Home Prosthetics and implantation Overdose from nasal drops. Overdose of vasoconstrictor drops in children

Overdose from nasal drops. Overdose of vasoconstrictor drops in children

Nazivin – popular nasal remedy, which has anti-edematous and vasoconstrictive effects. It is successfully used to restore breathing in patients of any age, even in children from the first days of life. However, to avoid undesirable consequences Before taking it, it is important to strictly follow the instructions accompanying the drug, accurately calculate the dosage and consult with your doctor.

What is Nazivin and its use

Nazivin – pharmacological drug based on oxymetazoline. Available in the form of drops (in bottles with a pipette cap, dosage 0.01%, 0.025% and 0.05%), and in the form of a spray 0.05% (10 ml bottle).

In various dosages it is used to treat a runny nose, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and relieve nasal congestion in respiratory diseases, allergic and vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Main contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to oxymetazoline, as well as to any excipient in the composition;
  • atrophic runny nose;
  • acute atherosclerosis;
  • severe diabetes mellitus;
  • closed glaucoma;
  • pregnancy and lactation (however, use is possible as prescribed by a doctor if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus).

Drops 0.025% should not be used to treat children under 1 year of age; Nazivin 0.05% is prohibited for children under 6 years of age.

Side effects:

  • Often – dryness and burning sensation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Less often – increased heart rate and pulse, increased blood pressure.
  • Extremely rare – increased fatigue, headache, fatigue, insomnia.

At constant use the effectiveness of the drug decreases, long-term use can lead to addiction. In the presence of hypersensitivity, and if the recommended doses are too high, patients may experience allergic reactions.

Causes and symptoms of poisoning

Intoxication may occur due to exceeding the recommended dosage, accidental ingestion of the drug, or failure to follow the instructions for use.

The likelihood of being poisoned by Nazivin is much higher in a child than in an adult. Children are curious and want to taste everything, so you should not leave drops or any other medicines freely available to them.

Acute poisoning

This condition is more common in young children, whose bodies are not strong and may react painfully to even a small dose of medication. Any drops should be used in infants with extreme caution. In older children and adults, acute poisoning is caused by a significant excess of the dose or atypical use of the drug - orally or as eye drops.

Main symptoms:

  • a sharp and significant increase in body temperature;
  • feeling of nausea, instantly turning into vomiting;
  • severe constriction of the pupils;
  • organ dysfunction respiratory system: the patient is suffocating, shortness of breath appears, breathing problems;
  • from the central nervous system - strong excitement, sharply replaced by apathy;
  • violation heart rate;
  • arterial hypertension or, conversely, a sharp decline pressure;
  • bluish tint skin;
  • delusions and hallucinations.

Chronic poisoning

With long-term (more than 7 days) use of the drug in large doses, signs appear chronic overdose. These include:

  • nasal congestion;
  • sleep disorder;
  • periodic headache;
  • nosebleeds;
  • depression;
  • high blood pressure.

If one of the symptoms or a combination of them occurs, you should urgently seek help. medical care. Self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to severe consequences. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug without consulting a doctor can worsen the situation.

What happens if a child drinks Nazivin?

Ingestion of the solution, especially by a child, can lead to tragic consequences. The following symptoms are observed:

  • slow heartbeat;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • oppression of the central nervous systems s;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • in the most severe cases - respiratory and cardiac arrest, coma.

Need to call urgently ambulance: doctors will perform gastric lavage using a tube and prescribe further treatment depending on the symptoms.

It is not advisable to perform gastric lavage at home with large amounts of water: liquid helps accelerate the absorption of the drug into the blood and leads to a worsening of the condition.

What to do in case of overdose: first aid and treatment

If the drug was taken nasally, you must:

  1. Help the patient take horizontal position.
  2. Ensure maximum inflow fresh air into the room.

If poisoning occurs as a result of ingestion, you should:

  1. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate at once, then induce vomiting.
  2. Take a laxative, ideally a saline solution.
  3. Use an adsorbent ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel or the like).

There is no universal antidote for Nazivin overdose.

Possible consequences

Consequences of poisoning with this drug:

  • Lungs – insomnia, slight restlessness, slight dizziness.
  • Moderate severity – surges in blood pressure, malfunctions gastrointestinal tract and CNS.
  • Severe – persistent increase in blood pressure, disruption of the respiratory system, allergic pulmonary edema, coma.

The consequences can be especially serious for children, people with weakened immune systems and elderly patients. To avoid worsening the condition, at the first signs of intoxication you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention measures

To avoid drug overdose, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Follow the dosage that should ideally be prescribed by a doctor for an adult or child. During the examination, he will adequately assess the patient’s health condition and prescribe a method and time of admission. At self-treatment it is important not to exceed the dose recommended by the instructions. The opinion that the more the drug enters the body, the sooner it will become easier, is erroneous.
  • Do not leave the drug unattended and store it out of the reach of children.
  • Do not allow drops to get into your eyes.
  • When purchasing a medicine, check that the expiration date has not expired.

