Home Pulpitis Advantages and differences between cesarean and natural childbirth. Giving birth yourself or through cesarean (natural birth vs cesarean) - the experience of a mother of many children

Advantages and differences between cesarean and natural childbirth. Giving birth yourself or through cesarean (natural birth vs cesarean) - the experience of a mother of many children

Every pregnant woman looks forward to the day when she can see and hug her baby for the first time. But on the way to this bright event they stand - such a frightening birth! And most expectant mothers ask themselves: what is the best way to give birth - on their own or by caesarean section? Which method is safer for the baby, and which will cause the least discomfort for her?

This is a very sensitive topic; it should only be approached in dialogue with your personal doctor. But we will try to understand the issue in order to understand when you can give birth naturally, and when you should prepare for a caesarean section.

Arguments for naturalness

Nature has endowed a woman with an incredible gift: to give birth to people. And she provided her with all the “tools” and “mechanisms” necessary for this. That is why natural childbirth have a number of huge advantages that every representative of the fair sex should know about.

Firstly, the traditional method of resolution is the very first and most important test in a child’s life. It is no coincidence that nature sets this difficult task for the fetus: to make its own way out of the mother’s belly. This is how his adaptive abilities begin to form. That is, having gone through a certain stress, the child is better prepared to meet the new world.

Secondly, if you give birth yourself, then physical recovery will take a minimum of time. Already on the second day, the woman becomes independent, can walk and pick up the child in her arms. But for women in labor who have undergone a cesarean section, with this serious problems…. They still for a long time Do not lift heavy objects, including your baby. Naturally, this affects the emotional background of the mother, who wants to start babysitting her cute baby as soon as possible.

Thirdly, with the traditional method, a woman produces milk faster. This is undoubtedly better. The process of natural childbirth is completely regulated by hormones, including oxytocin. He is also “responsible” for lactation. Accordingly, after the baby is born (naturally, if this happened in the usual way), the mother quickly produces colostrum or milk.

And there is one more important aspect that scientists are carefully studying. As observations show, women who give birth naturally are less susceptible to postpartum depression. They adapt better to their new role as a mother and quickly establish contact with the baby. There is no absolute evidence, but numerous real stories only confirm this fact.

Complications that everyone should know about

Some women are very afraid of pain and hope that just by their request (or with the help Money) the doctor will agree to perform a caesarean section. But in vain! This is not a harmless procedure: I fell asleep, woke up, and here is the baby. And not a single adequate and decent gynecologist will give such a recommendation without special indications. After all, we are talking about a serious operation that can have consequences for both the mother and the newborn.

Statistics show that with a caesarean section, complications for the mother occur 12 times more often than with traditional childbirth. What could they be?

  • Heavy bleeding. A woman giving birth on her own loses approximately 250 ml of blood. But those who used the help of surgeons may lose a whole liter. Such a large blood loss can lead to severe anemia, as well as the development of chronic pain syndrome in the pelvic area. To compensate for blood loss, women are prescribed special medications immediately after childbirth.
  • The appearance of adhesions in abdominal cavity. These are special films due to which splicing occurs internal organs. On the one hand, we are dealing with defense mechanism, resisting purulent processes. On the other hand, adhesions interfere with the normal functioning of organs.
  • Longer and heavier recovery period. After surgery, the woman comes to her senses within two months. And the scar left as a result of a cesarean section can hurt and remind you of itself for as long as 6-12 months.
  • A ban on re-pregnancy within the next 2-3 years. During this time, the mother’s body comes into full condition, and the suture on the uterus heals. If you get pregnant early, the suture may rupture.

Absolute ban!

However, there are situations when you absolutely cannot give birth yourself. And it is better not to ignore the doctors’ ban - this can negatively affect the health of the woman and the baby.

There are absolute indications for which a cesarean section is mandatory. This list includes:

  • too much narrow pelvis mothers;
  • increased risk of uterine rupture (this happens if the previous birth took place via cesarean section, there was a suture on the organ that did not have time to heal);
  • placenta previa (in some cases, it is attached above the cervix, thereby blocking the exit of the baby; during natural childbirth, severe blood loss can occur);
  • premature placental abruption (usually it occurs after the baby is born, but in some cases abruption occurs before birth, and this is an absolute indication for surgery).

When are additional observations required?

In addition, there are relative indications, meaning that childbirth naturally is possible. However, they can pose a threat to health and even life, not only of the mother, but also of the baby. Whether or not to do a cesarean section for these indications, again, will be decided by the doctor. And it’s better to calmly accept his “verdict” without getting into an argument or defending your point of view.

A variety of chronic diseases can be relative indications for surgical intervention. They are united by a common danger: the stresses accompanying natural childbirth can give impetus to even greater development of ailments. Here is a list of diseases that are relative indication for caesarean section:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • high myopia, complicated fundus changes;
  • some violations nervous system;
  • oncology – and of any organs.

