Home Wisdom teeth Colostrum in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and collagen synthesis. Colostrum: use, beneficial properties and contraindications Colostrum instructions for use

Colostrum in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, gastrointestinal diseases and collagen synthesis. Colostrum: use, beneficial properties and contraindications Colostrum instructions for use

Colostrum (colostrum)- This is mother's milk that begins to be produced from the last days of pregnancy, and during the first week after the birth of a child in humans and all mammals. Compound Colostrum is very different from the mother's milk that the baby is fed throughout breastfeeding.

Colostrum– these are complex preparations with an immunomodulatory effect, created on the basis of cow colostrum. Colostrum(colostrum) helps restore immunity and develop resistance to colds, it is also a natural source of necessary substances for restoration, support and activation immune system.

Colostrum has the strongest immunomodulatory properties and has a special effect on the body in conditions of immunodeficiency and autoimmune conditions. The immunoregulatory properties that appear make it possible to provide rejuvenating and regenerative effects on human body. Colostrum contains many biologically active substances that are not found in milk and are not found in any other product.

Indications for use

  • general healing effect for the immune system;
  • restoration of intestinal and stomach function;
  • the ability of the drug to restore and renew brain cells;
  • beneficial effects on the nervous system;
  • improving emotional tone;
  • improving performance;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • the ability to protect the body from various infections and diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, diabetes, allergies;
  • ability to restore liver cells;
  • the ability to heal wounds and burns in a shorter time;
  • ability to cleanse the body and slow down the aging process.

These drugs have a very wide spectrum of action. Colostrum instructions for use of which recommends taking it when cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders, endocrine, infectious diseases, in oncology, as well as primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.

Colostrum recommended for use as a source of substances to support immunity. It is recognized as a unique concentrate of immunoactive factors and nutrients that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Mode of application

Colostrum NSP is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals. In order to achieve better effect, the drug can be used together with a multivitamin complex. Required dose taking the drug Colostrum Ir for adults is 1 capsule 4 times a day, and for children 1 capsule 1 – 3 times a day.


Colostrum should only be taken after consultation with a physician familiar with your medical history. There is also hypersensitivity to any of its components, and there is also a risk of allergies to large proteins - immunoglobulins, caseins, etc. The drug is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Composition and release form

Colostrum is usually available in capsules, which are packaged in jars of 60-90 capsules each. It has special composition, which includes various unique components and various immunoactive substances. These include:

  • proteins that protect the human body from various foreign elements(bacteria, molds, viruses, allergies) and called immunoglobulins;
  • carriers of immune information, transfer factor molecules that teach the body to fight infections that enter it;
  • lactoferrin, an antiviral antibacterial element with antioxidant properties;
  • cytokines that can activate the synthesis of immunoglobulins and strengthen the immune system, as well as having anti-inflammatory and antitumor functions;
  • interleukin, an element responsible for protecting the body from all kinds of inflammatory processes;
  • endorphins, designed to protect the body from stress;
  • growth factors on which the proper growth and development of children depends, as well as tissue renewal and slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • amino acids are a kind of building material for protein structures and muscle fibers;
  • nucleotides involved in DNA synthesis, development and renewal of body cells.

Main settings


I'm nearing the end of my jar of colostrum from California Gold Nutrition, and I finally got around to writing my impressions of using this unusual product for us. I bought it mainly for my teenage son in order to maintain immunity in the autumn-winter period, but it turned out to have an unexpectedly positive effect from a completely different side. Below the cut I’ll tell you about it, and at the same time about the measuring spoon, which, as it turned out, can be of different volumes in different batches of goods.

First, a little theory:
Colostrum, or colostrum, is produced by the mammary glands in late pregnancy and contains antibodies to protect newborns, and is lower in fat and higher in milk protein than regular milk.
Cow's colostrum contains immunoglobulins specific to many human pathogens, including coli, salmonella, staphylococcus and rotavirus. Before the development of antibiotics, colostrum was the main source of immunoglobulins used to fight infections. With the advent of antibiotics, interest in colostrum waned, but now that antibiotic-resistant strains have developed, interest in natural alternatives to antibiotics, namely colostrum, is returning.
Colostrum is a multicomponent substance that includes vital substances:
immunoglobulins G, A, M, D, E classes - are responsible for activating the immune response against pathogenic microorganisms;
growth factors - promote the proper formation and development of organs and systems in children and cell renewal in adults;
leukocytes - are directly involved in the destruction of viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer cells and toxins;
interferons are the main components of the body's antiviral defense;
transfer factors - form an immune response, “train” the body to fight infections;
endorphins - “hormones of joy”, protect the body from stress and depression, relieve pain, increase resistance to stress;
whey protein - provides the body with protein;
prebiotics - normalize intestinal microflora;
amino acids, including proline, taurine - are building materials for the body;
minerals - zinc, selenium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, sodium, potassium;
vitamins - A, E, C, D3, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, etc.);
antioxidants - neutralize negative impact free radicals.