The human body is individual, and sometimes intolerance to any component of the drug may become known only when taking it for the first time. Allergies, including those due to a weakened immune system, can manifest themselves in the form of a rash or Quincke's edema. Therefore, you should be prepared for the manifestation allergic reactions and always keep it at home antihistamines to relieve the first symptoms.

Today, my nephew had something similar to seizures, like epilepsy. My sister and I talked for a long time with the doctor and realized that one of the things that could have caused this was precisely those same notorious nasal drops. Trying to protect my nephew from sinusitis, my sister overdid it with vasoconstrictor drops. Now, having rummaged through the Internet, I found this article... Maybe someone will be interested, but mainly a note for myself, so as not to repeat her mistakes...

Nasal drops that quickly relieve swelling and restore nasal breathing contain a drug from the group of so-called alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. They constrict the blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and reduce the production of inflammatory serous or mucous secretions. But these substances are easily absorbed into the blood. And then, along with the desired local effect, their expressed side effect to the entire cardiovascular system. The worst thing is that they affect the brain in such a way that they reduce blood pressure until the development of hypotonic shock. Think about it: simply putting drops into your nose can cause severe poisoning!

For whom are vasoconstrictor nasal drops most dangerous?

How younger child, the less the dose of adrenomimetic is required for the baby to need emergency help. That's why The most vulnerable age is children from one to two years old(about half of all cases). The second place in the frequency of serious complications is occupied by infants under one year old and children from 2 to 3 years old.

How does hypotonic shock manifest in children?

A stuffy nose causes a lot of trouble for a child. He cannot breathe normally, and therefore is capricious during meals and games, during daytime sleep, and often wakes up crying at night. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in the fact that after an adrenergic agonist is instilled into the nose, the baby stops snoring and quickly falls asleep. Because the first signs of low blood pressure are drowsiness and lethargy- in case of poisoning, as a rule, parents skip it. According to statistics, the most common complaint when seeking help is “the child does not wake up” or “it was difficult to wake up, but falls asleep again.”

The greater the number of vasoconstrictor drops in the nose that are absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, the more pronounced will be the general pallor of the skin, blueness around the mouth, sweating, and coldness of the extremities. In children, breathing becomes rare and barely noticeable to the eye, as if they are not breathing at all. The body is relaxed, any movement is difficult for them. In severe cases it may develop epileptic seizure or cerebral coma.

What are the dangers of nasal drops during pregnancy?

Nasal spray with an adrenergic agonist not only narrows superficial vessels its mucous membrane. To a lesser extent, but certainly, the lumen of the vessels feeding the placenta is spasmed. As a result, it becomes easier for the mother to breathe briefly, while the baby experiences a lack of oxygen at this time.

Which vasoconstrictor drops are most dangerous?

  1. Naphazoline. It is part of drugs called Naphazolin ferein,.
  2. , Nazospray , Nesopin , Knoxprey, Fazin, Fervex cold spray.

When nasal drops cause poisoning in a child

The main reason is an overdose of the drug. When this happens:

  • a solution containing a higher concentration of adrenergic agonists is used than is allowed at a certain age. Common mistake– spray “adult” drops into the baby’s nose;
  • the drug is used with the correct pediatric dosage, but in a very large volume. For example, after instilling drops from the nose, mucus is removed and the medicinal spray is immediately reused;
  • the medicine is used more often than recommended in the instructions for the drug.

Accidental poisonings also occur in children when a bottle of spray is left within reach, and child drinks medicine. Even one sip of an adrenergic agonist, especially on an empty stomach, is enough to cause severe poisoning to develop.

How to protect your baby from dangerous nasal drops

The basic rule is to comply with the requirements for age, quantity and frequency of use of the drug specified in the annotation for the drug. Try not to buy sprays containing naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline at the pharmacy. Remember that vasoconstrictor drops do not treat a runny nose, but only facilitate nasal breathing when the mucous membrane is swollen. This is usually observed in the first 1-3 days viral infection. Before instilling an adrenergic agonist, you need to clear the nasal passages of mucus using saline solution or sea ​​water and suction bulbs. Perhaps this procedure will already be enough to baby nose"breathed."

Every year, as soon as the ARVI season begins, messages appear on the Internet: small children end up in the hospital in serious condition simply because they were treated for... a runny nose! No, he was not placed with his legs in a basin with hot water. Didn't rub it with mustard. Not subjected to other Chinese torture. They just dropped naphthyzine into the nose. Or even a product that you bought at the pharmacy for yourself, without even thinking that its concentration could be dangerous for the baby. After all, this is a common runny nose, people don’t die from it.