In addition, the closest attention is paid to mothers suffering from the sexual form of herpes. If the disease is in remission before childbirth, this will be an indication for natural childbirth. If it’s time to give birth, and painful herpetic sores appear on the genitals, rest assured: the doctor will send you to the surgical table. And he will be absolutely right! After all, a recurrence of herpes can lead to the newborn also getting sick. It is better not to expose your child to infection just because you really want to perform a “maternal feat” and give birth yourself.

We think about what is healthier for the baby

Doctors may prohibit giving birth yourself if there is a threat to the health and life of the child. This happens when the fetus is in a transverse position, when both the head and butt are located in the lateral parts of the uterus. In this case, the woman is hospitalized at 37 weeks, some tests are performed and a cesarean section is performed.

Another incorrect position for the baby is breech presentation. But in this case, the doctor must take into account other risk factors. For example, the pelvis of a woman in labor is too narrow and the weight of the fetus is too high. If all the negative circumstances converge, well, you need to do a caesarean section!

And finally, hypoxia is a condition when the child does not have enough oxygen. It can be chronic (if the deficiency was observed throughout the entire pregnancy), as well as acute (if for some reason it occurs during childbirth). The last case is the most dangerous. It can lead to the death of a newborn. Therefore, doctors, choosing a method of childbirth that will be better for the baby, send the mother to have a caesarean section.

Don't believe myths

There are several myths about babies born by Caesarean section. We are in a hurry to destroy them.

  • Myth No. 1

All “Caesarean babies” lag behind in development from babies born naturally. In fact, the method of birth does not affect the intelligence or physical characteristics of the child.

  • Myth No. 2

When performing a cesarean section, the natural bond between mother and baby is disrupted. This is wrong. Any connection is formed not during the passage of the child through the birth canal, but during regular communication, joint games, hugs and kisses.

  • Myth No. 3

Adult Caesar babies are less successful than their peers born traditional way. Among famous politicians, actors, musicians great amount those who were born as a result of surgical intervention! And their success is the result of certain innate qualities, good upbringing, education and constant work on themselves.

Thus, whether to give birth to a child herself or prepare for a caesarean section is a decision that a woman cannot make on her own. Both the first and second methods have their pros and cons. However, only a doctor can determine with high accuracy which of the two options will be as harmless as possible for the woman in labor and her baby. And safety is the most important thing, because we are talking about several lives at once!


In the field of gynecology and among ordinary people, debates do not subside about what is better: natural childbirth or caesarean section - natural abilities or human intervention. Both methods of delivery have their pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, supporters and opponents. If this concerns not philosophical reasoning, but a responsible decision on how to give birth healthy baby, you need to approach this very seriously, weigh the pros and cons and choose the so-called golden mean.

Today, the trend is that even those women who are unable to undergo this operation are asked to have a caesarean section. This is an absurd situation: imagine that the person himself insists on being given cavitary incision for no reason.

The myth about the absence of painful sensations during this method led to this state of affairs in gynecology. In fact, the question of which is more painful: cesarean or natural childbirth is very ambiguous. In the first case pain syndrome in the suture area occurs after surgery and lasts about 2-3 weeks, or even longer. When you give birth to a baby on your own, the pain is stronger, but it is short-lived. All this can be understood if you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.


  • It is the only solution in the presence of a number of medical indications: it helps the birth of a child with a narrow pelvis in a woman, a large fetus, placenta previa, etc.;
  • pain relief makes the process of childbirth comfortable, it goes easier: after all, most young mothers are afraid of not being able to withstand painful contractions;
  • absence of perineal tears, which means more quick return your sexual attractiveness, sex life;
  • takes place faster: the operation usually lasts about half an hour (from 25 to 45 minutes) depending on the condition of the woman in labor and her individual characteristics, while natural childbirth sometimes takes up to 12 hours;
  • the ability to schedule an operation at a convenient time, select the optimal day of the week and even the date;
  • predictable outcome, unlike natural childbirth;
  • the risk of hemorrhoids is minimal;
  • absence of birth injuries during pushing and contractions - both for the mother and the child.

Plus or minus? Often among the advantages of a cesarean section is the absence of birth injuries and damage to the woman and her baby during pushing and contractions, however, according to statistics, there are more newborns with injuries to the cervical spine or suffering from postnatal encephalopathy after such an operation than after natural ones. independent childbirth. So there is no clear answer as to which procedure is safer in this regard.


  • Serious complications for the health and well-being of a young mother as a result of a cesarean section occur 12 times more often than during natural childbirth;
  • Anesthesia and other types of pain relief (spinal or epidural) used during caesarean section do not pass without a trace;
  • difficult and long recovery period;
  • excessive blood loss, which can subsequently lead to anemia;
  • the need for bed rest for some time (up to several months) after a cesarean section, which greatly interferes with caring for the newborn;
  • soreness of the suture, which forces you to take medicinal painkillers;
  • difficulties in establishing lactation: in terms of breastfeeding Caesarean section is worse than natural childbirth, since in the first days after the operation the baby has to be fed with formula, and in some cases the mother may not produce milk;
  • a ban on playing sports after a cesarean section for 3-6 months, which means it is impossible to quickly;
  • ugly, unaesthetic seam on the stomach;
  • after a cesarean section, natural childbirth may not be allowed in the future (read more about this);
  • a scar on the surface of the uterus, complicating the next pregnancy and childbirth;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • inability to get pregnant in the next 2 years (the optimal option is 3 years), since pregnancy and new births will pose a serious danger, and for the health and life of not only the young mother, but also the baby;
  • the need for constant medical supervision during the postoperative period;
  • harmful effects of anesthesia on the baby;
  • the child does not produce special substances (proteins and hormones) that affect his further adaptation to environment and mental activity.

