Home Smell from the mouth Dopplerography of vessels of the upper extremities indications. When is an ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities necessary and how is it done?

Dopplerography of vessels of the upper extremities indications. When is an ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities necessary and how is it done?

Duplex scanning Vascular ultrasound (USD) is an ultrasound diagnostic method that combines Doppler examination with traditional ultrasound. It is used to study pathology blood vessels- veins and arteries. It allows the specialist to see the structure of blood vessels various localizations and the movement of blood through them.

A standard ultrasound scan provides a two-dimensional image (structure and developmental anomalies) of the vein. The Doppler mode reveals the direction of blood flow and the speed of its movement. An even more advanced method is triplex scanning. It combines B-mode, color Doppler mapping and spectral Doppler analysis.

In modern medical institutions, the patient can undergo duplex scanning of the vessels of the upper and lower limbs, and also do Dopplerography of the vessels of the head and neck. Duplex vein scanning upper limbs performed less often than the lower ones, but it allows you to identify vascular diseases on early stages, even with a mild clinical picture or complete absence symptoms.

Indications and contraindications

It is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan of the arteries and veins of the upper extremities in the following cases:

  • Swelling of the hands with redness of the skin and severe pain. Although stable edema, like independent symptom, with normal functioning of the kidneys and heart can be a reason for duplex scanning.
  • Numbness of the upper extremities, periodic tingling, goosebumps and other uncomfortable sensations.
  • Difficulty in moving your arms and developing weakness in them.
  • Frequent involuntary muscle contractions as a result of overexertion.
  • Pallor of fingers with periodic painful sensations.
  • Serious injuries to the upper extremities, which entail damage to vascular bundles.
  • After surgical intervention on vessels.
  • At congenital anomaly vein development

Such examination should be performed for preventive purposes by people at particular risk. As a rule, they have the following pathologies: endocrine diseases, blood diseases, autonomic dysfunction, chronic venous diseases, hereditary predisposition to vascular pathologies.

Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities does not have absolute contraindications to carry it out. Relative ones include significant damage to the skin of the upper extremities, which can make it difficult to apply the ultrasound sensor to the skin.

Ultrasound scanning of the vessels of the upper extremities can be performed as often as necessary to make the correct diagnosis and carry out adequate therapy. Negative consequences for the patient's body the frequency of such examination is not expected.

Even if a blood flow problem is suspected in only one arm, both limbs are still checked for comparison.

Performing diagnostics

No special preparatory period is required for ultrasound scanning of the veins of the upper extremities. Immediately before the examination in the ultrasound diagnostic room, the patient is asked to free his hands from clothing (sometimes it is appropriate to undress to the waist) and remove jewelry and other items that may interfere with the examination.

In the ultrasound diagnostic room, the process will occur as follows:

  1. The examination is carried out in a supine or sitting position. In some cases, it is advisable to measure blood pressure during the study, so a tonometer cuff is placed on one or both arms of the patient.
  2. The ultrasound doctor lubricates the high-frequency sensor with conductive gel and begins to move it along the arm in the area of ​​the venous projection.
  3. By changing the position of the ultrasound sensor, the specialist assesses the condition of the vessel wall and measures blood movement indicators.
  4. During the diagnostic process, the doctor may squeeze the patient's shoulder or forearm to speed up the movement of blood through the veins, thereby assessing cardiac blood flow.
  5. The resulting image is instantly processed and displayed on the monitor screen.
  6. In some cases, it is enough to examine one limb, but in some patients 2 arms are examined at once.

Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities continues for 30-40 minutes. After the examination is completed, the patient can be freed immediately. There are no subsequent restrictions. Such medical manipulation It is absolutely safe for the patient, it does not involve any complications or side effects.

During the diagnostic process, the patient does not experience pain syndrome or severe discomfort. He may feel a slight cooling sensation from the ultrasound gel when applied to his skin. But this can be avoided if you first warm the gel to body temperature. And also if blood pressure is measured during the examination, the tonometer cuff will be inflated and the patient will feel tension in this area.

Duplex (triplex) scanning is considered the standard in vascular research and to some extent can replace angiography, which requires the administration of contrast and exposes the patient to radiation.

Varicose veins on the hands are unlikely, but the possibility exists

Decoding the results

As a result of examining the veins of the arms, the protocol contains few digital indicators, but includes the following parameters:

Normal ultrasound performance indicators in conclusion are indicated as follows. There are no obstructions to blood flow in the veins examined. The veins are of normal location and are not enlarged in size. No blood clots were detected in the examined vessels.

