Home Pulpitis Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N. D.

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Organic Chemistry named after N. D.

Blood sampling is carried out strictly on an empty stomach from 10:00 to 18:00 every day except Sunday

The following studies are being carried out:

  • serological diagnostics infectious diseases,
  • prenatal diagnosis,
  • blood chemistry,
  • hormonal status
  • determination of tumor markers
  • general clinical studies
  • allergology (screening of food, inhalation, animal, occupational, medicinal and helminth allergens)
  • immunological status
  • bacteriological research
  • bacterioscopic examinations, determination of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) PCR method(polymerase chain reaction)
  • cytological diagnostics
  • histological studies

We offer the following types of blood tests:

  • General blood analysis
  • Cholesterol
  • For HIV
  • For sugar (glucose)
  • For infections (herpes, cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr, measles, rubella)
  • Biochemical blood test (protein, calcium, iron, bilirubin, cholesterol, etc.)
  • Blood test for women during pregnancy
  • and etc.
  • General urine analysis
  • For sugar
  • For protein
  • Aerobes and anaerobes, culture for sensitivity to antibiotics

Other tests:

All necessary tests for diagnosis and treatment, you can take our medical center"Artemis"

Our diagnostic and treatment center "Artemia" offers services for all types of laboratory tests. Equipped with last word The laboratory is serviced only by the best specialists of its kind, who have high-level training and can make the most accurate conclusion, which will become the starting point in making the correct diagnosis and prescribing effective treatment.

Also, our specialists have excellent training in order to give the correct conclusion during pregnancy for visitors to our laboratory. It has long been known that in these cases it is very difficult to determine an exact conclusion, but the latest laboratory equipment allows us to emerge victorious from this situation. We already have several tens of thousands of satisfied clients. Become one of them!

Attention to patients: all blood tests are taken strictly on an empty stomach from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. The exception is Sunday - tests are not accepted on this day. You can take all the necessary tests in our diagnostic center on the stated days. You can make an appointment in advance by phone. In this case, you will be given an appointment time. We provide this type of service because we value our clients' time. Our address: Moscow, near the metro station Preobrazhenskaya Square and Sokolniki st. Atarbekova, 4.

Come to us - and we will help you not only with making the correct diagnosis, but also with excellent, fruitful treatment!

Almost all healthcare institutions have special laboratories where you can get tested. This helps to carry out medical research, which is important for identifying the disease and installing accurate diagnosis from a patient of this institution. Medical laboratory designed to carry out different methods research. Let's take a closer look at what types of tests can help determine the disease.

Where can a medical laboratory be located?

Clinics and hospitals must have such laboratories; it is in them that the following studies are carried out:

  1. General clinical analysis.
  2. Immunological analysis.
  3. Cytological analysis.
  4. Serological analysis.

Separately, it is worth highlighting laboratories in consultations for women, special dispensaries, and even in sanatoriums. Such laboratories are called specialized laboratories, since they work exclusively in their specialization. Large medical institutions have centralized laboratories. Complex equipment is installed in such places, so all diagnostics are performed using systems that operate automatically.

What types of medical laboratories are there?

Exist different types laboratory tests, the types of laboratories themselves will depend on this:

  • A special place is occupied by the forensic medical clinical laboratory. At this point, researchers are able to draw conclusions about biological evidence. In such laboratories, a whole range of measures are used.
  • The pathology laboratory is engaged in establishing the cause of death of the patient; studies are carried out on the basis of puncture material, as well as with the help
  • The sanitary-hygienic laboratory is a division of the sanitary-epidemiological station; as a rule, such laboratories examine the environment.

Are laboratory tests necessary for patients?

Laboratory tests are related to making it possible to make a clear diagnosis of the patient in modern conditions, are necessary. Modern institutions can perform a huge range of various analyzes, which has a beneficial effect on the level of medical care and treatment of patients with various diseases. To carry out such tests, any biological material that a person has can be useful, for example, urine and blood are most often examined, in some cases sputum, a smear and scraping are taken.

What are laboratory test results needed for and what is their role in medicine?

