Home Children's dentistry Presentation on rehabilitation of patients in critical condition. The place and significance of rehabilitation in modern medicine a.i.

Presentation on rehabilitation of patients in critical condition. The place and significance of rehabilitation in modern medicine a.i.

Presentation on social rehabilitation on the topic: “SOCIAL REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS”. Completed Art. gr. SOCR-31 Durandina O. Checked by Assoc. department SGN Kulakova T. V.

Vision is one of the leading human functions, providing more than 90% of information about outside world. Blindness and other visual impairments are the most important social problem. According to statistics, the prevalence of blindness among the population reaches 1%.

Visual impairment deep violation vision in both eyes; profound visual impairment in one eye with low vision in the other eye; moderate visual impairment in both eyes; profound visual impairment in one eye, normal in the other eye. Basic visual functions: visual acuity; line of sight.

Categories of visually impaired people are blind - people with complete absence vision; visually impaired - people with visual acuity better eye using conventional correction means from 5 to 40%. Group I disability (for 2 years) Group II disability (for 1 year) Disability Group III(for 1 year) Category “disabled child” (up to age 18)

Causes of childhood visual impairment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. hereditary pathologies; complications after suffering severe and viral diseases; poor environmental conditions; low level logistics of hospitals; injuries.

Range of problems: a sharp decrease in the ability to see; deterioration in the ability to maintain personal safety; difficulties with spatial orientation; difficulties in understanding body position; difficulty understanding location in space; difficulty understanding the direction of movement; decreased ability to self-care; low educational and employment opportunities; low income opportunities; need for medical and medical care; difficulties in communication, movement on the street and in transport; biased and inadequate attitude towards them on the part of sighted people; extreme limitation of cultural and sports activities.

Providing services at home is an important component of the social rehabilitation of children with visual impairments, the factor of an unfamiliar space is excluded; classes are conducted by the mother or immediate family; the mother and immediate environment actively participate in the process of rehabilitation of the child.

The objectives of the service for the provision of rehabilitation services in relation to the child: Ø provision of socio-pedagogical services; Ø provision of services for social and domestic rehabilitation; Ø provision of medical rehabilitation services in relation to parents: Ø provision of socio-psychological services; Ø provision of social and pedagogical services; Ø provision of services for social and domestic rehabilitation; Ø consultation.

The home rehabilitation system is based on the following ideas: üthe active role of the family in overcoming difficulties caused by the illness or disability of a child with a developmental disorder; üthe importance of teaching parents to create the most favorable conditions for the development of the child; üthe need for joint efforts and coordination of actions of specialists from an interdisciplinary team to provide services for early help and support for family and child.

Work with the family begins with the rehabilitation specialist informing the child’s parents: ü about the IPR; ü about the characteristics of the service, the scope of its provision, availability and time spent on its provision; conditions of its provision, cost; ü about the procedure, stages and timing of the child’s rehabilitation early age with visual impairment.

The main task of the specialist is to establish contact with parents, to thoroughly and ethically clarify the circumstances related to the child’s visual impairment. Based on the degree of compliance of the achieved results, a decision is made at the meeting to continue rehabilitation measures.

Social, everyday and social-environmental rehabilitation of disabled children with visual impairments is provided by a system of landmarks that promote safety of movement and orientation in space. Visual landmarks should be located on a contrasting background at a height of at least 1.5 m and no more than 4.5 m from the floor level

Tactile cues: guide rails, braille tables, raised floor plans, changeable surfaces in front of obstacles.

Visual cues: illuminated signs in the form of symbols and pictograms using bright, contrasting colors; contrasting color designation of doors; acoustic characteristics of building materials and structures.

Disabled children with vision pathologies experience certain difficulties when they need to use transport independently. To do this, you need to: change the size of the pointers; contrast enhancement color range; increasing the brightness of lighting of objects and transport elements.

Problems of social rehabilitation of visually disabled children: shortage of special methodological literature on issues of social rehabilitation of visually disabled children; shortage of rehabilitation specialists; learning difficulties in ordinary educational institutions; low percentage of participation in social activities.

All-Russian Society of the Blind - education, playing important role in the social rehabilitation of visually impaired people, in improving the quality of their social protection and expanding the scope social services. Rehabilitation centers new type - institutions that carry out comprehensive rehabilitation visually impaired. medical; medical and social; psychological; pedagogical; professional; development and implementation of typhlotechnical means, providing them to patients.

