Home Tooth pain Retinol acetate in liquid form. Retinol acetate, oily solution for oral and external use

Retinol acetate in liquid form. Retinol acetate, oily solution for oral and external use

Vitamin A, or retinol acetate, can clear the skin of rashes, smooth out wrinkles and even tighten the oval. This is an effective remedy in the fight against aging processes. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of retinol acetate for facial skin. This unique substance is often used in the production of anti-aging cosmetics, as well as in preparations for the treatment of acne.

Benefits of retinol for skin

Vitamin A was one of the first to be discovered. That’s why it got its name. At first it was used to treat such pathologies as “night blindness”. Much later, doctors noticed that this substance strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Retinol acetate for skin is a powerful biogenic stimulant. Its small molecular weight allows the vitamin to penetrate deep into the epidermis. It has the following positive effects there:

In some cases, retinol acetate can be dangerous for the skin. Sometimes it provokes the development of allergic reactions. For example: redness, severe peeling and itching. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. The vitamin or cosmetics containing it are applied to the skin of the wrist and its reaction is observed.

Forms of release of the drug

Retinol acetate for skin can be used in its pure form. You can also prepare face masks, lotions, creams and scrubs based on it. The vitamin can be purchased at a pharmacy; it has the following release forms:

  1. Oil capsules. The gelatinous shell is easily pierced with a needle. The contents of the capsule can be used in pure form or added to masks and creams.
  2. Ampoules with solution for injection. Contains the highest concentration of retinol. The solution does not leave any oily residue. It is most often used to make lotions.
  3. Retinol acetate oil solution. For skin it is used in the preparation of homemade scrubs. Packaged in dark glass bottles.
  4. Pills. Used exclusively for oral administration.

Features of application

Before using retinol acetate for facial skin, you need to make sure that even a small dose will not provoke an allergic reaction. It must be remembered that the vitamin penetrates well deep into the epidermis. In some cases, even external use can lead to an excess of this substance in the body. Therefore, you will need to avoid cosmetics with retinol in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Pathologies of the kidneys and bile ducts.
  3. In active sun.
  4. In case there are wounds and extensive purulent rashes on the skin.

Retinol acetate breaks down quite quickly when exposed to heat, light and some other factors. Therefore, masks and scrubs with vitamin A should be used immediately after they are prepared.

Pharmacy drugs

Retinol acetate for facial skin can be found in some pharmaceutical ointments. Medical preparations contain a higher concentration of the vitamin compared to cosmetic products. Therefore, many women believe that for skin rejuvenation it is more effective to use ointments that are sold in pharmacies. Despite the fact that they are intended to treat certain pathologies.

Preparations containing vitamin A:

  1. Retinoic ointment. Used to prevent age-related changes. The ointment is applied before bedtime. The drug should not be used more than twice a week. Applying ointment to the periorbital area is not recommended.
  2. "Radevit." In addition to retinol, the ointment contains vitamin E and D. The drug is used to combat the signs of skin aging. The use of ointment can reduce the depth of wrinkles and increase skin turgor. In addition, collagen production is stimulated. It is recommended to use "Radevit" in a course of 45 days, at night. After this, you should take a break for a month.
  3. "Relief". Ointment for hemorrhoids. It contains oil obtained from shark liver. It is known that fish oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin A. The use of Relief can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate dry skin. The ointment also stimulates cell regeneration and eliminates swelling.
  4. "Regetsin." In addition to retinol, it contains zinc. This remedy is most often used to combat acne. However, it can also rejuvenate the skin.

The best cosmetics with retinol

Anti-aging cosmetics with vitamin A effectively eliminate wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Retinol acetate for facial skin works well in the following cosmetic products:

Anti-aging homemade masks

Retinol acetate for facial skin at home can be used to prepare anti-aging masks. For these purposes, it is better to purchase an oil solution in gelatin capsules. You can eliminate the signs of aging using the following recipes:

Vitamin A for treating rashes

Retinol acetate is also useful for skin if it is problematic. Regular use of masks with vitamin A will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, and relieve inflammation. The most useful masks will be:

Scrubs and lotions

Cleansing the skin with scrubs allows you to cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and improve skin microrelief. In addition, the breathing of the dermis and blood circulation in its tissues improves. A scrub with retinol will be beneficial for all skin types. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Oat flakes - 25 g.
  2. Milk (fat for dry skin and vice versa) - 25 ml.
  3. Retinol oil solution - 5 ml.

The flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder. Oatmeal powder is poured with hot milk. When it cools to room temperature, add retinol and mix. The mixture can be used as a scrub.

An oil solution of retinol or vitamin from injection ampoules can be added to ready-made tonics or lotions. In addition, it is easy to prepare such care products yourself from cucumber juice or the pulp of aloe leaves.



Retinol acetate

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Oily solution 3.44% and 8.60% for oral and external use, 10 ml, 50 ml


1 liter of the drug contains

active substance: retinol acetate 34.4 g or 86.0 g, or oil concentrate 1500000 IU/g 66.67 g or 166.67 g, or oil concentrate 2800000 IU/g 35.72 g or 89.29 g,

Excipients: butyloxytoluene (2,6-ditert-butyl-p-cresol), refined deodorized sunflower oil.


Transparent oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow color without rancid odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamins. Vitamin A and D and their combination. Vitamin A. Retinol.

Code ATHA11CA01

Pharmacological properties


Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (mainly from the duodenum and jejunum), the presence of bile acids, pancreatic lipase, proteins and fats is required. Communication with plasma proteins (lipoproteins) is normal - less than 5%; with excessive consumption of vitamin A with food and its overfilling of the liver depot, its connection with plasma lipoproteins can reach up to 65%. The amount of vitamin A bound to lipoproteins may increase with hyperlipoproteinemia. When released from the liver depot, vitamin A forms a complex with retinol-binding protein, in the form of which it circulates in the blood. In small quantities it passes into breast milk and through the placenta. Deposited in the liver (approximately the volume of the two-year requirement of an adult body), in small quantities - in the kidneys, in the lungs. To mobilize vitamin A from the depot, zinc-containing substances are required.

Metabolized in the liver. It is excreted through the rectum (unabsorbed part) and by the kidneys.


Vitamin A has a general strengthening effect, normalizes tissue metabolism; participates in redox processes (due to the large number of unsaturated bonds), in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, proteins, lipids, in mineral metabolism, and in the processes of cholesterol formation. Enhances the production of lipase and trypsin, enhances myelopoiesis and cell division processes. Increases the body's resistance to infection. Strengthens the division of epithelial skin cells, inhibits keratinization processes, enhances the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Participates in photoreception processes (improves visual adaptation to darkness).

Indications for use

Hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency A

In complex therapy of conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamin A:

    infectious-inflammatory (including chronic) and “cold” diseases

    skin lesions and diseases (first degree frostbite, 1st degree burns, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, some forms of eczema)

    eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, eczematous eyelid lesions)

    gastrointestinal diseases associated with impaired absorption of retinol (gastrectomy, diarrhea, steatorrhea, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, malabsorption syndrome)

Directions for use and doses

The use of the drug, especially in large doses, must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The drug is taken orally (10-15 minutes after meals) early in the morning or late in the evening.

The highest single therapeutic dose for adults is 50,000 IU, daily - 100,000 IU; for children, respectively - 5000 IU and 20000 IU.

For therapeutic purposes, for vitamin deficiencies of mild and moderate severity, adults are prescribed up to 33,000 IU per day (retinol acetate, solution in oil 3.44% - 6 drops), children over 7 years old - 5,000 IU per day (1 drop of retinol acetate, solution in oil 3.44%).

For eye diseases, adults are prescribed 50,000-100,000 IU per day (retinol acetate solution in oil 3.44% - 10-20 drops) and at the same time 0.02 g of riboflavin. Children are given from 1000 to 5000 IU per day, depending on age.

