Home Children's dentistry Psychosomatics of ovarian cyst. Psychosomatic factors of ovarian cysts Sexual dysfunctions, anorgasmia

Psychosomatics of ovarian cyst. Psychosomatic factors of ovarian cysts Sexual dysfunctions, anorgasmia

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

Mental block



Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to soften the blows that the patient's ego receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Next chapter


Psychology of illnesses: Menstruation (problems)

Name of disease or organ

Causes of the disease

Rejection of one's femininity. Guilt, fear. The belief that everything associated with the genitals is sinful or unclean.

I recognize myself as a full-fledged woman and consider all processes in my body to be normal and natural. I love and approve of myself.

Physical blocking

Menstruation is the cyclic release of blood from the uterus in girls and women associated with childbearing function. During pregnancy there is no menstruation. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this is ideal. It is considered normal if the menstrual cycle lasts from 25 to 32 days. The following problems may be associated with menstruation: AMENorrhea (absence of menstruation), MENSTRUAL PAIN, TUMOR, KIDNEY PAIN, GROUND PAIN, MENORRHAGIA (heavy bleeding), METRORRHAGIA (bleeding from the uterus during the intermenstrual period).

Emotional blockage

Problems with menstruation indicate that a woman is having difficulty accepting her feminine side. Starting from adolescence, she reacts very sharply (to the point of irritation) to her mother, who was her first ideal woman. This does not mean that she is not feminine, she just does not really like the role of a woman, since this role involves following too many rules. She wants, usually unconsciously, to be a man, and she may even be angry with men because they have some opportunities that she does not and will never have. She often forces herself to play the role of a man, but this awakens in her a feeling of guilt that she does not realize.

Mental block

If you're having problems with your periods, your body is telling you that your attitude toward femininity, which you developed during adolescence, needs to be reconsidered. This attitude harms you and prevents you from being happy. Increased sensitivity and irritability destroy your peace of mind. You can do whatever you want, especially now that women are increasingly taking over traditionally male roles.

You no longer have to follow the generally accepted rules that define the difference between male and female roles. Instead of envying men, it is better to make them envy you. This will allow you to achieve harmony between the masculine and feminine principles. Even if you sometimes decide to play a male role, give yourself the right to need a man, but in such a way as not to become dependent on him. By getting rid of the desire to play all male genders, you will make room in your life for the man you need.

Perhaps your problems are explained by the influence of some popular beliefs in your family. Perhaps as a teenager you were taught that menstruation is something shameful, sinful, dirty or unnatural? Maybe you have been convinced that problems during menstruation are normal? If so, you must reconsider your beliefs and accept the idea that menstruation is a painless, completely natural and necessary process for your body.


Psychology of diseases: Fibroma and cyst

Don't try to change the world or the people around you, change yourself first. When you change yourself, the people around you will change, the world will change. © Keys to life

Name of disease or organ

Causes of the disease

Remember the insult inflicted by your partner.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I consign to oblivion that in me that caused this event. I do only good in my life.

Physical blocking

Fibroma is a benign tumor that consists exclusively of fibrous connective tissue and most often develops in the uterus. It is not painful, but may cause a feeling of heaviness in the groin or make it difficult to urinate. Fibroids can remain very small, but sometimes grow and reach a weight of several kilograms. A woman may not even be aware that she has fibroids in her body.

Emotional blockage

A fibroid is a collection of tissue that can be considered a psychological child. Since any neoplasm that is not necessary for the body is directly related to a long-term experience of grief, fibroma indicates that the woman is experiencing, most of the time unconsciously, the loss of a child - as a result of abortion, miscarriage, decision to give the child to an orphanage, etc.

It is also possible that this woman does not give herself the right to be childless. Some women would like a child, but do not want to get involved with men and therefore create a psychological child for themselves.

Mental block

Given all of the above, you must realize that your body is telling you to stop worrying about the child you no longer have. You continue to suffer because you are afraid of seeming heartless to someone - but you are not.

