Home Tooth pain Accessible environment is state-owned. State program "Accessible environment" for people with disabilities

Accessible environment is state-owned. State program "Accessible environment" for people with disabilities

As many as 9% of the total population of Russia, which is almost 150 million, have the status of disabled people, and a considerable part have been disabled since childhood. The state is trying to adapt and integrate these people into modern society.

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In 2008, the government initiated the development of the “ Accessible environment”, which should perform inclusive functions regarding disabled people in Russia.

It was extended until 2020, and accordingly, is valid in 2019. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what the government program is. Russian Federation“Accessible environment” in 2019.

general information

The inclusion of disabled people in a society of healthy people involves not only the development of a reconstruction plan, but also rehabilitation programs that involve the improvement of the health of people with special needs.

In addition, the program also involves the purchase of special equipment for health and educational institutions, which will allow a disabled person to exist without problems in the most ordinary and frequently visited public places.

The program also involves the creation or reconstruction rehabilitation centers, and already now maternal capital can be used for the needs of disabled children.

But on final stages The results are monitored and analyzed. Based on the results of the work done, future policies regarding persons with disabilities will be determined.

The government appointed the Russian Ministry of Labor as the executor of the program, which has the right to coordinate the work of other structures, for example, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Education and Social Insurance.

What is it (official website)

The website of the “Accessible Environment” program provides an opportunity for people with disabilities and all persons interested in changes to familiarize themselves with international regulations on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as the conditions of the inclusive program.

In addition, if a disabled person wants to find an accessible facility for his needs that is equipped with all necessary conditions and services, he can use the facility accessibility map, which works throughout Russia.

Having selected a specific subject of the Russian Federation, you need to determine the type of institution the person is interested in, and if he is looking for a specific place, he can enter its name and check the level of adaptation.

Photo: official website of the state program Accessible environment

If a person is not satisfied with something, he has questions or suggestions, he can call hotline, where operators work, promptly informing on any issues.

Using the site will be comfortable for visually impaired people, because in its header there is a button that activates a special mode.

In addition, people who do not have disabilities, but communicate or live with such citizens, can learn the basics of sign language, a video course for which is also available on the website. The resource is available here.

How many parts is the set of activities from 2011-2020 divided into?

The adaptation program for people with disabilities is divided into several parts, according to the years, each of them involves solving any problems or carrying out activities that should improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Period Tasks
2011-2012 Creation legislative framework, which allows both to implement the necessary measures provided for by the program and to resolve the issue of attracting investments in specific objects in need of finance
2013-2015 Preparation of material resources, financed from the federal budget. Activities include the preparation of rehabilitation centers, the acquisition of technical means for them, as well as special equipment for institutions in the healthcare sector and educational institutions
2016-2018 During this period, the main objectives of the program must be implemented, and the degree of implementation of all stated goals and priorities must be monitored. This stage also involves adjusting the departments responsible for the work, as well as the performers
2019-2020 Information about the work done is collected, as well as interim results are summed up and analyzed. It is working with information that allows you to think through plans to create conditions for people with disabilities in the future

What problems should the project solve?

The “Accessible Environment” project was conceived for the full integration of people with disabilities into society, so that they:

  • felt like full-fledged people;
  • did not feel rejection or misunderstanding from other people.

Among the tasks, it can be noted that, first of all, it is planned to change the attitude towards services in Russia, so that any services can be used equally successfully by both healthy people and disabled people.

In addition, the program should create conditions for people with disabilities to receive medical care free of charge in full, like the rest of the population.

Disabled people must be provided with jobs, and for this program it is necessary to think through the issues of their training, advanced training, as well as the creation special conditions at your future place of work.

In addition, “Accessible Environment” should increase the objectivity of commission members when a disabled person passes medical and social examination.

Legal basis

The state program “Accessible Environment”, the document of which is an order of the Russian Government in 2008, was developed on the basis of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in 2006.

It soon became clear that it would not be possible to work through the entire program within the established time frame, and in order to make this possible, as well as improve the quality of the changes, the Government issued two more corrective documents.