For skin diseases, adults are prescribed 50,000-100,000 IU of retinol acetate per day and 5,000-10,000-20,000 IU for children.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the disease.

Externally prescribed for frostbite and burns. After cleaning, the affected area is lubricated with a solution and covered with a gauze bandage (up to 5-6 times a day; as scarring and epithelization occur, the frequency of lubrication is reduced to 1 time a day), at the same time retinol is prescribed orally or intramuscularly.

Side effects

Allergic reactions

Long-term daily intake of vitamin A can cause intoxication, hypervitaminosis A. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A in adults are headache, drowsiness, lethargy, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, pain in the bones of the lower extremities, gait disturbance. Children may experience: fever, drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, skin rashes.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Hypervitaminosis A


Chronic pancreatitis

Acute inflammatory skin diseases

Children's age up to 7 years


Carefully: nephritis, heart failure stage II-III, alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, renal failure, old age.

Drug interactions

During long-term therapy with tetracyclines, it is not recommended to prescribe vitamin A (the risk of developing intracranial hypertension increases).

Salicylates and glucocorticosteroids reduce the risk of side effects. Retinol reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids.

Cholestyramine, colestipol, nitrates, mineral oils, neomycin reduce the absorption of vitamin A (increased dose may be required).

Oral contraceptives increase plasma concentrations of vitamin A.

Isotretinoin increases the risk of toxic effects.

Reduces (mutually) the risk of hypervitaminosis D.

Weakens the effect of calcium supplements and increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

The effect of retinol is enhanced by tocopherol and its preparations.

special instructions

In some cases, on the first day of use, itchy maculopapular rashes may occur, which requires discontinuation of the drug.

With a dose reduction or temporary discontinuation of the drug, side effects disappear on their own.

In case of taking large doses of vitamin A, exacerbation of cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis may occur.

Pregnancy and lactation

Currently, there is no information about adverse effects when taking the drug during pregnancy in recommended daily doses (vitamin A crosses the placenta in small quantities). However, it should be borne in mind that if the recommended doses are exceeded, the fetus may develop malformations of the urinary system, intrauterine growth retardation, and early closure of the epiphyseal growth zones. It is not recommended to use vitamin A preparations during pregnancy. The teratogenic effect of increased doses of retinol persists even after stopping its use, therefore it is recommended to plan a pregnancy when using the drug only after 6-12 months. To avoid the risk of fetotoxic effects, nursing mothers should not exceed the maximum recommended dose - 1.8 thousand RE/day (6 thousand IU/day).

Do not take simultaneously with other multivitamin complexes containing vitamin A to avoid overdose.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

No information available.


Symptoms of acute overdose(develop 6 hours after administration), manifestations of hypervitaminosis A in adults: drowsiness, lethargy, double vision, dizziness, severe headache, nausea, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, bleeding gums, dryness and ulceration of the oral mucosa, peeling lips, skin (especially palms), confusion, increased intracranial pressure, in infants - hydrocephalus, protrusion of the fontanel.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication: loss of appetite, bone pain, cracked and dry skin, dry mucous membrane of the oral cavity, lips, gastralgia, vomiting, hyperthermia, asthenia, excessive fatigue, headache, photosensitivity, pollakiuria, nocturia, polyuria, irritability, hair loss, yellow-orange spots on the soles, palms, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, hepatotoxic phenomena, intraocular hypertension, oligomenorrhea, portal hypertension, hemolytic anemia, changes in bone radiographs, convulsions.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.

L-thyroxine is prescribed as an antagonist, as well as ascorbic acid, mannitol (reduces intracranial pressure and eliminates the symptoms of meningism), glucocorticoids (accelerate the metabolism of vitamin A in the liver).

Release form and packaging

Vitamin A can be used to benefit the body not only through supplements or nutrition, but also used for cosmetic purposes in the form of a solution. Retinol acetate for facial skin is a powerful stimulant. It penetrates deeply into tissues and has a complex effect. The principle of action of the substance is to enhance the transmission of impulses between cells. Their constant work and regeneration reduces the aging process. Thanks to protein synthesis and normalization of glands, the condition of the skin improves.


