Home Coated tongue Scenario of physical education and intellectual leisure “Ford Boyard” for children of the preparatory group. Intellectual game based on Fort Boyard stations

Scenario of physical education and intellectual leisure “Ford Boyard” for children of the preparatory group. Intellectual game based on Fort Boyard stations

Fort Boyard is a lot of challenges, an atmosphere of mystery, special surroundings and props. Many adventurers entered the fort, but not all left with treasures. Want to test yourself? Fort Boyard is waiting for you!

Participants: teenagers 10-15 years old.

Progress of the game: A fort is a house or cafe with many tests and stations along the way for the guys. Passing which they will receive the treasured keys.

-2 mixed teams will be formed that will compete with each other.

The presenter welcomes all the teams that today will have to fight not only for Ford’s gold, but also against each other. To get the keys, you need to complete a number of tasks. The team that earns the most keys during the game will be the first to enter the treasury.

The journey begins with a meeting with the Instructors, who issue cards. Using the map, each team finds its first key with a hint for the warm-up test.

After a warm-up test of resourcefulness and cohesion, participants will be allowed to take part in the main tests...

Teams will have to:

    collect the largest number of clues;

    a key with a hint to the next stage is issued if the team completes the main test;

    The team that earns the largest number of keys gets the right to enter the treasury first;

    the team receives a bunch of keys and tries to open the lock from the treasury in a certain time; if the team was unable to open the lock, then the right is given to another team (with more keys);

    The winner is the team that managed to open the lock from the treasury.


1). Station Riddle from Fura. (Warm-up check)

I run on wires and give people light and warmth.

(Key with hint TIKLERCHSOETEV) answer Electricity.

Timed riddles 3 min. gets the key, the team that guesses more(

1. What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6? Answer: Comma

2. Which muscle is the strongest in the human body? Answer: Language

3. You can tie it, but you can’t untie it. Answer: Conversation

4. Which route has no one ever walked or ridden before? Answer: Milky Way

5. How many years are there in a year? Answer: one (summer)

6. What kind of stopper cannot be used to stop any bottle? Answer: Road

7. In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”? Answer: Grapes

8. How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar? Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

9. Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose? Answer: Shoes

10. There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there? Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

11. A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total? Answer: 3 people

12. A river that “fits” in your mouth? Answer: Desna

13. Crossroads. Traffic light. A Kamaz, a cart and a motorcyclist are standing and waiting for the green light. The yellow light came on and the Kamaz turned off. The horse got scared and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like a traffic accident, but who broke the rules? Answer: Motorcyclist (was without a helmet)

14. How are the buttons on a phone different from the buttons on a calculator? Answer: Location: top to bottom and bottom to top.

15. Which 2 notes indicate an edible product? Answer: Fa-sol

16. The gray hare under the pine tree announced that he was a tailor. And an hour later the Teddy Bear gave the order to the tailor. - Your order will be ready before the January cold. The hare cuts, the hare sews, and the bear waits in the den. The deadline has passed. A bear has arrived, but you can't put on your pants! Why? Answer: The little bear became a bear

17. The most large organ person? Answer: Leather

18. Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he was only 1 ruble short. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar? Answer: The cost is 10 rubles. Marina has no money at all.

19. What do people often walk on, but rarely drive? Answer: By stairs

20. Which word has 5 “e”s and no other vowels? Answer: Migrant

2.) Start searching for a large key.

3).Tug of war.by teams.

4).Pass under an impassable vine. Whichever team member touches the vine automatically, that team loses. The team whose player remained and did not touch the vine wins.

5).For the best birthday card. Team game and presentation of postcards from the teams.

6).Team shootout with balls.

7).team relay tests to identify the winning team.

A).horse running

B) Running over obstacles.

C).throw balls into a bucket for accuracy


D).running with the ball.

8).team competition for knowledge of magic words (Thank you, please, good afternoon...etc. and an attentiveness test, the game “Thank you”

9).Which team collects pictures from cubes faster.

11).racing on old cars.

12).For the best team dance. (The task will be indicated on the cards.)

13).Teams collect words from capital letters. (I read out poems; teams guess at speed and make up a word at speed.

