Home Dental treatment Background for a presentation on the topic of bad habits. Presentation "Bad Habits"

Background for a presentation on the topic of bad habits. Presentation "Bad Habits"

Slide description:

The effect of alcohol on the human body. Cardiovascular system Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it high speed spreads throughout aquatic environment body, in all organs and systems. At the current level of alcohol consumption, the “average” man in this regard “suddenly” faces a wide variety of ailments at the age of about 30 years. These are not only diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also disorders of the stomach, liver, neuroses, and disorders in the sexual sphere. However, diseases can be the most unexpected: after all, the effect of alcohol is universal, it affects all organs and systems human body Brain The toxic effect of alcohol on the brain is perceived by a person as a supposedly harmless state of intoxication. And this leads to numbness and then death of parts of the brain. All this is subjectively perceived by the drinker as “relaxation”, “freedom” from outside world, similar to the euphoria of being released from prison after a long time in prison. In reality, part of the brain is simply artificially disconnected from the perception of information from the outside. Stomach, pancreas Alcohol suppresses secretion digestive enzymes pancreas, which prevents the breakdown nutrients into molecules suitable for nourishing body cells. By damaging the cells of the inner surface of the stomach and pancreas, alcohol (especially when consuming strong alcoholic beverages) inhibits the absorption of nutrients, and makes the transfer of some of them into the blood completely impossible. For example, due to lack of salt in the body folic acid the cells covering the small intestine, which should ensure the absorption of glucose, sodium, as well as the folic acid salt itself and other nutrients into the blood. Liver The liver gradually decreases in size, that is, it shrinks, the liver vessels are compressed, the blood stagnates in them, the pressure increases 3-4 times. And if the vessels rupture, heavy bleeding begins, the victims of which often die. According to WHO, about 80% of patients die within a year after the first bleeding. The changes described above are called cirrhosis of the liver. The level of alcoholism in a particular country is determined by the number of patients with cirrhosis. Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver is one of the most severe and hopeless human diseases in terms of treatment. Liver cirrhosis as a consequence of alcohol consumption, according to WHO data published in 1982, has become one of the main causes of mortality. Fatal outcome Like any poison, alcohol taken in a certain dose leads to fatal outcome. Through numerous experiments, the smallest amount of poison per kilogram of body weight required for poisoning and death of an animal was established. This is the so-called toxic equivalent. From observations of human poisoning with ethyl alcohol, a toxic equivalent for humans was derived. It is equal to 7-8 g. That is, for a person weighing 64 kg, the lethal dose will be equal to 500 g of pure alcohol.

Description: The game is designed for middle and high school students and is intended to reinforce knowledge about the harmful effects of bad habits on the body. When organizing a program, you can involve middle-level students to short story about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Students from the Kolovrat interest association, under the guidance of the author, conducted intellectual game"Own game" No bad habits"" as part of the regional Saturday ecological lounge "Ecology yesterday, today, tomorrow" for students in grades 7-9 secondary schools Slutsk. The material is of interest to teachers additional education, school biology teachers, class teachers.
Purpose of the lesson: give an idea of ​​the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs on the human body, the formation of culture healthy image life.
Educational- generate knowledge about the harmful effects tobacco smoke, alcohol and drugs on the human body;
Developmental– develop a moral position in relation to bad habits; develop a culture of healthy lifestyle; involving students in activities to develop and maintain their own health.
Educating– cultivate a sense of responsibility for one’s health, a sense of caring for oneself and one’s loved ones.
Event organization form: a game

Event plan

- Guys, do you love life? How do you understand what it is? (this is wealth given initially, and she should be beautiful and happy: this is health, relationships with others, friendship, love for neighbors and loved ones, material goods).
A mountain proverb says: “A good life is a good stream.” And for life to be good and happy, various components are needed, among which health occupies the most important place.
For the healthy, sorrow is not a problem, and trouble is not an option.
Money can't buy health. Health has no price.
Health is more valuable than gold. It would be good health, and the rest will follow.
What do you think a habit is?
Student answers
- Habit is a person’s ability to get used to some actions or sensations. What are the habits?
Student answers
- Which good habits You know?
Student answers
– This means that health is not just the absence of disease - it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person. So? The main factors of health are movement, hardening, nutrition, routine. But, unfortunately, there are factors that worsen our health - alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, substance abuse, gaming addiction, shopping mania - “obsessive shopping addiction”, lying, skipping classes, dropping out of school, theft. These are all bad habits.
Bad habits are ours treacherous enemies, they give us pleasure and slowly poison our lives, causing enormous harm to our health. Bad habits can appear at any age. They grow and change with us.
We all know that drugs, alcohol, and smoking are bad habits. However, people often forget about this when purchasing them themselves.
- Guys, we’re going to play a game now. I will read the sentences to you, and you will listen carefully, raise your hand and say whether what I am talking about is useful or harmful. The game is called “Helpful-Harmful”.
Students playing a game