If you haven't had children yet, you shouldn't consider yourself inferior. You made your choice, that's all. According to popular belief, a woman is considered a real woman only if she has children. But we are entering the Age of Aquarius and must leave such misconceptions behind. Every woman must live at least one life without having children in order to learn to love herself even without becoming a mother. If you want to have a child, but are afraid of men, first get rid of this fear. Paradoxically, the first stage of this deliverance is to give yourself the right to experience this fear.

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2018 Blog about women's health.

The structure of female behavior in recent decades has ceased to resonate with the nature of her essence. The woman became the breadwinner, the conqueror, the engine in the huge mechanisms of social movements. However, they forgot to explain to the subtle, mental, deeply feeling female psyche that it must also become frosty and shrink into the framework of a rough working unit.

What does psychosomatics study?

To answer the question of why the modern trend has become not a healthy woman, but a woman being treated, science, which is still considered alternative, is called upon to answer - psychosomatics. polycystic disease, ovarian cyst, the inability to conceive or enjoy physical intimacy, any acquired pathologies of the reproductive organs and even painful periods - all this finds a logical justification in the depths of the subconscious, which puts forward the disease as a protective reaction of the body against distorted natural ideas. Well-known psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov, who specializes, among other things, in women’s health problems, describes the influence of psychosomatic influence on the body as a determining factor in a person’s well-being, against the background of which various predisposing conditions, such as infectious diseases, poor nutrition, and the environment, aggravate the situation.

Also, according to the therapist, it is impossible to derive a specific algorithm for solving a psychosomatic problem, as well as to build a unified treatment regimen for, for example, all abdominal diseases. A person and the settings of his body are individual, and each violation in the functionality of this complex structure is unique and inimitable.

Origin according to psychosomatics

The conflict between the huge difference in the upbringing that a modern woman has received and real life, which dictates its own conditions, is the main reason why the female body is unbalanced and cannot adjust to the correct rhythm. One of the causes of cysts in the body (from psychosomatics) is considered to be a short-lived era that affected the upbringing of several generations, condemning sexual relations as something unacceptable. This gave rise to the belief in the minds of people (mostly, of course, women) that physical attraction is a shameful fact that requires condemnation.

With a strong subconscious conviction of their own “wrongness,” women for many years entered into intimate relationships, gave birth to children and passed on the message that “sex is evil” to their daughters, dooming them to the same fate. The current situation has changed somewhat - now the weak half of humanity consciously suppresses the feminine principle in themselves, defending the right to move forward on an equal basis with a man, for whom such conflicts do not exist at all. The retribution for emancipation came not from the opponents of equality, but from within the woman herself - from the deepest layers of her pure mental essence.

Causes of female diseases

A woman’s rejection of her own character traits, or, more simply, dislike for herself as she is, fills her soul with contradictions and forces her to make unwanted compromises. Charity often compensates for the refusal to have children of one’s own; inattention to one’s own children is compensated by increased love for one’s grandchildren; hatred of one’s husband often leads to loyalty to the destruction of someone else’s marriage. As can be seen from the examples given, the problem itself does not go away; moreover, attempts to disguise and justify it sometimes become completely unacceptable actions, and as a result - internal conflicts.

If, having received an alarming signal in the form of a developing pathology, you do not try to establish contact with upsetting mental adjustments, a chronic condition develops. A good psychotherapist or a frank and independent evaluative analysis of your agreement with the actions taken and the priorities set will help you understand the intricacies of the contradictions between the physical and subtle bodies.

Distortion of ideas about what is most important

If we talk about exclusively female diseases, such as cysts and ovarian inflammation, the causes of conflicts should be sought in the psychological attitude towards the male sex as a whole. In this case, a specific representative of the sex, as a rule, does not play a specific role, since he is only the personification of what the male half represents as a whole.