Colostrum preparations are used in the composition complex therapy at:
1. inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, polyarthritis)
2. colds, flu and ARVI, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
3. infectious diseases caused by viruses of streptococcus, staphylococcus, herpes, salmonella, etc.
4. eczema
5. candidiasis
6. cardiovascular diseases
7. autoimmune diseases (lupus, sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis)
8. diseases of the liver and biliary tract
9. stomach and duodenal ulcers
10. benign tumors(cyst, myoma, fibroadenoma)
11. diabetes
12. allergies

California Gold Nutrition's highly concentrated colostrum is made from first milk and is standardized to provide natural immunoglobulin G and PRPs (proline-rich polypeptides). This colostrum contains:
20%** IgG (Immunoglobulins G1 and G2)
15%** PRPs (Proline-rich polypeptides) - considered the most important part of colostrum.
Does not contain recombinant bovine growth hormone
Laboratory confirmed absence of antibiotics

As I already wrote, I bought colostrum for my son to strengthen the immune system and reduce the frequency of colds in the autumn-winter period. During the 3 autumn months, my son never got sick (there were a couple of attempts to get sick, but they were on time initial stage were stopped by the use of other cold medicines from the herb - Epicor and effervescent tablets Sambucol Black Elderberry). Since my son took not only colostrum at the initial stage of the disease, I cannot with 100% confidence give the palm in protecting the immune system to this particular drug. Moreover, since my son still tried to get sick while using colostrum, and it was taking epicor and fizzy drinks that stopped the disease, I am inclined to believe that colostrum for immunity in our case was not very effective.

But! This powder nevertheless turned out to be a real assistant in the fight against another problem, for which many thanks and all sorts of curtsies to him. A little background: my son suffered in infancy food allergies(eggs, milk, wheat, tangerines), there were rashes on the cheeks, the skin on them dried out and became rough as soon as we deviated slightly from the diet. With age, we outgrew this problem, but a new one appeared - with the advent of puberty, the child developed dandruff (seborrhea), this nasty thing periodically crawled out even on the skin of his face. It looks like this - red areas of skin with small pimples, localized mainly near the wings of the nose, on the chin, around the lips. We visited a bunch of doctors (dermatologist, trichologist, immunologist), took a bunch of tests, including hormone tests. Everything is within normal limits. Each doctor prescribed his own treatment, we diligently applied creams, rubbed in shampoos and rubs, and drank vitamins. It helped for a while, then there was a new round... Once we even got rid of dandruff for a whole year (the redness on the face stubbornly refused to go away), but then it was great again... Getting rid of dandruff came with unexpected side and the result is still (pah-pah) stable. When I was tired of once again smearing my son’s head with Elokom and buying pharmacy shampoos for 800 rubles, I decided to try it folk remedies - Castor oil Aura-Cacia, tea tree oil, rosemary, aloe. A detailed treatment regimen was described in a report on castor oil Aura-Cacia, if anyone is interested, the link to it is at the end of the post. I will also answer any questions here, just ask.

Colostrum helped with rashes and redness on the face. Moreover, when I started giving it to my son, I didn’t particularly count on improving the skin, I kept immunity and everything connected with it in my head. But one fine day I noticed that the spots began to fade and then went away completely! My son has been drinking colostrum since the beginning of October 2016, and his skin has been clear for more than 3 months.

We also note the positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract! As you know, all problems with it are reflected in the tongue (yellow, white, etc. coating). So, after starting to take colostrum, my tongue is perfectly pink. My husband and my son also drink colostrum; he takes some medications that have a negative effect on his stomach and periodically suffers from pain in the morning. With colostrum the morning pains completely disappeared.
Conclusion - based on the experience of my family, I can confidently confirm the effectiveness of this drug:
- For gastrointestinal tract
- as a relief from seborrheic dermatitis and skin problems

My son took it 2 times a day before meals, mixing it with water. For better dissolution, I poured a measuring spoon into a jar baby food, poured water into it, closed the lid and shook it like in a shaker. When simply stirring with a spoon in a glass, the powder dissolves less well. The solution tastes almost tasteless, but if you try the pure powder, you can hear a slight taste of powdered milk.

