Home Prevention Which sports section can you send your child to? When to send your child to sports so as not to miss the moment - a useful sign for parents

Which sports section can you send your child to? When to send your child to sports so as not to miss the moment - a useful sign for parents

Modern parents should understand well that by enrolling their son or daughter in a sports section, they help maintain an optimal balance of physical and mental development your child. WITH special attention Parents should be careful when choosing a specific sport for their child.
It is not for nothing that special scientific methods exist and are being actively improved, with the help of which one can assess a child’s predisposition to a particular sport and give recommendations on choosing the most suitable one. suitable age when the baby can be sent to the sports section.

For many years, scientists have been trying to figure out how to recognize the makings of a future great athlete in an ordinary child. Many methods have already been created to identify gifted children in sports. Every child is born into this world with already certain inclinations, which can be identified even at a very early age. Such testing will not take much time. And the research itself looks like an ordinary game for a child. But the effect of such a game can become very obvious. If parents want to see their child professionally involved in any sport, then they should undergo such a diagnosis as early as possible so as not to waste precious time.

If you want your child to play sports of a secondary nature and play the role of a favorite hobby, then in this case you can choose any sport. The main thing is that it doesn’t happen.

The most important task when choosing a sport for your child is correctly assess the state of his health. It would also be a good idea to consult a sports doctor. The attending pediatrician may not be sufficiently aware of the specifics of a particular sport, and this should be the determining factor when choosing a sport for your child.


This sport today is one of the most “fashionable” and popular among parents who choose to play t for your child. The benefits of tennis are certainly, not least, evidenced by the highly profitable nature of this sport.

Pros (+):

· The above-mentioned decent prize money won at a prestigious tournament;

· Tennis lessons will develop your child’s agility and speed of reaction;

Regular training will improve coordination and performance respiratory system;

· Tennis will be very useful if your child suffers from osteochondrosis or metabolic diseases.

· A child should not be allowed to play tennis if he or she has instability of the cervical vertebrae;

· If the baby has flat feet;

· Myopia or peptic ulcer.

Football, basketball, volleyball, hockey

These sports are ideal for kids who love team games.

Pros (+):

· When playing football, the muscles of the legs and pelvis develop very well;

· Basketball improves the functioning of the visual and motor systems, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and coordination of movements;

· Those who play volleyball gain accuracy and speed of reactions, agility, and improve posture;

· Hockey will help strengthen the child’s musculoskeletal system as a whole, improve the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems;

· In some cases, playing these sports can be beneficial even for children with cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes mellitus(provided they perform about 50-60% of the total load).

· These sports are contraindicated for children who have instability of the cervical vertebrae (easily dislocated with sudden movements);

· You cannot actively engage in this sport if you have flat feet;

· Ulcers and asthma.


Absolutely any child loves to splash in the water. In addition, swimming comes with other benefits. water treatments: washing, dousing with water, wiping. All this, together with the swimming itself, is in the best possible way improve the child’s body’s resistance to various diseases.

Pros (+):

· When swimming, the child receives constant hydromassage, which can improve blood circulation;

· Swimming strengthens the baby’s nervous system;

· Regular classes in the pool they will help to properly form the musculoskeletal system in the child;

· Swimming improves lung function;

· It is especially useful for children with scoliosis, myopia, diabetes and obesity to engage in this sport;

· Swimming will strengthen the child’s body and promote comprehensive physical development.

· You cannot swim if you have open wounds;

· Skin diseases;

· For eye diseases.

Figure skating and skiing

Winter sports such as skating and skiing are very beneficial for children. Moreover, they are very loved.

Pros (+):

· These sports contribute to the development of the musculoskeletal system;

· Improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;

· Increases the child’s performance and endurance;

· You should not get involved in these sports if you have lung diseases;

· Asthma or myopia.

Martial arts

Such hobbies in Lately are firmly in fashion. If you prefer sports activities of this kind for your child, then be sure to talk to the coach who will train your child. A good specialist will be able to clearly and completely answer all your questions or resolve doubts. And if they suddenly start telling you some “higher truths,” think carefully about whether to look for another sports section.

Pros (+):

· Practicing martial arts will have a general healing effect on the child’s body;

· If a child has an unstable psyche, then such activities will help him learn to control his condition.

Rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, shaping, sports dancing

Practicing these sports will be most beneficial for girls.

Pros (+):

· Classes will help develop flexibility and plasticity;

Improve coordination of movements:

· Contribute to the formation of a beautiful, regular figure.

· Caution in this sport should be observed by those children who suffer from scoliosis;

· High degree of myopia;

· Certain diseases of the cardiovascular system.

An almost ideal sport is horseback riding. While riding a horse, there is no great physical activity, but at the same time, the muscles of the back, hips and lower legs receive a massage that cannot be obtained in any other massage room. Equestrian sport can heal mental disorders and even children's cerebral paralysis. It cannot be said that simply communicating with an animal will give a child great amount positive emotions.

If your child does not have serious illnesses, and, therefore, special contraindications, then just to keep him in good physical shape, you can send your baby to any sports section that interests you.

At what age should I bring my child to the sports section?

For each child, the coach and parents should have their own individual approach. But sports laboratories and research centers have established optimal dates for a child to start training in a particular sports section. It will be useful for parents to be guided by the recommendations of scientists and doctors when deciding, not as simple as it seems at first glance, the question of at what age to “enroll” their child in big sports.

6-7 years. Girls can be enrolled in the gymnastics section from the age of six, while boys should wait until they are seven years old to participate in this sport. From the age of six, children can freely engage in sports acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, trampolining. By the age of seven, a child’s body can be fully adjusted to swimming, water skiing, diving, as well as tennis and table tennis, wushu and hockey.

8-9 years old. Until this age, it is better not to send your child to the basketball section, football clubs, alpine skiing, or sports classes. orienteering. And from the age of nine, volleyball, handball, biathlon, bobsleigh, water polo, speed skating, athletics, sailing, ski jumping, and rugby will not harm a child’s stronger body.

10-11 years old. A ten-year-old child may be allowed to attend athletics and boxing, equestrian and luge sports, rowing, rock climbing, fencing, etc. This time is also suitable for starting training in almost all types of wrestling - Greco-Roman, freestyle, sambo, judo; You can enroll in the martial arts section (kickboxing, karate, taekwondo). From the age of eleven you can send your child to learn archery. And girls under thirteen years old should not start weightlifting.

