Home Children's dentistry Treatment of cough in children with Linkas syrup: review of instructions and results of clinical trials. Linkas cough syrup: instructions for use for children Use during pregnancy and lactation

Treatment of cough in children with Linkas syrup: review of instructions and results of clinical trials. Linkas cough syrup: instructions for use for children Use during pregnancy and lactation

Linkas cough syrup is a complex homeopathic remedy that helps increase secretions from the lungs and bronchi. The drug is also used to reduce the severity of cough. Most often, doctors prescribe the drug for the development of inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system. For therapy to be as effective as possible, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions.

Composition and effectiveness

There are several main types of this drug in syrup form. These include the usual sugar-free linkas product, which is suitable for people with diabetes, and the drug plus expectorant, which contains an increased volume of expectorant components.

These substances do not differ too much in composition. Both drugs contain exclusively natural ingredients:

All active ingredients of the drug consist of dry plant extracts. The medicine does not contain chemical ingredients that are obtained synthetically.

Due to the natural composition, it is possible to cope with cough and other symptoms of pathology. Moreover, the drug successfully copes with the cause of the disease.

The syrup also contains additional ingredients. These include the following:

  • glycerol;
  • sucrose;
  • purified water;
  • clove oil;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • peppermint oil;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Linkas is used for dry or wet cough. With the help of this substance it is possible not only to cope with the main symptom, but also to eliminate swelling, as well as inflammatory lesions of the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Through the use of this product, the immune system is significantly strengthened.

Reviews of Linkas syrup indicate that the medicine dissolves sputum and helps to liquefy it. Thanks to the use of the substance, it is possible to accelerate the removal of secretions from the organs of the respiratory system.

Indications for use of Linkas

This medicinal substance can be part of a complex therapy for inflammatory and infectious lesions of the respiratory system. The main indications for the use of this substance include the following:

Syrup can be the only drug for treatment or prescribed as part of complex therapy. In any case, such decisions are made only by the doctor.

How to use Linkas for children

The instructions for Linkas syrup for children state that the drug should not be given to babies under 6 months of age.. This is due to the lack of clinical trials in this age category. Therefore, no one can be sure of the safety of this medicine. The only restriction on the use of syrup is intolerance to the ingredients of the product.

To ensure effective therapy, Linkas cough syrup for children is drunk a quarter of an hour before meals or the same time after meals. It is best to use the product at regular intervals.

Babies should be given syrup for no more than 1 week. In most cases, the required result is achieved within 3 days. If after a week it is not possible to achieve noticeable improvements, you should choose another substance. This should be done by the attending physician.

The dosage of the substance depends on the age category:

  • children from 6 months to 3 years are given half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day;
  • for 3-8 years old, 1 teaspoon of the product is recommended 3 times a day;
  • at 8-12 years old you need to use 1 teaspoon of the substance 4 times.

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate and try to increase the recommended doses. Reviews of Linkas syrup for children indicate that consuming an excess amount of the substance can provoke allergies.

What cough medicines are best for a child?

Rules for using syrup for adults

To cope with a cough, adult patients are prescribed 10 ml of the product - about 2 teaspoons, which are taken at a time. It is recommended to take the medicine 4 times a day. In some situations, the frequency of use must be increased to 6 times a day. After the condition improves, the dosage is reduced to the volume recommended by the instructions.


This product must not be used in the following situations:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • age less than 6 months;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Side effects

As a rule, patients tolerate this drug well. However, in rare cases, linkas still provokes adverse reactions. These include allergies, which manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes and itching. Sometimes urticaria develops. In very rare situations, a dangerous complication is observed - angioedema.

If any negative reactions occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately. Drug therapy can only be selected by a specialist. Any self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Drug interactions

The drug is strictly forbidden to be used with cough suppressants. This category includes substances such as codelac, terpincode. Antitussives also include libexin and stoptussin.

Such combinations can provoke stagnation of secretions and the appearance of a secondary infection, which can lead to the development of pneumonia. It is also prohibited to combine the medicine with drugs that suppress the synthesis of bronchial secretions.

The drug does not interact with alcoholic beverages. However, during therapy it is still better to avoid drinking alcohol. Alcohol has a destructive effect on the body, which worsens the prognosis of the pathology.

Before using the drug, it is advisable to consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to determine the exact causes of the development of the inflammatory process and select the optimal treatment regimen. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent complications of the disease.


There is no information available regarding the effects of excess consumption of this medicine. However, doctors say that it is very important to take the drug in the required volume, without exceeding the dosage specified in the instructions.

Analogues of Linkas syrup

There are no structural analogues of Linkas that contain the same active ingredient. This product has a unique set of herbal ingredients, and therefore has excellent effectiveness. However, there are similar substances included in the same pharmacological group of cough medications. These include the following:

  • herbion;
  • Travisil;
  • bromhexine;
  • Pulmex.

Which is better - lazolvan or linkas

Many people are interested in what is better – lazolvan or linkas. These medications belong to one group of mucolytics, which have an expectorant effect. They are used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory lesions of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of thick secretions.

The main substance of lazolvan is ambroxol. The undoubted advantage of Linkas is that it includes exclusively natural plant extracts. All these ingredients cope with cough and inflammation, have an antipyretic and antispasmodic effect.

However, the natural composition can be a disadvantage. This is true for children who suffer from allergies and bronchial asthma. In addition, linkas contains harmful ingredients – E216 and E218. There is evidence that these supplements can provoke the growth of tumor formations.

The big advantage of Lazolvan is its many years of experience in use. Thanks to the use of the product, the effectiveness of antibacterial agents increases. In addition, the drug effectively copes with bronchial asthma.