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“The mother of one-year-old Vanyushka is forced to work because she is raising her son alone. The baby stays with his grandmother while his mother is at work. And then Vanyusha fell ill. The grandmother was given clear instructions, and the mother went to work. But my grandmother thought that the snot needed to be treated more actively, and my mother, as luck would have it, did not leave any drops. Grandmother dropped naphthyzine 0.1%. Yes, more so that you can heal well. The grandmother noticed that the baby went to bed very early nap. Sick, she thought. During the day I woke her up several times to again treat her with naphthyzine. And when the mother returned home late in the evening and could not wake up the child who had been sleeping all day, then she called an ambulance,” the doctor Vanyusha saw described one such case.

The boy was in extremely serious condition. First degree coma, heart beating four times slower than it should. That time everything worked out, the baby was saved. But the danger has not gone away.

“Other drops for runny nose are not candy either, but naphthyzin is just rat poison. Stop putting it on the children already!” – calls the pediatrician Sergey Butriy.

According to the doctor, often the problem is that people buy cheap analogues instead of the products recommended by the doctor. Active substance the same? So there is no difference!

“The Mazda CX5 is the same as a Lada-five, don’t overpay! The Lada also has a steering wheel and pedals, and it drives! Its level of safety, speed, comfort and functionality are absolutely comparable to imported analogue, and whoever says otherwise has simply sold out to car dealerships and is receiving kickbacks from them!” - the doctor makes an analogy.

As Sergey Butriy explained, it’s not only about the active substance, but also about its purity, dosage accuracy, delivery method, and side effects. Moreover, pharmacies often advise customers to buy a cheap generic (copy) instead of the expensive original. Is Nazivin expensive? Take naphthyzin!

“In fact, naphthyzine nasal drops are an absolutely hellish drug, outdated and toxic,” says the doctor. And that's why.

1. Naphthyzin causes a rebound symptom - it relieves nasal swelling well, but after the end of the action (after 2-3 hours) the nose swells even more, this leads to too frequent instillation and drug-induced rhinitis or even poisoning.

2. Causes medicinal (atrophic) rhinitis within 1-2 weeks of constant use.

3. Naphthyzin easily causes poisoning when instilled into the nose. In addition, a child can easily drink it - this is how the product is packaged. The severity of poisoning depends on the dose. Some will get away with a little drowsiness, but in other cases the baby may die.

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“The situation is aggravated by the fact that parents do not understand how dangerous naphthyzine poisoning is. They will hide grandma's blood pressure pills, even mom's harmless ones. hormonal contraceptives They’ll hide it, but they’ll leave naphthyzin in plain sight – it’s just droplets in your nose,” Sergei Butriy is indignant.

The doctor advises, in principle, to be wary of vasoconstrictor drops for children. In some countries, it is generally prohibited to give them to children under two to five years of age. If you can't afford expensive medicines that the doctor prescribes, do not hesitate to ask him to prescribe cheaper analogues. But under no circumstances listen to the pharmacist at the pharmacy! In addition, one family member must give medications to the child. So that it doesn’t happen that mom drips, dad drips, and grandma doesn’t stand aside either.

“If you injected a child by mistake adult dosage naphthyzine, or when pressing on a plastic dropper, the tip fell off and a lot of the drug poured into the child’s nose, or if the child drank even a small amount of vasoconstrictor drops, immediately call an ambulance, this is very dangerous,” the doctor warns.

Symptoms of naphthysine poisoning:

Inappropriate sleepiness

Bradycardia (slow pulse),


Cold sweat,

Child's lethargy.

According to Life, well-known pharmaceutical companies and Roszdravnadzor bombarded Russian pediatricians with warnings in 2016–2017. Their content is approximately the same: children are increasingly being poisoned vasoconstrictor drops. We are talking about naphthyzin, sanorin, otrivin and other similar drugs. If you overdo it with treatment, the child may get heart problems or even fall into a coma. As Roszdravnadzor notes, many parents do not know this and therefore allow their children to bury them uncontrollably. As a result, thousands of children across the country end up in hospitals every year.

At the beginning of 2017, one-year-old Seryozha from the city of Tchaikovsky, Perm Territory, caught a cold, and his mother, leaving for work, instructed his grandmother how to treat the baby. And although the boy sniffed, his mother did not leave any drops. The grandmother decided that this was not a problem and gave her grandson naphthyzin. She didn’t even drip it, but, one might say, poured it in, so as not to give the snot a chance. That day Vanya fell asleep earlier than usual after lunch.

