Home Smell from the mouth Is lichen planus contagious in humans? Ringworm in a person photo signs and treatment

Is lichen planus contagious in humans? Ringworm in a person photo signs and treatment

Red lichen planus- an unpleasant dermatological disease that affects the skin. It rarely touches mucous membranes, and even less often it affects nails. It appears as itchy papules that look like a rash of large purple, pink or red spots. This skin disease can occur at any age in both men and women, but statistically women suffer from it more often. In addition to papules, which are striking and require precautions, LP is dangerous due to its oncogenicity. According to statistics, up to 2% of cases lead to the development of malignant tumors.

What is lichen planus

LLP is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disease. It is characterized by skin rashes that can last for many months, up to 1-2 years (even if treated). The exact causative agent has not yet been determined. According to various assumptions, this could be an immune inflammation, a subtype of allergy, and hereditary disease, and the virus.

The disease is common - according to various sources, it occurs in 2.4% of cases of all dermatological diseases, among diseases of the oral mucosa - up to 10%.

In the mouth, LLP is most often detected at the age of 50-60 years, skin lesions often appear at the age of 40-45. Children can also get sick, but it happens less often than in adults.

Causes of the disease

Why and where CPL comes from is not known exactly. There are several supposed reasons, each of which has evidence and compelling arguments:

  1. Heredity. The fact that lichen ruber is transmitted by heredity is partially confirmed by statistics: up to 1.2% of cases of the disease manifested themselves in patients over several generations. It is impossible to determine whether the disease will be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy.
  2. Psychological factors: stress, disorders, sleep disorders, dysfunction nervous system. Approximately 65% ​​of patients have some nervous breakdown. Lichen ruber can either appear because of it or worsen.
  3. Action of the virus. According to the assumption, there is a virus in human skin cells that lies dormant when the immune system is working normally. When a disruption occurs in the immune system, the virus becomes active. The assumption has not been proven, since the causative agent has not yet been identified.
  4. Immunoallergic cause. It is believed that in the blood of patients and in the places where rashes appear there are disturbances in the relationship between immune cells different types(one type provides an active immune response, the other, on the contrary, reduces it). As a result the immune system ceases to normally recognize its own cells and begins to produce antibodies against them. This leads to damage to skin tissue and red rashes.
  5. Intoxication. Divided into 2 assumptions. First: the disease is caused by taking certain medications (dermatoses can be caused by 27 medications, some of which are used precisely to treat such problems). Second: due to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. They can accumulate due to gastrointestinal diseases, liver damage, hypertension, and diabetes.

Predisposing factors include:

  • metabolic problems: impaired carbohydrate metabolism with diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia;
  • xanthomatosis (metabolic disorder);
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Regarding contagiousness, people usually believe that lichen planus, like other similar diseases, is contagious and easily transmitted from person to person. By the way, this is one of the main problems for patients. It is more difficult for them to be in society - others may avoid patients because of the bright red rashes.

In practice, it has not been proven that the disease is contagious. However, there are cases where the disease developed in several family members (including husband and wife). A situation is also described when LP was infected by a dermatologist who performed a tissue biopsy of a patient with such a diagnosis. Therefore, shingles is likely to be transmitted, and it is recommended to avoid contact with people who are sick. The following safety rules must be observed:

  • avoid physical contact (including handshakes);
  • do not share clothes and shoes, personal hygiene items (towels), bedding, dishes.

What does lichen look like and what are the different types of the disease?

The only symptom of skin lesions with this type of lichen is the appearance of a red rash. It looks like this:

  • rises slightly above the surface of the skin;
  • the surface of the nodules consists of single points, densely collected in one place, and sometimes merging;
  • the size of the rashes is small;
  • the affected area may have a slight shine, like wax;
  • after the peak of exacerbation has passed, the papules may dry out and peel off (if peeling, this lichen can be confused with psoriasis);
  • the color of the rash is purple, crimson-red or pinkish.

After the rash subsides, a pigment trace remains - pale spots that disappear completely over time. If the rash is severe or if you scratch it, scars may appear in its place.

Most often, rashes appear:

  • on the front surface of the lower leg;
  • on the inner surface of the forearms;
  • on the wrists;
  • in men - on the penis, in women - at the entrance to the vagina;
  • V groin area and inner thighs;
  • armpits;
  • on the body (less often);
  • on the scalp - in addition, hair falls out irrevocably in this area.

Less commonly, damage to the mucous membranes is possible, in which a red rash appears in the mouth or on the genitals (rare).

Rashes with red lichen planus more often they are multiple and located in groups, forming garlands, rings or lines on the skin

Exist different shapes, which differ in the appearance of the rashes. The classification is as follows:

  1. Erosive-ulcerative form - affects the mucous membranes, most often the oral cavity. Ulcers usually do not heal for a long time (even with intensive treatment), and the surface of the epithelium itself becomes red and swollen.
  2. Ring-shaped - rashes most often appear around the genitals and on the inner thighs. Arranged in whole or half circles.
  3. Moniliform - the rash forms a “necklace” with a waxy sheen. Most often it occurs on the buttocks, ears, neck, forehead, elbows or abdomen.
  4. Pointed - papules rise more above the surface of the skin than with other forms. At the peak of each nodule, a keratinized area forms. Typically appear on the legs, shoulder blades or neck.
  5. Blistering - elements of the rash look different from other types, like vesicles (vesicles with serous contents, sometimes with blood). Can be formed as healthy skin, and on papules of other types. Usually occur on the legs. In advanced cases they can acquire big sizes(in this case the form is called bullous).
  6. Hypertrophic lichen planus (or verrucous, warty) - is characterized by the development of a bumpy rash that occurs around large spots. It usually pops up on the shins, less often on the arms or face.