If pathology is present, then during ultrasound scanning an asymmetry of blood flow between opposite parts of the patient’s body is detected. If the blood flow is blocked in some area, then during listening in this place a high and sharp sound. In this case, the blood will move at a reduced speed. The detected obstacle may be a blood clot, partial or complete narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, or an aneurysm.

Duplex scanning of the hands allows the specialist not only to detect blood clots and dissections in the vessels of the upper extremities, but also to easily determine their location, size and structure. Ultrasound scanning allows examination from the standpoint of quantitative and qualitative parameters of blood flow, which as a result helps the phlebologist determine further tactics treatment.

Circulatory system human body- one of the most extensive and vital systems, thanks to which our organs receive all the necessary substances and oxygen that ensure the normal functioning of the entire human body. Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common and pose a risk to the health of the entire body. Diagnosing diseases at an early stage of development allows you to avoid the development of serious concomitant diseases and complications. In modern medical practice exists great amount various methods diagnostics, one of which is ultrasound. The popularity of ultrasound is largely due to its accessibility, safety and information content.

Diagnostic capabilities

By using Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities The doctor has the ability to diagnose diseases such as:

. venous insufficiency,


Venous hematomas,

Cardiac diseases.

Ultrasound diagnostics is indispensable if thrombosis is suspected, since this disease most often affects the subclavian vein.

Indications for ultrasound

The first signs of a disease of the circulatory system of the upper extremities are:

. swelling and discoloration of the hands,

Enlargement of the limb, accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness,

Blueness of the arm and dilated veins,

The appearance of ulcers and burning.

Dense swelling of the limb, accompanied by an increase in temperature in the limb, and a change in skin color are signs of venous insufficiency caused by thrombosis or atherosclerotic plaques. Prolonged course of the disease without proper therapy leads to the development of thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and gangrene. Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities is also performed if detected during a medical examination weak pulse, differences blood pressure in the extremities, as well as in case of patient complaints of pain in the arms after physical activity and when raising the arms, numbness of the extremities and tremor. However, one must distinguish painful manifestations, since pain in the limbs is also a symptom of neurological diseases.

Autoimmune diseases, endocrine diseases and hand injuries are also indicators for diagnostic ultrasound examination of the venous vessels of the upper extremities. IN mandatory the study is carried out after surgical intervention on the vessels of the hands.

Ultrasound method of veins of the upper extremities and its purpose

For diagnostic purposes, ultrasound examination of the veins of the upper extremities is carried out using Dopplerography, which makes it possible to assess not only the condition of the venous walls and the lumen between them, but also the blood flow, the presence of narrowings, blood clots and plaques, which can lead to impaired blood flow in the lungs. In medical practice this type diagnostic study is called ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the upper extremities and is carried out in almost every state medical institution and in commercial clinics.

Passing through a blood vessel, ultrasonic waves are reflected from blood cells, producing a color image on the display of the ultrasound machine, thanks to which the doctor has a clear understanding of the blood flow and the functioning of the blood vessels.

Duplex scanning of blood vessels, used during ultrasound, allows you to examine blood vessels and assess the speed and nature of blood flow. Thanks to duplex scanning, reliable diagnosis of vascular patency is carried out in real time. Purpose Ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities is to assess blood flow in arteries and veins, identify disorders and pathological changes, narrowing of blood vessels, anatomical malformations and functioning. However, the undeniable and most important purpose of ultrasound is to diagnose the disease in the early stages, which greatly simplifies further treatment.

Ultrasound procedure of the veins of the upper extremities

It should be noted that ultrasound examination of the veins of the upper extremities does not require the patient to special training and is carried out after a medical examination and with a doctor’s referral. If the examination is carried out in a commercial medical institution, a doctor’s referral is not necessary. To conduct an ultrasound, the patient is recommended to bare the body in the area that will be examined and take a lying position (sitting or standing if necessary). Apply to the patient's skin special gel, which ensures close contact between the skin and the transducer of the ultrasound machine. The examination is carried out on both hands and takes from 10 to 20 minutes. To assess blood flow, a special cuff is placed on the limb blood pressure. The following factors can negatively affect the quality of ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities:

. obesity,

Arrhythmia and cardiac disease accompanied by changes in blood flow,

Slow blood flow

Availability open wound in the field of examination.

