Home Orthopedics Holisal: description and cheap analogues, reviews and price. Cholisal gel: current selection of cheap analogs of Cholisal analogues in the form of a spray

Holisal: description and cheap analogues, reviews and price. Cholisal gel: current selection of cheap analogs of Cholisal analogues in the form of a spray

Problems in the oral cavity are often accompanied by painful sensations.

Inflamed gums, small ulcers and wounds on the mucous membrane, tongue injuries, regardless of the reasons that caused them, cause great discomfort to adults and children.

One of the most popular drugs in dentistry is Cholisal gel.

Due to the high cost (the price for a tube of 10-15 grams varies from 180 to 500 rubles), it is important to consider analogue options. Let's try to understand this issue.

Cholisal gel is a drug that is used to treat oral cavity.

Possessing a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and most importantly fast and lasting analgesic effect, it is used for:

  • gum injuries;
  • pain in the oral cavity caused by damage or internal inflammation;
  • lichen and oral candidiasis;
  • pain during teething in children;
  • stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.

Note! The analgesic effect of the product lasts up to 8 hours.

The drug can be used independently or as part of complex therapy.

The undoubted advantage of Cholisal gel is practically complete absence contraindications and side effects, as well as the possibility of using it for children.

List of cheap analogues of Cholisal gel

First of all, let's pay attention to direct analogues with the same main active ingredients as Cholisal - Holicet and Mundizal.

Similarity in indications for use can be noted with Dentol gel (by the way, the best analogue of Cholisal for children) And herbal collection"Oak bark ". These products are considered safer than those mentioned above, since they are based on components of plant origin.

A comprehensive effect on oral diseases is not always necessary. Sometimes you only need to relieve pain in the oral cavity, then you can stop at painkillers.

Worth noting first Dentinox, Anginofid and Polyminerol. These drugs primarily relieve pain and do not have a therapeutic effect as such, but can be used quite effectively for prevention.



  • Indications: Inflammation, ulcers and injuries to the mucous membrane (stomatitis, glossitis, damage during adaptation to prostheses, etc.)
  • Contraindications: Individual intolerance, you need to be careful if you have diabetes.
  • Difference from the original: Used more often than Cholisal
  • Price: 250 rubles per 10 g.


  • Main active ingredients: Choline salicylate; Cetalkonium chloride.
  • Indications: Inflammation, wounds, ulcers, fever.
  • Contraindications: Allergies, bronchial asthma, disruptions in circulatory and cardiovascular function. systems, pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to one year.
  • Difference from the original: Pain relief for up to 5 hours.
  • Price: 280 rubles for 8 g.

Dentol gel

  • Main active ingredients: Benzocaine.
  • Indications: Pain during teething.
  • Contraindications: Individual intolerance, open wounds.
  • Difference from the original: Relieves pain, creates numbness.
  • Price: 80-100 rubles for 15 g.

Oak bark

  • Tannins contained in oak bark.
  • Weakness of gums, wounds, ulcers.
  • Doesn't have it.
  • Strengthens gums, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and ulcers.
  • 30-40 rubles per pack of 50-100 g.


  • Lidocaine, polidocanol, chamomile.
  • Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation.
  • Ind. intolerance.
  • There is a separate option for children.
  • 280 rubles for 10 g.


  • Saline solution containing magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine.
  • Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, restores tissue.
  • Ind. intolerance.
  • Strengthens gums, relieves inflammation, heals wounds and ulcers, promotes the development of regenerative processes.
  • 150 rubles per 100 ml.

Instructions for use of Cholisal and its analogues

The use of the original dental drug in question and its analogues are in many ways similar.

  1. The gel is applied to the inflamed area pointwise and rubbed in for a few seconds.
  2. After half a minute, relief from the pain symptom should occur, but if it is not observed, the application should not be repeated under any circumstances, as this can lead to side effects (burning, redness, fever).

As analogues of Cholisal, gel is most often considered, but sometimes for removing pain symptoms A decoction of oak bark is also used. It is used not only in dentistry, but also in the treatment of ENT diseases and especially sore throats.

