Home Pulpitis Cotton swabs for cleaning teeth. Miswak

Cotton swabs for cleaning teeth. Miswak

Tokareva Anna Alexandrovna

Reading time: 5 minutes


Even babies are now aware of the need to brush their teeth. But toothpastes often contain a lot of harmful and hazardous substances: sodium lauryl sulfate, preservatives, antiseptics and antibiotics, abrasives, etc.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to industrial products - a natural and safe miswak stick, which copes with and without the use of toxic toothpastes.

What is miswak (sivak) for brushing teeth?

Miswak, or sivak - brush for , representing a piece of a branch or root of a tree, split at the end like a tassel. Traditionally, miswak is made from arak (mustard tree), but olive, orange, neem, and Pila (Salvadora Persian) wood are also used.

By the way! Sivak has been known in the East since pre-Muslim times, but does not lose its popularity even today. “Chewing sticks” are also in demand in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Stick composition

Miswak is a completely natural dental care product. These "magic wands" contain more than 25 natural ingredients that are good for dental health:

Important! Miswak is a 100% natural, natural teeth cleaner, it is simply a part of the plant.

Unlike the usual one, it does not contain any harmful substances like sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol, dyes, fragrances, etc.

Beneficial features

Rich natural composition sticks determines its excellent properties in maintaining dental health and treating them.

  • Thanks to silicon Miswak helps remove stains on enamel.
  • Sulfur and galvanic substances prevent bacteria from growing on the gums and between the teeth.
  • Trimethylamine in a stick will relieve inflammation, soothe pain during teething.
  • Fluorine as part of the stick protects the teeth of adults and children from caries.
  • Tannic acids And tannin relieve bleeding and heal wounds, have an astringent effect, protect against inflammation, protect against stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Bicarbonate of soda serves for effective cleansing teeth, maintaining their natural whiteness and shine, gives freshness.
  • Essential oils act as an antiseptic and analgesic, prevent the formation of tartar and the appearance of putrefactive processes.
  • Flavonoids serve to neutralize free radicals and protect against destruction of cells and intracellular structures.

According to research by American scientists, the substances contained in the wooden stick are similar in their action to the usual antibiotics and antiseptics - triclosan and chlorhexidine, but unlike them, do not suppress the beneficial flora of the oral mucosa.

It has been clinically proven that the use of miswak can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria by up to 75%, the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and candida is suppressed, and the effect lasts up to 2 days.

For your information! When using miswak, it affects biologically active points in the mouth located at the border of the gums and teeth. Their stimulation has a positive effect on vision, vocal cords, eliminates lethargy of the body, and increases vitality.


Along with extensive list Miswak has several advantages shortcomings:

  • Small brush It is difficult to clean the outer teeth and the inner surface of the teeth.
  • Also, due to the small area of ​​the bristles, brushing your teeth will take longer than usual. Cleaning will take 5-10 minutes, as opposed to the usual 2-3 minutes when using a traditional nylon brush and paste.
  • After using miswak There will be no usual “mint breath” as when using paste.

How to use it correctly?

Used for cleaning sticks 12-17 cm long and 0.8 - 1.5 cm thick, made from the branches or root of the Arak or Salvadora Persian tree. Dental sticks are made less frequently from other trees.

Freshly cut sticks are sold packaged in vacuum packaging, in which they remain fresh for a long time.

Miswak good quality should be flexible, not dry, have a pungent smell of spicy wood, reminiscent of horseradish or anise. The thinner the sivak, the softer its bristles will be..

Before use, remove the sticks from the packaging, wash them with warm water and clear one end of the bark. This can be done with a knife, teeth or just nails. The cleaned end must be split to form bristles.. To do this, you need to chew the stick, or also use a knife. The resulting brush can be used to clean your teeth and tongue.

It is correct to clean the inner surface of the teeth with the side of the brush, as if sweeping away plaque from the teeth. The movement is reminiscent of removing excess paint from a brush on the edge of a can.

Attention! Do not press hard on the stick so as not to damage the enamel and gums.

Miswak should be used morning, evening and every time after eating. After use, the stick should be rinsed with water. If the miswak's bristles become sparse, you need to trim the tip and make a new brush. Usually the stick lasts for 1 month of use.


The natural stick should be stored in a cool, damp place, because... at low humidity it will dry out and become hard. You should not store siwak in a closed package to avoid mold. Great option - in the refrigerator in an open bag.


1. Is it possible to give a stick to children and at what age??
A child can be given a stick if he has at least one tooth erupted. This will help him get used to the need for dental care; in addition, chewing a stick can relieve teething pain.

