Home Coated tongue Conditions that determine the development of a child’s speech. Basic conditions for normal mental development (according to A.R.

Conditions that determine the development of a child’s speech. Basic conditions for normal mental development (according to A.R.

Development conditions are those internal and external constantly operating factors that influence development, directing its course, shaping its dynamics and determining the final results. These are the surrounding objects of material and spiritual culture, people and the relationships between them. Material conditions influence cognitive development, social - on the development of personality behavior. Depends on conditions individual characteristics, the use and transformation into appropriate abilities of those inclinations that are present from birth, the qualitative originality and combination of mental and behavioral properties acquired in the process of development.

Conditions mental development: heredity is the property of an organism to repeat similar types of metabolism and individual development in general over a number of generations; environment - the social, material and spiritual conditions of his existence surrounding a person; activity is the active state of an organism as a condition for its existence and behavior.

There is no consensus on what exactly in a child’s psyche is genetically determined. Domestic psychologists believe that temperament and abilities are inherited. The natural properties of a child, without giving rise to mental qualities, create the prerequisites for their formation. The qualities themselves arise due to social inheritance (in the process of training and education).

Genetic factors are the potential that a child receives with hereditary information from his parents. The direction of development depends to a certain extent on these factors.

Besides heredity, biological factor, includes the features of the intrauterine period of a child’s life. During prenatal development, disturbances in the mother's physical and mental balance can affect the realization of the child's genetic potential. Examples of such violations:

  • - maternal malnutrition;
  • - maternal illnesses during pregnancy;
  • - use of medications and other substances.

The importance of the environment in the mental development of a child is supported by studies that have proven that those parts of the child’s brain that are not exercised as a result of a sufficient number of external impressions, contacts, etc., cease to mature normally and may lose the ability to function.

In developmental psychology, the term “hospitalism” is known - motor and emotional inhibition, a sharp decline activity. This phenomenon is observed when there is a lack of contacts with adults that are necessary and meaningful for the child (primarily emotional).

Social environment is a broad concept. This is the society in which a child grows up. The system of upbringing and education of children adopted in it depends on the characteristics of the social and cultural development of a society. The social environment is also the immediate social environment, which directly influences the development of the psyche. Personality development as a process of “socialization” is carried out in certain social conditions family, immediate environment (micro-situation); socio-economic, political, etc. (macro situation).

In psychology, the model of ecological systems proposed by the American psychologist W. Bronfenbrenner is widely known. According to this model, human development is a dynamic process going in two directions. On the one hand, a person himself is capable of changing (reconstructing) his living environment. On the other hand, it is influenced by the elements of this environment.

All this ecological environment consists of four components:

The macrosystem is the subject himself and his immediate environment (family, kindergarten, peers at school, etc.) - has a direct impact on the course of development.

Mesosystem - relationships between microsystems (events in school, family and connections between them or connections between school and peer group).

Exosystem - elements of the environment in which the subject does not play an active role, but which influence him.

Macrosystem - attitudes, morals, traditions, values ​​of the surrounding culture. This system affects educational standards, which means it influences development and behavior.

One of key concepts ideas of L. S. Vygotsky speaks social situation as the main mechanism of mental development. This is the specific form of relationships that are significant for a child in which he finds himself with the surrounding reality (primarily social) at one or another period of his life. The social situation of development, including a system of relations, Various types and forms of activity are the main condition for personal development.

According to A.V. Petrovsky, the social situation itself can be stable or changing. The entry of a child as a social being into the life of the community (socialization) involves the passage of three phases:

  • - adaptation (to current norms, forms of interaction, activities);
  • - individualization (as satisfying the “need for personalization”, i.e. the search for means and ways to indicate one’s individuality);
  • - integration of the individual into the community (due to the contradictions between the subject’s aspirations to present his characteristics in the community and the need of this community to approve only those of them that correspond to its values ​​and contribute to the success of joint activities, etc.).

The conditions in which a personality develops largely determine how integral, creative, cheerful, and active it will be. Therefore, it is so important for parents from the first days of life to create conditions for child development .

Create your own space for your child

The ideal place for a little person to stay in the house should be a children's room. If in the first months of life a child needs the constant presence of his parents, then after a while he will need his own space, where he will feel like a full owner. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to give your child a separate room, set up a children’s corner where he will store his toys, books, where you can put a small table or desk.