In addition to school, it is necessary to pay attention to sections additional education, in particular, sports. This is how the child will develop physically:

  • strengthen muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system;
  • straighten your posture;
  • take care of immune system;
  • restore emotional background;
  • train your lungs and heart.
Moral qualities will also develop:
  • strength of mind;
  • desire to win;
  • leadership;
  • courage;
  • perseverance.
In this article we will tell you which sport to enroll a girl in to strengthen her physical condition so that she enjoys the sport.

What to look for when choosing classes

Choosing the right direction depends on many factors:
  • age;
  • inclinations and hobbies;
  • physique;
  • goals pursued;
  • health conditions;
  • temperament.

It is also important to consider:

  • cost of education;
  • the location of the club and the opportunity to visit it regularly;
  • training schedule;
  • student body and teaching staff;
  • costs for additional inventory.

Features of the figure

Ballet schools are more suitable for fragile inches with an ascetic physique. Large-boned babies will have a hard time lifting themselves on their toes - this can lead to injury, and they will also feel uncomfortable in a ballet class. It would be best for them to choose dances of other styles - pop, sports, folk or modern.

Rhythmic or artistic gymnastics is also suitable for skinny people; it strengthens the muscles and skeleton, making it stronger. Slender but athletic girls aged 10-12 will feel comfortable in athletics, rowing, cycling, swimming or skiing. Such exercises strengthen muscles and develop endurance, willpower, and speed.

If your child has a tendency to be overweight or has problems with excess weight, then it is worth considering options with moderate but regular physical activity. So that after the first workout the schoolgirl does not feel exhausted, she needs to gradually increase the load, which will give an excellent result. Figure skating and gymnastics perfectly develop flexibility, while honing your figure.

Equestrian sport is suitable for a short child. Short riders are easier to handle in the saddle and achieve greater results.

In team sports for girls (usually 11-13 years old), body type must also be taken into account. Women's hockey is suitable for large schoolgirls, basketball and volleyball for tall ones, and synchronized swimming or pair figure skating for short, skinny girls.

Age limits

Starting from the age of three, the baby must already be accustomed to physical exercise to improve health and direct activity in the right direction. But from the age of 5-6, you can already think about a professional career if the child strives for this. Preschool children are put into groups with special coaching staff - instructors are trained to properly communicate with little athletes, from a psychological point of view, they find good motivation and teach them not to lose heart in case of failure.

But if you are not trying to raise a future Olympic champion, but are simply deciding which sport to choose for general development girls aged from 7 to 12-15 years old, to occupy her after school, then the choice is very large. It’s never too late to start training, but the schoolgirl must have a desire and interest, then the training will be most effective. The optimal periods for different directions are:

  • For rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, water skiing, diving, tennis and table tennis, acrobatics and dancing - from 6 years.
  • For alpine skiing, badminton, basketball and football - from 7 years.
  • For hockey, biathlon, athletics, baseball or rounders - from 8 years.
  • For cycling, equestrian sports, fencing and various types of wrestling - from 9 years.
  • Rowing and shooting, including archery – from 10 years.

Sports or pop dancing is suitable for any age.

What kinds of sports are there for girls with health restrictions?

Most sections recruit based on medical certificates provided by parents. Depending on the diagnosis or susceptibility to diseases, the following may not be suitable:
  • Shooting, tennis, biathlon - not recommended for children with poor eyesight. With high myopia, there may also be restrictions on strength and traumatic activities, since a fall from a horse, a blow during sparring and other mechanical impacts can lead to serious deterioration.
  • If you have spinal problems, you should not put excessive stress on the lumbar area. Gymnastics can negatively affect a girl’s condition due to bending and bending.
  • Cardiovascular diseases- this is a contraindication for cardio training, so skiing, athletics and speed skating are not suitable for such children.
The following have a positive impact:
  • Children's yoga, Pilates - on the nervous system.
  • Swimming generally strengthens the body; exercise in the pool is recommended for all people at any age, including for recovery from injuries. You should not exercise only if you have dermatological problems.
  • All winter sports for girls are the best helpers for strengthening immunity and hardening at the age of 6 to 13 years. With the onset of adolescence, disruptions in the immune system may appear and you need to insulate yourself more. Stayer brand clothing is suitable for adult athletes and tall teenagers. This company produces high-quality sports equipment at affordable prices.
  • Cardio training strengthens the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.
  • Dancing and gymnastics, acrobatics - contribute to the development of flexibility and strengthening of the entire musculoskeletal system.

What sports sections are there for girls 5 years old?

Preschool children are positively affected by those sports that do not disrupt the natural development and formation of muscles. The skeleton should also not be overloaded. Therefore, it is necessary to choose clubs with professional trainers who will plan feasible loads.

The following activities are optimal:

  • Swimming. Training in the pool helps relieve tension and nervous excitement, this will calm the baby. The girl will subsequently be able to join the synchronized swimming or diving section, but at the age of 5-6 years it is important to learn how to swim different styles and master the basic rules of direction.
  • If you have a tomboy growing up, then you can consider group training in women's football, hockey, basketball, volleyball or handball. At such a section she will be able to find friends with a similar temperament. But you should not forget about safety precautions, choose the appropriate equipment and sportswear.
  • An artistic girl can be encouraged to express herself in rhythmic gymnastics or acrobatics. Preschoolers are very flexible, so this age is ideal for starting classes.
  • Athletics is the choice of active and restless teenagers. Running and jumping will help the child to splash out his energy and at the same time cultivate determination and discipline.
  • Winter sports will help strengthen the little athlete's immunity. If you ski yourself, then it will be easier for you to teach your daughter and involve her in family time. Don't forget about warm and comfortable clothing. The online ski clothing store "Stayer" offers sets at an affordable price. Stayer products are very wear-resistant - a down jacket will last you at least 5-6 years of constant wear.
  • Figure skating and dancing form a polished figure and grace. Girls like such activities most of all, so they continue to practice in the sports section until they are 10-13 years old to improve their skills. Many girls go to training even after finishing school.