2. When is the best time to trim off used lint??
It is recommended to trim the used brush after 2-3 cleanings.

3. How long to chew miswak?
The stick should be chewed until the fibers separate from each other and a soft brush is obtained. Usually requires 5-10 pressings with chewing teeth.

4. Is it possible to use Sivak during pregnancy and breastfeeding ?
Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication for the use of miswak. The stick contains no substances that can cause allergies in a child or affect contractility uterus. There is an opinion that during lactation the mother should exclude from the diet foods that have a pungent and strong odor. Miswak, of course, has a specific smell, but it is not eaten and is unlikely to affect the taste of milk.

5. Will the product damage tooth enamel??
Miswak does not contain abrasives and is not capable of damaging enamel.

6. You just need to brush your teeth with the root or add toothpaste?
When using miswak, there is no need for toothpaste, since all the elements beneficial for dental health are already contained in the stick itself.

Errors during use

When using miswak, it is important not to forget the simple rules:

average cost

The average price tag for miswak brushes is around 100 rubles.

You can buy them in stores for Muslims, Ayurvedic shops, and stores selling environmentally friendly and natural products.

As a hygiene product oral cavity it was known in ancient times - it was used by the ancient Greeks and the inhabitants of Babylon. Over time, the root was undeservedly forgotten, but since 1986, on the recommendation of the WHO, its use has resumed. How effective is a miswak teething stick, how to use it and is it suitable for everyone? Let's try to answer these questions.

Effects and beneficial properties of miswak

Miswak is a stick for cleaning teeth, one end of which is split and used as a toothbrush. At first glance, such a remedy may seem inconvenient and useless, but the secret of its effectiveness lies in the composition and properties of this plant.

The root contains:

  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • essential oils;
  • saponins;
  • fluorine;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannic acid;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • trimethylamine;
  • silica;
  • sulfur substances;
  • styrene

These substances are beneficial for healthy teeth and gums. Due to the presence of silicon dioxide in its composition, miswak (sivak is the second name) easily removes plaque from the enamel and brightens it to a natural shade. Sulfur substances and essential oils have an antibacterial effect, and trimethylamine helps fight inflammatory processes.

Miswak is noted to be effective in eliminating and. It has also been proven that its use has a positive effect on digestion, immunity and vision, increases overall tone and gives strength, reduces pain.

The root has a pleasant spicy taste and is very refreshing. Therapeutic effect lasts up to 2 days from the moment of application.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages of a miswak over a classic toothbrush? Firstly, mustard tree root is completely natural and does not contain harmful chemical compounds and does not require applying paste.

Secondly, siwak allows you to brush your teeth less often without losing the effectiveness of this procedure. In addition, with its help you not only remove plaque, but also improve the condition of the oral cavity and the whole body.

Thirdly, it is very compact, which is convenient for travel. And finally, miswak sticks easily decompose in nature, which means they are environmentally friendly.

But there are also disadvantages to using mustard tree root. Since its cleaning surface is small, it will take more time to properly clean all teeth. In addition, the wand can be difficult to find for sale.

How to use a miswak teeth cleaning stick?

Miswak teeth cleaning stick - how to use:

  1. Open the package and take out the stick.
  2. Clear 0.5-1 cm of bark from one of the ends; to facilitate this process, it can be slightly moistened with water.
  3. Chew the end of the stick so that it turns into something like a brush.
  4. Brush your teeth thoroughly using gentle horizontal movements, working from the edges to the center. If desired, you can use a miswak to remove plaque from your tongue and massage your gums.
  5. After completing hygiene procedures, rinse the stick and put it away for storage.

If the tip of the miswak becomes too hard and sparse, it is cut to the bark and a new piece is peeled. It is recommended to renew the stick after 2-3 uses.

Natural Toothbrush made from miswak is suitable for both adults and children. To facilitate teething, it can be used from 4-5 months. To avoid injury, hygiene procedures for young children should be carried out by parents.


The only contraindication to the use of Sivak is individual intolerance. It is not advisable, although possible, to use it when wearing (dental jewelry), since the bristles can get stuck in the structures.

There are no restrictions during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When brushing your teeth with mustard tree root, breast milk and no harmful components enter the blood.

How to properly store a stick

To beneficial features the miswak was not lost ahead of schedule, it is important to adhere to the rules for its storage. Between uses, it should be kept in a dry and dark place. It is recommended to place it in a vacuum package or case. This will prevent drying out.