Possible complications

KPL is not the best dangerous disease. Lichen ruber is primarily unpleasant for the patient. It can lead to the following consequences:

  • scars and welts at the site of large rashes;
  • hair loss;
  • adhesions and scars, which can cause the vagina to narrow in women and cause phimosis in men;
  • blurred vision or narrowing of the tear duct (if the eyes are affected);
  • nail deformation;
  • darkening of the areas of the skin where the rash occurred (the symptom is usually temporary, and the darkening gradually goes away).

Another consequence that makes lichen ruber dangerous is possible development malignant tumor. This happens infrequently, and only when the oral mucosa is damaged (in such cases, cancer oral cavity occurred in 2% of patients).

How to determine that it is red dermatitis

Lichen planus can be confused with scabies (due to itching) and psoriasis (papules may peel off). Visually the rashes have typical look, and the dermatologist at the appointment usually immediately makes a preliminary diagnosis.

To clarify, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Clinical blood test. Not the main method, but can also be used. Confirmation is leukocytosis, increase in ESR and eosinophils.
  2. Biopsy. The main way in which it is clarified that this is lichen ruber.

How to get rid of lichen planus

How and with what to treat LP during an exacerbation period must be decided by the doctor. General list of methods:

  • taking medications orally;
  • use of ointments;
  • folk recipes;
  • diet;
  • normalization of lifestyle.

Traditional methods can be used at will, as an additional treatment. The remaining points must be followed comprehensively.

Pharmacy medicines

The most effective treatment- medicinal. The drugs can be used for the following purposes:

  • Reduce itching, relieve inflammation.
  • Normalization of the immune system.
  • Enhancing tissue repair.
  • Preventing the spread of the rash.

Treatment of lichen planus in humans is carried out with drugs of the following groups:

  1. Interferons and interphenogens (Neovir, Interferon Alpha, Ridostin). Used to relieve skin inflammation and speed up its recovery.
  2. Vitamins A, B, D, E. They are used only as an addition to other drugs, to support the body and accelerate skin recovery.
  3. Antiallergens. Such tablets are prescribed if an exacerbation is caused by an allergic reaction.
  4. Antibacterial agents. They are used if, in addition to lichen ruber, another infection develops.
  5. Sedatives. Used if the patient is easily upset or if he has to work in mentally stressful conditions.
  6. Corticosteroids. The use of corticosteroids is indicated to slow the spread of the disease and rapidly reduce the papules. However, such therapy is at the same time harmful to the body due to the suppression of its own immunity. As a result of their use, side effects may develop and the likelihood of re-exacerbation increases.

To lubricate the rash with lichen planus, the following types of ointments can be used:

  1. Hormonal (Triamcinolone, Hydrocortisone, Cloveit). Purpose - reduction of itching, general improvement of skin condition.
  2. Non-hormonal (Fenistil). Used if lichen worsens due to allergies. They stop the spread of papules, reduce swelling and redness, and eliminate itching.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Reduce swelling.
  4. Healing. They are used when the peak of the lichen exacerbation has already passed and the skin has begun to recover, to speed up healing.
  5. Salicylic ointment or ointments based on it. Used for more fast healing skin.

Folk remedies

Treatment of lichen ruber is acceptable, but only in addition to drug therapy. The essence of such methods is to treat the affected area with a red rash and reduce itching, inflammation and the spread of plaques.

Lichen planus can be treated with folk remedies only after the consent of a dermatologist.

What can be used to treat (all products are applied to the affected areas in the form of lotions):

  1. Sea buckthorn oil. Apply for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Apple cider vinegar (without dilution). Apply for 10 minutes.
  3. Birch tar ointment gruel (150 g), 2 egg yolks and cream (100 g).
  4. Porridge of finely grated beets.
  5. Composition: church incense (50 ml), aloe juice, 1 yolk and chopped garlic clove.

Rationalization of nutrition

Since one of possible reasons is an allergic reaction, with lichen ruber it is recommended to follow a diet. Create a menu excluding from your diet:

  • sweet;
  • products with a lot of dyes;
  • fat;
  • spicy;
  • smoked;
  • foods that cause an allergic reaction (red and orange fruits);
  • coffee, strong teas, carbonated drinks, packaged juices.

You should not eat this food, even if you are not allergic to such foods, and if the lichen does not clearly worsen after such food.

The menu should include:

  • boiled or stewed fish;
  • dietary meats;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits (except citrus fruits).

Other methods

What to do besides the methods listed above:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Minimize exposure to papules: do not scratch them yourself, and do not wear clothes that will rub them.
  3. Observe hygiene rules. The doctor will answer whether it is possible to wash with LLP. Yes, you can (both in the shower and take a bath), even in the acute stage. The only limitation: do not use hard washcloths for areas with papules. After a shower, you can lubricate them with moisturizer - this will partially relieve the itching.
  4. Prevent stress, hypothermia, overwork.
  5. Quickly and timely identify and treat other diseases.

How long does it take to treat ringworm in humans?

The main clarification: get rid of this forever chronic infection it is forbidden. However, it is possible to minimize the frequency and extent of manifestations so that the patient can feel normal around other people and lead a normal life.

With strong allergic manifestations Medicines should be taken in courses of 7-10 days. If after this time it has not been possible to recover from the disease, patients are prescribed hormone therapy.

The disease is divided into periods of remission (when there are no rashes) and exacerbation (when rashes appear). When a red rash appears on the skin, it can last from 6 to 24 months. At traditional treatment The rashes subside after this period, but may appear again in the future.

Ringworm is a skin disease caused by viruses or fungi. It is transmitted from humans or animals by contact. The disease manifests itself as peeling, irritation and discoloration of the affected areas of the skin. A person is susceptible to infection by several types of lichen, some of which can be quite dangerous.

The main cause of lichen is viruses, but the disease can be caused by hereditary factors, appear as a result of an allergy to taking a number of medications, and so on. People of mature age (from 30 to 70 years old) are most susceptible to infection with lichen; adolescents and young children suffer from lichen less often.

