Home Removal Laennec - what it is, what effect it has on the body. Characteristics and composition of the Japanese drug

Laennec - what it is, what effect it has on the body. Characteristics and composition of the Japanese drug

Laennec (hydrolyzed human placenta) - innovative original medicinal injectable drug.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:
Immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective agent.
Laennec is available in ampoules of 2 ml.

Registration certificate medicine No. 013851/01 dated October 24, 2008

Clinical effects of Laennec:

  • immunomodulatory and immunostimulating effects;
  • antitoxic and powerful hepatoprotective effect;
  • stimulation of tissue regenerative activity;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • antifibrotic effect;
  • increasing the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system;
  • reducing the activity of processes provoked by free radicals;
  • mitigation of radiation effects on humans;
  • the effect of harmonizing the structures and systems of the body.
Laennec regulates activities physiological systems human, stimulating at the cellular level sluggish, stagnant, fading due to various diseases or age-related changes life processes, and, conversely, corrects and reverses pathological conditions.

Composition "Laennec"

The history of the creation of the drug "Laennec"

The use of placenta in medicine in our country began when, in 1934, the Soviet ophthalmologist, professor and founder of the Odessa Medical Institute, Filatov began to use frozen components of the human placenta to treat wounds, burns, and surgical adhesions internal organs

In experiments on plant tissues and the placenta, he found that when frozen, the concentration of biologically active substances in the tissues sharply increases, which can be isolated and used in medicine. This tissue therapy strengthens the body's defenses, activates the body's self-regulation and allows it to successfully resist diseases. During the Second World War, when there was a shortage of wound healing agents, doctors remembered a forgotten method of treating wounds with active substances of the placenta. Of course, in those years this method was not widely used, however, for research in the field of tissue therapy in 1945, Professor Filatov was awarded the Lenin Prize. In the USSR, liquid placenta extract was used to restore the immunity of astronauts.

After the tragedy in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the question effective recovery, for example, such a difficult organ to treat as the liver has become very relevant. In 1953, Japanese scientist Hieda Kentaro developed a unique placental drug for the treatment of the liver.

The medicine still has no analogues in international pharmaceuticals

  1. Cytokines (active sites)
    1. Cell growth factors (36 in total):
      HGF (German hepatocyte growth factor)
      NGF (NGF Nerve Growth Factor)
      EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor)
      FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor)
      CSF (Colony Growth Factor)
      IGF (IGF insulin-like growth factor)
      TGF (TGF transforming growth factor)
      VEGF (VEGF)
    2. Interleukins 1-6, 8, 10, 12
    3. Erythropoietin
    4. Interferon gamma
  1. Amino acids, including essential ones (18 in total)
  2. Nucleosides, nucleotides
  3. DNEA peptide
  4. Glycosaminoglycans
  5. Macronutrients:
  6. Microelements:
    Zn, Br, Si, Fe, Mn, Sc, Se, Cr, V, Cu, Li, B, Co
  7. Vitamins:
    B1, B2, B3, C, D, RR
  8. Enzymes

Indications for use

The drug is used in complex therapy the following diseases:
  • chronic recurrent herpes;
  • moderate and severe atopic dermatitis (including complicated);
As monotherapy for chronic diseases liver:
  • steatohepatitis (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology).


  • hypersensitivity;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.
Difficult natural composition of the drug, first of all, the presence of active centers of growth factors and interleukins, the high bioavailability of its components determine wide range therapeutic effects Laennec and the variety of therapeutic “points of application”.

Production "Laennec"

Japanese scientists developed a truly unique technology for processing placenta in 1954, obtaining a purified, stable and effective drug Laennec. It has been tested for toxicity, pyrogenicity, sterility and viral safety, while the drug retains all low-molecular bioactive components and is free of hormones and stem cells. Careful adherence to the preparation technology of the drug complies with the GMP standard, and the degree of purification allows Laennec to be introduced into the patient’s body different ways: intravenously, intramuscularly and by pharmacocupuncture.


  • The safety of Laennec has been proven by 60 years of experience in Japan.
  • Controlled in Japan State program placental healing.
  • It is supervised and subsidized by the medical department and is the state medical insurance of Japan.