Since there are not enough clinical trials, Linkas is prohibited to drink during pregnancy and lactation. It is also contraindicated for children under 6 months.

At the same time, lazolvan is allowed to be taken with caution in the 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy and lactation. However, it is prescribed with great caution in the 1st trimester, in the presence of kidney or liver failure, as well as individual intolerance.

In terms of price, linkas is considered a more profitable means. So, 90 ml of this drug will cost 110 rubles, while 100 ml of Lazolvan costs 240 rubles.

What to choose - herbion or linkas

No less relevant is the question of what is better to choose – herbion or linkas. Both drugs have a completely natural composition. At the same time, herbion contains a smaller amount of active substances. There are 2 varieties of this product - based on plantain and primrose.

A less diverse composition reduces the risk of developing allergies, but does not always give the desired effect. Although numerous reviews indicate that the drug is excellent for a complex effect on various types of cough.

In any case, only a specialist should choose a specific remedy, taking into account the clinical picture and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Link storage conditions

Linkas can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, a recipe is not required for this. The product can be stored for 3 years after manufacture. No special conditions are needed in this case. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. It is also recommended to keep the drug out of reach of children.

Linkas is considered a fairly effective remedy, which has a natural composition and copes well with various types of cough. It is very important to take this substance only as prescribed by a doctor. This will help cope with the disease and prevent the development of dangerous complications. If side effects occur, you should stop using the substance. and choose an effective analogue.

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of viral infections in children, as well as bronchitis, tracheitis and other inflammatory processes of the respiratory system. In search of an effective medicine, mothers are studying safe, most natural remedies. One of them is Linkas children's syrup, a combined preparation made from natural raw materials.

Linkas syrup for children and adults 90 ml

Composition and effect of the drug

Its basis is plant extracts, every 10 ml contains:

  • 100 mg of extract of leaves and inflorescences of Onosma bracts (suppresses muscle spasms);
  • jujube fruits (sedative effect);
  • Cordia latifolia (a plant that relieves muscle spasms);
  • marshmallow inflorescences (a restorative element that fights inflammation);
  • fruits and roots of long pepper (an ingredient that restores immunity);
  • 50 mg of alpinia galanga rhizomes (anti-allergic component);
  • 50 mg of hyssop leaves (regenerating effect);
  • 25 mg of fragrant violet flowers (reduces inflammation);
  • 75 mg of licorice root (expectorant effect).

The main extract (from adchatoides vascularis) is included in the drug in an amount of 600 mg, it moderates pain and stimulates the discharge of sputum.

Auxiliary ingredients of the syrup are: water, sucrose, glycerin, citric acid, propylene glycol, peppermint and clove oil, food additives. The composition of the medicine allows it to act as:

  • mucolytics;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory agent.

Linkas, without penetrating into the child’s systemic bloodstream, is able to suppress muscle spasms, destroy microbes that cause diseases, fight the manifestations of inflammation, reduce the intensity of cough, and lower body temperature. As a mucolytic, Linkas thins sputum without increasing its volume.

Indications for use

Linkas for children is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system of an infectious and inflammatory nature, complicated by sputum production when coughing. These are pathologies such as:

  • acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza;
  • colds of a bacterial nature;
  • ENT diseases of the respiratory tract with cough.

If we talk about specific diseases for which Linkas is prescribed, these are:

  • tracheobronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • lymphoid, obstructive and focal pneumonia;
  • unproductive cough (dry);
  • cough of allergic nature;
  • "smoker's cough"
  • tuberculosis of the lungs.

Is it possible to give Linkas to infants?

The drug is prescribed to children no earlier than 6 months of age. Despite this, it must be prescribed by a specialist in strict accordance with the dosage. This is due to the fact that the drug does not have reliable data from tests conducted in groups with young children. Use other than as directed for cough therapy can be dangerous in some cases.

Directions for use and dosage of the drug for children

The medicine is easy to use. It is used exclusively orally, that is, by swallowing, and can be used by the patient regardless of the specific interval before or after meals.

The course of treatment is short, 5-7 days. Any deviations in admission are permitted only after consultation with a specialist observing the child. The medicine is not diluted with water before use, but the medicine is allowed to be washed down. It is recommended to shake the bottle before measuring the required volume.

Dosage table according to age:

Special instructions for use and possible side effects

Linkas is taken at regular intervals throughout the day. It is better not to take the medicine before going to bed, as the bronchi may begin to quickly remove mucus and the cough will intensify, which will cause inconvenience to the child.

The simultaneous use of syrup with drugs that suppress cough, especially those containing codeine and libexin, is not recommended. This disrupts treatment tactics. In addition, such a combination of medications can cause sputum stasis, and this is a serious complication of the disease.

It is possible to combine syrup with Linkas lozenges if the child has reached the age at which both forms are allowed. Like all medicines, Linkas has its contraindications for use:

  • it should not be used if individual intolerance to one or several components of the drug is revealed during treatment;
  • Due to the sucrose content, Linkos is not recommended for children suffering from diabetes mellitus and following a diet with limited sugars.

Linkas is well tolerated by children. Rarely, a systemic or local allergic reaction may develop, which will manifest as skin itching, spots on the body or rash, and hives. In case of minor manifestations of allergies, the drug should be discontinued immediately and the baby should be given an antihistamine.

Overdose is unlikely. If a child accidentally takes more medication than recommended, he should be immediately taken to a medical facility. Before emergency assistance is provided, it is allowed to use activated carbon or other sorbent along with plenty of water.

How much does the drug cost and what analogues are there?

