Home Tooth pain Flu. Mechanism of action, types, composition, form of vaccine release

Flu. Mechanism of action, types, composition, form of vaccine release

Suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration - 1 dose (0.5 ml) hemagglutinin of epidemically relevant influenza virus strains produced by Solvay Biologicals B.V., the Netherlands subtype A (H1N1) - 5 μg subtype A (H3N2) - 5 μg type B - 5 mcg immunoadjuvant Polyoxidonium® - 500 mcg phosphate-buffered saline - up to 0.5 ml does not contain a preservative, 0.5 ml (1 dose) in a disposable syringe; 1 syringe in a blister pack; in a cardboard pack 1 package.

Description of the dosage form

Colorless or yellowish, slightly opalescent liquid.


The vaccine consists of protective antigens (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), isolated from purified influenza viruses of types A and B grown on chicken embryos, associated with a water-soluble high-molecular immunoadjuvant N-oxidized derivative of poly-1,4-ethylenepiperazine (Polyoxidonium®, INN - Azoximer bromide ). The antigenic composition of the vaccine changes every year in accordance with the epidemic situation and WHO recommendations.


The vaccine causes the formation high level specific immunity against influenza. The protective effect after vaccination, as a rule, occurs after 8-12 days and lasts up to 12 months, incl. and in elderly people. Protective titers of antibodies to influenza viruses after vaccination of individuals of different ages are determined in 75-95% of vaccinated people. Inclusion in the vaccine preparation of the immunomodulator Polyoxidonium®, which has wide range immunopharmacological action, provides an increase in the immunogenicity and stability of antigens, increases immunological memory, significantly reduces the vaccination dose of antigens, and increases the body's resistance to other infections by correcting the immune status.

Indications for use Grippol plus

Specific prevention of influenza in children from the age of three, adolescents and adults without age restrictions. The vaccine is especially indicated for: 1. Persons at high risk of complications in case of influenza: over 60 years of age; children preschool age, schoolchildren; adults and children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, suffering from chronic somatic diseases, including: diseases and malformations of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, bronchial asthma, chronic diseases kidney; diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases(except for allergies to chicken proteins); chronic anemia, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency; HIV-infected. 2. Persons who, by profession, have high risk getting sick with the flu or infecting others with it: healthcare workers, employees educational institutions, spheres social services, transport, trade, police, military personnel, etc.

Grippol plus contraindications

allergic reactions to chicken protein and vaccine components; acute febrile conditions or exacerbation of a chronic disease (vaccination is carried out after recovery or during remission); previously existing allergic reactions to the administration of influenza vaccines. For mild ARVI, acute intestinal diseases Vaccination is carried out after the temperature has normalized.

Use of Grippol plus during pregnancy and lactation

Preclinical studies have shown that the inactivated polymer-subunit influenza vaccine does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects. The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made individually by a doctor, taking into account the risk of influenza infection and possible complications influenza infection. Vaccination is safest in the second and third trimesters. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Side effects of Grippol plus

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by children and adults. Local and general reactions for the introduction of vaccines, as a rule, are absent. Rarely, reactions such as pain, swelling and redness of the skin may develop at the injection site. Very rarely, individuals may experience general reactions in the form of malaise, headache, fever, slight runny nose, sore throat. These reactions usually disappear on their own after 1-3 days. Extremely rarely, as with any other vaccination, allergic reactions, myalgia, neuralgia, paresthesia, and neurological disorders can be observed.

Drug interactions

The Grippol® plus vaccine can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines. In this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account; the drugs must be injected into different parts of the body with different syringes. The vaccine can be administered against the background basic therapy underlying disease. Vaccination in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.


IM or s/c (deep) in the upper third outer surface shoulder (deltoid muscle), children younger age- in the anterior outer surface of the thigh. Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza. Before use, the vaccine should be kept at room temperature and shaken well. Children over 3 years of age and adults without age restrictions - 0.5 ml once. For patients with immunodeficiency and receiving immunosuppressive therapy, the vaccine can be administered twice 0.5 ml with an interval of 4 weeks.