The advantage of Laennec over other drugs

  • Laennec has a significant advantage over chemical drugs due to the absence side effects in the form of various sensitizations, up to medicinal disease and numerous other complications.
  • Experimental and clinical studies The practical harmlessness of Laennec therapy, the absence of adverse effects on the body, and its oncological safety have been established.
  • Laennec therapy does not cause allergies, addiction, and does not have a histamine-like or cumulative effect. It does not reduce, but, on the contrary, increases the antitoxic function of the liver.

Benefits of Laennec therapy:

  • Rich component composition(more than 300 components, cytokines, interleukins, interferon, amino acids, etc.), which provides a complex of clinical effects.
  • Natural composition, “recognizability” by cells, authenticity. The basis of Laennec is a complex of biomolecules (not a cell), which cannot be created artificially.
  • Laennec contains all homologous biofactors and biomolecules healthy tissue and when entering organs and tissues, they realize the replenishment effect, i.e. eliminate the deficiency of biocomponents resulting from exposure to pathogenic factors, eliminating disturbances at the molecular and biochemical levels.
  • Potentiation of effects in complex therapy.

Laennec pharmacopuncture administration

Biologically active points, - This special zones on the surface of the skin. Diseased organs send signals to biologically active points, which become painful. During exposure to these points, healing signals are sent back.
Pharmacopuncture (biopuncture, pharmacopuncture) is a comprehensive method therapeutic effects on the body by injection medicines to biologically active points of the human body.

The effectiveness of pharmacopuncture is due to the fact that it organically and synergistically combines:

  1. Reflex impact.
    The impact is carried out on biologically active points (projections of internal organs, trigger points, traditional points of Chinese medicine).
  2. Energy action of the point.

Traditional medicine

The injection method of administering drugs is borrowed from traditional medicine, treatment is carried out only on the basis of diagnosis and clinical examination in best traditions official medicine.
Laennec, when introduced into biologically active points, systemically affects the body, regulating the activity of human physiological systems, stimulating at the cellular level sluggish, stagnant, life processes fading due to various diseases or age-related changes, and, conversely, corrects and reverses pathological conditions.

RHANA Corporation

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Monday Friday

The Japanese drug "LAENNEK" is successfully used not only in cosmetology, but also in therapy. It is considered one of the best among those aimed at restoring the liver, as well as healing and rejuvenating the entire body.

Features of the drug "LAENNEK"

The drug, created on the basis of the placenta, contains more than 50 essential components that dissolve in water. The most important are 18 amino acids.

The product is administered:

  • drip,
  • intramuscularly,
  • intravenously.

LAENNEK injections are considered to be the most effective.

A drug injected into the blood or muscles with the placenta is capable of:

By using modern drug You can even successfully correct your biological age.

How to start treatment?

Placental therapy is carried out for patients over 18 years of age as prescribed by a doctor.

You must first undergo an examination.

It includes:

  1. Checking the level of indicators such as TSH, ALT, AST, GSH, urea and uric acid, creatinine, glucose, bilirubin, iron, vitamin D.
  2. Study of the lipid spectrum.
  3. Clinical analysis blood with reticulocytes, leukocyte formula and ESR.
  4. Ultrasound abdominal cavity.

Rejuvenation with LAENNEK

It has long been known that rejuvenation is a complex process. Youth is evidenced not only by a toned face without wrinkles, but also by such indicators as the beauty of the whole body, agility, endurance, strength, reaction speed and mobility. How to stimulate physical activity and not just look young, but be young? Use a placental drug that literally triggers cell renewal processes.

Use of the drug in cosmetology

Placenta containing the drug demonstrates effectiveness in eliminating problems such as:

  • pigmentation,
  • herpes,
  • atopic dermatitis, etc.

The drug, created on the basis of the placenta, is able to effectively retain moisture in the cells.

Do not forget that skin color largely depends on the condition of the liver. If there are problems with it, it is simply impossible to eliminate the unpleasant complexion. Injections with the drug allow you to get rid of it once and for all.


A drug based on placenta in droppers is successfully used for lifting.

Injections of LAENNEK have a powerful effect.

It allows:

  • improve skin condition,
  • get rid of wrinkles.

After a course of injections you will also notice:

  • normalization of detoxification processes,
  • strengthening immune system,
  • improved mood.

You are guaranteed to feel better and forget about stress.

