Home Pulpitis It deafens my ears, what should I do? How to quickly and effectively get rid of ear congestion

It deafens my ears, what should I do? How to quickly and effectively get rid of ear congestion

Blocked ears are usually due to blockage of the Eustachian tube for some reason, which leads to a difference in internal and external pressure. Ultimately, a number of these factors lead to stretching of the eardrum, as a result of which the ear becomes blocked.

  • Level change atmospheric pressure. Most often these sharp changes observed during a dive or takeoff. In some cases, congestion is possible when rising to a certain height or during a sharp descent.
  • Nasal congestion can lead to swelling that blocks the Eustachian tube. If you have a runny nose and other cold symptoms, your ears may become blocked after sleep.
  • Inflammatory processes, otitis media, can cause similar sensations. Associated symptoms temperature, pain and itching of the hearing organs appear.
  • Ear deposits (congestion) significantly impair hearing acuity and can block the auditory canal.
  • Problems with blood pressure(hypertension) causes a feeling of congestion, headaches and loss of balance. Similar sensations can occur when running and other physical activities.
  • Foreign objects caught in the ears or water leaking in.
  • Taking certain medications (hormones, antibiotics). To avoid such cases, carefully read the possible contraindications medicines.
  • Inflammatory processes in the tonsils (adenoiditis).
  • Congestion may occur due to hearing loss. Hearing acuity also deteriorates, noise and hum occur.
  • During pregnancy, due to physiological processes that cause a certain fluid retention and an increase in the diameter of blood vessels.
  • Changes in the shape of the nasal septum as a result of injury or other diseases.


In most cases, to diagnose congestion it is enough initial examination otolaryngologist. If the diagnosis is questionable, hardware diagnostics using an otoscope or x-ray are prescribed. Additionally, an audiogram and tympanometry are performed.


Let's look at specific examples of treatment, depending on the cause of congestion:

  • In case of a runny nose that causes swelling, drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are used. After drops get inside, it is recommended to take a horizontal position.
  • If there is a sudden change in pressure, open your mouth and try to forcefully yawn. Follow the blowing procedure. To do this, cover your nose with your hand and try to exhale with it. With the help of such operations, the Eustachian tube is opened and the pressure is balanced.
  • Ear plugs can be removed by rinsing with water or peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can be instilled using a pipette, a syringe without a needle, or a pre-soaked cotton swab placed in the ear. There are special drops to combat traffic jams Remo-Vax and the like.
  • Water that gets into the ear canal can be removed by simply placing a dry cotton wool there. Or use ear sticks; perform all manipulations carefully to avoid mechanical damage.
  • If the ears are blocked in the presence of otitis, a complex is used therapeutic measures, depending on the form and stage of the disease. In some cases, antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed, in others - antifungal agents. Additionally, drops and vitamins are prescribed. Before starting treatment, familiarize yourself with possible contraindications, some medical supplies prohibited during pregnancy, damaged eardrum, allergies, and for children under 3 years of age.
  • If blood pressure is high, medications are prescribed to lower it.
  • Foreign objects can be removed by washing. This requires certain knowledge; it is better to seek the help of a qualified specialist.
  • Nasal septum defects are corrected by a surgeon.
  • For other reasons, blowing, massage and electrophoresis are used.


When cleaning your ears, trying to get rid of wax or other objects, do not use pointed instruments. One wrong move can lead to disruption of the integrity of the membrane, otitis media and serious pathologies.

Sometimes, when your ears are blocked for no known reason, a regular diet can help. Eliminate fatty, fried, sweet, spicy foods from your diet and you will be surprised at the results.

To prevent unpleasant sensations from ear congestion, drop almond oil into it. It helps destroy bacteria and prevents the formation of sulfur plugs.

In the absence of cardiac or vascular diseases, as well as the doctor’s prohibitions, take hot baths. This procedure strengthens the body, tones, softens sulfur deposits.