The main component of the skin that maintains its healthy and vibrant appearance is collagen. Over time, it cannot be produced in normal quantities by the body, so its supply from the outside will be a good support for the deep layers of the skin.

Causes of decreased collagen production

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Smoking tobacco.
  • Being in a dirty environment with an increased toxic threat.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Menopause.
  • Unbalanced diet, excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Chronic, infectious diseases, metabolic disorders.
  • Lack of fluid in cells.

Retinol acetate for facial skin prevents the natural destruction of collagen and replenishes its resources. Cells begin to actively produce elastin, the skin is enriched with vitamins and smoothes out. Few people know about the effects of retinol, but over the past ten years of active use among women, it has shown excellent results.

Creams and masks containing the active component vitamin A rejuvenate the skin and smooth out deep expression wrinkles. With its help, they get rid of defects on the skin - warts, age spots and even small scars. Dry skin gradually disappears and the natural complexion is restored.

Thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, stagnant processes in the dermis are eliminated. This allows you to remove acne and pimples. For dry skin types, retinol has the opposite effect in the form of active moisturizing. Gradually, cell death slows down, and the detachment of dry particles becomes invisible.

Beneficial properties of retinol

  • increasing skin resistance to negative environmental influences;
  • maximum protection from exposure to sunlight;
  • relieving itching due to various irritations;
  • cleansing the skin of various toxins;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening of superficial and deep vessels;
  • narrowing of pores, reduction of hyperemia and swelling.

Types of retinol

The most acceptable form in cosmetology practice is retinol acetate, which is available for injection. In this form, its use is most convenient at home. It is quickly absorbed into the skin and does not leave stains on things.

In some cases, an oil solution is used. It can not be mixed with cosmetic preparations - creams and lotions. A concentrated solution of retinol has the greatest effect. Constant use gradually eliminates the most difficult problems on the face. It is not recommended to use the solution without creams or masks for people with sensitive skin.

Despite the activity of the vitamin in its pure form, it can cause some irritation. For oily or combination skin, you can leave the clean solution on all night, and in the morning wash your face with any cleansing foam.

Retinol in oil mixed with cosmetic white clay provides an active fight against acne. This mixture is applied in a thick layer and washed off after complete hardening. Cleaning can be done every two days.

Instructions for use

Any substance in normal dosage is beneficial. But with excessive consumption of vitamins, the opposite effect occurs. The use of retinol must be correct.

You need to pay attention to age. The use of this regeneratively active vitamin is not recommended for persons under 35 years of age. With early exposure and increased cell stimulation, the skin quickly becomes tired. Cells begin to slow down, and the regeneration process slows down. The reverse process leads to accelerated aging.

For the same reason, retinol is not used constantly, but breaks are taken between certain courses. To avoid an allergic reaction, skin tests are performed. To do this, apply a small amount of pure vitamin to the area near the bend of the arm. It is better to test several times to see if there is a possibility of a rash with multiple exposures.

Using Retinol Acetate

It is recommended to leave Vitamin A overnight after cleansing your face. During sleep, the skin actively regenerates, and with the addition of this substance, the process of elastin restoration will increase several times. Before and during use, it is better to protect yourself from exposure to sunlight. Heat and sun quickly destroy the active component, losing its unique properties.

The solution must be stored in the form in which it is purchased at the pharmacy. This is usually a dark brown glass jar. For long-term storage, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator under a tightly sealed lid.

When retinol for masks is heated to 60 degrees, its compounds are destroyed. Many creams contain elements that enter into various reactions with retinol. To avoid this, it is better to use natural oils - burdock, or from fruits. If you are using a regular vitamin cream, then it is better to speed up its application. Retinol is a fat-soluble substance, so diluting it with water is not suitable. A rich texture is required for the effect.