Thus, social rehabilitation of visually disabled children is the most important task modern state and society, which can only be resolved through comprehensive measures and united efforts.

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The relevance of the topic of social rehabilitation of disabled people and the methodology for its implementation is due to the following circumstances: - firstly, the increase in modern conditions the role of institutions for social services for people with disabilities. This is primarily due to the increase specific gravity this category of the population; - secondly, the increased need of disabled people for social rehabilitation, because this category of the population is more vulnerable and requires more attention, care and care; - thirdly, the need to identify existing problems in the field of social rehabilitation, this is necessary in order to prevent their aggravation and find out what measures need to be taken to stabilize the situation.

An object thesis- This is social rehabilitation. The subject of the study is the mechanism for providing social rehabilitation to disabled people. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the methodology for its implementation, as well as to develop practical recommendations aimed at improving the functioning of this system.

Achieving this goal involves setting and solving the following tasks: - define the term “social rehabilitation”, determine the essence of social rehabilitation; - note the main goals and objectives of social rehabilitation; - reveal the principles of social rehabilitation; - establish a methodology for implementing social and everyday adaptation; - identify the directions and goals of social adaptation, determine the methodology for its implementation; - note the features of social rehabilitation of disabled people with mental disorders and intellectual disability; - establish how social rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments is carried out; - characterize the methodology for implementing social rehabilitation of people with visual impairments.

When talking about disability, it is important to distinguish between a condition and limitations resulting from a particular condition, which is often referred to as a defect. The condition is usually a permanent characteristic of the individual, for example, organic brain damage, absence of limbs, blindness, deafness.

Scientists and specialists from many countries are working to solve a noble task - to develop some new, effective programs in order to increase the value of life of disabled people, their social rehabilitation, wider and full participation in all spheres of life, and ensure equality with non-disabled people.

All over the world the idea of ​​social inclusion, equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities is now being professed. Unfortunately, in our country people with disabilities are a discriminated against group. Our research has shown that they have lower wages and generally lower income, level of consumption of goods, and level of education. Many remain unclaimed by society: about 20% of people with disabilities who want to work cannot find work. There are noticeable differences between people with disabilities and healthy people in such an important area as family. Among disabled people, there are significantly fewer married people. In addition, disability leads to difficulties in maintaining a family, especially among disabled people of group 1. The social activity of people with disabilities is generally low; they are less interested in social problems - and this is natural, since they are cut off from the life of society.

Depending on the degree of disorder of body functions and limitations in life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child.” In the Russian Federation, the number of disabled children, according to rough estimates, is more than 220 thousand.

On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, institutions of the state service of medical and social examination of the primary level are being created - the bureau of medical and social examination, as well as institutions top level– the main bureaus of medical and social examination of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The Bureau medical and social examinations are created, as a rule, at the rate of one bureau per thousand population, subject to examination per person per year.

Principles of rehabilitation of disabled people Differentiation: from the point of view of selecting measures of influence, taking into account the form of the disease, the depth of damage to organs and systems; in terms of final results (social household adaptation, social and labor adaptation, social integration). Sequence: in types of rehabilitation (medical, psychological-pedagogical, labor, social); in methods (rehabilitation therapy, occupational therapy, household adaptation); in the organization (formation of medical indications, choice of types of work, leisure activities). Comprehensiveness – simultaneous coverage of a disabled person by all specialists, their interaction during the rehabilitation process.

Social protection disabled people - a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) disabilities and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society with other citizens.

In the law "On social services Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons" formed the basic principles of social services for disabled people: respect for human and civil rights; provision of state guarantees in the field of social services; equal opportunities to receive social services; continuity of all types of social services; focusing social services on the individual needs of people with disabilities; responsibility of authorities at all levels for ensuring the rights of citizens in need of social services, etc. (Article 3 of the law).

The problem of professional rehabilitation of disabled people is considered separately and, due to its significance, is allocated to a special section of professional labor rehabilitation. In a broad sense, the problem of social and environmental rehabilitation and integration of disabled people into society cannot be considered solved without the return or inclusion of the disabled person in feasible work.