Keep in mind that...

General anesthesia in some cases ends in shock, pneumonia, circulatory arrest, and serious damage to brain cells; spinal and epidural often entail inflammation at the puncture site, inflammation of the meninges, spinal injuries, nerve cells. Natural childbirth eliminates such complications.

Today there is a lot of talk about harmful effects anesthesia during cesarean section on both the mother and baby. And yet, if there is even the slightest danger to the health or life of one of the participants in the birth (mother or baby), and the only way out is a cesarean section, you need to listen to the recommendations of doctors and use this technique. In other cases, the question of which birth is better is decided unambiguously: preference should be given to the natural course of this process.

Natural childbirth: pros and cons

The answer to the question why natural childbirth is better than cesarean section is obvious: because in the absence of medical indications surgical intervention V human body is not the norm. This leads to various complications and negative consequences. If you look at the pros and cons of independent childbirth, their ratio in quantitative terms will speak for itself.


  • the birth of a child is a normal process provided for by nature: the female body is designed so that the baby at birth acquires everything he needs for normal life - this is why a caesarean section is worse than a natural birth;
  • the child gains experience in overcoming difficulties, difficulties and obstacles, which helps him in later life;
  • there is a gradual but completely natural adaptation of the newborn to new conditions;
  • the baby’s body is being hardened;
  • immediately after birth, it is better for the child if he is placed on the mother’s breast, which contributes to their inextricable connection and the rapid establishment of lactation;
  • the postpartum recovery process for the female body as a result of natural childbirth is much faster than after a traumatic caesarean section;
  • Accordingly, the young mother in this case can independently care for the baby immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Scientific fact! Today, all kinds of studies are being conducted about the effect of cesarean section on the baby. It is discussed not only by doctors, but also by teachers, pediatricians, and psychologists. According to the latest scientific findings, children who were born in this way adapt less well, often lag behind in development, and when growing up, they often demonstrate low resistance to stress and infantilism, in contrast to those who were born during natural childbirth.


  • natural childbirth involves severe pain during contractions and pushing;
  • painful sensations in the perineum;
  • the risk of ruptures in the perineum, which entails the need.

It is obvious that a caesarean section differs from a natural birth both in the methods of influencing the female body, in the course of the entire process, and in its consequences. You need to be especially careful when complex, ambiguous situations arise.

Which is better: cesarean or natural birth for certain problems?

The question of which is better: cesarean or natural childbirth arises in certain cases when there are deviations from normal development fetus and the course of pregnancy. If any problems arise, doctors analyze the situation and offer the woman two options - agree to the operation or give birth at her own peril and risk. What should a expectant mother do in such an exciting and ambiguous situation? First of all, you need to listen to the doctor’s opinion, but also understand at least a little about the problem that has arisen in order to make the right decision.

Large fruit

If an ultrasound showed that a woman has a large fetus (this is considered a hero weighing over 4 kg), the doctor must correctly assess her physical indicators, body features and figure. Natural childbirth in such a situation is quite possible if:

  • future mom she herself is far from small;
  • examination shows that the bones of her pelvis will easily separate during childbirth;
  • Her previous children were also all large and born naturally.

However, not all women have such physical characteristics. If the expectant mother has a narrow pelvis, and the baby’s head, according to ultrasound, does not correspond in size to her pelvic ring, it is better to agree to a caesarean section. It will avoid complex tissue ruptures and make it easier for the baby to be born. Otherwise, natural childbirth can end tragically for both: the baby will injure himself and cause serious damage to the mother.

After IVF

Today, the attitude of doctors towards childbirth after IVF (in vitro fertilization procedure) has changed. If 10 years ago it was only possible to have a caesarean section without any other options, today a woman in such a situation can give birth on her own without any problems. The following factors are indications for cesarean section after IVF:

  • the desire of the woman herself;
  • age over 35 years;
  • multiple births;
  • chronic diseases;
  • if infertility has lasted for 5 years or more;
  • gestosis;

If the expectant mother who has gone through IVF is young, healthy, feels great, and the cause of infertility was a man, she can give birth if she wishes naturally. Moreover, all stages of independent childbirth in this case - contractions, pushing, passage of the birth canal by the child, separation of the placenta - proceed in the same way as after natural conception.