Application steps

  • Before the restorative procedure, take a steam bath for the face. This will help open the pores as much as possible. You can add herbal decoctions to hot water - chamomile, thyme or lavender.
  • Applying a scrub will help to thoroughly clean inflamed pores from stagnant subcutaneous sebum. There are many products from this series in cosmetic stores. For oily skin, it is recommended to use a scrub with ground coffee particles or apricot kernels.
  • Next, the vitamin mixture is applied to problem areas - chin, forehead, areas near the lips and cheekbones. It is recommended to avoid sensitive eye skin.
  • The mask can be kept for no more than 30 minutes so that the skin does not get tired of the active and oily components. Then it is washed off with regular warm water or milk.
  • The face is not wiped dry, but left slightly damp. After this, apply any moisturizer with a light texture.

This diet can be done once a week. After ten uses, a break is taken for a month. After two days, a special mask with raw potatoes and yolk will be an excellent cell stimulator.

You can restore aging skin with the help of retinol not only on the face, but in the décolleté area. With age, wrinkles in this area of ​​the body become most noticeable. To enhance the effect, you can try retinol in combination with dairy products. Sour cream has an excellent effect.


Instructions for medical use of the drug



Retinol acetate

International nonproprietary name

Dosage form

Oily solution 3.44% and 8.60% for oral and external use, 10 ml, 50 ml


1 liter of the drug contains

active substance: retinol acetate 34.4 g or 86.0 g, or oil concentrate 1500000 IU/g 66.67 g or 166.67 g, or oil concentrate 2800000 IU/g 35.72 g or 89.29 g,

Excipients: butyloxytoluene (2,6-ditertbutyl-p-cresol), refined deodorized sunflower oil.


Transparent oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow color without rancid odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamins. Vitamin A and D and their combination. Vitamin A. Retinol.

ATX code A11CA01

Pharmacological properties


Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (mainly from the duodenum and jejunum), the presence of bile acids, pancreatic lipase, proteins and fats is required. Communication with plasma proteins (lipoproteins) is normal - less than 5%; with excessive consumption of vitamin A with food and its overfilling of the liver depot, its connection with plasma lipoproteins can reach up to 65%. The amount of vitamin A bound to lipoproteins may increase with hyperlipoproteinemia. When released from the liver depot, vitamin A forms a complex with retinol-binding protein, in the form of which it circulates in the blood. In small quantities it passes into breast milk and through the placenta. Deposited in the liver (approximately the volume of the two-year requirement of an adult body), in small quantities - in the kidneys, in the lungs. To mobilize vitamin A from the depot, zinc-containing substances are required.

Metabolized in the liver. It is excreted through the rectum (unabsorbed part) and by the kidneys.


Vitamin A has a general strengthening effect, normalizes tissue metabolism; participates in redox processes (due to the large number of unsaturated bonds), in the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, proteins, lipids, in mineral metabolism, and in the processes of cholesterol formation. Enhances the production of lipase and trypsin, enhances myelopoiesis and cell division processes. Increases the body's resistance to infection. Strengthens the division of epithelial skin cells, inhibits keratinization processes, enhances the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Participates in photoreception processes (improves visual adaptation to darkness).

Indications for use

    hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiency A

In complex therapy of conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamin A:

    infectious-inflammatory (including chronic) and “cold” diseases

    skin lesions and diseases (first degree frostbite, 1st degree burns, ichthyosis, hyperkeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, some forms of eczema)

    eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, eczematous eyelid lesions)

    gastrointestinal diseases associated with impaired absorption of retinol (gastrectomy, diarrhea, steatorrhea, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, malabsorption syndrome)

Directions for use and doses

The use of the drug, especially in large doses, must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The drug is taken orally (10-15 minutes after meals) early in the morning or late in the evening.

The highest single therapeutic dose for adults is 50,000 IU, daily - 100,000 IU; for children, respectively - 5000 IU and 20000 IU.

For therapeutic purposes, for vitamin deficiencies of mild and moderate severity, adults are prescribed up to 33,000 IU per day (retinol acetate, solution in oil 3.44% - 6 drops), children over 7 years old - 5,000 IU per day (1 drop of retinol acetate, solution in oil 3.44%).