Grandma woke him up and dropped more drops. After which the child slept all day.

The mother, returning from work, could not wake up her son. In a panic, she called an ambulance. The arriving brigade possible ways I tried to bring the child to his senses. With a normal heart rate of about 110–120 beats per minute, Serezha’s heart beat at a speed of only 30 beats. The boy was pale and reacted only to strong painful stimuli. At the hospital they said: naphthyzine poisoning.

The doctors managed to save Seryozha, a day later he was already running around the department, and four days later he was discharged home. The fact that the boy almost died was not the fault of the drops, but of the adults who used them incorrectly.

How the drops work

During flu and colds, our nose becomes blocked because the mucous membrane in the nasal sinuses swells and “swells.” To relieve swelling, millions of our compatriots use naphthyzine-type drops. They constrict the vessels of the mucous membrane, the swelling subsides, and the nasal passages expand.

Sanorin, naphthyzin, xylene, rhinostop are drugs of the same pharmacological group,” explains pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences Tuyara Zakharova.

The problem is that with an overdose, not only the capillaries in the nose begin to narrow. The effect extends to large vessels carrying blood to the kidneys, heart and brain. This is fraught dangerous consequences: a person’s pulse drops, blood pressure rises, and signs of anemia appear. The adult body is able to “swallow” large doses of drops without serious consequences. But for children, an overdose is extremely dangerous. The worst thing that can happen is heart problems.

For example, sanorin is used only from the age of two, says Tuyara Zakharova. - This is due to the fact that children early age even a small amount of the drug can cause a spasm in the heart muscle.

Drug poisoning

Roszdravnadzor sounded the alarm and from June 2016 to May 2017 sent 12 official letters to all regional medical institutions about the dangers of using vasoconstrictors. Life has copies of them at its disposal. These documents are ordered to be distributed in all pharmacies and among pediatricians. The letters mention nine names of drops. This is almost the entire “vasoconstrictor” assortment of Russian pharmacies.

Analyzing information about side effect[vasoconstrictor drops and sprays], Roszdravnadzor specialists learned about a significant number of overdoses in pediatric practice, the department’s documents say. - We recorded a large number of acute and subacute drug poisoning in children under 15 years of age [after using drugs].

A source in the department told Life that they began to study the problem after reports from children's hospitals in the central region.

We received data from one of the children's hospitals. Over the course of two years, their toxicology department treated 892 children under the age of 15 due to [vasoconstrictor] poisonings,” a source told Life. - All poisonings were accidental and occurred due to excess dosages, as well as due to non-compliance with age-related contraindications. However, the documents do not indicate how many children in Russia were poisoned by the drops.

Life sent a request to Roszdravnadzor asking for statistics, but has not yet received a response. The scale of the problem can be assessed using the example of a specific Moscow hospital. Every year due to improper treatment only to the hospital. N.F. Filatova receives 250–300 children under the age of four years.

In 2015, 244 children came to us, and in 2016, 250 children were treated. Basically, in cases of poisoning, all liquid-type medications and even household chemicals are recorded. For example, these are vasoconstrictor nasal drops,” Dmitry Dolginov, head of the hospital’s toxicology department, told Life.

Parents can recognize vasoconstrictor poisoning by several basic signs.

The main sign of vasoconstrictor poisoning is changes in the nervous system. The child becomes restless or, on the contrary, inhibited,” Boris Blokhin, chief freelance pediatrician of the Moscow Department of Health, told Life. - Poisoning can be avoided if you strictly follow the recommendations written on the drugs. And understand that any medicine is not only a treatment for the child, but also possible development side effects.

Life sent requests to major pharmaceutical companies in Russia and Germany, which produce drops, with a request to comment on the situation. This is Moscow endocrine plant, German Bayer and Merkle GmbH. At the time of publication, only representatives of the Bayer company, which produces Nazol drops, responded.

To provide correct application drops, Bayer informed doctors and pharmacists about strict adherence to the dosage regimen, contraindications and precautions for use medicines, - company representative Svetlana Meleshko told Life. - Bayer carefully processes all information on cases of misuse of drugs, adverse events and overdoses and provides this information to regulatory authorities.

Most people are accustomed to using vasoconstrictor nasal drops at the slightest manifestation of a runny nose in a child or adult. At the same time, there are ardent opponents of these drugs who refuse to treat a runny nose with them. Who is right? Indeed, uncontrolled spraying into the nose vasoconstrictor sprays can lead to serious consequences in adults and children. In this article, we looked at the reasons why an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops may develop, the symptoms and methods of treating this condition.

In what cases are vasoconstrictor nasal drops used?

Vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are prescribed to treat certain diseases of the nose and ears. Just like that, for any runny nose, you shouldn’t use them neither in children nor in adults.

