Home Prosthetics and implantation The project is a healthy physical education lesson. Physical Education Project

The project is a healthy physical education lesson. Physical Education Project

The project aims to instill in students a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle. During the implementation of the project, students get acquainted not only with the basic material learning topic but also gain additional knowledge on the basics healthy lifestyle life, learn to find and use in practice interdisciplinary connections.



Educational project

“Formation of a healthy lifestyle in the classroom physical education and out of hours"

Subject, age of students

Physical culture, 5th grade students

Brief summary of the project

The project aims to instill in students a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle. During the implementation of the project, students not only get acquainted with the main material of the educational topic, but also receive additional knowledge on the basics of a healthy lifestyle, learn to find and use interdisciplinary connections in practice.

Fundamental question

What is a healthy lifestyle and how it affects the life and health of children.


Full Name

Dubovichenko Ludmila Anatolyevna


Saratov region

Locality where the school/OS is located

Goryainovka village

Number and/or name of school/OS

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school of the village of Goryainovka, Dukhovnitsky district"

Project description

Name of the topic of your study project

Healthy lifestyle

Summary of the project

The project is aimed at educating students in a sustainable interest in a healthy lifestyle

During the implementation of the project, students not only get acquainted with the main material of the educational topic, but also receive additional knowledge on the basics of nutrition, hygiene, bad habits, hardening, learn to find and use interdisciplinary connections in practice


Informatics, physical education


5th grade

Approximate duration of the project

1 quarter

Didactic Objectives / Expected Learning Outcomes

Formation of internal motivation for a healthy lifestyle, the need to take care of their health and the health of others.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

What makes a healthy lifestyle

Problematic issues of the educational topic

Why you need to be in good health

How do they influence proper nutrition on the body

Bad habits

At first project activities it is necessary to assess the initial knowledge of students(questionnaire). Considering requirementsstandard, are compiled evaluation criteriafuture works (presentation, booklet, abstract, message), on which there is control and self-control in groups. Based on the results of the work of each group, teachers keep an observation log, which notes the timeliness of the work, the correctness of its implementation, the consistency of the presentation and presentation of information, sources of information, creativity, the ability to draw conclusions, the correspondence of goals to the results of the work. This allows you to timely adjust the work of the groups in the right direction and ensure feedback. After completion of the project, the sports holiday"Fast, brave, dexterous", in which students show their interest in the subject and the importance of physical education.

The project ends with a collective reflection and discussion of the following questions: What has been done and what has not been done in this project? What issues need to be discussed or disclosed in future work?

This project is carried out under the discipline"Physical training" with 5th grade students. In the course of project activities, students receive ideas about a healthy lifestyle.
The project covers issues such as:

  1. Health promotion.
  2. What is physical education for?
  3. How does exercise affect the human body?
  4. What is hygiene?
  5. Bad habits.
  6. hardening

" Required knowledge, skills and abilities to complete the project:

1) Ability to search and analyze various sources of information, including the Internet.

3) User skills in working with a PC (text, graphic, spreadsheet editors, creation of presentations, publications).

Fundamental question

What does a healthy lifestyle include?

Establishment of interdisciplinary connections through the introduction of information and communication technologies in the teaching of physical culture, stimulating the interest of students in taking care of their health, its preservation and strengthening, the formation of a health-saving environment in an educational institution.

Problematic issues

  1. What is physical education for?
  2. How to teach children to take care of their health?
  3. Why is it necessary to eat right?
  4. What is hygiene?
  5. How to get rid of bad habits?

Study questions

1. What is health for a student

2. What is the main focus of physical exercise

3. What are the rules for hardening the body and the main methods

4. Ways to get rid of bad habits

5. What are the basic rules for conducting health diagnostics?

Project plan

Organizational and preparatory stage

Getting to know the project goals and objectives of the project with the help of a kick-off presentation

Discussion of research topics.

Group formation

Drawing up a group work plan, distribution functional duties between group members.

Analytical stage

Material selection.

Intermediate self-assessment of participation in the project.

Generalization and registration of research results.

