Home Hygiene Infectious diseases of the digestive system. Digestive system infections, symptoms, treatment

Infectious diseases of the digestive system. Digestive system infections, symptoms, treatment

Scottish fold kitten(Scottish Fold) has a charming appearance, good health and a pleasant character. The pet quickly gets used to its new home and gets along with other animals without problems. In order for the baby to feel great and delight the owner every day, you need to provide him with proper care, create an ideal diet and not refuse to communicate.

First day in a new house

Prepare everything you need before bringing your kitten home

Typically, Scottish Fold kittens are ready to leave their mother at the age of 2-3 months. At this time, their ears take on the desired shape, all breed characteristics become visible not only to a professional, but also to an ordinary amateur.

When preparing for the arrival of a kitten in your home, find out in advance what it ate from its previous owners., what toilet filler you are used to. Responsible breeders supply customers with a small portion of food so that the baby feels more confident in a new place. Check the kitten's feeding schedule and habits.

Before you buy a kitten, buy everything you need for it. The baby will need:

  • spacious carrying;
  • bowls for food and water made of earthenware or stainless steel;
  • litter tray;
  • cat bed or house;
  • bedding or pillow;
  • toys;
  • small veterinary first aid kit.

It is better to come to pick up your animal with a comfortable carrier. Buy a large carrier made of durable plastic; it will be useful for subsequent visits to the veterinarian and trips to the country. It is desirable that it has a firmly locked door, a comfortable handle, and numerous holes for ventilation. The bottom must be stable so that the carrier with the kitten does not tip over.

Organize a secluded place for your baby to sleep. You can ask the breeder for a rag from the cat's nest. The familiar smell will help the animal calm down and get comfortable in a new place.

Ears, eyes and fur: getting the baby in order

It is important to keep an eye on your kitten's ears and eyes.

Touching folded ears are the calling card of a true Scot. It is important to ensure that they are always clean. At least once a week, wipe your ears with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion. Do not use hydrogen peroxide, oil or alcohol.

Wipe your ears carefully, without penetrating the ear canal with the chopsticks. Do not twist or pull the ears to avoid causing pain to the kitten. Healthy ears do not have any discharge, perhaps a small amount of yellowish wax. If you find brown crusts, consult a doctor. Most likely, the pet has become infected ear mites. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you will need to clean out all the discharge 2-3 times a day, and then instill special drops into the ear canal. The treatment takes a long time; the shape of the ears complicates the cleaning process.

Itching, gurgling, and fluid discharge from the ears may indicate an inflammatory process that requires an urgent visit to the veterinarian. Do not try to diagnose yourself, incorrect treatment will cause harm to the pet.

The kitten's eyes are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant lotion. If the kitten constantly rubs its muzzle with its paw, its eyes become festered and watery, consult a doctor. The cause of suppuration can be an injury to the eye or a foreign body trapped in it. Infectious diseases are also very dangerous, requiring long-term treatment: blepharitis, purulent keratitis.

Scottish kittens are not necessary, even contraindicated

Scottish Fold kittens do not require special coat care. It can be combed with a fine-toothed comb to remove loose hairs. It is enough to brush the kitten 1-2 times a week. A silicone mitten for smooth-haired cats will also help remove hair during shedding. It is not recommended to wash kittens; they can take care of their fur on their own. A bath is needed no more than 1-2 times a year and only if the cat gets very dirty. When washing, special shampoos for cats are used. Products intended for humans are not suitable, they can cause dandruff and the pet's fur will become dull and disheveled.

Shampoo for cats not only gently washes the coat, but also slightly tints it. For white cats, a bluish product is suitable, giving the hairs a snowy shine. Shampoo for black or gray cats removes unsightly reddish undertones. These products are absolutely safe for animals.

Sharp, thin kitten claws are needed for small animals. They give a straight cut without splitting the claw. During a cat manicure, only the very tip of the claw is removed. If you accidentally cut off excess, cauterize the affected area with hydrogen peroxide. Declawing kittens is not recommended., overhead silicone caps will not suit them either.

If the kitten eats dry food, special dental care will not be needed. Hard small granules remove plaque well, teeth and gums are strengthened. Professional removal of tartar is indicated for older animals; this procedure is done in the clinic under anesthesia.

Photo. cat house

Scottish fold kittens love comfort. Give them a comfortable basket in which you can put a soft pillow in a replaceable pillowcase. In the cold season, the kitten will appreciate the hammock bed, which is attached to the radiator. The resting place should be located in a secluded corner where there are no drafts or opening doors. Scottish Folds love to play, but get tired quickly. When the kitten is resting, no one should disturb him.