One of the main conditions for child development is independence, so your task is to provide him with this opportunity: from 2-3 months, give the baby time to play with toys on his own. Hang bright rattles and a carousel above the crib. Place all this at a height accessible to the baby so that he can hear sounds when he touches the toys with his hands. If the child is not capricious and is passionate about this activity, do not interrupt it.

As he gets older, he will enjoy playing with objects of different textures. Educators believe that the development of tactile sensitivity when exploring various materials from fabric to wood and fur influences the formation of a child’s intelligence, enriching his life experience.

Fill his life with impressions

In addition to their own space to play, a child needs impressions for development. This is especially important for children preschool age from approximately 3 to 7 years. Psychologists say that during this period people experience the most unforgettable and powerful emotions. This is due to the fact that children’s imagination is rapidly developing at this time, and new impressions actively feed it.

As you know, only what remains in memory is what. Since healthy children are impressionable by nature, rest assured that the joy of joint trips, trips to the zoo, planetarium and circus will remain with them forever.

It is important for preschoolers to learn new activities. Today, many art studios offer parents and children to attend joint art lessons. It is difficult to convey in words the delight of a child who managed to create a small picture the first time: a house on the edge of a winter forest or a beautiful peacock.

Some parents protest against their child attending kindergarten, believing that they “don’t take care of their children.” If you decide to devote your time to your child before school, then be sure to choose an alternative option for his communication with children: children's development centers, clubs, sections. In addition to the fact that your child will learn to communicate with peers there, these organizations host holidays, and sports sections competitions, taking part in which your child will be enriched with new impressions.

A bright moment in the life of a 6-7 year old child can be an overnight trip to the forest with adults. Especially if you involve him in the preparation: let him assemble the fishing rods and fishing tackle together with his dad, and assemble the pot and supplies together with his mother.

And how many unforgettable impressions a child will get from swimming and the beach, night sounds and rustles, the splashing of fish in the reeds, and boating!

So, a change of scenery and varied impressions is the second important condition for the development of the child.

Create a creative environment

We have already talked quite a lot about the importance of creativity in a child’s life. Computer games they are not assistants in this matter: being a finished product, they do not develop fantasy and imagination.

The child “gets fixated” on the images of the virtual game, withdraws into its framework and ceases to be interested in other types of activities, becoming asocial. Meanwhile, only situational and role-playing game interaction with peers is essentially developmental, but the child loses interest in it. Regulate your child’s activities with the computer to prevent such “distortions” and encourage communication with other children.

It is important that the activity gives the child satisfaction and positive emotions, then he himself will initiate the activities. For example, you will see how he is waiting for a new visit to a developmental school or dreams of finishing a new craft in a circle.

Creativity is possible not only in specialized centers, but also at home in Everyday life. For example, give your child the opportunity to decorate a room for the holiday, draw New Year's flags for a garland, come up with the design of a birthday cake for grandma, etc. Encourage him to fantasize, make new proposals, and help with their implementation.

To summarize what has been said, I would like to note that creating conditions for the development of a child is not so difficult. Three main components: own space, new experiences and a creative environment - and your child successfully develops as a person. But the most important component that “cements” success is your interest in its development, your support, praise, sincere joy even in its small victories.

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(according to G.M. Dulnev and A.R. Luria):

1 IMPORTANT CONDITION- “normal functioning of the brain and its cortex.” In the presence of pathological conditions

arising as a result of various pathogenic influences, the normal ratio of irritable and inhibitory processes is disrupted, and the implementation of complex forms of analysis and synthesis of incoming information is difficult; the interaction between brain blocks responsible for various aspects of human mental activity is disrupted. 2 CONDITION

3 - “the normal physical development of the child and the associated preservation of normal performance, normal tone of nervous processes.” CONDITION

- “preservation of the sense organs that ensure the child’s normal communication with the outside world.” 4 CONDITION

- systematic and consistent education of the child in the family, in preschool educational institutions and educational schools. It should be noted that the most general patterns

found in the mental development of a normal child, can also be traced in children with various mental and physical disabilities. This situation was first noted by a doctor and psychologist G.Ya.Troshin in his book “Anthropological foundations of education. Comparative psychology L.S.Vygotsky.

Such patterns, first of all, include a certain sequence of stages of mental development, the presence of sensitive periods in the development of mental functions, the sequence of development of all mental processes, the role of activity in mental development, the role of speech in the formation of HMF, the leading role of learning in mental development.

