Home Prevention Mix castor and burdock oil on your hair. Burdock and castor oil for hair strengthening and growth

Mix castor and burdock oil on your hair. Burdock and castor oil for hair strengthening and growth

Castor and Burr oil for eyelashes - this natural products from castor beans and burdock. Due to the content of beneficial microelements, they act on the outer part of the hair and on the follicle, strengthening it and stimulating growth.

Eyelashes are exposed environment: heat, cold, chlorinated water, ultraviolet radiation. Their appearance depends on the quality of nutrition and cosmetics used, the amount of stress, bad habits. Under unfavorable circumstances, eyelashes break and fall out. The skin between your eyelids may dry out and peel. Proper care will eliminate aesthetic imperfections, dryness, excessive loss of eyelashes.

Interesting facts are given in scientific journal“Modern high technology” for 2010. The publication describes a study of the effects of oils on hair growth.

Masks in the form of cutaneous applications were applied to rodents for 14 days. The number of hair follicles increased by 1.5-2 times.

The effectiveness of other drugs was lower.

Which is better: castor or burdock oil

To determine which is better for eyelashes - castor or burdock oil - you need to know the features of their composition and effects.

Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean. It is pressed from fruits consisting of vegetable fats and protein compounds. Valuable components of castor oil:

  • thick ricinoleic acid (more than 80% of the total composition);
  • linoleic acid;
  • oleic acid;
  • stearic acid;
  • linolenic acid.

Castor oil does not dry out and does not form a crust. When interacting with oxygen, it can cause an unpleasant odor. In medicine, it is used as a base for ointments, balms, and as an independent remedy for strengthening hair. Adding aromatic oils interrupts bad smell castor

Burdock is produced from burdock root. It contains:

  • inulin;
  • fatty, essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • protein;
  • bitter, tannins;
  • mineral salts;
  • alkaloids;
  • resin.

In folk and scientific medicine it is used as a drug to strengthen hair.

These simple remedies help strengthen hairs with follicles at home. The choice of product depends on the purpose of use.

Differences between oil properties

Thanks to the manufacturing technology, burdock oil retains its natural properties.

Proteins, or proteins contained in it, penetrate to hair follicles, are absorbed by the skin, forming a film effect.

Tannins help the eyelash not fall out and stay firmly in place. Thanks to proteins, the hair is moisturized and its elasticity improves.

The complex of substances increases blood circulation, restores metabolic processes skin. Castor oil has a softening effect and cares for eyelashes.

Contains saturated fatty acids. They give hairs dark color, nourish from the inside, restore, stimulate growth.

Rules for using castor and burdock oil

Before using burdock, check the body's reaction to the products. Take a drop of the product and apply it to your wrist or inner side elbow for 5-15 minutes. If no changes have occurred on the skin, feel free to use it. Rules for using drugs:

  1. Read the instructions. Pay attention to the expiration date and contraindications. An expired product cannot be used.
  2. Opened oils should be stored according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Tips for using both products:

  • Regular use is important to achieve the effect;
  • apply the product to the eyelashes using a cotton swab or silicone swab. A good alternative is a brush from an old mascara;
  • Apply like mascara, along their entire length. Special attention we give to the roots of the hairs;
  • Remove excess with a cosmetic napkin.

But there are also differences in the method of application.

Castor oil. For prevention, it is used 3 times a week. Apply it for 1 hour. If there are serious problems- eyelashes actively fall out or become severely broken - daily at night. In the morning, rinse your eyes with warm water. It is necessary to ensure that the product does not contain alcohol and does not come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye. Don’t expect immediate results – they will arrive no sooner than in a month. Use the product for 2-3 months, then take a break.

Burr oil. Before application, heat the drug in a water bath or in the microwave to 35 degrees. Apply every day for 20-30 minutes 2 hours before bedtime. If you leave it overnight, you will get a surprise in the form of swelling in the morning. Use the drug for 1.5-2 months.

During treatment, limit the use of decorative cosmetics. Products should fall freely on eyelashes and eyebrows.

Is it possible to combine both types for eyelash growth?

Oils can be mixed. Take them in equal proportions. Due to their thick consistency, they are heated to mix evenly. To give your eyelashes a velvety appearance, add vitamins A and E to the solution. Vitamin E penetrates inside the hair and protects it from drying out and falling out.

Vitamin A deficiency leads to brittle and dull hair. Its use protects eyelashes from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Masks have a beneficial effect on eyebrows, eyelashes, and eyelid skin. There are many recipes.