Very comfortable. Kittens will enjoy complexes that include multi-tiered houses, observation areas, posts for claw points, and hanging toys. The most practical option is a plywood house trimmed with faux fur. If the kitten tears the cover, it can be easily replaced.

A board wrapped with ropes is suitable as a scratching post.. Scottish Folds are happy to sharpen their claws on ordinary untreated wood. Even kittens who get regular manicures need a place for a claw point.

Provide the animal with toys: balls made of fabric or latex, mice made of faux fur. Kittens enjoy playing with feather pendants or simple paper balls. Remove dangling wires and cords to prevent your pet from testing them.

Rules for visiting the toilet

Use silica gel as a filler

Scottish Folds are very clean and... The kitten needs a container with low sides to make it easier to climb into. When the pet grows up, the tray can be changed to a larger and taller one.

Silica gel is preferred as a toilet filler.. Scottish Fold cats dig the rustling litter with abandon, and it completely absorbs unpleasant odors. Wood pellets will also work, but they will have to be replaced more often. Clay-based clumping litter can stick to fur and end up in the stomach when licked off. It is not advisable to use such a backfill for small kittens.

A purebred kitten purchased from a nursery most often already has the necessary toilet skills. If the baby is not yet accustomed to the tray, you need to urgently start raising him. The container with the filler is installed in a secluded place where the kitten should have unhindered access. After sleeping and eating, put your pet in the tray. To attract, you can put a piece of paper soaked in kitten urine. Usually a smart Scottish Fold quickly understands what is wanted from him. Monitor the kitten for several days, putting it in the tray at the slightest attempt to make a puddle in the wrong place. In a few days, the toilet rules will be firmly internalized.

If the kitten refuses the litter box, try moving the litter box to a different location or changing the litter.

Diet features

Feed your kittens premium and super premium food

Scottish Folds love to eat. At the same time, they are not capricious and happily eat everything offered. Breeders recommend feeding kittens balanced ready-made feed. Babies up to 4 weeks can be fed with baby pate; after reaching the age of one month, dry food is introduced into the diet. Products and are preferred; they contain a minimal amount of carbohydrates and a lot of complete animal protein. The finished complexes are enriched with taurine, vitamins and microelements.

An ideal diet allows for alternating dry food and canned food. Clean water should always be freely available and changed daily. Giving milk is not recommended; Scottish kittens are prone to stomach upset. From time to time, you can offer your pet sprouted wheat or oats. Fresh grass helps remove undigested hairballs from the stomach.

You should not give your kitten food from your own table. Sometimes your baby can be treated to freeze-dried treats purchased at a pet store. As a tasty supplement, you can offer your pet boiled meat or fish, offal, vegetables or fresh bread. Sweets, smoked foods, and chicken bones are strictly prohibited.

Features of education

Scottish Fold kittens have a calm temperament, they are intelligent and very friendly.. The kitten quickly gets used to the owner and his family members and does not conflict with other pets.

Scottish Folds need companionship. You need to play and talk with the kitten every day, often repeating its name. The more time you spend with your pet, the more affectionate it will be. Without due attention Scottish cats become overly phlegmatic and unsociable.

From the first days you need to stop unwanted behavior. The kitten should not climb into bed or onto the dining table, or inspect shopping bags and closets. A firm “No” will let the child know that such behavior is undesirable. A guilty kitten should not be scolded or beaten; it will become cowardly and aggressive. With calm and consistent behavior you can achieve perfect obedience from the animal.

Kittens need to be vaccinated, this can be done from three months of age.

Scottish cats have good health and strong immunity. The only difficulty is the problem with a hard tail, which is transmitted at the genetic level. The mutation of the ears perpetuated problems with the last vertebrae. The defect is noticeable in the first weeks after birth. Painful, compacted areas appear on the kitten's tail; in severe cases, paralysis and death are possible. But if the kitten does not have hard tail syndrome, nothing threatens its health.

Some veterinarians believe that Scottish Folds may have, but there is no confirmation of this thesis. It is recommended to visit a veterinarian once a year for a health check. If you suspect illness, you should also show your pet to a specialist.

The kitten receives its first vaccination at three months of age.. Usually he is given an imported or domestic polyvalent vaccine that protects against calicivirus infection, viral rhinotracheitis, and chlamydia. The vaccination is given twice, with a three-week break, and then repeated annually. Adult cats also receive an annual rabies vaccination. For kittens, vaccination against is recommended; it is given at the age of 3 to 6 months. Vaccination records must be included in the animal’s veterinary passport.