There are several analogues of the drug. They have a similar effect and are indicated for children almost from birth. When choosing a medicine that is close in its effect, it is useful to compare how much it costs. Analogues:

  • Bronchicum in the form of syrup or elixir. From 250 rubles.
  • Syrup Doctor MOM. From 130 rubles.
  • Syrup Travisil. From 170 rubles.
  • Bronchostop syrup. From 300 rubles.
  • Elixir Codelac with thyme. From 100 rubles.
  • Cook's syrup. From 100 rubles.
  • Suprima-Broncho syrup. From 130 rubles.
  • Gedelix syrup. From 370 rubles.
  • Dry cough syrup. From 15 rubles.

We should not forget that these analogues are non-structural, i.e. they may differ slightly in action and dosage. Particular attention should be paid to whether the substitute drug is approved for use by children under six months of age.

Despite the huge number of antitussives offered by modern pharmaceuticals, it is sometimes difficult to cope with painful coughing attacks. In such cases, experienced doctors recommend paying attention to drugs based on herbal components. One of them is Linkas syrup, one of the best medicines that restores the health of the respiratory system.

Cough syrup for children and adults Linkas: release form, composition

Linkas syrup is based on extracts of medicinal plants, the complex action of which is expressed in a mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

The medicinal value of the drug is provided by extracts:

  • Vascular adathodes. Provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Effective in the treatment of bronchitis. Suppresses the vital activity of staphylococci, streptococci, as well as diphtheria, E. coli and tuberculosis;
  • licorice bare roots. It has an expectorant and enveloping effect. Contains glycyrrhizin, which increases the secretion of bronchial glands, and flavonoids, which relieve bronchospasms. Eliminates inflammation;
  • long pepper fruits and roots. Contains the alkaloid peperine. Has an expectorant, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiseptic effect;
  • violet fragrant flowers. Used as an expectorant, diaphoretic, sedative and anti-inflammatory agent for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and nasopharynx;
  • hyssop medicinal leaves. Contains phytoncides, flavonoids, essential oils, ascorbic acid. Helps thin and remove mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • alpinia galanga roots and rhizomes. Has a powerful expectorant and immunomodulatory effect;
  • Cordia latifolia fruit. Contains flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolic compounds and tannins. Has expectorant, antiseptic, analgesic, antispasmodic and antipyretic effects;
  • marshmallow flower. Provides an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, relieves irritation, and reduces swelling. Has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • jujube real fruit. Due to the content of flavonoids, organic acids, pectins, vitamins and microelements, it has mucolytic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, tonic and immunomodulatory properties. Effectively fights dry cough;
  • onosmata of the bracts of leaves and flowers. Along with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antimicrobial effects, it relieves irritation of the respiratory mucosa and lowers temperature.

The syrup also contains sucrose, glycerin, essential oil of clove flowers and peppermint, as well as other excipients.

Types and form of release

Linkas is a sweet, dense brown liquid with a characteristic smell and taste of peppermint. The product is produced in 90 ml dark glass bottles. The cardboard package contains one bottle of syrup.

The main varieties of the drug are Linkas syrup, Linkas syrup without sugar, Linkas Plus Expectorant syrup.

Pharmacological properties and indications for use

Thanks to the effect of active substances, the drug stimulates the secretory functions of the epithelium by enhancing the motor activity of its villi.

As a result of using Linkas syrup:

  • the properties of surfactants lining the surface of the pulmonary alveoli are improved;
  • sputum discharge becomes more intense;
  • makes breathing easier;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree is eliminated;
  • the level of cough productivity increases.

The therapeutic effect of the drug remains pronounced for four days after taking the drug.

For which cough should you take syrup, dry or wet?

Due to its powerful bronchodilator properties, the drug is indicated for dry cough with difficult to separate sputum and smoker's cough.

According to the nosological classification of ICD-10, the use of Linkas syrup for children and adults is recommended for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • acute tracheitis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • influenza, ARVI;
  • pharyngitis.

Linkas syrup reduces the intensity of coughing attacks and increases its productivity. In this case, the medicine may have a slight analgesic effect. It is used as the main therapeutic agent or in combination with other drugs.

Linkas syrup: instructions for use

Each package of the product comes with instructions for use - a document created by the manufacturer.

According to the instructions, Linkas cough syrup can be used to treat children and adults.

At what age can it be given to children?

To avoid undesirable consequences, cough syrup for children Linkas is approved for use in the treatment of children starting from the age of six months. The drug is contraindicated for newborns and children under six months of age.

For children

Linkas has a pleasant mild taste and is well accepted by children. The syrup is taken orally in its pure form, without diluting with water, and regardless of food intake.

  • children from six months to one year - half a teaspoon three times a day;
  • from two to six years - one teaspoon three times a day;
  • from seven to twelve years - one teaspoon of syrup four times a day.

Children over twelve years of age are prescribed an adult dose of the drug.

To achieve optimal therapeutic effect, it is recommended to take children's cough syrup for a week.

For adults

If there are individual characteristics, the therapeutic dose of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment can be adjusted by the attending physician.

Drug interactions with other drugs

To ensure the full effect of Linkas, it is necessary to avoid simultaneous use of the drug with other types of antitussive medications.

First of all, the ban applies to the following drugs:

  • codeine based;
  • containing libexin;
  • suppressing cough by reducing sputum production.

The combination of Linkas with other cough remedies can cause sputum stagnation, which can lead to the development of complications of the respiratory system.

Contraindications, side effects

According to medical experts, adverse reactions when taking Linkas syrup are extremely rare.

The development of complications is possible due to individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug. In such cases, patients experience a rash or hives.

Due to the fact that certain types of medicine contain sugar, their use is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Also among patients who are contraindicated from taking Linkas syrup are pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Drug analogues

An important difference between Linkas syrup and other antitussives is its rich plant-based composition. There are no drugs with a similar composition.

