Home Wisdom teeth Aquamaris - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal drops, nasal spray Strong and Plus, norm and baby) medications based on sea water for rinsing the nose and irrigating the throat in adults, children and pregnancy. Compound

Aquamaris - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (nasal drops, nasal spray Strong and Plus, norm and baby) medications based on sea water for rinsing the nose and irrigating the throat in adults, children and pregnancy. Compound

The Croatian company Jadran Galenski Laboratories produces a series of products under the Aqua Maris trademark. It is intended for hygiene of the nose, throat and ear canals. The series includes various types: for children, for allergies, to relieve congestion, and a device for flow-through nasal rinsing. Depending on the type and area of ​​use, the instructions for using Aquamaris products differ. This article will give a general description of the entire line. For those who are looking for cheaper analogues, we will present a list of products similar to this series.

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Aquamaris instructions for use

For adults

Aqua Maris sprays are used during periods of illness or exacerbation of allergies 4-6 times a day. As a general rule, when nasal congestion occurs, you should first relieve swelling of the mucous membrane with a vasoconstrictor and only then rinse. This rule does not apply to Aquamaris for the throat and ears.

As a prophylactic agent, Aqua Maris sprays are used depending on the need and type:

  • Sprays for the nose and throat – 1-2 times a day;
  • ear spray – 2 times a week or less.

Instructions for use of Aquamaris do not limit the period of use (except for Strong spray). Despite the fact that these products are exclusively natural in their composition, they should not be used constantly unless necessary.

For children

The Croatian manufacturer produces a separate children's Aquamaris baby, which differs from the adult version of Norm in its small volume and a nozzle that is more convenient for insertion into a child's nose. Spray "baby" is indicated for use in children from 3 months. Aquamaris baby has no fundamental difference in composition.

Starting from 2 years of age, the manufacturer recommends using standard sprays aimed at adults. In accordance with the instructions for use of Aquamaris, children can use the products in this series as often and in dosages similar to adults.

For the hygiene of newborns' noses, starting from the first day of life, the company Jadran Galenski Laboratories produces special drops for regular care and prevention of runny nose.

Aqua Maris, as well as its analogues - Dolphin, Quicks - is an ideal remedy for alleviating symptoms. In case of heavy nasal discharge, it safely cleanses the nose and gently stimulates the immunity of the nasal mucosa, naturally increasing the body's defenses. For nasal congestion, Aquamaris Strong with an anti-congestant effect is the only alternative to unauthorized vasoconstrictor drops.

When breastfeeding

All products in the Aqua Maris series are completely natural and can be safely used by breastfeeding women without any restrictions.

Types of Aquamaris and their composition

General characteristics of the composition of Aquamaris

Most Aqua Maris products contain sea water diluted with purified distilled water. For one part of sea salt water, depending on the type of product, there are approximately 2 parts of pure water without impurities.

Since the manufacturer of Aquamiris is localized in Croatia on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, it is from its pool that it takes water for all products in the series. The Adriatic Sea is not the cleanest body of water on earth. The instructions for use of Aquamaris note that the company Jadran Galenski Laboratories specially filters and sterilizes sea water, preserving all the original trace elements in it.

These are the elements:

  • Calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • sodium salt (also known as table salt).
Calcium and magnesium improve metabolic processes in mucosal cells. Zinc and selenium have a local immunostimulating effect. Iodized salt stimulates the production of mucous secretion, which moisturizes the inhaled air and has a protective function.

The listed microelements are contained in all products of the line under consideration. In the instructions for use of Aquamaris, the manufacturer notes that it is the presence of microelements and the sterility of the solution that give their products the maximum therapeutic effect.

Aquamaris Norm

Aquamaris Norm is a metal cylinder with a plastic tip and a release button. The pressure cylinder contains a mixture of sea and ordinary water (32%: 68%). Aqua Maris Norm spray does not contain any additional substances.

The Norm variant is available in 3 varieties: 50, 100 and 150 ml. A larger volume is cheaper and is recommended by the manufacturer for home use. Small 50 ml cylinders are positioned as a travel product that does not take up much space in your bag.

Aquamaris Baby

Children's Aquamaris baby is no different in composition from the Norm version. The only difference is in the packaging:

  • Small bottle – 50 ml;
  • small tip specially designed for the noses of babies from 3 months.

The instructions for use of Aquamaris note that children, starting from 2 years of age, can rinse their nose with an adult means Norm.

Aquamaris drops are available in 10 ml bottles and are suitable for use in children from birth. Instillation, as opposed to spraying, allows you to introduce a solution of sea water more delicately, which guarantees a tolerant attitude towards the procedure for the little ones. The ratio of sea and ordinary water is 30%: 70%

Aquamaris Plus

Aquamaris Plus spray is available in 30 ml glass bottles with a plastic tip. The contents are released not by internal pressure, but by pressing the plastic tip once.
The composition of Aqua Maris Plus is different from the classic version:

  • The ratio of sea and ordinary water is 25%: 75%.
  • dexpanthenol – 1.33 g.
Dexpanthenol, a derivative of vitamin B5, adds additional effectiveness to the stimulating and regenerating effects of sea water microelements.

The manufacturer, in the instructions for use of Aquamaris Plus, draws attention to the fact that the complex composition of this product:

  • Increases local immunity of the nasal mucosa;
  • contributes to the formation of a more lasting response to the invasion of viruses and bacteria.