Course of therapy

The introduction of the placental drug "LAENNEK" is based on multiple exposures. A course of procedures is required.

  1. Dosage for single administration: 1-2 ampoules.
  2. Duration of the course of administration of the drug "LAENNEK": 5-12 procedures.
  3. Frequency: up to two times a week.
  4. Duration: from half an hour to an hour (determined by the area of ​​drug administration).

The LAENNEK injection procedure is painless and does not cause significant discomfort. The product is injected into biologically active points using standard needles.

After injections, small lumps remain on the skin in the affected area, which quickly dissolve.

Many diseases can weaken a person's immune system. First of all, these are autoimmune pathologies, dermatological infections, and the herpes virus. To improve immune status and activate T cells, doctors prescribe Laennec.

The described drug "Laennec" is produced by the Japanese manufacturer Japan Bio Products. It comes in the form injection solution. The medicine is a yellow to brownish liquid with an unpleasant odor.

The main active component of the drug is the hydrolyzate of the human placenta. Two milliliters of solution contain 112 mg of active substance. The following additional substances were used:

  • purified water;
  • hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide as acidity correctors.

The manufacturer produces the medicine in glass ampoules Brown. The secondary package contains 10 ampoules. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. Before using the solution, you need to make sure the container is sealed.

Pharmacological properties

An extract from human placenta is an immunomodulator that stimulates humoral immunity. The medicine increases the activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells, which are responsible for the immune response. The placental drug enhances the bactericidal effect of leukocytes present in the peripheral blood, which leads to the destruction of the causative agent of the disease.

The placental fluid contains natural cytokines, which are responsible for activating the metabolic and supervisory functions of cells.

In addition to immunomodulatory, the drug has a hepatoprotective effect. Extract from biological fluid contains active substances, which stimulate the regeneration of liver cells, triggering the detoxification function of the organ. Due to this, fat deposition is reduced and cholesterol production in liver cells is minimized. In addition, metabolism in the liver is activated, the intensity of tissue respiration increases, and the rate of growth is inhibited connective tissue in the organ.

The pharmacokinetic properties of the drug cannot be assessed due to the fact that it consists of natural components that are present in the human body.

Indications and contraindications for use

The drug "Laennec" is used by doctors of various specialties. Most often, drug prescriptions are found in dermatology and immunology. The main indications include:

  • chronic form herpetic infection, including at the stage of relapse;
  • atopic dermatitis of various origins, including those complicated by other infections;
  • liver pathology of any etiology ( alcohol intoxication, metabolic disorders, systemic deviations).

Laennec has been used in cosmetology relatively recently. Beauty industry experts claim that extracts from the placenta can get rid of facial wrinkles and restore youth and beauty to the skin. This use of the drug is now popular in many aesthetic medicine clinics.

However, despite its effectiveness, the drug has a number of contraindications that limit its use. These include:

  • individual reactions to the components of the drug;
  • age restrictions, due to the lack of clinical use in pediatrics;
  • pregnancy at all stages of gestation;
  • lactation period.

Laennec should be used with caution in patients with proven cross-allergy to medications. In addition, it is worth limiting use in old age.

Instructions for use "Laennec"

Depending on the nature and type of pathology, the drug has different dosage regimens. The medicine is administered intravenously by drip into pure form or together with isotonic solutions. The dosage of the drug is prescribed to the patient individually, based on the severity of the disease and individual characteristics body.

How to start treatment

First of all, you should know that Laennec is a prescription medication, the prescription of which requires consultation with a specialist.

Mode of application

The maximum doses of the active substance depend on the disease and the individual characteristics of each patient. The drug is usually administered intravenously. Injection into the muscle is very rarely used.

Dosage regimen and drug overdose

The dosage of the drug is determined by the disease.

  1. Treatment of herpetic eruptions, dermatological manifestations.

For these diseases, the placental drug “Laennec” is administered intravenously. In order to prepare a solution for administration, one ampoule active component(10 ml) diluted with 500 ml of 5% glucose solution or 0.9% sodium chloride. Typically, the drug is dripped through the system over two hours. The rate of administration of the medicine is regulated by the attending physician. The therapeutic course of treatment is ten days with an interval of two days.