Precautionary measures

Do not administer i.v. In the rooms where vaccination is carried out, it is necessary to have anti-shock therapy. The vaccinated person should be under the supervision of a health care worker for 30 minutes after immunization.

Registration certificate: No. LSR-006981/08

Tradename: Grippol® plus

Group name: Influenza vaccine [inactivated] + Azoximer bromide

Dosage form: suspension for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration


One dose (0.5 ml) contains:

Active components:

Influenza virus type antigen

A (N1H1)* with hemagglutinin content - 5 μg

Influenza virus type antigen

A (N3N2)* with hemagglutinin content - 5 μg

Influenza virus type B antigen*

Polyxidonium® (Azoximer bromide) - 500 mcg

Auxiliary components:

Phosphate-buffered saline solution - up to 0.5 ml.

Does not contain preservative.

* Influenza virus antigen strains - in accordance with WHO recommendations for the current epidemic season.


Colorless or yellowish, slightly opalescent liquid.

Characteristics of the drug

The vaccine consists of protective antigens (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase), isolated from purified influenza viruses type A and B grown on chicken embryos, associated with a water-soluble high-molecular immunoadjuvant N-oxidized derivative of poly-1,4-ethylenepiperazine (Polyoxidonium®, INN: Azoximer bromide ). The antigenic composition of the vaccine changes every year in accordance with the epidemic situation and WHO recommendations.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

MIBP vaccine

ATX code

Immunobiological properties

The vaccine causes the formation of a high level of specific immunity against influenza. The protective effect after vaccination, as a rule, occurs after 8-12 days and lasts up to 12 months, including in elderly people. Protective titers of antibodies to influenza viruses after vaccination of people of different ages are determined in 75-95% of vaccinated people.

The inclusion of the immunomodulator Polyoxidonium®, which has a wide range of immunopharmacological effects, in the vaccine preparation ensures an increase in the immunogenicity and stability of antigens, increases immunological memory, significantly reduces the vaccination dose of antigens, and increases the body's resistance to other infections by correcting the immune status.

Indications for use

Specific prevention of influenza in children starting from 6 years of age one month old, teenagers and adults without age restrictions.

Contingents subject to vaccination. The vaccine is especially indicated:

  1. For people at high risk of complications from influenza:
    • over 60 years old; preschool children, schoolchildren
    • adults and children who often suffer from acute respiratory infections, suffering from chronic somatic diseases, including: diseases and malformations of the central nervous, cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, bronchial asthma, chronic kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, metabolic diseases, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases (except allergy to chicken proteins); chronic anemia, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency, HIV-infected
  2. Persons whose occupation has a high risk of contracting influenza or infecting others with it:
    • healthcare workers, employees of educational institutions, social services, transport, trade, police, military personnel, etc.

Contraindications for use

  • Allergic reactions to chicken protein and vaccine components
  • Allergic reactions to previously administered influenza vaccines
  • Acute febrile conditions or exacerbation of a chronic disease. (Vaccination is carried out after recovery or during remission)
  • Non-severe ARVI, acute intestinal diseases (vaccination is carried out after the temperature has normalized).

Precautionary measures

Do not administer intravenously. In the rooms where vaccination is carried out, it is necessary to have anti-shock therapy. The vaccinated person should be under the supervision of a health care worker for 30 minutes after immunization.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Preclinical studies have shown that the inactivated polymer-subunit influenza vaccine does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects. The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made by a doctor individually, taking into account the risk of contracting influenza and possible complications of influenza infection. Vaccination is safest in the second and third trimesters.

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Directions for use and doses

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

For children over 3 years of age, adolescents and adults, the vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (deltoid muscle), and for younger children - intramuscularly into the anterolateral surface of the thigh.

Children from 6 to 35 months inclusive 0.25 ml twice with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Children over 36 months and adults the vaccine is administered once in a dose of 0.5 ml.