There are several main factors that hurt the feminine through masculine energy:

  • The lack of a sense of security that arises in the presence of men - often this aspect is a continuation of the mother's unsuccessful relationship with her husband.
  • A firmly instilled belief that physical intimacy defiles, degrades a woman and elevates a man above her. This also includes the belief that enjoying sex is a sin.
  • Resentment towards the entire male family for a relationship that once did not work out, or even because of a symbolic insult towards male polygamy. One experience of betrayal on the part of a partner once puts a stereotype on all representatives of the sex, excluding in advance any form of trust.
  • Physical insult by a man - perhaps not even of the woman herself, but of her mother or grandmother, since such insults are often stored in genetic memory. This gives rise to deep psychological trauma, aggravated by the process of upbringing, which will certainly bear the imprint of man-hatred.
  • Fear of childbirth, which may take on the fear of the birth process itself, but at the same time has a deep subconscious aversion to taking on maternal responsibility or having to depend on a man for a long period of pregnancy and recovery.

The vast majority of attitudes that lay the foundation for future diseases in a woman, such as ovarian cysts, are clearly assigned by psychosomatics to childhood, when information is received at the level of maximum involvement of the senses. Therefore, psychotherapists and psychologists especially recommend not to express accumulated grievances and disappointments in the presence of children, even of the youngest age.

Ovarian diseases according to psychosomatics

Psychosomatics conventionally calls problems with the opposite sex the causes of cyst disease in the body, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, since these problems are always based on a woman’s disagreement with her current situation. A woman’s calling is to create, to create, to give life. The loss of the ability to form something new entails the destruction of all natural female attitudes that regulate the cyclical processes in the body.

A woman who is convinced of her incompetence, unsure that the children born to her will be healthy, that the man next to her can be happy, is, in fact, engaged in self-destruction.

How ovarian diseases occur according to psychosomatics

What it is - an ovarian cyst in psychosomatics - can be clearly understood using the example of a simple tuning fork - a device used to tune musical instruments. When struck with any force, the tuning fork always produces the sound “A” of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. This is invariable and is the reference pitch for tuning any instrument.

Imagine that this vibration “la” is the ideal setting for a healthy woman’s body. No matter how strong and unpredictable the circumstances arise around, a woman who corresponds to her essence and does not contradict it will always sound the note “A” of the 1st octave. But the position of her personal perception has changed. With the tuning fork, that is, the body’s settings, no changes occurred; it vibrated to “A” and continues to do so, because this is inherent in it by the creator. A woman’s consciousness stubbornly resists this, either taking a masculine position and lowering the pitch of her own sound to the primitive “E,” or, inflated by grievances, helplessly breaking down on “D.”

Thus, two vibrations already arise, one stable, and the other “walking”. A stable vibration - our deep essence, transmitted to the forerunner, primordial femininity and the ideal state of women's health - will involuntarily constantly come into contact with an unstable one, and at the place where they meet, dissonance will always invariably arise. It is this dissonance between our inherent “la” and the acquired “la” that it is not clear what causes a side effect in the form of disruption of the healthy vibration of the reproductive organs, including ovarian cysts. Women's music is considered exactly this way - according to the degree of deviation from the ideal sound.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay's ovarian cyst

What does the author of numerous works on psychology, Louise Hay, say? The psychosomatics of ovarian cysts are explained by a violation of the psychological stability of a woman. According to a psychologist, it is the accumulation of grievances and disappointments, which for some reason remain unexpressed and unresolved, that lead to the appearance of erosions, tumors and facilitate the penetration of infections into the female body.

The psychosomatics of an ovarian cyst is the first indicator of a woman’s protest against the existing situation in her life, therefore, before turning to a gynecologist, a woman needs to reconsider her attitude to what she has emotionally and in life, and to what she would really like have.