The objectives of social rehabilitation include: Promoting the social and everyday adaptation of the client with his subsequent inclusion in the surrounding life. Providing assistance in determining life prospects and choosing ways to achieve them. Development of communication skills.

Social and everyday adaptation Social and everyday adaptation is facilitated by the creation necessary conditions for the independent existence of a disabled person. The living environment for a disabled person is of enormous importance, since in it he spends most, if not all, of his life. Social and living conditions constitute an important component of social and living rehabilitation, reflecting the state of providing a disabled person with basic comfort in residential and auxiliary premises. Ensuring a comfortable and safe living environment is currently being focused on Special attention from the outside government agencies. The legislation provides for an increase in sanitary standards living space, its architectural and planning changes.

It is also important to train and educate family members of a disabled person on various issues: the nature of the disease that a disabled person has, emerging limitations in life activity, associated socio-psychological and physiological problems, types and forms of social assistance to people with disabilities, types of technical means of rehabilitation and features of their operation. Relatives and persons providing assistance to a disabled person must be trained to use technical means, especially intended to facilitate the care of a disabled person.

Rehabilitation of disabled people with hearing impairment Disabled people with severe hearing pathology experience certain difficulties in learning. Wanted special methods due to the inability to receive and reproduce information due to pathology of communicative functions. For this category of disabled people there are special schools for the deaf and hard of hearing. The earlier training begins, the greater the likelihood of speech development. There are simulators for the development of hearing, hearing and vibration-tactile perception, equipment is used for collective and individual training.

Rehabilitation of disabled people with visual impairments Social, everyday and social-environmental rehabilitation of disabled people with visual impairments is provided by a system of landmarks - tactile, auditory and visual, which contribute to the safety of movement and orientation in space. Tactile references: guide rails, raised markings on handrails, tables with raised inscriptions or Braille, raised floor plans, buildings, etc.; variable type of floor covering in front of obstacles. Auditory landmarks: sound beacons at entrances, radio broadcasts.

CONCLUSION Social rehabilitation of an individual is a complex process of its interaction with the social environment, as a result of which the qualities of a person are formed as a true subject of social relations. One of the main goals of social rehabilitation is adaptation, adaptation of a person to social reality, which serves, perhaps, the most possible condition normal functioning of society.

Re habilis - restoration of ability. “adapt again” – lat. Art. 40 323 Federal Law – medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment. 21.11.11

– elimination of the cause
(etiopathogenetic measures).
Rehabilitation – restoration of function.
MR – medical and social activities.

Goals of medical rehabilitation

health promotion
Realization of health potential, management
active social, industrial
Reducing premature mortality,
morbidity, disability
Increased life expectancy,
improving quality of life

Objectives of medical rehabilitation

(function restoration)
Reintegration (recovery
social and psychostatus)
REHABILITANT – a person who is indicated
rehabilitation measures.

Levels of rehabilitation

(prevention of development
Postnosological (measures for
outcome of the disease during the period of exacerbation or
in chronic cases).
Compensatory (prevention
decompensation due to disability
(increasing degree of disability),
strengthening reserve capabilities).


Physical rehabilitation methods
Mechanical methods of rehabilitation (mechanotherapy,
Traditional methods of treatment (herbal medicine,
manual therapy, occupational therapy)
Speech therapy assistance
Reconstructive therapy
Prosthetic and orthopedic care (prostheses, orthoses,
orthopedic shoes)
Spa treatment
Technical means of rehabilitation
Information and advice on issues
medical rehabilitation

Modern rehabilitation technologies

Adele costume

Aspects of rehabilitation


Medical aspect

Solve medical, treatment and diagnostic,
treatment and prophylactic issues.
Goal: eliminating the threat to life,
prevention of complications, exacerbations,
Objectives: restoration, mitigation,
stabilization of the defective function,
mental status, functional
reserves, increasing sanogenetic
possibilities, the patient's adaptation to
new conditions within the framework of the disease!

Physical aspect

includes all questions related to the application:
-physical factors
- exercise therapy products
-manual and reflexology
The main importance of using physical resources
rehabilitation is an increase in physical
performance of patients.
Neglect of the physical aspect
may lead to adverse consequences -
prolongation of bed rest, hospital stay
treatment and temporary disability of patients.