Memo to parents: what you need to know before visiting a sports club

First of all, sport should be useful, interesting and accessible. That's why:
  • Before your first classes, undergo a medical examination. The pediatrician will assess the baby’s general well-being, tell you how she is developing physically and what needs to be emphasized. Often these are tips to strengthen your posture. Learn about non-recommended exercises. Take the necessary certificates for the institution; without them, you may not be allowed to participate in swimming pool classes or group clubs.
  • Develop a routine. If a girl goes to kindergarten, preschool or school, take care of an even load. If you have several hobbies, you shouldn’t put them on top of each other, otherwise you may not have any strength left for anything. Spread your workouts on different days.
  • Meet the coaching staff, ask for instructor certificates and diplomas. Having an incompetent teacher next to your child can lead to injury or simply an ineffective, uninteresting time.
  • Buy sportswear and equipment. A number of clubs require expensive equipment - for cycling, equestrian sports, snowboarding, cross-country skiing. In addition to the main equipment, you need to purchase sportswear and shoes. If a girl has signed up for dancing or figure skating or gymnastics, then for performances she will need outfits that can be sewn to order or independently.
  • Consider the financial side of the issue. Some workouts can be done with your family - running in the morning, skiing or skating, but visiting the section is paid monthly.
  • Think about transport accessibility. If you have the opportunity to transport your daughter in your car, then calculate the distance and choose a route. If a schoolgirl moves on her own public transport, then you need to look at the bus directions so that you don’t have to travel with transfers or for a long time stand in traffic jams.
With the transition to the middle school level, the desire to continue training often disappears, but it is from the age of 13-14 that parents begin to worry about their daughter’s employment.

Adolescence dictates its own rules, therefore:

  • Don't insist. If you force a teenager to attend classes, this will only lead to rejection and open confrontation.
  • Encourage. The girl wanted to quit dancing and decided to sign up for hockey? Approve her choice, maybe this is exactly what she needs now.
  • Let's choose. Offer several options with tempting prospects. She will probably like something from the list.
We talked about sports for girls and gave some tips on choosing a sports section. Instill love for physical activity from early childhood!

Greetings to the readers of the sportivs blog. I propose today to discuss the topic of which section to send the child to. After all, many parents often ask this question. They want the child to be fully developed, but, as a rule, they have to choose one thing and focus on it.

It is necessary to proceed from the preferences of the child himself. There is no need to take your child to the violin section if it pulls you to the boxing gym and vice versa. Another thing is medical indications or contraindications to playing any sport. Everything here is extremely serious. Neglecting medical advice and doctors can result in tragedy. Monitor your child's condition carefully.

I remember at about the age of 7-8 years, my grandmother and parents insisted that I go to music school. I remember my categorical. No! As a result, I started swimming, then handball, boxing, and now I’m doing kickboxing; it’s in this sport that I found myself. I can’t even imagine myself with a violin in my hands.

It is also worth knowing that often it is not the type of sport that determines the usefulness of the section, but the activity of the coach. For example, a wrestling coach may have a more competent approach to children 6-8 years old than a gymnastics coach. Pay attention to other people's reviews and the qualifications of the “coach”! It is worth immediately determining whether the child will seriously engage in sports or just come to the gym to maintain shape and general physical condition.

Where to stop

1. Gymnastics. Perfect for almost everyone. Exercises for little ones are usually low-traumatic and develop flexibility and muscle tone. It’s another matter if a child decides to try gymnastics - then you will need to prepare for a very serious approach to training and injuries.

Yes, unfortunately, injuries are a common occurrence in sports like acrobatics, etc. Here again, a lot depends on the coach.

2. Martial arts. Truly a huge scope for creativity. There are so many martial arts out there that it seems like there is something for everyone. Consult with your child what he likes best and is acceptable: boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, fencing, karate...?

Below is short list martial arts, their advantages and possible difficulties that may arise during training:

  • Freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Greco-Roman wrestling will truly strengthen your body and spirit. The son or daughter will be able to fend for themselves. At the same time, the absence of impact equipment greatly reduces injuries. But we must be on guard, the factor of injury cannot be ruled out. Broken ears, sprained legs, arms and neck may await you ahead. In exceptional cases, fractures are possible. In general, quite tough sports. You need to look for a really good coach for children.
  • Boxing. Kickboxing. Impact types. I think there is no need to explain the disadvantages in the form of broken lips and noses. The advantages: the ability to stand up for oneself, physical development, and strengthening of moral and volitional qualities. You need to look for a really good coach for children. You can exercise at almost any age.
  • Fencing. Beautiful and safer than the two above mentioned martial arts. Bruises are possible. True, the equipment is not cheap.
  • Kendo. Japanese version of fencing. The aesthetics are different. All the same disadvantages in the form of bruises and expensive equipment.
  • Archery. Rifle shooting. Any kind of shooting. Not recommended for children under 14 years of age. The dimensions of the weapon and safety precautions are designed for an adult.
  • Kyokushinkai karate, contact types of karate. They don’t hit the head with their hands, but due to the variety of striking techniques, injuries are possible. In terms of injury, all these types are close to boxing. Karate and traditional martial arts in general are aimed at developing moral-volitional qualities as one of the main characteristics of a fighter, so Japanese schools are very suitable for education. This also applies to judo. But here, again, it’s worth remembering about the coach!
  • Mixed martial arts. Kudo. EPIRB. Other types hand-to-hand combat. A really tough sport. You need to send your children with an understanding of what they will do there. The whole range of injuries is possible: both “wrestling” and “boxing”. The ability to stand up for yourself – for sure. You need to look for a VERY competent coach.
  • Aikido and its kindred. Enough soft look sports Only hand injuries and bruises from falls are possible. Severe injuries are rather the exception.

This was a list of the most popular martial arts. If some martial art of the court is not included, do not be upset. In the end, the choice is always yours.

Let's go back to general types sports!

3. Weightlifting. It will provide excellent physical development, but is not suitable for children under 16-17 years old. They can only do a limited amount of exercise.

4. Athletics. The child’s general physical fitness will be excellent. But you need to immediately find out if there are any medical contraindications. For example, lung problems or severe forms asthma, etc.

5. Chess. Like boxing, only less dynamic. Yes, it's a sport. Moreover, it is a great sport. Will teach your offspring patience and concentration.

6. Fitness. General physical training is what you need and is suitable for everyone. Plus, you can choose an individual schedule and exercises for your child.

7. Sports dancing. On entry level the same gymnastics. Plus, they will teach you how to move beautifully. Perfect for girls.