Before starting any procedures, consult your doctor:

  • Mix 40 g of hawthorn with 20 g of periwinkle and pour half a liter of boiling water. After the broth has settled, strain and take 50 g before meals.
  • Dry raspberry roots, in a volume of 40 g, chop and pour 1 liter of boiling water. After the decoction has infused, take 50 g three times a day.
  • Bake the eggplant, first stuffing it with pumpkin seeds or butter. After baking, squeeze out the juice and drop it into your ears.

Congestion in one or both ears at once is a common symptom with which many patients turn to a specialist. It may occur due to physiological reasons, and in some cases indicates the presence dangerous diseases. Before starting treatment, the cause of the unpleasant symptom should be identified.

The human ear is a complex organ in structure. It is responsible for hearing perception and body balance. One of the most common problems is ear congestion.

Often unpleasant symptom occurs as a result of physiological reasons. Among them are:

  1. A sharp change in atmospheric pressure. The unpleasant symptom is short-term in nature and occurs during high altitude or depth. Also, ear congestion in some cases can occur when moving in an elevator and at high speeds.
  2. Water. Water that is not removed in a timely manner that gets into the ear while swimming can also cause congestion. The symptom can be easily eliminated on your own using a cotton swab.
  3. Curvature or narrowing of the ear canal. An unpleasant symptom is often permanent and is observed in people with structural features of the ear canal.
  4. Sulfur plugs. Active formation earwax or poor hygiene may cause the formation of wax plugs. After its removal, the unpleasant symptom completely disappears.

Ear congestion most often occurs for physiological reasons, but in certain cases the symptom may indicate the presence of various diseases. That is why you should first establish the cause of congestion, and then begin treatment.

Ear congestion as a sign of pathology

Constant ear congestion, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, occurs against the background of a number of serious diseases.

Among them, the most common are:

  • Injury to the nasal septum.
  • Neoplasms formed in the area of ​​the hearing aid.
  • Otitis, when the inflammatory process affects the middle ear.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  • Injuries to the brain or cranium.
  • Sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Angina.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Perceptual hearing loss, in which there is a disturbance in the perception of various sounds.
  • Acute respiratory infections, flu, measles.
  • Tubotympanitis, in which there is a spread of the inflammatory process to the area of ​​the Eustachian tube and the area where it is located eardrum.

All diseases require immediate treatment, since in the absence of therapy they may develop dangerous complications. That is why, if ear congestion bothers you for more than two days, you need to consult a specialist to carry out a diagnosis, establish the cause of the unpleasant symptom and relieve it.

Dangerous symptoms that cannot be ignored

Ear congestion often occurs due to physiological reasons. In this case, it is not accompanied by other symptoms.

The patient should consult a specialist in cases where the following signs occur along with an unpleasant symptom:

  1. Increased body temperature. Indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
  2. Discharge from the ear canal of purulent masses. This symptom most often observed with various forms otitis
  3. Painful sensations in the ear area.
  4. Discharge of purulent masses from the nose.
  5. Swelling of the soft tissues of the nose and cheeks.
  6. Cough.
  7. Decreased hearing quality.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, since the lack of treatment in in this case leads to a number of dangerous consequences.

Possible complications

Incorrect treatment or complete absence therapy can lead to serious consequences.

Among the complications that develop against the background of ear congestion are:

  • Otitis. The development is caused by colds and flu. The main symptoms are inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the middle ear, fever and painful sensations. In some cases, purulent masses begin to be released from the ear canal in varying volumes. Most often, the disease occurs in young children as a result of the structural features of the hearing aid.
  • Neuritis facial nerve. Occurs as a result of the spread of the inflammatory process. Treatment is always long-term, the symptoms are quite pronounced. The presence of pathology can be determined by the lack of muscle sensitivity and facial asymmetry.
  • Sinusitis. The root cause is a runny nose when the inflammatory process spreads to the sinuses of the nasal cavity. Manifests itself in the form of swelling of the tissues of the nose, cheeks and forehead. Purulent masses begin to discharge from the nose.
  • Decreased hearing quality. In certain cases, the process of hearing loss is irreversible.
  • Perforation of the eardrum. The causes of complications are an inflammatory process or inaccurate cleaning of the ear canal. Associated symptoms include pain and hearing loss. Danger this complication is to increase the risk of infection entering the ear canal. In case of deep injury, inflammation of the meninges develops.