Types of lichen in humans

There are many varieties of lichen, depending on the form that affects your body, the color of the rashes differs (from pale pink to red), the location of the rash (appearance is possible on any part of the body, but in most cases the extremities are affected), the shape of the rashes (may not only flaky spots, but also blisters filled with liquid).

Externally, lichen looks like damage to the skin with red spots, which have characteristic borders of transparent bubbles filled with liquid. Typically, drying blisters become covered with crusts, which actively peel off, spreading around the scales.

The most common types and types of lichen with photos are presented below:

  • (multi-colored, colored);
  • ringworm (microsporia);

Ringworm is an unpleasant disease, but manageable complete cure. There are even some types of lichen that do not require treatment and go away on their own. Some types of lichen can be transmitted from a sick person, and infection occurs through household items, for example, a door handle in a store, handrails on public transport.

How to treat lichen in a person is decided by a specialist, depending on the nature of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

What does lichen look like in humans: photos, symptoms and signs

There are several types of lichen, affecting humans. Signs of the disease depend on the type of fungus, virus and on the specific reaction of the human body to the vital activity of the pathogen. In some patients, lichen does not cause unnecessary discomfort, while others suffer from itching in the area affected by the fungus. What lichen looks like in a person, see the photo below:

A viral disease, the causative agents of which are not fully understood. It manifests itself as inflammation of areas of the skin on which pink or light brown round spots appear, the center of which is usually slightly paler than the edges and may peel off.


The disease develops gradually, with the following symptoms appearing:

  • 2 weeks before the onset of the disease, half of the patients develop a spot on the skin up to 4 cm in size, flaking over the entire surface. It is called maternal;
  • At the initial stage before the rash appears, the patient complains of general malaise, slight increase fever, joint pain and in some cases enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • Over time, the spots grow.


IN mild form does not require treatment; according to many dermatologists, Zhiber's lichen goes away on its own in 6-8 weeks. But, to relieve itching, the doctor prescribes antihistamines: Zodak, Suprastin, Claritin, Tavegil. These medications do not cure lichen, but only relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Herpes zoster in humans

Herpes zoster is a unilateral viral infection skin in the form of bubbles containing a clear liquid (see photo).


  • The most distinctive symptom of shingles is severe pain, as the virus attacks the intercostal and other nerves.
  • Pain and itching in the rib area, most often on one side of the chest.

How to treat?

Treatment of this type of disease is carried out in three directions. The affected areas of the skin (purulent vesicles) are treated with brilliant green or they are cauterized with other drugs. To eliminate the source of infection, Acyclovir is prescribed. If the skin is very itchy, painful, or has a wet surface, medications to reduce pain, creams or ointments are prescribed.


How to recognize?

  • formation of spotty reddish rashes (photo on the right)
  • peeling
  • if the focus of the disease is located on the scalp, then you can notice that the hair breaks at the root in this place.
  • lesions tend to grow

We treat the disease

In case of hair damage, a course of systemic therapy is indicated, including taking Terbinafine or Griseofulvin tablets. At the same time, local therapy with antifungal ointments is carried out. If lichen has affected a smooth area of ​​skin, then external topicals are used as the main means of drug therapy. antifungal drugs. If an inflammatory process begins at the site of the lesion, the use of combination drugs containing hormones.

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

A fungal disease that actively progresses when there is sufficient moisture, e.g. copious discharge sweat.

First signs:

  • Spots form on the skin.
  • The skin is slightly peeling.
  • On tanned skin, the spots look discolored.
  • In winter, brown and pink spots become darker and stand out against the background of natural skin areas.

Treatment methods

Antimycotic ointments or creams should be applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day: Bifonazole, Mikospor, Bifosin, Terbinafine. These drugs suppress the growth of fungus and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

If lichen occupies large areas of the body and is difficult to treat with ointments, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs orally: Oronazole, Clotrimazole, Irunin, Mikosist, Fluconazole, Fungoterbin.

– a disease that can occur at any age, is characterized by a rather protracted course and presents as red papules with a shiny surface.

What does lichen look like and where is it located:

  • localization – stomach, back, bends of arms and legs;
  • appearance– red or bluish nodules with a shiny surface; the center of the nodule is a flat depression;
  • As the disease progresses, the nodules merge into plaques with a mesh pattern.

How to treat this type of lichen for a person?

This type of lichen is a chronic disease. Treatment is complex and depends on the timely elimination of the factors that provoked the disease. Antihistamines, vitamins (especially A and C), as well as drugs that have a sedative effect, such as Phenazepam, are widely used as treatment.

The cause of this disease is considered to be immune pathologies in combination with genetic predisposition and other internal factors.


  • The rash is located symmetrically (for example, on both hands);
  • Areas of redness and swelling with unclear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • Subsequently, these areas become covered with nodules and blisters filled with fluid.

How to treat the disease

Strong hormonal ointments are used as a basis in combination with antihistamines. Additionally, the dermatologist adjusts the patient’s diet and routine, prescribes procedures to strengthen the immune system and other measures to prevent relapses.

It is often differentiated as a separate disease. Whitish, silvery or gray spots appear on the skin, similar to frozen wax drops. Then they begin to turn red and itch.

Signs of lichen:

  • The disease can appear on any part of the body;
  • It is very rarely accompanied by itching, but peeling is a must.

Can it be cured?

This dermatosis is an incurable disease, so the main goal of treatment is to eliminate its unpleasant symptoms. external manifestations, transferring into remission and preventing its re-exacerbation in the future. Unfortunately, it often worsens for no apparent reason. It is impossible to say exactly over what period of time this will happen.


To differentiate the type of lichen that has appeared, a visual examination and collection of an anamnesis of the disease, as well as scraping from the affected skin, are carried out. The collected materials are examined under a microscope, after which the causative agent of lichen is identified based on the observed mycelium threads and spores. To do this, the spores are placed in a nutrient medium and, after rapid growth, the type of disease is determined.