If the ultrasound showed that it will happen, monitoring the condition of the mother and babies becomes more thorough and attentive on the part of doctors. There may even be questions about whether a woman can give birth to them on her own. Indications for caesarean section in in this case The age of the woman in labor is over 35 years and the presentation of both fetuses is:

  • if one baby is positioned with the butt down and the other with the head down, the doctor will not recommend a natural birth, since there is a risk that their heads may catch on each other and be seriously injured;
  • with their transverse presentation, cesarean section is also performed.

In all other cases, if the expectant mother is healthy, twins are born on their own.

Birth of monochorionic twins

If the birth of monochorionic twins, who are nourished from the same placenta, is expected, they rarely occur naturally and without complications. There are too many risks in this case: premature birth of babies, they often become entangled in the umbilical cord, the birth itself lasts much longer than usual, which can lead to weakening labor activity. Therefore, in most cases today, mothers of monochorionic twins are offered a caesarean section. This will avoid unforeseen situations and complications. Although in gynecological practice there are cases when monochorionic twins were born naturally and without any problems.

Breech presentation of the fetus

If in the last weeks of pregnancy a breech presentation of the fetus is diagnosed, the woman in labor is hospitalized to determine the method of delivery. Natural childbirth is possible in the following cases:

  • if the mother’s age is under 35 years;
  • if she is healthy, she has no chronic diseases and at the time of birth she feels excellent;
  • if she herself is eager to give birth on her own;
  • if there are no abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  • if the ratio of the size of the child and the mother’s pelvis allows him to pass through the birth canal without problems and complications;
  • breech presentation;
  • normal head position.

All these factors together can allow a woman to give birth on her own, even with a breech presentation. But this happens only in 10% of such situations. Most often, the decision is made to have a caesarean section. When the baby is born in a breech position, the risk of an unfavorable outcome is too high: the umbilical cord loops fall out, the child’s condition suffocates, etc. Excessive extension of the head is also considered dangerous, which can lead to birth injuries such as damage to the cervical spine or cerebellum.


Bronchial asthma is not an absolute indication for cesarean section. Everything will depend on the degree and stage of exacerbation of the disease. During natural childbirth, there is a risk that the woman will begin to choke and her rhythm will be lost, which means so much at the birth of a baby.

But modern obstetricians know how to get out of this situation and minimize the risks for both mother and baby. Therefore, if you have asthma of any kind, you need to consult several specialists 2-3 months before giving birth, who will determine the degree of possible risks and advise whether in such a situation it would be better - a cesarean section or a natural birth.

For rheumatoid arthritis

Will a woman be able to give birth naturally? rheumatoid arthritis, only a doctor can decide after examining the features of this disease in each specific case. On the one hand, rheumatologists and gynecologists often decide on a cesarean section for the following reasons:

  • the load on the knees during the birth of a baby is very large;
  • With rheumatoid arthritis, the pelvic bones can diverge so much that the woman in labor will then have to be on bed rest for a month, as she simply will not be able to get up;
  • The disease belongs to the category of autoimmune, and they all have an unforeseen and unpredictable outcome.

At the same time, AR is not an absolute and unshakable indicator for cesarean section. Everything will depend on the woman’s condition and the nature of the disease. Many natural births in such a situation ended quite happily.

Polycystic kidney disease

Enough serious illness is polycystic kidney disease, when multiple cysts form in their tissues. In the absence of exacerbation of this disease and feeling good mothers may allow her to give birth naturally, although in most cases, in order to avoid complications and unforeseen situations, doctors advise having a cesarean section.

If you don’t know what to give preference to, it is better to rely on the doctor’s opinion rather than making independent decisions, focusing on fashion trends from the West, where surgery the extraction (and not the birth!) of a child from the mother’s womb has become a common occurrence. Weigh the pros and cons: if there is a threat to the health and especially the life of the unborn baby, do not hesitate, trust the doctors and agree to a caesarean section. If there are no medical indications for this operation, give birth yourself: let the baby be born naturally.

Good afternoon, dear guests and regular visitors of this blog. Today I want to continue talking about one of the most important days in a woman’s life - the birth of her baby. You will probably agree with me that every year everything larger number girls are wondering: what is best for them and the child - natural birth or cesarean? Just 20 years ago, this serious abdominal surgery was prescribed only in exceptional cases. What has changed over the past decades? Caesarean section (CS) is a commercial move by some doctors or indeed the best choice for the mother in certain cases? What are the pros and cons of both types of human birth? Let's look at the opinions of experts and, after analyzing them together, draw conclusions? Interesting? Then follow me...

Why has CS become so popular lately?

Let's dive a little into history. Just 100 years ago, the birthing process was Russian roulette for mother and baby. When the time came, the woman in labor was left alone, at best, with the midwife and chance. In the records of 1897, obstetrician Dmitry Oskarovich Ott stated that 98% of women give birth without the services of a midwife, since she simply is not nearby. In those distant times, no one could predict whether the mother and newborn would survive...

First maternity hospital appeared in 1914. Women in labor were given morphine for pain relief, which further increased the risk of a tragic outcome. It’s so good that you and I live right now, isn’t it? What has changed since the beginning of the twentieth century?