Thus, in order to avoid complications, you should not self-medicate, but consult a specialist. Ear congestion may not always be caused by physiological reasons. This condition often indicates the presence of dangerous diseases.

What examinations need to be completed?

In order to determine the cause of ear congestion, a specialist will first examine the ear canal. A special funnel is used for this. The procedure helps determine the presence of inflammation and swelling of soft tissues.

If there is suspicion of the development of the disease, the following are prescribed:

  1. Audiometry. The technique allows you to determine the presence of sensorineural hearing loss, determine the sensitivity of the analyzer and establish the level of hearing.
  2. Tympanometry. Carried out to determine performance auditory ossicles, functioning of the middle ear.
  3. CT or . They are among the most informative methods for diagnosing many diseases. The methods make it possible to create a layer-by-layer analysis of the auditory zones of the cerebral cortex and temporal bones.

According to the results diagnostic studies specialist installs accurate diagnosis and prescribes a course of therapy. Timely diagnosis allows you to identify the cause of ear congestion and reduce the risk of complications.

How to eliminate congestion?

In the presence of serious diseases that cause congestion in one or both ears at once. You need to contact a specialist. In other cases, you can cope with the unpleasant symptom on your own.

In cases where the cause of ear congestion is sulfur plug, you need to drip a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. One procedure will require several drops. After a few days, the plug will leak out on its own.

You can also use olive oil. It needs to be slightly warmed and dripped into the ear. The formed sulfur plug will begin to flow out on its own after a few minutes.

Patients should be aware that if there is a perforation of the eardrum, instill various means into the ear is strictly prohibited.

There are several ways to get rid of congestion caused by water:

  • Tilt your head to the side. Press your palm tightly to your ear. Pull it back sharply and press it again. Water will come out if a vacuum is created near the ear cavity.
  • Jump on one leg and tilt your head to the side.
  • Lay on warm heating pad within 15 minutes.

When changing pressure, you can also get rid of an unpleasant symptom in the following ways:

  • Yawn.
  • Chew plain chewing gum.
  • Drink a glass of water in small sips.
  • Swallow several times in a row.
  • Inhale the lollipop deeply, pinch your nose with your fingers and exhale quite sharply through your nose.

When the causes of nasal congestion are colds and runny nose, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. It is possible to get rid of an unpleasant symptom only after eliminating the very cause of its occurrence. For this purpose the following are assigned:

  1. Vasodilator drops. Helps improve nasal breathing.
  2. Rinse the nose with special solutions.
  3. Exercises that help change ear pressure.
  4. Warming up. Procedures can only be performed if there is no elevated temperature bodies. Also, heating is not prescribed for otitis media.
  5. Warming procedures are performed using alcohol compress. Camphor alcohol is used.

At colds Inhalations also help get rid of ear congestion. They are made using pharmaceutical solutions or products traditional medicine. The procedures help improve the condition and relieve swelling.

Read more about what reasons can cause chronic congestion ears can be found in the video:

Ear congestion is a common symptom that patients often present with. It occurs for physiological reasons or is a sign of the development of dangerous diseases. That is why before starting treatment you need to consult a specialist, especially when an unpleasant symptom is accompanied by pain, swelling and other signs.

Every person has experienced stuffy ears and short-term partial hearing loss at least once. This condition is manifested by a change in the sound of one’s own voice, a feeling of heaviness in the head and muffled sounds. environment. The reason for this phenomenon may be the simple entry of water into the ear cavity during bathing. In this case, the problem can be easily resolved - carefully remove the water with a cotton swab.

