Home Smell from the mouth Important points in preparation for plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty: preoperative tests What tests need to be taken for rhinoplasty

Important points in preparation for plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty: preoperative tests What tests need to be taken for rhinoplasty

In order for rhinoplasty to be successful and the patient to avoid complications in the future, it is necessary to prepare properly: take into account all the indications and contraindications for rhinoplasty, take tests and undergo a series of examinations. Let's consider the specifics preparatory stage rhinoplasty.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery may be performed in cases of dissatisfaction with the size or shape of the nose, or for medical reasons when irregularities in the shape of the nose lead to difficulty breathing and health problems.

Indications for surgery:

  • excessive length of the nose;
  • large nostrils;
  • deformation of the nose as a result of injury;
  • congenital curvature of the nose;
  • inability to breathe through the nose as a result of a deviated septum or other abnormalities in the shape of the nose.


  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, throat and other organs of the respiratory system;
  • HIV, all forms of hepatitis and other incurable viral diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​correction;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and lungs;
  • mental instability.

Features of preparation for plastic surgery

To eliminate the presence of contraindications and create all the conditions for the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination, take tests and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, which will prepare the body for a serious intervention and reduce risks.

The decision to undergo surgery is preceded by an examination by a doctor. The plastic surgeon conducts an open survey, which helps identify the reasons for the patient’s dissatisfaction with his nose, in order to outline the direction of action for correction, and evaluates the condition of the tissue. Also, after consultation and examination, the doctor informs you about possible anatomical limitations that may not allow you to fully achieve the desired effect. The doctor provides each patient with a list of recommendations. A month before the correction, it is recommended to stop smoking and drinking alcohol; a week before, you need to stop taking potent drugs, blood thinners, and hormones. There are a number of specific medications, the use of which is prohibited before the examination and for a month after the operation. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon provides a list of these products.

What tests are required before rhinoplasty:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • for prothrombin;
  • on RW, HIV;
  • for hepatitis C and B;
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses;
  • blood type and Rh factor.

Additional examinations

If the patient has any health problems, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed before correction:

  • in case of malfunctions endocrine system tests for hormone levels are prescribed;
  • for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is prescribed endoscopic examination stomach;
  • if a violation is suspected mental state an appointment with a psychotherapist may be scheduled;
  • If problems with cerebral vessels are suspected, an EEG is performed.

In order for the plastic surgery to be successful and for the patient to not subsequently encounter health problems, it is important to pay maximum attention to the preparation period. Passing all the necessary tests, an open conversation with a plastic surgeon and an examination will provide the necessary information for successful rhinoplasty and help avoid risks. To get more information regarding this plastic surgery, visit our

Any surgical intervention carries a potential danger for the patient. To achieve a good result, the surgeon’s experience alone is not enough, since much depends on the patient himself.

There is only one way to avoid troubles during surgery - to prepare well for it. Patients must scrupulously follow all instructions of specialists and undergo mandatory preoperative preparation.

Indications for plastic surgery

Indications for rhinoplasty may include: various defects appearance:

  • disproportionate size of the nose;
  • large nostrils;
  • hump,
  • thickened tip of the nose;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • congenital and acquired deformities of the nose;
  • genetic defects in appearance (for example, cleft lip) etc.

Features of preparation for surgery

The process of preparing for rhinoplasty includes several stages:

  1. The first consultation with a plastic surgeon, during which he examines the patient, determines the scope of the upcoming surgical intervention and makes prescriptions.
  2. Blood and urine tests are submitted to the laboratory.
  3. The patient passes hardware examination.
  4. Consultations are held with highly specialized specialists identified by the surgeon (therapist, anesthesiologist, cardiologist, neurologist, dentist, etc.).
  5. A second consultation with a plastic surgeon takes place before rhinoplasty, during which the doctor takes photographs of the patient’s nose and marks.
  • several weeks before surgery, it is necessary to completely stop taking medications that thin the blood (this requirement must be fulfilled unquestioningly in order to eliminate the risk of bleeding during surgery);
  • stop taking hormonal drugs and others medicines, especially affecting the level blood pressure(if the patient has chronic diseases that require regular medication, he needs to consult a doctor);
  • a month before surgery, you must quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol (nicotine often leads to the formation of blood clots in the postoperative period);
  • stop taking vitamin-mineral complexes for a while;
  • stop visiting solariums, and also minimize the time spent under the sun, etc.