But if necessary, you can replace the drug with a medicine with a similar type of effect. The list of the most effective remedies of this type includes syrups: Doctor Theiss, Doctor MOM, Bromhexine, Travisil, Glycodin, Mucosol, ACC.

The use of any antitussive drug must be agreed with your doctor. Only in this case the treatment will take place without side effects and will provide a lasting therapeutic result.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Herbal medicine with expectorant action

Active ingredients

Dry extract of marshmallow flowers (Althaea)
- licorice roots (Liquorice)
- Bifidobacterium longum (non appropriated)

Release form, composition and packaging

Syrup brown in color with a characteristic odor.

Excipients: sucrose, anhydrous citric acid, glycerol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, peppermint oil, clove oil, purified water.

90 ml - dark glass bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Combined herbal preparation. Reduces the intensity and increases the productivity of cough, has an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Adhatoda vasculara has antitussive, bronchodilator, expectorant and antispasmodic effects.

Smooth licorice root contains glycyrrhizin and foam-forming substances - saponins, which help increase the secretory function of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, change the surface-active properties of pulmonary surfactant, stimulate the movement of epithelial cilia, dilute sputum and facilitate its discharge. It has an inhibitory effect on the exudative and proliferative phase of inflammation. Has antiallergic properties.

Long pepper has antibacterial and antiallergic properties. It has an antitussive and general tonic effect.

Fragrant violet has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effects.

Common hyssop contains diosmin, which has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antitussive effects.

Kalgan has a bactericidal effect and has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties.

Marshmallow has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Jujube has an expectorant effect, reduces sore throats, and has sedative and antibacterial properties.


The effect of the drug Linax is the combined effect of its components, so pharmacokinetic studies are not possible.


Symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum (against the background of ARVI, influenza, tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, smoker's bronchitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract).


Children up to 6 months;

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

WITH caution The drug is used for diabetes mellitus.


For adults the drug is prescribed 2 teaspoons of syrup 3-4 times a day.

The average duration of treatment is 5-7 days or more, depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

Side effects

Rarely: allergic reactions.


To date, no cases of overdose of the drug Linkas have been reported.

Drug interactions

Data on drug interactions with Linkas are not provided.

special instructions

The syrup contains sucrose (70%), which must be taken into account when prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes mellitus and patients on a low-calorie diet.

Pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of adequate and strictly controlled safety studies to date, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use in childhood

Children aged 6 months to 3 years prescribed 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) 3 times a day; children aged 3 to 8 years- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times/day; children and adolescents aged 8 to 18 years- 1 teaspoon 4 times/day.

The drug is contraindicated in children under 6 months.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years; do not use after the date indicated on the package.

The description of the drug LINCAS is based on officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

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Linkas syrup contains dry extracts of the following pharmaceutical plants:

  • leaf vascular adhatoids– 600 mg;
  • naked licorice roots – 75 mg;
  • fruits and roots of long pepper – 100 mg;
  • fragrant flowers violets– 25 mg;
  • medicinal hyssop leaves – 50 mg;
  • roots and rhizomes of alpinia galanga – 50 mg;
  • broadleaf cordia fruits – 100 mg;
  • medicinal flowers marshmallow– 100 mg;
  • real jujube fruits – 100 mg;
  • leaves and flowers of bractal onosma – 100 mg.

The syrup contains as excipients:

  • sucrose;
  • anhydrous citric acid;
  • glycerol;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • proylene glycol;
  • peppermint oil;
  • clove oil;
  • purified water up to 10 ml.

The composition of Linkas Lor is the following list of dry extracts of biologically active components:

  • Vascular adhatoid leaves – 30 mg;
  • roots naked licorice– 7 mg;
  • fruits and roots of long pepper – 6 mg;
  • fragrant phylaki flowers – 2 mg;
  • leaves medicinal hyssop– 3 mg;
  • false galangal rhizomes – 3 mg.

The auxiliary components in the lozenges are:

  • menthol;
  • sugar;
  • liquid glucose;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • talc;
  • hard, soft white and liquid paraffin (as a lubricant);
  • yellow beeswax;
  • lanolin.

Balm for external use consists of (in terms of 1 mg of the drug):

  • menthol– 200 mg;
  • camphor– 70 mg;
  • eucalyptus oil – 60 mg;
  • clove oil – 40 mg;
  • turpentine oil – 20 mg;
  • excipients (hard and white, soft paraffin).

Release form

The drug is widely popular in the pharmaceutical market, therefore it is presented in several forms of release:

  • Syrup Linkas brown in color with a characteristic taste and smell of peppermint in 90 ml dark glass bottles. The cardboard package contains 1 container of medicine.
  • Mint lozenges Linkas Lor is round, flat in shape and beveled towards the edge. Brown lozenges with the aroma for which mint is famous are packaged in contoured, cell-free packaging for 8 pieces. The cardboard pack contains 2 pieces of candy. Lemon-honey and orange lozenges differ from mint lozenges only in their corresponding aroma.
  • Ointment for external use white in a plastic bottle of 25 mg. The cardboard box contains 1 bottle of pharmaceutical preparation and instructions for its use.

pharmachologic effect

Linkas is a medicine consisting of a large number of active biological components vegetable origin, which allows the drug to have the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • mucolytic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antispasmodic.

Mechanism of action constituent elements is to intensify the secretory activity of the epithelium covering the respiratory tract. Physical activity is also stimulated villi of the mucous membrane, that is, the complex action of the components allows you to evacuate foreign bodies and pathological secretions produced in the process inflammation one or another part of the respiratory tract.