If varieties of lichen associated with the state of the immune system occur, it may be recommended to identify the allergen using skin tests, blood test for the number of immune system cells, antibodies to and herpes virus.

How to treat lichen in humans

Treatment of lichen includes the use of antifungal and antiviral ointments, immunomodulatory therapy and tableted antimycotic drugs.

Standard therapy for any type of lichen in humans includes the following procedures:

  1. Treatment of stains (tar, ichthyol ointments);
  2. Symptomatic treatment with diuretics and sedatives;
  3. Physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser);
  4. Elimination of psycho-emotional overloads;
  5. Antiallergic therapy.

In case of defeat hairline The use of Nizoral is enough for the head. The drug eliminates peeling and burning of the skin.

One of the important goals of treatment is to prevent the disease from progressing into chronic stage. Early defects may heal in the summer, but reappear in the winter due to insufficient treatment of the pathology.

If you notice the first signs of the development of lichen on your body, you must immediately contact an experienced specialist, because only he can decide how to cure lichen in your case quickly and with high efficiency. This depends on many factors, for example, how the lichen manifests itself, is considered initial stage diseases or advanced cases and many other factors.

It is impossible to make a decision on treating any type of lichen with any drug on your own. Required condition successful treatment, is to take tests for fungus and only after that, the doctor will be able to choose the right drug.

How to treat lichen with folk remedies

The main focus of treatment various types deprivation is done on medications. After consulting with your dermatologist, try one of these proven home recipes. How to treat lichen at home? Use medicinal herbs, natural substances.

  1. Grind the roots and leaves of celery, proportions 1:1. Apply the resulting paste daily to problem areas. Take 2 tbsp of freshly squeezed celery juice three times a day. l. spoons.
  2. We treat ringworm with wheat oil. Millet in the amount of one or two tablespoons is calcined in a hot frying pan. Black oil with a characteristic odor should appear. When the oil has cooled to normal, it can be used to lubricate the affected areas. Usually, several procedures are enough for complete recovery.
  3. An ointment prepared independently at home from one hundred grams of honey and one tablespoon of garlic ash is another popular recipe.
  4. This folk remedy for lichen is very effective. For the recipe you will need not the plant itself, but the plant's tendrils. You will need to squeeze the juice out of them and moisten the lichen with it. The solution can be used as compresses.
  5. Treatment is effective in the fight against lichen tar soap– a ready-made preparation based on birch tar. The darker the color of the soap, the higher the concentration of tar and, accordingly, its medicinal properties. The affected area needs to be soaped, the resulting foam should be left on the skin until it dries completely. The recommended duration of the procedure is 2 weeks.
  6. A few cloves of garlic are grated and mixed with natural honey until smooth. The resulting mixture is distributed over areas of the skin with lichen plaques, which promotes their disappearance. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Now you know how to treat lichen. Do not use medications and traditional recipes without a doctor’s recommendation. Use the whole range of methods - the disease will recede.

Ringworm in humans is a serious disease, regardless of its type. It has unpleasant symptoms and disrupts a person’s normal life, forcing him to avoid communication with family and friends. A timely visit to a specialist will allow you to identify the causative agent of the disease and select the appropriate treatment,

  • Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video
  • Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video
  • Lichen planus: traditional methods of treatment (herbs, diet, massage), opinion of a dermatologist - video
  • Can lichen planus be cured? What are the forecasts?

  • The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

    Red flat lichen(red dermatitis) – chronic inflammatory disease, in which characteristic rashes appear on the skin and mucous membranes.

    Lichen planus in numbers and facts:

    • The disease occurs in 0.1-4% of people.
    • Women and men get sick in a ratio of 3:2.
    • Most often, the diagnosis is made at the age of 30-60 years, but in general the pathology occurs in all age groups.
    • Lichen planus is one of the most common diseases of the oral mucosa.
    • The oral (oral) form of lichen planus occurs in 1.27-2% of people. It is rarely diagnosed in children.
    • It is estimated that about half of women suffering from oral lichen planus have undiagnosed lesions of the genital mucosa.


    Lichen planus occurs when the immune system begins to malfunction and attacks skin cells. Scientists do not fully know why this happens. Several factors are believed to contribute to the development of the disease:

    • Heredity. It has been established that a predisposition to lichen planus is transmitted from parents to children through genes.
    • Disorders of the nervous system. Cases of the development of the disease after stress and hypnosis have been described.
    • Diseases of the digestive system. Promote the appearance of lichen planus on the oral mucosa. Gastritis, colitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon), and some other pathologies are important.
    • Viral infections. The role of hepatitis C and influenza vaccines has been proven.
    • Injury oral mucosa fragments of teeth, poorly fitting dentures.
    • Exposure to certain toxic chemicals: pigments, paraphenylenediamine, substances that are used during the development of color films.
    • Taking certain medications: tetracycline, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.
    • In some patients, there is a connection between the occurrence of lichen planus and cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension), endocrine system(diabetes).
    Not all people with risk factors in their lives develop lichen planus. In order for a disease to occur, disturbances in the immune system and metabolism must occur in the body, caused by a combination of different reasons, some of which act externally, and others within the body.