8. Swimming. Perfect for both boys and girls. At an early age it will help strengthen muscle tissue and strengthen your back. According to the recommendations of doctors, it will be useful for poor posture. To achieve great results in this sport, the maximum age at which you can start is 8 years.

In general, the above list should help you get your bearings. Remember that the main thing is the coach. 50% of the preparation will depend on him. He will spend a lot of time with your children and at the same time warn against the bad influence of the street. Therefore, pay equal attention to both the sport and the discipline teacher!

I think I’ll conclude with this, good health to you and your children. Bye everyone.

What sport should my child play? When choosing a sport, parents are often guided by such considerations as the proximity of the sports section to their home, the number of broadcasts on television, or the attention paid to a particular sport on the Internet. What do you really need to think about if you are deciding what sport a girl should take up? The manager of the rhythmic gymnastics goods store "Grace&Sport" Alina Volkova and the coach of the sports development center "Constellation Sport" Galina Kandaeva tell the story.

The first thing to keep in mind is the girl's age. In some sports, it simply doesn't make sense to start too early: the training won't be effective and the results won't be serious or noticeable. Of course, most sports sections organize recruitment for the youngest, but let's be honest: this is often done out of a banal desire to make money. Here are some examples.

If a girl has a mischievous character and you see that she will be interested in martial arts, do not rush to give it to karate, sambo or other martial arts sections. In these sports, it makes sense to start training after 10 years. Early classes, of course, are not forbidden, but spent without special effect money is a reason to think.

If in your understanding aerobics is something that is best done from an early age, then you are not entirely right: 7 years - minimum level, as, for example, for tennis. But you can send a girl to rhythmic or artistic gymnastics earlier - at 5-6 years old. However, many schools and clubs accept earlier, this is not forbidden. The reason is simple - it’s generally good to start training the body for stretching and flexibility not too late, so it will be easier for the girl to train in the future.

Pay attention to those physical characteristics of the child that are necessary in the chosen sport - this will make it easier for the child to get used to it and show his inclinations.

For example, in rhythmic gymnastics, a coach often pays attention to a girl’s external data, primary flexibility, and predisposition to be overweight. With cycling, everything is much simpler, although it is also recommended to start doing it at an early age. The body's endurance is more important here, but serious stretching - the main torment of beginner gymnasts - is not required at all. The same can be said about swimming or the already mentioned martial arts.

It is worth noting that not all sports can be used as an interesting option for general physical training for a child, because often parents send a girl to a sports section precisely for this purpose. The same gymnastics - acceptable, but not very good a good option activities for health. Of course, flexibility and endurance are good, but the necessary frequency of training, loads, and achieving results over many years of work make this wonderful sport “long-term.”

There are myths among parents that this or that sport will not require significant investments from them. Indeed, volleyball, basketball and other team games (with the exception of football and hockey) do not involve huge expenses: you will need a uniform and shoes for practice, which the coach will recommend, and almost everything else will be available in the gym. Skiing or skating is no longer just about skis and skates of certain brands, but also more complex equipment and an ever-growing child.

And here’s what the costs look like in rhythmic gymnastics. For training, a gymnast needs certain clothes - it’s inexpensive: the cost of a suit will not exceed 1000 rubles. The half-toes that the little athlete trains in are also cheap, but they will change more often than you expect!

However, in this sport there are also objects that gymnasts work with: hoops, clubs, ribbons, balls. The cost of a gymnastic ball, for example, varies from 300 rubles to 6,000 rubles and more, depending on the age of the gymnast, the manufacturer and the quality of the item. The situation is approximately the same with clubs: from 300 rubles to 6,000 and above. Add to this special cases, mini-pumps, bags. At the same time, a change of subject is inevitable: the girl is growing up, and she needs a different model.

Now let’s imagine that the gymnast has grown up to perform, and she needs a special leotard to work in front of the judges. Prices for good leotards start from 8,000-10,000 rubles and can easily reach 30,000. True, many mothers, when the girl grows up, sell the leotard to the mothers of younger gymnasts. This “circle of things” is a normal practice in almost any sport, but primary costs are inevitable.

Child's health

Some coaches, depending on the sport, may ask parents for permission from a doctor, and this is correct. Suppose you want to enroll your daughter in a section where she will be required to stretch her ligaments during training: in this case, an examination and consultation with a doctor is simply necessary.

Child's wish

And finally, talk to your daughter herself. Of course, parents’ ideas about sports are much broader than children’s, but children have more developed intuition. You definitely need to find out what the girl likes, what her soul is about. At the same time, explain that during any training you will have to work, and motivate so that the child does not give up because of inevitable minor failures. But this is the task of the coach too.


I wouldn’t mind taking my daughter to the pool for a swim. From an early age she will engage in proper sports and will be in good physical shape and the expenses for this will be small.

Marika, you are absolutely right about Sasaki and performances: performance swimsuits are not cheap. Yes, and new things are constantly required.

However, in the part of the article that you are writing about, we are talking about basic training clothes when entering classes - naturally, additional sets (and in the future - a sea of ​​half-fingers) are not taken into account: otherwise we'll talk not about a set of clothes for training - but about the whole training period :)

[link-1] - this kind of leotard, for example, is suitable for training a little gymnast. It costs 470 rubles. But with long sleeves - it costs 700 rubles: [link-2]. Add socks to the leotard - and the mini-gymnast can train))

However, globally, you are right: this is not a cheap sport for parents, unfortunately...

In the topic about rhythmic gymnastics there are very strange prices. This is where you can outfit a girl for 1000 rubles? One long-sleeved T-shirt - 850 RUR, plus leggings, plus a short-sleeved T-shirt, plus shorts. Leggings are worn out on the knees at cosmic speed. White socks - pairs 10 at least. Plus leg warmers. If you buy everything branded (from Sasaki, for example), then the prices are even higher.
You can buy a decent swimsuit for 10 thousand second-hand. A new one will be around 15-20 thousand.
And the performing girl’s items should definitely be branded.

Comment on the article "Which sport should I send my girl to? Sports for girls: pros and cons"

Sports for girls: pros and cons. Sports for girls: rhythmic gymnastics or tennis, cycling or martial arts. Playing sports during pregnancy is beneficial for both mother and child. Special review of the 7 best Moscow swimming pools, where...

Sports for girls: pros and cons. Girls, I really need advice about a sports section for a 3.5 year old boy. I understand that you just need general physical training, but I can only find it in conjunction with the main sport, aikido, football, hockey. What sport should my child play?