Aquamaris Strong

“Strong” Aqua Maris is so named because this spray contains undiluted sea water. The Strong version is concentrated. This product should not be used for rinsing. It is intended to be sprayed into the nose in order to cause a natural outflow of fluid from the swollen nasal mucosa.

In the instructions for use of Aquamaris Strong, 100 percent sea water is called a “natural decongestant,” i.e. a natural alternative to vasoconstrictors. The drug is indicated for all categories of patients who are prohibited from using Naphthyzin and its analogues.

Aquamaris Strong is available in a volume of 30 ml.

Aquamaris Throat

Another Aqua Maris with 100% sea water and a high concentration of salt and trace elements is a throat irrigator. Used in the complex treatment of throat diseases. Sold in 30 ml bottles.

Aquamaris Classic

Aquamaris in the Classic version is a solution of sea and ordinary water (30%: 70%), packaged in a 30 ml glass spray bottle. Positioned by the manufacturer as a prophylactic to prevent viral and bacterial runny noses.

Traditionally, manufacturers of nasal rinses do not ignore allergy sufferers. Jadran Galenski Laboratories offers this category of patients a new way to combat allergens.

Composition of Aquamaris Sense:

  • Purified water;
  • salt;
  • ectoine.

Salt water (0.9%) Aqua Maris Sense washes away allergens and cleanses the nasal cavity of secretions. Please note that this version of Aquamaris does not directly contain sea water and zinc, selenium, iodine and other trace elements dissolved in it. They can also cause an allergic reaction and are therefore excluded from the composition.

Ectoine is a key element in Aquamaris for allergies. By forming a film, it prevents allergens from contacting the mucous membrane and thus relieves the allergic reaction.

Aquamaris Sense is sold in glass spray bottles of 20 ml.

Aquamaris Oto

Unlike rinsing series from other manufacturers, Jadran Galenski Laboratories offers a unique device for ear hygiene. It is equipped with a special nozzle, which makes it possible to use it for washing the ear canal.

The ratio of sea and purified water is 30%: 70%.

Sold in pressurized tin bottles containing 100 ml of rinsing solution.

Aquamaris device

The Aquamaris rinsing device is intended for thorough rinsing of the nose in the following cases:

  • With frequent or;

Unlike other Aquamaris products, which moisturize and irrigate the nasal mucosa, the device allows for complete rinsing. Using a plastic mini watering can, it is possible to simultaneously pour up to 330 ml of water with sea salts dissolved in it through the nasal cavity.

The device is equipped with bags of salt for subsequent dissolution in two versions:

  • With essential oils of plants;
  • without additional components for use in allergic rhinitis.

Indications for use

Aqua Maris nasal sprays are indicated for a runny nose in the phase of heavy discharge and congestion caused by the following reasons:

  • Rhinitis, acute and chronic,
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis, chronic and in the acute phase;
  • adenoiditis, acute and chronic;
  • occurring with a runny nose (flu, ARVI, “cold”);
  • after medical manipulations on the nasopharynx.

Instructions for use Aquamaris for the throat is indicated as a hygiene product in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • adenoiditis;
  • viral diseases that occur with cough (ARVI, influenza, etc.).

As a prophylactic agent, Aquamaris sprays are used during periods of increased seasonal risk of contracting respiratory infections, as well as to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat for people who need it, namely:

  • With partial atrophy of the mucosa;
  • people who smoke;
  • elderly with reduced secretory function of the mucous membrane;
  • working in hazardous industries with high ambient temperatures.

Aquamaris ear spray is indicated for the hygiene of the ear canal and the prevention of the formation of wax plugs.


Aquamaris sprays have a standard contraindication - severe sensitivity to the components of the solutions: sea salt or trace elements (for sprays), essential oils (only for the Aquamaris device).

Side effects

For the vast majority of people, sea water with a salt concentration of 0.9% does not cause side effects.

A 2-3.5% solution (Aquamaris Strong) can cause discomfort and lead to dry nose after spraying the drug.

A rare side effect is an allergic reaction to the components of Aquamaris solutions.

How to rinse the nose and other ENT organs with Aquamaris?

Instructions for Aqua Maris nasal sprays in the form of pressure cylinders (Norm, Baby):

  1. Stand in front of a sink, bathtub, or any other container into which the waste solution will drain.
  2. Lean forward.
  3. Turn your head and look to the side.
  4. Bring the balloon and insert the nozzle into the nostril located on top.
  5. Hold your breath.
  6. Press and hold the release button for several seconds.
  7. Exhale and blow your nose without pinching your nose.
  8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the opposite nostril.

Quix or Aquamaris?

The nasal spray from the German manufacturer Berlin-Chemie AG is significantly more expensive than Aquamaris.

Kwix contains a high concentration of salt in the solution - more than 2.5% - due to which it has a good aseptic and anti-edema effect of the mucous membrane.

There are versions with eucalyptus oil and aloe extract.

Unlike Aquamaris, Quix is ​​not used in children under 6 years of age.

Dolphin or Aquamaris?

A Russian manufacturer offers an analogue to the Aqua Maris nasal rinsing device called Dolphin. The device has proven itself well in domestic patients suffering from chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Provides active rinsing of the nasal cavity using additional pressure. Unlike the Dolphin, the Aquamaris device allows you to rinse your nose exclusively using the free flow of water without pressure. In the instructions for use of Aquamaris, this feature is noted as an undoubted advantage. However, consumers prefer domestic products.