The final stage

Evaluation of the project according to the evaluation criteria.

Analysis of the work of groups and each member of the group.

Presentation and defense of the project.

I, as a teacher of physical education, take a topic for a project and set myself certain goals and tasks, this project covers a large amount of information and I would like this information for students to be in demand and with the help of this project the following tasks were solved:

formation of a system of knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

formation of a position of recognition of the value of health and a sense of responsibility for it;

development of basic personal hygiene, food hygiene, self-service skills.


Please, express your attitude to physical culture and sports. As a teacher, it is important for me to know your opinion in order to improve the program. school lessons.physical education, make these lessons more interesting and useful.

Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 your agreement with each of the 30 statements: 1 - do not agree at all. 5 - fully agree.

Choose an assessment option and mark it with a cross or other icon. Class ___ Last name, first name _________________________________________________

Gender: boy ___ girl ___


Grading Options


I always look forward to physical education classes because they help improve my health.







Physical education and sports help me develop my will and determination.







I always find the opportunity to do physical education, because movement gives me joy.







In any circumstances, I try to exercise regularly.







I have to go to physical education classes to get a grade.







I need physical education and sports in order to further use these knowledge, skills and abilities in life.







The sports section has all the conditions for communication with interesting people.







By participating in physical culture and sports events and competitions, I strive to become a winner.







My interest in physical culture does not disappear even during school holidays.







I like physical culture and sports holidays and competitions related to wrestling and rivalry.







I enjoy exercise and sports.







I think that all recreational activities - physical education, active breaks, a sports hour - should contain different games and entertainment.







I want to practice exercise and sports, because it is fashionable and prestigious among young people.







Self exercise has become a habit of mine.







Physical exercises are pleasant for me, improve my mood and well-being.







Extra exercise is good for health because physical education lessons in school are not enough.







Through exercise and sports, I develop courage, determination, and self-discipline.







During the holidays I like to move a lot and exercise.







Even during the holidays, I force myself to take time to exercise.



















So that physical education and sports are not interrupted during the holidays, someone must control me.







I try to gain experience in physical culture and health-improving work in order to use it in my future life.







The opportunity to communicate with friends during physical culture and sports events gives me great pleasure.







In competitions, I only want to win.







I am always interested in physical culture and sports work and take part in it.







I like that in physical education there are elements of rivalry.







I want to do physical exercises in order to learn how to move beautifully, have a slim figure and strong muscles.







Physical education lessons attract me with games and entertainment.







I am participating in sports competitions only when my acquaintances and friends participate in them.







Active holidays on weekends, walks and outdoor games are my habit.







Physical education, sports, outdoor games at leisure and during holidays help me stay joyful, cheerful, cheerful.






Thank you for participating in the survey and helping!

The task of recovery has three interrelated aspects: Educational, consisting in educating children careful attitude to your health. Teaching, consisting in teaching children the norms of a healthy lifestyle, techniques and methods for its implementation. Wellness, consisting in the prevention of the most common diseases, as well as through the improvement of such necessary qualities like mental balance, calmness, concentration, mindfulness, good memory, thinking ability.

Problem questions Why do we need physical education? How to teach children to take care of their health? Why is it necessary to eat right? What is hygiene? How to get rid of bad habits?

Educational questions 1. What is health for a student 2. What is the main focus of physical exercises 3. What are the rules for tempering the body and the main methods 4. Ways to get rid of bad habits 5. What are the basic rules for diagnosing health?

What is a healthy lifestyle A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life of an individual for the purpose of disease prevention and health promotion.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, accompanied by the actual absence of disease and individually frustrating (leading out of a state of inner peace) shortcomings To be healthy means not to have problems with well-being, to be physically and spiritually a full-fledged person.

Rhythmic gymnastics Exercises have a significant impact on the formation of correct posture, a beautiful gait, bring up aesthetic concepts, a culture of movements. With the help of rhythmic gymnastics, you can develop such physical qualities like general endurance, strength, flexibility, agility.