Linkas also affects surfactant, changing its surface-active properties. Thanks to anesthetic effect of a local nature, the irritability of the upper mucous membranes decreases, which eliminates the problem of residual cough with a comprehensive consideration of the pharmacological effects. Thus, the discharge of sputum is significantly enhanced, respiratory processes are facilitated, and the cough, in turn, disappears.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug has a local type of action and is not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use

  • pathologies of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a dry irritating cough and sore throat;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • flu;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis of an inflammatory nature and the so-called “bronchitis of smokers”.


  • individual hypersensitivity to the constituent elements of a pharmaceutical product;
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance biologically active components of the drug;
  • pediatric practice (the age of permitted use depends on the form of the drug);
  • diabetes.

Side effects

Adverse consequences of conservative therapy develop extremely rarely. In isolated cases, allergic reactions of a typical pathophysiological course may be observed, for example:

  • skin itching and rash;
  • hives;
  • acute angioedema.

Linkas instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The drug is not difficult to use and is suitable for almost all age categories, that is, it can be included in a course of conservative sanitation, as a syrup for children and adults with the possibility of achieving an effective therapeutic effect. This form of pharmaceutical drug is used orally, regardless of food.

Duration of use treatment usually lasts from 5 to 7 days. It is possible to increase the duration of the course of treatment only according to the appropriate recommendations of the doctor. Instructions for Linkas cough syrup states that the active components should not be diluted with water, and the dosage of the medicine depends on the age category:

  • children from 6 months to 3 years – half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) 3 times a day;
  • at the age of 3 to 8 years – 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times a day;
  • from 8 years to 18 – 1 teaspoon 4 times a day;
  • for adults, the dosage of the drug increases to 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the pathology.

Instructions for use Linkus Lore even easier than using syrup. Pastilles should be slowly dissolved in the mouth, 1 piece every 2-3 hours. The maximum daily amount of the drug is 8 lozenges. Average well conservative therapy can last from 3 to 7 days (as a rule, the symptoms of the inflammatory disease disappear on the fifth day, then the drug is used for preventive purposes). A peculiarity of this form of medicine is that lollipops are not suitable for use in pediatric practice.

Balm Linkas is used exclusively externally, that is, applied to the corresponding areas of the skin:

  • at cough– on the upper chest and neck;
  • at runny nose or nasal congestion– on the skin of the wings of the nose;
  • at muscle pain- to the site of projection of the organ.

In order to increase the therapeutic effect of this pharmaceutical form of the drug, a warm bandage can be applied on top. The course of treatment is from 5 to 7 days.


Pharmaceutical drug overdose unlikely. There is no data on the adverse effects of taking an increased amount of the drug in the medical literature, however, it is not recommended to independently increase the dosage prescribed by the attending physician.


Linkas and Linkas Lor have virtually no clinically significant interactions. Just do not mix these pharmaceutical forms of the drug with antitussives medications, especially those based codeine or libexin. This combination of drugs only complicates the release of pathological sputum.

Terms of sale

Dispensed at pharmacy kiosks without a prescription form.

Storage conditions

The pharmaceutical drug should be stored at room temperature (not higher than 25 degrees Celsius) in a place inaccessible to children of younger age.

Best before date

special instructions

The drug contains sugar, which must be taken into account when prescribing a pharmaceutical drug to patients with diabetes mellitus or located on low calorie diet for any medical reasons.

When using Linkas in the form ointments for external use Avoid contact of the drug with the eyes and mucous membranes, as adverse effects or even burns are possible.

For children

Syrup Linkas can be used for the conservative treatment of inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory tract, starting from 6 months, however, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the pharmaceutical drug (see instructions for use).

Lollipops in turn, are not suitable for therapeutic measures among the younger age category for various reasons. For example, a child may swallow a lozenge, which in this case will not have the expected therapeutic effect.

With alcohol

Linkas cough syrup, like medicinal lozenges, does not have systemic effects, because doesn't interact with components of alcoholic beverages, however, its use is not recommended during a course of conservative therapy, as this may prolong treatment.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

There have been no reliable clinical studies of the effect of the pharmaceutical drug Linkas on the body of a developing fetus, therefore its use during pregnancy is recommended only when it is not possible to replace it with another drug, and the expected benefits for the mother are much higher than the possible risks for the child. If completing a course of conservative therapy with Linkas coincides with the period of lactation, you should stop breastfeeding so as not to harm the developing body.

Composition and release form

Syrup 10 ml
adhatoda vascular leaf extract dry (Adhatoda vasica Ness.) 600 mg
licorice naked root extract dry (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) 75 mg
long pepper fruits and roots dry extract (Piper longum L.) 100 mg
dried violet flower extract (Viola odorata L.) 25 mg
Hyssop medicinal leaf extract dry (Hyssopus officinalis L.) 50 mg
alpinia galanga roots and rhizomes extract (Alpinia galanga L.) 50 mg
Cordia latifolia fruit extract dry (Cordia latifolia) 100 mg
marshmallow flower dry extract (Althaea officinalis L.) 100 mg
dry jujube fruit extract (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) 100 mg
Onosmata bracts of leaves and flowers dry extract (Onosma bracteatum Wall.) 100 mg
Excipients: sucrose; anhydrous citric acid; glycerol; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; propylene glycol; peppermint oil; clove oil; purified water

in dark glass bottles of 90 ml; 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.