For children who have not previously had influenza and have not been vaccinated, the vaccine can be administered twice with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Patients with immunodeficiency and receiving immunosuppressive therapy it is possible to administer the vaccine twice, 0.5 ml each, with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

Before use, the vaccine should be kept at room temperature and shaken well. Remove the protective cap from the needle and remove air from the syringe, holding it in vertical position needle up and slowly pressing the plunger.

To immunize children for whom the administration of 0.25 ml (1/2 dose) of the vaccine is indicated, it is necessary to remove half the contents of the syringe by pressing the plunger to the special mark marked on the syringe body, or to the red mark on the edge of the label, and inject remaining 0.25 ml.

The opening of ampoules and vials and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis: before opening, the ampoule knife, ampoule neck, or bottle stopper is wiped with cotton wool moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol, open the ampoule, or pierce the rubber stopper of the bottle with a needle, draw the vaccine into a disposable syringe and remove excess air from the syringe. Wipe the skin at the injection site with alcohol. The drug in an opened ampoule or bottle cannot be stored.

Side effect

The vaccine is a highly purified drug and is well tolerated by children and adults.

Frequent (>1/100<1/10). Local reactions in the form of pain, hyperemia, compaction and swelling at the injection site. General reactions: malaise, weakness, low-grade fever

Uncommon (>1/1000<1/100) General reactions in the form of a slight runny nose, sore throat, headache and fever above subfebrile

These reactions usually go away on their own within 1-2 days.

Rare (>1/10000<1/1000) Allergic reactions, including immediate ones

Very rare (>1/10000)

  • From the outside nervous system: neuralgia, paresthesia, neurological disorders;
  • from the musculoskeletal system: myalgia

The patient should be informed of the need to inform the doctor about any expressed or not specified in these instructions adverse reactions


No cases of overdose have been recorded

Interaction with other drugs

The Grippol® plus vaccine can be used simultaneously with inactivated and live vaccines National calendar preventive vaccinations(except for BCG and BCG-M) and inactivated vaccines of the preventive vaccination schedule according to epidemic indications(except for anti-rabies). In this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account; drugs should be injected into different parts of the body with different syringes.

The vaccine can be administered against the background of basic therapy for the underlying disease. Vaccination in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy (corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, radiotherapy) may be less effective.

Special conditions

On the day of vaccination, those vaccinated must be examined by a doctor (paramedic) with mandatory thermometry. At temperatures above 37.0 °C, vaccination is not carried out.

The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules, vials, syringe doses with damaged integrity or labeling, if the physical properties (color, transparency) have changed, if the expiration date has expired, or if the requirements for storage conditions are violated.

The vaccine must not be administered intravenously

Influence on the ability to drive a car, or control machines and mechanisms

Grippol® does not affect the ability to drive a car, or control machines and mechanisms.

Release form

Suspensions for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration

0.5 ml (1 dose) in disposable syringes or in ampoules or vials, hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and crimped with aluminum caps.

1, 5 or 10 syringes in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film, coated with aluminum foil with a polymer coating, or laminated paper with a polymer coating. 1 (containing 1 or 5 or 10 syringes) or 2 (containing 5 syringes) contour packages in a cardboard pack along with instructions for use.

5 ampoules or vials in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film. 1 or 2 blister packs per cardboard pack along with instructions for use.

pharmachologic effect

Vaccine for the prevention of influenza. The vaccine forms a high specific immunity against influenza and is well tolerated by children and adults. After vaccination, antibodies appear within 8-12 days, immunity lasts up to 12 months, incl. in elderly people. Protective titers of antibodies to influenza viruses after vaccination of people of different ages are determined in 75-92% of vaccinated people.

The inclusion of the immunomodulator polyoxidonium in the drug increases the immunogenicity and stability of antigens, increases immunological memory, significantly reduces the vaccination dose of antigens, and increases the body's resistance to other infections by correcting the immune status.


Active preventive immunization against influenza in children from 6 months of age, adolescents and adults without age restrictions:

— persons over 60 years of age;

— persons suffering from chronic somatic diseases;

-frequently suffer from acute respiratory infections;

— children of preschool age;


-medical workers;

— workers in the service sector, transport, educational institutions, military personnel.