But, stuffy ears can also indicate the presence of serious diseases. Doctors classify symptoms into two categories: natural causes and the presence of pathology. It is important to understand why your ear is blocked and what to do in each specific case.

Why ears are blocked: main reasons

Ear congestion can accompany some diseases and will go away once the cause is treated. Often, the reason lies in external factors. Circumstances change and ear congestion goes away on its own.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Symptom for colds and runny nose

Why do my ears sometimes get blocked when I have a cold or runny nose? There is a very close connection between the nose, throat and ears. The Eustachian tube connects the ear cavity to the pharynx; air moves through it and ensures normal pressure in the tympanic cavity. When you have a cold, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and swollen, as a result of which the tympanic cavity does not receive the required volume of air. The result is a decrease in pressure in the nasopharynx and middle ear. This is what causes ear congestion. The symptom goes away after the cold is cured.

During pressure surges on an airplane

Why do ears get clogged so often on an airplane? Ear congestion and headache during takeoff and landing of an airplane is also associated with physiology and the presence of air in the tympanic cavity. It's all about a sudden change in pressure. While on earth, we are under stable and comfortable air pressure. The plane rises upward, and a sharp pressure difference occurs. The result is congestion in the ears. When the plane reaches a certain altitude and flies smoothly, the discomfort goes away. When landing, a sharp change in pressure occurs again, and congestion returns.

You can get rid of unpleasant sensations. They help swallowing movements:

  • Suck a lollipop.
  • Drink water through a straw.
  • Chew gum.
  • Exhale rhythmically through your nose with your mouth closed.

If you have a runny nose, be sure to take some drops before your flight. vasoconstrictors. A stuffy nose increases discomfort during airplane takeoff and landing.

You may yawn during takeoff or landing. Do not restrain yourself - this is a protective reflex of the body that allows you to reduce unpleasant consequences sudden changes in pressure and relieve ear congestion.

One of the reasons that the ears are blocked may be a jump blood pressure.

When blood pressure changes

Ear congestion may be one of the symptoms of a sudden change in blood pressure. Very often this sensation occurs during sudden movements, but can manifest itself in a completely calm state. If you are suffering from hypertension, severe ear congestion should be a signal about the need to measure blood pressure and take the necessary measures to normalize it.

Often, ear congestion when blood pressure changes is accompanied by dizziness.

If the problem occurs in the morning

There are often complaints about ear congestion in the morning, but after a while the symptom goes away. The reason why your ears are blocked in the morning should be determined by an ENT specialist. In most cases it's all about sulfur plug, which the doctor will remove in the clinic. During sleep, the cerumen plug changes position and closes the ear canal. Read about candles for ears from traffic jams.

Perhaps ear congestion signals serious illness. If you notice a recurrence of symptoms, contact a specialist.

In women during pregnancy

What are the reasons for blocked ears during pregnancy?

  • Ear congestion is also observed during pregnancy. Most often, women complain of stuffiness in the right ear. Reason – hormonal changes in organism expectant mother. The symptom can appear at any stage of pregnancy. As a rule, everything goes away with the birth of the baby.
  • An indirect reason could be low level hemoglobin. Also, changes in blood pressure may occur. Contact the gynecologist who is observing you and find out the cause of the symptom.

Congestion with dizziness

Ear congestion may be accompanied by dizziness and sometimes darkening of the eyes. Typically, these symptoms are associated with a sharp change in blood pressure. There may be several reasons for stuffy ears and dizziness:

  • Stressful situations.
  • Poisoning of the body. You don't have to eat poisoned or stale food. Regular consumption of unhealthy foods leads to imbalance necessary for the body substances, blockage of blood vessels and a huge number diseases.
  • Wrong diet. A sharp change in body weight and a lack of vitamins can also provoke surges in blood pressure, which are expressed by stuffy ears and dizziness.
  • Some people experience ear congestion, dizziness, and nausea in extreme heat. The reason again lies in the sudden change in atmospheric pressure.