Main objectives of physical rehabilitation

recovery processes
Hazard Prevention and Reduction
It is impossible to provide functional
recovery without considering
the body's natural desire for
movement (kinesophilia).
Consequently, the means of physical
rehabilitation are the main link
rehabilitation process.

Exercise therapy as a method of physical rehabilitation

Two directions of using exercise therapy funds in
rehabilitation system:
- for the purpose of restoring motor skills
- to maintain fitness
Systematic use of exercise therapy:
-strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
-improves cardiovascular activity
respiratory systems and organs;
- mobilizes compensatory mechanisms;
- accelerates functional adaptability;
-reduces the time of clinical and
functional recovery;

ERGOTHERAPY is a section of rehabilitation medicine that studies methods and means aimed at restoring people’s motor activity

Occupational therapy is an element of physical
aspect of rehabilitation and represents
active method of restoration or compensation
lost functions with the help of intelligent work,
aimed at creating a useful product,
intelligent components.

An occupational therapist (home therapist) is a specialist who helps people achieve their maximum level of functioning and independence in

Tasks of an occupational therapist
o Teaching the patient self-care skills
o Daily living skills training
o Development of fine motor skills
Occupational therapy helps
restoration of physical performance,
have favorable psychological
impact on the patient.

Goals and objectives of occupational therapy

Therapeutic training
Occupational therapy is carried out during
recovery and can last no more than 23 months.
The goal of occupational therapy (especially when
myocardial infarction or stroke) not
is learning a new profession.

Psychological aspect Psychotherapy is a system of rehabilitation effects on the human psyche

The need for psychotherapy in the process
rehabilitation is due to:
The inevitability of occurrence in the process for a long time
developing disease damage
psycho-emotional sphere of the patient (crises,
depression, neurosis).
Into the structure of the disease during its development
mechanisms of the higher nervous system are involved
activities (psycho-vegetative disorders).
Psychotherapy is an effective tool
involvement in the rehabilitation process
patient, whose active participation is extremely
necessary for the formation of mechanisms
self-rehabilitation in social and

The ultimate goal of any rehabilitation program is to restore the patient’s personal and social status.

Almost half of the cases are mental
changes and mental factors are
reason preventing return
sick to work after a number of illnesses
(myocardial infarction, stroke, traumatic brain injury).

Depression, “going into illness,” fear of physical
tension, confidence that the return to
work will cause harm to the heart, may cause recurrence
myocardial infarction.
These mental changes may become insurmountable
obstacle to restoration of working capacity and
solving employment issues and will lead to “no”
efforts of a cardiologist and rehabilitation specialist!


normal process
psychological adaptation to
changed as a result of illness
(trauma) life situation;
Prevention and treatment of developing
pathological mental changes.
The main methods are various
psychotherapeutic influences and

When conducting psychotherapeutic interventions, a number of rules must be observed:

future orientation
professional activity.
Correct selection of methods, taking into account
rehabilitated functions.
Early start, gentle load,
its gradual increase

Combined (I+G (S))

Individual psychotherapy

Group psychotherapy

Socio-economic aspect

Social rehabilitation is a set of measures
aimed at increasing the level
functional abilities in everyday life and society,
restoration of destroyed or lost
disabled public relations and relations
due to health or physical impairment
Social methods of influence are aimed at:
organization of an appropriate lifestyle;
eliminating the impact of social factors,
interfering with successful rehabilitation;
restoration or strengthening of social

The purpose of social rehabilitation:

- restoration of the social status of the individual
-abilities for everyday, professional and
social activities
-security social adaptation in conditions
environment and society
- achievement of independence and material

Methods of social rehabilitation

Social and household
self-service, adaptation to
family, apartment, training
use of technical means);
rehabilitation (psychotherapy,
psychocorrection, assistance in
solving personal problems,
legal advice

Professional aspect

Prevention of disability
includes various elements:
-correct work ability examination (ITU)
-rational employment
- systematic differentiated
drug treatment of underlying
diseases (injuries)
-implementation of a program aimed at
increase in physical and mental
patient tolerance.
Restoration of working capacity is
the most striking criterion of effectiveness

Vocational rehabilitation methods

Career guidance
Training (retraining)
Creation of a special workplace
disabled person
Professional production

Pedagogical aspect

These are educational, developmental and
educational in nature, aimed at
so that the disabled person gains social experience,
mastered the necessary skills and abilities
on self-service and self-sufficiency,
social norms of behavior.
The pedagogical aspect includes:
-correctional pedagogy
-education of children and adults with disabilities,
complicating the learning process
-organization educational courses and schools
for the sick, disabled and their relatives.