Now a few words about the measuring spoon. The product description on the website says: Mix 1/2 scoop (1 g) twice daily with purified water or juice and drink on an empty stomach. From which we conclude that one measuring spoon contains 2g of powder. At the same time, on my arrived jar there is information that one spoon is equal to 1g, which means you need to take 2 spoons per day.

As it turned out, most people got a large measuring spoon for 2g of product, but there are also those who got a small scoop for 1g of powder. Here she is in the photo:

And some girls took colostrum without reading the information on the can, focusing only on the instructions from the website, that is, incorrectly (in a reduced dose).

I contacted the site’s technical support with this question, they took a long time to sort it out, asked to send a photo of the jar, and as a result they admitted that the new batch of colostrum comes with a small spoon and does not need to be divided in half, they promised to update the information on the site. As a result, they updated somehow clumsily. The Directions for Use still say “Mix 1/2 scoop (1 g) twice daily,” but on the right side of the Supplement Information it says “Serving Size: 1 Scoop (Approximately 1 gram)”

So keep in mind...

More reviews on the topic "Health":

Attention! Unfortunately, back in 2015, “Colostrum Compact” (colostrum in capsules) is not sold in the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus due to economic sanctions (completely withdrawn from supply). As an alternative, we suggest taking a course of a useful supplement to strengthen the immunity of adults and children - Cistus Incanus capsules from LR (cistus). For throat problems, also use a throat spray made from this beneficial plant.

Colostrum is a quick help to your immune system. From the milk of the first hours of life of the offspring. For best results in Everyday life, old age and in sports!

Colostrum is colostrum, the first real cow's milk.
It is produced only a few hours after the birth of a calf, and supplies the newborn with everything necessary.

  • Exclusively from cows bred in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France.
  • No preservatives.
  • Pure colostrum, low fat.
  • Not pasteurized: high quality and carefully processed when chilled.
  • The only colostrum product on the market that has received the SGS Frezenius seal of approval.

Areas of application for Colostrum Compact from LR: as biologically active additive to foods containing immunoglobulins G (IgG).

Release format: jar, 60 capsules/30.9 g.

Opening of the colostrum

Colostrum, which is also called primary milk or colostrum, is the milk that is produced by a cow in the first hours of life of the offspring and is significantly different in composition from regular milk. Already at the end of the eighteenth century, the physician Christoph W. Hufeland described the positive effects of colostrum on the health and growth of newborn calves. It is now known that primary milk helps the calf survive because its high concentrations of immune and growth factors serve as a natural inoculation for the newborn against germs, bacteria and viruses (calf immunization), and also ensure the growth of the calf and maintain its vitality.

Why can a person use cow colostrum?

Since cow and human colostrum are almost identical in composition and the same pathogens affect humans and cows, cow colostrum is undoubtedly beneficial for human health. Moreover, cow colostrum contains millions of times more immune information than human colostrum. In addition, immune substances in cow colostrum are contained in a concentration that is forty times higher than their content in human blood.

Colostrum production.

Colostrum intended for human consumption is obtained exclusively from cows raised in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Only excess colostrum secreted in the first 12 hours of the offspring’s life is used, since all the ingredients are contained in the highest concentration. Patented gentle "cold process" technology ensures maximum concentration of ingredients (unlike pasteurized colostrum products). In the production of Colostrum Compact, gentle freeze-drying technology is used. Colostrum Compact is one hundred percent natural product, free of chemical additives and preservatives. The packaging of Colostrum Compact bears the seal of the Fresenius Institute. Colostrum is also suitable for people with allergies to cow's milk protein, sensitive stomachs and diabetes.

Composition and effects of Colostrum

Compound: cow colostrum (fat-free powder, fat content less than 5%), gelatin, fatty acid salts (magnesium), dye: titanium dioxide. Contains lactose.

Description of ingredients:

a) Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, Iga, IgE) in high concentration: specific antibodies whose task is to recognize viruses and bacteria, and their destruction or marking to facilitate the impact of other immune structures on them;

b) Natural factors growth, such as IGF1, TGFA, TGFB and EGF: have a positive effect on metabolism and stimulate cell growth and regeneration (1GF1 has a general effect, TGF A+B affects muscle tissue, EGF on the skin);

c) Immunoregulators, such as, for example, lactoferrin and cytokine (interleukin, interferon): they control the general defenses of the body, trigger and harmonize defense reactions.