14).for the best congratulations to the teams of the birthday boy. They compose a poem and present it.

15).Pillow fighting.


At our school, a tourist-sports game like TV game"Fort Bayard" The goal of the game is to improve health, physical development schoolchildren, promoting tourism and sports activities in school development.

Now let’s talk about the game itself and give its script. HOST: “Today, on New Year’s Eve, our cozy gym has turned into a fortress, impregnable only for those who refuse to participate in its conquest. So, everyone wants to participate, no one is scared? Wonderful! Well done!”

Participants are divided into 4 teams of 5 people each / HOST: “Attention, team members! Each of you must take out a piece of paper from your backpack, which indicates the number of the competition in which he will participate in the first round.”

Music is playing. Each participant takes out a piece of paper with a number from their backpack. Each competition is allotted 2 minutes according to the hourglass. In a team, participants can change numbers among themselves, but they can only participate in one competition.

HOST: “We give one minute for the participants to come up with a name for their team.” Team -1- “Victoria”, 2- “Amur Express”. 3-"Hope". 4- “Electroshock”.

HOST: “At the first stage, each of you can earn one token for your team, which gives you the opportunity to buy the right to participate in subsequent competitions in order to earn a hint. You need to guess several clues keyword. Begin!"

Here are the obstacle competitions that the teams will have to overcome. Members of the Victoria team must take part in the following competitions:

1. “Crossing”. Along the suspended crossing, which is installed in the gym, using the upper and lower harness and a tourist carbine, get to the middle of the hall, pick up the token and return back. If a participant does not have time, the token is taken away from him.

2. “Azimuth”. Three pins are placed along the side wall at a distance of 1 m from each other. Standing in the center of the hall, with a compass in your hands, a sheet of paper on which the azimuth is indicated, determine under which pin the token lies. If the token is not found in two attempts, then the azimuth determination ends.

3. “Swing”. I swing on a swing, use my legs to pick up a volleyball from the floor, transfer it to my hands and then throw the ball into a bucket hanging on a rope with a counterweight. When the ball hits the bucket, it goes down. The bucket hangs a short distance from the swing, so the harder you swing, the closer you will be to it. There are two balls under the swing.

4. “Fisherman”. Sitting on a gymnastic goat and holding a fishing rod in your hands - real or made from a stick, nylon thread and a hook made of a nail, pick up a can / from a “Fanta”, “Pepsi-Cola”, etc. / In one of the three cans there is a token .

5. “Collective fishing”. To do this, he uses an installation consisting of a metal hoop with a height of 20 cm / tin can without a bottom / and a diameter of 20-25 cm, mounted on a wooden platform and a round metal plate, along the edge of which 4 holes are evenly drilled. A thread 4-4.5 m long is threaded through each hole of the plate and tied. The other end of each thread is equipped with a metal or wooden handle. A thread 20-30 cm long is drawn from the center of the metal plate, to which a magnet is attached.

At the bottom of the metal hoop, on a wooden base, lies a steel token. In the initial position, before the start of the competition, the threads are wound around the handles. The participants, and there are four of them, unwind the soybean threads and move 4 km to the four corners of the room, must balance the magnet over the metal hoop and accurately (without touching the hoop) release the magnet to the wooden platform of the hoop, attract the token with the magnet and pull it out.

In the “Collective Fishing” competition, all teams take turns participating; it is common to all participants in the game.

The Amur Express team will face the following tests:

1. “Abyss.” The log is set at a height of 120 cm. While crossing the log, pick up the jar with the token from the floor (the token lies in one of the three jars) without biting the floor with your hand or foot, and then continue moving. If the can picked up from the floor turns out to be empty, you need to lift it to the top and only then continue with the task.

2. “Three ropes.” A token is attached to one of the three ropes, in its upper part. The other two have fake tokens attached to them.

3. “Arcanum”. Throw a loop over the rod, which is mounted vertically on the support. Pull the rod along with the support towards you and take the token attached to it. The rod with the base is installed at a distance of 4-5 m from the participant in the game. The participant's chickens have a rope with a loop. At the end.