It is necessary before vaccinations. Special sweet suspensions that do not increase salivation are suitable for kittens. You can also use drugs intended for children. It is important to strictly follow the dosage, since an excess of the drug can cause severe poisoning.

The first time the procedure is performed at one month of age. Subsequently, deworming should be carried out every four months; for cats walking outside, it should be done at least every three months. Before giving your pet anti-worm medication, make sure the kitten is completely healthy.

Caring for a Scottish Fold cat requires a serious approach. First of all, you should learn to keep the animal clean and give it high-quality food. What to feed your cat so that it sheds less, and what other care recommendations should be followed - read about all this further.

Animal hygiene

Caring for a Scottish straight-eared cat, like a fold-eared cat, is not particularly difficult. However, the animal may be subject to various diseases, which means your main goal is to protect your pet from any risks. This is why cat hygiene is of great importance.

Experts are mostly inclined to believe that the most important thing is to keep the animal clean before it receives basic vaccinations against various infections. The thing is that it is during this period that your four-legged pet is most exposed to dangerous illnesses. However, in the future you will need to worry about the cat’s complete hygiene.

Video “Features of Scottish cats”

In this video, the expert will talk about the characteristics of the breed and proper care.

Grooming and bathing

You need to properly care for a fold-eared cat at home, so you need to follow basic recommendations. First of all, try to brush your pet’s coat at least once a week. His fur is usually matted, so thanks to this procedure it will not lose its aesthetic appearance.

If desired, before handling the Furminator comb, apply a special lotion to the cat’s skin, which is necessary for less problematic coat care. Use this product, and your Scots coat will shed less often.

Nutritional Features

What to feed fold-eared cats is another question that owners of such pets are forced to face. This is not to say that these pets are too picky when it comes to feeding. However, it is undesirable to let the nutrition process take its course. That is why it is worth studying the types of feeding Scots in advance in order to give preference to the optimal one.

Types of food

Before feeding domestic Scottish cats, you need to choose one of the types daily diet. Scots owners may prefer natural food, industrial food, or a mix of both. The main advantages of these types of nutrition include the following:

  • natural products are the most beneficial for cats. Lean meat, boiled vegetables, cereals, herbs, fish products - all this can be safely offered to your furry pet. It’s not difficult to stick to such a diet, and you’ll save a lot of money;
  • The use of dry or wet industrial food does not require any effort from the owner of a Scottish cat. All you have to do is open the jar and pour its contents into the cat's container. Royal Canin is considered popular for Scottish fold cats;
  • mixed feeding is considered the most diverse. However, experts are convinced that such a diet makes it difficult digestive processes in the animal's body.

Food for straight-eared or fold-eared cats must be selected wisely. In this case, the pet will develop to its fullest.

Feeding mode

It is recommended to feed small kittens up to six times a day. When your furry pet is about 4-6 months old, it’s time to switch him to 4 feedings a day. As soon as your cat reaches one year of age, feel free to start giving her food twice a day.

Representatives of the Scottish cat breed in childhood They have an original appearance and a very lively, inquisitive character. At the same time, animals of this breed are very neat and clean. You should accustom your kitten to regular daily care from a very early age - then in adulthood your pet will be tolerant of hygiene procedures. To care for Scottish kittens, you must have certain skills and, most importantly, patience.

Eyes, ears and claws

Eyes healthy cats do not require special care, but kittens often have mucous discharge from lacrimal glands. If you notice moisture in the corners of the animal, you should wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with water, or better yet, with a special liquid.

The rules of eye hygiene are simple:

  • Movements should be made from the corner of the eye to the nose;
  • After the procedure, the eyes should be dried with a dry swab;
  • A separate swab should be used for each eye.

The presence of an eye infection is indicated by opaque tears with a brownish tint. If there is a third eyelid in the corner of the eye (normally almost invisible), this is also alarming symptom. Eye infections should be treated at a veterinary clinic.

The ears of Scottish kittens should be cared for with special care. IN ears cats of this breed often develop inflammatory processes. For this reason, animals' ears should be:

  • Clean;
  • No greasy residue;
  • No rash;
  • No unpleasant smell.

The earwax of healthy animals is light in color. Sometimes kittens develop long hairs on the tips of their ears that form tufts; these should be carefully removed.

