam, grandaxin (tofisopam), buspirone, mebicar (adaptol), afobazole. For even more pronounced manifestations, diazepam (Sibazon), phenazepam are indicated;

Neuroleptics - are used to reduce feelings of nervousness, aggressiveness, irritability and irascibility, anxiety and fear, normalize vascular tone and blood pressure. Ridazine (Sonapax, Thioril), Eglonil (Sulpiride), Risperidone (Neurispin, Rispolept) are used. Both tranquilizers and antipsychotics should be prescribed only by a doctor and used strictly as indicated for a certain period of time;

Sleeping pills - herbal plants also have a normalizing effect on sleep sedatives, and tranquilizers, and some antipsychotics. Among the direct sleeping pills, one can note zolpidem (ivadal), zopiclone (sonnat, somnol), zaleplon (andante), dormicum, radedorm, donormil, melatonin. This group of drugs is prescribed for a short period of time (usually 7-14 days) when absolutely necessary;

Antidepressants - used in patients with reduced motivation, asthenia and depression. They improve mood, reduce melancholy, and indirectly normalize sleep. These are drugs such as sydnophen, Coaxil, fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft, Stimuloton), paroxetine (Paxil), amitriptyline, ludiomil, Cymbalta;

nootropics are drugs that “nourish” the brain. They help cope with general weakness, impaired attention and memory, headaches and dizziness, and tinnitus. This group includes piracetam (nootropil), noofen (phenibut), glycine (glycised), pantogam, pantocalcin. For the same purpose, it is possible to use neurometabolites: actovegin (solcoseryl), cerebrolysin;

Drugs that improve blood circulation - Cavinton (vinpocetine), oxybral, stugeron, pentoxifylline (trental);

Drugs that lower blood pressure (hypotensive) - bisoprolol (Concor), atenolol, metoprolol, anaprilin. From herbal remedies for this purpose, preparations of valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, peony tincture, oregano, lemon balm, viburnum, etc. are used;

Drugs that increase blood pressure - caffeine, mesaton, most herbal adaptogens (tincture of lemongrass, Rhodiola rosea, ginseng);

Drugs that affect metabolism in the heart are used to reduce pain and discomfort in the heart area: mildronate, riboxin, hawthorn tincture. For rhythm disturbances (increased heart rate), asparkam, panangin, concor, barboval, corvaldin are indicated;

When increasing intracranial pressure- diacarb, lasix (furosemide), preparations of parsley, juniper, nettle, diuretic herbs;

Vegetotropic drugs - bellaspon, bellataminal. They have a combined effect, affecting the psycho-emotional state, pain, and sweating, and relieving symptoms from both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Platiphylline can also be used as a vegetotropic drug;

Antioxidants - mexidol, kratal, vitrum antioxidant, succinic acid;

Vitamins - both multivitamin complexes for general strengthening purposes and isolated intake of vitamins E, A, C, group B (neurovitan, milgamma, neurobex, neurorubin) are indicated;

Adaptogens are a group of drugs that increase the body's resistance to stress. They have an antiasthenic effect, are able to increase blood pressure and vascular tone, and increase nonspecific immunity: ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Schisandra, Eleutherococcus, Zamanikha, Aralia, Leuzea safflower. Preparations containing spirulina, fennel, thyme, and kelp have a general tonic effect.

Thus, a diverse arsenal of drugs is used to treat different symptoms of ANS disorders. Many drugs simultaneously affect several symptoms (for example, hawthorn tincture has a sedative effect, reduces heart pain and lowers blood pressure). It should be remembered that only the attending physician can choose the right combination of medications. The recovery process largely, if not almost 100%, depends on the patient himself, his positive attitude and desire to overcome the illness. If left unattended, the disease can transform into a more severe and intractable disease. Therefore, patients must consult a doctor to regain their full life and protect the body from new diseases.(3,6,7)

Conclusion. ANS disorders are not only an important part of the pathogenesis of many diseases, but they themselves can play the role of a “trigger” in the development of complex diseases. In this regard, there is a need to use additional treatment methods at earlier stages of ANS disorders in order to prevent possible complications leading to a decrease in the quality of life of the population

Bibliographic link

Shevchenko P.P., Bayramukova M.A. MODERN METHODS OF TREATING THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM // International Student Scientific Bulletin. – 2016. – No. 4-1.;
URL: http://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=15756 (access date: 03/21/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

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