Cholisal gel is one of the most effective and proven means for combating dental diseases, however, if you choose the right analogue that is similar in composition or action, you can avoid unnecessary expenses and get the same, or maybe even better, effect.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Holisal. Feedback from site visitors - consumers - is presented of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Cholisal in their practice. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Cholisal in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and teething in adults, children (including infants), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Holisal- combination drug for local application in dentistry with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

When applied topically, choline salicylate is quickly absorbed by the oral mucosa, providing local analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It inhibits the activity of COX, the functions of macrophages and neutrophils, the production of interleukin-1 and inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. It also has antimicrobial and antifungal effects in acidic and alkaline environment.

Cetalkonium chloride is an antiseptic that acts on bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The gel ethanol-containing adhesive base ensures rapid development of the effect and retains the active substances on the mucous membrane for a long time.

The analgesic effect occurs within 2-3 minutes, while its duration is 2-8 hours.


Choline salicylate + Cetalkonium chloride + excipients.


When applied to mucous membranes, it is well absorbed.


For local use on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of periodontal diseases, damage to the mucous membrane, diseases occurring with inflammatory reaction and pain:

  • stomatitis of various etiologies;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • damage to the oral mucosa when wearing dentures;
  • trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • pain during teething in children;
  • cheilitis;
  • candidiasis of the oral mucosa (thrush);
  • minor surgical interventions in the oral cavity;
  • red lichen planus when localized to the oral mucosa;
  • damage to the oral mucosa in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (as part of complex therapy).

Release forms

Dental gel for gums and oral mucosa in tubes (sometimes mistakenly called ointment).

Instructions for use and method of use

Cholisal is used topically 2-3 times a day before meals (for pain relief) or after meals and before bed. A strip of gel 1 cm long for adults and 0.5 cm for children is squeezed onto a clean finger and rubbed with light massaging movements into the affected area of ​​the oral mucosa.

For periodontal diseases, the gel should be placed in the gum pockets or applied in the form of compresses, or gently rubbed into the gums 1-2 times a day.

Side effect

  • a short-term burning sensation at the site of application of the drug, which goes away on its own;
  • allergic reactions.


  • hypersensitivity to salicylates and other components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cholisal should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Use in children

The drug should be used with caution in children under 1 year of age.

special instructions

When the first signs of a side effect appear, the patient should immediately contact their doctor.

The drug should be used for topical use only.

The drug does not contain sugar.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The drug does not limit psychophysical activity or the ability to control vehicles and maintenance of moving mechanisms.

Drug interactions

When using Cholisal in doses significantly higher than recommended, it is possible to enhance the effect of other simultaneously used anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drugs.

Analogues of the drug Cholisal

The drug Cholisal has no structural analogues for the active substance.

Analogues in terms of therapeutic effect (medicines for the treatment of gingivitis):

  • Anti-Angin Formula;
  • Voqara;
  • Deoxynate;
  • Dentamet;
  • Kamistad;
  • Metrogil Denta;
  • Novosept Forte;
  • Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste;
  • TheraFlu LAR;
  • Tiniba;
  • Tinidazole Acri;
  • Faringosept;
  • Fervex for sore throat;
  • Sage.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Dental problems appear in a person along with the first tooth: even the process of its appearance is accompanied by pain, which you have to try to somehow relieve. And then pathogenic bacteria may begin to multiply in the mouth, especially if genetically healthy teeth were not transmitted.

We have to contact different pharmaceutical drugs, which can restore the normal state of the oral cavity and relieve pain. Doctors call Cholisal gel one of these. How does it work, is it possible to replace it with something?

This medication has an antimicrobial effect, as well as the ability to slow down the inflammatory process, relieve pain syndrome. It is intended for local use only for oral problems. It is a transparent thick substance, absolutely homogeneous and with a slight anise aroma obtained due to the presence of the oil of the same name.

The active ingredients of the drug Cholisal are choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride, of which 1 g of gel contains 87.1 mg and 0.1 mg, respectively.

The group of salicylates is responsible for the analgesic properties of the drug, and also helps reduce temperature and influence the inflammatory process. Cetalkonium chloride is a component that has little effect on pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria and some fungi.

The drug is produced in small tubes of 10 g. It is used, according to its properties, mainly as a local analgesic. It is mainly used in complex therapy for the treatment of periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, as well as in the case of:

  • any damage (including trauma) to the oral mucosa;
  • cheilitis;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • any surgical interventions dental orientation (after them);
  • during teething in babies to relieve pain.