The optimal temperature for storage is 16-20 °C. If you purchased sticks for future use and have not yet started using them, it is better to place them in the refrigerator (do not freeze). You can determine that an unopened root has spoiled by the swollen packaging; for miswak that has already been used, the indicator is a sourish taste. In both cases, the use of the product is unacceptable.


The use of mustard tree roots is one of the most available ways dental care. Despite its exotic nature, the price of miswak is acceptable for a person with any income level.

The average cost of this product is from 60 to 150 rubles. for 1 piece The price depends on the specific manufacturer and type of packaging. Sticks in a special storage case are more expensive, while in a vacuum bag they are cheaper. The easiest way to find this product is in online stores specializing in oriental or environmentally friendly products. The price is current as of October 2017.

Mustard root toothbrush is popular for many reasons. It is environmentally friendly, safe for health, effective and affordable. Is it right for you? You can only find out by trying it yourself.

Useful video about miswak

Strong and white teeth are not just a sign of health, but a real business card for a person. Today people are greeted not only by their clothes, but also by their smile – smooth, Hollywood, shining. Therefore, a lot of money is spent on the beauty of teeth: fillings, whitening, veneers, dentures... And it’s hard to believe that there is an ancient natural remedy that will help restore your teeth whiteness, save you from caries, and even improve your vision. All this is a natural miswak toothbrush.

A toothbrush with a rich history

Humanity has been using miswak for several thousand years, and during this time the miracle remedy has received many names. It is called meswak, meshwak, and also siwak and chewing stick. At its core, this is a full-fledged toothbrush, simply made of wood and completely independent. That is, no Colgate is needed in the Mesvak kit.

People began using such a stick back in the pre-Islamic era; later the miswak became known in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and greet him, spoke about the benefits of siwak, so the wooden brush was mentioned more than once in religious books.

But today the popularity of siwak in the east has long crossed all possible cultural and religious boundaries. The toothbrush is used not only in the Middle East, but also in Asian countries. It is actively purchased by adherents of a healthy lifestyle and fans of ecological products: vegans, vegetarians and raw foodists around the world. Meshvak is on a par with such fashionable eco-products as deodorant with alum, etc.

Sivak miswak is made from twigs of the arak tree, another name is Salvadora persica. If you buy an eco-friendly toothbrush in online stores or somewhere in the UAE on vacation, it will probably be made from arrack. But in India, neem miswak - made from neem wood - is popular. This plant is part of Ayurvedic culture, which is why a toothbrush made from it is used in Ayurveda.

What's in it?

The canonical miswak - made from arak wood - is famous for the fact that it contains about 25 healing ingredients. This:

  • tannic acid (tannin);
  • essential oils;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • salt;
  • aromatic resins;
  • saponins;
  • silica;
  • fluorine, etc.

Although ascorbic acid and essential oils definitely add points to mesvak, many dentists are wary of it. One of the reasons is the fluoride content.

In many Russian cities, tap water comes out of the tap with a high fluoride content; Manufacturers generously add this element to toothpastes. So if you are wondering how to brush your teeth with miswak, first avoid fluoridated toothpastes. This can harm health, especially children's health.

The healing properties of miswak

Many components in the composition of the siwak wood stick are also used in industrial pastes. Silicon dioxide removes plaque and whitens, fluoride (in reasonable amounts) strengthens enamel, tannins and antibacterial oils kill bacteria and freshen breath. Miswak can boast of all these properties.

But the real beneficial properties of this miracle brush are even more impressive. At one time, even scientists became interested in Mishvak - several studies were devoted to it. And for about 30 years, the World Health Organization has recommended brushing your teeth with a siwak.

The instructions for using miswak call such healing properties dental stick:

  • strengthens teeth and freshens breath;
  • dissolves tartar and whitens enamel by several tones;
  • improves vision (dental nerves are directly connected to the eye nerves);
  • treats vocal cords;
  • kills bacteria in the oral cavity and prevents new harmful microbes from multiplying;
  • removes inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • invigorates and increases the overall tone of the body;
  • helps to quit smoking.

What's the catch?

The miswak stick has virtually no contraindications.

It can be given to children from 4 months - of course, under the strict supervision of adults. You can brush your teeth during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Allowed to be used for any chronic diseases.

The only prohibition is individual intolerance to the acara tree, but it is extremely rare.

But miswak has some disadvantages: reviews talk about them in detail.