    Lichen planus: risk groups, causes, signs (what it looks like), complications, localization. Is it possible to get infected with lichen planus - video


    A typical form of lichen planus is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Raspberry-red or pinkish-purple nodules appear on the skin. They are 2-3 mm in size, irregular in shape, and do not rise above the skin.
    • The surface of the nodules has a characteristic shine with a waxy tint. It is best visible in side lighting.
    • Neighboring nodules can merge with each other and form plaques covered with small scales.
    • Itching occurs. It can be so strong that it prevents you from sleeping at night.
    • If you lubricate the surface of the nodules with vegetable oil, white dots and intertwining lines like a web become visible on it.
    • Most often, the lesion occurs on the wrists, the flexor surface of the forearms, the extensor surface of the legs, the inner surface of the thighs, the groin area, and the armpits.
    • The skin of the face, scalp, palms and soles is extremely rarely affected.
    • Usually, after the disappearance of nodules and plaques on the skin, areas of hyperpigmentation having more dark color compared to the surrounding skin.
    • In about a quarter of patients, the disease affects the mucous membranes. The elements can be located in the oral cavity, on the head of the penis, in the vestibule of the vagina.
    • Nodules in the form of dots of gray-opal color usually appear on the mucous membrane of the cheeks. They are combined into networks, rings, lace.
    • The tongue is characterized by flat, whitish plaques with clear, uneven, jagged edges.
    • Purple plaques appear on the lips. On their surface there is peeling and a grayish-white mesh. The lower lip is affected more often than the upper lip.
    • In some patients, lichen planus lesions involve the nails. They appear striated in longitudinal direction, sometimes ridges appear. The nail beds take on a bright red color. Areas of cloudiness appear on the nail plates.

    Often elements characteristic of lichen planus appear in areas of scratching. The disease can last a long time, sometimes for many months.

    Less common with lichen planus is damage to the esophagus. There is pain and difficulty swallowing caused by inflammation of the organ wall or narrowing of its lumen. There is an opinion that lichen planus increases the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

    Lichen planus: symptoms and signs. What does lichen planus look like on the mucous membranes, on the nails, on the face and head - video


    There are two stages of the disease:

    • Progressive. At this time, new elements appear on the skin. Due to changes in the body's reactivity, nodules and plaques appear at the site of scratches and scratches within a few days. Dermatologists call it isomorphic reaction.
    • Regressive. Peeling occurs on the surface of the nodules and plaques; they gradually disappear, leaving dark pigmented spots in their place. At the same time, new elements can arise.

    Forms of lichen planus

    In addition to the typical one, there are other types of lichen planus:

    Name of the form of the disease Description
    Hypertrophic (warty, verrucous) lichen planus Warty growths appear on the skin, which look like brownish-red or purple plaques, covered with layers of thickened upper keratinized layer of skin. Next to these plaques there may be elements characteristic of a typical form of lichen planus. Most often, warty formations are located on the front surface of the legs, less often found on other parts of the body.
    Atrophic lichen planus After the destruction of nodules or plaques, atrophy or sclerotic changes occur on the skin (in the second case they speak of sclerotic form of lichen planus). May occur finely focal baldness – small bald spots appear on the head.
    Blistering (bullous) form of lichen planus A rare form of the disease. Blisters filled with clear or bloody fluid form on the skin. They are usually the size of a cherry or a pea. Most often, the elements appear on the skin of the legs and feet. Bubbles can appear both on unaffected areas of the skin and on the surface of the plaques. Sometimes, along with blisters, nodules are present on the skin, characteristic of the typical form of the disease.
    Lichen planus moniliformis Rashes the size of a cherry pit appear, which are arranged in the form of chains and resemble “strung beads.” The elements are nodules that can have different appearances. They can be so close to each other that together they resemble one long scar. Rashes with this form of the disease can be found throughout the body, most often found on the skin of the forehead, neck, back of the ears, back of the hands, elbows, buttocks, and abdomen. The palms and soles, the skin of the cheeks and nose, and the genitals most often remain clean.
    Pointed shape Along with the elements characteristic of the typical form of the disease, conical nodules with a horny spike in the central part appear on the skin. If the scalp is affected, small atrophic scars may form on it.
    Ring shape Plaques acquire a characteristic appearance due to the fact that they spread in breadth, and in the center the skin clears. As a result, elements appear on the skin that have the appearance of rings, necklaces, arcs, and half rings. Most often, this form of lichen planus occurs in men. Skin lesions are usually localized in the genital area and the inner surface of the arms.
    Erosive (erosive-ulcerative) form of lichen planus The most severe form of the disease, difficult to treat. Superficial damage occurs on the skin and mucous membrane - erosion. They have an irregular shape, covered with a thin film of protein fibrin. If you remove this film, the erosion will begin to bleed. Ulcers occur less frequently. Elements can exist for a long time, sometimes up to several years. During treatment, erosions heal, but after treatment they often appear again, usually in the same place.
    Zosteriform form The nodules are located on the skin along the nerves, so the disease may resemble herpes.
    Pigmented form of lichen planus The main elements of skin rashes are: dark spots. As a rule, they are found on the face and hands.

    Variants of damage to the oral mucosa (oral lichen planus):

    Name of the form of the disease Description
    Mesh The most common form of oral lichen planus. Appears as lacy lines white, resembling a network or cobweb in appearance. In this case, the patient has no complaints.
    Erosive/ulcerative It ranks second in prevalence among all forms of oral lichen planus. Erosion and ulcers appear on the mucous membrane, covered with yellow films. In a quarter of patients, the gum mucosa is involved in the pathological process, a condition known as desquamative gingivitis.
    Papular White nodules appear on the mucous membrane.
    Atrophic Areas of atrophy appear on the mucous membrane. This form of the disease can also present as desquamative gingivitis.
    Bullous It appears in the form of blisters on the mucous membrane filled with clear liquid.

    Lichen planus: stages and forms (erosive-ulcerative, warty, atrophic, etc.) - video


    Lichen planus is especially unpleasant in the genital area, in the vagina. The disease leads to pain and disrupts sex life. Scars may remain in place of the elements. Sexual dysfunction may subsequently persist for a long time.

    There is evidence that lichen planus, although to a small extent, may increase the risk squamous cell carcinoma. Your dermatologist may recommend that you be screened for cancer cells in the lesions.

    Skin pigmentation in places where nodules and plaques were located persists for a long time.

    What does lichen planus look like in the photo?