These and other specific manifestations of the commonality of normal and impaired development were clearly identified in the studies of L.V. Zankov, T.A. Vlasova, I.M. Solovyov, T.V. Rozanova, Zh.I. Shif and others, conducted in period from 1930 – 1970s. These psychologists and their collaborators showed that the basic patterns development of perception, memory, ideas, thinking, activities, established in the study of a normally developing child, apply to both the deaf and the disabled.

Comparative studies covering several types of developmental disorders since the 1960s. began to be carried out in other countries. In the USA there were studies by S. Kirk, H. Furth; In Great Britain - N.O. Connor et al. In all these studies, patterns were established, both common for persons with developmental disabilities and normally developing, and characteristic only for persons with deviations from normal development.

According to the Russian physiologist I.P. Pavlov, there is a visible correlation between pathophysiology and normal physiology: studies of impaired functions make it possible to detect what exists and occurs in a hidden and complicated form under conditions of normal development.

One of the first GENERAL REGULARITIES OF DEVIATING DEVELOPMENT in relation to various types mental dysontogenesis were formulated by V.I. Lubovsky. THE MAIN THESIS is the evidentiary postulation of the presence



LEVEL I - patterns inherent in all types of dysontogenetic development.

LEVEL II - patterns characteristic of the group of dysontogenetic disorders.

III LEVEL - specific patterns inherent in a particular type of dysontogenesis.

From the perspective of modern researchers, patterns or features that are often identified by researchers as specific to a given defect are not always so. Many of them actually have more general character and can be traced in the development of children belonging to several types of developmental disorders. Thus, comparing the characteristics of children belonging to any one type of developmental disorder with the norm is clearly not enough, because does not make it possible to identify specific signs of a given defect, to discover patterns of development that are unique to it.

L.S.Vygotsky considered such disadvantages as blindness, deafness, u/o. He noted that the causes that cause them lead to the emergence of a basic disorder in the sphere of mental activity, which is defined as - PRIMARY VIOLATION. A primary disorder, if it occurs in early childhood, leads to peculiar changes in the entire mental development of the child, which manifests itself in the formation SECONDARY and subsequent order

in the field of mental activity. All of them are caused by the primary disorder and depend on its nature (the type of primary deficiency), the degree of its severity and the time of occurrence.

REGULARITIES: 1) APPEARANCE OF SECONDARY DEFECTS in the process of mental development of a child with a deficiency of one type or another was identified by L.S. Vygotsky in the early 1930s as a general pattern.

abnormal development 2) According to L.S. Vygotsky, the second pattern is - DIFFICULTIES IN INTERACTION WITH THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT and disruption of connections with the outside world

all children with developmental disabilities.

Zh.I. Schiff formulates this pattern as follows: what is common to all cases of abnormal development is that the totality of consequences generated by the defect manifests itself in changes in the development of the personality of the anomalous child as a whole. The author also notes that children with developmental disabilities of all categories have speech communication disorders, although they manifest themselves in different degrees and forms.


AND USE OF INFORMATION. As experimental neurophysiological and psychological research

, with any pathology, the “decoding” of the surrounding world is disrupted. Depending on the specifics of the deviation, various parameters of the surrounding reality are distorted..

4) VIOLATION OF SPEECH MEDIATION Even L.S. Vygotsky put forward the position that from approximately 2 years of age, speech begins to play a DETERMINING ROLE in the further development of all mental processes. has the FORMATION OF THE REGULATING FUNCTION OF SPEECH, which is inextricably linked with the development of the speech function itself, and the frontal parts of the brain as the BRAIN BASIS OF ARNIVORY.

Neurophysiological studies show that DELAY IN THE MATURATION OF FRONTAL STRUCTURES is a common pathogenetic characteristic of a number of dysontogenies, such as u/o, mental retardation, RDA, etc. With all mental development deviations, to a greater or lesser extent, there is a DIVERGENCE OF NONVERBAL and VERBAL BEHAVIOR, which makes normal child development and requires use special techniques his upbringing and training.




Any type of dysontogenetic development is characterized by a violation of normal mental reflection reality, complete or partial loss of “mental tools”: intellectual abilities are reduced, or social inadequacy is revealed, or some type of information (visual, auditory, visual-auditory, effective) about the surrounding reality is lost.