Rhythmic gymnastics

The inclusion of jumping rope in every lesson taking place in gym not burdensome for those involved, if jumping exercises are diverse in form, load and tasks facing them. jumping rope

jumping rope

Exercises for the formation of posture Posture is not innate. It is formed in the process of growth, development of the child, study, labor activity and physical exercise.

Exercise in motion, in balance

Exercise in motion, in balance

Objectives of health lessons Strengthening the physical and mental health students Instilling interest in systematic physical education, forming the habit of doing physical exercises that strengthen the health and psyche of the child Forming a culture of physical activity of students Education of the moral culture of students, interest in the history of sports, the desire to overcome their negative habits and ailments

Topics of health lessons Sports in people's lives Olympionists' hygiene Movement is life The importance of posture in human life Running yesterday and today Jumping and character education

memo Dear children, Dear parents! Remember! 1. Incorrect posture can not only cause irreparable harm to health, but also ruin a person's life. 2. The wrong posture at the table or during the game especially spoils the posture. 3. You need to sit in such a way as to have support for the legs, back and arms with a symmetrical head position, shoulder girdle, torso arms and legs. 4. You need to sit so that your back touches the back of the chair closely, the distance between the chest and the table should be 1.5-2cm. 5. The distance from the eyes to the table should be 30cm. 6. The book should be held in an inclined position, and the notebook should be placed at an angle of 30 degrees. 7. You can not read lying on your side, carry weights in the same hand. 8. Posture is broken by cycling. 9. Posture can be corrected by sleeping on a hard mattress. 10. To correct posture, children need to practice daily, watching themselves in the mirror.

Dear dads and moms! A few more tips before you begin to seriously and purposefully fight for the health and happiness of your child! Help your children make exercise a necessary and habitual part of their lives. Try to be an example to your child in doing exercises, do them with him. Do not scold the child if he does something wrong, try to make him do the exercises willingly, only then they can develop into a habit. Emphasize, however small, the child's accomplishments. During the exercises, enjoy good music, the opportunity to communicate, smile at each other, support each other in all your endeavors! Success and good luck!

Organization of homework Homework in physical education is one of the most effective forms physical education, allowing you to really cover self-study every student. Execution control homework tracked in a notebook on physical culture. The notebook makes it possible to evaluate the student by all indicators: knowledge, motor skills and abilities, motor fitness, physical culture and sports and recreational activities.

Literary resources: Physical culture. Textbook for grades 5-7 of educational institutions. M .: "Enlightenment", 2006 G.I. Pogadaev. Handbook of a teacher of physical culture. Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 2004. D.Donskoy, V.M. Zatsiorsky. Textbook for FC institutes. Biomechanics of movements. Moscow: Physical culture and sport, 2007. Yu.A. Vinogradov. Textbook for pedagogical institutes. M .: "Enlightenment", 2000. N.P. Klusov. Movement is life? Moscow: Sport-press, 2009. Information resources: Internet. htpp //www. sportcom. en Big Encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius 2008, New Media Generation LLC


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Healthy lifestyle This is a way of life of a person, aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health. A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life, the achievement of active longevity and the full implementation of social functions, for active participation in labor, social, family, household, leisure forms of life.

Rational nutrition "We eat to live, not live to eat" - this is the main idea of ​​rational nutrition. Rational nutrition is not diets and not special strictness to your body. This is the norm, having mastered which, you will feel better. And your body will thank you for it!

Three basic principles of rational nutrition The first and one of the most important is the energy balance of nutrition. The second principle is variety and balance in nutrition. (Fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). The third principle of rational nutrition is adherence to the regimen.

A few tips 1. Fruits should be eaten separately from other meals, and preferably 20 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after meals, can be combined with nuts. 2. Cereals and legumes cannot be mixed with each other. 3. Vegetables are not consumed with fruits. 4. Bad for the stomach are dishes in which the dough is combined with meat - chebureks, naval pasta, pies, pancakes with meat and dumplings. 5. Whole milk should not be combined with other foods at all. 6. Liquids should be consumed before meals. 7. It is also better to start eating with raw vegetables, this will cleanse the stomach of excess substances. 8. Do not eat dishes with bread.