4. “Ricochet”. Roll the basketball, try to ricochet off the wall and roll the deflated basketball with the token towards you. The ball can only be sent from behind a line drawn parallel to the wall 6 m from it. It is allowed to move along the line and make throws only with the same ball.

5. “Collective fishing”.

Prepared for the Nadezhda team next tasks.

1. “Liana”. Three ropes hang at a distance of 2 m from each other. Swinging on the first rope, without touching the floor with your feet, climb onto the second rope, then in the same way onto the third and jump to the designated place where the token lies. Then go back the same way.

2. “Goal”. There are 10 tin cans placed against the wall at a height of 3 m, 5 cm apart from each other. One of them contains a token. Standing on the floor 3 m from the wall, knock them down using rag balls.

3. “The blockage.” We must overcome obstacles and blockages. The obstacles are a gymnastic bench/ walk along it/ and a gymnastic horse/ climb over it/, and to overcome a blockage - go through without touching the rope, which is stretched in different directions in a limited area/ approximately 2x1.5. As you move from start to finish, you need to lift weights/ checkers/ 15-20 pieces in total. At the finish line, you should put the checkers on the scales taken from the physics room; 15 checkers should outweigh the control weight. The token lies on top of the control weight.

4. “Board”. There is a board across the gymnastics pommel horse, the length of which is equal to the length of the gymnastics bench. A 3x3m square is drawn on the floor near the horse. There is a deflated ball with a token inside in the square. By tilting the board and rolling a basketball on it, you must try to knock the deflated ball with the token in it out of the square. The board can be moved on the pommel horse both to the right and to the left. . "Collective fishing"

The Electroshock team must pass such tests.

    "Rope". When climbing up the rope, untie a series of knots on the hanging rope as you move. A token is attached to the top knot of the rope.

    "Slope". On an inclined board, which is attached to the gymnastics wall at an angle of 30-400, you need to use a safety rope to climb up a slope in a sports way. There are 10 tin cans on top of the gymnastics wall. One of them contains a token. Having climbed up, you need to take just one can and go down with it, using the sports descent technique. If there is no token in the bank, you need to go up to the board again for the next bank, etc.

    "Boat". Sitting on a skateboard /skateboard board/ and without touching the floor with your hands and feet, using only a short stick / “paddle”/ move to the other “bank”, take a token and return / the width of the “river” is 3 m./

    "Swamp". There are 20 pins placed on the floor throughout the gym. According to one of them - a token. Moving along the poles /4 sticks 1 m long/ from pin to pin, find the token and return to the start.

    "Collective fishing" At the first stage, all players must complete tasks simultaneously, one participant from each team. That's why hourglass will turn over only 5 times. It is enough for the judges to only monitor the correct execution of tasks. Conducting competitions with one team overcoming obstacles should not interfere with other teams.

At the second stage of the game, participants, completing tasks in competition with judges, try to get as many clues as possible in order to guess the key word. Players pay with one token for the right to participate in each competition. One player from each team participates in different competitions.

Competition 1. “Jumping rope.” Which of the four participants (one from each team) can jump the rope longer than the judge without getting lost?

Competition 2. “Bowling alley”. Hit the pin from a distance of 9m by rolling a volleyball on the floor. The referees and players (one participant per team) roll the ball in turns. It is necessary to score 2 points /two hits/ out of three attempts. In case of equality of points between the judge and the participant, the victory is awarded to the participant.

Competition 3. “Juggler”. The judge places a piece of paper with a clue in one of the three boxes, juggles these boxes, throwing them up, and places them on the table. The participant must guess in two attempts which box contains the clue.

Competition 4. "Darts". Who will score more points than the judge in three attempts by throwing darts at the target?

Competition 5. “Knots”. Who will tie a tourist knot faster: a judge or a participant /recommended knots - “straight”, “weaving”, “clew”, “borderline”, “academic”, etc./ The winner is the one who, after three attempts, wins twice judge.

Key words and hints for each command:

    Backpack - tourist, sleeping bag, shoulder strap: this word consists of 6 letters, the first letter of this word is “R”.

    Compass – azimuth, north, arrow, 6 letters, first letter “K”.

    Guitar – music, song, chord, 6 letters, first letter “G”.