Since 1900, according to data collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number female deaths during childbirth decreased by 99%, and during infants - by 95%. All this happened thanks to modern development medicine (if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to check it out). Today, doctors can timely diagnose hidden pathologies, features of the course of pregnancy and find out whether it is dangerous for a woman to give birth on her own. In cases where a girl and (or) a child is in danger during the natural course of childbirth, a caesarean section is used, which saves a huge number of people. ()

But negative side this medal becomes that some young ladies and medical workers abuse the opportunities that have opened up, resorting to CS without any particular need...

Why in the age of development medical technologies Are pregnant women still afraid to give birth on their own? The answer is simple: some parents from childhood scare girls with stories about painful childbirth, believing that in this way they are being prepared. As a result, these women choose what they think is less traumatic and dangerous option delivery - caesarean section. But is this reasonable? In what cases should a CS be mandatory, and when should you not go under the knife?

And now in detail about caesarean section

I have met women in my life who chose CS without direct medical indications. They were driven by fear... fear of labor pain, fear of losing a child due to an unpredictable turn in childbirth, fear of cosmetic damage to the genitals, etc. But is caesarean really easier and more painless? I can say with confidence that no one will give you a definite answer to this question! Among my friends there are mothers who have experienced both types of childbirth. One of them had her first baby through CS, and the second through ER. The second one is the opposite. () And both of them concluded that those who successfully completed the EP are much better than the CS. After all, whatever one may say, the abdominal surgery in question is a serious surgical intervention in our body, and after it long time The recovery process is underway, which for quite a long time is accompanied by pain and not only...

But we must pay tribute - difficult natural births often have much more negative consequences than KS. That is why in such an important choice one must be guided not by fear, illusions and prejudices, but by structured recommendations experienced doctors! So let's look at all the pros and cons that experts voice regarding cesarean section.

When is a caesarean section a woman’s right choice?

The most important indications for a CS are the congenital characteristics of the mother's body, the unfavorable course of pregnancy, and any unfavorable circumstances. Let's take a closer look at the main ones:

  1. The child is too large and the mother’s pelvis is clinically or anatomically narrow.

    In most cases, the problem can be diagnosed by comparing data on the size of the woman’s pelvis with the weight of the fetus calculated using formulas (using ultrasound with Dopplerometry). But if a woman in labor has a transversely narrowed pelvis, then measuring the external dimensions will not give a real picture.

  2. Prolonged second half of pregnancy

    namely, his severe forms: preeclampsia and eclampsia.

  3. Placenta previa.

    A dangerous situation, which, fortunately, can be easily diagnosed using ultrasound. If the placenta is attached in the lower third of the uterus or directly above the cervix, this makes it impossible for the fetus to come out on its own.

  4. in some cases.

  5. The presence of serious pathologies in a pregnant woman

    in which delivery in a natural way can aggravate her condition. The main ones include the following: myopia with dystrophic changes in the fundus, epilepsy, severe forms of schizophrenia, cardiovascular pathologies, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, injuries to the spine, pelvis, perineal muscles and others.

  6. Mechanical obstacles in the body of a pregnant woman

    For example, deformations of the pelvic bones, diagnosis of neoplasms in the ovaries, pelvis, uterine fibroids in the isthmus area.

  7. Threat of violation of the integrity of the uterus.

    This option is possible in women who have a history of uterine surgery. A doctor can determine the degree of risk after examining the condition of the damaged area. For reliability, the width and nature of the edges of the scar are checked several times - at the beginning of pregnancy, before childbirth and during labor. Aggravating circumstances are:

  • the presence of several CS in the past or a large number of EPs that have thinned the walls of the uterus;
  • heavy postoperative period in the anamnesis;
  • long-term healing inseam, and external.
  1. If the placenta separates during labor or at the beginning, this can lead to hypoxia for the fetus and heavy bleeding for the mother.

  2. Umbilical cord prolapse

    This occurs most often with polyhydramnios. The baby's head does not have time to descend into the passage, the amniotic fluid is poured out, and the prolapsed umbilical cord becomes sandwiched between the baby and the pelvic wall. At this time, the blood flow that is vital for the baby, which connects it to the mother, is disrupted.

  3. .

    Having diagnosed this problem, the obstetrician may try to turn the baby over during labor. If nothing works out, then an emergency CS is necessary.

  4. Persistent weakness of labor

    If natural labor begins to subside for unknown reasons, and drug stimulation does not bring results, then a CS becomes advisable. In this situation, doctors cannot wait for the resumption of labor, since the risk of developing hypoxia in the fetus is too high.

Negative aspects associated with CS

Like any other abdominal surgery, a cesarean section also carries risks. I don’t want to scare you, but before choosing this delivery option, read it main disadvantages.