Laboratory tests play an important role in medicine. First of all, obtaining test results is necessary in order to clarify the diagnosis and begin immediate, correct treatment. Research also helps determine which treatment option will be optimal for each patient individually. In many cases, serious pathologies can be recognized on early stages precisely thanks to such measures. If the diagnosis was carried out correctly, the doctor can make an assessment of his patient’s condition by almost 80%. One of the most important materials that can tell a lot about a person’s condition is blood. Using this clinical analysis, almost all diseases can be detected. It is the discrepancies with the norms that help to find out about the condition, so in some cases laboratory analysis can be carried out many times.

What types of laboratory tests are there?

The clinical laboratory can perform the following tests:

Why is a blood test taken?

The very first laboratory test that is prescribed to a patient in the clinic is a blood test. The fact is that even the slightest change in the human body will certainly affect the composition of his blood. The fluid we call blood passes through the entire body and carries a lot of information about its condition. It is thanks to its connection with all human organs that blood helps the doctor to form an objective opinion about the state of health.

Types of blood tests and the purpose of their conduct

A medical laboratory can conduct several, mainly their method of conducting and the type will depend on the purpose for which such studies are carried out, so all types of blood tests are worth considering in more detail:

  • The most common is a general clinical study, which is carried out to identify a specific disease.
  • A biochemical blood test makes it possible to get a complete picture of the functioning of organs, as well as to promptly determine the lack of vital microelements.
  • Blood is drawn so that hormones can be examined. If the slightest changes occur in the secretions of the glands, this can result in serious pathologies in the future. The clinical laboratory conducts hormone tests, which allows us to improve our work reproductive function person.
  • With the help of rheumatic tests, a whole range of laboratory blood tests are carried out, which indicate the condition immune system patient. Often this type of diagnosis is prescribed to people who complain of pain in the joints and heart.
  • A serological blood test allows you to determine whether the body can cope with a particular virus, and this analysis also allows you to identify the presence of any infections.

Why are urine laboratory tests performed?

Laboratory analysis urine is based on the study physical qualities such as quantity, color, density and reaction. It is used to determine protein, the presence of glucose, ketone bodies, bilirubin, and urobilinoids. Particular attention is paid to the study of sediment, because it is there that particles of epithelium and blood impurities can be found.

Main types of urine tests

The main diagnosis is general analysis urine, it is these studies that make it possible to study the physical and Chemical properties substances and draw certain conclusions based on this, but in addition to this diagnosis, there are many other tests:

How is laboratory cytology analysis performed?

To determine if there is cancer cells in women in the body, then the laboratory conducts cytology tests. In this case, the gynecologist can take a scraping from the patient’s cervix. To carry out such an analysis, it is necessary to prepare for it; for this, the gynecologist will advise you on what should be done so that the analysis does not give false results. This clinical test is often recommended for all women over 18 years of age to undergo twice a year to avoid the formation of tumors.

How is a throat swab analyzed?

If a person often suffers from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the doctor may prescribe him to undergo a clinical test, which is called a throat smear; it is done so that the pathological flora can be recognized in time. With the help of such a study, you can find out the exact number pathogenic microbes and start timely treatment antibacterial drug.

How is the quality of the analyzed analyzes monitored?

Laboratory tests of blood and urine must be accurate, since, based on this, the doctor will be able to prescribe additional diagnostics or treatment. It is possible to speak about the results of the analyzes only after the control samples have been compared with the results of the measurements. When conducting clinical trial the following substances are used: blood serum, standard aqueous solutions, various biological materials. Additionally, materials of artificial origin can be used, for example, pathogenic fungi and microbiological, specially grown cultures.

How are test results evaluated?

To give a complete and accurate assessment of the results of clinical tests, a method is often used when the laboratory records the tests in a special card and puts daily notes on it. A map is built over a certain period of time, for example, control material is studied for two weeks, all changes that are observed are recorded in the map.

IN difficult cases the doctor needs to constantly maintain laboratory monitoring of his patient’s condition, for example, this is necessary if the patient is preparing for a major operation. To ensure that the doctor does not make a mistake in the results, he must know the boundaries between normality and pathology in the analyzes of his ward. Biological indicators may vary slightly, but there are some that you should not focus too much on. In other cases, if the indicators change by only 0.5 units, this is quite enough for serious irreversible changes to occur in the human body.

As we see, laboratory diagnostics and tests play an important role in the life of every person, as well as in the development of medicine, because with the help of the obtained clinical results Many patients' lives are saved.