Dosage regimen

Vaccination is carried out annually in the autumn-winter period. Vaccination is possible at the beginning of an epidemic rise in the incidence of influenza.

0.5 ml once.

For patients with immunodeficiency it is possible to administer the vaccine twice, 0.5 ml each, with an interval of 4 weeks between injections.

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly or deeply subcutaneously into the upper third of the outer surface of the shoulder (into the deltoid muscle), and into the anterior outer surface of the thigh for young children.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.

Side effect

Local reactions: very rarely - pain, swelling and redness of the skin.

Systemic reactions: extremely rarely - malaise, headache, weakness, low-grade fever (passing on its own after 1-2 days); in extremely rare cases - allergic reactions (with high individual sensitivity).

Contraindications for use

- allergic reactions to previous vaccinations, chicken protein and vaccine components;

- acute febrile conditions or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

For mild ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out after the temperature has normalized.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The decision to vaccinate pregnant women should be made by a doctor individually, taking into account the risk of contracting influenza and possible complications of influenza infection. Vaccination is safest in the second and third trimesters.

IN experimental studies It has been established that the Grippol vaccine does not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects.

Breastfeeding is not a contraindication for vaccination.

Use in children

Children aged 6 months to 3 years vaccination is carried out in a dose of 0.25 ml twice with an interval between injections of 4 weeks; or in a dose of 0.5 ml once, if the child was vaccinated against influenza in the previous season.

Children over 3 years old and adults without age limit 0.5 ml once.


There is no data on an overdose of the Grippol vaccine.

Drug interactions

The vaccine can be administered against the background of basic therapy for the underlying disease.

Vaccination in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy may be less effective.

The Grippol vaccine can be used simultaneously with other inactivated vaccines. In this case, contraindications to each of the vaccines used must be taken into account; the drugs must be injected into different parts of the body with different syringes.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored and transported at a temperature of 2° to 8°C.

Transportation is possible at temperatures up to 25°C for 6 hours.

The drug that has been frozen cannot be used.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

special instructions

The drug cannot be administered intravenously.

In the rooms where vaccination is carried out, it is necessary to have medicines for anti-shock measures and relief anaphylactic reaction. The vaccinated person must be under medical supervision for 30 minutes after administration of the vaccine.

On the day of drug administration, vaccine recipients must be examined by a doctor with mandatory thermometry. At temperatures above 37.0°C, vaccination is not carried out.

It should be borne in mind that the drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity or labeling, if the physical properties (color, transparency) have changed, if the expiration date has expired, or if the requirements for storage conditions are violated.

Any unusual reactions following vaccination should be reported to your local health department. State Institute standardization and control of medical immunobiological preparations them. L.A. Tarasevich Ministry of Health of Russia (GISC) (121002, Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek, 41) with subsequent presentation medical documentation at GISC named after. L.A. Tarasevich. To GISK named after. L.A. Tarasevich is also sent complaints about the non-compliance of the drug with the specified requirements for physical properties, packing, packaging.

The influenza pandemic affects most regions every year Russian Federation, spreading mainly among children, elderly citizens, and people with chronic illnesses. It is possible to prevent outbreaks of the disease by carrying out mass vaccination (at least 70%), which will form stable immunity in vaccinated people and stop the circulation of infection among the population.

For flu prevention medical organizations acquire - “Grippol”, “”. Let's highlight distinctive characteristics the drug "Grippol", its composition, features of use.

Who should get vaccinated against influenza?

Immunization recommended for everyone age groups, excluding infants from 0 to 6 months. Vaccination is especially appropriate for people who are likely to develop complications after being infected with influenza. These include:

  • citizens over 50 years of age;
  • children from 6 months to 12 years;
  • persons with chronic diseases vascular system, bronchopulmonary, somatic, with kidney diseases, immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus, anemia, metabolic disorders;
  • citizens of “public” professions: police officers, medical personnel, military personnel, trade workers, social services, transport workers.