Nail trimming should be done monthly. The claws should be cut with special guillotine-type scissors: before removing the claw, you should look through it into the light - do not damage blood vessels that pass into the cavity of the claw

The claws are cut off by approximately 2 mm. From the first weeks of life, it is necessary to teach Scottish kittens to use a special device for the natural hygiene of their claws - a scratching post.

Once a week you should examine the kitten’s oral cavity: its teeth should not be damaged, and its gums should be a healthy pink color. In specialized stores you can purchase special brushes for cleaning the teeth of kittens and cats.

Grooming and bathing

Scots are clean animals who love to take care of themselves. Even as kittens, they can spend hours licking their skin. To keep your pets' stomachs less clogged with hair, you need to brush them regularly.

For the combing procedure to be effective, you should purchase a special brush. Preferably brushes made of natural materials- synthetic ones are electrified, which in itself is harmful and unpleasant for cats

Periodic combing of an animal has a beneficial effect not only on its appearance, but also the condition of your clothes and furniture in the apartment - there is less wool left on them. Kittens with short hair need to be brushed weekly; kittens with long hair can be brushed daily.

Kittens should be bathed as needed: the Scots are tolerant of water procedures, especially if you train them to do this from childhood. However, during the first months of life, kittens do not need to be bathed - after six months, bathing is carried out approximately once every 3 months.

Video material about caring for Scottish kittens

Kitten nutrition

It is better to feed purebred cats with ready-made premium food: all nutrients, vitamins and minerals are already selected in them in the required proportions. The choice of dry formula or canned food depends on your pet's preferences - to find out, offer him both options.

It is advisable to add a boiled egg, fresh fish and meat (having previously subjected them to heat treatment). Kittens up to six months old should be given meat and fish in finely chopped form or as minced meat. After 3 months, Scottish kittens should not be given milk.

The digestive organs occupy an important place in the life of our body. The health of a person as a whole depends on the health of these organs.

Digestive organs

The digestive organs include not only the stomach and intestines, but also the esophagus and the oral cavity. Conventionally, the digestive organs are divided into anterior, middle and posterior sections.

The anterior part of the digestive system is the mouth, pharynx and esophagus. It is these organs that crush and move food.

The middle section of digestion represents the largest number of organs: stomach, liver, intestines, pancreas.

All these organs are involved in the digestive system to process food, extract and assimilate nutrients, form waste, and synthesize enzymes and hormones.

The posterior section is responsible for removing feces to the outside. To this department digestive system refers to the caudal part of the rectum.

Causes of diseases

All of these organs are often at risk of disease. There are many reasons for this fact.

Among them:

  • Infections;
  • Injuries;
  • Inflammation;
  • Violations of the regime;
  • Uncontrolled use of medications;
  • Exposure to toxins and chemically active drugs;
  • Worm infestations;
  • Frequent excessive consumption of fatty, spicy, cold or hot foods;
  • Alcohol abuse.

An irresponsible attitude towards one's health often leads to irreversible processes and consequences. If the slightest symptoms of disease appear, you should consult a doctor.

Main symptoms

The symptoms of diseases of the digestive system are varied, but the main signs of the presence of the disease are always present:

  • Nausea;
  • Frequent changes of stool;
  • Violent belching;
  • Vomit;
  • Flatulence;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Abdominal pain in various locations;
  • Insomnia.

Other characteristic symptoms are different and depend on the type of disease.

In many cases, digestive diseases are accompanied by rashes on the skin.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of diseases of the digestive system is based on a wide spectral analysis of various data, which is obtained by examining the patient and using modern methods.

Laboratory tests include the following tests:

  • Blood;
  • Urine;
  • Gastric juice;
  • Tissue samples for biopsy.

The entire examination is carried out using:

  • X-ray;
  • Endoscopy;
  • Esophagoscopy;
  • Colonoscopy;
  • Gastroduodenoscopy;
  • Serological test.

The most common types of digestive diseases are:

  • Gastritis of various etiologies;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Various types of colitis;
  • Proctitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Enteritis;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Achylia of the stomach;
  • Tumors are benign and malignant.


Any disease, be it ordinary flatulence or an ulcer, requires appropriate treatment. It is prescribed by a doctor.

Commonly used:

  • Enzyme preparations;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Drugs that regulate the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Homeopathic remedies;
  • Traditional methods;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Diet food.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive system is a long process, requiring individual approach. In the case of certain diseases, not only drug treatment, but also surgical intervention is often required.

In this section “Diseases of the digestive system” you can find out in detail:

  • About many diseases of the digestive system;
  • About the causes of each individual disease;
  • About the symptoms of diseases;
  • About the treatment and prevention of various digestive diseases.