Project relevance :

The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating. Therefore, as a teacher of physical culture, I motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying the interest of children in physical culture and sports. At the same time, I bring up the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a sense of friendship, camaraderie. In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with right mode education and recreation, and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, educate civic responsibility and work to prevent asocial manifestations.

Target :

introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of students.


- health promotion physical fitness and the formation of motor experience, the education of activity and independence in motor activity;

- development of physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity;

– formation of skills for conducting sports and recreational activities in the mode school day (morning exercises, physical education minutes, outdoor games at educational breaks);

- fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, game and competitive activities;

- prevention of antisocial manifestations.

Project Manager : Lagutin N.V.

Project executors : school teachers, school students, parents of students.

Project implementation timeline short term 1 month

Expected Result: increasing motivation for the subject, an increase in those wishing to and the desire to learn ways to maintain health, improving the psychological climate in the team and rational use free time.

Stages of project implementation:

  1. Preparatory stage

At the lesson of physical culture, students identify the reasons for the unwillingness of children to go in for sports, physical exercises, consider the situations to which this can lead. I propose to take part in the project "Physical Education - Healthy Children", after which I form several groups to participate in the project within the school. Together we outline a plan and procedure for activities, distribute the load among students.

  1. Work planning.

- identify sources of information (reference literature, the Internet, conversations with teachers, parents).

- search for information on a healthy lifestyle, the need for sports, the prevention of bad habits on the Internet and literary sources;

– determination of the scope of work of each project participant;

— analytical generalization of the obtained results;

– determination of the composition of the group members, depending on the thematic work within it;

— Creation of team symbols and slogans.

At this stage, we develop an action plan, distribute responsibilities and determine the timing of work in stages, plan the method of collecting and analyzing information, and plan the form of the final presentation of the result.

Each group is given a task to create presentations

Municipal educational institution Koverninsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

"Gorevskaya secondary school" with. Gorevo

"Physical Culture - healthy nation

Completed by: Kruglov Denis Evgenievich

Teacher of physical education and life safety

With. Gorevo

Every child wants to act.
Every child wants to be in a relationship.
All around is an exciting world to explore.

The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercises, I improve my activity internal organs, comprehensively develop physical qualities, children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, I bring up the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a sense of friendship, camaraderie.

In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with the correct mode of study and rest and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, I bring up civic responsibility and work to prevent asocial manifestations. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and go in for sports, so I, as a teacher of physical education, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children's interest in physical culture and sports. I achieve this by the following methods: sports events, quizzes, talks about sports events, a stand about Russian athletes and Paralympic athletes, familiarizing children with the health-improving effects of physical culture, explaining the effect of systematic physical exercises in the formation of vital skills and abilities.

The problem with the project is that Lately there is a decrease in students' interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical culture and sports activities, which does not allow creating the prerequisites for continuous physical improvement, mastering the ways of creative application of the acquired knowledge in one's life. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating.

Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of schoolchildren.
1. Strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and the formation of motor experience, fostering activity and independence in motor activity;
2. Development of motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, dexterity;
3. Raising a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, game and competitive activities;
4. Prevention of asocial manifestations;

Form of organization of children: group.

Members: school students from grades 1-4.

Project implementation timeline: 2013-2014

Expected Result:
- increasing motivation for the subject;
- an increase in willingness and desire to learn ways to preserve their health;
- improvement of the psychological climate in the team;
- rational use of free time.




    video projector;

  • paper for printer;

Stages of project implementation:




Stages of project implementation

Project stages





I. Create student groups.

1) oral questioning; invite 4th grade students to participate in the project

2) the formation of groups of work on the project; select more active 4th grade students, create groups, distribute tasks

II. Work planning.

1) identify sources of information (selection of materials from books, periodicals, the Internet, development of events)

2 ) conduct a survey of students,

parents and teachers (distribute questionnaires, answer questionnaire questions)

3) process questionnaires (identify the most interesting events)

4 ) choose a topic, determine the goal and objectives (carefully develop the structure of the sports day)