The “Grippol” vaccine ensures the formation of a stable barrier within society, therefore it is used in boarding schools, nursing homes, etc.

Pros and cons of vaccination

The theoretical calculations of health care workers and statistical data for years of routine immunization look convincing. But, at the level of ordinary people, opinions differ regarding the correctness of the treatment against the flu.

Among the positive arguments are:

  • reducing the incidence of influenza infection among vaccinated citizens;
  • the course of the disease in a mild form in immunized but sick people;
  • no complications after influenza.

Negative reviews have been received from opponents of vaccination, they believe that it is impossible to predict the structure of the virus strain, which will be active in the next season and claim that frequent side effects from the vaccine, comparable to a full-fledged influenza state. Let's try to understand the validity of the proposed theses.

Characteristics of the Grippol vaccine

The product was developed by the Institute of Immunology of the FMBA, which is a Russian government agency and works in close conjunction with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Inactivated vaccine was obtained using a unique technology in which the surface glycoproteins of the influenza virus were isolated, followed by purification of the composition from protein components.

The approach made it possible to reduce the reactogenicity of the body, i.e. the number of adverse reactions decreased after vaccination. In addition to protective antigens of viruses types A, B (5 μg each), the drug includes:

  • high molecular weight polyoxidonium (500 μg), linked to antigens. It functions as an immunomodulator, stimulating the production of antibodies, and increases immunological memory;
  • triomesal – preservative.

In the Grippol vaccine, the antigenic composition is updated, which is associated with WHO forecasts regarding the circulation of a particular virus in the next season.

The drug always contains viral antigens of type A (2 types) and one type B, therefore the vaccine is characterized as trivalent.

Externally, “Grippol” is visualized as a colorless transparent liquid that does not contain additional inclusions or impurities. The drug is packaged in ampoules of 0.5 ml, which corresponds to a single dose for an adult.

A protective barrier is developed after the vaccine is administered in 8 to 12 days, and is subsequently maintained for 12 months.

Scheme of administration of "Grippol"

Vaccination begins 1 - 1.5 months before the planned increase in the incidence of influenza. For adults, the drug is injected deep under the skin into the upper third of the shoulder (deltoid muscle), for children - into the outer front of the thigh.

The use of the vaccine is similar to the “” analogue:

  • when the child reaches 6 months and up to 3 years, a suspension of 0.25 ml is administered twice with an intermediate period of 4 weeks;
  • at the same age, a child vaccinated in the previous season is vaccinated against influenza in a dose of 0.5 ml;
  • an adult child over 3 years old, other citizens are given the vaccine in a standard volume of 0.5 ml;
  • Persons with immunodeficiency conditions are recommended to receive double vaccination of 0.5 ml with a period of 4 weeks between injections.

"Grippol" is stored at a refrigeration temperature of 2 - 8 C. Products with an expired shelf life, visible chips, scratches on the glass, with a discolored vaccine, or improperly stored must be disposed of.

How to behave after vaccination

The first 30 minutes from the moment of administration of the drug should be in medical institution, which is especially recommended for people with sensitivity to chicken protein. If acute allergic reactions for vaccines, respiratory problems, sharp increase temperature, headache, doctors will provide timely assistance and stabilize the condition.

In the next 2 days you should not load digestive system foods that are difficult to digest, eat foods that provoke allergies. drinks for 10 days so as not to undermine work immune system, whose forces are aimed at the formation of antibodies to the influenza virus.

Reception water procedures not prohibited. But, it is recommended not to swim in open bodies of water for the first 2 - 3 days, to visit baths, swimming pools, saunas to prevent bacterial infection through enlarged pores in the injection area. If the child's temperature rises due to the vaccine, bathing is postponed to the next day.

Side effects

The “Grippol” vaccine is a drug that is maximally purified from protein impurities, obtained from inactivated structures of influenza units, and is not capable of causing global complications in the majority of vaccinated individuals.