Game "Helpful - Harmful"
Rules of the game: Sentences are read to students, and they decide whether what is being said is useful or not, raise their hand and give an answer.
- Fulfill morning exercises;
- Maintain a daily routine;
- Biting nails;
- Watch TV for a long time;
- Drinking alcohol;
- Eat properly;
- To communicate with people;
- Tell a lie;
- Constantly use chewing gum;
- Go camping;
- Miss classes at school (for no reason);
- Play music.

2. Smoking
Mini-lecture “The effect of smoking on our body”

Presenter 1:
- The most common and extremely dangerous habit of every fifth inhabitant of the planet is smoking. Many smokers view their addiction to tobacco as a “little weakness.” However, they are deeply mistaken, since smoking undermines a person’s health, reduces his performance, causes many diseases, accelerates the withering of the body, and brings old age and death closer. Smokers get tired quickly, become irritated, have trouble sleeping, and are twice as likely to get into car accidents than non-smokers.
In the Middle Ages, in many countries the use of tobacco (smoking, snorting, chewing) was prohibited by law. The death penalty was introduced for tobacco use in Turkey. In Persia, smokers had their nostrils torn out. In England, tobacco lovers were led through the streets with a rope around their necks, and the worst ones had their heads cut off and displayed with smoking pipe in the mouth. In Russia, the fight against smoking was started by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. In 1649 he issued a decree banning smoking. Violators of this decree were given sixty blows of sticks on the soles of their feet, and if this did not help, the smoker's nose and ears were cut off. Despite persecution and severe punishment, the harmful habit of using tobacco spread quickly and widely throughout the world. At the end of the 20th century, Europe celebrated a kind of “anniversary” - 500 years since the beginning of the use of tobacco. During this time, smoking has become the most dangerous and harmful human habit. Approximately 50% of modern Europeans smoke regularly. Smoking has become widespread in our country. Our country is considered one of the most “smoking” in the world. 75% of men, 27% of women, 42% of schoolchildren are heavy smokers.
When a person smokes, more than 400 harmful substances, and the most harmful of them is the poison nicotine. If you bring a stick just soaked in nicotine to a bird’s beak, it will die. A dog can die from half a drop of nicotine. For a person, 2-3 drops of nicotine are dangerous, the amount contained in 20 cigarettes. If a person smokes that much at once, he may even pay with his life.

3. Alcohol

Game "Uncover the meaning"
Rules of the game: proverbs and sayings are read aloud to students, idioms on the topic of alcohol, and students must reveal their meaning.
Presenter 2:
- Another equally dangerous bad habit is alcoholism. Guys, now I will read proverbs to you, and you will try to explain their meaning to me.
For example:
“To know hops is to part with honor”
This means that drunkenness drowns out reason and conscience; A drunk can easily deceive and fail to keep his word.
Now try to explain the meaning to me yourself:
Proverb 1: “Drinking to the bottom means no good will come.”
- What is this proverb about?
Sample student answers:
- A drunkard loses health, friends, work, respect, others, love of loved ones
Presenter 2:
- The word “Alcohol” translated from Arabic means “intoxicating”.
The history of making intoxicating drinks goes back thousands of years. Alcoholic drinks were obtained from palm sap, barley, wheat, rice, millet, and maize. IN ancient india prepared the drink "soma", which played a big role in the Aryan religion. A special version of catfish was obtained by extracting mushrooms (fly agarics, etc.). Soma was drunk by priests during ritual ceremonies and sacrifices; it was considered a drink of immortality. But grape wine was especially widespread in ancient times. In Greece, grapes began to be cultivated 4000 BC. Wine was considered a gift from the gods. The patron saint of viticulture and winemaking in Greece is Dionysus, son of Zeus. Since then, strong alcoholic drinks have quickly spread throughout the countries of the world. The first information about the use of alcohol in Rus' dates back to the 11th century AD. The decrees of this time prohibited “vile drunkenness.” The main intoxicating drinks of the Russians were mead, mash, and beer. Their strength was 10 degrees. In Rus' they drank very little. Alcoholic drinks were served only on major holidays in limited quantities. On weekdays they did not drink intoxicating drinks, and drunkenness was considered a sin and a shame.
2nd proverb: “What a sober man has in his mind, a drunk man has already done”
Student answers
Presenter 2:

Alcohol is a terrible poison for all organs of our body. Greatest harm alcohol has an effect on the central nervous system, inhibiting brain activity. A person can be well-mannered and modest, even shy, but while intoxicated he commits “wild” acts. He loses his vigilance, stops being careful, and can blurt out any secret. People suffering from alcoholism often die at a young age from cirrhosis of the liver.
3rd proverb: “A drunken man is knee-deep in the sea”
Student answers
Presenter 2:
- Well done, think correctly.

4. Drugs

Mini-lecture “The influence of drugs on the human body”
Presenter 3:
- Drugs are substances that can cause a state of joyful intoxication - euphoria, and when systematic application- addiction and severe dependence. Drugs are of natural origin, known since antiquity (marijuana, hashish, opium, hemp) and synthetic, i.e., obtained chemically. Sometimes used as drugs medicinal substances psychotropic group.
Most of the information a person receives about drugs is not true. It comes from drug dealers, or people who take drugs themselves. Companies that produce and advertise medications on TV are interested in selling them en masse and making money.
All drugs are poisons in nature. Caffeine is also a drug. Let's take it as an example. Two or three cups of coffee make a person perk up. Ten cups would probably make a person fall asleep. A hundred cups of coffee could kill him. All drugs affect the mind. Drugs waste vitamins in your body and you feel tired or sick after taking them. The body requires vitamins to live. If you eat unhealthy foods, you may not get the vitamins you need. This may cause fatigue or illness. Every time you take drugs, they burn up some vitamins in your body. What happens when you taste a grain of sugar? You want more! What happens when a person gets a little bit of the same drug again? He wants MORE! Thus, you may still want drugs years after you have stopped taking them.

5.Your own game “No bad habits”
- Now we’ll play with you. The theme of the game is “Bad Habits!”
Rules of the game:
1. The game involves two teams, which, using the above diagram, choose the topic of the question and its cost. The game is played in four rounds. A table is prepared in advance for each round.
2. The first team to raise a sign with its name starts the game. If the answer is correct, the team receives a number of points corresponding to the value of the question and the team gets the right to choose the next question. If a team gives an incorrect answer, then the same points are deducted from the team’s account and the right to answer this question passes to the other team.
3. The following sectors are found in the game:
"Pig in a poke": the question must be transferred to any other team;
“Question-auction”: teams set a price for a question, and the team that sets the highest price for the question answers;
"Surprise": the team receives a hint;