This is Government Order 1365 of 2014, as well as Resolution number 1297, which came into force at the end of 2015.

Main aspects of the state program Accessible environment for people with disabilities

The state program has certain aspects that stipulate what the authorities need to do to adapt people with disabilities, as well as what should be relied on when determining priority tasks.

So, the program has the following aspects:

Revision and addition of legislative norms Regarding improving the standard of living and its quality for people with disabilities, for example increasing subsidies
Infrastructure development For people with disabilities
Collection and study of citizens' opinions Regarding the inclusion (adaptation) of people with disabilities
Increasing the number of social facilities Persons cared for by disabled people
Training of specialists For work by physically disabled people
Encouraging people with disabilities to work with government agencies
Employment People with needs
Procurement for medical institutions Special equipment

Existing routines

The state program “Accessible Environment” in education and other areas is a fairly capacious and complex project.

Therefore, it was divided into separate segments to not only make the objectives more specific, but also to simplify reporting and discussion.

To do this, we created three subprograms that specialize, although similar, but slightly different points:

Subroutine Details
Improving government services for people with disabilities Creating all conditions for free access to authorities, increasing the level of service in government institutions. The task is also to identify problems of people with disabilities that can be solved both at the federal and local levels
Improving the adaptation of people with disabilities Encouraging the production of equipment and household items, as well as introducing incentive laws
Improving the quality of medicine Refinement and approval of more objective assessment criteria for the procedure for medical confirmation of disability, as well as monitoring the quality and efficiency of assistance to such people

Who provides the financing?

In the process of implementing the program for people with disabilities, both federal and local budgets are used, that is, there is a financing scheme in which funds are allocated whenever possible without placing an excessive burden on one source.

There are also special rules that are used to allocate federal funds:

Implementation procedure

According to 2017 statistics, there are about 15 million people with disabilities in Russia, which is 10% of the total population. This is hard to believe, since it is rare to meet a disabled person in public places. The reason for this is the infrastructure of Russian cities, which is absolutely not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The Government of the Russian Federation intends to correct this situation with the help of the federal program “Accessible Environment”. Let us consider what the main objectives and stages of this program are, as well as what results have been achieved to date.


The authorities became concerned about creating comfortable living conditions for people with disabilities after Russia signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in September 2008. In the same year, the government adopted, which became the starting point of the “Accessible Environment” program. Later, the program was extended more than once, and the last one acting in relation to it normative document is (as amended on November 09, 2017).

Timing of the program

According to the latest resolution, the total implementation period of the program is 2011-2020. It includes 4 stages.

  1. Preparation of the legislative framework in the period from 2011 to 2012.
  2. Formation of the material base from 2013 to 2015. This implies additional equipment of public facilities with special devices for people with disabilities, construction of rehabilitation centers, their technical equipment, etc.
  3. The years 2016-2018 will see the implementation of the main objectives of the state program, which we will consider later.
  4. From 2020 to 2020, a period of summing up the work done and developing further directions for development is planned.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Development was appointed as the body responsible for the phased implementation of the state program. Among other participants Pension Fund, Foundation social insurance, ministries of education, sports, housing, finance and other departments. Of course, the activities and initiatives of regional authorities are also important.

Goals and objectives of the “Accessible Environment” program

The main goal of the program is to improve the quality of life of disabled people and their integration into society. Its implementation is planned by achieving the following objectives.

  1. Creating an accessible environment for people with limited mobility to vitally needed facilities and services of urban infrastructure.
  2. Providing accessible rehabilitation and habilitation (formation of new skills) services for citizens with disabilities. The same task implies access to educational services and employment.
  3. Increasing the transparency of the work of ITU experts and the objectivity of the decisions they make.

A budget of 401 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of the assigned tasks. In particular, in 2020 it is planned to spend over 45 billion rubles. The sources for forming the program budget are the federal budget and state extra-budgetary funds.

Based on each of the above tasks, separate subroutines have been compiled.

Subroutine No. 1

The first subprogram is aimed at assessing the existing level of accessibility for people with disabilities of vital urban facilities, as well as creating conditions for its improvement.

The activities within this subprogram include the following.