In order for a child with one or another developmental pathology to form as complete and adequate ideas about various aspects of the surrounding reality as occurs in normally developing children, longer periods and special methods are certainly necessary.


The problem of interaction between personality and environment is extremely important when analyzing the process of mental development.

A special place in solving this problem is occupied by the analysis of not only the activity of the individual, but also the characteristics of its adaptation. The wide prevalence of states of mental underdevelopment, and especially its mild forms, is an additional source for society serious problems

, the main of which include INCOMPLETE SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF PERSONS WITH MENTAL DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS, with the accompanying increase in crime among minors. A system developed and created through the efforts of domestic defectologists specialized assistance children with various forms of mental underdevelopment has achieved significant success in solving the problems of diagnosing and correcting disorders of cognitive activity in. However, much less attention has been paid to the study of the GENESIS AND SPECIFICITY OF THE PERSONAL PROBLEMS that inevitably arise in these children DURING THE PROCESS OF SOCIALIZATION. Meanwhile, it is precisely this kind of problem, focusing in itself a complex combination of organic and social factors of the child’s development, that takes shape in various phenomena behavioral disorders, GENERAL OR PARTIAL DISADAPTATION, often reaching the level of clinical or criminal severity.

This option appeared in last years in connection with the strengthening of integration processes in education and the importance that has begun to be attached to the development of social competence of people, regardless of the severity and nature of their deviations.

This parameter means that any defect makes it difficult for a person to achieve an optimal balance between the ability to satisfy their significant needs and the conditions available for this, including both purely everyday conditions (for example, the presence of ramps for wheelchair access) and socio-psychological ones - the readiness of the immediate social environment to communicate with such people.



HUMAN ACTIVITIES- is methodological basis to identify the very fact of deviation from normal ontogenesis, the structure of the deviation, determination of the most disturbed and preserved brain structures, which must be taken into account when organizing the correctional pedagogical process.



1) SOMATOVEGETATIVE (from 0 to 3 years)- against the background of the immaturity of all systems, the body at this age reacts to any pathogenic influence with a complex of somatovegetative reactions, such as general and autonomic excitability, increased body temperature, sleep disturbance, appetite, and gastrointestinal disorders.

2) PSYCHOMOTOR LEVEL (4- 7 years) - intensive formation of the cortical parts of the motor analyzer, and in particular the frontal parts of the brain, makes this system predisposed to hyperdynamic disorders of various origins (psychomotor excitability, tics, stuttering, fears). The role of psychogenic factors is increasing - unfavorable traumatic relationships in the family, reactions to addiction to children's educational institutions

, unfavorable interpersonal relationships.- the child reacts to any harm with a noticeable affective component - from pronounced autism to affective excitability with phenomena of negativism, aggression, and neurotic reactions.

4) EMOTIONAL-IDEATORY (12 – 16 years old) - leading in prepubertal and pubertal age. It is characterized by pathological fantasizing, overvalued hobbies, overvalued hypochondriacal ideas, such as ideas of imaginary ugliness (dysmorphophobia, anorexia nervosa), psychogenic reactions of protest, opposition, emancipation.

The predominant symptoms of each age level of response do not exclude the occurrence of symptoms of previous levels, but they, as a rule, occupy a peripheral place in the picture of dysontogenies. The predominance of pathological forms of response, characteristic of younger people, indicates the phenomena of mental retardation.

The reactions listed above are an aggravated form of a normal age-related reaction to one or another harm.




In 1927 SCHWALBE first introduced the term “DISONTOGENESIS” to denote deviations in the intrauterine development of the body. V.V. Kovalev (1985) uses the concept "MENTAL DYSONTOGENESIS", applying it to mental development disorders in childhood and adolescence as a result of the disorder and maturation of the structures and functions of the brain.

Term DYSONTOGENIA" was introduced by representatives of clinical medicine to designate various forms of disruption of normal ontogenesis that occur in childhood, when the morphofunctional systems of the body have not yet reached maturity. For the most part, these are the so-called NON-PROGREDIENT PAINTING CONDITIONS (the non-progressive nature of the disorders means the absence of aggravation of the primary defect underlying mental underdevelopment), a kind of developmental defects that obey the same laws as normal development, but represent its pathological modification, making it difficult to fully psychosocial development of a child without appropriate special psychological, pedagogical, and in some cases medical assistance.