4. The game ends with the “Final Round”.
Teams place bets based on the points available in their account. The presenter reads out the task. After a minute of discussion, the teams give their answers. If the answer is correct, the bet amount is credited to the team's account; if the answer is incorrect, it is debited from the account. The team with the most points wins.
First round:
10 points - Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons plant origin. Continue the sentence: a drop of nicotine...
Answer: kills a horse
20 points - Advertisers say that after you smoke a cigarette, you need to eat two oranges: one cigarette destroys as much vitamin C in the body as is contained in 2 oranges.
But in fact, the toxic substances in cigarettes destroy not only vitamin C. What is written on every pack of cigarettes?
Answer: The Ministry of Health warns that smoking kills
50 points - The World Health Organization declared World No Tobacco Day in 1988. Give it a date
Answer: May 31
In many European countries and the United States, smoking is prohibited in public places and a tobacco control document has been adopted.
Which International document did the Republic of Belarus join in 2005?
Answer: Framework Convention
Cat in a poke
500 points - After saying hello to a cigarette, say goodbye to... Say goodbye to what?
Answer: Smartly
10 points - According to research, a teenager who begins to regularly drink alcohol at the age of 13-15 years develops psychological dependence within 1 year. Continue the saying: A lot of wine is not enough………..
Answer: crazy
20 points - Bismarck believed that this drink “makes a person lazy, stupid, powerless”
Answer: beer
50 points - Johann Goethe was confident that “humanity could achieve incredible success if it were more... (50 points)
Answer: sober
The tendency to alcoholism depends on heredity. If there were alcoholics in the family, then the likelihood that children will become the same increases. Continue: the husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks...
Answer: the husband drinks - half the house is on fire, the wife drinks - the whole house is on fire
500 points - Which famous Russian writer said the following phrase: “It’s a rare thief, a murderer does his job sober”
Answer: Tolstoy L.N.
10 points - Drugs are chemical substances that have a detrimental effect on the human body. Name what they primarily influence
Answer: on the human nervous system (10 points).
20 points - All the disasters that befell humanity had their beginning and their end, while the history of passion for intoxicants from the Stone Age to the present day has not been interrupted for a day. What disease exacerbates the growth of drug addiction?
Answer: AIDS
50 points - How many people per year can one drug addict involve in drug addiction?
Answer: 15
Cat in a poke
100 points - With drug addiction, a total defeat of the personality occurs, affecting all parties inner world sick. A person who follows the path of a drug addict loses friends, family, and cannot acquire a profession. He comes to the attention of criminal elements and takes the path of crime himself. How many laboratories have been identified over the past 4 years producing drugs, and in which work was underway to create new ones?
Answer: more than 100 laboratories
Surprise. Use the hint
500 points - How many years does the average person who uses drugs live?
Answer: from 3 to 5
Second round
From the history of the issue
50 points - Which European traveler first saw people smoking?
Answer: H. Columbus
100 points - Chinese Emperor Wu Wong issued a law on drunkenness in 1220. What did they do under this law with those caught drunk? (100 points)
Answer: subjected to death penalty
200 points - A country in which a drunk driver causes an accident resulting in loss of life is sentenced to death...
Answer: Japan
Surprise. Use the hint
500 points - In 1762, Thomas Dover, an English doctor, begins to use a medicine based on a certain substance... Name this substance
Answer: opium
Effect of nicotine on the body
50 points - Smoking negatively affects academic performance, students slow down their physical and mental development. Smoking among teenagers primarily affects these body systems. Name them. (50 points)
Answer: Nervous and cardiovascular system
100 points - The life expectancy of a person who smokes a pack or more of cigarettes in one day is reduced by several years compared to a non-smoker. How many harmful substances enter the human body when smoking?
Answer: about 30
200 points - U smoking man This is often what increases...Name what exactly
Answer: arterial pressure
Auction question. Tobacco smoke is a hot mixture of harmful gases, vapors, liquids and solids resulting from the combustion of tobacco leaves. What does the tar produced when tobacco burns cause in humans?
Answer: tumors
Effect of alcohol on the body
50 points - Alcoholism - severe chronic illness, mostly difficult to cure! What effect does alcohol have on the central nervous system?
Answer: negative
100 points - Alcohol is a drug! Explain why this statement is true?
Answer: Alcohol causes physical and mental dependence.
200 points - Alcohol causes causeless changes in mood, explosions of joy and anger, sometimes for the most insignificant reasons, and at the same time indifference to truly exciting events. Continue: First a person drinks wine, and then wine……
Answer: First the man drinks the wine, and then the wine drinks the man!
Cat in a poke
500 points - There are many families in Belarus where there is a drinking parent or parents. How many times higher is the mortality rate of children in drinking families than in non-drinking families?
Answer: three times
Effect of drugs on the body
50 points - Drugs are chemical substances that have harmful effects on the human body. Which system are they particularly harmful to?
Answer: nervous system
100 points - What is the main reason why teenagers try drugs?
Answer: out of curiosity
200 points - Nowadays, drug addiction is one of the leading problems of the world community. The consequences of this disease can lead to a global catastrophe. What are the consequences of drugs for humans?
Answer: Mental disorders, complete dependence, personality degradation, problems with the law, shortened life, disability, death.
Question auction
Scientists have found that some children begin experimenting with drugs at 10 summer age. How many times in last years Has the death rate among children from drug overdose increased? (500 points)
Answer: 42 times
Round 3
100 points - Refute or confirm the myth that smoking is dangerous only for the smoker
Answer: It has been established that passive smokers also become victims of tobacco. Being in a smoking company, a person risks not only getting used to tobacco smoke (which is one step away from a cigarette), but also getting the whole “bouquet” of diseases associated with smoking.
200 points - Define: drug addiction, alcoholism, passive smoker.
300 points - Who is this and what role did this politician play regarding smoking?
Answer: V.V. Putin, who never smoked and pursued a healthy lifestyle policy
400 points - What criminal liability is provided for the acquisition and possession of drugs?
Answer: Imprisonment for up to 3 years
Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus
Final round
Determine which statement applies to which person, and which - folk wisdom.
1.Alcohol - much more grief causes more than joy to all humanity, although it is used for the sake of joy. How many talented people died because of him!
2. Alcohol preserves the soul and mind of a drunkard in the same way as it preserves anatomical preparations.
3.Smoking is harmful to health.
4. Anyone found with tobacco should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until he admits where he got it from.