  1. Treatment of liver diseases.

Functional liver disorders of various origins require precise dosage selection. The drug "Laennec" for such pathologies can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously.

Intramuscularly, Laennec is used in its pure form without dilution. The injection solution is administered 2 ml per day. Depending on the severity of the disease, maximum dosage can be increased to 6 ml. The therapeutic dose is divided into several injections. If you give the injection once, there is a likely risk of subcutaneous infiltration.

Intravenous administration requires dilution of Laennec with glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution. The drug is diluted with 250 ml of solvent and injected dropwise into a vein. An IV with Laennec is placed for several hours. Injections must be given daily for 21 days.

Course and treatment regimen

As a rule, drug therapy lasts from one to three weeks. The drug treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually. For herpetic rashes (genital herpes, chicken pox) the medicine must be injected according to the following schedule: 3 days a week, for liver diseases - daily.

Laennec is used to treat facial skin in aesthetic medicine. Behind last years The skin plasma lifting procedure has gained popularity. The method of introducing the active substance under the skin is carried out by a doctor with appropriate accreditation and experience. "Laennec" leads to the regeneration of skin cells, which gives a rejuvenating effect.

The drug is injected directly under the skin into problem areas. The effectiveness of the procedure can be assessed after completing a course of treatment. The number of injections ranges from 10 to 15.

Patients note that the face becomes healthy looking, the skin tightens, and facial wrinkles become less pronounced. The procedure is designed to help rejuvenate epidermal cells for people with early manifestation sagging skin.

Results and effectiveness of the drug

Expert opinions on this issue are divided. Most dermatologists believe that the medicine is a panacea of ​​new times that can help patients with atopic dermatitis. Others argue that Laennec is no more than a placebo. They note that the drug has no clinically proven effectiveness.

However, Laennec underwent re-registration several times. In addition, there is great amount opinions of foreign doctors who speak only positively about the medicine.

Side effects

As a rule, the medicine is well tolerated by patients. Adverse reactions occur in only 5% of all cases. The most common side effects:

  • hypersensitivity reactions, which can manifest as redness, itching, swelling of the extremities. The most rare allergic reaction is anaphylactic shock(0.5% of all cases);
  • pain and swelling at the injection site during palpation;
  • gynecomastia.

Special instructions and precautions

When prescribing the drug, contraindications, age, condition of the patient and possible chemical interactions are taken into account.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

"Laennec" is contraindicated in all trimesters of pregnancy and lactation. The use of the drug is possible according to indications after assessing the risk and benefit parameters for the mother and child.

Use of the drug in children and the elderly

The drug "Laennec" is not contraindicated for older people, but its use in citizens over 65 years of age must be under the strict supervision of medical personnel.

Administration of the drug in pediatrics is not practiced due to insufficient clinical information on tolerability in this group of patients.

Compatibility with other drugs

The medicine must not be mixed with chemical compounds, which are alkali in composition, due to a decrease in the effectiveness of Laennec.

The drug is compatible with 5% glucose solution and 0.9% saline solution.

Data about others drug interactions There is no medicine with other substances.

Compatibility with alcohol

There is no reliable data on the compatibility of Laennec with alcohol, however, there is the possibility of cross-action, so the consequences for the body cannot be assessed.

Information about the possible effect on the ability to operate transport mechanisms

The medicine does not have any detrimental effect on the psyche and capacity of a person, therefore driving a vehicle cannot be contraindicated when using Laennec.

Conditions for release from pharmacies and storage

The drug "Laennec" refers to drugs prescription, therefore, to purchase it you need a prescription from your doctor. You cannot carry out therapy yourself due to the risk of side effects.


The Japanese drug has no analogues in its chemical composition. We can only single out medications that have a similar effect on the human body. Popular medicines:

  • "Galstena";
  • "Maksar";
  • "Livolin forte";
  • "Karsil";
  • "Hepatosan".

The listed drugs have absolutely different composition and cannot replace Laennec. An analogue of Laennec, such as Phosphogliv, has pronounced hepatoprotective activity, but is not used for dermatitis.

If it is impossible to purchase Laennec, you must consult your doctor about permission to replace it with another drug.