Oh what a nightmare. Recommended here, dear mother. We heard a ringing... So. In order.

There is not just a difference between karate and taekwondo, but a huge one. Taekwondo uses almost only the legs. And all the kicks are high. You can't hit him in the thigh. Hence all the specifics of training. Emphasis on stretching, coordination, jumping. Injuries are not great. Defense is used and kicks to the head are rarely missed.

Karate is, in the sense of clarity of concept, like an engineer or a programmer. They say, for example, an engineer. What he can do and what he is strong at is unclear. If you take karate, it is important to understand the style. The differences are huge. In short, you need to immediately remember two styles - Kyokushin and Ashihara (spun out from Kyokushin). These are the toughest styles in which punches to the head are prohibited. But no defense is used, the fight goes until the opponent is knocked out (if this is not the case, then the judges decide) and when submitting to belts, there are strict sparring conditions (from 30 minutes to several hours of continuous battle with changing opponents and also tamashiwari - breaking boards with three different frequent bodies). All videos where powerful men break concrete blocks, break bats with their bare feet, and knock down bulls with fist blows are Kyokushinkai. Google Masutatsu Oyama and check it out if you're interested. On the other side of karate are non-contact forms with strike designations. At the head of these styles is Shotokan (Shotokan). There is an emphasis on sharpness, technique, correct stances, combinations, etc. This is fencing with hands and feet. Those. you need to understand what type of karate style you have, what style belt your trainer has.

Aikido - on high level traumatic. Definitely more than non-contact karate. It involves a lot of falling into uncomfortable positions. I, having a black belt in Kyokushin karate, had no injuries at all, although I was a prize-winner of the Russian Kumite Cup. And in aikido I received a serious injury to the cervical vertebrae in the first six months.

I know the struggle worse. I was in training, there was a lot of specificity on pumping up the neck, a lot of pushing. Less complex warm-up and general physical training. But again, judo is more similar to karate in terms of training. But Greco-Roman wrestling is very specific. This is upper body work. This is what the emphasis is on during preparation.

At the same time, at 6 years old all types of martial arts are the same. This is very good physical training and discipline training. I would choose contact style karate for a boy. There is stronger physical training and a more “practical emphasis”. But from the age of 10, when sparring specialization begins, maybe it would be transferred to non-contact. Although if the boy is strong and stubborn, contact styles will suit him. There are few injuries there. But there are specifics - padded knuckles, shins, forearms.

The advice to look at the coach is excellent. This is what is important in martial arts. But if you have an idea to train for a long time, then you need to look at whether the coach is related to the federation, whether he can take on belts, whether he submits athletes to competitions, etc. And the federations are different. Kyokushin and Shotokan are strong. Passing for black belts often occurs even in Japan, Poland, etc. Competitions at the World Championship level are held in decent large halls. Lots of spectators. Shows, demonstrations, etc. Interesting for everyone.

In general, it’s better to do anything than lie on the couch at home with a tablet. Especially at 6 years old.

01/12/2018 10:58:42, Well, well

Thanks everyone for the responses, I'm sitting and studying. What are your opinions about sambo-judo-Greco-Roman wrestling?
Thank you-)

Tell me what sport to send a 4-year-old girl to. Need exercise stress, sleeps very poorly since birth. The neurologist said to try the load. We went to cheerleading and slept better. But now we don’t have the opportunity to go there. I want to give it to sports, but...


No matter how much I’ve driven mine, it’s located somewhere close to home)) so that rain and snow don’t interfere with enthusiasm)
And most importantly, where the section itself (well, in terms of the premises, the team) and most importantly the coach will be good. Very often this is the decisive factor.
I went to figure skating as a child, I highly recommend it for my health, just as soon as I started, I stopped getting sick at all. But I don’t take my daughter, we don’t have one nearby, and I need her to be able to walk like her son when she’s older. He went swimming himself, and now he goes to basketball.
By the way, he loves basketball more, but before there wasn’t a section nearby, just to take people there, but we also work... But two years ago they opened it, and now he goes there.
My daughter is still at the dance, also close to the house, but we’ll see.

It’s not just sports, if you have time and someone to take it to, I’ve been doing this for two years now. Three types of clubs:
dancing, choir and drawing, at first I thought that we would walk around a little and choose what we liked best... and she didn’t give up, it turned out that everything was sooooo interesting to her:))
According to the results, of course, dancing is better, but drawing is bad, but this is where we develop perseverance and attentiveness to school.

Sports for girls: pros and cons. Skiing or skating is no longer just about skis and skates of certain brands, but also more complex equipment and an ever-growing child. And here’s what the costs look like in rhythmic gymnastics.

Give ideas about what kind of sport a teenager should take up to improve their health and well-being. Introductory: - Girl, 15 years old, - Not an athlete, has not been involved in any sports regularly for the last 4 years, - Scoliosis, weak back muscles, complains of pain in...


I remember that some professor came to our pioneer camp and checked, among other things. spine, diagnosed many with scoliosis. He said that sports with high jumps such as basketball are harmful in this case, but he recommended table tennis. We were a couple of years younger than your daughter then, and no one complained of back pain. The camp was ordinary, a comrade, it seemed to me, was collecting material for some kind of work. Of course, he also advised exercise therapy and swimming. But neither one nor the other bothered me, and then I played table tennis for a couple of years. On the one hand, I’m not sure that this is a suitable activity if your back hurts, on the other hand, I think you can try it and understand based on your own feelings.

Having three grown-up children who have been playing tennis almost since birth and have been doing horse riding, swimming and dancing for years, now, 15 years later, it seems to me that group sports are still very, very important for teenagers.
Whether it’s volleyball or hockey, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s with a group of like-minded people. So that there is an incentive to go to work when it’s dark, cold outside, and you want to sit in front of the TV at home.

And also - if she doesn’t want to just swim - look for a water polo group, or diving in a pool - they not only dive with balloons, but first “warm up” for 500 meters - swim, do all sorts of exercises in the water - very intense fitness results - under the guise of diving:) In six months of lessons, we have trained much more in intensive, complex swimming (with weights, with tasks, exercises) than before in regular swimming lessons:)

What sport should my child play? Sports for kids. How to introduce your child to sports. Although many children begin to play sports around preschool age. Children are accepted into sports sections from the age of 5-7, or even older.