They are available in the form of drops or spray. They need to be instilled into both nostrils. The dosage, frequency and duration of treatment are discussed with the treating doctor.

Remember that a therapist or otolaryngologist should prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. It is very dangerous to use them on your own; they can cause the development of chronic rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal mucosa, or drug poisoning.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops:

  • Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle parts of the ear. Drops accelerate the removal of inflammation and swelling from internal structures ear;
  • Eustachitis is an inflammation of the auditory Eustachian tube, in which the flow of air into the structures of the middle ear is disrupted. This disease is almost always accompanied by severe hearing loss. Vasoconstrictor drugs relieve swelling and clear ear congestion.
  • difficult nasal breathing due to inflammatory bacterial or viral diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

Causes of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops

Intoxication with these drugs most often develops as a result of their improper and independent use. Exceeding the dosage of vasoconstrictor drops is very dangerous and can lead to disruption of the entire body.

The causes of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops are listed below:

  • Frequent nasal drops to improve nasal breathing. Sometimes, during acute viral processes, it is not possible to completely decompress the nose, and free breathing does not return after instilling a dose of the drug. But this does not mean that it is necessary to re-inject the medicine.
  • Incorrect dosage selection. For example, adult dose The vasoconstrictor drug is toxic to the child and can cause acute poisoning.
  • Parallel use of several different vasoconstrictor drugs. Only one nasal spray can be used at a time during treatment. drug group. Combining several different drops with a similar effect or with the same active substance leads to the development of an overdose.
  • Accidental ingestion of nasal drops can occur in a child who finds the drug. All medications should be kept out of the reach of children.

With prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops in normal dosages, chronic rhinitis develops. People become dependent on a bottle of vasoconstrictor drops and carry it with them all the time.

Examples of drugs

In pharmacies you can find a large variety of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. They all have a similar effect, may differ from each other in dosage rules and active substance. Examples of drugs:

  • "Rinazolin";
  • "Naphthyzin";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Nesopin";
  • "Lazolvan Rino."

Overdose symptoms

The severity of intoxication directly depends on the amount of the drug injected into the nose. The larger it is, the worse condition sick. Signs of intoxication appear within the first hour after the drug enters the body.

Vasoconstrictor drops in large dosages have a direct effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Symptoms of an overdose of these drugs are listed below:

  • Constriction of the eye pupils, they become like a small dot. In this case, the pupils practically do not react to changes in light.
  • Severe dryness in the nose. Nosebleeds may develop.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance. With mild intoxication, tachycardia is observed - rapid heartbeat. Severe poisoning is accompanied by the development of bradycardia - slowing of the pulse.
  • Changes in blood pressure levels. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, it may decrease or increase.
  • Pale and blue discoloration of the skin develops due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply.
  • Nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief. These symptoms develop due to hypoxia and damage to the central nervous system.
  • Drowsiness and lethargy. The person feels dizzy severe weakness. A headache may develop.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature below 36 degrees.
  • Impaired consciousness, up to the development of a deep coma.

First aid and treatment for overdose

What to do in case acute poisoning vasoconstrictor drops? The first thing you should do is call an ambulance. Briefly tell the dispatcher about what happened by phone and give the exact address.

If a person takes nasal drops, the stomach should be rinsed immediately. To do this, the patient needs to drink several glasses of water in one gulp and induce vomiting. Then you should drink some kind of sorbent, for example, activated carbon.

If an overdose has developed as a result of excessive instillation of the drug into the nose, rinsing the stomach or drinking sorbents is pointless. Before the doctors arrive, try to calm the patient down; you can give him plain water or sweet, weak black tea.

First aid will be provided to the patient by the doctors who arrive on call. They will do a quick examination of the patient and administer necessary medications to stabilize the work of the heart vascular system and breathing.

In case of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops, hospitalize in toxicological or intensive care unit. There is no specific antidote. All treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms, removing the drug from the body and regulating heart function.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops help treat acute inflammatory diseases nose and ears. They help restore breathing when the nasal passages are congested. Before using these medications, you should consult your doctor. In large dosages, they can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by disruption of the heart and breathing. When the first signs of an overdose appear, you should call an ambulance. Treatment of this condition is carried out in a hospital setting.

Naphthyzin is very effective drug, which constricts blood vessels in a short period of time. At misuse An overdose of naphthyzine may occur.

Naphthyzin is an effective vasoconstrictor drug

Young parents often wonder: can the drug be used by children? The use of naphthyzin is permitted by pediatricians, but only if the concentration of drops and dosage are correctly selected. Naphthyzin is available in the form of 0.05% drops. A solution of 0.1% is an adult dosage, which is strictly prohibited for children to take, as it can cause severe poisoning.