    Weather – rain, snow, forecast, 6 letters, first letter “P”.

If the keyword is guessed, the team is admitted to the third stage.

The third stage is movement through the labyrinth in a given direction along the marking lines gym. The start for everyone who guessed the keyword is simultaneous.

There are 2 people from each team: one is the leader, he holds a map with the route in his hands, stands at the start and leads the second participant, giving him the command “Right!” “To the left!” "Forward!". “Stop!” "Back!". The second participant is the follower. He is holding a “monocle” in his hands - a 40 cm long tube in the shape of a truncated cone, rolled up from thick paper. The diameter of one hole in the tube / eyepiece / is 30 cm, and the other is 4 cm. The “monocle” is pressed to the face with a hole of a larger diameter. Having reached the finish line, the follower picks up a box from the floor in which he holds a piece of paper with the azimuth indicated on it, and returns the opposite route to the leader. The leader tells the follower the way back.

Having opened the box and taken out a piece of paper, the participants communicate the azimuth to their third team member, who stands in the center of the hall. Having determined the azimuth using a compass, the participant indicates to his comrades in which direction the prize is hidden. It is impossible to make a mistake when determining the azimuth, since at the third stage the hourglass is activated, and when one of the teams begins to determine the azimuth of their prize, this means that there are 2 minutes left before the end of the game, and the remaining teams must hurry. What are the prizes? Candies are placed in 4 bags, and candy wrappers and crumpled pieces of paper are placed in another 4 bags. The bags are hung in different places in the gym on strings so that they can be reached, but with difficulty. Having determined the azimuth correctly, you will find a bag of sweets, not candy wrappers.

After the end of the game, the results are summed up over a cup of tea, sitting around an impromptu table, on which there are sweets and cakes. There are never losers. The holiday ends with the performance of tourist songs accompanied by a guitar and candles with the lights of the gym turned off.

FortBoyard is a lot of challenges, an atmosphere of mystery, special surroundings and props. Many adventurers entered the fort, but not all left with treasures. Want to test yourself? Fort Boyard is waiting for you!

Participants: teenagers 10−15 years old.

Progress of the game: A fort is a house or cafe with many tests and stations along the way for the guys. Passing which they will receive the treasured keys.

2 mixed teams will be formed that will compete with each other.

The presenter welcomes all the teams that today will have to fight not only for Ford’s gold, but also against each other. To get the keys, you need to complete a number of tasks. The team that earns the most keys during the game will be the first to enter the treasury.

The journey begins with a meeting with the Instructors, who issue cards. Using the map, each team finds its first key with a hint for the warm-up test.

After a warm-up test of resourcefulness and cohesion, participants will be allowed to take part in the main tests...

Teams will have to:

  • collect the largest number of clues;
  • a key with a hint to the next stage is issued if the team completes the main test;
  • The team that earns the largest number of keys gets the right to enter the treasury first;
  • the team receives a bunch of keys and tries to open the lock from the treasury in a certain time; if the team was unable to open the lock, then the right is given to another team (with more keys);
  • The winner is the team that managed to open the lock from the treasury.


1). Station Riddle from Fura. (Warm-up check)

I run on wires and give people light and warmth.

(Key with hint TIKLERCHSOETEV) answer Electricity.

Timed riddles 3 min. gets the key, the team that guesses more (

1. What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: Comma

2.Which muscle is the strongest in the human body?
Answer: Language

3. You can tie it, but you can’t untie it.
Answer: Conversation

4.Which route has no one ever walked or ridden before?
Answer: Milky Way

5.How many years are there in a year?
Answer: one (summer)
6.What kind of stopper cannot be used to stop any bottle?
Answer: Road

7. In what word is the drink and natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: Grapes

8.How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into cottage cheese

9. Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose?
Answer: Shoes

10. There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got off and 3 people got on, at the next - 1 got off and 4 got on, at the next - 5 got off and 2 got on, at the next - 2 got off and 1 got on, at the next - 9 got off and no one got on, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This is a riddle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, with a question about the number of stops, you will puzzle him.