Lactoferrin is one of the most powerful antiviral and antibacterial substances. Scientific studies have proven that interferon slows down the growth of tumor cells.

d) PRP = proline-rich polypeptide: serves to maintain the balance of the immune system by restraining its excessive activity or maintaining an insufficiently active, weakened immune system;

e) free amino acids (for the preservation and restoration of body cells);

f) vitamins, minerals, microelements;

g) enzymes, such as, for example, the “anti-aging enzyme” telomerase.

Applications (based on Prummer 2007 and Kelly 2003)

Colostrum provides direct protection:

  • for all colds (ARVI);
  • with gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa);
  • for diseases accompanied by loose stools.

Colostrum strengthens the immune system:

  • when the body is weakened after illnesses or treatment (for example, minor side effects during chemotherapy);
  • with increased stress on the body, for example, in winter, in stressful situations, during sports, when working with sick people (increased stress in sports and professional activities).

Colostrum regulates the immune system:

  • for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract ( ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal mycosis, infectious diarrhea);
  • restoration of healthy intestinal mucosa in case of allergies (for example, pollen allergy); sensitivity to allergens decreases;
  • for autoimmune diseases (for example, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, MS, AIDS).
  • improving performance in sports naturally (improving lipid metabolism, improving muscle tissue regeneration);
  • regeneration and formation of tissues (cartilage and bone tissue) - stimulation of collagen synthesis in the skin (“anti-aging effect”).

The MAIN purpose of taking Colostrum is to immediately impact the immune system and strengthen or harmonize the body's ability to heal itself. At the same time, a weak, exhausted body is more sensitive to the effects of Colostrum. According to a study conducted by Italian scientists (Cerasone 2005), Colostrum is 3-5 times more effective than a regular flu shot.

Read also the article “Colostrum from LR - quality criteria”.

Reviews Drinking gel Aloe Vera, Colostrum and ProBalance from LR:

Review 1: Drinking Gel Aloe Vera Honey and Freedom, Colostrum, Probalance. Hello. I had a heart attack in 2008, and in 2012 my thyroid gland was completely removed. After removal, sugar and cholesterol rose. Doctors could not prescribe a large dose of L teraxin, because dangerous in case of a heart attack. I decided to take gels. I bought Colostrum, ProBalance, gel with honey and fried. I used everything at the same time three times a day. After I drank it, took tests, and received the answers today, I’m shocked. TSH, with a normal level of 0.4-4, before taking it went off scale at 71.4, now it’s 1.4. sugar was 8.6 now 5.4, cholesterol 8.7 now 5.6. I can’t say what exactly is for me It helped, but with such answers I’m ready to fly into space. While taking the gels, I did not take heart medications and did not take Atoris for cholesterol, only L thyroxine. Elena Sidorchuk.

Review 3: a week after starting to take Aloe and ProBalance Gel, I felt changes in my body: I ​​began to sleep less and, most importantly, get enough sleep in less time, I stopped feeling dizzy in the heat (previously, at plus 25 degrees, I couldn’t leave the house without a cap in the heat, I had this feeling that my brain was starting to melt, I moved to St. Petersburg, among other reasons, because the climate here is colder).

Now in 30 degree heat I’m running without a cap, like some kind of Arab. After a couple of weeks, I began to notice that my legs stopped numbing. Previously, you would sit on a chair or behind the wheel for a couple of hours, get up with numb legs, and walk a couple of meters half-bent. But now I’ve somehow become more energetic, I want to do something, I can’t sit still. It feels like I've lost 20 years. Running has become much easier, I’ve now got my whole family hooked on gels.

My wife and daughter started drinking Aloe Vera Honey - the sensations are the same. My wife finally started going to the gym, we bought a subscription last year in September, at first she went, then she slowly gave up, well, I think it was a waste of money. I saw that she was really tired, although she is 32 years old, but now it’s as if she has changed: her skin is glowing, moisturized and jumps in fitness almost every day. He says he wants to train constantly. It shows that the energy has increased.

At my daughter's chronic pyelonephritis from one and a half years. In addition to drinking gel, she drinks Colostrum to boost immunity. Her complexion even changed from pale green to pink-tanned. I also ordered cosmetics for them. There is also a high content of Aloe Vera, from 40 to 90%. Cosmetics without parabens and preservatives. What a great shampoo! I have never felt such a gentle and foaming shampoo in my life; there is a foam cleanser in cosmetics. My girls are delighted with it. It's a little expensive, but my wife has stopped now foundation use. And my daughter’s blackheads on her nose are gone, and this foam also tightens the pores. There is also a set called ambulance, it contains a spray with 93% A.B. content, a concentrate (almost pure gel from the leaf) with 90% A.B. content and a cream with A.B. and propolis. Such a universal thing, such a wide spectrum of action: it removes allergies, eczema, psoriasis, acne, colds, sore throat, herpes, fungus, they write that even warts disappear, I want to try it myself.