  1. Take one teaspoon each of castor and burdock oils, add an Aevita capsule. The mixture is used 2-3 times a week. The course consists of 10-12 times. Store the mixture in the refrigerator or at room temperature in a tightly closed bottle.
  2. Take castor oil (1 teaspoon) and 0.5 teaspoon of cognac. Heat the mixture, apply the mask, and leave for half an hour.
  3. A mixture of burdock oil and aloe. The ingredients are taken in a 3:1 ratio. Apply for 2 hours.

Place the prepared mixtures in a bottle from under an old mascara. This is practical for future use.

Eyelashes have more than just aesthetic significance. They protect the eyes from environmental influences. We must carefully monitor their health. The use of castor and burdock oils gives noticeable results.

Due to constant busyness, they are deprived of proper attention, so they appear brittle, dry.

Products sold in stores are not always effective, and they are not cheap. Therefore, you can pay attention to products whose effectiveness has been confirmed by positive reviews from women.

Which is better and healthier for curls?

Both products have restorative properties.

  • Finely chop the root, pour it with sunflower oil, and let it steep for 24 hours.
  • Then put the mixture on low heat, cook for 15 minutes, stirring all the time.
  • Strain the cooled mass to get rid of the remaining burdock.

And for those who don’t want to bother with the tincture, pharmacies sell ready-made product, the price for it is from 80 to 200 rubles.

Comparison of properties

- This is a remedy for those who have brittle, dry, lifeless hair.


  • supplies necessary nutrients;
  • nourishes, moisturizes;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • prevents early baldness;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • eliminates fragility.

Burdock is a universal remedy, since its use has a good effect on the body.

Its use contributes to:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • rapid growth hair;
  • getting rid of itching and dandruff;
  • restoration of hair texture.

Features of application, possibility of mixing

Whether to mix burdock and castor oil or not depends on the result you expect.

For example, if we are talking about strengthening hair follicles, then the combination will only be beneficial.

  • To do this, mix burdock and castor oil in a 2:1 ratio.
  • Heat the resulting mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Once the mixture reaches room temperature, it can be used.
  • After an hour, the product should be washed off with shampoo.

When it comes to strengthening strands, it is better to use burdock oil.

  • Firstly, the combination of in this case will simply be useless.
  • Secondly, burdock has a more liquid consistency and does not weigh down the strands.
  • Thirdly, it is easier to wash off than castor oil. However, in other cases, burdock oil is used in combination with others or vitamins of groups B, E.

Numerous experiences and user observations have shown that results are easier to obtain when alternating oils.

For fast hair growth, try the mask from the following video based on castor and burdock oils.

Masks based on products

A feature that must be taken into account when preparing masks is: Oils can only be heated in a water bath.

You should not expect improvements to follow immediately after the first application. To see results, you must follow all prescription requirements.

Other combinations

    Take burdock and castor oil in equal proportions, mix, heat to a pleasant temperature for the skin and apply with a comb, leave for an hour.

    Then apply a mixture of 1 egg and 1 tbsp to your hair. l. sour cream, leave for another half hour, and then wash off as usual.

    Mix burdock, castor oil and olive oil, taken 1 tbsp. spoon, heat it up. Add 1 tsp to them. vitamins A and E, a few drops of Dimexide.

    Apply the mixture to the curls and thoroughly insulate the head. After 40 minutes, wash off. This is a one-time procedure; if desired, it can be repeated every six months.

This video tells you how to prepare a mask to nourish dry hair with burdock, castor oils, and vitamins:

Precautions, contraindications

Although castor oil is natural, it has contraindications :

  • Pregnancy.
  • Menstruation.
  • Allergy.

To find out whether you have an allergy or not, you need to do a small test: drop some oil on the bend of your elbow and wait for a reaction.

If there are no symptoms such as burning and redness, you can safely use the product.

Burdock is generally a hypoallergenic product. Allergic reaction most often caused by other components of masks, for example, honey, lemon, etc.

Castor oil is used to nourish and restore the structure of dry and brittle hair, burdock to increase blood circulation.

Burdock oil is used for mild form baldness, to strengthen and grow hair.

For many centuries, oils have been plant based used as a hair care product.

Among the huge range of oils, the most effective and safe are castor and burdock oils.

To confirm these facts, you just need to study the characteristics of the products.

Burr oil


Medicinal properties

This type of oil has a huge list of beneficial properties:

  • The natural base of the product helps improve the health of all hair types.
  • The oil helps restore metabolic processes and improve blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Regular use of oil promotes rapid growth and strengthening of hair.
  • Burr oil - the best remedy prevention of hair loss, especially effective in advanced forms.
  • The product has a nourishing, strengthening effect on the skin and hair roots, which in turn eliminates itching, dryness, and dandruff.
  • This product solves the problems of slow growth hairline, hair loss of any stage, hair exhaustion and damage, split ends.