Linkus Lore

Mint flavored lozenges 1 lozenge
30 mg
7 mg
6 mg
2 mg
3 mg
3 mg
excipients (mint lozenges): menthol; sugar; liquid glucose; Eucalyptus oil; peppermint oil; talc; lubricant - solid paraffin; yellow beeswax; lanolin; soft white paraffin; liquid paraffin
Lozenges with honey and lemon flavor 1 lozenge
adhatoda vascular leaf extract dry 30 mg
licorice naked root extract dry 7 mg
long pepper fruits and roots dry extract 6 mg
dried violet flower extract 2 mg
Hyssop medicinal leaf extract dry 3 mg
alpinia galanga (false galangal) rhizome dry extract 3 mg
excipients (lemon-honey lozenges): menthol; sugar; liquid glucose; Eucalyptus oil; anhydrous citric acid; honey-lemon flavoring; talc; lubricant - solid paraffin; yellow beeswax; lanolin; soft white paraffin; liquid paraffin

in blister-free packaging 8 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 2 packs.

Lozenges with orange flavor or aroma 1 lozenge
adhatoda vascular leaf extract dry 30 mg
licorice naked root extract dry 7 mg
long pepper fruits and roots dry extract 6 mg
dried violet flower extract 2 mg
Hyssop medicinal leaf extract dry 3 mg
alpinia galanga (false galangal) rhizome dry extract 3 mg
excipients (orange lozenges): menthol; sugar; liquid glucose; Eucalyptus oil; anhydrous citric acid; orange flavor; talc; lubricant - solid paraffin; yellow beeswax; lanolin; soft white paraffin; liquid paraffin

in blister-free packaging 8 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 2 packs.

Description of the dosage form

The syrup is brown in color with a peppermint flavor and a characteristic odor.

Linkus Lore

Mint lozenges: round, flat, beveled brown lozenges with a mint aroma.

Lemon-honey lozenges: round, flat, beveled brown lozenges with the aroma of honey and lemon.

Orange lozenges: round, flat, beveled brown lozenges with an orange aroma.


Complex preparation from extracts of medicinal herbs.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- expectorant.

Reduces the intensity and increases the productivity of cough, has an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for the drug Linkas ®

Symptomatic treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum (against the background of acute respiratory diseases, influenza, tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, bronchitis of “smokers” and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract).


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Children's age up to 6 months.

Be careful with diabetes.

Linkus Lore

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, age under 18 years.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of sufficient research to date, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Side effects

Rarely - allergic reactions.


Directions for use and doses

Inside, children from 6 months to 3 years - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) 3 times a day; 3-8 years - 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 3 times a day; 8-18 years old - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day; adults - 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day.

The duration of use of the drug is 5-7 days. Increasing the duration and conducting repeated courses of treatment is possible on the recommendation of a doctor.

Linkus Lore

Adults should slowly dissolve 1 lozenge in the mouth every 2-3 hours. The maximum daily dose is 8 lozenges. The average course of treatment is 3-7 days.

special instructions


Herbion Pakistan Private Ltd.

Storage conditions for the drug Linkas ®

At room temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of Linkas ®

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
J04.1 Acute tracheitisBacterial tracheitis
J06 Acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple and unspecified localizationBacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract
Bacterial respiratory infections
Pain due to colds
Pain in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Viral respiratory disease
Viral respiratory tract infections
Inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
Secondary infections with influenza
Secondary infections due to colds
Influenza conditions
Upper respiratory tract infections
Upper respiratory tract infections
Respiratory tract infections
ENT infections
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Infectious inflammation of the respiratory tract
Respiratory tract infection
Qatar of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal disease of the upper respiratory tract
Catarrhal phenomena from the upper respiratory tract
Cough with a cold
Fever due to influenza
acute respiratory infections
Acute respiratory infection with symptoms of rhinitis
Acute respiratory infection
Acute infectious-inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract
Acute cold
Acute respiratory disease
Acute respiratory disease of influenza nature
Sore throat or nose
Respiratory infection
Respiratory viral infections
Respiratory diseases
Respiratory infections
Recurrent respiratory tract infections
Seasonal colds
Seasonal colds
Frequent colds and viral diseases
J11 Influenza, virus not identifiedFlu pain
Flu in the initial stages of the disease
Flu in children
Influenza condition
Beginning flu state
Acute parainfluenza disease
Parainfluenza condition
Influenza epidemics
J18 Pneumonia without specifying the pathogenAlveolar pneumonia
Community-acquired pneumonia atypical
Community-acquired pneumonia, non-pneumococcal
Inflammatory lung disease
Lobar pneumonia
Respiratory and lung infections
Lower respiratory tract infections
Lobar pneumonia
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
Nosocomial pneumonia
Exacerbation of chronic pneumonia
Acute community-acquired pneumonia
Acute pneumonia
Focal pneumonia
Pneumonia abscess
Pneumonia bacterial
Pneumonia lobar
Pneumonia focal
Pneumonia with difficulty in sputum discharge
Pneumonia in patients with AIDS
Pneumonia in children
Septic pneumonia
Chronic obstructive pneumonia
Chronic pneumonia
J20 Acute bronchitisBronchitis acute
Viral bronchitis
Bronchial disease
Infectious bronchitis
Acute bronchial disease
J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronicAllergic bronchitis
Asthmatic bronchitis
Asthmoid bronchitis
Bacterial bronchitis
Allergic bronchitis
Asthmatic bronchitis
Smoker's bronchitis
Smokers' bronchitis
Inflammation of the lower respiratory tract
Bronchial disease
Qatar smoker
Smokers cough
Cough due to inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi
Disturbance of bronchial secretion
Bronchial dysfunction
Acute tracheobronchitis
Subacute bronchitis
Chronic lung diseases
R05 CoughSevere cough
Cough in the preoperative period
Cough due to allergic conditions
Cough with bronchial asthma
Cough with bronchitis
Cough due to inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi
Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract
Cough with a cold
Cough due to tuberculosis
Dry cough
Nonproductive cough
Paroxysmal cough
Paroxysmal nonproductive cough
Productive cough
Reflex cough
Spasmodic cough
Spasmodic cough
Dry cough
Dry painful cough
Dry non-productive cough
Dry irritating cough
R09.3 SputumBronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge
Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract with difficult to separate sputum
Sticky sputum production
Viscous sputum
Hyperproduction of sputum
Hypersecretion of bronchial glands
Thick phlegm
Blockage of the bronchi with mucus plug
Difficulty in sputum discharge
Difficulty releasing sputum
Difficulty secreting sputum in acute and chronic respiratory diseases
Difficulty releasing sputum
Cough with hard-to-clear sputum
Cough with hard-to-clear sputum
High viscosity sputum
Poor sputum discharge
Difficult to clear viscous sputum
Difficult sputum
Difficult-to-discharge bronchial secretions
Difficult to separate viscous secretion