We accept Aloe Gels, Probalance and Colostrum already the second month. We like the sensations and what happens to our body, we also liked the cosmetics. In July we will repurchase what we have run out of, we are slowly starting to try new products - fruit smoothies and Slim-Active tea for weight loss.

Most people perceive information about products with A.V. with a smile. But this is understandable - I myself used to grin too, until I tried it, I didn’t believe it. I recommend trying it! Nowadays, without quality food additives and you won’t live long with vitamins. And if you accept it, then it will be of high quality, made in Germany. Vyacheslav Alekseev.

  • Technical Product Information

    Vendor code: 80360-40

    Certificate (certificate of state registration): RU. dated 06/17/2011.

    Manufacturer: Colostrum Technologies GmbH, Richthofenstr.21 1/2, 86343 Konigsbrunn, Germany for LR Health&Beauty Systems GmbH.

    Best before date: 24 months. Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator.

Colostrum(lat. Colostrum) is a relatively new natural food supplement that is gaining increasing popularity in the world. Ancient Indian healers knew about the benefits, but over time it was undeservedly forgotten, and only recently scientists again paid attention to this product. Today, research on this unique product is being carried out in many countries. Colostrum dedicated great amount articles that provide scientific evidence of his extraordinary abilities. About what kind of product this is, and what its benefits are for humans, and we'll talk in this article.

Colostrum: colostrum

Colostrum or colostrum is a form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals immediately before and immediately after childbirth. In appearance it is a thick yellowish liquid. This substance is extremely rich nutrients and antibodies for the formation of immunity, and also contains protease inhibitors to prevent their destruction in the gastrointestinal tract. It has been proven that it can inhibit up to half of all negative processes in the body of a newborn. This effect of colostrum is typical for all mammals, but only cows are optimally suited to humans in terms of biological parameters. In terms of the level of immune factors, it significantly exceeds even female colostrum. In particular, cow's milk contains about 86% immunoglobulin, while women's milk contains only 2%.

Colostrum: composition

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Colostrum is a multifunctional multicomponent substance that contains a huge amount of vital substances. Let's consider the main ones:

  • immunoglobulins G, A, M, D, E classes - being the main components of immunity, they are responsible for activating the immune response against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • growth factors - responsible for the proper formation and development of organs and systems child's body and cell renewal in adults;
  • leukocytes - are directly involved in the destruction of viruses, bacteria, fungi, cancer cells and toxins;
  • - binds iron in the blood serum, thereby blocking the growth and development of most known bacteria in the body;
  • lysozyme - a protein contained in, deprives bacteria of the ability to reproduce;
  • colostrinin - controls the strength of the body’s immunological reaction;
  • interferons are the main components of the body’s antiviral defense; in addition, they have a preventive effect against cancer;
  • transfer factors - regulate the strength of the immune response, train the body to fight infections;
  • interleukins - activate immune cells in the event of invasion of pathogens;
  • endorphins are “joy hormones” that protect the body from stress and pain, increase resistance to physical activity;
  • - provides the body with protein;
  • - normalize intestinal microflora;
  • amino acids, including proline, are building materials for the formation of proteins;
  • minerals - , sodium, ;
  • vitamins - vitamins of group B (, etc.);
  • nucleotides - regulate the synthesis of proteins and DNA;
  • antioxidants - neutralize the negative effects;
  • phospholipids - are integral components cell membrane and lipoproteins in blood plasma.

Colostrum: beneficial properties and applications

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The beneficial properties were known back in ancient india, where it has been used as a medicine for several millennia. Much later, his fame spread throughout the world. In many civilized countries it was used as an antibiotic until the invention of penicillin, and in the 50s of the last century it was discovered that it contains antibodies against polio.

Today, the list of medical uses has expanded significantly. It is recommended for use in cases of weakened immunity and various types of intoxication.

The drugs are part of complex therapy for:

  1. diseases of an inflammatory nature (prostatitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis)
  2. colds, flu, ARVI;
  3. infectious diseases caused by bacteria of streptococcus, staphylococcus, salmonella, herpes virus, etc.;
  4. eczema;
  5. candidiasis;
  6. cardiovascular diseases;
  7. autoimmune diseases (lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  8. diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  9. stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  10. benign tumors (cyst, fibroid, fibroadenoma);
  11. malignant neoplasms;
  12. diabetes mellitus;
  13. allergies (including);
  14. immunodeficiency;
  15. diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  16. chronic fatigue syndrome.