Mode of application

To care for your hair you need to prepare:

  • burdock oil (only natural, without chemical impurities);
  • plastic cap, bag or cling film;
  • quality shampoo and hair conditioner.

The simplest and at the same time extremely effective way to heal strands is a mask based on burdock oil:

  • Wet your hair with warm water. Lightly wipe with a towel (it doesn’t matter if your hair is clean or dirty). Warm the oil to room temperature, using massaging movements with your fingers, distribute the product in an even layer along the length of the hair. Comb oil-treated hair, rubbing it well into the ends. Insulate your head with film and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for at least 1 hour. The head must be insulated so that medicinal properties the oils had the maximum effect. Wash off the oil with shampoo, then use conditioner or hair balm.

Castor oil


Medicinal properties

None of the cosmetologists will definitely answer the question “which oil is better?” Experts believe that castor oil is ideal for caring for eyebrows and eyelashes, and burdock oil for hair on the head, despite the almost identical properties of both products.

However, castor oil is also effective in treating problematic scalp hair.

The oil contains wide range useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. It easily penetrates into every hair follicle, providing intense nutrition.

The structure of the oil is ideal for smoothing out the scales on the hair, giving the hair shine and silkiness. This product is ideal for treating split ends, damaged hair, especially after bleaching or coloring.

The product also effectively copes with itching, flaking of the skin, and removing dandruff.

Mode of application

Simple to prepare, effective mask required:

  • castor oil (only natural product);
  • cling film, plastic hat with towel;
  • quality shampoo;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. pepper tincture;
  • calendula tincture – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. kefir, 1 yolk.

Since castor oil has a viscous consistency, it must be used in conjunction with other products. If castor oil is used in pure form, then first you need to heat it up and make a mask according to the same principle as with burdock oil.

To prevent and treat hair loss, it is necessary to prepare a composition of:

  • lemon juice, pepper, castor oil (1:1:1).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth. Distribute the resulting mixture evenly along the length of the hair, rubbing well into the skin. After you feel a slight burning sensation, the mask must be removed.

To treat dandruff you need:

  • Mix calendula infusion with castor oil. Apply generously to the scalp and remove after 30 minutes.

For the treatment of oily and normal type The composition of hair is suitable together with kefir and egg yolk. The mask is made in the same way as others. However, thanks to the yolk, the mask is removed much faster than the others.

As you have already noticed, burdock oil and castor oil show the same results in home cosmetology. Both types of oil can be used separately or combined together.

Beautiful, thick, long eyelashes are the best frame for our eyes, making them even more expressive. It’s okay that eyelashes aren’t naturally thick and long. Modern beauty salons offer many options for solving this problem: from standard glued eyelashes to extensions using advanced technologies in this area. But all these manipulations, as well as their results, still cannot be compared with natural beauty, natural eyelashes, which, although not so bright, spectacular and eye-catching, are still more valuable.

But what to do if nature has not rewarded you with natural, long, thick eyelashes? There are many ways to improve the situation. How to do it? Use, for example, oils for eyelash growth at home and others natural remedies.

There are, of course, special serums and other products sold in pharmacies, but they are usually very expensive. What about simple ones, inexpensive means, which were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers?

Using oil for eyelashes at home, you will provide them with proper care and strengthening, for example, burdock and. Despite the fact that pharmacies sell a bunch of new eyelash growth products produced by large cosmetic corporations, castor and burdock oils are still popular and relevant because they are accessible, cheap, effective and have no side effects. You can buy oil for eyelash growth at the pharmacy. So, we’ve figured out which oils are the most effective for eyelash growth, now let’s look at how to use them.

How to use burdock oil

Contains burdock oil for eyelash growth there are components such as minerals, proteins and inulins. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the growth and condition of eyelashes. In order to apply burdock oil on them, it is better to use a mascara brush.

The ideal option is to also use a mascara tube and pour oil into it. You just need to thoroughly wash the tube first, rinse it several times and dry it so that nothing remains inside. This will make application much more convenient, because the neck area of ​​the tube is slightly narrowed so that when dipping the brush into mascara, it doesn’t collect too much. The same will happen with the oil, it will not drip, there will be just enough of it on the brushes to carefully apply it to the eyelashes without excess. You can also use a regular cotton swab, but it is not as convenient as a brush.