  1. Specific taste. People who have used siwak with a toothbrush admit: the stick tastes like horseradish. There is no need to be afraid: after hygiene procedures, your breath does not smell like horseradish. But it’s hard to forget this taste. On the other hand, many people like this taste and this is a rather subjective drawback.
  2. Inconvenient shape. Meswak is still not a flexible plastic brush, but an ordinary branch. It simply cannot penetrate into “hard-to-reach places,” so the back jaw and the inside of the teeth may remain uncleaned.
  3. Uneconomical. The wood brush itself is inexpensive, but it lasts only 2-3 weeks. And if you don’t take care of storage, then for an even shorter period.

Plus, chewing a stick won't get rid of bad breath. While fragrant menthol pastes can mask the smell for a while, neutral siwak will not do this. Moreover, in most cases the reason unpleasant odor– problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and only a visit to a gastroenterologist can solve them.

Instructions for use

How to use miswak was invented in ancient times. And for several centuries the basic principles have not changed.

The main enemy of the mishwak stick is dry air and heat. Therefore, manufacturers always specifically indicate on the packaging how to prepare the twig for use and what to do with it later.

  1. After purchasing, you need to hold it in water and remove the bark from one end - about 1 cm. This can be easily done with a knife.
  2. Then you will have to chew the cleaned tip for about five minutes. The miswak will turn into a convenient brush with bristles.
  3. You need to brush your teeth for at least 7-10 minutes. Regular toothpaste Miswak is not required, and to achieve freshness in the mouth, you will have to thoroughly process each tooth.
  4. Then the wood brush should be thoroughly rinsed with water, put into the packaging (cleaned tip down) and put in the refrigerator.
  5. After every 3-5 cleanings, the lint needs to be cut off and the whole procedure repeated again. You will easily understand when you need to do this: the brush will become hard and unpleasant to the taste.

One stick is usually enough for a month. Sivak is stored in packaging for approximately one year.

Miswak should be used in the mornings and evenings, and after every meal. The eco-brush loves moisture, but you need to be careful to prevent mold from growing on it. Sometimes performs at the siwak white coating, this is completely normal. This powder is natural salt, it is found in the plant.

When purchasing, pay attention to the appearance of the oriental toothpick. It should be light, with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. When cut, it resembles a cut tree, only with aromatic medicinal juice.

Where can I buy?

IN major cities You can buy miswak in regular stores healthy eating and Muslim goods.

But the easiest option is to order chopsticks online. Sivak is sold in Islamic stores, on Ayurvedic portals, and in online stores of environmental goods. One stick costs about 70-120 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and store.

On sale you can find regular and mint miswak, tooth powder, and also miswak toothpaste.

What is good about toothpaste with miswak extract?

Throwing away your favorite toothbrush and switching to some strange stick (even with a rich history) is a brave act. And if you are not quite ready for it yet, there is an intermediate option - miswak paste.

By appearance This is an ordinary toothpaste, just with an extract of the same arac tree. It retains many of the beneficial properties of miswak: it strengthens gums, noticeably whitens enamel, and protects teeth from caries. What are the advantages of this paste?

  1. Natural composition. It contains all those essential oils, tannins and flavonoids for which wood siwak is famous.
  2. Pleasant taste . There is no trace of the “horseradish” taste of the meswak stick here. The product contains extract. As reviews say, miswak toothpaste has a special sweetish tint that children like.
  3. Affordable price . In online stores, such an eco-product costs about 250 rubles.

Dabur miswak toothpaste is usually found on sale; it is the main manufacturer of “miswak” products.

What do the reviews say?

Despite the long history of siwak, dentists' reviews of it are rather cautious. Doctors are sure that the wood stick is not even close to comparable to with a regular brush for its cleaning properties. She will not be able to remove plaque from inner sides s incisors and fangs, but certainly not enough to reach wisdom teeth.

“The miswak stick can be used as an additional means for dental care. Or in conditions where it is impossible to use a regular brush. But to replace it with the classic hygiene procedure under no circumstances,” say dentists. On the other hand, how many centuries have people used miswak, and how many years has classical dentistry been used? The advantage is clearly on the side of the miswak

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I command you to use siwak (the root of the arak tree used to clean teeth), because it has ten wonderful properties: 1) cleans teeth; 2) makes the Lord pleased; 3) angers Satan; 4) whoever uses it is loved by the Merciful Allah and the angels; 5) strengthens gums; 6) promotes the disappearance of mucus; 7) improves the smell in the mouth; 8) extinguishes bile; 9) improves vision; 10) eliminates bad odor from the mouth and stomach. Siwak is sunnah.". Then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Namaz with siwak is seventy times more valuable than prayer performed without its use.”.(Ibn Hajar al-Askalyani).