6-8 hours before plastic surgery, the patient must:

  • stop eating solid food (intestinal cleansing is prescribed, which can be done through an enema or a special drug);
  • prohibited from using cosmetics, including lotions and creams;
  • Before visiting the operating room, the patient must take a shower and put on sterile clothing (usually issued in medical institutions).

After surgery, the patient is taken on a gurney to his room. Within a few hours he will recover from the anesthesia (it is not recommended to drink water, as a gag reflex may occur).

If the patient is thirsty, he can moisten his lips with a damp cotton pad or gauze pad.

The patient will have to spend the night within the walls of a medical institution, and the next day (if there are no complications) he will be discharged home to undergo rehabilitation.

During the entire recovery period, the patient must follow the instructions of his doctor, take medical supplies, undergo physical therapy procedures and attend regular checkups.

Mandatory tests

During the appointment, the plastic surgeon must give the patient a list of laboratory and hardware tests that he must undergo before undergoing rhinoplasty of the nose:

  1. Biochemical and clinical analysis blood, which determines the levels of protein, glucose, creatine, ALT, AST, bilirubin, etc.
  2. General urine analysis.
  3. An analysis that determines blood clotting time (INR, PTI);
  4. A blood test that determines the patient's Rh factor;
  5. Blood tests that detect sexually transmitted and infectious diseases (even in hidden form): viral hepatitis groups B – HbsA, C – HCV; AIDS; syphilis (RW), etc.
  6. ECG (cardiogram is performed on all patients, without exception).
  7. Fluorography or radiography (the image shows the condition of the patient’s bronchi and lungs).
  8. Nomogram of nasal bones and maxillary sinuses (this method diagnostics allows you to determine the condition of cartilage and bone tissues and identify early stage any pathology).
  9. Rhinomanometry is prescribed to prevent breathing problems in the patient in the postoperative period.

Additional tests

After examining a patient who is scheduled for rhinoplasty, the plastic surgeon may have doubts about the work of some of his internal organs and systems.

In this case, the patient is sent for additional examination:

  • if the endocrine system is disrupted, blood donation is prescribed to determine hormone levels;
  • in case of organ dysfunction gastrointestinal tract patients are referred to ultrasound examination, including gastric endoscopy;
  • if the patient is at risk of developing postoperative complications, he will need to consult a dentist;
  • people who have heart disease are prescribed echocardiography in addition to a cardiogram;
  • in the presence of disorders nervous system the patient is referred for consultation to an appropriate specialist;
  • if the presence of neoplasms is suspected, patients are prescribed magnetic resonance imaging or CT scan, able to determine the type of tumor;
  • A hardware examination of EEG, etc., will help you find out about problems with the blood vessels of the brain.


Today many Russians medical institutions perform rhinoplasty within the walls of their operating rooms.

The cost of such surgical intervention directly depends on the degree of complexity of the defect, the age and health of the patient.

Prices for studies in Moscow clinics are presented in the table.

Name of medical institution

Cost of tests (in rubles)

Doctor Until a Hundred Years
Harmony-Med (package)
Italian medical Center
Clinic of Modern Medicine
Homeopathic Health and Rehabilitation Center
Clinic of Cardiovascular Diseases
Honey. MEDSI center

Video: What is rhinoplasty


For rhinoplasty to be successful, the patient must undergo thorough preparation for plastic surgery.

He should send necessary tests, conduct hardware diagnostics and get advice from highly specialized specialists indicated by the attending physician.

In the absence of contraindications, which will be confirmed by the examination performed, the patient will undergo rhinoplasty of the nose, through which all visible and hidden defects will be eliminated.

On the same topic

Discussion: 3 comments left.

    I go every year preventive examination see an otolaryngologist because I have a curved nasal septum and various problems often arise. My doctor advised me to undergo rhinoplasty to normalize nasal breathing, and also to remove a visual defect. The operation was performed in private clinic, which my friend told me about. Rhinoplasty lasted for 1 hour, they did it for me general anesthesia, from which I very quickly came to my senses and did not experience any side effects. During rehabilitation I felt severe pain, there was swelling of the eyelids, and nasal breathing was almost completely absent. After a few months, everything completely went away, and I was able to evaluate the result, which I was very pleased with.