For eye diseases, adults are prescribed 50,000-100,000 IU per day (retinol acetate solution in oil 3.44% - 10-20 drops) and at the same time 0.02 g of riboflavin. Children are given from 1000 to 5000 IU per day, depending on age.

For skin diseases, adults are prescribed 50,000-100,000 IU of retinol acetate per day and 5,000-10,000-20,000 IU for children.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the disease.

Externally prescribed for frostbite and burns. After cleaning, the affected area is lubricated with a solution and covered with a gauze bandage (up to 5-6 times a day; as scarring and epithelization occur, the frequency of lubrication is reduced to 1 time a day), at the same time retinol is prescribed orally or intramuscularly.

Side effects

Allergic reactions

Long-term daily intake of vitamin A can cause intoxication, hypervitaminosis A. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A in adults are headache, drowsiness, lethargy, facial flushing, nausea, vomiting, pain in the bones of the lower extremities, gait disturbance. Children may experience: fever, drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, skin rashes.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Hypervitaminosis A


Chronic pancreatitis

Acute inflammatory skin diseases

Children's age up to 7 years


Carefully: nephritis, heart failure stage II-III, alcoholism, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, renal failure, old age.

Drug interactions

During long-term therapy with tetracyclines, it is not recommended to prescribe vitamin A (the risk of developing intracranial hypertension increases).

Salicylates and glucocorticosteroids reduce the risk of side effects. Retinol reduces the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids.

Cholestyramine, colestipol, nitrates, mineral oils, neomycin reduce the absorption of vitamin A (increased dose may be required).

Oral contraceptives increase plasma concentrations of vitamin A.

Isotretinoin increases the risk of toxic effects.

Reduces (mutually) the risk of hypervitaminosis D.

Weakens the effect of calcium supplements and increases the risk of hypercalcemia.

The effect of retinol is enhanced by tocopherol and its preparations.

special instructions

In some cases, on the first day of use, itchy maculopapular rashes may occur, which requires discontinuation of the drug.

With a dose reduction or temporary discontinuation of the drug, side effects disappear on their own.

In case of taking large doses of vitamin A, exacerbation of cholelithiasis and chronic pancreatitis may occur.

Pregnancy and lactation

Currently, there is no information about adverse effects when taking the drug during pregnancy in recommended daily doses (vitamin A crosses the placenta in small quantities). However, it should be borne in mind that if the recommended doses are exceeded, the fetus may develop malformations of the urinary system, intrauterine growth retardation, and early closure of the epiphyseal growth zones. It is not recommended to use vitamin A preparations during pregnancy. The teratogenic effect of increased doses of retinol persists even after stopping its use, therefore it is recommended to plan a pregnancy when using the drug only after 6-12 months. To avoid the risk of fetotoxic effects, nursing mothers should not exceed the maximum recommended dose - 1.8 thousand RE/day (6 thousand IU/day).

Do not take simultaneously with other multivitamin complexes containing vitamin A to avoid overdose.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

No information available.


Symptoms of acute overdose(develop 6 hours after administration), manifestations of hypervitaminosis A in adults: drowsiness, lethargy, double vision, dizziness, severe headache, nausea, uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, bleeding gums, dryness and ulceration of the oral mucosa, peeling lips, skin (especially palms), confusion, increased intracranial pressure, in infants - hydrocephalus, protrusion of the fontanel.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication: loss of appetite, bone pain, cracked and dry skin, dry mucous membrane of the oral cavity, lips, gastralgia, vomiting, hyperthermia, asthenia, excessive fatigue, headache, photosensitivity, pollakiuria, nocturia, polyuria, irritability, hair loss, yellow-orange spots on the soles, palms, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, hepatotoxic phenomena, intraocular hypertension, oligomenorrhea, portal hypertension, hemolytic anemia, changes in bone radiographs, convulsions.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.

L-thyroxine is prescribed as an antagonist, as well as ascorbic acid, mannitol (reduces intracranial pressure and eliminates the symptoms of meningism), glucocorticoids (accelerate the metabolism of vitamin A in the liver).