Cough syrup for children Linkas is a combined herbal remedy containing only natural ingredients. The popular drug is widely used as part of the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. And the convenient release form makes it easier to dose and use the medicine in children who have difficulty accepting tablets or bitter powders.

Linkas cough syrup - description of the drug

Linkas syrup is designed to improve productivity and reduce its intensity. It provides a powerful therapeutic effect, which is manifested by the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • mucolytic.

The principle of action of the drug is based on the activation of the motor activity of the ciliated epithelium lining the bronchi from the inside, which allows accelerating the removal of mucus and clearing the airways. The drug exhibits a local anesthetic effect, reduces irritation of the mucous membranes and eliminates sore throat that causes coughing attacks, and also increases the volume of bronchial secretion production, which helps soften a dry, suffocating cough and transfer it to a more productive state.

Composition of the drug

Linkas syrup is a thick, transparent, brown liquid with a specific taste and smell of peppermint. The drug is available in dark glass bottles of 90 ml.

The syrup contains 10 types of extracts isolated from fruits, flowers, roots and leaves of medicinal plants. Among them:

  • liquorice root;
  • violet and marshmallow inflorescences;
  • adhatoda leaves;
  • pepper fruits and roots;
  • hyssop and onosma leaves;
  • alpinia rhizomes;
  • jujube and cordia fruits.

Among the excipients that enhance the effectiveness of the main components and give the syrup a unique taste and aroma, there are mint and clove oils, sucrose, citric acid, glycerol and other components. We list the properties of the main active extracts:

Licorice extract contains special substances - glycyrrhizin and saponins, which increase the production of bronchial secretions, help thin thick sputum, facilitate its discharge and reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Pepper extract has a pronounced antitussive effect, provides an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, exhibits general tonic properties, and strengthens local immunity.

An extract from marshmallow reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and has an expectorant effect, helping to soften the cough and the appearance of sputum.

Fragrant extract provides analgesic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial and sedative effects, relieves irritation and helps restore the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Extracts from jujube and hyssop exhibit antiseptic and bactericidal effects, provide an expectorant and sedative effect, and accelerate recovery.

The leaves of Adhatoda vasculara contain a rich complex of vitamins, essential oils and alkaloids. Due to this, this component activates the contraction of the bronchi, accelerates the removal of sputum and improves respiratory functions.

Good to know

Taken together, all components of the herbal remedy mutually enhance and complement each other’s effects, providing a powerful healing effect and eliminating painful coughing attacks.


Linkas cough syrup for children is prescribed for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, the course of which is accompanied by the appearance of a non-productive cough with sputum difficult to separate. The drug is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of bronchitis (including smokers' bronchitis), tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, as well as respiratory tract lesions developing against the background of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

A natural preparation based on herbal components can be used to treat young children; it does not contain ethyl alcohol. The basis for dissolving plant extracts is purified water.

Linkas syrup should be taken in the acute period of the disease in order to relieve symptoms - irritation and sore throat, attacks of suffocating cough, which does not bring relief and does not allow you to sleep at night. Syrup is the most convenient dosage form of the drug; it is well absorbed, quickly exhibits a therapeutic effect, and does not cause rejection in young children. Another advantage of the medicine is its completely natural composition, which guarantees safety and minimal risk of side effects.

It is not without reason that the famous doctor Komarovsky recommends Linkas as the most effective and gentle remedy for debilitating cough in children. This drug not only quickly relieves painful symptoms, but also does not harm health. At the same time, the pediatrician draws the attention of parents to the fact that the child should be given medicine only after consultation with a doctor. Do not forget that the drug contains a combination of various herbal ingredients, which in some cases can cause allergies.

Instructions for use

When treating colds accompanied by a dry, irritating cough, the dosage of Linkas syrup for adult patients is 2 tsp. (10ml) per dose. The medicine should be taken 4 times a day.

Instructions for the use of Linkas cough syrup for children prescribe the selection of medicines taking into account the age of the child. So, for children from 6 months to 2 years old, no more than 2.5 ml of syrup (1/2 tsp) should be given at a time in the morning and evening; for children from 2 to 7 years old, this dose should be doubled (up to 5 ml). Frequency of application – three times a day. For adolescents and children over 7 years of age, the dosage of syrup remains the same, but the number of doses is increased to 4 times a day.

On average, the course of treatment takes from 5 to 7 days, this time is enough to soften a dry cough and achieve sputum separation. If no improvement is noted within a week, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


Despite the natural herbal composition, this drug is contraindicated for some categories of patients. Linkas syrup should not be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • children up to 6 months;
  • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus.

While pregnant, any medications should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Linkas cough syrup during pregnancy can be prescribed in the 2nd or 3rd trimester if the benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. During lactation, the decision to use the drug should also be made by the attending physician.

Good to know

Linkas syrup should not be taken simultaneously with antitussives, as well as drugs whose action is aimed at reducing sputum production. The syrup contains sugar, so the drug should not be taken by patients suffering from diabetes. For the same reason, treatment with this drug should be approached with extreme caution when following a low-calorie diet.