Basic principles of rehabilitation 1. The principle of comprehensiveness of MR

This is the widest possible use of different methods
medical and other nature.
To implement this principle, the following are used:
methods of psychological rehabilitation
physical rehabilitation methods
drug rehabilitation
reconstructive surgery
occupational therapy
school for the patient and relatives
The complex nature of rehabilitation is manifested as follows:
way that rehabilitation activities should
not only doctors, but also others
specialists: sociologists, psychologists, teachers,
representatives of social security authorities,
trade union representatives, lawyers, etc.

2. An early start of rehabilitation measures is possible.

The basis of this principle is that
individual medical activities
rehabilitation should begin early
days (and sometimes hours) of illness or received
injuries after stabilization of vital signs
If a person is at risk of disability -
rehabilitation activities become her
If the disability develops, they become
the first stage in the fight against it.
The principle of early onset of MR is applicable both for
patients with acute and chronic

3. The principle of phasing

Involves providing rehabilitation services
helping a person in several stages, at
over a fairly long period
The patient, moving from the acute phase of the disease to
subacute and then to chronic,
must receive consistently
appropriate rehabilitation assistance:
In a specialized inpatient department;
Stationary mono- or multidisciplinary
rehabilitation center;
In the rehabilitation department of an outpatient clinic;
At home;
In a sanatorium, etc.

4. Individuality of rehabilitation measures.

In each specific case, they take into account
characteristics of the rehabilitator (his potential and
prognosis) in medical, professional,
socially, domestically and depending on
for this purpose an individual program is drawn up

5. Continuity of rehabilitation.

“The provision on
continuity of rehabilitation: medical
rehabilitation should begin during the process
treatment, professional rehabilitation
should begin immediately after completion
medical; a person must start working
immediately upon completion of the course
vocational rehabilitation. Otherwise
case, the patient gets used to retirement, suffers
his psyche, and practice shows that
involve him in rehabilitation at a later date
It’s very difficult after treatment.”
S. N. Zorina (1970)

6. consistency.

This is a strict sequence of procedures and
activities that contribute
maximum elimination
disabling consequences and
further integration of the rehabilitator into

7. continuity.

Continuity must be respected as
individual stages of medical
rehabilitation (inpatient,
outpatient, home, sanatorium),
and in all aspects of everything
rehabilitation process
(medical, medical-professional,
professional, social

8. Active participation of the patient

is the basis for successful implementation
individual rehabilitation program and
achieving the set goal.
To do this you need:
-explaining goals and objectives to the rehabilitator
rehabilitation program, its essence.
- positive attitude towards work,
recovery, return to family and
-understanding by patients that rehabilitation is
a long process and depends on mutual
trust of all its participants.

Stages and organizational issues of medical rehabilitation

Rehabilitation can be carried out at any stage of the disease or functional impairment, regardless of the location of the subject

Stages of medical rehabilitation

Stage 1 – intensive care unit:
held in acute period if there is a rehabilitation
potential and absence of contraindications.
Stage 2 - in inpatient conditions medical organization
(rehabilitation centers, rehabilitation departments, etc.):
carried out in early recovery, late
rehabilitation and period of residual symptoms of the disease
diseases in the presence of rehabilitation potential,
no contraindications, for patients requiring
constant assistance with chronic course diseases.
Stage 3 – in medical rehabilitation departments (offices)
organizations providing outpatient care
assistance: carried out regardless of the recovery period,
in the presence of rehabilitation potential, absence
contraindications, patients capable of
self-care, with chronic disease and
his residual effects.