When they occur in the body internal illnesses, the digestive system is responsible for this fact. Timely treatment any pathologies in the vital system of the human body provides some guarantee healthy life in the future.

Pancreatic diseases

Pancreatic diseases

Consequences of pancreas removal, postoperative period

The human body is very dependent on the supply of essential substances from the external environment with food. The work of organs and systems has a good reserve, is capable of providing increased load for a long time, but is interrupted if the energy balance is not maintained. And calories are formed only as a result of complex biochemical processes.

Humans obtain “reagents” for synthesis from food products. The best medicines cannot replace the natural process of nutrition through the stomach and deliver the substances necessary for life.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are one of the first areas of therapy in ancient medical manuscripts, along with help for injuries. How to treat individual symptoms was taught even under Hippocrates and Avicenna.

Terms and classifications

The term “gastrointestinal tract” is very old, taken from anatomy. It implies and justifies its name - the stomach and intestines. More precisely, let's say - from the place of attachment of the esophagus to the anus. This means that only the pathology of these organs should be considered diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern knowledge about the digestive system has accumulated many facts about the inextricable connections between the work of the stomach, the causes of intestinal pathology and the functioning of other organs - the liver, gallbladder and ducts, and pancreas. Today's medical professionals more often use the term “diseases of the digestive system”; the old name refers to its expanded concept.

The International Statistical Classification has identified a separate class of diseases and calls it “Diseases of the digestive organs.” However, let us explain the features of statistical accounting. Gastrointestinal diseases in this group exclude the pathology that we are accustomed to attributing to digestive problems:

The list of diseases would be incomplete without congenital anomalies and defects (for example, achalasia of the esophagus)

Therefore, when territories report a stable state of gastrointestinal morbidity, they separately take into account the growth of viral hepatitis, outbreaks of intestinal infections, the danger of cancerous degeneration and identified new cases of neoplasms.

According to statistics published by the Ministry of Health, the number of gastrointestinal diseases has been trending downward in recent years. It firmly holds 4th–6th place in the total number after diseases of the respiratory system, genitourinary system, and skin (excluding injuries).

However, targeted studies and visits to medical institutions allow us to conclude that:

  • up to 60% of the adult population suffer from digestive system disorders, and in large cities and metropolitan areas - up to 95%;
  • among visits to therapists, gastrointestinal problems account for 37%;
  • Men under 50 years of age suffer from peptic ulcers 3 times more often than women:
  • ulcerative changes in the duodenum exceed those in the stomach by 8–10 times;
  • the population remains insufficiently informed about the possibilities of early detection and timely diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the stomach and intestines.

Data from attending physicians indicate that 4.5–5% of people in the Russian Federation die annually from diseases of the digestive system. In the structure of cancer mortality, colorectal cancer ranks second, and stomach cancer ranks third.

Doctors of various specialties treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: therapists, pediatricians, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, oncologists, surgeons.

What happens in the human digestive tract

The main functions of the digestive system are:

  • motor-mechanical - allows you to crush, mix and move the food bolus along parts of the tract, remove toxins from the body;
  • secretory - responsible for the chemical processing of food particles with the connection of various enzymes found in the juices of interested organs;
  • suction - ensures the selection and assimilation of only the substances and liquids needed by the body from the contents.

In recent years, another importance of the digestive organs has been proven - participation in the synthesis of certain hormones and elements of the immune system. Diseases of the stomach and intestines are caused by a malfunction of one or more areas.

Of particular importance is the sufficient functioning of the duodenum, liver, and pancreas. According to their anatomical structure, these organs are very closely related to the gastrointestinal tract. Disruption of their work leads to dysfunction of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The most important causes of gastrointestinal disorders

An important cause of diseases of the digestive system is poor nutrition. Main mistakes:

  • long breaks in food intake - disrupt the reflex mechanism for the production of digestive juices, allowing significant concentrations of enzymes to accumulate in the stomach and intestines without food intake, which causes dangerous damage to one’s own mucous membrane;
  • the predominance of fatty meat foods, fried and smoked dishes, hot seasonings and sauces - contributes to the failure of the formation and flow of bile into the intestines, congestion in the bladder and increases the risk of stone formation;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages - has a direct toxic effect on liver cells, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, leads to increased consumption of enzymes, atrophic processes, contributes to atherosclerotic damage to blood vessels and impaired nutrition of the walls;
  • consuming foods of contrasting temperatures is an excessive irritant to the stomach; the habit of very hot drinks plays a role in the occurrence of gastritis.