If ear congestion occurs frequently, the symptom may be a signal of the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

Why, for what reason do some people have blocked ears often or periodically?

Reasons for the frequent occurrence of symptoms

What is the reason why ears are constantly and often blocked? If the symptom becomes persistent, be sure to visit an otolaryngologist. Sometimes, an examination by a specialist is enough. To identify the disease, it may be necessary to undergo special tests, including tests, audiogram and tympanometry.

Ear congestion can be a symptom of several diseases:

  • Allergic reaction for long-term use of pharmacological agents.
  • Impaired mobility and functionality temporomandibular joint. According to statistics, this disease is the cause of 50% of calls with ear congestion.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media). Often accompanied high temperature and headaches.
  • Syringitis.
  • Deviated nasal septum. This nuisance can be eliminated surgically.
  • Meniere's syndrome- a little-studied disease that occurs as a result of changes in metabolism in the tissue of the inner ear.
  • Neuroma- tumor of the auditory nerve.
  • A brain tumor.
  • Otosclerosis.

For successful treatment For these diseases, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the recommendations of a specialist. That is why, despite the apparent frivolity of ear congestion as a symptom, it should not be taken lightly.

Unilateral and bilateral congestion of the ear canal

Let's look at the reasons why only the right or left ear. Unilateral congestion is observed in the following cases:

  • One ear may be blocked due to contact with the ear cavity foreign object. Cases when insects crawl into the ear during hikes or overnight stays at the dacha are not uncommon.
  • Water ingress, wax plug and most of the above reasons are also manifested by congestion in one ear.

When the problem manifests itself on both sides:

  • With a sharp change in arterial and atmospheric pressure a person feels stuffy in both ears.
  • But the phenomenon may be a symptom acute bilateral otitis. This disease often occurs in children under three years of age; often, bilateral otitis media can cause speech impairment. At purulent otitis Ear congestion is accompanied by hearing loss.

Review of Treatment Methods

When the ear is blocked, depending on the cause of the phenomenon, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment. Folk remedies will help you cope with simple problems inflammatory processes. The doctor's help depends on the severity of the situation:

  • Sulfur plugs are removed using a washing procedure.
  • Inflammation of the middle ear and eustachian tube treated by instillation vasoconstrictor drops and physiotherapeutic procedures. Find out how it manifests itself. IN difficult cases shown antibacterial agents, blowing the Eustachian tube and administering hormonal drugs using a catheter.
  • At serious pathologies appointed surgical intervention with further drug therapy.
  • If ear congestion occurs as a result of allergies, the doctor determines the allergen and prescribes antiallergic drugs.

Watch the following video from the program “About the Most Important Thing” about ear congestion.

Ear congestion may not seem like a serious problem. In most cases, discomfort goes away after simple procedures. If unpleasant sensations recur regularly, be sure to consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis or incorrect treatment can lead to complications and hearing loss.

Ear congestion is a symptom experienced by almost every person at least once in their life. Often this condition is not considered a worrying sign, because it is provoked by natural factors. But in some situations, ear congestion indicates problems with the organ. Why the ears are blocked - the reasons depend on how external factors, and the state of the human body.

Why do my ears get clogged - periodically or constantly? This condition is characterized for various reasons. Most of them are natural and do not pose a health risk. But among them there are also those that pose a potential threat to the organ of hearing.

A systematic feeling of ear congestion is a reason to contact an otolaryngologist.

These include:

  • ear inflammation;
  • pathologies of the auditory nerve;
  • allergies;
  • diseases of the heart and nervous system.

Natural factors for ear plugging are:

  1. Sudden changes in atmospheric or blood pressure. There is a noise in the ear, and partial deafness occurs.
  2. Water getting into the ear.
  3. Excessive accumulation of sulfur - if not collected in time, it can quickly create traffic jams.

How to relieve congestion - first aid

How to quickly and effectively relieve ear congestion at home? Elimination of the natural causes of this condition can be done independently.

You should know what actions not to take.