In addition, it is very effective for treating various wound processes, accelerating healing after surgical interventions and other injuries. You can increasingly hear about the use of drugs in programs.

And adding it to the diet of athletes ensures the best absorption of carbohydrates and amino acids, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle mass.

Colostrum: immunity

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The composition leaves no doubt that the main purpose of using this supplement is to strengthen the immune system. It contains immunostimulants wide range actions. Thanks to them, in just a few days, not only passive immunity is formed in the newborn’s body (i.e., resistance to diseases that he may get in the future), but also memory factors hereditary diseases, which did not affect the mother’s body. Thus, in a short period of time, it ensures the child’s immune stability for several years to come. However, in terms of immunoglobulin content, human colostrum is significantly inferior to cow's colostrum. That is why cows are recognized as the best modulator of the immune system. Modern pharmacology and Genetic Engineering made it possible to recreate some of its components and produce medicines based on them. The most famous among them are gamma globulin, interferon, and protease inhibitors. However, it is worth noting that in terms of the degree of beneficial effect they are significantly inferior to the whole substrate. Just as it does not work without vitamin B1, the individual components alone are much less effective.

Colostrum: for bronchitis

The ability to enhance immunity makes it very useful in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract, including bronchitis. Lysozyme, present in, plays a significant role in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. It is known that insufficient secretion of this enzyme by immune cells of the mucous membranes is one of the factors in the development of bronchitis and its transition to chronic form. Lysozyme has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In addition, it has a mucolytic (sputum thinning) effect. Thus, consumption significantly speeds up the healing process.

Colostrum: during pregnancy

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Many women are interested in the question: can it be taken during pregnancy? On the one hand, colostrum is considered one of the most safe drugs, it is prescribed even to small children. It is not surprising that many consider its use harmless during pregnancy. Moreover, some sources recommend it as a natural remedy against thrush in pregnant women. On the other hand, pregnancy is a very complex physiological process, so even the most harmless means for an ordinary person, such as, for example, and, can upset the balance in the body expectant mother and negatively affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, the use of any biologically active food supplements, including during pregnancy, is possible only after consultation with a specialist. A competent doctor must weigh the pros and cons of using a particular drug and exclude possible risks. If we talk about thrush, then as an alternative you can use.

Colostrum: for children

Colostrum mothers are the most valuable product for children in the first days of life. Just a few drops are enough to satisfy the nutritional needs and primary immunization of the body of a newborn baby. Under the influence of colostrum, the baby's intestines are cleansed of bilirubin, meconium is excreted, and the gastrointestinal tract is populated with beneficial microflora, which will subsequently counteract harmful bacteria. If for some reason breast-feeding is impossible, then the optimal way would be to add it to milk formulas. Some drugs are allowed to be given to children from 6 months, however, to clarify the dosage, a pediatrician’s consultation is necessary.

As for older children, the main use for them is to strengthen the body's defenses and prevent various inflammations. According to statistics, consumption reduces the incidence of illness among children by 74% and reduces the need for antibiotics by 84% in cases where the disease does occur.

Colostrum: mood

Due to the content of endorphins, it has a very beneficial effect on mood. Hormones of joy have a pronounced calming effect; their emotional state and perception of the world largely depend on their amount in the human body. Thanks to this, consumption helps relieve chronic fatigue, psycho-emotional stress, stress, and also protects the body from their destructive effects.

Colostrum: preparations

There are many drugs with colostum. Let's look at some of them:

Colostrum: California Gold Nutrition Powder 200g

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  1. "Colostrum" from the company California Gold Nutrition . The drug is a powder packaged in containers of 200 g each. This dietary supplement is a concentrated source of proline polypeptides (15%) and IgG immunoglobulin (20%). Colostrum For this drug, it is obtained from the best dairy cows and subjected to gentle heat treatment to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Colostrum: Now Foods 500 mg capsules

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  1. "Colostrum" from the manufacturer Now Foods in capsules of 500 mg. The drug is positioned as a means to strengthen the immune system. It contains large amounts of lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. In particular, the amount of immunoglobulin antibodies in it reaches 25%. The quality and effectiveness of this product are confirmed by GMP quality standards and meet global safety requirements.