Therapeutic treatment

Even if the self-analysis carried out allowed you to discern the essence of the problem, you should understand that treatment of ovarian cysts with psychosomatics is a method similar in action to the principles of homeopathy - the result is correct, but it is not possible to achieve it immediately and in general, it all depends on the attitude towards therapy. Therefore, contacting a doctor who deals directly with women’s health cannot be avoided, just as a course of treatment with all prescribed medications cannot be avoided.

Of course, whether to go on the operating table or not is purely the patient’s decision, but if the doctor reasonably insists on removing an ovarian cyst, psychosomatics is best considered as a method of promising treatment, and immediate measures should be relevant.

When to turn to psychosomatics

Of course, it is good when, even without visible health problems, a woman tries to regulate her psychological comfort and does not miss the opportunity to talk with a psychoanalytic specialist. In favor of preventing ovarian cyst disease, psychosomatics cites at least one reason - the absence of the need to subsequently take drugs that distort a woman’s hormonal levels.

It’s another matter if the disease has already been detected, and the question arises: is this a signal of a violation of mental settings? Here the conclusions are not as clear as they might seem - every woman can get colds in her ovaries, accidentally get an infection, or have a predisposition to cysts at the genetic level. An isolated case is not an indication that problems are located deep in the psyche, but of course, only if these problems are not obvious.

Recurring ovarian cysts, according to psychosomatics, are already an alarming sign, especially if they branch out into multiple complications or increase in quantity. Actually, already the second case of the disease is considered as a stable influence of the negative psychofactors mentioned above. In this case, turning to psychosomatics is necessary, although you will not receive such a prescription in the office of your gynecologist. Official medicine is not yet ready to recognize the impact of mental components on physiological disorders in the body.

Independent psychological help

Any intelligent being that is incapable of learning eventually stops developing and degenerates. Such a parallel can be drawn with respect to our body, in particular, our informative mental base. Obsessing over the initially received information that relationships between a man and a woman are shameful, and that mom can work not only equally with dad, but much more, definitely prevents the assimilation of a new information flow coming to us from within, from the depths of our natural essence.

You can move beyond personal stereotypes only by opening yourself up to new information and allowing yourself to realize that there are values ​​that better suit our essence and bring real satisfaction. Change your habits, find a foothold where you will feel comfortable and confident. Don't let other people's values ​​become yours. This is the very first thing you can do for yourself.

What qualities do you need to attract?

To say that the qualities indicated by psychosomatics necessary to cure an ovarian cyst need to be acquired is incorrect, since all of them are already present in the original female nature:

What emotions should you get rid of?

It is very difficult to get rid of some personal qualities, even if it is known that they take away your health, because this is the same piece of your personality. Working for the future, that is, preventing ovarian cysts in the future, requires getting rid of:

  • constant mental return to people or events that left a negative trace in memory;
  • obsessive desires that contradict your conscience;
  • trying to please everyone at once;
  • relationships that drain you rather than nourish you;
  • constant self-flagellation, thoughts about what could have been done in certain situations.

It is easy to see that the advice in the last two sections is aimed at one goal - restoring mental balance by getting rid of accumulated negativity and activating a positive attitude.

Explaining in the language of psychosomatics, a cyst of the left or right ovary, oncology, erosion, infertility - all these are fruits from the same bunch - the loss of the feminine principle. And restoring her nature, a woman, on her own or with the help of a specialist, will begin to sound the tone of her ideal tuning fork.

It is known that a person’s psychological state affects his physical health. Mental experiences, stressful conditions, disorders, problems of the subconscious become the cause of serious somatic illnesses. The female genital area is no exception, and psychosomatic ovarian cysts are not uncommon.

What is psychosomatics

Psychosomatics is a science that studies the relationship between physical and mental illnesses. Studies the influence of psychological state factors on the occurrence and course of physical diseases.

The basis of the science of psychosomatics is diseases that affect the physical body due to the wrong way of thinking and social behavior of the individual. The basic role of psychosomatic teachings is assigned to the negative perception of the surrounding world and external influences.