  1. Design of new buildings and modernization of existing ones taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. These are ramps and elevators for free movement sedentary citizens, creation of additional banners that simplify the search for the desired object, etc. Not only government departments, but also residential buildings under construction need to be adapted to the capabilities of people with disabilities.
  2. Installation of traffic lights and stops with sound on the streets.
  3. Equipment public transport retractable ramps and the introduction of new units with reduced level floor.
  4. Providing disabled children with the opportunity to receive education on an equal basis with other peers. This concerns not only the creation of a barrier-free environment, but also the technical provision of schools with equipment for the physical and psychological recovery of children (simulators, computers for children with hearing and visual impairments, sensory rooms for relaxation, etc.). It is equally important to have on staff educational institution psychologists who provide support to a disabled child when problems arise in communicating with peers.
  5. Financing of sports institutions whose activities are aimed at the development of adaptive physical education and Paralympic sports.
  6. Conducting cultural events involving the participation of persons with disabilities.
  7. Introduction of sign language translation into broadcasts of the main Russian TV channels.

A budget of 35 billion rubles is planned for the implementation of subprogram No. 1.

Subroutine No. 2

The second subprogram is aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of rehabilitation and habilitation services for people with disabilities. Another important goal is to create conditions for them to receive professional training and further employment on an equal basis with those citizens who do not have health limitations.

A number of activities are planned to achieve these goals.

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities and creating an industry for the production of specialized goods in accordance with them.
  2. Opening of centers focused on general rehabilitation of disabled people through drug treatment and sanatorium-resort services, as well as medical habilitation in the form of reconstructive surgery and prosthetics.
  3. Introduction to educational program lessons aimed at developing an adequate perception of children with disabilities by other peers.
  4. Organization joint events social authorities protection and employment centers for professional training of citizens who, due to health problems, have lost the opportunity to work in their previous specialty.
  5. Incentivizing employers with tax incentives to create jobs for people with disabilities.

Funding in the amount of 33.5 billion rubles is provided for the implementation of these goals.

Subprogram No. 3

The third subprogram is aimed at increasing the objectivity of ITU decisions. The goal is planned to be achieved through the following activities.

  1. Development of new methods for conducting examinations.
  2. Improving the criteria for assigning disability groups.
  3. Equipment ITU Bureau modern diagnostic equipment.
  4. System creation independent assessment the effectiveness of the work of ITU experts.
  5. Establishing effective interaction between ITU institutions at different levels.
  6. Improvement of employee qualifications.
  7. The creation of public councils at the main ITU bureaus that consider complaints from citizens regarding the unethical behavior of experts.
  8. Anti-corruption. For this purpose, it is planned to introduce such modern technologies, such as electronic queue, audio and video surveillance.

It is planned to allocate 103 billion rubles for the implementation of subprogram No. 3.

Expected results

By the end of the “Accessible Environment” program in 2020, it is planned to obtain the following target values:

  • increasing the share of engineering and transport infrastructure facilities accessible to people with limited mobility to 55%;
  • formation in 52.5% of disabled people of a positive assessment of the attitude towards them in society;
  • equipping up to 44.7% of regions with rehabilitation centers;
  • increasing the proportion of citizens who have completed rehabilitation and habilitation courses to 53.6% among adults and to 69.3% among children;
  • increasing employment among able-bodied disabled people to 40%;
  • equipping 100% of the main ITU bureaus with modern diagnostic equipment.

These are the targets relevant for 2020. But additions are introduced to the program every year, which also affect its final goals.

Interim results of the program

At the end of 2017, the following results were achieved in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities.