Can use burdock oil for eyebrow and eyelash growth separately, or add other components and make masks. A mask made from castor and burdock oil is very popular. You can also add vitamin A, purchased in liquid capsules at the pharmacy, to make the effect even stronger. You can also add a little fresh aloe juice to the burdock oil. It also gives a lot good effect, including antiseptic, which will also not be superfluous. It is worth noting that it stimulates hair growth, which is why it is often used to prepare hair masks.

Reviews about the use of oil

If you study the opinions of those who have used burdock oil for eyelash growth, the reviews left on the Internet are overwhelmingly positive. Some may not notice the effect at all, some just a little, but the majority are satisfied. True, such masks need to be made over a long period of time, because in a couple of days, a week or even a month special effect will not be. Although in a month the first results should appear, which will be visible to the woman herself and those around her.

Therefore, when using burdock, reviews should be written after at least 1-1.5 months of its use, and not after 1-2 procedures.

Applications of castor oil

Castor oil for eyelash growth is a natural and safe product, without contraindications, unless there are allergies. How to use castor oil for eyelash growth? For application, you can use a brush for eyelashes and a cotton swab for eyebrows. The oil contains a lot of useful substances; when they get on the skin, they are absorbed, stimulate the hair follicles, and nourish them, so castor oil helps with eyelash growth and accelerates the growth of eyebrows.

Castor oil for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows is also applied to them with a mascara brush. For convenience, you can pour the oil into a clean, empty mascara tube. You can apply them to your eyebrows with a cotton swab and blot them thoroughly. You can mix them with burdock or some other oil, for example.
You can only judge whether castor oil helps eyelash growth by trying this remedy on yourself.

Reviews of castor oil

Castor oil is a classic remedy used to grow and thicken eyelashes. It was used by our grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers, when there were no pharmaceutical cosmetics, all kinds of serums. And it helped them.

When using castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, the reviews of the majority of women who have used it are positive and they are quite satisfied with the results obtained. Of course, the effect is not the same as from false or extended eyelashes, but it still looks very beautiful, especially since everything is natural and natural. These are the reviews from those who have used castor oil for eyelash growth.

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Which oil works best?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question: “Which oil is best for eyelash growth?”, because both oils are quite effective. Therefore, everything is individual, you need to try it, see which oil is more effective, because some people like castor oil more, others like burdock oil, and still others don’t see the difference. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide which oil to apply to your eyelashes for growth. personal experience use of each of them.

This must be done in the evening, about two hours before bedtime. In the morning there won’t be so much time, and during the day not everyone can walk around with oil on their eyebrows and eyelashes, because they need to go to work and get themselves in order.

There should be no makeup on your eyelashes and eyebrows; you need to wash, dry them, and only then apply oil. To enhance the effect, you can warm it up a little in a water bath. This way it will be absorbed into the skin faster and reach the hair follicles.

After two hours, before going to bed, the remaining oil should be removed with a napkin. In the morning, you need to wash your face and apply makeup as usual, if you are using one.

Benefits of using oils at home to improve the growth and thickness of eyebrows and eyelashes

  • It's cheap, accessible, simple.
  • The effect of the procedure is permanent and natural. You don't need to go to the salon every few weeks, as is the case with eyelash extensions, to remove them, or glue and peel them off every morning, as is the case with false ones.
  • It also takes little time to apply and remove oil, so it’s also convenient. Even if you don’t really believe that it will help, why not try making such masks for at least a month? After all, there is nothing complicated, and many people see results after 3-4 weeks of use.

Try both oils and decide which oil helps your eyelash growth. After such an experiment, you will be able to periodically conduct courses to strengthen your eyelashes, and you will always have a magnificent look, framed by thick and long eyelashes.

It has long been believed that the simplest and most effective way give volume and shine to your curls, as well as accelerate growth - regularly and with a sense of proportion, use hair masks with vegetable oils. Owners of luxurious hair do not hide secrets and generously share the most effective recipes masks.

The simplest hair mask with castor and burdock oil

Women have long appreciated the effect of oil masks on their hair. They stimulate curl growth, restore shine and vitality curls. The most effective hair masks are those based on burdock, castor, olive and other oils. If your curls have been permed many times, then you simply need to include masks with oils in your daily hair care system. Thanks to them, the curls are smoothed and restored.

Regular use of even the most simple masks help avoid numerous hair problems at home.

Even if your hair delights others with its shine and volume, this does not mean that masks can be neglected. Quite the opposite.


For the simplest mask, you only need burdock oil. Before using it, you need to warm it up and only then start rubbing it into your hair, starting from the roots. Hide your generously oiled curls under a plastic cap and scarf for two hours and wash off with shampoo.