Storage conditions and periods

The manufacturer guarantees the preservation of all beneficial properties of solutions based on sea water for 3 years. All products require storage at room temperature. Pressurized cylinders must be stored away from heat sources.
After starting use, the rinsing products remain valid for 1.5 months.

The Aqua Maris device facilitates nasal rinsing. Detailed instructions for its use.


The Aqua Maris series of products is represented by sea water solutions intended for washing and irrigating the nose, throat and ear canals.

Saline solutions are effective for viral and bacterial infections, allergies, chronic diseases of the nose and throat, and sulfur plugs. In accordance with the instructions for use, Aquamaris can be used for both treatment and preventive purposes.

There are analogs of Aquamaris that are cheaper in cost. However, they are less functional for flushing purposes.

It must be borne in mind that Aqua Maris is not a medicine, but a hygiene product for the nose, throat and ear. They cannot replace adequate treatment of ENT diseases.

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Treatment of many diseases in newborns is a rather complex process that requires a competent, professional approach and the use of the safest drugs that will not have a negative effect on the body. According to the instructions for use, Aquamaris for newborns is considered one of the safest drugs for the treatment of the common cold. This medicine is created on the basis of natural ingredients, so it is often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of children.

What is the drug?

According to the instructions for use, “Aquamaris” for newborns is intended for the prevention and treatment of nasal congestion in infants and children of the first years of life. This medicine does not provoke allergies and has no side effects, which makes it completely safe.

This drug is approved for daily hygiene of the nasal cavity from the first days of a child’s life. Its effectiveness has been proven through various clinical studies. The drug gently cleanses the nose of the accumulation of pathogens and mucus.

Composition and release form

Before determining how to use Aquamaris for newborns, you need to find out what this product is and what indications and contraindications it has. This is a natural medicine consisting exclusively of a sterile solution of sea water. The drug contains many microelements, in particular such as:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • chlorine;
  • selenium.

Drops help to effectively dilute mucus and normalize its outflow. Magnesium and calcium help to quickly cleanse the nasal passages and there is much less accumulation of pathogens, allergens and bacteria. Zinc and selenium have an anti-inflammatory effect and help improve immunity.

The drug is produced in the form of drops and sprays intended for different age groups.

How is the drug useful?

Instructions for use of "Aquamaris" for newborns indicate that this drug is created on the basis of sea water. It is enriched with various microelements. However, it does not contain preservatives, dyes or synthetic components. This remedy is used to combat diseases such as:

  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • inflammatory processes of an infectious nature.

The medicine is used to moisturize the nasal mucosa when it dries out, as well as to cleanse the nasal passages of dust, dirt, allergies and viruses. If a baby has a stuffy nose due to a sudden change in climate or has difficulty breathing, then this is the best remedy.

As stated in the instructions for use, Aquamaris for newborns is very well tolerated and rarely causes allergic reactions. However, the possibility of an allergy should not be completely ruled out. Therefore, you need to use drops very carefully, monitoring the body’s reaction.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

The healing properties of “Aquamaris” for a newborn are quite well expressed. Therefore, the product helps to cope with various respiratory diseases caused by infections. Drops based on sea water are simply irreplaceable if a child’s nose gets stuffy due to climate change. And also for inflammation of the adenoids.

In addition, the medicine, made on the basis of sea water, is intended not only to treat a runny nose, but also acute and chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx. The drug is used as a disinfectant solution after surgery. Drops are prescribed to restore the microflora of the nasal cavity.

Use of the drug for the treatment of infants

According to the instructions for use, Aquamaris spray should not be used for newborns, since this form of release is intended for children after 1 year. Infants are prescribed the drug only in the form of drops. You need to instill 1-2 drops into each nostril 3 times a day for preventive purposes, and 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day for treatment.

To eliminate signs of the disease, the duration of therapy should be 2-3 weeks. For preventive purposes, the course of therapy should be repeated after about a month. As written in the instructions for use, Aquamaris Baby for newborns can be used together with vasodilating drops. If they were prescribed by the attending doctor. “Aquamaris” in this case increases their absorption.

How to properly rinse your spout?

For morning hygiene of infants, Aquamaris drops for newborns are often used. Instructions for use of the drug will help determine exactly how to carry out the procedure. You must be careful and do all manipulations carefully. The most important thing is not to harm the baby and provide him with the maximum possible benefit.

You need to lay the child on his back and turn his head slightly to the side. Prepare all the required materials for nasal rinsing. Be sure to prepare:

  • cloth napkin;
  • cotton wool;
  • tissue flagella.

It is not recommended to use cotton swabs, as there is a high risk of injury to the nasal passages. Holding the child's head, drop 2 drops of medicine into the nostril. If discharge appears from the nasal passages, you need to blot it with a napkin. To remove residual mucus, you can use small tissue flagella. Carry out exactly the same actions, turning the child’s head to the other side. Cleansing the nasal cavity is carried out alternately on each side, but not simultaneously. Be sure to carry out the most thorough cleaning possible.

As stated in the instructions for the drug "Aquamaris" for newborns, performing the procedure requires certain skills.