1) retardation, 2) asynchrony.

Under RETARDATION- refers to a delay or suspension of mental development. There are GENERAL (TOTAL) and PARTIAL (PARTIAL) MENTAL RETARDATION.

At PARTIAL RETARDATION- there is a suspension or delay in the development of certain mental functions. The neurophysiological basis of partial retardation is a violation of the rates and timing of maturation of individual functional systems.

A characteristic feature ASYNCHRONY- there is a pronounced advance in the development of some mental functions and properties of the emerging personality and a significant lag in the rates and timing of maturation of others. This becomes the basis for the disharmonious development of the psyche as a whole.

It is necessary to distinguish ASYNCHRONY from PHYSIOLOGICAL HETEROCHRONY- i.e. different timing of maturation of cerebral structures and functions, which is observed during normal mental development.

Young inexperienced parents raising their first child, literally after the first month, begin to actively seek answers to the following questions: when does he do, speak, how to develop fine motor skills, what conditions should there be for a child’s development in the family for him to develop correctly? And many others. And if suddenly something happens behind (or ahead) of generally accepted norms, they begin to worry. In most cases, it is not difficult to avoid this; it is enough to create a the necessary conditions. Let's talk about this.

What should be the conditions for the development of young children?

Creating conditions for the normal development of a child is actually not difficult. Just to begin with, let’s define what it is to talk about the same things. Specialists under favorable conditions conditions of child development in the family understand the organization of the baby’s living space that will stimulate its development. But this is in theory, but what about in practice?

We create conditions for the normal development of a child 0-6 months

The first thing that needs to be ensured is the availability of as many items as varied in shape, color, material and texture as possible. Naturally, they all must be safe. Even if the baby cannot reach most of them yet, he can and should be helped. Place him on the floor more often and give him a little help to reach this or that toy.

Such activities can be combined with hardening. No matter how high-quality and modern a disposable diaper is (more details: ), it still prevents the skin from breathing. Do not dress him, air baths will only benefit the child.

Such placements on the stomach will significantly expand the baby’s view and allow him to see how much interesting things there are around. By the way, it is not necessary to surround him only with toys. In most cases, children love to play with some household objects. So a glasses case or a strainer can keep your little one occupied for 30 minutes.

We create conditions for the normal development of a child 6-12 months old

After six months, a new period begins in the child’s development. Now he has an increased need for motor activity and mastering new movements. So, the main rule for creating favorable conditions for the development of children early age says - don't limit.

Reduce the time spent in the playpen or crib, let better baby spends more time on the floor. This way he can quickly learn to crawl, sit down, roll over, and stand up while holding onto something. Of course, at first you will have to constantly help and support him, but the baby learns quickly. It seems like only yesterday he was making his first attempts to stand on his feet, but today he is confidently walking along the wall.

Have you noticed that the baby scatters everything that comes to hand? This is normal, it means it develops with age. A period of destruction must be present, because at this time the child’s thinking is actively developing. He learns to compare, establishes cause-and-effect relationships (I threw it - my mother picked it up).

Instead of restricting your child and punishing him for another damaged thing, offer him games related to destruction. Build towers from cubes and let them break them, let them tear old newspaper into pieces. Tie the toys you take for a walk with strings so they don’t fall into the mud. As a result, the child will get what he wants, and you will make do with minimal losses or no losses at all.

Favorable conditions for the development of a young child in the family help to outgrow many problems. For example, at a certain stage of growing up, a baby begins to poke his fingers into various holes, greatly frightening his parents. So, to prevent such behavior from developing into an obsession (for example, sticking your finger in a socket), you need to create conditions that help you outgrow it faster. So make sure you have the appropriate toys or come up with something at hand.

In one article, it is difficult to consider all aspects of creating conditions for the development of young children, but I hope the main idea is clear. Additional information you can get from the following materials: and.

In this article:

In order for the baby to grow and develop correctly, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of normal child development from birth. This includes social factors: communication with other children and adults. How ready is a baby to be a person in our world? To do this, you need to pay attention to it communication development. Although, of course, everything comes from the family, it starts at home. The degree of mental development in the family depends on the atmosphere in the family. younger age. If there is a tense, cold or even aggressive atmosphere at home, then this will have a negative impact on the baby. Parents should pay attention Special attention on your actions, words, communication with other people in front of the child. It is very easy to disrupt the normal course of mental development, and it will take years to return everything to its place.