Stages of MR

Hospital stage
Outpatient stage
Sanatorium-resort stage
A program is being drawn up
rehabilitation, rehabilitation
reducing deadlines
medical centers,
city ​​sanatoriums
Aimed at regeneration
and compensation
impaired functions,
reactivity correction
dispensaries, homes
relapses. Consolidation
remissions, increase
adaptation reserves

Multidisciplinary rehabilitation team

Multidisciplinary team (MDB)

brings together specialists providing
assistance in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients
and working as one team
(team) with clear coordination and
coordination of actions, which
provides a targeted approach to
implementation of rehabilitation tasks.
Proposed by the WHO Regional Office for
European countries.

The work of the MDB includes:

A joint
inspection and assessment
patient's condition, degree of impairment
Creating an adequate environment
for the patient depending on his
special needs
Joint discussion of the condition
patients at least once a week
Collaborative goal setting
rehabilitation and patient management plan.

Specialists involved in rehabilitation (MDB team)

Medical specialists (neurologists, orthopedists,
therapists, etc.)
Rehabilitation nurse
Psychologist, psychotherapist
Exercise therapy specialist
Subspecialists (ophthalmologists,
otolaryngologists, audiologists, speech therapists,
Social worker
Other specialists (nutritionist, occupational therapist)

Nurse-mandatory member of the MCH

Should know:
-basics of therapeutic
physical education and
-methods of occupational therapy;
-control methods
specific to
-methods of small

Rehabilitation MDB

Must be assembled at least twice - when
formation of a rehabilitation program and
upon completion at this stage
If complications and signs occur
the inadequacy of the CSBM program may
be called at any time.
Not only the composition of the MDB is important, but also
distribution of functional
responsibilities and close cooperation
all members of the brigade!

Progress of the discussion

time for discussion with the attending physician
reports basic clinical,
laboratory, instrumental
Other members of the CSBM complement,

The presentation reminds us once again about the difficult life of people with disabilities, about the state policy regarding socially vulnerable people, the presentation slides give the concept of disability, rehabilitation of people with disabilities.



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Slide captions:

Rehabilitation of disabled people: concept, meaning, content

The relevance of the topic of social rehabilitation of disabled people and the methodology for its implementation is due to the following circumstances: - firstly, the increasing role of social service institutions for disabled people in modern conditions. This is due, first of all, to the increase in the share of this category of the population; - secondly, the increased need of disabled people for social rehabilitation, because this category of the population is more vulnerable and requires more attention, care and care; - thirdly, the need to identify existing problems in the field of social rehabilitation, this is necessary in order to prevent their aggravation and find out what measures need to be taken to stabilize the situation.

The object of the thesis is social rehabilitation. The subject of the study is the mechanism for providing social rehabilitation to disabled people. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and the methodology for its implementation, as well as to develop practical recommendations aimed at improving the functioning of this system.

Achieving this goal involves setting and solving the following tasks: - define the term “social rehabilitation”, determine the essence of social rehabilitation; - note the main goals and objectives of social rehabilitation; - reveal the principles of social rehabilitation; - establish a methodology for implementing social and everyday adaptation; - identify the directions and goals of social adaptation, determine the methodology for its implementation; - note the features of social rehabilitation of disabled people with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities; - establish how social rehabilitation of people with hearing impairments is carried out; - characterize the methodology for implementing social rehabilitation of people with visual impairments.

When talking about “disability,” it is important to distinguish between a condition and limitations resulting from a particular condition, which is often referred to as a defect. The condition is usually a permanent characteristic of the individual, for example, organic brain damage, absence of limbs, blindness, deafness.

Scientists and specialists from many countries are working to solve a noble task - to develop some new, effective programs in order to increase the “value of life” of disabled people, their social rehabilitation, wider and full participation in all spheres of life, and ensure equality with non-disabled people.

All over the world the idea of ​​social inclusion, equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities is now being professed. Unfortunately, in our country people with disabilities are a discriminated against group. Our research has shown that they have lower wages and generally lower income, level of consumption of goods, and level of education. Many remain unclaimed by society: about 20% of people with disabilities who want to work cannot find work. There are noticeable differences between people with disabilities and healthy people in such an important area as family. Among disabled people, there are significantly fewer married people. In addition, disability leads to difficulties in maintaining a family, especially among disabled people of group 1. The social activity of people with disabilities is generally low; they are less interested in social problems - and this is natural, since they are cut off from the life of society.

Depending on the degree of disorder of body functions and limitations in life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child.” In the Russian Federation, the number of disabled children, according to rough estimates, is more than 220 thousand.