Advantages over other drops

Ordinary nasal drops contain vasoconstrictor substances that help eliminate a runny nose by spasming the vessels of the nasal mucosa. However, after 3-5 days, the walls of the blood vessels get used to this effect and the drug loses its effectiveness. In addition, with prolonged use, a persistent dependence on such drugs occurs, manifested in the form of chronic rhinitis.

According to the instructions, Aquamaris drops for newborns do not cause addiction or side effects. They do not dry out the nasal mucosa and do not provoke a burning sensation.

Oil drops for a runny nose should not be used for a baby in the first months of life, since the essential oils included in their composition can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, particles of these components can enter the child's respiratory tract and provoke an attack of suffocation.


No side effects have been identified after using the drug "Aquamaris". In rare cases, an allergy to some components of the drug may occur. It is worth noting that these drops should not be used every day for more than 3 weeks, as this may cause irritation of the child’s nasal mucosa.

In addition, it is prohibited to use the drug 1.5 months after opening the bottle. To avoid overdose, you need to use a pipette, as this will allow you to accurately determine the amount of medication administered.

Prevention of runny nose in newborns

In the first month of life, the drug “Aquamaris” is considered simply an indispensable assistant for a baby’s morning hygiene. The well-being and mood of the child will depend on how well the parents wash the baby’s nose. The nasal cavity must be cleaned regularly, taking into account the indicated dosage.

During the washing process, you must adhere to certain rules. If the baby is capricious or nervous, then you need to initially calm him down. You can instill the medicine only in a calm state, so as not to accidentally injure the mucous membrane during the procedure.

What to replace the drug with?

There are a variety of analogues of Aquamaris that can be used for children to rinse the nose and treat a runny nose. Among the main medicines like this are the following:

  • "Marimer";
  • "Otrivin Baby";
  • "Aqualor Baby"

However, it is worth noting that only the attending physician should select the medicine, since not all of them are interchangeable. Many doctors believe that Aquamaris is one of the most effective and fast-acting medications used to treat the common cold. This drug has a very fast effect and does not harm the health of newborns.

Proper treatment of sea water increases its medical properties and makes it safe for use at home. That is why the international pharmaceutical company JGL (Yadran) has developed its AquaMaris series of drugs based on the water of one of the cleanest seas in the world - the Adriatic. These drugs are widely used both for the prevention and treatment of many pathologies of the oropharynx and nasopharynx.

AquaMaris line of drugs – properties and indications for use

The drugs produced by Yadran are intended for the treatment of otorhinolaryngological diseases. Medicines from the AquaMaris line (translated from Latin as “sea water”) are presented in the form of sterile solutions of Adriatic Sea water.

To date, the pharmaceutical company Yadran has released ten drugs from the AquaMaris series:

  • AquaMaris for Children;
  • AquaMaris Classic;
  • AquaMaris Plus;
  • AquaMaris Strong;
  • AquaMaris Baby;
  • AquaMaris Sens;
  • AquaMaris Oto;
  • AquaMaris Device.

They all differ from each other in concentration, additional components in the composition and method of application.

AquaMaris classic

Available in a 30 ml transparent brown glass bottle with a special dispensing device, with which the solution is sprayed into the nasal cavity. For 100 ml of solution there are 30 ml of sterilized sea water and 70 ml of distilled water.

This isotonic solution helps to moisturize the mucous membranes, relieve inflammation, cleanse the nasal passages of crusts, produce mucus by special secretory epithelial cells and increase the local immune response. Therefore, it can be used both for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and during the complex treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx and oropharynx.

According to the instructions, AquaMaris Classic is used for children aged 1 to 7 years, 1-2 injections 3-4 times a day, for children from 7 to 16 years old - 2 injections 2-6 times a day, for adults - 2 -3 injections 4-8 times a day.

To remove dried crusts from the nasal cavity, the drug is used as needed. Unfortunately, due to the high pressure, it is not used for children under 1 year of age. For this purpose, AquaMaris is produced for children in a special dropper bottle. The price of the solution is about 250 rubles.

AquaMaris for Children

Available in a 10 ml polyethylene dropper bottle. The composition of these drops is identical to the AquaMaris Classic drug. They can be used from birth to improve nasal breathing and prevent various viral diseases.

The use of AquaMaris for Children is effective in the treatment of colds and allergies in children under 1 year of age. In order to avoid drops, drops are instilled into the child only in a lying position. The baby's head is placed on its side and the solution is injected into the upper nasal passage. To prevent infections, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day in each nostril are enough, and for treatment - 2 drops 4 times a day. The cost of the drug is about 200 rubles.

This solution contains 31.82 ml of seawater and the rest up to 100 ml is water. The drug is released in a metal container under pressure, which allows you to rinse your nose efficiently. The drug is available in volumes of 50 ml, 100 ml and 150 ml. The instructions for AquaMaris Norm say that it is excellent for the treatment of any infectious and allergic diseases of the nose and can be used in adults and children over 2 years of age.

At a young age, the use of this drug is contraindicated due to the anatomical features of the nasopharynx of children. A pressure stream of the drug through the nasal passages can enter the auditory tubes and cause otitis media in children.

To rinse the nose in adults, the tip of the balloon is inserted into the nostril and the mucous membrane is irrigated for a few seconds. It is better to carry out this procedure over a sink. The drug is used 4-6 times a day to treat nasal diseases and 2-4 times to prevent colds. The price of the drug is approximately 150-500 rubles, depending on the volume.