If congestion was not caused by pathological factors, the condition does not require additional intervention. It usually goes away on its own after a few moments.

Cases when it gets into the ear foreign body, are by no means uncommon. Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove the item yourself. This is especially true for children. The best thing to do in such a situation is to go to the emergency room.

If you have blocked ears, you should not take the following actions:

  1. Carry out warming procedures in the presence of purulent or inflammatory processes.
  2. Do not attempt self-medication without information about the causes of congestion. Frequent blockage of the hearing organs can sometimes be considered a sign of a disease that requires careful diagnosis and drug therapy.
  3. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out pus that has formed in the ear cavity.
  4. It is not recommended to take antibacterial medications without a prescription from a specialist.

Symptoms of serious illnesses

Pathological signs of ear congestion are often provoked by various pathologies. Such signals cannot be ignored, especially when congestion syndrome occurs frequently and for no reason.

Ear congestion can be caused by serious illnesses.

The most typical diseases leading to congestion include:

  1. Otitis. Often after transfer of this disease Scars appear on the surface of the eardrum, significantly reducing its functionality.
  2. Eustachite. It provokes inflammation of the ear mucosa, often occurring against the background of a previous cold or a deformed nasal septum.
  3. Allergy. It can be caused by long-term use of medications.
  4. Damage to the auditory nerve. Often the ears become clogged due to previous traumatic brain injuries. This phenomenon often goes away on its own and does not require additional therapy.
  5. Pathology of the nervous or cardiovascular systems.
  6. Inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. This condition can spread to the ears over time.
  7. Entry of a foreign body. Often, stuffy ears are the result of foreign objects or insects getting into them.

What to do if your ears are blocked

Elimination of symptoms of congestion depends on the reasons that provoked it.

Blocked ears during colds, runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis

Colds are the most common causes of ear discomfort. You can cope with this phenomenon during colds and runny nose only by fully curing your nose and throat.

To cure a cold means to cure ear congestion.

To speed up therapy, the following are suitable:

  • Vasodilator drops.
  • Alcohol compress. The cotton wool is well moistened with alcohol, squeezed out, and applied to the ear. A wool scarf is placed on top of the applique. Warming is also performed using heated salt. The latter is poured into a small bag (fabric), tied and placed on the problem area.
  • Exercises to relieve pressure in the ears.
  • Nasal rinsing ( sea ​​water, saline).

My ears are blocked after swimming, what should I do?

Water treatments are undoubtedly good for health. However, water entering the ear canal can cause several unpleasant minutes and cause ear congestion.

Don't ignore water getting into your ears.

Discomfort caused by water getting into the ear can be eliminated in several simple ways:

  1. Bow your head. A palm with fingers pressed is applied to the ear. By sharply pressing your palm against the organ and removing it, you can create a vacuum, which will allow the water to leave the ear on its own.
  2. Jumping on one leg is also effective. At this moment, the head should be tilted to the side on which, accordingly, the ear is blocked.

Ears pop on the plane

Travelers often experience ear congestion when flying by air. This happens due to the influence of atmospheric pressure pressing on the eardrum.

There's nothing wrong with getting your ears clogged on an airplane.

Low pressure affects the eardrum in the following way - it compresses eustachian tube and causes air to flow from the ear into the nasopharynx. High blood pressure, on the contrary, stimulates the membrane to move towards the outer ear. Changing its location (in any direction) distorts sound perception. That is why a person experiences a condition where the ear is blocked, but does not hurt.

While in flight, ear discomfort can be eliminated by applying the recommendations from the list:

  1. Actively yawn or chew gum.
  2. Drink a glass of water in small sips.
  3. Swallow repeatedly (it is acceptable to suck on a piece of candy).
  4. Take deep breaths through your mouth and close your nose with your fingers. After inhaling, exhale sharply through your nose.

What to do if your ear is clogged due to wax plug?