As you can see, Cholisal gel is approved for use even in young children, but this procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor or after his recommendation, because official instructions childhood up to a year is included in the number of contraindications. True, with the note “allowed with caution.” The same applies to pregnancy and lactation, the presence of lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Experts call individual intolerance to its active components the only strict prohibition on the use of Cholisal gel.

In children, anise oil can provoke increased salivation.

Explicit adverse reactions this drug practically does not cause, except for the sensation slight burning sensation in the treated area, which goes away after some time. This is due to the presence of ethanol in the composition. Possible allergic reactions to skin, but they already indicate the need to note therapy with Cholisal, as well as visit your doctor.

The general principle of using this drug is practically independent of the type of problem that it is intended to solve. The area on which Cholisal is planned to be applied must be cleaned before the procedure (rinsing, brushing teeth, etc.), and then do one of the following:

  • make a compress or place it in the gum pocket if the patient suffers from periodontitis/periodontal disease;
  • rub a small amount of gel into the affected mucosal area (including the gums, if necessary).

The dosage of Cholisal depends on the age category to which the patient belongs: children need no more than 0.5 cm, and adults can use 1 cm. Application is carried out up to 3 times a day, it is advisable to do this after meals, so that the drug has time to be easily absorbed and does not get into into the stomach. You can carry out the procedure at night, which is considered the most effective way. After using Cholisal, it is recommended not to take food or water for at least an hour.

Keep in mind that the dosage must be strictly observed, since if it is exceeded, the effect of other medications that have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties may be enhanced.

Analogues of Cholisal gel for children and adults

The effectiveness and high degree of safety of this drug have made it a frequent resident of home medicine cabinets, but the price is not the most affordable - about 350-400 rubles. - forces you to look for analogues of Cholisal gel that are cheaper, but with the same scheme of action and the same obvious result. What do pharmaceutical companies offer?

  • Cholisal has no absolute budget analogues in gel format. Its only complete replacement is Mundizal gel, but it is sold in 8 g tubes and costs about 300 rubles. It is less common in pharmacies than Cholisal.

If we are not talking about combination drugs, you can try to select several medications, or act on the problem with only one goal: to relieve inflammation, relieve pain, or provide an antiseptic effect. In this case, it makes sense to consider the following drugs:

  • MetrogilDenta - works well for mucosal lesions, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc., but does not relieve pain. It contains an antibiotic, so it is not used in children under 6 years of age. The price of the tube is 190-200 rubles.
  • Periodontitis - suitable only for adults, gives an anti-inflammatory effect. Mainly recommended for gum injuries. Price - 150 rubles, tube volume - 15 g.
  • Dentamed. Based on metranidazole (antibiotic), therefore used with caution in children. For 45 g the manufacturer asks 140 rubles.
  • Kamistad. A good option for small children during teething, because easily relieves pain due to lidocaine, and chamomile extract soothes and relieves inflammation. Price - about 240 rubles.

There are no complete cheap analogues of Cholisal gel for children and adults, and you can only find a budget replacement with a truncated spectrum of action. If you only need to relieve pain in a teething baby, buy Kamistad gel. In case of serious diseases of the oral cavity, it is better to spend money on Cholisal rather than try to combine several drugs to achieve the same effect.

Bleeding, itching, pain, various unpleasant sensations - these symptoms accompany gum disease, turning into a real punishment for patients. The depressing picture is complemented by severe discomfort when eating, and brushing your teeth even looks like a test of strength. You can speed up the healing of affected areas and partially relieve inflammation using special gel for gums

Such gels can be found in almost every pharmacy today, especially since they are available without a prescription. Another thing is that you still need to understand the available assortment and choose a truly suitable product. This article is devoted to a description of popular gels for gums, indicating their advantages and features of application.

Gel "Dental" is designed to reduce pain in the oral mucosa and make the healing process faster. It contains a derivative of corn oil, which “envelops” the mucous surface of the gums like a protective film. Dental is suitable for use by people who wear dentures. Method of using the gel: spread over the mouth three to four times a day, massaging the gums with light stroking movements.

"Metrogil denta"

Gel "Metrogil denta" is modern medicine to relieve inflammation from the mucous membrane of the gums. One of the most effective medicinal products, presented today in pharmacies. "Metrogil denta" not only perfectly anesthetizes affected gums and relieves itching, but also reduces inflammation and promotes speedy healing. It has a soft consistency that gently envelops the mucous membrane of the mouth. "Metrogil denta" gel against gum inflammation is one of the best existing ones.