    Lichen planus on the arm:

    Lichen planus on the leg:

    Lichen planus on the face:

    Lichen planus on the mucous membrane:

    Lichen planus on the tongue:


    In most cases, a doctor can easily make a diagnosis during an examination. Difficulties may arise if the skin is not affected, and the elements are only on the mucous membrane.

    Tests for lichen planus that a dermatologist may prescribe:

    • Biopsy. The doctor obtains a piece of tissue in the area of ​​the nodules and plaques and sends it to the laboratory for analysis. Most often this is done using scrapings. When microscopying samples, you can see cells characteristic of lichen planus.
    • Blood test for hepatitis C. This viral disease often provokes the occurrence of lichen planus. If during the conversation the doctor decides that you had a risk of contracting hepatitis, he will order this test.
    • Allergy tests. Allergies can also trigger the occurrence of lichen planus. Your dermatologist may refer you to an allergist who can perform an allergy test. Solutions containing different potential allergens will be applied to your skin. ABOUT positive reaction will indicate the appearance of redness and a blister in the place where the “culprit” allergen was applied.
    Not everyone needs these studies. They are prescribed if there is a suspicion of a particular disease in cases where the diagnosis is difficult to establish.

    Lichen planus: diagnosis (opinion of a dermatovenerologist) - video


    How to cure lichen planus?

    Since the cause of the disease is not completely clear, there is no treatment aimed at it. Therapy is mainly aimed at alleviating symptoms and eliminating cosmetic problems.

    Ointments against lichen planus with corticosteroids

    Corticosteroids (glucocorticoids) are preparations of adrenal cortex hormones. They effectively suppress inflammation, immune and allergic reactions. Typically, treatment for lichen planus begins with the use of corticosteroids in the form of creams and ointments. If this does not help, the drugs are prescribed in tablet form. If tablets are also ineffective, corticosteroids are used in the form of injections.

    For lichen planus, Diprospan and other glucocorticoids are used.

    Possible side effects from the use of corticosteroids:

    • irritation or thinning of the skin in the area where creams and ointments are applied;
    • stomach disorders.

    Drugs that affect the immune response

    These medications may be prescribed as ointments, gels, or oral (taken by mouth) forms. The most commonly used drugs are tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel).


    Antihistamines block the effects of a protein called histamine, which is involved in inflammatory and allergic reactions. These medications, taken in tablet form or on the skin, relieve the pain and itching caused by lichen planus.


    Phototherapy involves exposing the skin to light waves. For lichen planus, ultraviolet B radiation is most often used, which can penetrate only upper layer skin (epidermis).

    Ultraviolet A radiation is also used in combination with psoralen. However, this treatment slightly increases the risk of developing skin cancer and cataracts in the future.

    Typically, 2-3 phototherapy sessions are performed per week for several weeks.


    If glucocorticoid drugs and phototherapy do not help the patient, the doctor may prescribe retinoids - synthetic drugs vitamin A. They are used orally or cutaneously.

    Retinoids can lead to congenital defects development in the fetus, so they are not recommended for pregnant women. If a woman is preparing to become a mother or is breastfeeding, the doctor will prescribe retinoids to be applied to the skin or other medications.

    Eliminating irritants

    If your doctor believes that lichen planus is caused by hepatitis C, allergies, certain medications, or other causes, he will recommend taking steps to eliminate the causative factor. You may need to replace the medications you have been taking recently with others and avoid contact with certain substances that cause allergic reactions in you. If you are diagnosed with hepatitis C, you will be referred for treatment to a hepatologist - a specialist in liver disease.

    Antibiotics for lichen planus

    Lichen planus – non-communicable disease, therefore applications antibacterial drugs not required. However, sometimes against the background of this pathology, pustular skin lesions develop. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

    Alternative medicine in the treatment of lichen planus

    The results of some studies show that patients suffering from lichen planus may benefit from taking vitamins A and B. However, more research is needed to find out for sure.

    Some are small clinical trials showed that aloe vera gels help with lichen planus of the oral cavity and genitals.

    There are quite a few dietary supplements that, according to manufacturers and sellers, help with lichen planus. Before using them, you should definitely consult your doctor. Some alternative medicines can cause serious side effects when used concomitantly with medications.

    Lichen planus - treatment (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antihistamines, vitamin therapy, creams and ointments, VLOG) - video

    Lichen planus: features of treatment on mucous membranes. Treatment of children, pregnant women. Forecasts for lichen planus - video

    Treatment at home

    The disease can be treated on an outpatient basis, at home. But the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor, periodically appear for examinations, and follow prescriptions.

    • Take warm skin baths with colloidal oatmeal and follow with a moisturizing lotion.
    • Apply cold compresses.
    • Avoid damaging the skin. Protect your hands with gloves when washing dishes and gardening.
    • From


    If a person develops characteristic rashes on the mucous membranes and skin, then most likely he has developed contagious lichen ruber (red dermatitis, pityriasis rosea). This chronic inflammatory disease is the most common pathology of the oral cavity. In an adult, lichen planus occurs much more often than in a child, but it is equally difficult to cure, because the symptoms are similar. The disease looks like ordinary dermatosis, but differs from its other varieties in that it appears against the background of existing problems with internal organs.

    What is lichen planus

    This is a chronic dermatosis, the characteristic element of which is a papule. The pathology is striking skin, nails, mucous membranes. The variety of papules, their location, appearance and the presence of groups determines a huge number of forms of lichen planus. More often the disease is detected in women 40-60 years old. The disease progresses slowly, relapses alternate with periods of subsidence clinical symptoms. Elderly people and children rarely get lichen planus.

    Is he contagious?

    Doctors have not yet been able to find a definite answer to this question. Lichen planus is not believed to be contagious. However, in medical practice there are facts of the occurrence of pathology in all family members. An episode was also documented when a doctor who collected tissue from a patient discovered a pointed papule on his skin a week later. A month later, the doctor developed numerous rashes similar to those present in his patient. It can be assumed that infection with red dermatitis is possible through close contact.