Let's say "No!"



Classroom teacher Savenkova I. A.

What is a habit?

Habit is a person’s ability to get used to certain actions or sensations.

Useful and bad habits

  • exercise
  • do morning exercises
  • take care of clothes
  • temper
  • spend a lot of time outdoors
  • wash your face
  • brush your teeth
  • Healthy food
  • keep a daily routine
  • learn lessons on time
  • play music
  • paint
  • read books
  • to help parents
  • eat a lot of sweets
  • watch a lot of TV
  • play computer games for a long time
  • smoke
  • drink alcohol
  • use drugs


  • A very strong desire to be free from control and

constant guidance from adults, from

the need to comply with rules and regulations.

  • What is especially attractive is what is not allowed.
  • Teenagers often strive to prove themselves in their peer group.

its "coolness".

  • The misconception is that even if I try drugs, I won't

I'll become a drug addict. Nothing will happen just once. In life

you have to try everything! I'll quit at any moment.

  • A tribute to fashion, an active search for the “meaning of life”, new species

"high". I want pleasure!

  • Low culture, inability to say “No!” All my friends are like this


  • Idleness, boredom, inability to organize leisure time,

desire to be the center of attention.

Test "Can you resist?"

1. Do you like to watch TV?

2. Have you ever wanted to play on the computer for more than 3 hours every day?

3. Have you ever wanted to try smoking?

4. Can you sit in front of the TV all day off, leaving all your business behind?

5. Have you tried alcoholic drinks?

6. Do you like physical education lessons?

7. If your friends offer you to run away from class, will you agree?

8. Do you know how not to repeat your mistakes?

9.If a stranger offered you a box of chocolates right on the street, would you take it?

10. Friends invite you to slot machines,

and you haven't done your homework yet. Can you refuse?


1) You said yes less than 3 times:

You know how to manage your desires. You strong will and strong character. You know how to refuse pleasure if it can cause harm, interfere with your plans, your relationships with parents and teachers.

2) You said “yes” 4 to 8 times:

You are not always able to control your desires. Lack of willpower. Because of this, you can become dependent on a bad habit.

3) You said yes 9 to 10 times:

It is very difficult for you to cope with your desires. You are irresistibly drawn to immediate pleasures. You need to evaluate your actions. You need to learn to say no to yourself.

Smoking leads to nicotine addiction, the dependence of the respiratory center of the brain on substances that stimulate its work, contained in tobacco smoke.

  • Smokers suffer from lung cancer several times more often than non-smokers and account for 96-100% of all lung cancer patients.
  • Smoking increases the likelihood of other species malignant tumors(oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, pancreas, stomach, colon, liver).

Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction).

They are 13 times more likely to develop angina pectoris.

12 times – myocardial infarction.

Smoking brings great harm to others. When smoking, ¼ of all toxic substances enters the human body. Half, along with exhaled smoke, enters the air. And those around them breathe it. It turns out that non-smokers “smoke”. Consequently, they receive the same harm from tobacco smoke as smokers.

Danger called SPICE!

Spice- is a completely synthetic drug, which in most cases is a smoking mixture and causes enormous harm to mental and physical health person.

The drug quickly causes addiction - first psychological, then physical. It is enough to use the smoking mixture once to get hooked on it. Appetite disappears, sleep problems arise, and painful cough, bronchitis. In the future, smokers develop cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases and general decline body resistance. The drug removes vitamins and vital microelements from cells, destroying immune system. The consequences of smoking spice are known to include strokes and heart attacks.

Consequences of smoking spice.

The organ on which spice has the strongest effect is brain. The chemical poison causes the capillaries to sharply narrow, and the brain ceases to be saturated with oxygen in normal quantities. As a result, the cells die, and the person feels a state of lightness and carelessness.

Consequences of smoking spice.