AquaMaris Baby

Another type of saline solution for children under 2 years old, but in the form of a spray is AquaMaris Baby. Its composition corresponds to the composition of AquaMaris Norm. The anatomical nozzle on the bottle, specially designed for small children, helps to effectively rinse the child’s nose even at home. However, age under 3 months is a contraindication to the use of the spray.

To rinse a child’s nose, you need to lay him on his back, tilt his head to the side and insert the end of the tip into the nostril located above. Rinsing is carried out for several seconds, the duration depends on the degree of nasal congestion. The procedure must be repeated 2-4 times a day. The price of the drug is about 300 rubles.

AquaMaris Plus

This solution contains 25 g of Adriatic Sea water, 1.33 g of dexpanthenol 75L and 73.67 g of purified water. Dexpanthenol 75L includes purified water, 75% dexpanthenol, stabilized with 1% D-pantolactone.

The drug is produced in a 30 ml bottle made of dark glass with a special plastic sprayer. Thanks to the excipient, AquaMaris spray has an enhanced regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal mucosa. Its effect is due to the fact that dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid, which belongs to the B vitamins.

AquaMaris Plus is especially indicated in cases where it is necessary to restore the nasal mucosa. For example, after surgery, with long-term use of vasoconstrictor or steroid drugs.

Prescribed for adults and children over 1 year of age. The method of application is the same as in the instructions for AquaMaris Classic. It is recommended not to use the drug outside during cold weather and not to leave a warm room into the cold immediately after injection. The price of the solution is about 350 rubles.

AquaMaris Strong

The drug is a hypertonic solution - this is natural, undiluted water from the Adriatic Sea, which has undergone sterilization and all the proper stages of purification. Experts recommend this drug in the presence of severe swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is explained by the difference in osmotic pressure at the surface of the mucosa, excess fluid is removed from the intercellular space and the swelling subsides. This drug can be prescribed to pregnant women, persons for whom vasoconstrictor drops are contraindicated, as well as children over 1 year of age.

Due to the increased concentration of salts, the drug has antimicrobial activity, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of infectious diseases. It is used to treat pathological processes, but not for prevention. Children from 1 year and adults are given 1-2 injections 3-4 times a day. The main indications for use of AquaMaris Strong are, and. The cost of the drug is approximately 350 rubles.

AquaMaris Sens

This is a drug created specifically for people suffering from allergic rhinitis. AquaMaris Sense contains 0.9 g of salt, 2 g of ectoine and purified water up to 100 ml. Available in a 20 ml plastic bottle with a spray dispenser.

Ectoine is a product of biological origin; it is found in many bacteria and ensures their water balance. It is produced using special genetically modified bacteria during the fermentation process. This substance surrounds itself with water molecules, creating a protective layer on the nasal mucosa. Thanks to this, allergens are deposited on the formed hydrocomplex and do not come into contact with mucosal cells, and are then easily removed by blowing the nose and rinsing the nose.

AquaMaris Sens spray should be used regularly during plant flowering or 10-15 minutes before possible contact with the allergen. Indicated for use in children over 2 years of age and adults.

The nasal cavity is irrigated 3-4 times a day, 1-2 injections. After blowing your nose, it is recommended to repeat the spray on your nose. The main indication for use of AquaMaris Sens is treatment and prevention. The cost of the drug is about 350-400 rubles.

It is a 100% solution of Adriatic Sea water. This sterile hypertonic solution has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It increases the immune response of the throat mucosa and clears it of mucus and bacteria.

Available in a dark glass bottle of 30 ml, equipped with a special sprayer for irrigating the throat. It is actively used to treat tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis in children over 1 year of age and in adults. It is necessary to make 3-4 injections 4-6 times a day.

Using the product, you can easily treat the throat of even a child who does not yet know how to gargle. This natural drug does not have a special taste or smell, so children are ready to be treated with it without whims. It is also relevant for pregnant women, since most chemical drugs for the throat are contraindicated for them, as are small children. The cost of the solution is about 300 rubles.

AquaMaris Oto

This solution contains 30 ml of sea water and 70 ml of purified water. It is available in a 100 ml metal bottle equipped with a special tip that prevents water from entering the ear canal.

This product is intended for cleaning the ears from wax plugs and preventing their formation, as well as for regular hygiene of the auricle. Using AquaMaris Oto is a safer method of cleaning ears than the usual but traumatic cotton swabs.

It is better to carry out the cleaning procedure over a sink or basin. You need to lean over the sink, turn your head to the side, place the tip in your ear and inject a stream of isotonic solution for 1 second. Then blot off excess moisture with a napkin and repeat the steps with the second ear.

It is better to carry out such activities no more than 2-3 times a week, since sulfur plays important functions and cannot be completely removed. The price of the drug is about 320-380 rubles.

AquaMaris Device

The device is a set of a “watering can” for rinsing the nose and 30 sachets with sea salt. Salt dissolution occurs directly in the device. The entire contents of the bag are poured into it, brought to the mark with water at room temperature and mixed thoroughly.

The instructions for use of the Aqua Maris Device clearly describe the process of rinsing the nose:

  1. Prepare the solution.
  2. Stand near the sink, bend down and tilt your head to the side.
  3. Inhale and hold your breath.
  4. Place the nozzle of the device against the nostril, which is higher.
  5. Tilt the watering can so that the water flows into your nose.
  6. Water will flow out of the opposite nostril.
  7. Blow your nose and repeat everything from the opposite nostril.