Research laboratories

The European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea) was founded in 1988 and brings together about four thousand recognized experts in the fields of mathematics, medicine, natural sciences, as well as the humanities, law, economics, social and political sciences from most European countries. It also includes European scientists living in other regions of the world. There are currently seventy-two members of the academy Nobel laureate, and many of them were elected to the academy before receiving the prize.

This fall at the Institute organic chemistry them. N.D. Zelinsky (Institute of Organic Chemistry) RAS passed international Conference ChemTrends – 2018, dedicated to modern trends in the development of chemistry. At which the results of five years of work by IOC RAS ​​researchers under the large-scale program “Organic and hybrid molecular systems for critical technologies in the interests of national security and sustainable development” were presented in detail.

The work of young scientists from the Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS took first place in the “Film Science!” competition. TV channel "Science". On international competition 1,552 applications were received from 110 cities in seven countries. First place in all nominations based on the results of online voting and the winner's prize by decision of the jury went to the video “Faith, Hope, Science”, authored by Natalia Shubina from the Laboratory of Metal Complex and Nanosized Catalysts.

Prices for services for laboratory research are indicated in rubles.

ESR (blood with EDTA) count. 160,00
Clinical analysis blood without leukocyte formula (blood with EDTA) count., p/kol. 330,00
Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula(5DIFF) (blood with EDTA) qty., p/qol. 450,00
Reticulocytes (blood with EDTA) count, p/count. 200,00
Clinical blood test (5 DIFF) with calculation of the leukocyte formula by a doctor KLD (venous blood) blood with EDTA count/half count 810,00
Clinical blood test (5 DIFF) with calculation of the leukocyte formula by a doctor KLD (capillary blood) capillary blood with EDTA count/half count 550,00
Clinical blood test without leukocyte formula (capillary blood) capillary blood with EDTA count/half count 500,00
Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula (5DIFF) (capillary blood)) capillary blood with EDTA count/half count 530,00
Reticulocytes (capillary blood) capillary blood with EDTA count/half count 510,00
ESR (capillary blood) capillary blood with EDTA quantity/half quantity 450,00
Blood type + Rh factor (blood with EDTA) quality. 560,00
Antibodies to erythrocyte antigens, total (including to the Rh factor, except for AT according to the AB0 system) with titer determination (blood with EDTA) p/n. 900,00
Antibodies according to the AB0 system (serum) p/q. 1400,00
Determination of Kell antigen (K) (blood with EDTA) quality. 1200,00
Determination of the presence of erythrocyte antigens C, c, E, e, CW, K and k (blood with EDTA) quality. 1100,00
Blood type + Rh factor 570,00
Fibrinogen (blood with citrate) quantity. 330,00
Prothrombin (time, according to Quick, INR) (blood with citrate) count. 330,00
Thrombin time (blood with citrate) count. 300,00
APTT (blood with citrate) count. 290,00
Antithrombin III (blood with citrate) quantity. 450,00
Lupus anticoagulant (screening) (blood with citrate) quantity. 700,00
D-dimer (blood with citrate) quantity. 1100,00
Protein C (blood with citrate) quantity. 2000,00
Protein C Global (blood with citrate) quantity. 2400,00
Protein S (blood with citrate) quantity. 3190,00
Von Willebrand factor (blood with citrate) quantity. 1200,00
Plasminogen (blood with citrate) count. 590,00
Pigment exchange
Total bilirubin (serum) quantity. 180,00
Direct bilirubin (serum) quantity. 180,00
Indirect bilirubin (includes determination of total and direct bilirubin) (serum) count. 400,00
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum) count. 180,00
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (serum) count. 180,00
Alkaline phosphatase (serum) quantity. 180,00
Acid phosphatase (serum) quantity. 180,00
Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) (serum) count. 220,00
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (serum) count. 180,00
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 1, 2 fractions (serum) quantity. 200,00
Cholinesterase (serum) quantity. 180,00
Alpha amylase (serum) quantity. 260,00
Lipase (serum) quantity. 340,00
Creatine kinase (CPK) (serum) count. 180,00
Creatine kinase-MB (serum) quantity. 630,00
Pancreatic amylase (Serum) quantity. 350,00
Ostaza 2400,00
Bile acids(whey) quantity 5300,00
Protein metabolism
Albumin (serum) quantity. 180,00
Speed glomerular filtration(CKD-EPI - adults/Schwartz formula - children; includes determination of creatinine) serum count. 180,00
Total protein(whey) quantity 180,00
Protein fractions (includes determination of total protein and albumin) (serum) quantity. 320,00
Creatinine (serum) count. 180,00
Urea (whey) quantity. 180,00
Uric acid(whey) quantity 180,00
Specific proteins
Myoglobin (serum) count. 1600,00
Troponin I (serum) quantity. 1210,00
C-reactive protein(whey) quantity 385,00
C-reactive protein ultrasensitive (serum) quantity. 320,00
Natriuretic peptide B (BNP) (blood with EDTA) count. 2500,00
Haptoglobin (serum) quantity. 670,00
Alpha1-antitrypsin (serum) quantity. 600,00
Acid alpha1-glycoprotein (orosomucoid) (serum) quantity. 550,00
Ceruloplasmin (serum) quantity. 550,00
Eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) (serum) count. 1600,00
Rheumatoid factor (RF) (serum) count. 450,00
Antistreptolysin-O (ASLO) (serum) quantity. 460,00