Danger of the drug

Can a child be poisoned by this drug? Of course. Nasal drops seem harmless, but they are quite capable of harming your baby. Poisoning with naphthyzine drops in children is not uncommon. Naphthyzine poisoning occurs when inexperienced parents independently, without a pediatrician’s prescription, treat their child’s runny nose with vasoconstrictor medications. Young mothers very often turn to medical institutions for help with naphthysine poisoning.

Reasons why poisoning may occur

Naphthyzin, like any other drug, can cause harm to the body. Symptoms can appear not only with long-term use, but also with one-time use of drops. So, let's figure out why seemingly ordinary drops can cause serious poisoning.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops called Naphthyzin are available in plastic bottles. It is not always possible to give the child the required number of drops by pressing on the bottle; in this case, the dose may increase several times.
  • Parents very often confuse the adult dosage of 0.1% with the children's dosage of 0.05%.
  • Very often there is non-compliance with the rules for using a medicinal product. The instructions indicate that the drops should not be used by children under one year of age, and young mothers use the drug on their own, which risks causing serious harm to the health of the baby.
  • Naphthyzin, effective inexpensive drug, which is extremely popular. For children, its use can have dire consequences.

Poisoning with naphthyzine drops in children is not uncommon

First symptoms

Naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. In order to determine whether the child has actually been poisoned, it is necessary to monitor his condition. The first symptoms that you might be concerned about are:

  • bright severe weakness and lethargy in the baby;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • cramping pain in the head and slight dizziness;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • complete refusal of food;
  • drowsiness;
  • pale skin (skin becomes damp and cold);
  • slight constriction of the pupils.

When the first such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently call a qualified medical specialist, which will have necessary help and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home!

First aid

While you are waiting for the doctor, do not panic so that it is not transmitted to the child. It is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition, calm him down and ensure a comfortable position.

  • Follow general condition child.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. It could be ordinary boiled water.
  • Monitor the baby's pulse and breathing.
  • Wrap him in a blanket so the child can stay warm.

The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician in accordance with the dosage

Treatment for poisoning

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of naphthysine poisoning. Upon arrival of the emergency doctor, it is necessary to tell how the drug was taken and in what dosage. If it happened light form poisoning, the baby will be given first aid on the spot and given further recommendations for treatment. In severe cases, they are transported to the hospital and treated in a hospital setting.

It often happens that children use medications on their own. medical purposes. To prevent this from happening, parents should be careful about the storage of all medications, that is, keep them out of the reach of children.

Note for young parents

  • The drug should not be used by infants.
  • Drops should be prescribed by a pediatrician in accordance with the dosage according to the child’s age.
  • Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of severe poisoning.
  • The recommended dose for a child should not exceed 1-2 drops of a 0.05% Naphthyzin solution.
  • Correct use of the drug will clear the child's airways and make nasal breathing easier.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is addictive, drops can be used no more than once with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • It is effective to use a pipette to accurately measure a drop. This way you can see the amount of the drug collected.
  • In order not to cause addiction in the child, it is necessary to alternate naphthyzin with other drops intended for treatment colds in kids.

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Can a child be poisoned by Naphthyzin? Yes maybe. Even the simplest and safest-looking nasal drops can lead to serious consequences and harm the child’s health. Poisoning in children medicines not at all uncommon. Poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs occurs especially often, due to the selection and use of medications by parents independently without a doctor’s prescription, also due to an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug and its incorrect storage.

During colds, runny nose, allergies, teething, there is a need to give drops to children. Parents use Naphthyzin because the drug has fast action, removes swelling of the nasal mucosa, clears the respiratory passages.

Behind last years the number of Naphthyzin poisonings has increased. Mothers are increasingly going to the hospital with similar poisonings in their children.

Reasons for the increase in poisonings

Naphthyzin, like other drugs, has observed side effects not only with long-term use, but also with short-term use. Sometimes symptoms of poisoning occur even with a single use.

The main reasons why there is an increase in drug poisoning:

  • Naphthyzin is produced in plastic bottles up to 20 ml. Due to such packaging, it is possible to make a mistake and take the wrong dosage, because during one press on the bottle the dose can increase up to ten times;
  • Parents often make a mistake and buy a 0.1% solution of the drug, but they should use a 0.05% solution;
  • Failure to follow the instructions for using the medicine. Let’s say the instructions indicate that naphthyzine can be used for children older than one year, but in practice it turns out that parents have been using it since the baby’s birth.
  • Price for the drug. The cost of the drug is very insignificant, compared to other drops, the price is very meager, about 10 rubles, which is why the medicine is popular, but the price may increase in the future, then you will have to fight for the health and life of the child.