This system can be used for children from 3 years of age. The procedure is carried out daily as a prevention of exacerbation of chronic and allergic rhinitis or to treat acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa. A solution rich in microelements helps relieve inflammation, restores tissue and improves local immunity. The price of the drug with the device is about 350 rubles.

Are there any contraindications or side effects for AquaMaris?

Among the side effects of the AquaMaris line of drugs are possible allergic reactions to the components of the solution. In this case, you should stop using the product and consult your doctor about further treatment. In addition, to prevent the risk of complications, it is important to use each solution strictly within its age restrictions. Failure to comply with these rules when using sprays can lead to otitis in children.

The drugs are combined with any other medications and do not in any way affect the ability to drive a car. Use by pregnant and nursing mothers is not only not contraindicated, but is also recommended.

The AquaMaris line of drugs is an excellent means for treating almost any infectious or allergic process in the nasopharynx cavity. The natural composition allows the unhindered use of these solutions by both children and pregnant women. The effectiveness of AquaMaris nasal preparations is due to the specific ionic composition of sea water of the Adriatic Sea, which relieves inflammation, ensures regeneration and eliminates pathogens. Thoughtful packaging makes nasal rinsing even more convenient and effective.

Useful video about AquaMaris products

The drug "Aquamaris Norm", instructions for use of which will be given below, is intended for irrigation of the nasal cavity or its rinsing in case of diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as for the prevention of colds and viral diseases during the epidemic period.

Forms of release of medicines under the brand name "Aquamaris"

The Aquamaris series, instructions for use of which are given below, includes several drugs:

  • "Aquamaris Norm" - intended for children from 2 years of age and adults.
  • "Aquamaris Strong" - for quick relief of nasal congestion and restoration of normal breathing, intended for adults and children from 1 year.
  • "Aquamaris Plus" - recommended for the treatment of a runny nose and restoration of the normal state of the nasopharyngeal mucosa after damage that occurred after a long inflammatory process or the use of vasoconstrictor or hormonal medications in drops; in case of a "dry" runny nose, it softens crusts. Contains dexpanthenol.
  • "Aquamaris Baby" - is prescribed to babies from 3 months to speed up recovery from a cold.

There are also a number of other means available.

The line of the trading company "Aquamaris" (Jadran, Croatia) also includes a special watering can to facilitate the process of rinsing the nasopharynx.

Components of "Aquamaris Norm"

The medicine looks like a colorless liquid with a slightly salty taste. It has no noticeable odor. The drug contains the following components in 100 ml:

  • Sea water (31.82 ml) - water is used from a source in the area of ​​the Northern Velebit Biosphere Reserve in Croatia, containing 7-14% more trace elements and useful minerals (compared to other bodies of sea water). This place is considered the cleanest on the Adriatic.
  • As an excipient - purified water (100 ml). When the sea water is diluted synthetically, it is brought to an “isotonic” form, that is, with a sodium chloride concentration of up to 0.9% (the numbers correspond to the level of water in human blood plasma).

As indicated in the instructions for Aquamaris Norm, the drug contains no chemical additives or preservatives.

Action and effect of using "Aquamaris"

Isotonic natural water taken from the sea helps to normalize the physiological state of the tissues and mucous membranes located in the nose. It helps to liquefy accumulated mucus and stimulates the normal level of its production, which occurs in goblet cells located in the mucous walls of the nasal cavity.

The use of sea water for irrigation or rinsing of the nose helps to significantly reduce the spread of infection in the sinuses and ear cavity in inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, otitis media, frontal sinusitis, etc.). The use of "Aquamaris Norm" (spray) according to the instructions in the treatment of colds allows you to increase the therapeutic effectiveness of other medications. This helps reduce the duration of the respiratory disease and avoid complications.

Also, Aquamaris liquid is prescribed for irrigation of the upper respiratory tract in order to accelerate tissue healing after surgery to remove adenoids, polyps and after septoplasty. This drug is recommended for constant use by people who work in hazardous industries (vehicle drivers, workers in dusty or hot workshops), live in regions with harsh climatic conditions, as well as for smokers.

Indications for use

"Aquamaris Spray" and nasal drops are prescribed by a doctor:

  • For the treatment of atrophic and allergic rhinitis, as well as their prevention.
  • For sick adults and children to increase humidity and cleanse the mucous membranes of the sinuses during inflammation of the tissues of the nasopharynx.
  • In complex treatment and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) or influenza.
  • Patients suffering from dry nasal mucosa, as well as those who are constantly in an air-conditioned room at work. The drug helps maintain the physiological parameters of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the nasal cavity and throat (sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, adenoiditis).
  • For elderly people in order to prevent atrophic changes in the mucous membrane that occur with age.

The drug is also used in combination with other medications:

  • In the postoperative period for removal of adenoids or other surgical interventions in the nasopharynx area.
  • When preparing mucous surfaces for subsequent drug use.
  • To cleanse the nasal cavity from dust, viruses and bacteria, pollen or smoke.
  • With long-term therapy with corticosteroid drugs, which cause drying of the mucous tissues in the nasal cavity.