    I recently turned 18 years old, and I began to think about rhinoplasty, because in childhood I fell unsuccessfully, which resulted in a severe curvature of the nasal septum. I started choosing a clinic where plastic surgery would be performed a long time ago, I studied Internet resources, and asked friends. I decided to go to a well-known medical center, which had already long time carries out such operations. In a week I need to go to see a surgeon. I am very afraid of anesthesia, but I am reassured by the fact that now only safe anesthetics are used that do not harm the blood vessels of the brain. I hope the operation will be successful, and in a few months I will be able to pleasantly surprise my friends with my new appearance.

    Since childhood, I didn’t like my nose, which even then had big sizes and a hump. I firmly decided to correct this defect, and when I turned 25, I turned to plastic surgeon. I first carefully studied articles about rhinoplasty and reviews former patients, so I went to see a specialist confidently and without fear. Before the operation, I had to undergo preparation, which included tests, hardware examination and consultation with other specialists. During plastic surgery, I had otoplasty and rhinoplasty at the same time. I came to my senses very quickly. Discomfort and severe pain appeared the next day. But it’s okay, all this can be endured, but now I have the nose of my dreams and am very happy with my appearance.

Many are sure that the body and appearance are constantly in need of perfection. If nature has failed, then you can try to correct the deficiency with the help of plastic surgery.

The most popular operation in Lately– rhinoplasty, which allows you to get rid of imperfections in the nose by correcting it the way you want. This effective method changes appearance. The face immediately transforms, looks different, and sometimes breathing problems disappear. Preparation for rhinoplasty is an important stage.

You should start preparing for rhinoplasty with special attention. The first preparations take place a month before the scheduled operation, then 2 weeks, a week and immediately before the surgical intervention itself.

A successful outcome depends on how seriously a person takes preparation and how he behaves in recovery period.

Which is correct: rhinoplasty or nose job?

Both concepts mean the same thing. There are several types of surgery:

The operation takes from 30 to 60 minutes. Sometimes open rhinoplasty can last up to 1.5 hours.

It is possible to change the tip and wings of the nose using Aptos threads, but it is used very rarely in practice, due to their possible rupture and scarring.

General information about rhinoplasty

Indications for rhinoplasty

When can a surgeon refuse to operate?

  • For diabetes mellitus.
  • If there is a history of heart failure and vascular disease.
  • In case of liver and kidney diseases.
  • With an active form of tuberculosis.
  • During pregnancy and menstruation (the operation is scheduled on the 10th day of the cycle).
  • With ARVI.
  • For cancerous formations.
  • For mental disorders.
  • Under the age of 18.

Choosing a clinic and doctor

This is a very important stage, the success of which will be determined by the operation process itself and the recovery period. When choosing a clinic, you should definitely pay attention to the statutory documents and license. It is recommended to read reviews on the Internet about the staff, as well as the process and result of operations. Having chosen a doctor, you need to study his portfolio, client reviews, and communicate in person.

When the choice is made

First consultation

When the patient comes for the first appointment with the chosen surgeon, he talks about what worries him and what he doesn’t like.

It is also necessary to inform the doctor about the result that you want to get after plastic surgery. If the patient has any functional problems other than aesthetics, these should also be voiced.

The surgeon listens attentively and reports possible consequences after surgery and restrictions, examines the nose with special instruments.

After approval of all the nuances, the doctor gives a referral for examination.

By the way, at this stage you can determine the price of the operation.


In addition to being examined by a doctor, during which he must examine your nose, you will also need to undergo diagnostics. It involves taking tests. This is necessary to identify contraindications, the concept of educational opportunities undesirable consequences after surgery, for evaluation general functioning body. Perhaps, before rhinoplasty, cosmetic procedures or the necessary course of treatment for certain diseases will be recommended.

In the list of tests:

In addition, you must do:

  1. — ECG;
  2. — Breast X-ray or fluorography;
  3. - a picture of the nose.

Important! Blood results are only valid for 10 days.

If contraindications to nose surgery are identified, there may be two ways to solve the problem:

  1. Correction of health related disorders.
  2. Refusal of the operation.


You need to pay close attention to this point. Positive result depends not only on the operation itself and the surgeon’s manipulations, but also on the patient, who is responsible for his health before and after rhinoplasty.

So, two weeks before the surgery date:

  1. Avoid taking medications that affect blood clotting and reduce the formation of blood clots. For this reason, it may open heavy bleeding during rhinoplasty. Aspirin is strictly contraindicated, as well as hormonal contraceptives, herbal infusions and decoctions.
  2. You should not sunbathe or visit solariums for this purpose, otherwise severe swelling may develop during surgery.
  3. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages.