The scientific approach of psychosomatics for girls is of great importance. The basis of judgment lies in female psychology. Women's neural connections are different from men's. Representatives of the fairer sex are better at understanding the nuances of moods, experiencing stressful situations more impulsively. Diseases of their reproductive system are associated with the presence of physical factors and disturbances of mental balance. Women can get cystitis, inflammation of the appendages due to severe stress.

Without coping with the emotional psychological negative flow that has engulfed a woman, somatic problems arise.

There are special fields of energy surrounding the physical body. Esotericists focus on the accumulation of energy flows, calling such fields an aura. Experts are inclined to argue that the aura is closely related to a person’s mental state, being a direct rejection of the soul.

It has been proven that disorders and various experiences cause a kind of rupture of energy shells, causing diseases of the physical body. Well-known psychologists and psychotherapists on a global scale say: diseases of the physical body are closely intertwined with the sensations experienced by a woman.

People with similar temperaments suffer from identical somatic pathologies.

Women's psychosomatic problems

The weak half of humanity perceives psychic energy flows brighter and more strongly than men. Girls have real problems with the regulation of mental states, stressful conditions, and nervousness. They become more irritable, lash out at loved ones, subconsciously trying to throw out negative energy.

Read also Sports exercises for ovarian cysts

It is more difficult for women to cope with emotional experiences, stress, and anxiety. The connection with the feminine principle is disrupted, various neurological diseases and psychosomatic ailments of the reproductive sphere arise.

The causes of psychosomatic diseases of the ovaries, uterine cavity, and mammary glands are the following factors:

  • incorrect assessment of strengths and capabilities;
  • internal conflicts;
  • inflated personal demands;
  • expressed dissatisfaction with appearance;
  • feeling completely asexual;
  • rejection of female nature and nature;
  • fear of motherhood;
  • psychological traumas originating from childhood;
  • lack of mutual understanding and trust between spouses;
  • lack of sexual activity due to personal refusal;
  • internal restrictions, blocks;
  • a long feeling of resentment and disappointment.

Diseases affecting the female genital area are associated with psychological attitudes.
Understanding the psychological problem, treating the pathology will not be difficult. Every day, the number of women suffering from the formation of cancerous tumors, the causes of which is a psychological block, increases. A woman is afraid to become a mother, to leave her career, to enjoy motherhood. The modern world obliges representatives of the fairer sex to become strong, like a man, defending their rights. Chasing success and a career is harmful to women's health.

When diagnosing the cause of the disease, the doctor tries to take into account many factors:

  • age of the patient;
  • relationships with relatives;
  • relations with the male half of the population;
  • social status;
  • goals, life principles.

The connection between ovarian formations and psychosomatics

Diseases of the female reproductive system, including cystic neoplasms, are life-threatening. The ovaries in psychology (psychosomatics) are considered the center of femininity. The ovarian complex plays an important role, and in the presence of various diseases, the functionality of the organs is impaired.

Clinical studies have proven that hormonal disorders are closely related to stress factors. In the presence of stress factors, the adrenal cortex begins to increase the production of androgens. Male hormones make it easier to overcome a stressful situation. Hormonal imbalance provokes activation of the ovaries, which produce estrogen, rather than the adrenal glands.

There are situations when a woman cannot decide on her nature. In this case, the brain sends signals, and the ovarian complex stops producing eggs for further procreation. Follicles that have developed to the required size begin to transform into cysts. The body of a sexually mature woman is not able to solve the problem - to produce female or male hormones.

Read also The main signs of the presence of an ovarian cyst in women and effective methods of its treatment

Polycystic disease can develop against the background of a block placed by a woman, which is a ban on getting pregnant. The body automatically provokes the development of pathological conditions, including functional disorders, cystic and malignant tumors.

Psychosomatic illnesses in female sexual relations with a man are the body’s response to a violation of the connection with femininity.