Modern pharmaceutical companies regularly release new enhancement products protective functions body. Such immunomodulatory drugs make it possible to overcome various diseases on the most early stage and prevent them further development. One of the most effective and efficient among such medications was the medicine Laennec.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, the product also has other unique properties. For example, it slows down the aging process of cells, helps fight insomnia and stress, improves the functioning of all internal organs, and, in addition, quickly restores liver function. It is important to note that the main active substance The medicine became the human placenta. This unique composition explains the rather high price of the drug.

As you know, a “children’s place” contains many useful substances. For example, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, necessary for the child for normal growth and development. This allows the placenta to become the main component of cosmetic and medicinal products. Of course, before use, the unique organ (in fully mature form) is sent for careful medical examination and, if in all respects it is suitable for creating the right drug, - for special processing.

Since Laennec is currently produced exclusively in Japan, placenta donors for its production become exclusively Asian. The “children’s place” for the production of the drug is taken from absolutely healthy women who managed to independently give birth to a child at term. After numerous tests and studies, the placenta is cleared of proteins and hormones, and is also divided into tiny particles. Only then, based on certain of them, the drug Laennec is made. By the way, ready-made product has practically no side effects. Therefore, it mostly receives positive reviews, even despite the high price.

Release form and composition

The medicine is available in a single form - as an injection solution. It is a transparent liquid of a yellowish tint, which can be either light yellow or brown, with a specific odor. The product is bottled into dark glass ampoules (2 ml each), and then packaged in cardboard packs of 10 pieces. You can purchase goods at a pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription. The medication is not intended for independent use. An IV is required to administer Laennec. The procedure should be performed by an experienced medical professional.

As noted above, the main active ingredient of the drug Laennec (Japan) was the hydrolyzate of the human placenta. One ampoule contains 112 mg. Are present in the medicine and additional ingredients. Among them:

  • hydrochloric acid to adjust pH levels;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • more than 40 minerals (phosphorus, zinc, sulfur and others);
  • various vitamins;
  • 18 amino acids;
  • about 100 enzymes;
  • interleukin complex;
  • 11 cellular growth factors.

Today it will not be possible to find any other drug with a similar composition on sale. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the product has no analogues.

Instructions for use

It will not be enough to simply study the instructions for use for the Laennec medication before using it. In addition, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the doctor’s individual recommendations for each patient. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug yourself at home (this can lead to the opposite effect and only worsen the person’s condition).

In what cases should it be used?

In Japan, USA, South Korea and some other countries, Laennec has been used for many years. In Russia it began to be used recently. Most often it is used by domestic doctors for treatment of liver diseases. After all, the active substances from the solution can quickly restore organ cells and slow down the accumulation of cholesterol and fats in them. In addition, the ingredients of the drug stop the proliferation of connective tissue in the liver parenchyma, improve metabolism and fight toxins. Laennec not only restores an organ damaged by the disease, but also generally contributes to general intoxication of the body.

In addition to chronic liver diseases, there are other indications for use of the drug:

The placental remedy under discussion activates the “dormant” cells of the body. As a result, its general renewal and rejuvenation occurs. After just a few droppers, patients notice a surge of vigor, improved skin condition and other favorable changes.

As you can see, the list of diseases that can be treated with the drug Laennec is very impressive. Besides, the solution is used for healing minor damage skin and diseases skin. After therapy with its use, wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes more hydrated, elastic and firm. The oval of the face is also corrected, acne and all kinds of rashes go away.

In addition, women in reviews note that the skin becomes moisturized, wrinkles smooth out, and disappear. dark spots and uneven tone, the oval of the face becomes more corrected, acne and other rashes disappear.

A couple of years ago, experts found out that the product is capable of returning sexual desire, improve potency. It regulates violations menstrual cycle and successfully treats many male diseases.

How to use?

The dosage of the medication and the duration of treatment depend on many factors. First of all, it depends on what problem the patient came to the specialist with. But in any case, before starting therapy, the doctor will do an allergy test. This allows you to find out how the drug will affect the body and prevent anaphylactic shock.

If Laennec is prescribed for recurrent herpes or atopic dermatitis, then 10 ml of the medication is dissolved in 250 or 500 ml of dextrose, and then administered to the patient intravenously using a dropper. The procedure takes on average 1.5–2 hours. Injections are repeated 3 times a week. The entire course of therapy lasts no more than a month. In some cases, patients are prescribed intramuscular injection medicine. This does not reduce its effectiveness.