5) draw up a plan and procedure for activities, determine the terms of work in stages (drawing up a plan, determining the terms of work in stages)

6) prepare a script 7 ) develop regulations; 8 ) inform teachers and students (hold class hours), parents (hold parent-teacher meetings)

September – December 2013

Physical education teacher, classroom teacher


I. For students, parents.

1) issue newspapers

MBOU Mikhailovskaya secondary school Uryupinsk district Volgograd region

Physical Education Project


Head: teacher of physical culture

Introduction of the project………………………………………………………3

Chapter 1. Stages of project implementation …………………………. 6

Chapter 2. Methods and organization of research ………………7

Chapter 3. Project Research Results………..………...10

Conclusion ……………………………………………………….15

Appendix No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6………………….………..16



Every year, students of our school undergo a medical examination. It turned out that students in grades 1-4 have problems with posture and flat feet. This is displayed in table number 1.


academic year

Number of students

Posture disorder

(number of people)


(number of people)

Flat feet (number of people)

1-4 grade


1-4 grade


1-4 grade


Not only future beauty, but also human health depends on how correct the position of the spine remains. How to survive eleven school years and maintain correct posture. In connection with this problem, we chose the topic: "Correct posture is the key to health."

In my opinion, we are schoolchildren, we should show interest in this problem, as this is our health. Let's try to analyze the results medical examination for 3 academic years and questioning of the 4th grade. But, unfortunately, there are many opportunities to earn bad posture, which we decided to find out:

Starting with a heavy backpack and the systematic incorrect wearing of a school bag (for example, on one strap instead of two);

Incorrect lighting;

They spend a lot of time at a desk, in front of a TV, a computer in a half-bent state;

Insufficient physical activity;

Subsequently, if you do not pay attention to posture, this will lead to a disease of the spine (scoliosis), joints, feet and internal organs.

Up to 10% of children in our school go to the secondary level with a violation of posture (see table No. 1). But, despite all this, a violation of posture can be corrected. This requires constant monitoring by parents and teachers.

Object of study: correct posture for 4th grade students.

Item: correct posture and factors influencing it.

Hypothesis: we assume that physical exercise is necessary for the formation of correct posture, since this is our health.

Target: identify factors that affect the correct posture and health status of schoolchildren, develop a set of exercises for the formation of correct posture.


1. Get acquainted with the concept of "correct posture", the results of a medical examination of grade 4;

2. Conduct testing, questioning and identify factors that affect the correct posture and health status of schoolchildren;

3. Develop exercises for the formation of correct posture at school and at home, recommendations for students and their parents;

4. Compile booklets for students in grades 1-4

Chapter 1. Stages of the project implementation in 2009-2011. The project "Correct posture is a guarantee of health" took place in 4 stages.

Organizational stage 2009:

Creation of an active group of 4 people and distribution of responsibilities in the group (sequence of work on the project); - identifying the interests of children through questionnaires; - formulation of the problem.

Preparatory stage 2009-2010:

Writing a group work plan see Appendix No. 1);

Analysis of reference literature on this issue;

Establishing the timing of the project; - selection information resources. Project implementation stage 2010:- independent work in groups to collect information on the topic to solve the tasks; - systematization collected material; - analysis of the results of the medical examination; - test for correct posture; - conduct a survey "Correct posture is a guarantee of health" and compare with the norms of SanPiN dated December 29, 2010 N 189, gave an assessment to their school; - drawing up tables, graphs, diagrams; - preparation and presentation of results in the form of booklets, presentations; - processing and description of the obtained results and execution. Final stage 2011:- registration of the project portfolio (recording on electronic media of all project documents); -reflection of all participants (written reasoning of the project participants according to a predetermined plan); - identifying new problems and identifying directions further development project (continue to work further in grades 5-8, grades 10-11); - project implementation; - familiarization of students, parents, teachers with the results of the project.

Planned result:

Develop exercises for the formation of correct posture, compile booklets for students in grades 1-4;

Get practical skills to control your posture.