Sulfur - natural content ears. When there is not too much of it accumulated, problems with ear congestion usually do not arise. The situation is different when an excess of this substance begins to form so-called sulfur plugs. Sometimes wax closes the ear canal immediately after a person wakes up from sleep. Sulfur plugs tend to change their location. Waking up, a person takes vertical position, due to which the “blockages” move and the congestion goes away.

If you have wax plugs, it is better to consult a doctor.

Removing wax plugs is not difficult, but you should act with the utmost care. It is important to understand what to use cotton buds in such a situation it should not. Not only will they not remove the plug, but on the contrary, they will push the wax deep into the ear. The use of sharp improvised objects should also be avoided; they can damage the hearing organs and cause deafness or other problems.

You can remove a small plug yourself in several ways:

  1. Place a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your ear. After a certain period of time, the softened plug will flow out on its own.
  2. Pour a large amount of warmed liquid into the ear olive oil. It will help remove the plug from the ear canal on your own.

Attention. When there is a deformation of the eardrum or an infection is suspected, it is prohibited to bury the ears yourself.

With high blood pressure

Hypertensive patients often report symptoms: dizziness and stuffy ears.

Healthy image life will help hypertensive patients avoid ear congestion.

To eliminate these signs, you should change your lifestyle and take into account a number of recommendations:

  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • lead an active lifestyle, devote time to dosed physical activity;
  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • increase the amount of plant foods consumed;
  • give up excessive intake of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products (ideally forever);
  • reduce your salt intake.

What could be the danger?

Ear congestion, unprovoked natural causes, sometimes indicates a number of failures in human body, for example, on pathologies of the heart or other vital organs.

Ear congestion can be caused by pathologies in the body.

By the way, if a child has been tormented by otitis since childhood, in adulthood, most likely, he may suffer from ear congestion that is annoying due to its frequency. In people who have had otitis media, adhesions are observed on the surface of the eardrum. In the future, this can affect sound perception.

Clogged ears are not always considered a cause for panic. If a similar situation occurred on an airplane, in the mountains or in a swimming pool, the reason most likely lies in natural factors that do not require specific therapy. If congestion is felt systematically and does not disappear for a long time- It is worth visiting a doctor for a thorough examination of the hearing organ. It is possible that such a symptom is a companion to a dysfunction of the ear or other organs. Timely diagnosis of the condition of the hearing organs and selection of optimal treatment will eliminate discomfort and prevent the development of more serious ear pathologies.

Clogged ears are a problem familiar to everyone. Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that ears can become blocked during a long trip, during diving, or in bad weather. But few people know what the true reasons are for blocked ears and how dangerous it is to health. In fact, there are quite a lot of reasons for ear congestion, some of them are truly harmless and natural, while others are real threat for the body.

Why do my ears get stuffy due to pressure?

Most often, the ears become clogged with sudden changes in pressure, which can be observed both when climbing to a height and when diving to depth. Everything happens due to the fact that the body cannot quickly get used to such changes in altitude, and, accordingly, changes in pressure. Therefore, the eardrum begins to press into the Eustachian tube, which is responsible for maintaining pressure inside the ear.

This, in fact, is the main reason why the ears become blocked during pressure surges. Although such an attack does not last long and usually passes painlessly, it causes a lot of discomfort.

It is because of changes in atmospheric pressure that some people's ears become blocked in the heat. In this case, congestion may be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

For the same reason, ears become blocked during pregnancy. Sometimes congestion occurs in both ears, sometimes in only one. Moreover, as practice shows, the right ear most often suffers.

Causes of frequent or recurrent ear congestion

Sometimes the causes of ear congestion can be problems with internal organs. Fortunately, such cases are quite rare, but they cannot be discounted. Especially if this happens for no apparent reason.

The main signs of ear congestion are as follows:

  • there is noise in the ears;
  • partial deafness occurs;
  • an unreasonable headache;
  • the echo of your own voice rings in your ears.