    Most characteristic feature Lichen ruber - Wickham mesh. It is a pattern on the surface of large papules, which is clearly visible when applied to the rash vegetable oil. Lichen planus looks like a collection of small nodules alternating with compacted plaques. Skin with red dermatitis looks like a glossy sheet of paper, which has a purplish-bluish tint. The symptoms of lichen planus are difficult to confuse with another skin problem, because during its development it is easy to notice whitish dots and stripes, which are a compaction of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

    In children

    In appearance, lichen planus is not much different in adults and children. The first rashes are localized on the legs and arms in the area of ​​the child’s joints. Then the red dermatitis spreads to other parts of the body, and small shiny papules group on the skin, resembling a ring. The seals on the joints are harder than on other areas of the skin. The vesicular form of lichen is expressed by fluid-filled vesicles, which are localized at the site of the lesions chronic inflammation. They can affect the mucous membrane of the child’s mouth and be accompanied by itching, which causes sleep disturbances.


    There are many theories about the etiology of the disease:

    1. Hereditary. Based on some cases of the disease in relatives in the 2nd and 3rd generations.
    2. Neuroendocrine. The main reason is emotional stress, prolonged mental disorders, dysfunction of the nervous system due to certain diseases (early menopause, hypertension, hypoestrogenism and others).
    3. Allergic. It is based on a toxic-allergic reaction of the body to chemicals, vitamins and medications, and foods.
    4. Viral. Lichen ruber is explained by the presence in the body of a filtering virus, which is activated when immunity decreases.
    5. Metabolic. It is based on the common development of lichen planus and diabetes mellitus, which often occur together.


    According to clinical manifestations, red dermatitis is classified according to the type of disease:

    Form of the disease

    Main clinical signs

    Typical (reticular)

    Whitish papules are observed on the mucous membrane, which cannot be removed when scraped. Typical rashes look like a mesh pattern.

    Hyperkeratotic (warty)

    Ringworm is manifested by significantly elevated large papules, which are covered with brown-gray dry horny layers. They are most often localized on the sacrum area, on the anterior surface of the lower leg.

    Ulcerative - erosive

    On the mucous membrane of the cheeks, white papules merge into a pattern, against which erosions are visible. Ulcers are observed on the hyperemic mucous membrane of the tongue in combination with papules.


    Typical papules are connected into rings of different sizes. The rash is localized on the head of the penis, around the joints, and in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.


    It is distinguished by hypertrophic foci of keratinization protruding above the red border of the lips. At the same time, the rashes are accompanied by papular elements that merge into stripes in the transitional folds.


    Characterized by rashes on the inflamed mucous membrane of the mouth.


    At the first symptoms skin disease you need to contact a dermatologist. The diagnosis of lichen planus is made on the basis of a visual examination and is not difficult. Polygonal plaques with a smooth surface and a characteristic rash color indicate red dermatitis. To clarify the diagnosis, the following laboratory tests are performed:

    • skin biopsy;
    • histological examination of the biopsy specimen.

    Treatment of lichen planus

    The lack of clear knowledge about the causes of the disease determines the use of different schemes and methods of its treatment. Drug therapy carried out using sedatives and medications that relieve itching. Selective phototherapy and PUVA therapy effectively fight the disease. Another method of treating red dermatitis is combined use antimalarial and corticosteroid drugs.

    In most cases, local therapy for lichen planus is not prescribed. The exception is the hypertrophic form of the disease, in which bandages, intralesional injections, and destruction of lesions by radio waves or lasers are used. If the nodules are located on the mucous membranes, then phytoextracts, corticosteroid ointments, and vegetable oils are recommended for treatment.


    Used to treat lichen ruber wide range medications:

    1. In acute and subacute cases of the disease, the sedative drug Medazepam is prescribed, which calms the nervous system and relieves tension. The downside of taking the medication is the possibility of developing multiple side effects.
    2. For very widespread rashes, the doctor prescribes the antiviral drug Zovirax. The medicine has contraindications: renal failure, neurological symptoms.
    3. Additionally, vitamin E is prescribed, which reduces treatment time. In case of an overdose, apathy, decreased vision, and digestive problems may occur.
    4. To eliminate painful itching, your doctor will recommend antihistamine Cetrin, which reduces inflammatory processes. The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
    5. If complications arise that are associated with erosive and ulcerative skin lesions or the addition of a secondary infection, then treatment with the antibiotic Tetracycline is performed. Among the disadvantages of its use are multiple adverse reactions.
    6. At long-term treatment the corticosteroid Dexamethasone is additionally prescribed. There are risks of getting allergic and dermatological reactions after using the medicine.


    Doctors in dermatovenereology, in addition to drug treatment, recommend the use of external agents. The best ointment for lichen planus on the mucous membranes - Flucinar. This is a glucocorticosteroid drug that has antiallergic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effects. It is applied for 1-2 weeks to the damaged mucous membrane with applications. The ointment should not be prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

    To quickly cure a disease of external origin, Advantan ointment is recommended. It relieves itching, swelling, inflammation, pain syndrome. Apply the ointment to the affected surface 1 time/day until the lichen disappears completely. Among the disadvantages of using Advantan is that it cannot be used for skin tuberculosis, rosacea, and skin manifestations of syphilis.


    It will be easier to get rid of red lichen if, in addition to tablets and ointments, you undergo a course of physiotherapy. Basic methods:

    • PUVA therapy is a combined effect of photosensitizers and ultraviolet irradiation, which gives an anti-inflammatory effect;
    • magnetic therapy, which improves tissue regeneration;
    • ozokerite applications that have a resolving effect.

    Treatment of lichen planus at home

    To prevent lichen ruber from causing atrophic baldness hairy skin head, along with the main treatment, you should use an alcohol tincture of calendula, which is easy to find in a pharmacy. It is advisable to rub the product into the affected areas of the scalp several times a day. Judging by the reviews of patients, it helps perfectly cope with lichen planus. sea ​​buckthorn oil, which should be applied to gauze daily, leaving the lotion on the site of inflammation for at least 1 hour.