Why can't there be alcohol?


Spicy, smoked, salty foods should be excluded from food. It is preferable to consume dairy products, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and cereals.

7 days before rhinoplasty

Immediately before rhinoplasty

  1. You should not drink or eat 8 hours before surgery to make recovery from anesthesia easy.
  2. Do not use perfumes and cosmetics.
  3. Do not wear clothes with a collar.
  4. You need to prepare all the necessary medications.
  5. It is not recommended to take jewelry, watches, lenses, earrings or artificial eyelashes with you to the clinic.

When preparing for an operation, you need to remember about the documentary side of the transaction. It is important to outline the rights and obligations of the parties, and become familiar with the warranty obligations if rhinoplasty does not satisfy you. This will help you avoid trouble.

Important! Reconsider your decision!

If you are determined and confident in the correctness of the decision, go ahead!


The choice of anesthesia method is made by the surgeon. Most often used:

  • local anesthesia, which involves only numbing the affected area. At the same time, the person is conscious and hears how the operation is taking place. Pain is felt in rare cases. Mainly used for septum correction;
  • local with sedation is a convenient solution for pain relief.
  • General anesthesia is most often used for rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose. More safe way, compared to the second.

Will it hurt?

Patients are always afraid of pain. As for, nothing is felt during the operation, since anesthesia or an analgesic is used.

There may be pain during the recovery period. And then, they are not so strong. Mostly discomfort appears due to turundas in the nose.


Typically, nose surgery is accompanied by the following manifestations:

When a bone has to be broken during surgery, a plaster cast is applied to the nose for 10 days. Appears around the nose severe swelling, taking place during the first month. The result of the operation can be determined only after six months. It will take that much time for the tissue to heal.

For the first weeks, the patient will have to sleep with the head of the bed raised and only on his back, do not drink or smoke. Nutrition must be correct. After the cast is removed, the patient regularly visits the doctor. While the nose is healing, it is not recommended to wear glasses, eat spicy and hot foods, or engage in physical activity.

Healing time is affected by the severity of the surgery and complications. Ideally, after 10 days the patient can return to normal life and even go to work.

The dangers of rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure. And any operation is always a risk. This is a development opportunity anaphylactic reaction for anesthetic, toxic shock, excessive bleeding, skin tears, burns.

In the first hours there is a possibility of anaphylaxis, breathing problems, vision, hidden complications in the form of bleeding and hematomas.

It rarely happens that an infection occurs and you need to take antibiotics and sometimes hormones. For sepsis, blood transfusion is performed.

According to statistics, three out of ten patients are not satisfied with the result of the operation.

Basic laboratory testing methods are prescribed before all operations. The patient undergoes these tests both before aesthetic rhinoplasty and before plastic surgery, which is performed for functional indications (breathing problems due to a deviated nasal septum). Scroll laboratory tests before rhinoplasty includes:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of the coagulation system (coagulogram, prothrombin index, blood clotting time);
  • blood biochemistry (bilirubin, creatinine, liver enzymes ALT and AST, urea);
  • blood glucose;
  • blood test for markers viral infections(HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C);
  • blood type, Rh factor.
A general clinical blood test is a basic screening diagnostic method. With its help, you can identify many deviations from the norm, including the presence of hidden pathology in the body, tumor process, a chronic source of infection. The doctor receives information about the condition immune system, the number of red and white blood cells, hemoglobin level. Changes in the blood test make it possible to determine the direction of further, more targeted and specific research organs and systems.

A general urine test is performed to assess the function of the urinary system, but not only for this. The qualitative and quantitative composition of urine changes against the background various diseases. Like the CBC, urine analysis is used as a screening diagnostic method, which sets the vector for further diagnostic examination when detecting deviations from the norm.

Analysis of the function of the blood coagulation system is the most important point in the diagnostic program. Slow coagulation is fraught with severe blood loss during plastic surgery. The risk of bleeding in the postoperative period increases. After rhinoplasty, internal hematomas may form, which are a complication of the operation. Accelerating blood clotting is also dangerous, as it can lead to thrombosis with the most serious consequences.

If changes in the blood coagulation system are detected, rhinoplasty is not performed! The operation is possible only after complete drug correction of the identified disorders.

A biochemical blood test is another test for screening diagnostics, which analyzes in more detail the work of the hepatobiliary (liver, pancreas) and urinary systems. If abnormalities are detected, the patient may be prescribed ultrasonography liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys. Changes in blood biochemistry may also indicate the presence of metabolic disorders and endocrinological diseases.