Unsurpassed effect

To get the desired effect, repeat this procedure after two days. The course consists of 15 – 20 masks depending on the condition of the hair. Agree, this algorithm is very easy to remember and no less easy to follow: two hours – two days – two months.

You will notice the unsurpassed effect of the mask - solo with castor oil. The recipe for the product is similar. For greater therapeutic and preventive effects, the oil is heated for a quarter of an hour in a bathhouse and applied with massage movements to the hair, covered with a plastic cap for an hour. Castor oil is washed off from the curls with a mild shampoo. To avoid a greasy film on your hair, rinse your curls more than thoroughly and rinse after herbal decoction or acidified water.

Hair mask with burdock oil (video)

Mask with birch sap

If you are not satisfied with the specific smell of castor oil, then soften the smell with your favorite essential oil. Use the mask once every two weeks for two months.

The only thing more popular than solo hair masks with oil is a product in which these oils are used in equal quantities.


  • Burdock oil – 1 tsp;
  • Castor oil – 1 tsp;
  • Birch or lemon sap – 2 tsp.

After everything is prepared, we proceed directly to preparing and using the mask.

Mix the oils preheated in a bath and add lemon or Birch juice. Apply to curls, cover with a plastic cap and leave for forty minutes. Afterwards, wash off and rinse with a decoction of herbs.

A course of twenty masks will accelerate growth and strengthen the roots, making the curls soft and fluffy. You will be surprised by the magical transformation of unruly and brittle curls.

Effective hair mask with castor and burdock oil

Despite the fast pace of life and lack of free personal time, more and more contemporaries are using grandmothers’ beauty recipes. Folk recipes distinguished not only by the visible result, but also by the leisurely preparation of cosmetics.

For example, thanks to the familiar and undeservedly forgotten burdock oil:

  1. Blood circulation increases;
  2. Hair nutrition is restored;
  3. The roots are strengthened;
  4. Seborrhea is cured;
  5. Hair growth is stimulated;
  6. The strands and scalp are moisturized;
  7. Lost shine and silkiness are restored.

You can buy this miracle oil in the store or prepare it yourself.


In order to join the magic of creating a product known for its beneficial effects on the scalp and stimulation of hair growth, you will need:

  • Chopped burdock root – 75 g;
  • Sunflower oil – 200 ml.

Mix the ingredients and leave in a warm place for a day. The next step is to cook, stirring, over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then filter and pour into a jar. Rub in the resulting product a couple of hours before washing your hair.

You can add your own ingredients to the recipe of any folk remedy, thereby replenishing the piggy bank of effective remedies.

Mask that accelerates hair growth based on oils


  • Burdock oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Castor oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp;
  • Yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Cognac – 1 tsp.

Mix all ingredients, heat in a bathhouse and apply to curls. Cover with plastic and a warm scarf, leave for a couple of hours, rinse and rinse with slightly acidified water. Regular use of the mask guarantees unsurpassed results!

Despite the obvious effect folk remedies, do not abandon proven modern means hair care. Do not limit yourself and do not put far-fetched prohibitions on the desire for change - this has a harmful effect on the nervous system.

Quick hair mask with burdock and castor oil: a time-tested recipe

The frantic pace of life and everyday worries leave almost no free personal time for charming contemporaries. Therefore, every second is literally worth its weight in gold. When all the housework is done, the husband is passionate about football, and the children are passionate about homework, it’s time for yourself. Using an ultra-fast hair mask, you can strengthen and nourish the roots of your curls and scalp in a matter of minutes. Everything you need can be easily found in the kitchen.


  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Burdock oil – 1 tbsp.

Separate the yolk and mix with oil, heat in a bathhouse, apply to hair. Keep it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with shampoo.

The compositions of the masks are amazing. You can find recipes with pepper and alcohol, mustard, honey and other ingredients.

It is impossible to list all the additives; only the oil base of the mask remains unchanged.

Affordable hair mask with castor and burdock oil: reviews for and against

The completely natural desire to see the effect of a hair mask as quickly as possible can serve as a disservice. Are you expecting the promised effect after the first use? They forgot that the recipe ended with the words “The result will be visible after a course of masks.”

Often it is precisely this forgetfulness and haste that are the reasons negative reviews. More experienced and consistent forum visitors leave reasoned and often grateful reviews.

Don't rush to conclusions!

Hair mask with castor oil (video)

Be patient: the result will be obvious after two months of use. Of course, it is much easier to buy a jar or tube than to mix it yourself, observing the proportions, grinding and heating. But the undeniable advantage of such hair masks is the visible result a year after a course of masks with oil.

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