    During the course of the disease and during the recovery period, you need to adhere to a balanced diet. The diet for lichen planus includes drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding fast food, fatty, smoked, salty, spicy foods, concentrates and eating foods rich in minerals and vitamins. It is necessary to include in the diet:

    • dried prunes, dried apricots;
    • fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • any fresh herbs;
    • raisins, nuts;
    • rosehip decoction.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Our ancestors tried to cure lichen ruber using folk recipes. With the development of medicine, self-medication has become less effective, but in combination with modern methods grandma's ways give more fast recovery. When plaques form, it is recommended to use the following folk recipes:

    1. Apple vinegar. Should only be used at home. Use vinegar in the form of a lotion, applying gauze to the affected area for 10 minutes. It is recommended to carry out at least 5-6 procedures per day.
    2. Birch tar. An effective ointment is prepared from 150 g of tar, 2 egg yolks and 100 g of fresh cream. Apply to the lichen as often as possible throughout the day.


    In many cases, lichen planus regresses without treatment due to the cessation of exposure to the triggering factor. Some forms of the disease can be chronic, occurring after years of remission. Sometimes lichen ruber becomes refractory to therapy, which reduces the patient’s quality of life. The patient develops pigment spots in the focal lesion area and scars form. Rashes in the oral cavity may persist throughout life.

    Photo of red lichen


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    One of the dermatological diseases of unknown etiology that occurs in a chronic form is lichen ruber, whether it is contagious or not can only be determined by becoming more familiar with this disease. This type is a chronic form of dermatological disease. This article gives general information on the disease, main symptoms, treatment methods.

    Is lichen planus contagious or not? This question interests many who are faced with this disease. No factors contributing to its development have been identified. There are only a few opinions about the appearance of this disease skin surfaces.

    It is believed that the appearance of pathology is facilitated by several reasons that simultaneously appeared “on the horizon”:

    1. Immunological disorders. Development noted allergic reaction slow type. She suggests that there may be a certain disease that contributes to this process. Against the background of its development, other reasons also appear that collectively contribute to further development pathology. For example: cosmetical tools, perfume, household chemicals or other allergens.
    2. Stressful situations, psychological experiences. Often it is the emotional background that can contribute to the development atypical reactions in organism. It is also worth considering such manifestations as nervousness, hysteria, neurasthenia.
    3. Viral etiology. Considering that there are many viruses that have not yet been sufficiently studied, there is an opinion that lichen planus belongs to this category of diseases.
    4. Heredity. This factor is taken into account when the development of pathology in twins is observed. Or if lichen ruber is diagnosed in relatives in different generations.

    Lichen ruber is a disease infectious nature, which affects not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes. Against the background of this disease, concomitant pathological processes occurring in the internal organs of the human body are often diagnosed. Mainly there are disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of the liver and pancreas.

    Considering that a sick person is constantly in close contact with a large number of people, it is important to know whether this disease is contagious or whether there is no need to fear for your health.

    Forms of the pathological process

    Regardless of the etiology of the disease, there are several forms of the pathological process.

    It depends on the location of the disease, as well as its clinical manifestations:

    Main symptoms of dermatological infection

    It is believed that the female half of humanity aged 40-60 years is susceptible to lichen planus.

    Of the most common signs skin disease it is worth noting:

    • general malaise, weakness due to fatigue;
    • skin rashes various localizations;
    • skin irritation;
    • sleep disturbance.

    It is necessary to note the “favorite” places where skin rashes may occur:

    • inner thighs;
    • forearm, wrist joint area, palms;
    • elbow bends;
    • ankle joints, feet;
    • kneecaps;
    • lumbar region and lateral parts of the body;
    • armpit area;
    • Bottom part belly.

    Of the mucous surfaces, it is necessary to note the area inside the oral cavity, the head of the penis and the area near the entrance to the vagina.

    This is due to the fact that there is strong friction in these places. The mucous membranes of the genital organs can become damaged during sexual intercourse. Inside the oral cavity, injury to the mucous membrane is possible from sharp edges of teeth, dentures, spicy foods, and hot dishes.

    Treatment tactics for dermatological diseases

    Before talking about therapeutic measures, it should be noted that the disease does not relate to infectious pathologies. Based on this, we can talk about whether lichen planus is contagious. The disease is not contagious and, accordingly, is not transmitted through contact with a sick person.

    It is possible to diagnose the pathological process by visual examination. In some cases it is necessary to carry out laboratory research, as well as consultations with narrow specialists. This will help identify lichen if it has spread to internal organs.

    The basis of the dermatological disease is immune inflammation, i.e. the body's reaction to a decrease in protective properties. Cells on the skin surfaces and mucous membranes are destroyed.

    Well therapeutic measures implies:

    • medications to reduce immunity, especially in severe forms of the disease;
    • preparations for the nutrition and regeneration of skin and mucous cells that affect metabolic processes;
    • antihistamines medications to reduce itching and irritation;
    • means to improve sleep quality;
    • medications to normalize the activity of the nervous system;
    • antibiotics;
    • hormonal drugs;
    • multivitamin complexes;
    • external anti-inflammatory agents containing corticosteroids (gels, ointments);
    • instrumental treatment involves laser therapy or magnetic therapy.

    A set of measures is carried out to eliminate provoking factors:

    1. Taking antidepressants, sedatives.
    2. Sanitation, prosthetics of the oral cavity.
    3. Elimination of foci of infection.
    4. Discontinuation pharmaceuticals who are provocateurs skin rashes.
    5. Exclude professional harmful factors.
    6. Correction of diet to prevent irritation of mucous surfaces.

    It should also be taken into account that the treatment of lichen ruber requires therapeutic measures to eliminate concomitant or chronic diseases.

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