"Aqua Maris": instructions for use, price

Recommendations for the correct use of the drug are indicated in the attached instructions. They depend on the form of release of the product. Therefore, when purchasing the drug, you should carefully read the instructions. Only after this can you start using the product.

The price of "Aqua Maris Norm Spray" (150 ml) is 360-450 rubles. The medicine is also available in cylinders of smaller capacity (50 and 100 ml). The drug is recommended for use in adult patients and children 4-6 times a day by injection. In this case, the spray jet should be directed to the back wall of the nasopharynx. Before starting, you should set the sprayer in a horizontal position and test it by pressing the lid 2-3 times.

The instructions for use of "Aquamaris Norm" do not indicate the price. In Russian pharmacies you need to pay 280-300 rubles for 50 ml. Procedure:

  • The tip of the spray should be inserted into the upper nasal passage while tilting the head in the opposite direction.
  • Rinse, then blow your nose well.
  • The procedure should be repeated if necessary.
  • Next, do a similar rinse of the other nasal passage.

According to the instructions for the nasal spray "Aqua Maris Norm" for adult patients and children over 6 years old, the following is recommended:

  • Stand over the sink, leaning forward in a comfortable position.
  • Tilt your head to one side.
  • Insert the tip of the can into the nasal passage located above.
  • Rinse for a few seconds, then blow your nose well.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • Do the same with the other nostril.

"Aqua Maris Ectoin"

Especially for people who are allergic to odors, pollen, animal hair, household chemicals and other types of allergens, Aqua Maris Ectoin nasal spray is produced, containing the substance of the same name (2 g), sea salt (0.9 g) and purified water.

Ectoine is one of the components produced by halophilic microorganisms in nature, which are able to survive in any, even the most unfavorable environmental conditions. The substance has increased hydrophilicity. With its help, a special hydrocomplex is formed, which settles on the mucous tissues of the nose. This protects the person and prevents direct contact with allergic components in the air. Allergens deposited on the mucous membrane are removed by rinsing the nasopharynx. This drug is recommended for use by adults and children from 2 years of age for a long time during dangerous periods of flowering of allergenic plants.

Ointment "Aqua Maris"

This product is designed to relieve irritation around the nose or lips that usually occurs when you frequently wipe your nose. Its main components:

  • D-panthenol is a substance that promotes skin regeneration. When it penetrates into the cells of the epidermis, it forms pantothenic acid, which normalizes metabolism in cells and increases the strength of collagen fibers, which helps healing.
  • Vitamins E and A are necessary for moisturizing and increasing the elasticity of the epidermis, promoting softening and healing.

Instructions for use of the ointment prescribe its use by applying to the skin several times a day. It can also be used for allergic skin reactions. It is first recommended to wash the desired area of ​​the epidermis with warm water and blot well with a paper or cloth napkin.

Use in children

The following Aquamaris brand drugs are used for children of different ages:

  • "Baby spray" dosed. Available in a 50 ml metal bottle, equipped with a special anatomical nozzle. Prescribed to children from 3 months to speed up recovery after ARVI.
  • "Aquamaris" drops are intended for regular instillation into the nose of children from the first day of life (1-2 drops 2-4 times a day). The product helps soften crusts, helps thin out thick mucus and remove it, moisturizes the mucous membrane and restores its normal functioning.
  • Spray "Aquamaris Norm" - instructions for use recommends it for regular use in children from 2 years of age.

Newborns should instill drops by pressing on the bottle with minimal force. This is due to the risk of infection entering the middle ear.

Instructions for use "Aquamaris Norm" and "Aquamaris Baby"

  • The procedure should be carried out with the child in a supine position, turning his head to one side.
  • Insert the tip of the bottle into the nasal passage located above.
  • 2-3 sec. rinse the nasal cavity.
  • Sit the baby down and help him blow his nose (for babies over 1 year old).
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • Do a similar procedure for the other nasal passage.

Instructions for use of "Aquamaris Norm Spray" recommend using the drug in children as follows:

  • To treat children 2-7 years old, you need to make 2 presses in each nostril. Repeat the procedure 4 times during the day.
  • For children and adolescents 7-16 years old, it is permissible to carry out the procedure 4-6 times a day, 2 injections.
  • For preventive purposes, children 2-7 years old are given 1 press 2-3 times a day.
  • For children 7-16 years old, the procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day, one injection alternately into each nasal passage.

"Aquamaris Strong"

The drug is intended for preparing a solution for washing the nasopharynx and reducing congestion in it. It is based on Adriatic sea water and is available in the form of sachets or saline solution with a dispenser. To prepare the solution, pour the contents of the sachet into a special dispenser, then add boiled water and mix well.

In recent years, Aquamaris Strong has also been produced in the form of a spray. When using it, it is recommended to do 1-2 injections into each nostril 3-4 times a day for 14 days. Approved for use in children over 1 year of age. Price - about 240 rubles.