Gymnastics, just right for a girl

I got a boy. From the age of 6 we tried karate, at first it seemed okay, but then I categorically refused. He said that as long as they run and jump, he likes it, but he doesn’t like all sorts of tricks. I had to take him to where they were running and jumping)) - on athletics. This turned out to be his occupation. He is also very energetic, but at the same time he is on his own; team sports are not for him. Although, by and large, at the thematic age there are physical training and outdoor games. And then according to abilities.

Sports for tall girls. Hi all! If there was a topic, poke your nose in, please (I don’t come here often). I have a daughter, 11 years old (almost 12). do what you like and want without reference to growth. I was such a tall girl, how the constant...


Olympus-youth volleyball on Udaltsova

do what you like and want without reference to growth. I was such a tall girl, how the constant offers to play volleyball/basketball infuriated me!
I chose mountaineering on my own, it was really interesting - the team, training camps, DISCIPLINE.

Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with teenage children Girls, please advise this point: my son (13 years old) is basically not athletic (both in health and health. He used to do judo - he wasn’t happy with it. Now he plays tennis extensively...


Let him try different types and like some of them. Rock climbing is quite popular. Our pool is just for general swimming, not for competitive swimming. So, stretch the muscles. Before this, an hour-long session in the gym in a small group under the guidance of a trainer + some non-strength exercises (children under 14 years old only do this in this sports club). I really like kayaking. We rent a kayak, paddle and vest at the club. Wants to try cycling. I used to do judo, but I wasn't happy with it. Now he plays tennis as part of a school club. He wins interschool competitions, but neither we nor he have a goal to become a champion. I like it and it’s good. But at our school we have a lot of sports as part of the program. Athletics all year round, and depending on the term, football (goes well), rugby (most boys at school don't like it) and a choice of cricket or golf (goes great) + additional clubs. Until the 7th grade, the school took us to the city swimming pool, now they will build their own.

athletics, fencing, wushu.

Strength sports, such as weightlifting, in early school age should be excluded, since the child continues to grow, his bones and joints are not yet What to choose and at what age? For parents planning to enroll their child in one sport or another...


I highly recommend water polo, my son was involved in it, and it was the guys of your son’s build who achieved very good results by the age of 14.
They usually take it there from the age of 7, before that it is better for the child to be a swimmer.

judo, sambo, wrestling in general. The child will be torn off with his arms and legs, since cords are always in short supply, they are groomed and cherished.

There are a lot of such aunts and even girls in Russia without water sex around us. My friends have a thin, sonorous girl, of asthenic build, a master of science in swimming at the age of 13. I think one of the disadvantages is that this is a team sport, and not an individual one, like swimming.


Check out photos of water polo girls at this link. They are not that huge. Of course, they are larger than the synchronized swimmers, but quite normal. I see them every day)))
And then, if after training you eat pizza and buns, then it will destroy the synchronized swimmer)))

As a mother of a waterfowl child, water polo would be the last thing I would consider. There are such huge girls there, just horses. They are broad-shouldered, their legs are healthy, I personally don’t like them. These men are water polo players, yes :)) Handsome :) But the women are almost the same.
It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to lose weight there, but it’s very possible to get pumped up like a man.

Girls of the same age also worked a lot. Now girls and women have a fit and feminine figure. My opinion is that I did judo in adolescence. I’m surprised why they write that this is a tough sport, when even the name translates as...


Good afternoon. My name is Dmitry. I would like to add a comment. Having started practicing judo at the age of 10 and until I left for the army, having reached the CMS, I knew and understood that I had chosen the right type of martial arts. Yes, it’s hard and painful, abrasions and tears, bruises and fractures. But after first year, I I couldn’t help but go to training anymore, I was drawn to it. Girls of the same age also worked a lot. Now girls and women have a fit and feminine figure. My opinion is that both boys and girls should take up judo, there’s nothing wrong with that. I also enrolled my daughter in judo only when she turned 10. At school, having learned about this, the relationship immediately improved, they stopped touching and offending. They knew that if he caught him, he wouldn’t let him go and would answer for his grievances. It also helped me in the army. So give up the children and don’t be afraid, EVERYTHING WILL BE OK!!!

I did judo as a teenager.
I wonder why they write that this is a tough sport, when even the name translates as “flexible path”? Throws, grabs, holds, choking and painful techniques... There are no strikes. Just a struggle. In which flexibility and correct calculation of one’s own forces and the enemy’s forces are very important. They will teach you to fall. A lot of attention is paid to this. The coach will not allow you to fight if you don’t know how to catch yourself during a fall. You will practice until you learn. They usually pair up with their own weight, and beginners will not be able to throw their opponent very far, no matter how hard they try. At first it’s just fussing around on the tatami. Quite a useful fuss. It has little to do with self-defense (although it was useful to me a couple of times, but this is rather an exception). To protect yourself you need to be able to hit, and in sports judo hitting is strictly prohibited. But stretching and dexterity will appear after classes, and self-confidence too. All our guys and girls were calm, because a person who knows how to fight tries to avoid fights in ordinary life. A great activity for a teenage girl.

P.S. As the daughter of a coach I know said when he invited her to go dancing: “Dad, if someone attacks me, will I dance with him?”

A 10-year-old girl wants to take up some kind of wrestling. Nearby there is: judo, karate, aikido, sambo. I used to do swimming and dancing. Both of my girls do karate. This is truly an impact sport - that is, they wear helmets during sparring and protect themselves during...


I would recommend aikido. My daughter has been going for two years now and she really likes it. All other types of wrestling require strong physical training. Aikido is a more flexible and peaceful form of struggle, focusing on the human spirit. I think your daughter will like it.

Where should I send a 9 year old girl? My daughter is almost 9 years old. We tried ballet and figure skating. Ideally, I would like her to dance and have good posture, but apparently this doesn’t suit her at all.

Please advise a sport for a girl. What do your people do? My daughter went to the pool for just over two years, but she doesn’t want to anymore, she’s tired of it. Maybe someone will praise their section/sports school (Dynamo-Polezhaevskaya district) from those where they will still take you at 8 years old.

ZPR and sports. Girls, is anyone good at sports? So I did and still do a lot of sports. My goal in doing this is to improve my “brains”. My natural daughter did not speak at all at the age of 3 and she was diagnosed with mental retardation until she was 6 years old, she is smart...