  1. On January 1, 2017, the federal register of disabled people began to function. It is an information service in which each participant has access to personal account with information on all payments and benefits due to him. The system allows you to access government services electronically without visiting departments.
  2. The share of public transport retrofitted with specialized devices for disabled people was 11.1%. At the beginning of the program, the figure was 8.3%.
  3. The number of subtitled television programs has increased 5 times.
  4. Availability medical institutions for citizens with limited mobility increased to 50.9%.
  5. The share of accessible cultural institutions reached 41.4%.
  6. Among sports facilities, 54.4% became accessible to the disabled.
  7. In the field of education, 21.5% of schools are adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. At the beginning of the program, this figure was only 2%.
  8. In 2017, a pilot project to implement the system began comprehensive rehabilitation persons with disabilities in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region. About 300 million rubles were spent on its implementation during the year.
  9. To provide needy citizens with auxiliary technical means 32.84 billion rubles were allocated over the year, which made it possible to cover 1.6 million people.
  10. In November 2017, deputies in the third reading adopted a project to amend the the federal law“On employment in the Russian Federation.” Its goal is to bring Russian labor legislation into compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The bill involves the interaction of ITU institutions with employment centers in terms of increasing the proportion of employed people with disabilities. Currently only 25% of able-bodied citizens with disabilities has a permanent place of work. In Europe this figure reaches 40%.

The scale of implementation of the state program in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation also depends on the activity and financial capabilities of regional authorities. Some of them have achieved significant results in improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. Thus, in the capital of Buryatia, an entire residential block has been designed for people with disabilities. In addition to housing, it includes medical institutions, shops, and sports facilities. Houses adapted to the needs of wheelchair users are also being actively built in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The “Accessible Environment” program has been implemented for the past 7 years. During this time, significant improvements have been achieved in the quality of life of people with disabilities and their situation in Russian society. The first significant results confirm the correctness of the chosen direction, and therefore the government is considering the possibility of extending the state program until 2025.

The Russian Federation is a democratic state where power is concentrated in the hands of the people, which is manifested in the rights to choose and be elected. On the other hand, the implementation of state policy is carried out on the basis of the needs of the population, and is formed with the aim of improving the living conditions of citizens. Special attention people with disabilities deserve. Considering the everyday difficulties faced by incapacitated citizens, the need arose to develop and implement the “Accessible Environment” social program for people with disabilities.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The program of assistance to all groups of disabled people is a set of measures aimed at adapting persons with disabilities to Everyday life. This concerns not only such global issues as the arrangement and construction of new medical institutions and rehabilitation centers, but also the creation of conditions for learning and comfortable living in the home environment (patronage nurses, volunteer assistance, renovation and expansion of residential premises).

The state program “Accessible Environment” for people with disabilities was developed on the basis of international bills ratified in Russia. Nowadays its implementation is carried out in accordance with federal laws.

Table No. 1 " Legal regulation question"

Acceptance date Title of the document Basic provisions
13.12.2006 № 61 Establishes that every disabled person (regardless of the circumstances of receipt of incapacity) must be guaranteed additional social support from the state. The purpose of the Convention is to protect rights and freedoms, encourage personal development
03.05.2012 № 46 It has been recorded that the “Accessible Environment” project for people with disabilities is to be implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation with the adaptation of activities to the needs of citizens of the state
21.07.2014№ 1365 Fundamental measures and actions have been developed aimed at developing ways to improve the lives of persons with disabilities
01.12.2015№ 1297 Based on the accumulated experience in implementing this social policy a list of shortcomings and areas requiring attention has been compiled
23.02.2018 № 308 Government Order “On additional measures implementation of the program" Practical measures aimed at achieving the goals have been recorded

As is typical for a project of a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities, activities are not implemented evenly, but depending on the needs and capabilities of each individual region. The number of incapacitated persons living in a particular area is taken as a basis. Upon completion of the project, it is expected that life will be restored in all corners of Russia.

Program stages

The success of the event is the competent and consistent implementation of the set goals. In this way, it is possible to gradually cover all areas of activity, guaranteeing people with disabilities comfortable and full-fledged conditions for development.