Poisoning with drugs for the common cold is quite common in children. However, in order to accurately determine whether it is poisoning or not, you should monitor the baby’s well-being. Main symptoms of poisoning:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Bad mood;
  • Dizziness and headache;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Reduced body temperature;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Decreased pressure;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Slight constriction of the pupils;
  • Pallor of the skin;
  • The skin is damp and cold.

If you notice symptoms of poisoning in a child, you should urgently call an ambulance., which will provide professional assistance and eliminate the symptoms of overdose. Carrying out treatment at home is unsafe for the child’s health.


Treatment of poisoning consists of eliminating symptoms. If symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning are detected in children, the first thing to do is stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor should tell how the drug was taken and in what dosage.

It happens that the baby took the medicine himself; such cases occur if the medicines are in full view of the children's eyes. Therefore it is advisable to put everything medical supplies out of the reach of children.

First aid

While you are waiting for an ambulance, the main thing is not to panic and not to pass on your panic state to your child. First of all, you should monitor the child’s condition, provide him with a comfortable position, move him to the bed and calm him down.


  • Ensure that the child remains conscious;
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids. Cooled boiled water with a volume of up to a liter or more is suitable for this;
  • In case of poisoning, it is forbidden to give milk to children, as this promotes rapid absorption of the medicine into the blood;
  • Check your breathing and monitor your heart rate;
  • Wrap the baby in a blanket or blanket to keep him warm;
  • Monitor your pulse.

Naphthyzine poisoning is increasingly occurring, the main reasons being incorrect administration or use of medications that have expired. It is necessary to monitor the expiration date and throw away all drugs that are already spoiled and buy new ones. Otherwise, much larger sums will be required for treatment than for new drops.

Degrees of overdose

The presence of various symptoms. Naphthyzine overdose has three degrees of severity.

  1. In the first degree of overdose, there is no need to hospitalize the patient and call an ambulance. Symptoms disappear after stopping the medication. This degree is called mild.
  2. With moderate severity, there is no need to hospitalize the child either. Parents can independently help the baby, stop taking the medication and monitor the patient’s condition. If the symptoms go away, then there is no need to call a doctor.
  3. The most dangerous degree– heavy. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance and put the child in the hands of specialists. In this case, hospitalization is mandatory.

Treatment of poisoning should first begin with eliminating the symptoms and stopping the drug.

Can Naphthyzin be used for children?

Naphthyzin is effective drug, which in short time constricts blood vessels, belongs to the group of selective adrenergic agonists.

Parents often ask whether children are allowed to use the drug? It is allowed, provided that the correct concentration of the solution is selected and the dosage is observed. The drug for children is produced in the form of a 0.05% solution, a 0.1% solution is contraindicated for children; this dose causes poisoning in children.


The drug should not be used by children under one year of age. After a year, naphthyzine is prescribed by a doctor, subject to strict adherence to the dosage. The dose of the drug for children is 1-2 drops of 0.05 naphthyzine solution in each nasal passage, this dosage promotes the release respiratory tract and makes breathing easier.

Naphthyzin causes the body to become addicted to the drug and the medicine stops working. Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of naphthyzine poisoning (in children this process occurs much faster than in adults, since the body is still quite weak and cannot fight poisoning).

Due to rapid addiction, children can use the medicine no more than once every 7 hours. The effect of the drug begins within thirty minutes.

Since a plastic bottle causes errors in the dosage of the drug and leads to an overdose and subsequently to poisoning, the use of a pipette to maintain the exact dose is considered effective. This way you can see how much of the drug you have taken.

In order not to cause addiction in the child, you should alternate the use of naphthyzine with other similar medications, for example pinosol, aquamaris.

Nazivin represents liquid solution, related to clinical – pharmacological group decongestants, vasoconstrictors for...

Nazivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical and pharmacological group of decongestant, vasoconstrictor drugs for local (nasal) use. Active substance(oxymetazoline) helps relieve nasal congestion, making breathing easier. The advantage of the product is the lack of absorption into the bloodstream and systemic exposure.

Therapeutic effect

Oxymetazoline, the main active ingredient, is an imidazoline derivative and belongs to the stimulants of alpha adrenergic receptors located in the vascular layer of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Local use of the drug promotes narrowing blood vessels, due to which swelling of the mucous membrane is eliminated. As a result, breathing becomes easier for rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases due to the opening and expansion of the excretory canals of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavities, eustachian tubes. A similar mechanism stimulates drainage function, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing bacterial complications.

Oxymetazoline has an antiviral effect. The active substance suppresses the activity of pathogenic viruses that cause colds and runny nose.