Project risk: factors that can hinder the implementation of the project - not the exact data of the medical examination.

Chapter 2. Methods and organization of research.

2.1. Research methods.

To solve the tasks we used the following methods:

Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

Collection of medical examination statistics;

Testing (determination of the shoulder index (PI)); - Questioning "Correct posture is the key to health";

Methods mathematical statistics(the weight of backpacks and briefcases was compared with the norms of SanPiN of December 29, 2010 N 189).

2.2 Organization of the study. The process of formation of posture begins from the age of 6 to 8 years, so the object of the study was the correct posture of students of the 4th grade of MBOU Mikhailovskaya secondary school.

For the study, we created an active group of 4 people (students of grades 3,4,7): Katya Bezborodova, Yana Eremeeva, Dima Mitin, Vetrova Elena. Planned the work of the group for 3 years 2009-2011 ( see Appendix No. 1). The research was carried out in 4 stages at MBOU Mikhailovskaya secondary school.

At the first stage:

Conducted an analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the problem under study;

We got acquainted with the concept of "posture", "correct posture".

Posture- this is a familiar posture (vertical posture, vertical position human body) at rest and in motion. Correct posture- simple but very important way to maintain a healthy spine (Popov S.P. Therapeutic physical culture - M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1990). Children should strive to develop correct posture. You have to take care of yourself: how you sit, how you stand, how you walk.

Posture - important indicator characterizing the physical development of a person, which is considered as a direct reflection of health.

We then studiedfactorsthat affect the correct posture and decided to explore some of them in our school(Konovalova N.G., Burchik L.K. Examination and correction of posture in children. Sat. Physical education of children school age. - Novokuznetsk, 1998) :

Bad influence environment;

Balanced diet;

Prolonged stay of the child in the wrong position of the body (at the desk, in front of the TV, computer);

Furniture does not match the height of the child;

- exceeding the weight of the portfolio;

Systematic incorrect wearing of a school bag;

- incorrect lighting;

flat feet;

Non-compliance with a healthy daily regimen (alternate studies, rest on fresh air, rest at home);

- muscle weakness, insufficient physical activity of children (physical inactivity).

At the second stage:

Conducted an analysis of the results of the medical examination of the 4th grade for the period from 2009-2012;

A total of 18 people were studied; - with the help of testing, we found out who has the correct posture.

Correct posture test.

Determination of the shoulder index (PI).

We measured the width of the shoulders with a centimeter tape from the side of the chest, then from the side of the back - the shoulder arc. When measured from the front, the centimeter tape passes at the level of the collarbones, and when measured from the back, along the suprascapular spines.

Shoulder index = shoulder width: shoulder arch x100%. If PI is 90-100% correct posture; If the value of PI less than 90%- there are signs of a violation of posture; If the PI is very low 60-70%, these are significant signs of posture disorder, in which an orthopedic consultation is necessary.

At the third stage:- conducted a survey "Correct posture is the key to health"; - students of grades 1-4 took part in the questionnaire, answered in writing to pre-prepared questions ( see Appendix No. 2); -identified the main factors that can affect the correct posture; - weighed backpacks and briefcases of 1-4 classes and compared them with the norms of SanPiN of December 29, 2010 N 189 and made conclusions ( see Appendix No. 3); - the results were compared with 1,2,3,4 class.

At the fourth stage of the study:

Processed and described the results obtained and formalized the work;

Developed exercises for the formation of correct posture;

Compiled booklets for students in grades 1-4.

Chapter 3. Results of the study. During the study, the following results were obtained: 1) Compiled a table and a diagram of a medical examination of grade 4(for 3 years) 2009 - 2012 academic years. Table number 2

Diagram 1

2) Analyzed the survey"Correct posture is the key to health" identified factors affecting posture and displayed in the table and

in diagram 2.

Table #3


The number of students who took part in the questionnaire

The desk is illuminated


The weight of the backpack exceeds the norm more than 2 kg

They do not have a sports corner at home

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

Diagram 2

Conclusion: This diagram 2 shows that more than half of the students have a deviation from the norms in three main factors:

Wrongly lit desk.