11. A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a husband and brother-in-law were walking. How many people are there in total?
Answer: 3 people

12. A river that “fits” in your mouth?
Answer: Desna

13.Crossroads. Traffic light. A Kamaz, a cart and a motorcyclist are standing and waiting for the green light. The yellow light came on, Kamaz gas stopped. The horse got scared and bit the motorcyclist's ear. Like a traffic accident, but who broke the rules?
Answer: Motorcyclist (was without a helmet)

14.How do the buttons on a phone differ from the buttons on a calculator?
Answer: Location: top to bottom and bottom to top.

15.Which 2 notes indicate an edible product?
Answer: Fa-sol

16. Gray hare under a pine tree
He announced that he was a tailor.
And to the tailor in an hour
The little bear gave the order.
— Your order will be ready
Until the January cold.
The hare cuts, the hare sews,
And the bear is waiting in the den.
The deadline has passed. The bear came
But you can't wear pants!
Answer: The little bear became a bear

17.What is the largest human organ?
Answer: Leather

18. Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he was only 1 ruble short. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?
Answer: The cost is 10 rubles. Marina has no money at all.

19.Why do they often walk, but rarely drive?
Answer: By stairs

20.Which word has 5 “e” and no other vowels?
Answer: Migrant

2.) Start searching for a large key.

3).Tug of war.by teams.

4).Pass under an impenetrable vine. Whichever team member touches the team automatically loses. The team whose player remains and does not touch the vine wins.

5).On best postcard birthday boy Team game and presentation of postcards from the teams.

6).Team shootout with balls.

7).team relay tests to identify the winning team.

A).horse running

B) Running over obstacles.

C).throw balls into a bucket for accuracy


D).running with the ball.

8).team knowledge competition magic words(Thank you,
please, good afternoon... etc. and an attentiveness check game “Thank you”

9).Which team collects pictures from cubes faster.

11).racing on old cars.

12).For the best team dance. (The task will be indicated on the cards.)

13).Teams collect words from capital letters. (I read out poems; teams guess at speed and make up a word at speed.

14).for the best congratulations to the teams of the birthday boy. They compose a poem and present it.

15).Pillow fighting.

16). Labyrinth.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Competitions. Before the holiday, hide the pieces of paper where you can sit down and wash your face. On every piece of paper...
  • Paired tasks Four people are selected. The first one writes down on pieces of paper the names of all the young men present...
  • This program can be carried out either on class hour and free lesson at school,...


adventure game


Polyanitsa Natalia Valerievna,

MBOU Secondary School No. 2, Konakovo,

physical education teacher

DESCRIPTION OF WORK: scenario of an extracurricular event for schoolchildren in grades 8-10 with elements of team building. The script is intended for middle and high school teachers. The material is aimed at developing in children healthy image life, health-saving behavior in the environment.

FORM: sports adventure game.

AGE: 14-16 years old.


Create an emotional upsurge for the entire class.

Team bonding.


improving coordination abilities, dexterity and willpower;

nurturing leadership, initiative, camaraderie, mutual assistance and hard work.

go through stages, get hints and guess the key word.

LOCATION: school grounds.

TIME SPENDING: 45-60 min.

PARTICIPANTS: 2-4 teams of 10-12 people.

ATTRIBUTES: Map with stages, tips, route sheet with the order of stages, ropes, hourglass, pine cones, music with fanfare and “Fort Boyard” music, jars with items – 8 pcs., 2 tent rods, ring, cage, bicycle, ropes , 10-12 bags, fencing tapes, 2 blankets, string.


Teacher: I invite you on an exciting journey to the school fort. This is the name of the fortress that we must conquer.

Let's get acquainted with the conditions of the game:

each team needs to collect the largest number of clues;

a hint is issued if the team manages to complete the entire task correctly within a certain time;

your task is to complete all tasks as quickly as possible, typing the maximum number of clues, to accurately determine given word and run to the finish line, ahead of the opposing team.

The team that runs to the finish line first gets the right to guess the word first;

if a team does not guess the keyword, then the right is given to another team;

The winner is the team that solved the keyword.

This is not easy to do, you will have to go through many tests, but I hope that you will succeed. Do you agree? Then go ahead!