Colostrum: Symbiotics 25% Antibody Capsules

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  1. Colostrum Plus capsules from Symbiotics . This drug acts in two directions at once: strengthens immune reaction and supports gastrointestinal health. The supplement contains immune factors and growth factors, and in relatively high concentrations. The proportion of the most important components of the drug immunoglobulin, lactoferrin and proline polypeptides is 25%, 1.5% and 3%, respectively. And the unique bio-lipid shell reliably protects the components of the drug from gastric juice and guarantees a high degree of bioavailability. "Colostrum Plus" meets the most high requirements purity and quality - it is obtained from certified dairy products that do not contain pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. In addition, this product is classified as kosher and is suitable for people on a lactose-free diet.

Recommendations for use: adults - take 2 capsules twice a day before meals, if necessary, for example, during periods of increased physical or emotional stress, the indicated dose can be increased 3 times. Children are recommended to take 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Colostrum: analogues

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In terms of the content of vital components, it surpasses all known supplements and has virtually no analogues. Based on immunomodulatory properties, then, for example, the following have similar properties natural remedies like purple coneflower, black elderberry, propolis. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. medicinal herb, containing active substances to enhance immunity. Preparations with echinacea promote cleansing lymphatic system, blood, liver and kidneys, restore cells, fight pathogenic microbes and activate the body's protective properties. One such product is the liquid preparation “Echinacea Goldenseal” from the company Nature's Way . In addition to echinacea itself, it is enriched with extracts of gentian, beech and beech, which also have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Natural composition and the absence of alcohol allows it to be used not only by adults, but also by children.
  2. - a well-known medicine. It has anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antiviral effects. Preparations from this berry can significantly shorten the recovery time for viral diseases. They are especially effective against certain strains of influenza. One of the most effective drugs is "Black Elderberry" from the manufacturer Sambucol . It was developed by a world-renowned virologist based on the results of many scientific research and is produced using a unique gentle extraction method. Its quality and effectiveness are confirmed by scientific tests.
  3. - a unique beekeeping product with pronounced antibiotic and immune-strengthening properties. There is no virus or bacteria that can survive in this substance. In addition to the fact that propolis destroys the pathogens themselves and removes toxic products of their vital activity from the body, it also significantly increases the resistance beneficial microflora, on the condition of which local and general immunity largely depends. At the same time, propolis preparations, unlike antibiotics, do not cause habituation of microbes. You can evaluate the healing properties of this product by trying the drug "" with bee propolis extract from Source Naturals . These tablets contain a powerful complex of components to support the immune system during periods of significant physical and emotional overload. In addition to propolis itself, the supplement contains vitamins and minerals, as well as extracts of many medicinal plants, for example, elderberry, elecampane, etc.

Colostrum: in the pharmacy

Colostrum, unlike or, is not easy to find in a pharmacy. Considering that it is a very scarce product (a cow excretes it only 1-2 days after calving), its cost cannot be low, and taking into account pharmacy markups, its cost in a regular pharmacy becomes even higher. Therefore, it is much more profitable to buy from a trusted online store that works directly with global manufacturers.

Colostrum: capsules

There are many companies involved in the production. Most often, drugs containing it are presented in the form of capsules weighing from 100 to 500 mg. For production, conscientious producers use only high-quality material from cows raised without the use of pesticides, antibiotics and synthetic hormones. Processing is carried out according to modern technologies at low temperatures to preserve the vital activity of all useful components, and the gelatin capsule protects them from the aggressive environment of the gastrointestinal tract and allows them to reach small intestine, where immune factors are most active. In addition, the advantage of capsules is their ease of use - they are easy to dose and do not need to be diluted.

Colostrum: powder

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Sometimes found in powder form. To make it, all excess moisture is removed from colostrum by spray drying, while all useful material it remains unchanged. Some preparations are additionally enriched with vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. As a rule, for ease of dosing, each package of powder is supplied with a measuring spoon.

Colostrum: instructions

Each drug must contain detailed instructions indicating the percentage of useful components, dosage and indications for use.

To enhance the effect, you can combine it with a multivitamin complex or omega 3.

Colostrum: how to take

The effectiveness largely depends on how you take it. As a rule, this information is indicated in the annotation or on the drug label. Most experts agree that the best option is to take the drug 30 minutes before meals.

Capsules are taken orally according to the indicated dosage, which can vary from 1 to 6 pieces per day, and washed down with plenty of water.

The powder is dissolved in water or juice before use, although it can also be consumed in dry form with a sufficient amount of liquid. To save useful qualities It is not recommended to mix it with hot drinks or freeze it.

Colostrum: contraindications

Hundreds of years of use and more than a thousand studies have proven that it has virtually no contraindications, has no side effects even with long-term use, and does not interact in any way with other medications.