Excess portfolio weight.

No sports area.

3) Tested in 4th grade.

Shoulder index (PI) = shoulder width: shoulder arch x100%. If PI is 90-100% correct posture; If the PI value is less than 90%, there are signs of a violation of posture. And they made a diagnosis of correct posture in the 4th grade.

Conclusion:Diagnostics showed that 8 people in the 4th grade have a correct posture, and 10 have a violation of posture.

4) The results of mathematical statistics are displayed in the table - backpack weight and portfolios and compared with standards SanPiN dated December 29, 2010 N 189

Table No. 4.


Total people surveyed

Backpack weight from 1.5 to 2.0 kg.

Backpack weight



(more than 2 kg)

SanPiN norms

12 (normal)

no more

1.5 kg

3 (normal)

no more

1.5 kg

3 (normal)

no more

5 (normal)

no more


23 (normal)

(above normal)

According to SanPiN, the weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, for grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg.

In fact, of the 62 satchels weighed during the study at our school, only 36% weighed up to 2 kg. Bags weighing more than 2 kg are carried by almost 64% of students in grades 1-4. Only less than 20% of parents said they monitor what their child brings to school every day. When weighing, it turned out that toys, books and water bottles hidden in them most affect the weight of school bags. The total weight of unnecessary things in the backpacks of some children reaches 2 kilograms.

Conclusion: it is necessary to control the weight of the school backpack and briefcase.

5) Developed a set of exercises (see Appendix No. 4, No. 5).

6) Compiled booklets for 4th grade students onformation of correct posturesee Appendix No. 6).

Perform physical exercises to strengthen the body;

The study corner should be near the window;

Furniture must match the growth;

The light should fall on the left (for a left-hander - on the right);

You need to sit at the desk correctly: tilt your head slightly forward, keep your back straight;

Every 20 minutes of working at the table, you need to take a break;

Some oral homework can be done lying on the floor, on the stomach, with support under the elbows;

Children's bed should be hard and 20-25 cm larger than the child's height.

It is necessary to control the weight of the school bag. It should weigh no more than 3 kg, and it should be worn behind the back in the form of a satchel (on two straps);

It is important to observe a healthy daily routine (alternate study, outdoor recreation, work at home).


Our project showed that the correct posture and health of schoolchildren is influenced not by one, but by several factors.

Children should strive to develop correct posture. You have to take care of yourself: how you sit, how you stand, how you walk. It is especially important to engage in physical exercises, strengthen muscles, observe the daily routine and nutrition, engage in physical education and sports, select educational furniture and equipment according to growth, and eliminate habits that contribute to postural disorders.

If a person naturally, freely keeps his head and body straight, his shoulders are slightly lowered, laid back at the same level, his stomach is tucked up, his knees are straightened, his chest protrudes somewhat forward, then we can say that he has a correct, good posture. It reflects and internal state of a person - his mood and well-being. It is known that when we are healthy, cheerful, we outwardly pull ourselves up - we straighten our shoulders, hold ourselves more evenly, we feel confident. We believe that we will solve the problem of postural disorders in our school together: teachers, parents, students.

Posture correction requires persistent, systematic, painstaking work on the part of the teacher, and above all, on the part of the student himself and his parents, who are obliged to strictly control the posture of the child at home.

The project can be used in physical education classes, classroom hours And parent meetings. To continue the topic with a bias towards the middle link, to conduct a deeper study, deserves a positive assessment.

Be healthy!

Application No. 1

Sample Plan activities of the group for the implementation of the project (2009-2011) "Correct posture is the key to health" .



Creation of an active group and distribution of responsibilities in the group. Planning.

September 2009

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D. Bezborodova E Ivonin P.A.

Divide the group according to topics of interest.

October 2009

Ivonin P.A. Mitin D.

Work with additional literature. Collection of information on issues of interest (Internet, literature)

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D.

Collection of medical examination information, questionnaires of school students

Ivonina G.F. Mitin D.

Working with data Questioning, weighing backpacks, school bags (keep a folder for information).