Consequences for the mother:

  1. Increased blood loss.
  2. Risk of infection.
  3. Unpredictable individual reactions of the body to general anesthesia, for example, falling blood pressure, allergies, shock, etc.
  4. Painful sensations after surgery while the sutures are healing (last about 4-8 weeks), a long period recovery.
  5. The next pregnancy is desirable no earlier than a year later, and sometimes longer. Everything will depend on the rate of scarring of the internal suture on the uterus.
  6. There is a risk of repeated operations, for example, hysterectomy, reconstruction Bladder etc.
  7. Inability to immediately put the baby to the breast and feed him during the first days. But when used, the baby can be offered the breast after it is removed.
  8. It is mandatory to have outside help, since a woman after a CS cannot lift more than 2 kg or do housework.
  9. A ban on sports for a period of 3 to 6 months, depending on the speed of recovery after surgery. ()
  10. Unsightly seam in the lower abdomen.
  11. The risk of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

With epidural anesthesia it is possible serious inflammation meninges, puncture sites, spinal injuries. After general anesthesia, circulatory arrest, shock, pneumonia, and serious damage to brain cells occur.

Consequences for the child:

  1. Higher risk of developing problems with respiratory system(pneumonia, the appearance of rapid irregular breathing).
  2. Suppression of the central nervous system (drowsiness, lethargy, babies do not latch on well).
  3. Intrauterine trauma (although rare, such cases do occur).
  4. Lack of expression of reflexes.

Many women mistakenly assume that surgery will relieve them of labor pain. How wrong they are! After a cesarean section, the pain is so strong that it requires the use of painkillers. Also, after abdominal intervention in the abdominal cavity, complications and side effects are possible, the signs of which will remain reminiscent of themselves for a long time.

When newborns meet the world through CS, they do not receive the mother’s microflora they need. But this moment is very important for the further development of their immunity, the functioning of the intestines and other body systems.

Psychologists believe that the “Caesareans” are more passive, they have no desire to win in the future, or psycho-emotional stability of character. Do you agree with this? As I already wrote above, my friends gave birth to babies through CS, but I did not notice that the latter were more apathetic than the children after EP. I personally think that this opinion of psychologists is wrong!

Keep in mind that... serious complications after CS occur 12 times more often compared to ER.

To conclude this section, we will consider two more questions that concern expectant mothers: how long does the CS last and when will the baby be given after the operation?

Answer: It is impossible to give an exact time, since a caesarean section can be planned or emergency. In the first option, the woman goes to the surgeon prepared and this shortens the whole process a little. If we consider emergency surgery under general anesthesia, its average duration is about 40 minutes. Accurate forecast none of the doctors will be able to give, because everything will depend on the complexity of the process, the individual characteristics of the mother’s body.

The newborn will be delivered to the woman when she has completely recovered from anesthesia. But she will be able to feed him no sooner than every other day. The doctor will determine the application time depending on the amount of medications that the mother received during the operation. The female body will need time to cleanse itself of their effects.

What are the benefits of natural childbirth?

It is not without reason that nature intended for man to come into this world in a natural way. During the passage of the birth canal, the baby gradually prepares for life in a new environment that is aggressive for him. In this, stress hormones actively produced during the entire process come to his aid: norepinephrine, adrenaline, adrenal hormones. Despite the pain, fear, duration of torment and other unpleasant accompanying natural childbirth, they have a large number of advantages. For example, upon their successful completion, a woman will be able to:

  • get up within a few hours, fully take care of yourself and the newborn;
  • on demand;
  • do not experience any pain if there is no additional damage to the perineum;
  • in 3 days you will be at home, completely forgetting about the difficulties of the process you experienced.

Do not forget that after general anesthesia The baby is not put to the breast immediately; for the first days he eats formula. But we all know how great the benefits are for both the mother and the child if he is given colostrum immediately after birth. From a few drops of this product, the baby’s sterile body will receive immunoglobulins and important components for the formation of intestinal microflora. It has been proven that colostrum has a laxative effect, which helps meconium (original feces) pass more easily and envelops the intestinal mucosa with a protective white film.

During the first application on the birthing chair, the lactation process starts for the woman in labor, and the uterus contracts better. A huge psycho-emotional connection arises between mother and baby. The risk of developing postpartum depression is reduced.


Summarizing all of the above, it becomes clear that resorting to a caesarean section without direct indications is absolutely unreasonable. And if you can choose, then natural childbirth would be a better option. In cases where the operation is absolutely justified, the use of epidural anesthesia will help reduce its disadvantages - the mother is conscious, the baby is given to her after extraction, microflora is exchanged, the baby tastes colostrum, and doctors check the sucking reflex.

My dears, listen, if a woman experiences a strong fear of EP or her intuition tells her that it is better not to give birth on her own, then she should tell the doctor all her fears. Prenatal training courses help to cope well with anxiety, where an experienced consultant will not only teach you the correct behavior during childbirth, but will also provide psychological support, dispel all fears, and put you in a positive mood.

What was it like for you: was the baby born naturally or through a caesarean section? How do you feel about surgery without indications? Do you think natural childbirth is safer? I will be happy to talk with you on these topics, friends! See you soon and be healthy!

Childbirth is a physiological process that ends pregnancy and ends with the birth of a child. Every woman dreams of making this process as painless as possible. Primiparas are often afraid of the X moment and want a cesarean section. However, the doctor decides exactly how the woman will give birth. Although in some foreign countries Pregnant women can choose for themselves.