Getting rid of psychosomatic diseases of the appendages

Pathologies of the appendages occur in every 5 patients of reproductive age.
According to scientists, the fluid contained in the cystic cavity indicates accumulated negative energy, constant psychological stress, and mental problems.

To get rid of a cystic body, it is necessary to establish the cause of anger, anger, irritability, and carry out thorough work on the state of mind and thoughts. It is important to look into early childhood - most fears and prejudices are caused by childhood trauma.

Note! The problem can be eliminated, preventing further development of the pathology, only through an integrated approach to treatment using traditional medicine methods.

It is necessary to combine traditional and psychosomatic treatment methods. Psychologists and psychotherapists can help in identifying the causes of a psychosomatic cyst. To speed up the treatment of ovarian formations and reduce the risk of relapse, a woman should follow the following recommendations:

  • relieve oneself of male responsibilities;
  • eliminate the internal fear of future motherhood;
  • learn to love sincerely, prove love to others;
  • build relationships with the male sex correctly;
  • get rid of emotional grievances and worries as much as possible;
  • get maximum pleasure from life.

Psychosomatic basis for the treatment of ovarian cysts

Before treatment, it is important to understand what a cyst is. This is a fluid-filled formation. Any type of cyst begins to manifest negative symptoms only after reaching a certain size. Large formations begin to put pressure on the ovary and disrupt nutrition in the tissues. One of the radical treatment methods is complete excision of the tumor through surgery. Various techniques are used, and the most common is minimally invasive laparoscopy with puncture of the cystic cavity.

Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting the important need of your true I, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

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Women are more susceptible to external stimuli than men; they experience negative emotions more strongly and often “hide” them inside themselves. Such mental characteristics become fertile ground for the development of diseases, including ovarian diseases. To deal with the problem, you need not only to consult a doctor and tell him the symptoms, but to reconsider your emotional state.

Pathologies of the genital organs, including the ovaries, occur in women who:

  • have problems with self-esteem;
  • suffer from self-doubt and internal contradictions;
  • do not want or are afraid to experience the joy of motherhood;
  • in adulthood they experience childhood grievances;
  • feel not beautiful and sexy enough;
  • do not rejoice in the fact that they are representatives of the fair sex;
  • place increased demands on themselves;
  • do not enter into intimacy for a long time;
  • in relationships they take on the role of the man;
  • feel insufficiently protected;
  • suffer from envy and hurt pride;
  • do not trust their partner;
  • cannot stand up for themselves;
  • they are offended by representatives of the stronger sex, positioning them in a negative way;
  • cannot find harmony in their relationship with their partner;
  • suffer from sexual disorders, internal restrictions, and during sexual intercourse they experience a feeling of guilt due to upbringing;
  • do not know how to enjoy life;
  • experienced a negative intimate experience, rape or betrayal.

Gynecological diseases have a clear relationship with the inner world. Hidden grievances, a negative attitude towards men, rejection of one’s feminine essence are just the most common reasons that provoke pathologies in the reproductive sphere. Treatment will be more effective if the woman can resolve her emotional problems.

Why ovarian diseases develop: psychological reasons

Pathologies of the appendages, including cystic tumors, arise against the background of psychosomatic problems. The ovaries are the centers of creation and creativity. They bring the feminine principle to life. Their illnesses are caused by rejection of their essence, as well as internal conflicts.

It has been proven that hormonal abnormalities arise due to nervous experiences and lead to the formation of cysts, including the development. If a woman is under stress, then her body actively produces male hormones that allow her to cope with life's difficulties.

When there is a hormonal imbalance, the work of the appendages, rather than the adrenal glands, is triggered, which is why the body receives a high dose of androgens. A woman herself provokes such an anomaly when she tries to solve problems quickly and courageously. She opposes her “weak” essence, belittles her own usefulness.