Retinol acetate drops are a solution for internal and external use. Packaging - dark glass bottles of various volumes of 10, 50 and 100 ml or gelatin-coated capsules - 33 IU. The color is yellow or golden, the consistency is uniform, reminiscent of sunflower oil, there is almost no smell, the taste is pleasant, sweetish. In its natural form it enters the body with food.

Composition and action

The active ingredient is vitamin A, synthesized artificially. Auxiliary ingredients: butylhydroxytoluene and oils - peanut and sunflower deodorized refined grade "P".

A fat-soluble analogue of natural vitamin A is involved in all metabolic processes and restores the deficiency of this substance in the body. Retinol has a general strengthening effect, increases adaptation to darkness, improves twilight vision, and stimulates the regeneration of organs and tissues.

Contains 1 ml of solution:

  • 3.44% - 34.4 ml, or 100,000 IU, of the active substance (international unit, biological equivalent of 0.3 μg of retinol acetate);
  • 8.6% - 85 ml, or 250,000 IU, substance.

Pharmacological properties

With a lack of vitamin A, visual function and trophism of the skin are impaired, degenerative-dystrophic processes of the respiratory and genitourinary systems develop, and hair quality deteriorates. During pregnancy, deficiency of this substance leads to pathological changes in the formation of organic systems of the fetus.


Stimulates the synthesis of trypsin and lipase (enzymes that break down carbohydrates), accelerates epithelial regeneration at the cellular level, participates in redox processes, slows down keratinization, stimulates epithelial proliferation.

Provides nerve impulse conduction, increases the production of glycogen by the liver, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, blocks the growth of tumors and the production of atypical cells (with the exception of non-epithelial tumors).


It is quickly absorbed from the duodenum under the influence of pancreatic lipase (pancreatic enzyme), bile acids, proteins and fats, so the drug is recommended to be taken after meals. The maximum content in the blood serum is detected 3 hours after oral administration - entry into the bloodstream ensures absorption through the intestinal mucosa.

Accumulates in the liver, in parenchyma tissues. Excretion: 65% with feces and 25% with urine. Elimination (cleansing the body in a natural way) is slow; after a single dose, 34-36% of the total amount of the active substance is eliminated in 3 weeks. Cleansing the body is accelerated by taking zinc-containing pharmaceuticals.

Indications for use of Retinol acetate drops

The introduction of the drug into complex therapy is justified in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the organ of vision - retinitis pigmentosa, night blindness, keratomolation, xerophthalmia;
  • dermatological pathologies - eczema, ichthyosis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, hyperkeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis;
  • infections - tuberculosis, viral and bacterial processes of various etiologies, including dysentery;
  • liver cirrhosis, vitamin deficiency and atopic dermatitis;
  • complications of ARVI - bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - erosive gastroduodenitis and peptic ulcer.

The effectiveness of use for hemorrhoids, frostbite, postoperative scars, and trophic ulcers has been proven.

How to use

Independent use is unacceptable. Take orally after meals in 10-12 minutes. To measure the amount, use a nasal pipette or dispenser cap. A drop of the drug of reduced concentration in a pipette contains 2500 IU of the active substance, and a drop of increased concentration - 6250 IU; in a dropper dispenser - 3500 IU and 8,750 IU, respectively.

Daily dosage depending on diseases, solution concentration and age of patients:

  1. Avitaminosis. 3.44% - 13 drops from a pipette and 10 from a built-in dropper. When treating children over 7 years of age, the recommendations are similar.
  2. Diseases of the organs of vision. For adults: 3.44% - 20-40 drops, dispenser - 14-28. 8.6% - 8-16 and 6-8 drops, respectively. Children - 1-2 drops per day, regardless of the percentage of the active substance. The dose is determined by the pediatrician based on the patient’s age and clinical picture.
  3. Acute and chronic forms of dermatological diseases. The number of drops of an oil solution of 3.44% from a pipette: 20-40 drops for adults and 2-8 for children, from a dispenser - 14-28 and 2-6. When using a drug concentration of 8.6% - 14-28 drops for adults. Dosage for children is individual.