Sivak (miswak, misuak) - colored yellow, yellow-brown or grey colour a stick used by Muslims to clean teeth and freshen breath. Sivak is made from the roots and branches of Salvadora persica, known to most Muslims under the Arabic name “al-arak” or simply “arak”. This is a remarkable plant that has great importance V Everyday life every Muslim, found wild in the deserts of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Western and South Asia.

The most valued is siwak, made from the roots and branches of trees growing in Saudi Arabia and Yemen, but in those countries or places where this tree is absent or for some reason inaccessible, other plants suitable for this purpose, such as the olive tree, can be used to make siwak. Muslims in Russia in pre-revolutionary times made excellent siwak from licorice roots. A sign of a good siwak is a fairly strong and pleasant smell, taste and flexibility. Sivak allows you to do without toothpaste, and you can use it at any moment, anywhere.

How to use. First you need to scrape off the bark at a distance of 0.5 cm from the end, then chew this place, or break it with a hammer until it turns into a kind of soft brush, then carefully, but not forcefully, wipe the teeth from the outside and inside, along and across. In The Canon of Medicine, Abu Ali Hussein Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina argued that the best tree for making toothpicks is the one that has astringent properties and a burning taste (arak and olive tree). There he also wrote about how to use sivak correctly: “It is also necessary to constantly clean your teeth from what gets stuck in them, without inserting the toothpick deep and far - this harms the gums, loosens the teeth, destroys the shine and enamel of the teeth and predisposes them to the perception of the outflow of vapors that rise from the stomach. If you use a toothpick in moderation, it gives shine to your teeth, strengthens them and your gums, prevents the formation of cavities and imparts a pleasant smell to your breath.”

If sticks from branches or roots have been stored for a long time and have become dry and hard, they should be placed in water for a while, where they will swell and become soft.

After using the siwak, it is advisable to wash it, as the Prophet’s wife ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) did, whose words on this matter are given in one of the hadiths: “The Prophet used the siwak and let me wash it.” When the bristles at the end of the siwak wear out, they need to be cut off and done again.

It is advisable to use Sivak even for those who have no teeth, since this action strengthens the gums and has therapeutic effect for the entire body and, above all, is Sunnah. Sivak contains natural substances that have a variety of effects on the human body. The most important of them are those that have an antibacterial effect, suppressing reproduction equally well pathogenic microbes in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Another, no less important group of tannins prevents bleeding gums. Natural substances contained in the branches and roots of the tree have an effective effect on the oral cavity, preventing the development of periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries and the formation of tartar.

Anyone who is going to brush their teeth with siwak for the first time and massage their gums with it should be prepared for the fact that its taste will seem somewhat harsh, and a burning sensation will arise in the mouth, somewhat similar to that caused by mustard. But this sensation, which is created by the aromatic essential oil, is evidence of the good quality and beneficial effect of the siwak, and one quickly gets used to it. It is believed that as a result of gum massage and simultaneous exposure essential oils, which have a somewhat pungent taste, stimulate active points located in the oral cavity, which regulate the functioning of the ears, eyes, nose, tongue and pharynx. These points also regulate the functioning of the digestive organs and of cardio-vascular system. Siwak massage active points in the oral cavity also helps maintain a clear mind and memory until the last minutes of life.

Thus, only one siwak, used with faith in the soul and with intention on the lips, can replace a large number of medicines for a mere mortal.

The arak tree is a real gift from Allah to people, helping to maintain health, since all its parts contain natural substances that have beneficial effects. therapeutic effect.

A decoction of young branches has anti-fever and anti-ulcer effects.

The leaves of the plant, which taste like mustard, were added to food by local residents as a seasoning and harvested as fodder for camels. The juice of the leaves, which has a local irritating effect, was used externally as a rub for rheumatism, and taken orally, it was considered an antidote to poisons of all kinds.

Sweetish in taste and having a strong aromatic odor, edible fruits replaced local residents sweets, which, moreover, had a healing effect. They served as medicine, stimulant nervous system for depression, they had a diuretic and carminative effect.

The resin, which is abundantly released at the site of damage to the bark of trunks, was used as incense and was part of cosmetics.

In the old days, peoples living in the desert obtained much-needed salt from the ashes.

You should always remember that a siwak is not just a toothbrush, and therefore, before using it, you need to make a mental intention to purify for the pleasure of Allah.

HOME REMEDY● In order to make siwak, you first need to carefully chew the tip of purchased ready-made sticks or suitable sized twigs (for example, an apricot tree or birch) for 5-10 minutes to make it sufficiently plastic. Then use the softened end of the stick to remove plaque from the teeth, to do this, rub each tooth on the outside and inside, the gums around each tooth and carefully massage the entire gums.

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