Among the indications for the use of "Metrogil denta" are periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis, cheilitis, aphthous stomatitis, inflammation, as well as other gum diseases. This drug is not recommended for use in patients under 6 years of age. Directions for use: Apply twice a day to affected gums, and refrain from eating and drinking for the next 30 minutes after application. The maximum period of use of Metrogil Dent is seven to ten days. If during this period there are no positive changes in the patient’s condition, it is necessary to stop treatment and seek advice from dentistry.


"Solcoseryl" is a popular remedy for the treatment of gums, which has proven its effectiveness over its long stay on the market. Unlike many other gels, Solcoseryl is a medicinal product, and not a simple balm.

Solcoseryl contains substances that significantly accelerate the metabolic process in the tissues of the oral cavity. Thanks to these properties, Solcoseryl gum gel will soon bring visible relief. The gel relieves pain well, so its use is especially indicated for symptoms such as wounds and abrasions.

A good pain reliever for external use is one of the most indispensable tools in the treatment of gum diseases. And exactly such a product is the “Cholisal” gel. "Cholisal" is a drug with multidirectional action: it anesthetizes, reduces inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect.

When using "Cholisal", a noticeable anesthetic effect is achieved within a few minutes after its application. This is why this gel is so often prescribed by dentists, because patients with gum disease complain, first of all, about painful sensations. The method of using "Cholisal" is to apply the gel to the affected areas of the gums two or three times during the day. The number of days of treatment is determined by the doctor.

"Parodium" is a modern medicine that is successfully used to eliminate gum problems, including bleeding and halitosis ( bad smell from mouth). Parodium has shown high effectiveness in the treatment of periodontitis and gingivitis. Suitable for gums with increased sensitivity.

Parodium contains formaldehyde, rhubarb extract, chlorhexidine, which eliminate inflammation, bad smell and stop the bleeding.

"Kamistad" is a drug that contains lidocaine - i.e. medicine, widely used for anesthesia and cooling of inflamed areas.

"Kamistad" not only relieves pain, but also kills microbes in the oral cavity, preventing their proliferation. Indications for the use of the gel include stomatitis, gingivitis, cheilitis, erythrema. In addition, Kamistad is used for inflammation and irritation that occurs from wearing braces and dentures, as well as during the eruption of wisdom teeth and in the postoperative period for patients who have undergone maxillofacial surgery.

"Asepta" - modern effective remedy, used to treat gum disease. One of the main active ingredients of Asepta is propolis, which has long been known as the most effective anti-inflammatory effect.

“Asepta” also relieves itching well, anesthetizes affected areas in the oral cavity, stops bleeding, and strengthens the gums. It is an effective prophylactic against inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (for preventive purposes, it is recommended to use the gel 2-3 times a year in courses of 10-14 days). Suitable for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, trophic ulcers.

Additional advantages of Asepta are its low price and the ability to find the drug in almost every pharmacy kiosk.

"Retragel" is a gel that is often used by dentists for gum retraction. Retraction is a procedure during which the volume of the marginal gum is reduced. Retraction stops bleeding and prevents mechanical trauma to the marginal gum during treatment. Previously, special threads were used for retraction, but modern medicine already has more advanced means - gels, liquids, etc.

Since Retragel effectively stops bleeding, it is often used to prepare gums for attaching dentures (permanent). "Retragel" also disinfects the oral cavity, which is especially necessary during treatment, as it prevents infection of the gums.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Cholisal for stomatitis

Stomatitis is a disease that affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

It affects children under one year of age to a greater extent, but there are also many cases of the disease among adults.

Cholisal gel occupies a special place in the list of numerous drugs and agents used to combat this disease. Cholisal for stomatitis is approved for use not only in adults, but also in children.

Release form

The drug has a transparent gel structure. In pharmaceutical points it is sold in tubes of 10 or 15 g. It has no taste, has a slight odor due to the anise oil included in its composition.

Composition and pharmacological action

The drug is based on anhydrous choline salicylate, which makes up 87%.

In addition, 10% is cetalkonium chloride, and the remaining 3% is excipients.

Among them: ethanol, glycerin, purified water, hydroxyethylcellulose, propyloxybenzoate, anise oil, methyloxybenzoate.

Cholisal is combination drug, it renders:

  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial action.

The gel is widely used in dentistry to treat and alleviate multiple diseases.