Passion for vegetarianism damages the supply of essential amino acids obtained only from animal proteins, and therefore the construction of the cell membranes of the digestive organs themselves

Toxic substances with a damaging effect on the gastrointestinal tract include:

  • industrial contact with pesticides, alkalis, salts of heavy metals, concentrated acids, household and suicidal poisoning;
  • medications of the antibiotic class, some antifungals, cytostatics, hormonal drugs;
  • nicotine and drugs.

After treating the gastrointestinal tract with antibacterial agents, it is necessary to use additional agents that restore beneficial microflora. Infectious diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract are caused by: different strains of Escherichia coli, staphylo- and streptococci, enterococci, Klebsiella, Proteus, salmonella, shigella, hepatitis viruses, herpes, helminths (ascariasis), amoebas, echinococci, lamblia.

High infection of the population with Helicobacter is considered one of the factors in the spread of chronic inflammation of the stomach (gastritis).

The penetration of infection through the stomach and intestines, the creation of a comfortable environment for living and reproduction, is accompanied by damage to the entire body, a toxic effect on the brain, and cells of the hematopoietic system. As a rule, it is possible to cure such diseases only with specific agents that can specifically destroy the infectious agent.

Abdominal injuries and wounds disrupt the blood supply to internal organs, stomach, and intestines. Ischemia is accompanied by vascular thrombosis, necrotic manifestations with rupture of sections of the intestine. The negative effects of ecology and ionizing radiation are among the first to disrupt the functioning of the secreting cells of the glandular epithelium. During treatment with chemotherapy and irradiation of tumors of various locations, the liver, intestines and stomach suffer.

Heredity among members of the same family is expressed in a predisposition to gene mutations when encountering risk factors, which is expressed in structural anomalies, functional underdevelopment, and high sensitivity to other causes.

Ecological troubles in nature affect the stomach and intestines through low quality drinking water, increased intake of pesticides and nitrates from vegetables, and antibiotics, hormones, and harmful preservatives from meat products.

An irresistible stress load on a person can lead to digestive disorders. The spread of pathology of the endocrine organs due to diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands disrupts the regulation of the secretion of juices and enzymes.

Great importance is attached to violations of hygienic skills, sanitary illiteracy of children and adults, non-compliance with the rules of culinary processing and storage of food

What gastrointestinal diseases do people encounter most often?

Of the diseases caused by pathology of the stomach and intestines, the following pathologies should be noted as the most common diseases of inflammatory origin.


inflammation proceeds from a more favorable superficial one, to the formation of erosions and atrophy of the inner membrane, very different with high and low acidity, and dyspepsia is sure to occur.

Impaired motor function of the muscular layer of the stomach and sphincters

When the upper cardiac sphincter is weakened, the formation of gastroesophageal reflux disease with reverse reflux of acidic contents and damage to the esophagus is possible. If the contractility of the pyloric part changes, then pylorospasm or reflux of bile from the duodenum appears. This is how biliary reflux gastritis is formed.


Duodenums, usually a complement and continuation of gastritis, somewhat change the nature of the symptoms. The pain becomes “late”, 1.5–2 hours after eating, and there is an admixture of bile in the vomit.


The general name for diseases of the stomach and intestines, most often caused by infectious genesis, poisoning with low-quality products. They occur acutely with high fever, nausea and vomiting, pain of various localizations, and diarrhea. Children experience a dangerous symptom - dehydration.


Infectious and non-infectious lesions of the intestinal mucosa, possible manifestations of dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera. Patients are bothered by spastic pain in the left or right half of the abdomen, false urge to go to the toilet (tenesmus), and fever. The whole body suffers from intoxication.


Local inflammation of the appendix has its own symptoms, but always requires differential diagnosis due to the anatomical features of the location.


A disease of the rectal veins that affects the majority of the adult population. In origin, a tendency to constipation, sedentary work, and difficult childbirth in women are important. It manifests itself as severe pain in the anus, itching of the skin, and bleeding during bowel movements. Lack of treatment leads to the transfer of inflammation from dilated veins to nearby tissues, pinching of venous nodes, formation of cracks in the rectal mucosa, and cancer.


It is not considered an independent disease, but due to the nature of digestive disorders, the condition requires correction, additional therapy and special examination of stool for intestinal flora. It can be caused either by inflammation or by medications.