Abnormal blood glucose levels may indicate the development of metabolic syndrome or a decrease in cell sensitivity to insulin. Both states are precursors diabetes mellitus 2 types. If such violations are detected, a glucose tolerance test and other tests are prescribed. additional tests.

Tests for immunological markers of viral infections are mandatory laboratory tests before surgical interventions.

Beauty is the promise of happiness

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Plastic surgery is an important step that must be approached very responsibly. One of the main stages is preparing the body for surgical intervention. Today, not a single professional plastic surgeon will undertake appearance correction without a comprehensive preliminary examination, and the scope of research depends on the planned intervention.

Plastic surgery: two approaches

Translated from Greek, “plasticos” means “to create a form”; in Latin, “plasticus” means “forming, sculpting.” When we talk about plastic surgery, we usually mean cosmetic correction of a woman’s appearance.

However, this is not entirely true. The goals of the operation can be either aesthetic or reconstructive. For example, elimination of congenital or acquired defects and deformities.

But even to eliminate pronounced cosmetic defects (for example, post-burn scars, congenital and post-traumatic deformities), reconstructive plastic surgery performs to a greater extent medical tasks. But cosmetic operations set themselves purely aesthetic goals. However, both operations are aimed at improving a person’s quality of life and restoring self-confidence.

What types of operations are there?

The range of plastic surgery services today is extremely wide. From facial modeling - this is rejuvenation (facelift), eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), nose surgery (rhinoplasty), plastic surgery ears(otoplasty), lip plastic (cheiloplasty), chin plastic (mentoplasty, mandibuloplasty or genioplasty), cheekbone plastic (malarplasty), neck plastic (cervicoplasty) and hair transplant, to today’s popular methods of figure correction: breast plastic (mammoplasty), plastic abdominoplasty, liposuction), plastic surgery of the buttocks (gluteoplasty), skin tightening after weight loss (panniculectomy, torsoplasty), plastic surgery of the legs and inner thighs (cruroplasty and femur plastic surgery), plastic surgery of the arms (brachioplasty), as well as intimate plastic surgery (hymen plastic surgery or hymenoplasty, vaginal plastic surgery - vaginoplasty, plastic surgery of the external genitalia - labiaplasty).

"Pros and cons"

Modern history knows cases when plastic lays the foundation for future success. Let's remember Marilyn Monroe, who was initially dissatisfied with her nose and chin, as well as Michael Jackson, who, according to various estimates, had from 10 to 50 plastic surgeries. On the other hand, how can we know what would have happened if these operations had not been done?

Would Jackson's brilliant talent really not have been evident if he had had a different shape for his nose, lips and chin?

We must not forget that plastic is first and foremost surgical method, which involves violating the integrity of blood vessels and tissues, local or general anesthesia, and sometimes the use of implants, gels, medications, etc. Like any operation, plastic surgery is fraught with complications. Small operations are carried out under local anesthesia, but most of them are under anesthesia, which can become an additional risk factor. Therefore, when thinking about surgery, you should carefully weigh the feasibility and risks.

What tests should I take before surgery?

The purpose of the preliminary examination is to identify absolute contraindications To surgical intervention, timely diagnosis acute and chronic diseases and many other risks to eliminate intra- and postoperative complications.

Mandatory are:

* general tests blood and urine (allow you to assess the condition of the body, including the immune system, the presence of acute and/or exacerbation chronic disease), coagulogram (a study of the blood coagulation system to assess risks hemorrhagic complications);

* biochemical blood test (detection of disorders of the main types metabolic processes, assessment of the condition of the hepatobiliary and urinary systems, etc.)

* blood test for HIV, syphilis and infectious hepatitis

* fluorography and ECG (state of the cardiopulmonary system).

Tests for blood type and Rh factor are carried out in case of urgently needed blood transfusion.

What to do if you have chronic diseases?

If you are experiencing chronic pathology, a standard set of tests is usually not enough.

So, if you know that you suffer from chronic infectious disease, it is necessary to examine the blood for the level of appropriate antibodies, which will help your plastic surgeon assess the likelihood of exacerbation of the infection in the pre- and postoperative periods. If you have previously had allergic reactions, do not forget to inform your doctor about this - this is a very serious reason for allergy diagnostics, because you will have a “meeting” with a whole range of medicinal and non-medicinal drugs.

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