Choline salicylate has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the application area. In acidic and alkaline environments, the substance has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. It quickly penetrates the nerve endings, as it is characterized by good absorption from the oral mucosa.

Cetalkonium chloride is an antiseptic. It affects fungi, viruses, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Methyloxybenzoate and propyloxybenzoate also have antifungal and antibacterial effects.

Due to the fact that Cholisal has a gel base, it reduces surface tissue tension, which facilitates rapid absorption of the active substance. In addition, the drug adheres well to the oral mucosa and is not washed off with saliva for a long time.

Indications for use

In addition to the fact that Cholisal relieves pain and reduces the number of fungal and viral microorganisms in the oral cavity, it is also widely used in the treatment of a number of other diseases.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of any type of stomatitis, both in adults and children. A feature of Cholisal gel is the absence of allergic reactions.

It is recommended to use the drug in the treatment of stomatitis in children over one year of age. In more early age a doctor may prescribe Cholisal, but it must be used with extreme caution and under the strict supervision of a pediatrician.

How to use?

Before using the gel, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. The drug is squeezed onto the finger in a small amount and thoroughly rubbed into the oral mucosa. When treating children aged 1 to 12 years, it is recommended to use 0.5 cm of gel for each treatment. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the dose is 1 cm of the drug.

For aphthous and acute bacterial stomatitis you should start using Cholisal gel from the first days of detection of the disease, since the substances included in the drug have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of stomatitis.

To relieve pain, the gel is applied 2-3 times a day after eating directly to the affected areas of the mucosa. It is also recommended to treat the oral cavity before going to bed. Treatment of the disease at the second stage involves replacing Cholisal with wound healing agents.

The drug has an excellent effect in the treatment of chronic and acute candidal stomatitis. This is due to the high efficiency of its constituent substances in acidic and alkaline environments. After all, in order to get rid of fungus, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with 1 percent soda solution, which creates an alkaline environment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of this drug is its gel structure.

Unlike ointments, which are based on animal or vegetable fats, the gel has a water base.

Thanks to this, it is perfectly absorbed into as soon as possible, leaving on the mucous membrane thin shell, protecting the affected areas from pathogenic microorganisms entering them.

This drug also has a drawback - increased salivation when using it. Anise oil, which is part of the gel, stimulates work salivary glands. Of course, for an adult this is a small problem, but if the question comes about the treatment of stomatitis in a child, difficulties may arise.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite numerous indications for use and a wide range of diseases for which the gel can be used, it still has some contraindications:

  • Not recommended for children under 1 year of age.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Prohibited in case of individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

An overdose of the drug in the treatment of stomatitis is impossible. This is due to low systemic absorption active substances Holisala. Among side effects You can notice a slight burning sensation at the application site within 10-15 minutes after application. However, this is not a reason to stop using the product.

If a child or adult has increased sensitivity to salicylate, then some complications are possible:

  • skin rashes;
  • tinnitus, migraines;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased sweating.

Cholisal's analogs

Everyone knows that there are drugs similar in their action or composition. They differ in manufacturer, cost and excipients included in their composition. Kholisal also has analogues. There are similar means:

  1. According to the active substance;
  2. According to indications.

Among similar drugs, identical to Cholisal in terms of the active substance, two gels are released:

  • Mundizal. Available in small tubes of 8g, appeared on Russian market relatively recently, therefore has not yet gained popularity among domestic consumers pharmaceuticals. The price of this drug is similar to the cost of Cholisal 15 g. Thus, Mundizal cannot be called a cheaper drug.
  • Pansoral. It is available in tubes of 15 g and has a price lower than Cholisal, almost half. Therefore, this drug can be purchased as an alternative. Many parents purchase it for their children who experience pain during teething.

If a child is allergic to Cholisal and experiences pain and burning with stomatitis, you can replace it with:

In addition to gels, Dantinorm Baby solution is effective.

For stomatitis in adults, instead of Cholisal applications, you can rinse the mouth with aqueous solutions:

However, their effectiveness is significantly lower than that of this drug.

Among the most best analogues on a gel basis we can distinguish:

  • Metrogil Denta- appeared on the market before everyone else, but over time lost its popularity. This is due to the fact that it has only an antimicrobial effect and does not remove pain, as Cholisal does. Its cost is much lower, and for many this is one of the determining factors.
  • Solcoseryl– the gel helps accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, aphthae and cracks in the oral mucosa. Unlike Cholisal, this drug is approved for use in children infancy However, cases of an allergic reaction cannot be excluded.
  • Asepta– has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Can be used as a prophylaxis to prevent bleeding gums.