A decrease in the proportion of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contributes to disruption of food digestion and activates opportunistic bacteria. Prolonged diarrhea is especially difficult for young children.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Persistent painful symptoms, seasonality and damage to the mucous membrane up to the muscular layer, signs of bleeding are found in the stool. Severe complications are possible in the form of perforation of the ulcer into the abdominal cavity or neighboring organs. They manifest themselves as dagger pains and the patient’s state of shock.

Neoplasms of different localization

This includes polypous growths and cancer. Tumors form under the influence and against the background of various gastroenterological diseases. It is known that colorectal cancer is transformed from colon polyps, stomach cancer from atrophic gastritis.

If the tumor grows inward, then manifestations are detected by a mechanical obstruction to the movement of feces (constipation). With external growth (exophytic), symptoms are not detected for a long time or have general intestinal manifestations (vague pain, unstable stool).

Quite rare gastrointestinal diseases include:

In a hiatal hernia, a protrusion into the chest cavity forms the esophagus and top edge stomach

The role of esophageal pathology

On the one hand, the esophagus is considered in the gastrointestinal tract simply as a connecting tube from the mouth to the stomach, so the condition of the muscle base for “pushing” food matters. But on the other hand, the connection with the stomach causes changes in the mucous membrane in the lower sections and leads to local disease. The most frequently identified pathologies are those described below.

Esophagitis - inflammation with painful swallowing of liquid and solid food, a burning sensation in the epigastric region, heartburn, belching. The culprit is reflux of acid from the stomach. In severe cases, the disease is called gastroesophageal reflux.

Hiatal hernia - pathology caused by a violation of the localization of the esophagus, displacement of the lower border, protrusion from hiatus diaphragm. The disease can be inherited or formed as a result of long-term inflammatory processes in the esophagus and stomach. The main manifestation is reflux of food into the esophagus with heartburn, belching, pain, bloody vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Treatment only surgically.

Barrett's esophagus - main reason ademocarcinoma of the esophagus. It is detected by fibrogastroscopy after examining a biopsy specimen. A sign such as prolonged heartburn is the reason for mandatory examination. Typical detection is the growth of squamous epithelial tissue in place of the esophagus.

If detected, the affected areas are removed using a laser beam. It is still possible to prevent cancerous transformation.

Ulcerative non-infectious colitis of autoimmune etiology is attracting increasing attention due to its spread among children and adults

Serious secondary disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are caused by:

  • viral and non-infectious hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis with liver and kidney failure;
  • diseases of the pancreas from functional disorders to pancreatitis and cancer;
  • cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases

Therapy of digestive diseases requires taking into account the pathogenetic mechanisms of the occurrence of disorders. It is most correct to treat the gastrointestinal tract according to clinical syndromes.


Dyspepsia syndrome includes subjective symptoms. It is customary to distinguish between gastric and intestinal type. Most stomach diseases are characterized by:

  • pain in the epigastric region of varying intensity, but always associated in time with food intake;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • belching;
  • loss of appetite.

The combination of these symptoms depends on the nature of the disease, the stage of the process and the degree of functional impairment

So, according to the set of symptoms, dyspepsia is divided:

  • for reflux - manifested by a burning sensation behind the sternum, belching, heartburn, difficulty swallowing;
  • ulcer-like - the patient experiences intermittent “hungry” pain, worsening may occur at night (late pain);
  • dyskinetic - patients complain of heaviness in the epigastrium, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • systemic - characterized by bloating, rumbling in the intestines, stool disorders, possible painful spasms.

Dyspepsia intestinal tract a person is accompanied by: flatulence, transfusion and rumbling in the intestines, spastic or bursting pain in the abdomen without constant localization, unstable stool. Symptoms occur when the function of the stomach and intestines is impaired. Observed in hypoacid gastritis, enterocolitis, tumors, adhesions, chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Signs of intestinal dyspepsia are constant, not related to feeding, more intense in the afternoon, and usually subside by night. They intensify when consuming dairy products and vegetables high in fiber (cabbage, beets). Patients attribute improvement in their condition to defecation and release of gases.

Hyperacid syndrome

Symptoms of gastrointestinal disease with increased acidity of gastric juice appear with gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcers, and are typical for heavy smokers. Increased concentration of hydrochloric acid associated with increased secretion, insufficient neutralization, delayed evacuation of gastric contents into duodenum.

Hyperacidity of the stomach is distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • heartburn on an empty stomach, after eating, at night;
  • belching sour;
  • increased appetite;
  • vomiting of sour contents;
  • pain in the epigastrium and right hypochondrium, “hungry”, late at night;
  • tendency to constipation due to spasm of the pylorus and slower evacuation of food masses.