Let's figure out which birth will be better for mother and baby: cesarean or natural.

Pros and cons of operative delivery

After a cesarean section, a woman may develop adhesions in the abdominal cavity, often experience bleeding and an infection.

On the first day after birth, the woman is in intensive care. If the operation was performed under general anesthesia, then nausea, vomiting, and dizziness are quite possible. If the anesthesia was local, then in the first hours you will feel numbness in the lower part of the body.

Unpleasant moments after surgery include the inability to get out of bed, cough, and even roll over on your side. There may be difficulty urinating and defecating. Women after a cesarean section may also be bothered by gases accumulated in the intestines. This is due to the fact that bowel activity is slow due to the operation.

The recovery time for the female body after a cesarean section is longer than after a normal birth. In the first days after the operation, the woman should not move, as the stitches may come apart. During the first weeks, pain in the suture area persists.

Immediately after the operation, it is not possible to see and breastfeed your child. Around day 2, the mother is transferred to the postpartum ward, after which she can begin breastfeeding if there are no contraindications. On days 2-3 after surgery, the woman is allowed to sit down. Within a week, the seams are treated with an antiseptic solution. Only after a skin scar has formed, and this usually happens on the 7th day, can a woman visit the bathroom.

It is worth noting that after a caesarean section, a woman is not allowed to lift weights for 2-3 months. Work on restoring the abdominal press can begin no earlier than a month after the operation.

For full recovery 2-3 years should pass after childbirth. This is exactly how long it takes to form a scar on the uterus, which will allow you to carry the next pregnancy.

The advantages of a cesarean section include the complete absence of pain when a child is born and the opportunity to prepare in advance if the operation is planned.

Pros and cons of natural childbirth

A child born naturally is born at the moment when he is completely ready for this. Natural childbirth has a positive effect on the immune and cardiovascular system baby.

The advantages of natural childbirth include the following factors:

The risk of developing infection and side effects minimum;

The baby is put to the breast in the first hours of life;

The woman in labor herself can control the process of the birth of her baby;

It is possible to prepare for childbirth (advance training breathing exercises, self-hypnosis, comfortable body position, etc.);

You can work on the muscles of your body almost immediately after giving birth;

Moral satisfaction after the birth of a child, despite the pain.

The disadvantages of natural childbirth include pain during contractions and the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

In the process, a woman may experience ruptures of the cervix, vagina, external genitalia and perineum. Perineal tears have decreased significantly in Lately, since to prevent them, the doctor may resort to an incision (perineotomy or episiotomy) during delivery.

Based on the above, we can come to the conclusion that natural childbirth will be the best option for the birth of a child. This process is embedded in female body by nature itself, and it is safer for the mother and the fetus. If you have indications for which you cannot give birth naturally, then you should not be afraid of surgery. After all, the main thing is that the baby is born healthy, and that the mother is happy and enjoys every minute spent with her child.

Nadezhda Petrovskaya

Nowadays, women are increasingly talking about what would be better for them: to have a caesarean section or to trust the natural process of childbirth? Normal childbirth often causes fear in women, especially those giving birth for the first time or who have had complications with previous births. This leads to an increase in the percentage of women in labor choosing a caesarean section. After all, many believe that it is much easier to fall asleep and wake up, already having a child, than to suffer during dangerous process childbirth

But before deciding which is better - a cesarean section or a natural birth, it is worth taking a closer look at the processes of natural childbirth and cesarean section operations and listing their pros and cons.


A caesarean section is a surgical operation in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterus. This operation was practiced in antiquity in case of death of a woman on late stages pregnancy. Currently, thanks to the improvement of surgery and the advent of antibiotics, it does not pose a serious danger to the mother and has become widespread in obstetric practice.


  • The only solution in the case of certain diseases, unfavorable circumstances or deficiencies in a woman’s body. These include: narrow pelvis, big size fetus, placenta previa, some cardiovascular and ophthalmological diseases, kidney diseases.
  • No pain during contractions and pushing, which can be an important factor for women with a low pain threshold.
  • Reducing the risk of birth injuries for mother and child. In particular, the mother reduces the likelihood of perineal rupture and hemorrhoid formation, and the child suffers from head deformation. However, statistics show that the risk of certain injuries in newborns during cesarean section may be higher than during natural birth. Such injuries include injuries to the cervical spine and postnatal encephalopathy.
  • Childbirth with a cesarean section proceeds quickly - 25-45 minutes. Natural childbirth in some cases can last up to 24 hours.
  • Possibility of planning the operation, choosing the right time for childbirth.
  • More predictable outcome.