Table No. 2 “Stages of implementation of the social policy of accessible environment”

Program stages Implementation Features
2011-2012 Creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities requires the formation of a sufficient regulatory and legal framework. Therefore, at the first stage, laws were signed and adopted in various spheres of life, on the basis of which it became possible to move on to the practical part of the project
2013-2015 Considering the scale of the planned activities, it is impossible to do without sufficient financial support. Therefore, the second step is to search for sources of investment of financial resources, as well as distribute the federal budget in such a way that part of the funds is spent within the framework of the “Accessible Environment”
2016-2018 Organization of interaction government agencies and local units, as well as between various departmental institutions, guarantees simultaneous influence on all spheres of life. This period can be called a rehabilitation period, since trial projects have started in many areas
2020-2020 Analysis of the obtained intermediate results, search for shortcomings of the project, formation of an effective approach to the further procedure for implementing the project in other administrative entities of the state. Investing finances in local budgets
2021-2025 It is planned to complete the construction of rehabilitation centers and the purchase of necessary equipment before this time. At this stage, it is necessary to carry out the training of visiting nurses, specialized personnel, and develop methods of effective cooperation with all groups of disabled people

The third phase of the project is scheduled to be completed this year. According to government authorities, the program is being implemented in accordance with target requirements.

Goals and objectives of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

Among persons with disabilities physical capabilities lion's share talented people who, unfortunately, have little chance of developing and doing what they love. This is related to both psychological problems, and the lack of sufficient material resources for training and targeted training. A barrier-free environment for disabled people of all groups is a chance to do what they love and feel like a full-fledged member of society.

The main objectives of the project include the following:

  • the formation of a regulatory framework that guarantees every disabled person the rights and opportunities equal to physically healthy citizens;
  • development social programs aimed at providing economic support for such persons;
  • construction of institutions for education, health and rehabilitation of citizens;
  • training of specialists in the field of providing comprehensive assistance to citizens with disabilities;
  • social and material;
  • assistance in finding employment in state and municipal authorities.

One of the directions of the project is the analysis of citizens’ opinions regarding important points cooperation with disabled people. Which will certainly contribute to the establishment of joint work between disabled people and physically healthy people.

Based on the specified list of goals, before government agencies The following tasks have been set:

  • provision of free medical care;
  • organization of workplaces.

Issues of financing the Federal Target Program

The Individuals with Disabilities Accessibility Act of 2020 includes: Money to implement a program from several sources:

  • the state budget;
  • investments;
  • charitable contributions.

This year it is planned to allocate up to 53 million rubles for the implementation of plans. The amount must be divided between different regions. At the same time, it was established that the share of government investments should not exceed 70% of the total costs.

Subprograms of the “Accessible Environment” and features of their implementation

The state program is being implemented consistently, capturing one by one different areas life activity. This is done in order to guarantee A complex approach and effective results.

Table No. 3 “Routines for a barrier-free environment”

Name Main events
Formation of free and convenient access to public services Carrying out construction work through which institutions are equipped with ramps. Installation of signs and maps in public places settlement. Organization of cultural events for people with disabilities
Adaptation in the main areas of life Conducting special classes with the population in order to eliminate prejudice towards people with disabilities. Encouraging employers to attract such citizens to work. Formation of inclusive classes for children with disabilities
Availability of medical care Equipping the buildings of city clinics with additional means of transportation for the disabled and equipment. Mandatory training for specialists in this field

Important! By the beginning of this year, the construction of several dozen more specialized institutions for the disabled was completed. As a result, the number of such organizations increased by 45% compared to the years before the start of the program.

Interim results of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

Despite the fact that the practical phase of the plan began only two years ago, significant achievements in this direction are already evident. In particular, to positive results The following changes can be attributed:

  • increasing the number of employed people with disabilities in state and private enterprises;
  • growth in the number of centers where it is carried out;
  • involving disabled people in cultural events;
  • increasing the number of public transport with wheelchair accessible seats;
  • within the framework of the “Accessible Environment”, traffic lights with special sound signals were installed for the visually impaired;
  • For people with poor hearing, programs are broadcast accompanied by sign language.

Such events are organized in almost all large cities, which influences the increased safety of people with disabilities in public places and on the roads.

What is being done for disabled children

In addition to the fact that specialized classes are organized where classes are held, local schools are also being reformed, manifested in the following events:

  • creating convenient access roads to schools;
  • organization of indoor movement for wheelchair users;
  • purchase of equipment for additional classes(for example swimming).