Release forms and chemical composition

The drug is presented in the form of nasal drops or spray various dosages- for adults and children. Clear solution either has no color at all, or is painted in a faint yellowish tint.

The following are used as auxiliary components:

  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Drops are supplied in a glass or plastic bottle with a molded or separate pipette. Spray - in a plastic container with a mechanical sprayer.

The drug is available without a prescription in the form of nasal drops of 5, 10 ml, as well as in the form of a spray in a 10 ml bottle.

Indications for use

The use of Nazivin is advisable for the following pathologies:

  • acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by a runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

The drug is also prescribed to prepare the nasal mucosa (eliminate swelling) before diagnostic studies.

Restrictions and contraindications for use

The main contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children under 1 year of age (for Nazivin at a dosage of 0.025%);
  • up to 6 years (for a dose of 0.05%);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Admission restrictions apply to patients with the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • coronary arteries;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pheochromocytoma.

Nazivin should be prescribed with caution to pregnant and lactating women. When using the product, the attending physician must evaluate and compare the benefits for the mother's body with the potential risks for the child.

Common Adverse Reactions

Nazivin is well tolerated, with the exception of rare cases when patients noted a burning sensation and drying of the nasal mucosa, which was mainly associated with an overdose.

Among side effects you can note:

  • reactive hyperemia;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • feeling of tightness in the bridge of the nose.

Rarely observed:

  • frontal headache;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance.

If such symptoms appear, use of the drug should be suspended until the true causes of deterioration in well-being are determined.

Interaction with other medications

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs);
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

A vasoconstrictor pharmaceutical reduces the rate of absorption of anesthetics local impact(Lidocaine).

Combination with products that have similar pharmacological properties, increases the likelihood of an overdose of Nazivin and the development of pronounced adverse reactions.

Therapeutic doses

There is a special dosage for children depending on age:

  • under 1 year, starting from 5 weeks - 0.01% solution, a few drops 2 - 3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 6 years - 0.025% 1 - 2 drops 2 - 3 r. per day;
  • over 6 - 0.05% according to a similar scheme.

Adults are prescribed the same dosage (0.05% solution) or 1 to 2 intranasal injections several times a day.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by the therapist, based on the severity of the condition, the characteristics of the disease, on an individual basis. Treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than 7 days, since then the intensity of the therapeutic effect decreases.

Clinical picture of overdose

Exceeding the recommended doses of Nazivin usually occurs by accident. Either by putting an excess amount of product into the pipette, or as a result of intense pressure on the sprayer. Atypical use also occurs - orally, orally or, mistakenly, as eye drops.

Overdose has characteristic signs:

  • nausea;
  • rarely vomiting;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • cyanosis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • disturbances of heart rhythm and contraction frequency;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory function disorders.

Most victims of Nazivin overdose experience:

  • depression of the central nervous system, manifested by general malaise, apathy, pathological drowsiness, decreased body temperature;
  • from the cardiovascular system - bradycardia, arterial hypertension;
  • mental disorders, hallucinations;
  • coma.

At untimely application If medical attention is required, pathological phenomena can progress rapidly and lead to sudden respiratory arrest.

First aid at home

The first thing that needs to be done to help a victim of an overdose of Nazivin is to provide access to fresh air and a horizontal position. To make breathing easier, you should free your neck from compressive elements. You also need to call a medical team as quickly as possible and wait for their arrival.

In case of an overdose of Nazivin as a result of oral administration, the following is carried out:

  • gastric lavage clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (the total volume of liquid is at least 1 liter);
  • taking enterosorbents (activated carbon - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight, Polysorb and other absorbent drugs - according to the instructions);
  • taking a saline laxative (for example, magnesium sulfate).

Drinking plenty of fluids will help you cope with poisoning faster. Arriving qualified specialists should be informed about the expected excess of the dose and the method of use of the drug.

Qualified medical care

There are three degrees of severity of Nazivin overdose depending on the intensity of pathological manifestations.

  • The first degree (mild) in most cases does not require hospitalization. The condition stabilizes after stopping the use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Moderate, or second, degree is characterized by more severe symptoms. As a rule, emergency procedures, such as gastric lavage and drinking plenty of fluids, can eliminate the manifestations of poisoning. Improvement occurs after a longer period of time. Physician supervision is recommended. Hospitalization is not required if the condition is satisfactory.
  • In case of severe Nazivin poisoning, the victim is taken to the hospital, where intensive care aimed at eliminating symptoms. Treatment is selected individually in each specific clinical case.


Overdose of Nazivin is a common phenomenon, especially among children. Independent use by a child, erroneous use as eye drops or accidental overdose of the drug administered can cause significant, sometimes irreparable harm to health. With absence emergency assistance Serious complications may develop, including falling into a coma and even death.

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