The medicine "Linkas" for cough, the instructions for which recommend this syrup for the treatment of acute colds, quickly brings relief.

The drug is manufactured in Pakistan. Its manufacturer is the company "Gerbion", known for herbal syrups recommended for the treatment of dry and wet cough. The medicine in liquid form is packaged in 90 ml bottles and packed in a cardboard box, which contains a leaflet describing this product and how to use it.

Linkas cough syrup instructions for use is an expectorant of plant origin. This is a liquid that has a brown color, a special smell and a pleasant taste. The composition includes preservatives and glucose.

Why does the drug help with cough?

The syrup is effective for children and adults suffering from various types of cough. The list of active ingredients it contains includes a large number of medicinal plant extracts. The manufacturer created an original recipe by mixing several biologically active ready-made forms that have different effects on the causes of cough.

In the list of herbs used, you can see plants traditionally used in medicine around the world to treat various types of cough. The composition contains exotic names of spices that give the finished form a pleasant taste and smell.

All plant extracts present in the syrup contain a large amount of essential oils, bitters, alkaloids, vitamins and healing tinctures. Mixed into a single whole, they interact and enhance each other's effects.

In first place is the extract of dry leaves of Justice vascularis or Adhatoda. It is traditionally used to treat serious diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The plant contains alkaloids that suppress the growth of opportunistic microflora and has anti-asthmatic and expectorant effects.

Fragrant violet is another powerful ingredient in this effective cough syrup. The plant, well known to many people, contains a huge number of biologically active components. This herb is used throughout the world as an expectorant and antiallergic agent. Its extract is used by homeopaths to create various preparations.

The action of these two powerful herbs is complemented by licorice root syrup, which has the property of stimulating the immune system. According to doctors in the Asia-Pacific region, this plant actively affects the functioning of the internal secretion organs, and this rejuvenates the body.

The composition contains marshmallow, which has a gentle effect on the body and causes active discharge of sputum. Marshmallow syrup is often used as an independent herbal preparation for the treatment of cough in children. Here its effect is enhanced by other extracts of herbs that have biologically active substances.

Hyssop officinalis extract is traditionally used to treat upper respiratory tract infections. This is a powerful natural antiseptic that suppresses the growth of opportunistic microflora that causes inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

The remaining plants are introduced into the syrup as spices, which stimulate the internal secretion organs at a subtle level. Thanks to this composition, “Linkas” for cough is able to cure the most persistent pathological process that forces a person to cough heavily, and the instructions confirm this.

This drug has unique characteristics. It quickly relieves spasm, eliminates inflammation of the mucous tissues that occurs in the upper respiratory tract.

Important! The syrup is powerful and effectively enhances secretion formation. It stimulates the motor activity of the villi lining the bronchi.

After short-term treatment with this drug, sputum production increases, and breathing becomes much easier. A steady improvement in health is observed within 2 days after the start of the course.

The instructions recommend using “Linkas” for cough as the main remedy for cough. If necessary, it is allowed to include this dosage form in the complex therapy of colds. The drug can be used against the background of the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics to quickly suppress the inflammatory process and speed up recovery.

  • acute tracheitis;
  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • dry and wet cough.

The instructions recommend giving “Linkas” for cough to children starting from 6 months. It contains components that suppress the development of an allergic reaction, so the syrup is easily tolerated by children. Mothers who give this medicine to young children note its effectiveness in treating a persistent type of dry cough, which is often observed in children after the flu or ARVI.

The dosage form helps during the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract caused by smoking. One package is enough to carry out a course of therapy for a smoker’s dry tearing cough and obtain significant relief from the health condition. If the remedy turns out to be ineffective within a week, you should definitely visit your local physician to clarify the diagnosis. The appearance of a persistent non-productive cough with prolonged smoking may be a symptom of an oncological process.

How to carry out treatment correctly

In order for the treatment to be effective, before starting to take the medicine, you should read the instructions included in the package. It describes the rules for taking the drug, indicating the patient’s age and single dose.

The medicine is taken orally by putting the syrup into a measuring cap, focusing on the marks. The product will work regardless of food intake. The syrup is not diluted with water to maintain the concentration of active substances.

Important! When a drug is prescribed by your doctor, you should follow his recommendations.

If the drug is purchased independently, then treatment should not exceed a weekly course. People suffering from diabetes should be aware that the syrup contains sugar.

Side effects are very rare because this drug consists of plant extracts. But it contains preservatives that can cause an allergic reaction. When it appears, they refuse treatment and contact their doctor to select another remedy.

For women carrying a child and nursing mothers, this herbal medicine can only be recommended by the attending physician. The manufacturer notes that there have been no studies that would show how the active components act on the embryo during pregnancy. No one knows what the consequences will be after taking a drug that passes through the placental barrier.

Attention! The syrup should not be used with active substances that block the cough reflex.

Drugs created to treat dry cough with codeine can cause dangerous accumulation of mucus in the tracheobronchial tree. Then the trachea infected with opportunistic microflora may worsen its general condition due to increased damage to the wall of the bronchial tree. Improper treatment leads to severe inflammation.

If a child or adult is bothered by attacks of dry cough at night while taking Linkas, then in the first two days of treatment, you can take a single antitussive drug before bedtime to relieve bronchospasm, if it occurs. “Bronholitin” may be suitable for this, which can be given to children whose weight has reached 40 kg.

Young children should not be given other medications that are similar to Linkas. If the baby coughs a lot at night, rub him with warming ointment and place a honey compress on his chest. Bronchospasm in a baby can be relieved with warm mashed potatoes mixed with milk.

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