Changes in the psyche cause general lethargy, decreased intelligence, syndromes obsessive states, phobias and delusions. The connection with reality is lost, memory and performance deteriorate.

Spice is responsible for the increased Lately number of teenage suicides.

9 ways to say “No”

  • I do not need this.
  • I'm not in the mood, so I don't want to try it today.
  • I don't think I should start this until I have my own money.
  • No, I don't want any trouble.
  • When I need it, I'll let you know.
  • I'm afraid of such things.
  • This crap is not for me.
  • No thanks, I have an allergic reaction to this.
  • I want to be healthy.

Brave not the one who learned to smoke, drink, take drugs, but the one who managed to give it up and helped others do it.

He who can defeat another is strong, he who can defeat himself is truly powerful!

Bad habits Selivanova E.I. Habit is a characteristic form of human behavior, which under certain conditions acquires the character of a need. If habit has Negative consequences on the human body, on his health, destroys his life - this is a BAD HABIT. Classification

  • Secret passion(an unnoticed habit that is usually indulged in alone)
  • Familiar autopilot(unconscious actions that we perform automatically: biting our nails, constantly being late, etc.)
  • Bad, bad habits(they can irritate others, and are not good for your own health: addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, delicious food, computer addiction, etc. Some of these bad habits can worsen so much that they enter the final stage - addiction.)
  • Other bad habits
  • Technomania
  • Oniomania(shopaholism)
  • TV addiction (risk group - teenagers and pensioners)
  • Internet surfing (dependence on the Internet and computer)
  • Nose picking or rhinotillexomania
  • Gnaw nails
  • Chew a pencil or pen
  • Kicking your teeth
  • Spit on the floor
  • Ear picking
  • Snap your fingers
  • Fashion victim
  • gambling addiction
  • Caffeine and some others
The most common bad habits
  • Smoking
  • Alcogloism
  • Addiction
  • Binge eating

Smoker's lungs

A smoker has a very high risk of developing lung cancer.

Teeth turn yellow from nicotine, bad smell from mouth.

Vascular disease occurs and the heart hurts.

Disorder nervous system manifested by decreased ability to work, weakened memory.

There is a decrease physical activity.

Metabolism deteriorates

Allergic diseases appear.

  • First phase:


  • First phase: On early stages drug addiction is characterized by increasing dependence.

A person uses drugs so often that he becomes dependent on them and becomes addicted to their use. The use begins to seem normal; life without using seems abnormal.


  • The second phase, called the middle phase, has the following characteristics:
  • An increasingly larger dose is required to achieve an altered state of consciousness, and the derivative effects of drug intoxication increase.
  • Increasing doses destroy the liver and change brain chemistry
  • The drug is used to relieve pain caused by non-use.
  • There are more and more physiological, psychological and social problems.
  • Withdrawal is the name given to the pain that a person experiences. When he is not using drugs. This pain can be eliminated only with a dose.
  • Chronic stage or phase 3.
  • This is the very last phase, all systems of the body are affected, a person’s mood depends on whether he took the dose or not, a terrible addiction. The meaning of life is lost, his entire existence is reduced to drug use. These people often have AIDS and their limbs fail because the veins begin to rot.
  • Remember that you can get hooked starting with soft drugs, for example, smoking weed. And in a couple of years, children will be scared by your photographs.
Reasons For addiction, like for any disease, there are people who are predisposed and those who are not. WHO IS AT RISK?
    • People are infantile. They are pleased when something appears that helps them temporarily abstract themselves from the problem.
    • People who cannot deny themselves. “I want it - that’s all!”
    • Lazy people are emotional and intellectual. They have the hardest time quitting the habit, even if it gives them nothing.
  • Let’s agree that we will figuratively combine the effects of alcohol, nicotine and drugs and call them the “illusion of happiness”
  • The brain produces various substances that we call hormones; when they enter the bloodstream, all these substances are carried by the body, and seem to tell the organs how they need to behave, for example, the hormone adrenaline helps you run not just fast, but very fast.
  • We will focus on the “hormones of happiness”
  • “Happiness hormones” give us a feeling of lightness, joy and cheerfulness. Many modern drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, have the same effect.
Let's imagine that we have prepared all the “illusions of happiness” in lemonade.
  • Let's imagine that we have prepared all the “illusions of happiness” in lemonade.
  • Smoking, alcohol and drugs entering your body act in the same way as happiness hormones: they lift your mood, you begin to feel much better than ever.
  • It is from this moment that the worst thing begins... lemonade enters into the metabolic processes occurring in the human body and becomes necessary.