It is also successfully carried out at sanatoriums, recreation centers and specialized medical centers.

Regional successes

Since the implementation of the plan occurs sequentially, different regions develop their own priority goals and implement the most pressing activities.

It has been proven that the infrastructure of Russian cities is not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, and therefore you can rarely meet them on the streets, despite the fact that there are about 15 million people with disabilities in the country - this is 10% of the total population of the country. That is why the authorities approved the federal program Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities for 2016-2020.

In what time frame will the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities be implemented 2016-2020

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs is responsible for the implementation of the program. development, participate in the program of the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sports and Housing Construction.

It is assumed that the program for adapting infrastructure to the needs of people with disabilities will operate from 2011 to 2020. The program will be carried out in stages:

  1. The first stage will be the preparation of laws (2011-2012) to regulate the project.
  2. The second stage will be the formation of a material base - the construction of rehabilitation centers, additional equipment of public places with devices for use by people with disabilities, technical equipment of buildings, etc. (2013-2015).
  3. At the third stage, the basic objectives of the program will be implemented (2016-2018).
  4. At the final, fourth stage, the authorities will sum up the results of the work and develop a further development plan (2020-2020).

For what purpose was the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020 organized?

401 billion rubles have been allocated from the country’s budget and extra-budgetary funds for the implementation of the program.

The main objective of the program is to help people with disabilities integrate into society and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The project will be implemented through achieving the following goals:

  • increasing the transparency of the work of medical and social examination specialists, as well as increasing the objectivity of decisions taken during medical examination decisions;
  • increasing accessibility for people with disabilities to rehabilitation and habilitation services (training new skills), ensuring access to education and work;
  • creating an accessible environment for people with disabilities who are forced to move in wheelchairs to the most necessary services and infrastructure facilities of the settlement.

To implement all plans, the program was divided into subprograms.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: First subprogram

It is expected that 35 billion rubles will be spent on the first subprogram.

According to the conditions of subprogram No. 1, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Providing Russian TV channels with sign language interpretation and subtitles.
  2. Organizing cultural events specifically for people with disabilities.
  3. Funding institutions that improve the level of development of Paralympic sports and adaptive physical culture.
  4. Providing assistance to children with disabilities in obtaining an education. Educational establishments are equipped with special equipment, and child psychologists are hired.
  5. City transport is equipped with ramps with a retractable system for moving wheelchair. New buses with lowered floors are being produced.
  6. Bus stops and traffic lights are equipped with devices that provide sound.
  7. Modernization of the building taking into account the needs of people with disabilities. Design of new structures with elevators, ramps, additional banners.

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Second subprogram

The cost of Subprogram No. 2 is 33.5 billion rubles.

Within the framework of subprogram No. 2, the following activities will be carried out aimed at ensuring the availability of rehabilitation services:

  1. Assessing the needs of people with disabilities. Creation of production with the help of which specialized devices would be manufactured.
  2. Easing the tax burden for business managers who are willing to hire people with disabilities.
  3. Inviting disabled people to vocational training courses if they have lost the opportunity to work in their specialty.
  4. Carrying out new school lessons, the purpose of which is to form an adequate attitude towards children with disabilities.
  5. Opening and equipping new medical clinics, whose activities will be aimed at prosthetics and reconstructive surgery, as well as general rehabilitation (medicines, sanatoriums).

“Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities 2016-2020: Third subprogram

The authorities allocated 103 billion rubles for the latest subprogram No. 3.

The government believes that increasing the objectivity of medical and social experts can be achieved by carrying out the following activities:

  1. Anti-corruption by equipping institutions with video surveillance, audio surveillance, and electronic queues.
  2. Organization of public councils at the main bureau of medical and social examination, which would discuss unethical behavior specialists.
  3. Advanced training of ITU experts.
  4. Ensuring effective interaction between ITU bureaus at various levels.
  5. Ensuring the operation of a system for independent assessment of the performance of ITU bureau specialists.
  6. Purchase for the ITU Office diagnostic equipment.
  7. Rethinking the criteria by which disabled groups are established.
  8. Development of more modern methods of conducting medical examination.

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