PCOS is more common in patients who are unable to decide on their own nature. The pathology consists in the formation of cysts. It is due to the fact that the reproductive system does not know how to behave correctly: to grow normal eggs or produce them in huge quantities, like a man whose body produces sperm.

Another psychosomatic cause of PCOS is the reluctance to procreate. This attitude may be due to internal fears. By responding to them, the body triggers a malfunction of the reproductive system, which leads to the inability to get pregnant.

In fact, any psychosomatic pathology of the appendages arises as a result of a woman’s refusal to recognize her own beginning, her reluctance to create and create.

Psychosomatic basis of ovarian cyst

Appendage formations are diagnosed in every fifth patient of reproductive age. Researchers believe that the liquid in the tumor indicates a concentration of emotions, nervous tension, and internal experience of conflicts. A woman does not spend her energy on what she really needs. Most often, such emotional problems provoke the formation of cysts.

Louise Hay, founder of the “Heal Yourself” method, believes that appendage formations arise from experiencing past grievances and anxiety about one’s future. Treatment of pathological inclusions comes down to identifying your mistakes and eliminating them. It is necessary to draw the right conclusions about the past. If a woman continues to experience resentment, then a benign cyst can transform into.

To receive healing and prevent the re-formation of a cystic neoplasm, you need to find the source of anger, nervousness and rage, and cope with negative attitudes, most often coming from childhood. Parents themselves “introduce” a life program into the child’s psyche, conveying to him beliefs about how to behave, treat the body and personality. Due to rejection of one’s essence, constant self-flagellation and bad emotions, the reproductive system suffers.

Psychosomatic basis for the treatment of adnexal cysts

The most common diseases of the reproductive sphere are ovarian formations, which can be multiple (polycystic) or single (cysts).

Appendages not only perform the function of procreation, but also represent the feminine principle. Their illnesses are caused by rejection of their essence and internal contradictions.

Treatment for psychosomatic ovarian diseases is to accept your feminine nature and get rid of the qualities that make you suffer. You need to love yourself, realize your individuality, not try to be like others, get rid of past grievances, treat people with kindness.

It is important not only to treat, but also to prevent epididymal cysts. Psychological techniques for preventing disease are:

  • getting rid of past grievances;
  • refusal of self-flagellation and the desire to please everyone around;
  • ending a mentally draining relationship.

You should not constantly scroll through certain situations in your head, reflecting on the correctness of your actions.

Treatment of psychosomatic ovarian pathologies

A visit to the gynecologist is the primary task of a patient suffering from adnexal masses, but in order to achieve a speedy recovery, it is necessary to reconsider your emotional state. To do this, you can contact a specialist whose field of activity is psychology. He will help you find the problem that triggered the development of the disease and tell you how to deal with it.

Pathologies of the reproductive sphere are called “female” because they arise due to the denial of their natural essence. To get rid of ovarian cysts and prevent their reappearance, you must:

  • find femininity in yourself, believe in your own strength, love your body;
  • open up to motherhood;
  • learn to love and show this feeling;
  • do not try to be courageous, realize that a woman has the right to be the “weaker sex”;
  • find harmony with your inner world;
  • allow yourself to enter into relationships with men;
  • enjoy life;
  • let go of past grievances, “shed” moral burden.

And in conclusion, a story from Valery Sinelnikov’s book. One girl came to see a doctor and demanded that she be prescribed miracle drugs that would help normalize her cycle, since hormonal treatment gave a temporary effect. She was dressed like a boy and was training to be a car repairman. The doctor immediately determined the cause of amenorrhea: the patient suppressed her feminine side and tried to look like a representative of the stronger sex. He advised her to reconsider her attitude towards herself.

Psychosomatics teaches that an ovarian cyst is formed due to problems with the inner world. Following simple rules will help you find peace of mind, get rid of an appendage cyst and prevent its reappearance. Sometimes, in order to feel good, it is enough to come into harmony with yourself.

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