Normal mental development

What does “normal mental development” mean? Compliance with certain norms accepted in society. Each child is unique, but the rating scale is the same for everyone. You will encounter this when you enroll your child in kindergarten or school. The concepts of normal mental development usually include:

Of course, the baby learns all the most important things at home, with his parents. The child’s development will depend on the emotional climate at home, how the parents communicate, and the relationship with the child.

It must be remembered that even a developed person of 3-4-5 years old can begin to degrade if the situation in the family changes. The guarantee of normal mental development will be the constancy of the surrounding world - as much as possible. Constantly transferring from one kindergarten to another, frequently changing schools or place of residence - the result of this can be a developmental delay, since the child will constantly experience the stress of adaptation to new conditions.

Child at home

Kindergarten, school, clubs, friends - all this is very important. But first and most important factor proper development there will be a home. Parents must remember that the baby is changing and growing. In the first 4-5 years, his need for communication is not as great as at 6-7. And he will communicate exactly the way he learned at home. You have a baby, which means you will now have to pay special attention to what you say, do, and what kind of people come to your house.

Many elements are needed to form the psyche. The main ones are formed in childhood, when the baby communicates only with his parents.

Relationships with parents

This is a very important aspect. Here we can highlight the main “hot points”:

It is very important that a baby, child, or teenager feels free with their parents. Of course, this does not mean that parents allow absolutely everything.. No, this is something else.

To a certain extent, in communication with parents there is freedom in expressing emotions, experiences, and joy. The baby feels safe with his parents. First of all, they love, teach, explain, and only then, and as a last resort, punish.

Children a priori
They think the parent is right. His words, reactions, and manner of communication are perceived as the only absolutely true ones. Then the child grows up. He communicates with other children and adults. Here there is a slight adjustment in his concepts of “right” and “wrong,” and yet the foundations of behavior laid down in childhood remain with him for the rest of his life.

Family atmosphere

The atmosphere in the house where the Small child, If:

  • there is aggression, both in words and in deeds (beatings, violence, physical injury);
  • in communication with each other and with the child, parents use obscene expressions, threats, insults, rude ridicule;
  • children or one of the spouses are subjected to humiliation and insults;
  • parents are very busy, they do not have time for the most ordinary communication;
  • the child spends a lot of time alone, left to his own devices;
  • There is absolutely no criticism of the child’s actions.

This is not just about dysfunctional families. It often happens that in appearance
a loving family with good income can treat a child extremely cruelly. A cold emotional atmosphere in the home harms the child. Showing your feelings, expressing emotions means teaching your baby to do this. From the family comes the concept of compassion, empathy, emotional support, joy for a loved one. The presence of these emotions in a child indicates that there are no shortcomings or dangers in terms of mental development.

If a child, starting from 3-4 years old, has absolutely no concept of empathy, no desire to help, support, or regret, then the problem is obvious. He was not taught to experience these emotions. Such children can be cruel and aggressive. And all because the same cruel atmosphere reigns at home.

Duties and Responsibilities

For the proper formation and development of the psyche, it is necessary to give the child the concept of responsibility. Kindergarten and school can only indirectly influence this. A sense of responsibility can only be instilled in the family. From early childhood, give your baby simple tasks. Let him:

The older he is, the more responsible he is, the more tasks around the house he receives. If you completely deprive a child of responsibility and responsibilities, then the necessary things will not happen. volitional development . This means that the productivity of logical and situational thinking decreases.

Volitional development begins in children from 3 years of age. Previously, they simply do not understand the need for many actions. If you protect a child from any tasks or responsibilities, then very soon the parents begin to regret it. He will not be psychologically ready for school. By not providing motivation for situational thinking, parents limit the opportunity psychological development child. He avoids difficult actions and situations and does not want to become a participant in them.

Punishment and reward

In order for the psyche to adapt to living conditions in society, the child needs to understand when punishment comes and when encouragement is needed. We are talking not only about something physical, material. For example, for good behavior you get candy, but for bad behavior you are deprived of sweets. This kind of material motivation is suitable for young children. Later, it is necessary to transfer reward and punishment to another level.