For chronic liver diseases, 2 ml of the drug is enough for one administration. True, in this case the medicine will need to be used much more often - 2-3 times a day.

IN for cosmetic purposes a course of use of the drug usually consists of 5–10 procedures. No more than 2 ampoules of medication are used in one session. It is allowed to repeat the procedure 1-2 times per week. Anesthesia is not required when administering the solution. If lumps or bruises form at the injection site after the injection, this should not frighten the patient; they will resolve on their own in a few days.

Experts note that it is most important to start using Laennec for the purpose of rejuvenating and healing the body from the age of 35. Regular courses of therapy will help the patient to significantly prolong his youth and maintain beauty.


Laennec solution also has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug:

  • In case of individual intolerance to any of its components;
  • Under the age of 18;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

People should use this medication with extreme caution with polyvalent allergies for medicines, and, in addition, for men and women in old age. As you can see, the drug under discussion has a minimal list of contraindications. Patients very often call this one of the main advantages of the medication in their reviews.

Currently, there are no recorded cases of drug overdose. As for side effects, it is extremely rare that patients report minor painful sensations, as well as itching, redness and slight numbness at the injection sites.

According to ancient legend, the philosopher's stone turns any substance into gold. Many scientists of the Middle Ages devoted their lives to its unsuccessful search.

The Japanese picked up the baton of alchemists. And judging by the outstanding results, they still managed to discover the philosopher's stone. This is a hydrolyzed placenta "Laennec" (Laennec Placenta Extract) - an extremely effective stimulator of vital energy, created on the basis of the placenta.

It safely rejuvenates, renews and heals the body from the inside:

    • strengthens your own immunity,
    • restores the liver and promotes general detoxification of the body,
    • has a powerful lifting effect,
    • significantly refreshes the quality of the skin,
    • systematically improves the functioning of all internal organs,
    • normalizes blood viscosity and thereby serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes,
    • relieves stress and insomnia, general tension;
    • effectively affects organs pelvis and synthesis of sex hormones, eliminates frigidity and sexual weakness.

You already know that happiness is not determined by money. You already realized that after a certain level, a passionate desire to be healthy and live long appears to enjoy what you have achieved. This is precisely the problem that Laennec solves.

In a sense, Laennec can be compared to vitamins. However, even the most “advanced” vitamins contain no more than 30 artificially synthesized elements, which are absorbed by a maximum of 80%.

This unique composition has a diverse effect on humans.

Placenta Laennec is used worldwide to treat more than 80 different diseases

    • allergies and asthma,
    • prostate adenoma,
    • hair loss,
    • symptoms of menopause, especially in women who refuse HRT,
    • male menopause,
    • metastases,
    • metabolic disorders, enuresis,
    • high and low blood pressure,
    • ulcers and stomach cancer,
    • effectively heals wounds, fights keloid scars,
    • chronic fatigue,
    • painful menstruation,
    • infertility,
    • ovarian dysfunction,
    • skin diseases,
    • constipation,
    • neuralgia, migraines and neuroses,
    • anemia,
    • osteochondrosis, etc.

At Platinental, we achieve amazing aesthetic results using Laennec IVs for preoperative patient preparation and rapid postoperative rehabilitation.

Why has Laennec gained such recognition in world medicine? Not only for its rich composition.

We all know that when taking medications, other organs suffer in one way or another. And we “by default” accept these rules of the game.

Being a new generation product, Laennec is radically different from drugs! This drug is very High Quality possessing intelligence. “Laennec” itself finds weak links in the body and takes measures to eliminate them. So he shows excellent treatment results various diseases without causing any harm!

Nonsense, you say? Rave?

Are you smiling skeptically because there is no cure for all diseases?

Let's look at the facts.

Have you noticed that the higher you climb the mountain of success, the fewer competitors there are around? On this difficult path, many competitors “burn out”: they develop neuroses, become drunkards, and exhaust their strength with artificial stimulants.

Only the healthiest and smartest are at the top of the world. Those who take full advantage of the achievements modern medicine for your own benefit.

The secret of Laennec's effectiveness is in its production

The production of Laennec is based on a whole philosophy.