The list of similar drugs that can replace Cholisal gel can be continued for a long time. However, one thing remains unchanged - today it is the most effective drug with maximum wide range actions. When treating stomatitis in children and adults, Cholisal gel must be used without fail!

The best ointments and gels for gum inflammation

Redness, tenderness, bleeding, itching and swelling of the gums are clear signs dental diseases. They bring a lot of discomfort and make life difficult. There are many ways to relieve and eliminate these symptoms. various means. Many of them are available in the form of gels, which are very convenient to use. They relieve pain, swelling and redness in a matter of minutes, and have a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Features and benefits of dental gels and ointments

In the understanding of an ordinary person, there is no difference between ointments and gels. However, these forms medicines differ in some ways:

  1. Gels are water-based, securely attach to the mucous membrane and are well absorbed into it. Due to this, the active substances act directly on the source of inflammation, and their “work” period increases.
  2. Ointments are made on a fatty basis and do not penetrate well into the gum mucosa. They are easily washed off with saliva, swallowed or spat out.

Nevertheless, the word “ointment” refers to many externally used products.

Dental gels and ointments perform several main tasks:

Thanks to these properties, dental ointments and gels are used for periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis and other inflammatory gum diseases.

The benefits of gum gels include:

  1. Availability. Anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, creams, balms are sold without a prescription and can be used independently.
  2. Easy to use. The product is simply applied to the gums.
  3. Safety. Gali and ointments are used only externally, which virtually eliminates the entry of their components into the bloodstream and the effect of active substances on the human body.

Before using gels and ointments, it is necessary be sure to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth well and dry it. Apply to the gums with a clean finger and rub into the mucous membrane with light massaging movements. After applying the drug, it is not recommended to drink or eat for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is carried out until inflammation and other symptoms disappear.

Anti-inflammatory gels

Inflammation of the gums is one of the main signs of periodontitis, gingivitis and other oral diseases. You can get rid of inflammation using special gels.


The dental product contains phenyl salicylate, which is converted into salicylic acid. It also includes those with antiseptic properties essential oils medicinal plants . Periodontocide is a complex drug that has the following therapeutic effects:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • proteolytic;
  • antimicrobial.

He eliminates bad breath and prevents the formation of plaque on the enamel. The ointment can be applied to the gums with a clean finger or cotton swab, and also use as an applique.

Metrogyl denta

The drug contains the antiseptic Chlorhexidine and the antibiotic Metronidazole. Due to these active substances, using the gel you can achieve an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation, reduce bleeding and reduce sensitivity of the gums.

Metrogyl dent can be used not only for treatment, but also to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes. It should be used twice a day, course up to one and a half weeks. This drug is contraindicated for children under six years of age.

If the instructions for use are not followed after frequent use gel may cause dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity.

The main qualities of the gel are analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the drug kills microbes, relieves swelling, and cools the surface of the gum mucosa. This is why dentists often recommend Cholisal for treatment various diseases gums

The dental product begins to act within two minutes after application and continues maintain its effect for up to 5–8 hours. For persons under 16 years of age single dose should not exceed 0.5 cm of the preparation. Adults can apply twice as much gel. The drug is gently rubbed into the oral mucosa using a clean finger. To achieve an analgesic effect, Cholisal can be applied to the gums a few minutes before or after meals.

The gel is used in the following cases:

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The gel contains two active medicinal components:

Thanks to them, the drug has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, destroying various harmful microorganisms. Asepta is the source of various useful vitamins and coenzyme Q 10.

Due to its sticky base, the gel stays on the gums longer than other products and has a long-lasting anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Dentists prescribe Asepta to relieve pain and itching, reducing sensitivity and strengthening gums, eliminating bleeding and as a prophylactic agent.

You can use the drug three times a day for two weeks. In case of more frequent use of the gel, side effects may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Asept line, in addition to gels, includes balm, rinses, toothpastes and vitamin complex. Their use allows you to save healthy cavity mouth and cure gum inflammation.


Gel for gum inflammation Troxevasin is an angioprotector, which predominantly affects capillaries and veins. It is based on troxerutin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their elasticity. As a result, gum bleeding is significantly and permanently reduced. The drug also helps relieve swelling and inflammation from damaged surfaces.