Fungal typing, extended (Candida albicans, Fungi spp, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis, Candida famata, Candida guilliermondii) (all species biological material) quality 2000,00
Cystatin C (serum) quantity. 3100,00
Tryptase (Whey) quantity. 6380,00
Alpha-2 macroglobulin (Serum) quantity. 790,00
Procalcitonin (Serum) quantity. 4500,00
Carbohydrate metabolism
Glucose (blood with sodium fluoride) quantity. 220,00
Glucose after exercise (1 hour later) (blood with sodium fluoride) count. 180,00
Glucose after exercise (2 hours later) (blood with sodium fluoride) count. 180,00
Glycated hemoglobin A1c (blood with EDTA) count. 650,00
Fructosamine (whey) quantity. 750,00
Lactic acid (lactate) (blood with sodium fluoride) quantity. 900,00
Lipid metabolism
Triglycerides (serum) count. 200,00
Total cholesterol (serum) quantity. 220,00
High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL, HDL) (serum) count.
Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL, LDL) (serum) count. 570,00
Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL), (includes determination of triglycerides, code 4.5.A1.201) (serum) count. 550,00
Apolipoprotein A1 (serum) quantity. 650,00
Apolipoprotein B (serum) quantity. 450,00
High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL, HDL) serum count. 220,00
Lipoprotein (a) (serum) count. 1150,00
Homocysteine ​​(serum) count. 1150,00
Leptin (serum) quantity. 770,00
Atherogenic coefficient (includes determination of total cholesterol and HDL) (serum) count. 630,00
Electrolytes and trace elements
Sodium, potassium, chlorine (Na/K/Cl) (whey) quantity. 370,00
Total calcium (serum) quantity. 190,00
Ionized calcium (blood with heparin) quantity. 450,00
Magnesium (whey) quantity. 190,00
Inorganic phosphorus (whey) quantity. 190,00
Zinc (whey) quantity. 190,00
Copper (whey) quantity. 300,00
Diagnosis of anemia
Iron (whey) quantity. 200,00
Transferrin (serum) quantity. 520,00
Transferrin saturation coefficient with iron (includes determination of iron and LVSS) (serum) count. +% 340,00
Ferritin (serum) quantity. 760,00
Erythropoietin (serum) quantity. 760,00
Latent iron binding capacity of serum (IBC) (serum) count. 250,00
Total iron-binding capacity of serum (TIBC) (includes determination of iron, TIBC) (serum) count. 180,00
Biochemical study for SteatoScreen (includes graphic file) serum, blood with sodium fluoride count. 10000,00
Biochemical study for FibroMax (includes graphic file) serum, blood with sodium fluoride count. 18000,00
Biochemical test for FibroTest (includes graphic file) serum count. 14700,00
Single portion of urine
Urine alpha-amylase (diastase) (urine) count. 230,00
Glucose in a single portion of urine amount. 210,00
Beta-2-microglobulin urine (urine) count. 700,00
Deoxypyridinoline (DPD) urine (urine) count. 1900,00
Lithos test (Assessment of the degree of stone formation, Glucose, Protein, pH) (urine) p/kol. 6700,00
Complex lithos (including assessment of the degree of stone formation) (urine) count. 3190,00
Stone examination
Definition chemical composition urinary calculus (IR spectrometry) (Urine) count. 3800,00
Daily portion of urine
Daily urine glucose (preservative urine ( lemon acid)) count 385,00
Total urine protein (urine) count. 200,00
Urine microalbumin (urine) count. 340,00
Urine creatinine (urine) count. 200,00
Rehberg test (urine, serum) count. 385,00
Urea urine (urine) count. 200,00
Uric acid urine (urine) count. 200,00
Total urine calcium (urine with preservative (citric acid)) quantity. 385,00
Oxalates in urine (urine with a preservative (citric acid)) amount. 1400,00
Inorganic phosphorus urine (urine with preservative (citric acid)) quantity. 370,00
Urine magnesium (urine with preservative (citric acid)) quantity. 385,00
Sodium, potassium, urine chlorine (Na/K/Cl) (urine with preservative (citric acid)) amount. 250,00
Assessment of anti-crystal-forming ability of urine (ACOSM) (Urine) count. 1300,00
Function thyroid gland
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Free thyroxine (free T4) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Free triiodothyronine (free T3) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Total thyroxine (T4 total) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Total triiodothyronine (T3 total) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Antibodies to thyroglobulin (Anti-TG) (serum) count. 615,00
Antibodies to microsomal thyroid peroxidase (Anti-TPO) (serum) count. 620,00
Antibodies to receptors thyroid-stimulating hormone(AT rTSH) (serum) count. 1250,00
Thyroglobulin (serum) quantity. 680,00
Thyroxine binding capacity of serum (T-uptake)(serum) quantity. 1200,00
Reproduction tests
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) (serum) count. 460,00
Luteinizing hormone (LH) (serum) count. 460,00
Prolactin (serum) quantity. 460,00
Macroprolactin (includes determination of prolactin) (serum) count. +% 1100,00
Estradiol (E2) (serum) quantity. 470,00
Progesterone (serum) quantity. 470,00
Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OH-progesterone) (serum) qty. 560,00
Androstenedione (serum) quantity. 780,00
Androstenediol glucuronide (serum) quantity. 1200,00
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA sulfate) (serum) quantity. 490,00
Total testosterone (serum) quantity. 490,00
Free testosterone (includes determination of total and free testosterone, SHBG, calculation of the free androgen index) (serum) quantity. 940,00
Dihydrotestosterone (serum) quantity. 1350,00
Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) (serum) quantity. 800,00
Inhibin B (serum) quantity. 1800,00
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH, AMH, MiS) (serum) quantity. 1480,00
Inhibin A (Serum) Qty. 1800,00