Doppler ultrasound of the veins of the upper extremities allows us to identify pathologies such as differences in blood flow between the right and left sides of the human body, irregularity of blood flow, dilation and blockage of veins. At the end of the ultrasound examination, the patient is given a conclusion, the results of which can be deciphered by the attending physician.

Our clinic is equipped with highly informative ultrasound equipment equipped with modern sensitive sensors, which allows us to conduct a thorough and reliable examination, assess blood flow and identify even the most minor changes in circulatory system. The experience and professionalism of our specialists allow us to select the most effective treatment.

Among the many existing techniques Ultrasound is the most widely used examination of the upper extremities. All thanks to its high information content and safety. Even more information about the condition of the blood vessels in the hands can be obtained by performing an ultrasound with Doppler.

Features of ultrasound examination

Doppler ultrasound, or Doppler ultrasound(or duplex scanning), – non-invasive, painless and safe diagnostic method, which allows you to assess blood flow in the vessels of the upper extremities. To perform this procedure, the patient must free his hands from clothing and jewelry and either lie down on the couch or take a standing position next to it.

To facilitate movements, a special thick gel is applied to the skin of the hands using an ultrasonic sensor. During the examination, the doctor evaluates the image on the ultrasound machine screen and moves the sensor to study the entire vascular system of the arms. During the examination, the device can produce sounds that characterize the measurement of blood flow in the vessel. The ultrasound examination procedure lasts no more than 45 minutes.

What does Doppler ultrasound allow?

Assess venous and arterial blood flow

By assessing venous and arterial blood flow, a specialist can identify various local circulatory disorders in the upper extremities. Pathologies of peripheral circulation can be caused by:

  • lack of blood flow due to obstruction of the arteries;
  • insufficient outflow or stagnation of blood due to impaired venous patency.

There are the following options for peripheral circulatory failure:

1. Arterial insufficiency– ischemic syndrome in acute or chronic form.

2. Venous insufficiency– chronic or acute form.

Diagnose vascular disorders

When blood flow in the arteries coming from chest to the upper extremities, disturbed due to their blockage or narrowing, indicating the presence of vascular pathology. Most often this is atherosclerosis - a condition in which formations form on the walls of blood vessels. atherosclerotic plaques. Such plaques consist of cholesterol, calcium and fibrous tissue. The more there are, the more narrowed the lumen of the vessel, the more difficult it is for blood to move through it.

Identify narrowing in the arteries and its level

It is not enough to simply identify narrowing of the lumen of the arteries. It is important to determine how critical the condition of the vessel is. In the future, this will help the specialist decide on a treatment method or prescribe an operation.

Identify a blood clot, determine its size and structural features

Thrombus in the lumen of the vessel - main reason blockage of the latter and disruption of blood flow. Ultrasound scanning allows not only to find a blood clot, but also to determine its size, understand the reasons for its formation, and evaluate its structure.

Assess the level of blood supply to organs and tissues

Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities allows us to understand how well the blood supply to the tissues of the upper extremities occurs. It is possible that in the first stages of the development of vascular pathologies, outward symptoms of blood flow disturbances will not be noticeable, but ultrasound will definitely reveal them.

Indications for ultrasound examination

An appointment with a doctor is given if there are a number of indications.

Diagnosis of pathologies of veins and arteries of the upper extremities

The presence of diseases of the veins or arteries of the upper extremities can be suspected when the patient complains of:

  • chilliness, increased sensitivity hands to the cold;
  • feeling of numbness in the hands;
  • loss of muscle strength in the arms.

Pain and the appearance of “bumps” in the direction of the veins

Visually noticeable, protruding through skin bumps in the direction of the veins – a clear sign vascular pathologies. Along with this symptom, the patient may feel pain in the arms. Ultrasound scanning of the arteries of the upper extremities and veins is performed in order to confirm or refute varicose veins veins

Muscle pain

Pain in the arm muscles, even at rest or in the absence of serious physical activity, may indicate the presence of blood flow pathology in the vessels of the upper extremities. Doppler ultrasound is done for staging accurate diagnosis.

Swelling of the upper extremities

Swollen hands may be a sign of impaired blood flow in the upper extremities, compression of veins or arteries. However, such a symptom may not be associated with impaired blood flow - some medications, for example, can give such by-effect. The task of ultrasound examination of the upper extremities (arteries and veins) is to accurately understand the causes of the pathology.