The more you drink "lemonade illusions", the more difficult it will be for you to enjoy simple joys life. The more difficult it will be to give it up.

Gradually you will begin to move away from other people until you realize that you are completely dependent on this “lemonade”.

You realize that you want to stop, but you can’t...


  • The habit of eating deliciously and a lot can lead to obesity.
  • Don't snack!
  • Try to eat as slowly as possible!
  • Don't eat your problems!
  • Don’t have a “belly celebration” on holidays and weekends!
  • It has been many years since man became a slave to this “box”
  • The harm is done to both physical and mental health.
  • Physical inactivity, obesity, and diseases of the cardiovascular system are far from the only harm.
  • Development of neuroses.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders. Scientists believe that TV can provoke inappropriate behavior.
  • The existence of this dependence was hushed up for a long time. But despite this, doctors talk about the dangers of the Internet.
  • Radiation and prolonged sitting in one position cause physical harm to health.
  • Psychological harm
  • Microwave radiation can threaten brain cells.
  • It is necessary to limit the time you use your phone!
          • Health- This is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but also for the entire society.
          • Health helps us carry out our plans, successfully solve the main tasks of life, overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads.
  • Good health, wisely preserved and strengthened by the person himself, provides him with a long and active life.

    IV. - What habits do you know that threaten your health?(bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) 7 slide These are the worst health destroyers because they can be fatal. You and I know a lot about the dangers of smoking and its impact on humans.

    V. - But can everyone resist an invitation to try smoking? Now the guys will role-play the situation, it can be useful not only in a specific case, but also in any life situation, if a person is asked to do something he does not want (smoke, drink, skip class). Follow the dialogue carefully, and then you will say who was more convincing (participants Tolya P. and Misha B.

    T. Let's smoke!

    M. I can't.

    T. Why?

    M. My parents will see me.

    T. And we'll go around the corner.

    M. I can’t, I was sick recently, smoking is bad for me.

    T. Well, you won’t die from one cigarette?!

    M. And I don’t smoke “our” cigarettes.

    T. I have foreign ones.

    M. And I don’t light my cigarettes with matches.

    T. And I have a lighter.

    M. No, my parents will see me.

    T. We'll go to the basement.

    M. Confused and doesn't know what to answer.

    - Who won, who was more convincing? (Tolya) What can you say about participant Misha?(In my opinion, the very significant argument “I DON’T WANT” was never used - arguments Misha chaotic and unimportant.) When a person justifies his refusal, this gives the impression that he is about to agree. If you really decide to refuse, choose the most compelling argument from your point of view and insist on it. Let's see another example. (Participants Christina K. and Nastya S.)

    TO. Here, smoke!

    N. I won't.

    TO. Why did you come here then?

    N. Just.

    TO. Well, then get out of here!

    VI. The ability to refuse any offer is necessary in Everyday life. 8 - 9 slides(smoker's teeth, lungs), 10 slide- Did you know that every eight seconds a new smoker appears in the world, mortality rates from smoking are increasing every year. According to scientists, 300 million people will die from tobacco by 2030. - What would you say if you were offered a cigarette?(No, thank you, I don’t smoke! No, thank you, I don’t like smoking! No, thank you, it’s not for me! No, thank you, I’m fine as is! No, smoking is not fashionable!) 11-12 slides(Be able to say no!) Resisting an invitation to try smoking is a truly adult act that you can be proud of. Smokers cannot quit this activity - they are enslaved by cigarettes, but those who can resist are truly strong and free people.

    VII. - What else can you do to maintain your health? 3 slide. Read in anagram:

    “ P D O R I J U S O S O P T O S R M! ”(Make friends with sports!)

    30 minutes of moderate physical activity per day significantly maintains and improves health. And it doesn’t matter whether at this time you walk, ride a bike or play football, it just has to be every day. No wonder they say: “Health is a case of beauty.” If you play sports, you will be beautiful. According to scientists, daily physical exercise slow down the aging of the body and add an average of 6-9 years to life! 13 - 15 slides

    VIII. Speech by the propaganda team

    Members of the propaganda team take the stage to the chant:

    One two three four.

    Three - four, one - two.

    Who walks together in a row?