Mitin D. Bezborodova E. Ivonina G.F.

Writing an introduction. A set of material on the computer.

December 2010 during the year

Ivonin P.A. Ivonina G.F.

Processing of the conducted studies, drawing up tables, graphs, diagrams.

Ivonina G.F.

Vetrova E.

Writing the main part and conclusion.

January 2011

Ivonina G.F. Eremeeva Ya.

Registration of results in the form of booklets, presentations.

November 2010

Ivonina G.F.

Ivonina G.F.

Create a folder research work. Designing a project portfolio.

during 2010-2011

Ivonina G.F.

Creating a presentation.


December 2011

Ivonina G.F. Ivonin P.A. Mitin D.

Application No. 2

Questionnaire. "Correct posture is the key to health."

1. Do you have your own study corner at home?

a) Yes b) No

2.Where is it located?

a) near the window

b) Elsewhere

3. From which side does the light from the window fall on your desk?

b) Right

d) Front

4. From which side does the light bulb fall in the evening?

b) Right

d) Front

5. Is your furniture suitable for your height?

a) Yes b) No

6. Do you have a sports corner at home?

a) Yes b) No

7.Where is the computer located (if any)?

a) On my desk

b) Elsewhere

8. The bed you sleep on...

a) soft

b) Rigid

9. The weight of the portfolio collected for school ...

a) Up to 3 kg b) More than 3 kg

10. Do you like physical education lessons? a) yes b) no

11. What sports section do you visit?

12. What qualities does physical culture develop (list):

13. Do you do gymnastics (exercise) in the morning.

a) yes b) no

Application No. 3


Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


Hygienic requirements for the regime educational process

10.32. The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials should not exceed:

For students in grades 1 - 2 - more than 1.5 kg;

3 - 4 classes - more than 2 kg,

5 - 6 - more than 2.5 kg;

7 - 8 - more than 3.5 kg;

9 - 11th - more than 4.0 kg.

10.33. In order to prevent violations of the posture of students, it is recommended to primary school have two sets of textbooks: one - for use in lessons in educational institution, the second - for the preparation of homework.

Application No. 4

A set of exercises for students in grades 1-4formation of correct posture.

1. Starting position of the leg at shoulder width, hand on the belt, 1-2 tilt in one direction, 3-4 in the other (6-8 times);

2. I.p. - gymnastic stick in hands, 1-2 arms up, right leg back, 3-4 I.p. Monitor posture (6-8 times);

3. I.p. - sit on the floor, gymnastic stick in your hands, lean back slightly (hold for 5-6 seconds). Repeat 4-6 times;

4. I.p. - lying on your stomach, stick in front, bend 1-2 in the lower back with your hands, do not touch the floor (hold for 5-6 seconds). Repeat 4-6 times;

5. I.p. - lying on his stomach, a stick behind his back, bend in the lower back by 1-2 and stay in this position for 5-6 seconds, 3-4 i.p. Repeat (3-4 times);

Application No. 5

6. I.p. - lying on your stomach, stick behind your back, 1-2 sticks up, bend over (hold for 5-6 seconds), 3-4 sp. Repeat 4-6 times;

7. I.p. - lying on your back, touch the stick 1-2 legs behind your head (hold for 5-6 seconds), 3-4 sp. Repeat 4-6 times;

8. "Candle" Standing on the shoulder blades (hold for 5-6 seconds);

9. "Ring".

10. "Bridge" - an arched support on both hands, will bend as much as possible in the lower back. Hold for 3-4 seconds;

11. "Boat".

12. Pose "Lotus"

Booklets for students Appendix No. 6


1. Popov S.P. Healing Fitness. - M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1990.

2. Shiyana. B.M. Theory and methods of physical education. - M .: "Enlightenment" 2000

3. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and Health lessons. -M.: "Wako", 2004.

4. Konovalova N.G., Burchik L.K. Examination and correction of posture in children. Sat. Physical education of school children. - Novokuznetsk, 1998

5. Levit K., Zahse J., Yanda V. Manual medicine. -M.: Medicine, 1993.

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