Hypoacid syndrome

Occurs when the acidity of gastric juice decreases. Seen in stomach ulcers, atrophic gastritis, cancer, gastrointestinal infections, chronic cholecystitis, anemia, general exhaustion. Signs of hypoacidity:

  • poor appetite (in severe cases, weight loss);
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • “hungry” pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea (the pyloric opening is constantly gaping, so the intestinal mucosa is irritated by undigested food).

The nature of the pain is different (spastic or bursting)

Enteral and colitic insufficiency syndrome

Manifested by intestinal and general symptoms. Intestinal symptoms include: pain around the navel 3-4 hours after eating, dyspepsia and dysbacteriosis. The stool is loose, foamy, foul-smelling several times a day, or constipation with atony in old age.

Among common symptoms:

  • weight loss due to increased appetite;
  • fast fatiguability, insomnia, irritability;
  • skin manifestations (dryness, peeling, brittle nails, hair loss);
  • iron deficiency conditions, anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis with bleeding gums, stomatitis, blurred vision, petechial rash (lack of vitamins C, B2, PP, K).

General principles of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Treatment of the stomach and intestines cannot be done without following a single regimen, which necessarily includes diet, exercise therapy and physiotherapy outside the acute stage, if the symptoms and examination results do not raise concerns about cancerous degeneration.

Basic menu requirements:

  • Regardless of the nature of the pathology of the stomach or intestines, meals should be taken in small portions 5–6 times a day;
  • all irritants to the mucous membrane are excluded (alcohol, carbonated water, strong tea and coffee, fried and fatty foods, canned food, smoked foods and pickles);
  • the selection of a diet is carried out taking into account the type of gastric secretion of a particular patient; in an anacid state, stimulating dishes are allowed, in a hyperacid state they are prohibited;
  • in the first week of exacerbation, crushed, pureed food is recommended, liquid porridge on the water;
  • expansion of the diet depends on the results of treatment of the stomach and intestines, and the patient’s well-being;
  • the possibility of consuming dairy products is decided individually;
  • It is necessary to prepare food in stewed, boiled and steamed form.

Dyskinesia and functional disorders stomach and intestines are effectively relieved physical therapy

Drug treatment

Upon receipt of a conclusion about the presence of Helicobacter in the stomach, a course of eradication with antibiotics and bismuth preparations is recommended. Its effectiveness is monitored by repeated studies.
To support the secretory function of the stomach, drugs such as Pepsin, gastric juice, and Plantaglucid are used.

With increased acidity, gastric secretion blockers (proton pump inhibitors) and enveloping agents (Almagel, Denol, Hefal) are needed. To remove pain syndrome antispasmodics are prescribed (No-Shpa, Platyfillin). Cerucal helps with hypotonic damage to the stomach and intestines, relieves nausea, vomiting, and activates peristalsis.

To stimulate healing for stomach ulcers, Riboxin, Gastrofarm, Solcoseryl, and anabolic hormones are used. In case of chronic damage to the intestines and stomach with symptoms of vitamin deficiency and anemia, injections of vitamins and iron supplements are prescribed.

Moderate signs of bleeding indicate the involvement of a small-diameter vessel in the process; general anti-inflammatory therapy helps in eliminating it. At bloody vomiting and black stools with symptoms of blood loss, signs of obstruction, surgery with resection of the damaged part of the stomach or intestine is necessary.

Cancerous changes are treated with courses of chemotherapy and radiation. The extent of surgical intervention depends on the stage. Physiotherapeutic procedures can improve the regeneration of the epithelium of the stomach and intestines, relieve hypertension, and normalize motility.

For this we use:

  • electrophoresis with the introduction of the necessary medicine from the active electrode;
  • diadynamic currents;
  • phonophoresis.

Spa treatment with water and mud applications from natural sources helps to achieve long-term remission.


Herbal treatment should be used after eradication acute symptoms inflammation of the intestines and stomach. Decoctions of chamomile, yarrow, calendula, oak bark, and plantain have anti-inflammatory properties.

Healthy enveloping effect on the stomach of oatmeal jelly, a decoction of flaxseed

Diseases of the stomach and intestines are treated by specialists from clinics. Oncologists consider it necessary, in order to early diagnosis cancer, carry out ultrasonography and esophagogastroduodenoscopy for all persons over 40 years of age, even if there are no symptoms.

And if there are complaints about bowel function, try to examine the patient using colorectoscopy. This study is still less accessible and is carried out in specialized hospitals or private clinics. But a timely diagnosis is worth the cost.

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