Feeling of heaviness in the hands, the appearance of spasms, the effect of “cold hands”

A feeling of heaviness in the hands is a symptom that may not be associated with any disease. This may be a consequence of wearing uncomfortable clothes, physical fatigue, excess weight or even magnetic storms.

At the same time, “heavy hands” may indicate that the patient has vascular diseases that require serious treatment. The same can be said about vascular spasms or the effect of “cold hands” - visually or by analysis it can be difficult to determine whether the cause of such deviations from the norm is circulatory pathology. An ultrasound with Doppler will help you figure it out.

Preparation for the procedure

No special preparation is required for Doppler ultrasound. A day before the procedure, the patient only needs to limit the consumption of tea, coffee, energy drinks, that is, those products that can affect the condition of blood vessels. It is also recommended to refrain from smoking.

Obtaining and deciphering the research result

To make an accurate diagnosis, not only the indicators of ultrasound images, but also the patient’s complaints are taken into account. When interpreting the examination results, the doctor evaluates the following indicators:

  • condition of the vessels (it is necessary to evaluate their lumen, diameter, identify narrowing or expansion);
  • blood flow speed (it is important to measure the maximum and minimum speed values ​​and determine their ratio);
  • arterial and venous pressure.

Many people believe that only the veins in the legs are the source of problems, because they always signal their condition with bloating, pain, and swelling. But in fact, the veins and arteries of the hands suffer no less from our poor nutrition, metabolic disorders and bad habits. Moreover, atherosclerosis, invisible to the naked eye, is even more dangerous and insidious. To check the condition of your arteries and veins, you need to do an ultrasound of the blood vessels of your hands.

What it is?

Vascular ultrasound of the upper extremities is a study of the veins and arteries in the arms using ultrasound. Since a special device is used to check the condition of blood vessels, the method of which is based on the Doppler effect, the procedure is called USGD (ultrasound Dopplerography).

The procedure does not cause any discomfort or pain. Before starting the study, the doctor asks the patient to free his arms and shoulders from clothing and lie down on medical couch. Then he applies the gel to the body and begins the examination - he moves the scanner over the skin in different directions, examining all areas. Ultrasound examination lasts about 30 minutes.

There are 3 options for this procedure: Doppler sonography, duplex and triplex scanning. In the first case, you can obtain information about the condition of the vessels, but you cannot see them. In the second, the device visualizes veins with all their curvatures and provides data on blood flow speed and stenosis. In the third, you can additionally obtain a color image with maximum detail. If special accuracy is important, then it is better to do an ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities in Moscow, because the capital’s clinics have the best equipment with high-quality duplex and triplex scanning.

Why do they do it?

Worn out or clogged blood vessels - real threat for life. Moreover vascular walls you can strengthen and maintain them in normal condition, but it is almost impossible to restore them. Therefore, it is important to detect the problem in time and begin treatment. To check the status vascular bed, blood flow speed and hemodynamics, you need to do an ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities.

The examination reveals any violations:

  • vasculitis - inflammation of the walls;
  • atherosclerosis - chronic illness, in which metabolic products accumulate in the vessels and atheromatous plaques are deposited on the walls, reducing the lumen or completely clogging the artery;
  • thrombophlebitis - inflammation of a vein with the formation of blood clots in it;
  • varicose veins - deformation of the venous walls with impaired blood flow. It is most common on the legs, but can also affect the arms.

Preparing for the examination

There is no need to prepare in advance for a vascular ultrasound. It is advisable not to take venotonics, blood pressure medications, vasodilators for headaches, or antispasmodics on the day of the examination. Taking medications will distort the real picture, and the examination results will be inaccurate.


  • Protruding veins with a bluish tint.
  • Poor circulation: numbness of fingers, tingling, constantly cold hands.
  • Arm weakness, cramps, pain.
  • Injuries with vascular damage.

If any unusual or painful symptoms related to the hands, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo an ultrasound.

How much does Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities cost?

The price for diagnostic ultrasound of the vessels of the upper extremities varies from 1,550 rubles to 8,500 rubles.

The cost depends on the location of the diagnostic center and the equipment installed there to conduct the examination.

How to sign up for an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities in Moscow?

You can use the website search by area and/or metro station. Study the rating and equipment installed in the center in the diagnostic center card, and also look at the reviews. After this, you can call the diagnostic center, or click the “Make an appointment” button, indicate your name and telephone number for contact. Our specialist will contact you and confirm the date and time of your appointment.

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Our service includes only proven, best diagnostic centers Moscow, who conduct an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the upper extremities.

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