  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • newborns.

Colostrum: reviews

Colostrum received a lot of positive reviews on the Internet. Its ability to strengthen the immune system is especially praised. Many note that during the period of using this supplement, the number and duration of colds sharply decreases, especially for frequently ill children. Most parents note that it is incredibly effective for respiratory diseases - enlarged adenoids, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. According to them, in some cases it avoids the use of antibiotics.

Colostrum: buy, price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers:

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Colostrum - medicinal product obtained from the colostrum of animals, mainly cows, belongs to the drugs category immunomodulators.

What does Colostrum consist of?

Compound Colostrum very rich in active substances that affect the immune system. Many companies are involved in the production of drugs, including colostrum nsp, now foods, most often these are gelatin capsules, 60-120 capsules per jar. The weight of one capsule is usually 100-500 mg. they include the following components:

  • cytokines, immunoactive cells responsible for signaling and activating the production of immunoglobulins in the blood.
  • immunoglobulins, specific protein formations produced by the immune system in response to an immune event.
  • endorphins, specific entities whose activities are aimed at reducing negative influence stress on the body, is responsible for various factors growth, etc.
  • transfer factors, cells responsible for the transfer of immune information and profiling of immune cells.
  • lactophedrine, proteins contained in colostrum that have antioxidant properties.

Colostrum: functions and properties

Colostrum in its pure form has been used for many millennia. It gained such popularity due to its properties to help with very complex immunodeficiency conditions, strengthening and restoring weak immunity. Colostrum also works well for autoimmune diseases. Well known anti-aging properties colostrum, it effectively affects the body’s ability to regenerate tissue, which affects general rejuvenation body. Among the large list Colostrum functions everyone will find something for themselves:

  • colostrum reduces stress levels in the body
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • increases general immunoresistance
  • promotes nerve cell renewal
  • improves brain function
  • colostrum restores metabolism
  • increases resistance to various types of viruses and bacteria
  • improves liver function through cell regeneration
  • promotes rapid tissue restoration resulting from burns, injuries, cuts, etc.
  • colostrum improves the functioning of cells that remove waste products from the body
  • thanks to the properties of antioxidants, minimizes aging

Colostrum: indications for use, instructions

Indications of colostrum, due to its multiple effects on the body, also cover a wide range of diseases. These are diseases infectious nature and traumatic, diseases affecting the endocrine, nervous, cardiac vascular systems, various types of cancer, complex immunodeficiencies and much more. Colostrum for children must be used in consultation with a doctor.

Colostrum contraindications:

  • having a tendency to allergies
  • undesirable during pregnancy and lactation
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Colostrum: price and sale

Distribution area of ​​the drug Kolostrom is truly huge, perhaps there is not a single city in which pharmacies cannot offer you Colostrum. The drug is very popular and very affordable; the easiest way is to buy Super Colostrum through an online store. Price for Colostrum varies depending on the number of capsules and the manufacturer and ranges from 600 rubles to 2000 rubles. Due to the popularity of the drug, cases of counterfeiting have become more frequent; to avoid this, ask for supporting documents and certificates.

Colostrum, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive, you will always find them on the Internet. For a clearer picture of the drug Colostrum, we advise you to consult with a specialist seller or doctor.

Comparison of Colostrum and Transfer Factor

Many people wonder what the difference is between colostrum and Transfer Factor. At first glance, these are the same thing, but in reality the difference is as great as between an apple and planet Earth. Both drugs belong to the category of immunomodulators, both are obtained from colostrum, and both contain immune memory carrier molecules TF. And that's where the similarities end.

Contains dry colostrum there are only 5% of pure TF molecules, the rest are large proteins that can cause allergic reaction, the scope of the drug is limited, as is its effectiveness.

The Transfer Factor drug is a sublimate of TF molecules in its pure form without any impurities or additives; to obtain 1 kg of TF, 50 kg are used colostrum, hence the price difference. And the difference in the effect on the body is that the TF drug is hundreds of times more effective and does not have the disadvantages of its “younger brother.” TF is absolutely safe and has no restrictions. The effect of one TF capsule is equal to the effect of 50 capsules Colostrum. The difference in price is also colossal; in order to get the therapeutic effect from one jar of TF (2200 rubles), you will have to eat 50 jars of Colostrum (minimum 45,000 rubles). With this intake, an overdose of colostrum is inevitable, and side effects can be a very unpleasant surprise.

To get a clearer picture of the areas of application of TF and its effectiveness, we advise you to read the reviews.

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