Elugel and elgifluor

Both drugs contain strong antiseptic chlorhexidine digluconate who is struggling with various types fungi and infections. Indications for the use of elugel and elgifluor are:

  • bleeding and inflammation of the gums;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • injuries;
  • prevention of inflammation.

Both drugs are used no more than three times a day until the inflammation goes away. With the help of elgifluor, teeth are cleaned, and elugel is spread on the gums.


The gel contains calf blood dialysate, due to which the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Solcoseryl for inflamed and damaged tissues has the following effects:

The gel has the ability to form a protective layer over the damaged surface, so it is often used to heal weeping wounds on the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth.

The use of Solcoseryl will allow:

  1. Block painful sensations for 3–5 hours.
  2. Accelerate wound healing.
  3. Protect gums from mechanical and chemical influences for at least three hours.

Apply a thin layer of gel to clean gums and sprinkle with water.

Medicinal cryogel

To combat periodontal disease, dentists recommend using a modern, highly effective remedy - bioactive cryogel. This finely porous product consists of modified starch and active substances:

  1. Antioxidant L – restores, heals and nourishes tissues.
  2. Dioxidin, which is an antimicrobial agent.
  3. Polyphepane sorbent.

Cryogel cannot be used on its own. Treatment of inflammation with this drug can only be done by a dentist. The doctor places the product into the periodontal pocket, where the gel acts like a sponge. It absorbs bacteria and toxins, reduces the risk of suppuration, promotes drainage of pockets, and has a hemostatic effect.

There is no need to remove the drug, because in one or two days it will resolve on its own, while completely neutralizing the harmful substances absorbed into it.

Ointments for gum inflammation

According to statistics and reviews, the best ointments that help get rid of periodontal disease are:

  1. Traumeel S – homeopathic remedy, which contains only mineral and plant components. It has good effect just on early stages diseases. The action of Traumeel S is aimed at relieving inflammation, restoring the density of vessel walls and improving their conductivity.
  2. Heparin ointment is an anticoagulant. With its help it is eliminated inflammatory processes and strengthen the gums. Heparin significantly reduces the level of platelet aggregation and restores tissue microcirculation.

Since ointments have a fatty base, they practically do not stick to the gums. Therefore, it is recommended to use them as applications. To do this, the product is applied to a cotton swab, which is fixed on the inflamed area using a special film or bandage. As a result, it will last for a long time therapeutic effect drug.

Gels for gum inflammation during teething in children

During teething, many babies' gums become inflamed and sore. In these difficult days, the child needs parental help. If gum massage and teething did not help, then You can use special gels:

  1. Baby Doctor. The drug contains only herbal ingredients - plantain, echinacea, calendula, chamomile. The gel has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. It can also be used to restore damaged oral mucosa.
  2. Kamistad. The drug contains not only herbal ingredients, but also lidocaine, which will quickly relieve pain in the inflamed area. Thanks to the chamomile extract it contains, it is a natural antiseptic and relieves inflammation.

Use dental gel and ointments for children are only possible after carefully studying the instructions and consulting with a specialist.

It must be remembered that the independent use of gels and ointments for inflammatory diseases gums are not a panacea. In any case, you should consult a dentist, take good care of your oral cavity and eat properly, including foods fortified with calcium and vitamins in your diet.

Cholisal gel is a drug for topical use that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties.

Used in dentistry in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and fungal diseases. Available without a prescription to persons of any age.

The drug is absorbed by the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. As a result of its use, the functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages (antibodies that carry out a phagocytic immune response) is weakened.

The analgesic in the gel begins to act instantly, and the effect of the pain reliever lasts up to 8 hours.

Main active ingredients:

  • Choline satylate;
  • Cetalkonium chloride.

Choline satylate has characteristics similar to ibuprofen, however, in addition to analgesic and antipyretic, its properties include stopping inflammatory processes.

The action of cetalkonium chloride extends to fungal infections mucous membranes and viral infections.

A small amount of colorless gel should be applied to the affected area in the mouth with massage movements and not removed. Application time does not depend on food intake.

When discomfort burning sensation that does not go away within 5-7 minutes, the drug should be washed off and consult a doctor for advice.

The price of the drug is from 380 rubles per package.