Analogues of the drug

You can also buy cheaper medications containing sea salt at the pharmacy. Let's consider analogues of "Aquamaris Spray", instructions for use of which, composition and cost are given below:

  • "Morenazal" (made in Russia) - nasal spray or drops for children under 1 year old, contains a sterile solution including natural sea salt, as well as minerals and trace elements. Price - from 200 rubles.
  • "Marimer" (made in France) - is available in the form of an aerosol and nasal drops, packaged in disposable 5 ml bottles. Price - from 85 rubles.
  • "Fluimarin" (Germany) - a nasal aerosol consisting of sea water (29%). It is used in the treatment of colds, has a decongestant and softening effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Approved for use in adults and children. Available in the form of a 15 ml plastic bottle with a sprayer.
  • "Physiomer" (France) is a nasal hypertonic spray intended for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and infectious diseases of the nose, ears and throat in adults and children over 2 years of age. Available in a cylinder of 135 ml of liquid. Price - about 420 rubles.

We prepare the product ourselves

To rinse the nose in children and adults, you can make a saline solution yourself at home. The simplest recipe for rinsing the nasopharynx consists of 250 ml of distilled or boiled water, to which 1 tsp is added. salt.

More complex recipe:

  • 1 liter of clean or boiled water.
  • 1 ampoule of magnesium sulfate.
  • 2 ampoules of calcium chloride.
  • 1 tsp. iodized salt (heaped).


In accordance with the attached instructions for use, "Aquamaris Norm" is approved for use in women carrying a child or lactating. This is due to the fact that sea salt has only a local effect and cannot pass into breast milk or harm the fetus.

The only contraindication to the use of this drug is individual intolerance to sea salt. No side effects were detected after using Aquamaris Norm, which is confirmed by numerous patient reviews.

The drug is not capable of having a systemic effect on the human body. It can also be used in combination with other medications used to treat colds and inflammation in the nasopharynx.

User opinions

In their reviews of the drug “Aquamaris Norm”, people note many of its advantages, including the following:

  • Does not dry out the nasal mucosa.
  • It helps well as a prophylactic.
  • There are no chemical components in the composition.
  • There are practically no contraindications.
  • Suitable for babies.

Disadvantages noted by users:

  • The price is too high for a small bottle of sea water.
  • Can't cope with a runny nose.
  • The dispenser may not work.

Today there are many herbal medicines that help cope with diseases of the nasal cavity.

One of them is Aquamaris, it is an effective medicine, it eliminates the inflammatory process in the nose, removes infection, and is used at any age. The natural drug can be used for therapy and preventive measures aimed at maintaining the normal condition of the nasal mucosa.

On this page you will find all the information about Aqua Maris: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Aqua Maris. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A drug for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and larynx.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


How much does Aqua Maris spray cost? The average price in pharmacies is 300 rubles.

Release form, composition and packaging

The drug is available in the form:

  • Nasal spray for adults;
  • Nasal metered spray;
  • Nasal spray Forte;
  • Children's nasal drops;
  • Children's nasal spray.

The product contains sterile water from the Adriatic Sea, containing various microelements. Among them are magnesium and selenium, which stimulate local immunity and normalize mucociliary clearance, which is a nonspecific mechanism that protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs from a variety of external phenomena.

The composition also contains sodium chloride and iodine, which have an antibacterial effect, helping to reduce inflammation and swelling.

pharmachologic effect

The therapeutic effect of Aquamaris for nasal rinsing is due to the chemical composition of sea water. The drug has a number of unique properties:

  • exhibits a pronounced anti-edematous, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates the activity of local immunity and promotes the formation of antibodies to viruses;
  • characterized by a good antiseptic effect, quickly flushes out all types of bacteria from the nasal cavity;
  • protects mucosal tissue from drying out, that is, prevents cell dehydration;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in cells and accelerates their regeneration.

The most important property of Aquamaris preparations for the throat, ears and nose is that this remedy is not addictive, so you can use it for a long time.

What does Aqua Maris help with?

Aqua Maris nasal sprays are indicated for a runny nose in the phase of heavy discharge and congestion caused by the following reasons:

  • , chronic and in the acute phase;
  • , acute and chronic;
  • , acute and chronic,
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • for viral diseases that occur with a runny nose (flu, “cold”);
  • after medical manipulations on the nasopharynx.

Instructions for use Aquamaris for the throat is indicated as a hygiene product in the treatment of the following diseases:

As a prophylactic agent, Aquamaris sprays are used during periods of increased seasonal risk of contracting respiratory infections, as well as to moisturize the mucous membranes of the nose and throat for people who need it, namely:

  • with partial atrophy of the mucosa;
  • people who smoke;
  • elderly with reduced secretory function of the mucous membrane;
  • working in hazardous industries with high ambient temperatures.

Aquamaris ear spray is indicated for the hygiene of the ear canal and the prevention of the formation of wax plugs.


The following conditions are contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children under 1 year of age (for dosed nasal spray).


According to the instructions for use, there are no restrictions when using Aquamaris during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moreover, healing solutions based on sea water are almost the only absolutely safe method of treatment for pregnant women.

Instructions for use Aqua Maris

The instructions for use indicate that Aqua Maris spray is prescribed to adults and children 4-6 times a day, 3-4 injections, directing the sprayer to the back wall of the pharynx.

Before use, turn the sprayer to a horizontal position. When using for the first time, press the lid several times.

Side effects

Taking the drug can lead to the development of negative side reactions from various organs and systems of the body, these include:

special instructions

For newborns, drops should be instilled into the nasal passage with caution, with slight pressure on the bottle (to avoid the risk of infection of the middle ear).

Possible complex use with other drugs used to treat inflammatory diseases of the larynx and pharynx.

Aqua Maris does not have a systemic effect on the body.

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