The most typical manifestation of local reactions in a small number of patients is:

  • redness at the injection site, swelling;
  • temperature jump to 38 C, maintaining it for 2 days;
  • general fatigue, weakness, runny nose.

Such reactions are short-term in nature, disappear within a day, and do not require additional medical attention. A child vaccinated with the Grippol vaccine tolerates vaccination well; the same manifestations as in adults are possible. In 10% of children, severe swelling is observed at the injection site; it is advisable not to wet the inflamed area for 2–3 days.

When is it prohibited to use Grippol?

Vaccination against the influenza virus is prescribed to healthy patients. The doctor conducts the necessary examinations before the procedure. The following are considered contraindications for vaccination:

  • infectious diseases;
  • rise in temperature;
  • allergic reactions to the components of “Grippol” or to chicken protein;
  • febrile, chronic conditions. The vaccine is given during the period of remission.

Pregnant women are allowed to use the product in the second half of their term, since it has been experimentally proven that the composition of the vaccine does not have an embryotoxic effect. Gynecologists are afraid of the possible occurrence of manifestations that will jeopardize the health of the child and mother.

More often, a woman expecting a child is vaccinated with the Grippol Plus suspension.

Vaccine substitutes

Many countries are concerned about preventing influenza, constantly working to improve the vaccine. Officially in Russia, third generation drugs are recognized that cause a minimal amount of side diseases. The most popular flu medications are:

  • Russian-made: “Grippol Plus”, “Grippol Neo”;
  • imported: "Agrippal", "", "Vaxigrip", "Fluarix", "Inflexal".

The listed vaccinations are trivalent and contain inactivated antigens to 3 types of influenza.

Whether to do this for a child is a rhetorical question. Influenza is an insidious disease, fraught with lightning-fast development of complications of the respiratory system, heart, and the appearance of otitis media in 40% of children.

Video: Statistics on vaccine use

5 reviews


by date


    My wife and I get vaccinated with influenza plus every year. private clinic. We are pleased, although we were very hesitant at first. Previously, people were vaccinated with influvac, but it was not introduced. Then the doctor said about flu plus, since the same company produces his antigens. And in terms of the degree of purification and effectiveness, this vaccine is in no way inferior.... My wife and I get vaccinated with influenza plus every year in a private clinic. We are pleased, although we were very hesitant at first. Previously, people were vaccinated with influvac, but it was not introduced. Then the doctor said about flu plus, since the same company produces his antigens. And in terms of purity and effectiveness, this vaccine is in no way inferior. We have known our doctor for a long time, he would not lie, so we immediately agreed to the vaccination. The price is even better than Grippol Plus. And it works no worse than influvac. During the year, I caught a cold once, but quickly recovered, and my wife did not get sick at all. This year we also got vaccinated, but with quadrivalent flu. It protects against 4 types of virus, and not against 3, like the “plus” formula. Let's see how it works)

    Anonymous user

    The user left his review anonymously

    At the enterprise, management organizes vaccinations every year. Of course, a runny nose happens during the winter, but I don’t have to go on sick leave for a week with a fever.

    Advantages Free, helps

    Flaws There is a slight discomfort after vaccination, it goes away the next day


    Our authorities are purchasing this vaccine. Judging by the growth in profits, it really works)) But I still can’t understand what kind of adverse reactions people are writing about?? We have had more than 200 people vaccinated with influenza plus, and no one had allergies or cold symptoms. And I didn’t seem to go on sick leave because of the flu... Our authorities are purchasing this vaccine. Judging by the growth in profits, it really works)) But I still can’t understand what kind of adverse reactions people are writing about?? We have had more than 200 people vaccinated with influenza plus, and no one had allergies or cold symptoms. And no one seemed to go on sick leave because of the flu. The specialists who carried out the vaccination told us that side effects were most often due to intolerance to the composition of the vaccine. But they are not significant and temporary. And if someone writes about a temperature over 40 and convulsions, then most likely the virus was already in the body before the vaccination. It was necessary to check better, but as you know, a bad dancer’s legs get in the way. So here too, the vaccine is to blame for everything))

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