First, let's choose team commanders, a name and a motto. Time: 5 minutes. So, you have chosen your commanders, now let’s get acquainted with your “passepartout”, which will accompany you at all stages.



The ring is put on a long and tangled rope. It must be removed by unraveling the rope. Performed by 1 participant from the team. Time: 3 minutes.


The stage will be completed by one player. The commander chooses who will go through the stage. There are 8 opaque vessels on the table. The participant is blindfolded. There is a hint at the bottom of one of the vessels; you need to get it out. Time: 3 minutes.

Idea: organize an exciting and large-scale party based on the world famous game “Fort Boyard”. The main line is a quest to find 7 keys and a code word, with the help of which the treasury is opened. If a birthday is planned, then the treasury may contain gifts for the birthday person, and if it is a corporate holiday, the treasury may contain participants’ awards.

Location: Ideally, this should be a place with the ability to organize several separate zones, preferably rooms. For example, a camp site, where in different houses there will be different rooms with tasks for players. If a forest or park is chosen as the venue, you need to take care of visually highlighting the areas with tasks using fabric and screens. In winter, the game can be moved to large building with many rooms - a boarding house, an office, just a big house.

Organizers and participants: if there are many players, they can be divided into 2 competing teams, but if there are few, everyone can play for themselves or in pairs. To carry out the game, you will need actors or guests willing to perform in such a role. Main characters: Presenter, Metronome, Fort Keeper, Gypsy, Pirate.


A thread, to the end of which a key is attached, passes through several not very pleasant-looking dishes (blood sausage, plum jam, suspicious liquid of blue color etc.), which must be eaten in turn within a certain time. Naturally, portions must be tiny, and the Pirate enforces the rules.

In the room there are soldered plastic pipes in a chaotic order, with a large ring with a key on them. To get it, you need to pass the key through the intricacy of pipes.


An ordinary rope swing is tied to a tree branch, and a key hangs within reach. You need to swing and kick the key.

"The Trickster"

The player meets a Pirate in the room, who has a key tied to a string. In front of the Pirate there is a table with two marks where the player places his hands. The Pirate quickly places the key on the table, and the player needs to catch it before the Pirate pulls the string. This is a competition for reaction and distraction.


Very famous game when you need to guess which of the three glasses the key is under. It is better to invite a professional to conduct this competition.

"Strange Vessels"

The task is mostly for the female half. There are about 30 jars in the room (necessarily with a wide neck!), most of them are painted over, some are transparent. You can put a mouse or lizard in the transparent ones, pour water in the opaque ones, add flour, jam, batter, bread crumbs, feathers, paint, small fish and other fillings that are unpleasant to the touch. Throw a key into one of the jars, and invite the player, without looking into the jars, to feel with his hand and take it out.

"Four Objects"

There are 4 things in front of the player - for example, a chest, a box, a suitcase and a bag. In each of them there are 3 more, like in a nesting doll, and somewhere there is a key hidden.


Balloons filled with helium with a key attached are located under the ceiling, you cannot jump to them. You need to shoot the balls with a pneumatic or children's pistol so that the key falls.

"Cunning Trap"

There is a large square net on the floor, a rope stretches from it to the ceiling, and a key is tied to the rope. When a player, standing on the net, jumps and pulls the key, the net will also rise and the player will find himself in a trap from which he must quickly get out.


Any material creates a kind of tunnel through which you need to crawl to get the key and then return it back. The tunnel can be a tarpaulin, thick fabric, polyethylene film (with holes for air circulation).

The task for real men is to pull a sword out of a wooden block and use it to cut the rope on which the key is threaded.

In the room there are various objects along the walls, through which you need to get to the key without touching the floor. To monitor the player's honesty, you can sprinkle flour on the floor. The objects can be a bed, a table, a hammock, a narrow bedside table, a rope suspension, a ladder, etc.

During the game, from time to time you can send players to the Guardian, who asks riddles. You can also get clues to the code word from the Guardian or exchange extra keys for them.

After the game: Since the quest itself is very active and tiring, rest should be as passive as possible. A sauna with massage, barbecue, and just lazy relaxation, for example, by the pool, are suitable here.

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