Punishment -
it is a limitation, a deprivation. Unfortunately, parents cannot always explain the logic of their actions regarding punishment. It remains unclear: why is it impossible to do this or that action at all? Before you punish, tell them why you are doing it. Explain to your child the danger or wrongness of any action. Only by understanding what exactly he did wrong can the child be able to prevent it from happening again next time. This is an experience necessary for proper mental development. This is how the laws of our society are comprehended.

Punishment without reason is great stupidity. For example, a child on a walk was aggressive towards another child. At home, his mother explains the mistake to him, tells him why this should not have been done. Then comes the punishment: stay in your room without a TV, computer or other entertainment for 1 hour. At this time, he needs to think about the action and draw conclusions. A few days later the baby is playing in his room, but it is too noisy. Mom applies the same punishment, but only because. that she was tired and the noise was preventing her from resting. The child’s actions in the first and second cases are incommensurable, and the punishment is the same.

Child in kindergarten

The second aspect of mental development is social. Normal development can only be achieved if the child is surrounded by other children and adults. This requires situational thinking, which remains the engine of mental development. The experience and knowledge gained before entering kindergarten allows you to draw conclusions, and conclusions allow you to act.

Communicating and making friends is not so easy. In kindergarten, a lot of the teacher’s efforts are aimed specifically at socialization . Children who attended kindergarten have a much easier time adapting to school. It is easier for them to make friends, because they have already learned how to do it.


For all children, going to kindergarten begins with the adaptation process. It can vary in degree difficulties for the child. Most often this is a positive process. The baby remains on his own in the new place. He is already developed enough for 3-4 years to spend this time alone, without his parents. If being in kindergarten is too difficult for a child, he cannot even cope
with the help of a teacher, and relationships with children do not add up, then this indicates insufficient mental development. Such situations, unfortunately, do happen.

By the age of three, children are usually very active. They learned to speak, love outdoor games, are drawn to new acquaintances. It is completely normal to complete the adaptation in 2-6 weeks, and then easily spend the whole day in kindergarten.

During the adaptation process, the baby underwent a serious psychological restructuring. Many social mechanisms opened before him in a simple form:

  • how to make acquaintances;
  • how to become interesting to your interlocutor;
  • joint activities - how to contribute to them;
  • how to maintain friendships;
  • how to build communication with people of different ages.

This means that the social component of character is developing - the social “I” of the child. This is how forward movement occurs for the mental development of the individual.

Communication with other children

Without communication, the life of an individual with a normal psyche is impossible. A person is designed in such a way that he simply needs to have different relationships with people:

  • family affection;
  • friendly feelings;
  • friendly relations;
  • tender, loving relationships;
  • hierarchical relationships.

Having a best friend, family support, love is a normal mental state. If a person does not have the opportunity
communicate, he is isolated from others, then the psyche undergoes changes not for the better.

Strong restrictions on the part of parents in this regard only harm children. Moms often say: “Don’t be friends with this boy”, “Don’t communicate with that girl”. This choice can be biased: a child who cannot be friends with simply gets very dirty in the sandbox or is often sick.

The decision not to go to a nursery, kindergarten, or to attend clubs and sections also has a negative impact on the child. Thus, parents limit the opportunity to establish the social mechanism of the psyche. Few contacts mean little communication experience. And it will be useful to the child throughout his life. Communication only with parents, grandmothers, brothers and sisters is not enough.

School years

The whole life up to the age of 7 prepares the child for a new stage of life - for school.. The formation of the psyche begins immediately after birth, but it will end only by the age of 18-21. Then the person takes into account the psychological "adult" or "mature" point of view. Happening at school important changes in the psyche of any child.

Cognitive thinking

Nowadays, the cognitive development of the baby is very important. A normal 7-8 year old child has a thirst for knowledge. Of course, this does not mean that studying will become his only activity and interest.
And yet, learning new things, improving your knowledge, discovering something unknown is an entertaining process. The student highlights some subjects that are of particular interest to him.

It is important for the psyche to have interests: this is how knowledge of the world continues, a knowledge base accumulates. The need for this is normal mental mechanism. There is no such thing as a child not being interested in anything at all.. The task of parents and schools is to help them decide and interest them.

In the first or second year of school, children are still really small. For them now everything that is demonstrative and colorful is interesting:

  • small experiments;
  • films and illustrations;
  • interestingly presented material (reading in faces, illustrations);
  • opportunity to participate in the process.

Now the brain perceives only the information that interests the child. Teachers need to keep this in mind when preparing their lessons. The same goes for parents and activities at home.

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