All the main reasons for blocked ears can be divided into two groups: natural and unnatural. Natural factors are considered to be the penetration of water into the auditory tube, accumulations of sulfur - the so-called plugs, as well as pressure drop. By the way, if you are concerned about the question of why your ears are blocked after sleep, most likely the reason is wax plugs. During sleep, they change their position and can close the ear canal, which is why partial deafness appears the next morning.

Unnatural causes include the following:

As you can see, the reasons for blocked ears can be completely different. Therefore, it is best to consult a specialist about this phenomenon, especially if your ears get blocked quite often and for no reason. Get rid of unpleasant sensation You can do this by swallowing saliva, drinking water, or chewing gum.

Causes of stuffy ears: classification and treatment

If your ear is blocked, it is extremely unpleasant and sometimes interferes with your normal life. But if the ears are blocked often, and other symptoms are observed alarming symptoms, then this may indicate serious problems. What to do in this case? It is important to take action as early as possible.

What happens when your ears are clogged?

The structure of the ear is quite complex. Thus, the Eustachian (auditory) tube is a canal that is connected to the nasopharynx and the middle ear and is designed to equalize the pressure in the middle ear. But if for some reason the Eustachian tube closes, then the pressure in the middle ear does not have the opportunity to adapt to changes in environmental pressure. Because of this, the eardrum seems to bend inward, which leads to the blockage of the ears.

Why is this happening?


If your ear is blocked, what should you do? First of all, you should contact a specialist, namely an otolaryngologist. In some cases, a simple examination will be enough, but to determine the causes of congestion, certain diagnostic procedures. For example, radiography will allow you to identify inflammation in the nasopharynx or eustachian tube. In addition, tympanometry and audiogram are sometimes helpful.

Examination by an otolaryngologist

How to fix the problem?

So, if your ear is blocked, what should you do? Measures will depend on specific reason congestion. The following actions are possible:

  1. If congestion is associated with a runny nose, then familiar nasal decongestants are usually used. vasoconstrictor drops. Typically, such drops are instilled into the nostril closest to which the affected hearing organ is located. After instillation, you should lie on your side so that the product spreads throughout the nasopharynx and reaches auditory tube, removing swelling from it too.
  2. If your ears become blocked due to pressure changes, then there are some ways to get rid of this trouble. The first is active yawning. Open your mouth wide and tense your nasopharynx. Cleaning the sinuses, that is, blowing your nose, can also help. But when blowing your nose, be careful, as incorrect actions (exhaling too sharply or blowing your nose with both nostrils at the same time) can only aggravate the condition. You can try to close your nose and try to exhale; such manipulations will fill the Eustachian tube with air and open it. It’s also worth trying to actively swallow. Chewing helps some people chewing gum or active resorption of lollipops.
  3. If in ear canal If a sulfur plug has formed, it will need to be removed. Many people do this with hydrogen peroxide, but be careful. It is better to drop a few drops of the composition onto a cotton pad and then place it in the passage for half an hour or an hour. Afterwards the turunda needs to be removed. As a rule, after such actions the plugs dissolve and are removed. But experts advise using special means for removing traffic jams, such as “Remo-vax”, “A-cerumen” and some others.

And remember that if you do nothing about congestion and do not consult a doctor, unwanted and sometimes extremely serious complications may arise.

The pain in the back of the head has become constant, the ears are blocked,...

Become constant pain in the back of the head, blocked ears, dizziness, “pinches” the right temple, vision deteriorates. All this at low pressure (100x60, sometimes 90X50)

Hello, Doctor. I am 50 years old and have had hypertension since I was 32. Last time diagnosed with hypertension, stage 2, risk 3; left ventricular hypertrophy; thinning back wall hearts." Previously, I took indapamide in the morning ednit 3 times or Enap at sharp increase pressure 2 tablets of Capoten and 1 Corinfar under the tongue. Now even 4 capotens and 2 corinfaras do not help. He stayed in the hospital from December 28 to January 20. Injected with clonidine, the pressure was 190-200 to 100-120 with lidocaine and analgin there was pain.

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