  • Higher risk of occurrence postpartum complications– up to 12 times compared to natural childbirth.
  • Negative effects of anesthesia on the body of a woman and baby. With general anesthesia, there is a risk of cardiac arrest, pneumonia, and damage to nerve cells. During spinal and endural anesthesia – inflammation of the puncture site, meninges, spinal injuries.
  • Long recovery period.
  • Large blood loss, often leading to anemia.
  • Bed rest after surgery interferes with caring for the newborn.
  • The suture remaining after the operation causes pain for weeks, which leads to the need to take painkillers.
  • Difficulty starting breastfeeding due to hormonal disorders. This leads to the need to use mixtures in the first days after surgery.
  • Restrictions on sports activities after surgery, which complicates the restoration of the figure.
  • Risk of not being able to give birth naturally in the future.
  • The possibility of scarring on the surface of the uterus, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, and infection in the abdominal cavity.
  • Refusal to give birth in the next 2-3 years. This time is necessary for the surgical suture on the uterus to completely close, and there would be no risk of its rupture during the next birth.
  • Constant medical supervision after surgery.
  • The child lacks the necessary hormones to adapt to the environment.

Natural childbirth

Childbirth is the process of completing pregnancy, which involves the expulsion of the fetus and placenta.
from the uterus by contraction of the muscular walls of the uterus.


  • Childbirth is a process provided for by nature. It is more predictable and studied.
  • Natural childbirth, as a rule, occurs at the “right” moment, when the organisms of the child and mother are most prepared for it.
  • During childbirth, the child’s body gradually adapts to the new environment.
  • Shorter recovery period for the mother's body compared to surgery.
  • The mother can begin feeding and caring for her baby immediately after birth.


  • Severe pain during contractions and pushing.
  • Increased risk of perineal tears and some other postpartum injuries.

In some cases of abnormal pregnancy, only a caesarean section is possible and the mother’s opinion is not taken into account:

  • Tumors of the uterus or vagina.
  • Possibility of uterine rupture.
  • Early discharge of amniotic fluid.
  • Fetal hypoxia.
  • Abruption or abnormal position of the placenta.
  • Incorrect position of the child's head.

For some conditions, there may be a choice between a cesarean section or a natural birth. What is better, in this case, is decided by the woman herself. However, all responsibility for the decision falls on her. Such anomalies include:

  • Breech presentation.
  • Previous births were performed by caesarean section.
  • Age over 36 years.
  • Large fruit size.
  • In vitro fertilization.

What to choose?

Most specialists - doctors, obstetricians and pediatricians consider natural childbirth preferable if there are no serious contraindications to it.

But what to do if the woman herself has to answer the question “caesarean or natural birth”? Still, the best choice would be in favor of natural childbirth. After all, everything in the body of a woman and baby is designed for a normal birth process.

However, we should also take into account the adjustments that have been made to our lives modern civilization. IN last years Young women are more likely to suffer from diseases that complicate this natural process. Cases of intrauterine pathologies have become more frequent, which can also be an obstacle to the natural course of childbirth. In addition, nowadays women have become physically weaker. This is facilitated by the way of life: small physical exercise, unhealthy diet, office physical inactivity. However, you should keep this in mind throughout your pregnancy.

Exist special programs physical exercise preparations for childbirth, and should not be neglected. After all, a child born as a result of an operation does not undergo long-term birth canal, which means that the period of adaptation to the new world and new environment life. Which can negatively affect its development, especially in the first months of life.

It is also impossible to unequivocally answer the question: what is more painful - a caesarean section or the process of natural childbirth? Often women, fearing pain, insist on surgery even if there are no indications for it - but this is a misconception. Pain awaits a woman in labor even during a caesarean section: after all, abdominal surgery, especially associated with the extraction of the fetus, this is an inevitable blood loss.

Add to this pain relief, which cannot be called harmless to the body. In addition, the stitch from the operation will be not only on the outer part of the abdomen, but also on the uterus itself. And this is one of the indications for caesarean section during subsequent births. And adhesions can form on this seam, which will definitely affect women’s health.

There are also other possible complications associated with surgical intervention, especially in such natural process. From all this it should be concluded that having a child naturally is still preferable. And it's good that this moment Our medicine does not perform a caesarean section based solely on the wishes of the woman in labor.

Currently, epidural anesthesia is used as anesthesia for caesarean section. This method of pain relief is considered the best. With an epidural, the woman remains conscious, can talk to doctors, and can see the newborn as soon as it is born. All this, of course, is completely excluded when using general anesthesia.

The first birth in a woman’s life is decisive. If the first birth had no indication for a cesarean section and went well, without complications, and did not cause any injuries, then in the future the woman will also be given a natural birth. There is even a plus: subsequent births will probably be faster and easier.

You should prepare for childbirth in advance. You must strictly follow all the recommendations of the leading gynecologist. In addition, it would also be useful to read specialized literature on your own, attend lectures and classes for future parents. Moreover, this also applies to the future dad.

An excellent understanding of the intricacies of the birth process will help a woman in labor not to panic, not to be afraid of anything, and to soberly assess what is happening to her during childbirth. And of course, great importance matters which doctor the woman chooses. After all, today there is such a wonderful opportunity to choose both a clinic and a doctor for your childbirth. If you are hesitant and don’t know what to choose, then you should contact this doctor, and he will tell you what is more suitable in your case: natural birth or cesarean section. Trusting the doctor will also help the woman to be calmer and feel more reliable.

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