About laboratory tests:

Taking tests is an integral part of any treatment. Result laboratory diagnostics material(blood, saliva, tissue) helps the specialized specialist create a picture of the disease. Clinical laboratory diagnostics also allows you to determine individual intolerance medicines, which significantly improves the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

The following methods are used to diagnose infectious diseases:

  • PCR diagnostics;
  • bacterial and microbiological cultures.
  • enzyme immunoassay to detect antibodies to the infectious agent.

Prompt, most accurate laboratory diagnostics in Moscow

The Dobromed Clinic offers modern high-precision laboratory diagnostics in Moscow. Laboratory specialists will professionally and promptly collect and examine the material. At the Dobromed medical center you can take tests confidentially!

The following clinical laboratory tests are carried out at the Dobromed clinic:

  • hormonal panel;
  • histology and cytology;
  • hematological tests;
  • determination of immune status;
  • biochemical and immunological tests;
  • general clinical and pregnancy tests;
  • express tests;

Available tests in the shortest possible time!

Medical laboratory tests

are the most informative source for making a diagnosis, assessing the stage of the disease and interim monitoring of the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention.

Advantages of medical laboratory diagnostics at the Dobromed clinic:

  • high accuracy;
  • modern equipment;
  • professional laboratory technicians;
  • comfortable manipulation rooms;
  • individual vacuum systems for collecting and storing materials;
  • access to the results in a personal electronic account on the clinic’s website;
  • storage of archives of conclusions;
  • opportunity to get tested cheaply.

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