Indications for use

Cholisal gel was shown to patients who suffer from pain in the oral cavity caused by subcutaneous inflammation and external damage to the gums.

Effective in the following cases:

  • Injuries to the gums and oral cavity;
  • Damage to the mucous membrane as a result of incorrectly selected dentures;
  • Lichen planus and oral candidiasis;
  • Cheilitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • Postoperative therapy;
  • Pain during eruption of molars.

Cholisal gel can be used either separately or as part of general therapy.

At complex treatment the drug enhances the effect of antipyretic and antiseptic.

It is also acceptable to use it as a compress on the affected area no more than 3 times a day.


Cholisal gel has virtually no contraindications.

Cases negative impact not recorded on the body.

The following groups should use the drug with caution:

  • Pregnant patients;
  • Women during lactation;
  • Children under 12 months;
  • People allergic to acids.

As a rule, applying the gel in cases increased risk occurs under the supervision of a doctor or a drug with other active ingredients is prescribed.

Read about that in another informative article on our website.

You can find out everything about silvering baby teeth. You will also find information about alternative options there.

Have you suddenly noticed that your teeth are loose? Do not hesitate to take action, read what needs to be done in this case.

Cholisal gel: analogues of the active substance

Complete analogues of Cholisal gel active ingredients– Mundizal and Holicet.

There are also other products with choline satylate, however, they are aimed at combating ear diseases(Brotinum, Otinum, Holikaps) and neuralgia bone tissue(Sahol).

Brotinum, Otinum and Holikaps

The active ingredient is choline sacylate.

The drugs also lower fever, fight viruses and reduce pain, but are available in the form of drops.

The liquid substance is convenient for instillation into the ear canals.

However, Otinum, Holikaps and Brotinum are used as cheap analogues of Cholisal gel.

Otinum price – from 120 rubles.

Brotinum price – from 130 rubles.

The price of Holikaps is from 210 rubles.

Drops are used as a wet compress on the affected area 3-4 times a day.

Mundizal and Holicet

Are the most complete analogues Cholisal gel both in composition and form of application.

Active ingredients:

  • Choline satylate;
  • Cetalkonium chloride.

Unlike the expensive analogue, they do not contain methylparaben and hydroxyethylcellulose, due to which their cost is lower. Mundizal burns more strongly than Holicet due to the lack of glycerin compounds in the composition.

The price of Mundizal is from 260 rubles.

The price of Holicet is from 280 rubles.

These gels are used more often than Cholisal - 3-4 times a day, since the effect of the anesthetic component lasts for 6-7 hours.

Cholisal gel: analogues according to indications

Modern pharmacology also offers other means of combating lesions of the oral cavity, created on the basis of other active ingredients.

These drugs are relevant for people who are allergic to sacylates. In addition, they are cheaper because they contain herbal ingredients.

Practically full list indications for the use of Cholisal are the same for two drugs: Dicloran Denta gel, Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste (in gel form) and Oak Bark (collection).

There are also medications that can cope with one or two problems from the list: Dentinox, Kamistad, Kamident, Anginofit (in gel form), Dental Drops (solution) and Polyminerol (liquid).

A drug Active substance Indications Dosage form Price
Solcoseryl Dental Adhesive Paste Solcoseryl, polidocanol. Stomatitis, flat leash, gingivitis, periodontitis, trauma to the oral mucosa. gel From 300 rubles
Dicloran Denta Diclofenac sodium, chlorhexidine gluconate. Periodontitis, pulpitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, gum injuries after tooth extraction. gel From 300 rubles
Oak bark Oak bark. Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, lichen planus. collection From 40 rubles
Dentinox Ledocaine, polidocanol, chamomile infusion. Irritation of gums during teething. gel From 290 rubles
Kamistad Ledocaine hydrochloride, oak bark oil, chamomile infusion. Minor damage to the gum mucosa. gel From 195 rubles
Camident Ledocaine hydrochloride, methylparaben, chamomile infusion Mild damage to the mucous membrane and pain during teething. gel From 120 rubles
Dental drops Peppermint oil, racemic camphor. Toothache of any nature. solution From 25 rubles
Anginophyte Rodina root, larkspur root, sage leaf. Gingivitis, periodontitis, any inflammation of the gums. gel From 25 rubles
Polyminerol Lake Pomorie salts, sodium saccharin, menthol. Gingivitis, gum injuries, bleeding, postoperative pain. liquid From 55 rubles

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