For skin diseases and the treatment of wounds, trophic ulcers and postoperative sutures, an oil solution is used to treat the skin. Application accelerates scarring and stimulates regeneration. The epithelium is cleaned, the medicine is applied to the problem area in a thin layer, under a bandage (gauze folded in several layers). At the initial stage, dressings are performed up to 6 times a day; as recovery progresses, the number of procedures is reduced. Correction of the therapeutic regimen based on the clinical picture is acceptable.

Contraindications to the use of Retinol acetate drops

The prescription is canceled if there is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug or if there is an allergy to the capsule shell.

Contraindications for use are: cholelithiasis, heart, kidney and liver failure, sarcoidosis, chronic pancreatitis and nephritis, exacerbation of chronic dermatological processes, children under 7 years of age.

You should not take the drug in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, if you are obese or have chronic alcoholism.

If you are using medications from the retinoid group at the same time, you must inform your doctor.

Side effects from Retinol acetate drops

If you are intolerant to the drug, allergic reactions may develop. Symptoms: constant fatigue, lethargy, headache, digestive system disorders - nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, muscle and joint aches, swelling, itching and redness of certain areas of the skin - face and décolleté. It was noted: gait disturbance, hyperhidrosis (increased sweating).

Allergic reactions can be considered the appearance of cracks in the lips (seizing), local yellowing of the soles and palms (or the appearance of orange spots), dry mouth, hair loss, photosensitivity. Additional signs of drug intolerance in children are rashes in the form of urticaria and fever, often due to overexcitation or increased stress. With prolonged use, women may experience abdominal pain or menstrual irregularities.


Symptoms of overdose are similar to those of allergic reactions. More often they develop against the background of long-term use or violation of recommendations for use. Undesirable manifestations include increased inflammation, which disappears without additional treatment after discontinuation of the prescription. If an autoimmune response occurs, you must notify your doctor.

special instructions

For liver cirrhosis, hepatitis of various etiologies and exacerbation of chronic kidney diseases, the drug is prescribed with caution. For elderly patients, the dosage is determined individually. The use of Retinol acetate does not affect the reaction rate.

During pregnancy and lactation

Since the drug tends to accumulate in the body, it is better to abstain from pregnancy after long-term use. To prevent disruption of fetal formation, it is advisable to maintain a time interval of at least 6 months between the last dose of Retinol acetate and planning.

Absolute contraindications for use are the entire period of lactation and the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In the remaining trimesters, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of taking it.

Use in childhood

Until the child turns 7 years old, limited use of vitamin A solution externally is allowed. For adolescents living in the Far North or in unfavorable environmental conditions, the recommended dosage is increased by 2 times.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use with anticoagulants increases the tendency to bleeding; with tetracycline antibiotics, the risk of increased intracranial pressure increases; with nitrites, the absorption of Retinol acetate is impaired.

When co-prescribed with Cholestyramine, it is necessary to maintain a time period - 1 hour before or 4-6 hours after, with Isotretinoin - analyze your own condition due to the increased likelihood of side effects. The combination with vitamin E increases the effectiveness of the action, and with vaseline oil - reduces it.

To avoid overdose and the occurrence of allergic reactions, do not prescribe simultaneously with vitamin-mineral complexes and retinoids.


The closest action to the original drug is Retinol palmitate. Available in capsules, film-coated tablets and in oil solution.

Terms and conditions of storage

The beneficial effect lasts for three years from the date indicated on the package. Should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 10°C (for example, on a refrigerator shelf). Keep away from children. If a rancid odor appears, the drug is disposed of.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.


The cost of the oil solution depends on the packaging, dosage form and region of residence of the patient. Bottles with 50 ml packaging are offered at prices from 75 to 95 rubles, for a package of 100 ml, 8.6% - 102-132 rubles. Packs of capsules can be purchased at prices ranging from 7 to 23 rubles for 10 pieces.

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