Son is 8 years old diagnosis of mental retardation, put it on skiing, I like it, of course the movement correction is broken, but the coach says it can be fixed

09/27/2017 20:10:27, Ilgizar

I also have a 5.5-year-old son with mental retardation, and also, as doctors say, somatically weakened.
I tried for 2-3 years in a row to accustom him to the pool, it seems to be the most useful and strengthening sport, first on my own for 1.5 years periodically, then in a group with a trainer. But the pool didn’t go: my son is afraid of splashes in his face and water on his head. It might be more successful to try it individually with a coach, but I decided to leave swimming for now. For two winters in a row I went to the skating rink with him, again not very well: he’s afraid of falling, so he doesn’t like it yet.
Now they have started taking him to a children's correctional center for exercise therapy, he likes it and I think this is the most optimal thing now.

Of the minuses, they lived only by sports, constant training, there was not enough time for anything, zero education, professional sports send children mainly from the periphery, where life is hard and you can’t count on And do you want a sports future for a girl? If not, then why do we need a sports school?


Thanks everyone for your opinions. All in all. I took the path of removing responsibility from myself - I gave the choice to my daughter)
She confirmed that she wants to move to another school for 2 training sessions. She described all the disadvantages in terms of loads, gaps, etc., she also said about girls who don’t go... the answer is, well, mom, you already heard the answer, why did you ask me at all?
We talked to the teacher at the music school, she was upset because she had already entered some kind of competition, she had chosen a program for this year... but in general we decided that for now we would do standard training and put gymnastics as a priority. The teacher agrees) The school also warned the teacher, who asked, if possible, to formally keep the child enrolled in school - without attending classes. But I don’t know whether this will work in practice. In general, we’ll try it and see how it turns out.

I agree with your husband. Now you can still try. If he doesn’t go, he’ll give up and have time to fill in the gaps (if they suddenly appear) and in general education and musically, i.e. Over the next 2 years, both you and the child will understand 100% whether it’s yours or not.
My colleague transferred his daughter from 3rd grade to external education because... they have serious tennis lessons.
The neighbor's girl was suffering - figure skating and general education school:(. Training in the morning at CSKA (Moscow), running to school for the second lesson (I never had time for the first), and after the sixth lesson I rushed to training in Belyaevo (on rented ice). And "Hard" is not the right word, but she liked skating and she would never leave it.
And you have wonderful conditions. And training, and studying, and feeding, and under supervision until 18 pm. Transfer and try, and then decide whether you will become a professional or not. IN secondary school They will always take your daughter.

girl and swimming. My friends have been taking their girl to a swimming school for two years. The advantages of swimming are the healthiest and non-traumatic sport up to a certain level, and the opportunity. I’m going to send my daughter to swimming, so any information is very important.


IMHO, it’s not worth it for sports. The shoulders will be blown apart.
I was taken away because of this in third grade after 5 years of classes. So then, after 5 years, I saw my former classmates. ALL girls have terrible figures.

First, look at the figure of the mother and the girl :)) If she is “light” and thin and not very tall, then the girl will be easy in synchronized, if she is inclined to be overweight, then most likely she will not exercise for a long time.
If the arms and legs are long, have a predisposition to be tall, and are physically strong enough, then swimming is better. If the joints are flexible - swimming, if the back is also swimming, if the girl is just light as a feather - synchronized. You also need to watch how the girl behaves in the water. Perhaps it’s better for her not to make much choice at all, but to just learn to swim well and then do something else.
The advantages of synchronized - the choreography is strong, a good figure (by the way, their shoulders are also not small, like their backs, but their chests develop amazingly beautifully).
If a girl had problems with ICP in childhood, she should absolutely not do synchronous training.
Disadvantages - staying under water for a long time is very harmful; there are frequent cases where girls lose consciousness. And a completely creepy atmosphere among the parents :)) The same as in FC or HG.
The advantages of swimming - the healthiest and most non-traumatic form
sports to a certain level, and then the opportunity to go into water polo, modern pentathlon, water skiing, etc.
Disadvantages - you have to finish at approximately the level of the KMS, then problems begin. This is about 12-14 years.
As for the terrible masculine figure, if a girl has a slender, good figure, swimming will not spoil her, but if she does not have flexible long arms and legs, good height and broad shoulders, then she will not swim at the MS level. And there will be just those who naturally have broad shoulders and long arms.
True, there are coaches who simply start pumping up short girls so that they swim using physics, but swimming itself has nothing to do with it.
By the way, Hungarian Egerszegi is a famous fashion model, our Stasya Komarova became Miss KP :))
Whereas the figure of Olya Brusnikina is an acquired taste.
So don’t focus on “what the figure will be.”
A certain sport only develops what is given by nature, but it will not make them skinny, just as a gymnast will never turn into a chubby gymnast.

10.03.2004 22:23:08, Crab stick

Your child has grown up, become more active and independent, and you have decided to enroll him in one of the sports sections. However, you are faced with a difficult question - which one? After all, firstly, preschoolers are not accepted into all sections. Secondly, if you are guided by your preferences, you would be happy to send your child, for example, to hockey. But, unfortunately, your child is a girl! Or, for example, have you dreamed of playing chess all your life, but your son is too active and cannot sit still for five minutes? How to choose the right section for a child? This is what we will talk about today.

Features of choosing a sport for a child: how to take into account body type, health and temperament when selecting a section?

Take a closer look at your child's body type. Determine its type. This is very important, because in different types sport has certain requirements. For example, tall height is important for basketball. But in gymnastics, tall height can become a hindrance. Are you worried that your child is prone to obesity? Overweight children first need to get involved in sports. In the section they will lose weight and increase their self-esteem. Let's look at how to determine what body type a child belongs to.

How to choose a sports section based on your child’s body type?

Asthenoid type

The child is thin, has long legs, and narrow shoulders and chest. The child slouches, shy of unfamiliar company. Such children achieve success in gymnastics, basketball, golf, cycling .

Thoracic type

Children of this physique are characterized by mobility and activity. They have well-developed shoulder girdles and chests, and fairly wide hips. All sports that develop endurance are suitable for them. They love speed. For example, they make good football players, hockey players, skiers, figure skaters, kayakers .

Muscle type

Characterized by massive skeleton and perfectly developed muscle mass. Such children can be safely enrolled in sections weightlifting and water floor . They will achieve results by playing hockey.