Thus, the placenta for the drug is taken only after prosperous natural childbirth But this is not the only condition. It is important that the pregnancy is desired by both parents, and that the born child is full-term and healthy.

To ensure safety, the placenta undergoes many tests at different stages of its processing. The finished placental extract is additionally subjected to sterilization.

Donors who consented to the use of the placenta are healthy and are monitored by a doctor throughout the pregnancy. Subsequently, they are under close medical supervision for several years and are regularly tested for infections.

Placental IVs Laennec

Different methods are used to administer Laennec:

    • intravenous;
    • intramuscular;
    • injections mesotherapy method to acupuncture points.

Droppers are considered the most effective.

Laennec droppers affect problem areas of the body at the cellular level.

Placenta-based drugs improve heart function and increase calcium absorption (which is especially important during the period after menopause), stimulate insulin production and metabolic processes, and prevent the deposition of salts and cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Laennec restores vitality, performance, psychological resilience and significantly improves quality of life.

In fact, Laennec droppers awaken the body's reserves, stimulate the active synthesis of enzymes and hormones, thereby reducing your biological age.

What is needed to start treatment

Placental therapy is carried out after reaching 18 years of age as prescribed by a doctor.

The examination includes:



The effectiveness of Laennec in rehabilitation after plastic surgery

According to various sources, over the past 10 years the number plastic surgery increased several thousand times. The availability of aesthetic surgery has raised the issue of rapid rehabilitation.

The effectiveness of "Laennec" for the correction of aesthetic problems proven clinical trials . The complex composition of the placenta causes active movement of growth factors to the area of ​​damage and accelerates healing by 15%.

Laennec effect in detoxification

"Laennec" today earned himself the reputation of an unsurpassed hepatoprotector– means of treating and strengthening the liver. It removes waste and toxins from the body and mobilizes the body's defenses.

The drug is used to treat various hepatitis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver damage, normalize fat metabolism in the liver in case of excess weight.

Rejuvenation "Laennec"

Rejuvenation is a complex process. It’s not just our toned face that speaks of youth. Mobility, activity, flexibility, strength, reaction speed - the body's internal resources also need to be recharged.

Do you live in the city? Then you are familiar with insomnia, stress, gas pollution, chronic lack of sleep, eating on the go, headache, allergies... In combination with alcohol and smoking, these factors contribute to early aging. They literally kill the immune system, dry out the skin, and lead to chronic fatigue, wear out the body.

The components of the placenta in Laennec are a rare case when one medicine helps in treating the syndrome big city. They activate and nourish their own strength of the body, returning it to a state of youth.

Even one Laenek procedure triggers the renewal of body cells. Sick, defective, worn out, old and damaged are replaced. It is also important that Laennec does not allow the division of such defective cells. Thus, Laennec not only rejuvenates, it effectively prevents the appearance of tumors and slows down the growth of cancerous formations.

"Laennec" in cosmetology

"Laennec" is effective against psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, herpes, acne, age skin pigmentation.

For intensive hydration, another unique property of the placenta is used - it retains water in the skin in a volume six times greater than the volume of the injected drug.

But these are not all the advantages of the new drug. It turns out that the color of our skin is largely determined by the condition of the liver. In this case, the unpleasant shade cannot be affected cosmetic procedures. Only Laennec, acting simultaneously on the liver and skin, is guaranteed to return our face to the color of spring sakura.


"Laennec" - lifting

"Laennec" is used in droppers for tightening the skin of the whole body.

The drug has a powerful effect: noticeably improves the quality of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, increases its elasticity and hydration, and lightens age spots.

Facial mesotherapy shows an equally pronounced lifting and strengthening effect on the skin.

The Platinental Aesthetic Lounge clinic is the official partner of the RHANA Medical Corporation in Russia.

Price "Laennec"

The cost of a course of placental IVs is determined individually and depends on the nature of your disease.

To find out how much the Laennec course costs for standard diseases, visit the clinic’s price list.

The most popular, preventive, course "Laennec" is carried out 2 times a year (autumn and spring), consists of 5 procedures 2 times a week.

"Laennec" is the shortest way to make an accurate Swiss chronometer from your body.

To undergo the Laennec procedure, please call +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16 in Moscow and (+7 843) 236-66-66 in Kazan.

Or make an appointment online and receive 30% discount for a consultation! Or buy

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