    Combat squad of guys!

    Everyone! Everyone!

    Good afternoon

    Get sick and laziness out of the way!

    We love to study, work, and have fun.

    Hey friends, where are you going?

    Student 1: We are for health

    Student 2: We are for happiness

    Student3: For a sober mind,

    Student 4: For clarity of thought,

    Student5: For childhood, youth,

    Student 6: For the joy of life!

    TOGETHER: You are greeted by the 4th grade propaganda team

    Student7: We solve big problems with you,
    We need to set a serious task,
    A healthy life is the most important topic,
    You can't rely on luck here.

    Student 8: We know the laws of a healthy life,
    There is no reason for bad habits
    We are familiar with the enemies of health

    And they are ready to shed their disguises.

    Student1: There are many bad habits in the world:

    Children try to drink beer, smoke,

    Student2: Bullying tone and vulgar speech

    All this raises a sword over lives.

    Son:“If I start smoking -
    This is very bad?"
    Apparently I was taken by surprise
    Father's son question.
    Dad quickly got up from his chair,
    Threw away the cigarette.
    And the father said then
    Looking into my son's eyes:
    Father:“Yes, son, smoke tobacco -
    This is very bad.”
    The son, having heard this advice,
    He asks again:
    Son: You've been smoking for many years
    And you’re not dying?”

    Father:“I started smoking from a young age,
    To appear grown up
    Well, I started from cigarettes
    Smaller than normal height.
    Heart, lungs are sick,
    There is no doubt about it.
    I paid with my health
    For your smoking.
    I quit smoking five times
    Maybe more
    Yes, the trouble is, I’m smoking again.
    Lack of will.
    You are my dad, I am your son,
    Let's cope with the disaster.
    You quit smoking alone
    And now there are two of us.
    And we decided to continue
    Both father and baby:
    Son and father together:“We will do well
    And we won’t - it’s bad!”

    (music for departure)

    Student1: We are the youth of the twenty-first century,
    The fate of a person is in our hands.
    We are against smoking
    Healthy generation of our country!

    Student2: We are citizens of our country!
    We are the future of Russia!
    We are the hope of our parents!

    Student3: We have entered the 21st century

    And let this century be completely safe

    Let’s say “NO” to bad habits

    Be a healthy and beautiful person.

    Student4: Strengthen your health with sports,

    Go hiking and watch the sunrises,

    The secret of success in life, know for sure -

    Your health, remember this.

    Student3: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

    Student4: We want to love, believe in honesty, and do good!

    Student1: We declare to the whole world:

    Student2: Life - yes!

    Student 3: There is no death!

    Student 4: Sports - yes!

    Student 5: No nicotine!

    Student 6: Health - yes!

    Student 7: No alcohol!

    Student 8: Our health is a gift from nature

    So be healthy, man, in the era of technology and fashion

    16 slideIX. Cartoon "Pipe and Bear" X. The song “I choose sport!”

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“Presentation to class. "No to bad habits" time"

Presentation on extracurricular activities: « No bad habits »

Presentation prepared by teacher primary classes I qualification category MOAU Secondary School No. 17 Dzekh T.I. .

  • Maintaining a daily routine
  • Maintaining hygiene
  • Proper nutrition
  • Hardening procedures
  • Don't develop bad habits

  • So that maintain health, Strengthen your body You know and I know There must be a routine for the day.

Maintaining hygiene

  • So that not a single microbe I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth, Wash your hands before eating Need soap and water.
  • Is there some more this advice, Brush your teeth, my hands!!! Then you will forget about doctors, and you're healthy

you will .

Proper nutrition

Eat vegetables and fruits Fish, dairy products - Here healthy food, Full of vitamins!

  • 30 minutes of work on the computer, a break of at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not watch TV for more than 2 hours.
  • Don't wear your phone on your body.

Don't start bad habits

  • People's lives because of wine both dangerous and difficult. Cigarettes - nicotine, enemy number one!
  • Let's not let them defeat us, In a healthy world we all want to live.


“make friends with sports”

  • To be completely healthy Everyone needs physical education. To begin with, in order - Let's do some exercises in the morning!
  • To develop successfully Need to play sports From physical education You will have a slim figure

  • Go for a walk Fresh air breathe. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!
  • Temper yourself, and then You're not afraid of the blues

Here's some good advice for you:

Secrets are hidden in them, How to maintain health. Learn to appreciate it!

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