On the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, institutions of the state service of medical and social examination of the primary level are being created - the bureau of medical and social examination, as well as institutions of the highest level - the main bureaus of medical and social examination of the subject of the Russian Federation. Medical and social examination bureaus are created, as a rule, at the rate of one bureau per 70-90 thousand population, subject to the examination of 1800-2000 people per year.

Principles of rehabilitation of disabled people Differentiation: from the point of view of selecting measures of influence, taking into account the form of the disease, the depth of damage to organs and systems; from the point of view of final results (social and everyday adaptation, social and labor adaptation, social integration). Sequence: in types of rehabilitation (medical, psychological-pedagogical, labor, social); in methods (rehabilitation therapy, occupational therapy, household adaptation); in the organization (formation of medical indications, choice of types of work, leisure activities). Complexity – simultaneous “coverage” of a disabled person by all specialists, their interaction during the rehabilitation process.

Social protection of disabled people is a system of state-guaranteed economic, social and legal measures that provide disabled people with conditions for overcoming, replacing (compensating) disabilities and aimed at creating equal opportunities for them to participate in the life of society with other citizens.

The point of rehabilitation is not to determine impairment, but to identify the potential ability of a disabled person to return, as far as possible, to society and realize his or her maximum potential. limited abilities so as not to become an eternal burden on society and an outcast.

The Law “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” sets out the basic principles of social services for persons with disabilities: respect for human and civil rights; provision of state guarantees in the field of social services; equal opportunities to receive social services; continuity of all types of social services; focusing social services on the individual needs of people with disabilities; responsibility of authorities at all levels for ensuring the rights of citizens in need of social services, etc. (Article 3 of the law).

The problem of professional rehabilitation of disabled people is considered separately and, due to its significance, is allocated to a special section, vocational rehabilitation. In a broad sense, the problem of social and environmental rehabilitation and integration of disabled people into society cannot be considered solved without the return or inclusion of the disabled person in feasible work.

The objectives of social rehabilitation include: Promoting the social and everyday adaptation of the client with his subsequent inclusion in the surrounding life. Providing assistance in determining life prospects and choosing ways to achieve them. Development of communication skills.

Social and everyday adaptation Social and everyday adaptation is facilitated by the creation of the necessary conditions for the independent existence of a disabled person. The living environment for a disabled person is of enormous importance, since in it he spends most, if not all, of his life. Social and living conditions constitute an important component of social and living rehabilitation, reflecting the state of providing a disabled person with basic comfort in residential and auxiliary premises. Providing a comfortable and safe living environment is currently receiving special attention from government agencies. Legislation for disabled people provides for an increase in sanitary standards for living space and its architectural and planning changes.

It is also important to train and educate family members of a disabled person on various issues: the nature of the disease that a disabled person has, emerging limitations in life, associated socio-psychological and physiological problems, types and forms of social assistance for disabled people, types of technical means of rehabilitation and features of their operation . Relatives and persons providing assistance to a disabled person must be trained to use technical means, especially those designed to facilitate the care of a disabled person.

Rehabilitation of disabled people with hearing impairment Disabled people with severe hearing pathology experience certain difficulties in learning. Special methods are required due to the impossibility of receiving and reproducing information due to the pathology of communicative functions. For this category of disabled people there are special schools for the deaf and hard of hearing. The earlier training begins, the greater the likelihood of speech development. There are simulators for the development of auditory, auditory-vibrotactile perception, and equipment is used for collective and individual training.

Rehabilitation of disabled people with visual impairments Social, everyday and social-environmental rehabilitation of disabled people with visual impairments is provided by a system of landmarks - tactile, auditory and visual, which contribute to the safety of movement and orientation in space. Tactile references: guide rails, raised markings on handrails, tables with raised inscriptions or Braille, raised floor plans, buildings, etc.; variable type of floor covering in front of obstacles. Auditory landmarks: sound beacons at entrances, radio broadcasts.

CONCLUSION Social rehabilitation of an individual is a complex process of its interaction with the social environment, as a result of which the qualities of a person are formed as a true subject of social relations. One of the main goals of social rehabilitation is adaptation, adaptation of a person to social reality, which serves, perhaps, as the most possible condition for the normal functioning of society.

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