Digestive type

Children with this physique are not tall, they have a well-developed chest, and there are deposits of fat mass. They are a little clumsy and slow. Sections are perfect for such children athletic gymnastics, shooting, throwing.

We've sorted out body type, now let's move on to temperament. After all, it depends on him whether your child will like the section and what sporting successes he will achieve in the future. Will help determine special test Eysenck.

How to take into account a child’s temperament when choosing a sports section?

  • If your child is sanguine, a leader by nature, a section may suit him fencing or karate.
  • Emotional choleric people most suitable team sports.
  • Phlegmatic people will be willing to play chess, study gymnastics or figure skating.
  • Melancholy will captivate sailing, rowing and shooting lessons.

The health status of your child must also be taken into account. Not all sports are suitable for children with existing health problems. For example, myopic children should not be sent to volleyball, football, basketball, and tennis sections. Playing hockey is not recommended for children with a history of chronic diseases. Figure skating is contraindicated for children with pulmonary diseases or pleural diseases.

Before assigning your child to participate in a particular section, we strongly advise you to consult with his or her doctor.

What sport is suitable for a boy 5-7 years old: types of sections, pros and cons

Review of sports sections for boys 5-7 years old: pros, cons

Kind of sport pros Minuses
Figure skating

The optimal age (if you want to engage in this sport professionally) is from 4 to 6 years.

This sport is suitable for almost all children who do not have a history of diseases such as: asthma, lung disease, myopia.

You should not send children with a weak nervous system or vestibular disorders to the figure skating section.

This sport develops coordination of movements and flexibility.

Strengthens ligaments and muscles.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Boosts immunity and improves blood circulation.

The child becomes resilient and efficient.

This sport is considered traumatic.

Figure skating is a rather expensive sport. As a rule, all equipment is purchased at the expense of the parents.


The optimal age to start is 4 to 5 years.

Suitable for almost all children. Of course, not everyone will become champions, but everyone will strengthen their nervous system and back muscles.

It is not advisable to enroll children who have had seizures in the section.

Swimming will strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation, and strengthen your child.

Children who require a rehabilitation course after injuries and operations can be enrolled in this section.

Swimming is an excellent prevention of all spinal diseases.

Chlorinated pool water can cause allergies.

At first, it is possible that the child will get sick more often colds.

Sometimes children develop chronic rhinitis.

Horseback Riding

You can start riding horses after 6 years of age.

Horseback riding is not recommended for children with heart disease, thrombosis, or diseases of the pelvic organs.

"Hippodrome therapy" is widely used in medicinal purposes after injuries and is recommended for children with cerebral palsy and children with autism.

Horseback riding develops the muscles of the back and legs.

Improves coordination. It has a powerful relaxing effect and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

There are practically no downsides. Perhaps the equipment is not too cheap.

Officially, boys over 5 years of age are accepted into the section.

Children with myopia, heart disease (congenital and acquired defects), and spinal diseases should not play hockey. Playing hockey has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, increase immunity.

Children who play hockey practically do not get colds, they are brave and sociable.

Hockey is a dangerous sport.

Hockey lessons take a lot of time. Equipment for children is expensive.

Martial arts

The optimal age to start practicing martial arts is 6 years old.

This sport is contraindicated for children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, spinal diseases, vision problems and musculoskeletal problems. Eastern martial arts allow you to gain the necessary self-defense skills and forget about all your fears and phobias. The child becomes bold and courageous.

Thanks to classes, the child’s active physical development occurs and his immunity is strengthened.

There is a risk of injury. The right choice of trainer is important.
Acrobatics Acrobatics classes are contraindicated for children with scoliosis or severe myopia. It is not recommended to enroll children suffering from epilepsy, heart disease, or asthma in the acrobatics section. Acrobatics promotes the harmonious development of the body.

Strengthens and normalizes metabolism.

Allows you to get rid of clumsiness and trains the vestibular apparatus. Develops all muscle groups.

Risk of injury. As a rule, these are bruises, sprains, dislocations.

What sport should a 5-7 year old girl participate in?

Sports for girls 5-7 years old

Sports for girls Who is this sport suitable for? pros Minuses

Real rhythmic gymnastics classes begin at the age of 5-7 years.

Rhythmic gymnastics is not physiotherapy, therefore children with excess weight and scoliosis will not be enrolled in this section. Gymnastics perfectly disciplines children and provides general physical training.

Rhythmic gymnastics strengthens the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, improves immunity, and stabilizes metabolism.

This sport teaches you to listen and hear music and develops taste. The gymnasts have a beautiful figure, correct posture, plastic movements.

Risk of injury.

It is officially believed that girls can start playing this sport at the age of 10.

Not recommended for: children with problems with the spine, heart, or respiratory system. Harmonious muscle development, proper breathing, flexibility and agility. A dangerous sport.
Swimming There are no restrictions. Swimming allows you to correct your posture, learn to breathe correctly, improves immunity, and improves blood circulation. Chlorinated pool water can cause allergic reactions.

It is considered a one-sided sport. Therefore, it is recommended that girls start playing this sport no earlier than 11 years old. Otherwise, one side of the body will be developed more than the other. Of course, there are plenty of exercises to avoid this, but is it worth the rush?

Girls can be enrolled in tennis at 4 and 6 years old. But these will be developmental and health-improving activities.

It is not recommended to send children with spinal problems to tennis, peptic ulcer, flat feet, neurological diseases. Tennis makes the body flexible, strengthens joints and the cardiovascular system.

Develops flexibility, speed, and intuition in children. Tennis is a non-traumatic sport.

A financially expensive sport. Coaching sessions are expensive.
Figure skating

From the age of 4-5, girls are willingly accepted into the sections.

Girls with flat feet, neurological problems, poor eyesight, or pulmonary diseases should not be enrolled in the figure skating section. Exercises can strengthen the immune system, increase endurance, and improve blood circulation. Figure skating improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Expensive sport. Quite traumatic.

You can start mastering intellectual game at 4-5 years old.

There are practically no contraindications. However, a girl who is too active - an emotional choleric person - is unlikely to be carried away by sitting for a long time at the chessboard. Chess develops in children such skills as: independence, perseverance, ability to analyze and make decisions. Excellent development of analytical thinking. There are no cons.

When choosing one or another, try to take into account all the features of his character and temperament. But remember, sport is simply necessary for the development of a healthy and harmonious personality.

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