Home Prosthetics and implantation How to care for aquarium fish. How to properly care for fish in an aquarium

How to care for aquarium fish. How to properly care for fish in an aquarium

An aquarium is a stylish addition to the interior, which allows you to create a unique, lively atmosphere in the room. This effect can only be created by a well-groomed container filled with colorful inhabitants. Instructions on how to care for fish in an aquarium will help you achieve this. The opinions of psychologists agree that observing the life of fish allows you to take a break from everyday worries and relax. The smooth movements of the inhabitants of the water world look graceful and fascinating. Therefore, the aquarium performs not only an aesthetic, but also a health-improving function.

There is an opinion that keeping fish does not require time or financial investment. Experienced aquarists will tell you in detail about the complexity of this activity, which requires attentiveness and slowness. The little one is under your control undersea world, unable to exist without competent support. Beginners will be helped by instructions on how to care for fish in an aquarium (point by point).

Excessive care for such pets is not required. The instructions will help you understand the process. Even children can remember how to care for fish in an aquarium.


The first serious mistake that is made at this stage is buying a small aquarium, believing that a capacity of 20-30 liters will meet the needs of a novice fish lover. In reality, it's the other way around. Maintaining an artificial biocenosis in balance is much easier in a large aquarium, at least 50-70 liters. Several species of inhabitants will be able to coexist and develop normally in it.

The next question to consider brief instructions, how to care for fish in an aquarium - what is placed inside the container. They create a cozy environment for little inhabitants, starting from the ground. Small pebbles will do the job best. When choosing, take into account its caliber and color, focusing on the types of fish that you plan to keep. Inhabitants of bright colors look better against the background of gray stones.

Plants take root in the soil, from which they take nutrients. The flora serves as a refuge for individual fish that like to hide from active neighbors. Artificial greenery has an attractive appearance and does not require maintenance, but it is better to give preference to natural plants.

How to choose fish?

How to choose inhabitants? How to care for fish in an aquarium? The instructions will give answers to these questions. Decide in advance on the species composition of the ichthyofauna to simplify the care process and avoid conflicts. They focus on the size of the fish: large and small individuals will not be able to live together.

They have been very popular among aquarists for decades. They do not lay eggs, but immediately give birth to viable fry that can move and feed independently. These species are characterized by ease of care; they do not need to create special conditions for reproduction. At the same time, fish have a wide range of colors and shapes.

Types of fish

If you don’t know which species to choose and how to care for fish in an aquarium, the instructions will help resolve these issues. The most common include the following representatives of the ichthyofauna: platies, guppies, mollies and swordtails. The conditions and care required for them are the same, which allows them to be placed in the same aquarium. Among the fish that lay eggs, the most popular are

Cockerels and goldfish are classics for aquarists. They are more difficult for beginners to cope with because they need to pay more attention. for them - not the best the best choice. These inhabitants will be more comfortable in a rectangular container. The instructions on how to care for fish in an aquarium recommend that when creating a second container, take part of the water from the first. This method will help reduce settling time.


The instructions on how to care for fish in an aquarium, point by point, suggest:

  • Regularly taking water thermometer readings. If there are deviations from the parameters recommended for this type of fish, turn on the heating.
  • Temperatures from 18 to 28 ºC are suitable for viviparous representatives of the ichthyofauna. But everyone separate species has its own preferences. Reproduction will only occur within this narrow temperature range.
  • Control of water purity and hardness. Every 7 days, a third of the medium is removed and replaced with a new one.
  • Checking the filter element and compressor, without which the normal existence of the inhabitants is impossible.
  • The aquarium should be lit from 10 to 12 hours a day.
  • The inhabitants need to be fed 1-2 times a day. If there are fry, the number of meals is increased to 4. A portion of food is placed in the feeder, which is usually eaten in 5-10 minutes. Residues must be removed (to prevent rotting).

The given instructions on how to care for fish in an aquarium will help beginners navigate the basic requirements for their maintenance and feeding. More detailed information It is worth studying for each specific type you have.

The influence of an aquarium on the psychological and physiological state man was studied by English scientists. It turned out that the more the container is filled with fish and plants, the more comfortable the person feels. But not only humans should have fun, aquatic inhabitants should also feel comfortable. To do this, you need to learn how to care for fish so that it brings satisfaction and pleasant sensations to everyone.

Today you can freely purchase an aquarium of any size and shape. The use of new technologies and materials makes it possible to make seamless containers that can withstand significant loads. Before you go for an aquarium, you must first consider some factors:

  • number and size of aquatic inhabitants;
  • living conditions and compatibility;
  • the number and types of plants necessary for the comfort of the inhabitants;
  • decorative elements taking into account a certain style.

Once you have decided on the size and inhabitants, you can think about the shape. It will allow you to fit your home pond into the interior as organically as possible. But it must be taken into account that containers of complex shape are more difficult to maintain.

There are the following types of aquariums:

  • wall– until recently, this type of aquarium was inconvenient to maintain. Today it is a closed ecosystem that, thanks to accessories, exists offline;
  • angular– allowing you to save space by using non-functional parts of the room;
  • rectangular– this classic form has long been successful, as it allows you to create any underwater landscape and contain any species of fish;
  • panoramic– thanks to the magnifying capabilities of the front wall, you can examine in detail all the details of the life of underwater inhabitants.

The shape of the aquarium can be cubic, rectangular, round, multifaceted. You can choose any of these aquariums, but you need to know in advance how to care for, clean, and maintain them required parameters environment.

The choice of material also requires certain knowledge. Most often for the production of a home pond they use:

  • acrylic (organic glass);
  • glass: silicate, tempered, especially durable.

Plexiglas is plastic and light, but mechanical stress leaves scratches on the surface. The big advantage of this material is that it can be used to make containers of complex shapes without seams. Acrylic is used in the production of wall-mounted aquariums due to their lightness. In addition, acrylic is less thermally conductive than silicate glass. Changes in ambient air temperature have less effect on the water temperature in the aquarium, which is very important when keeping certain types of fish.

Tempered glass is made from silicate followed by tempering, which increases its strength. But such glass becomes very fragile and, upon impact, shatters into small fragments.

Extra-strong glass is also ordinary glass, but its strength is increased using a special film or by gluing several layers (triplex). It can withstand a direct hit from a stone, and if it breaks, the fragments remain in place, glued to the film.

The cheapest, easiest to clean and maintain is ordinary silicate glass. It does not turn yellow over time, does not distort the picture, and is biologically inactive. If you are planning a large aquarium, then it is better to choose acrylic. Other types of glass are used in special cases. To properly care for your aquarium, you need to create a schedule:

  • weekly water changes;
  • cleaning from waste products of fish, dead parts of plants, food residues not removed by the filtration system;
  • cleaning the sight glass from algae.

Caring for an aquarium takes very little time and is made easier by using filters, aerators, heaters, quartz generators, and feeders. They help reduce the level of ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, remove some organic residues, and maintain the necessary temperature regime and saturation of water with oxygen.

To improve the visibility of the glass, the containers are cleared of algae. For this purpose, special scrapers with metal or plastic blades and magnetic windshield wipers are used. When using metal scrapers, you need to be careful if the aquarium is made of plexiglass, as well as in the corners of the tank, so as not to damage the silicone sealant.

Selecting and checking accessories

When setting up an aquarium, you need to consider the choice of necessary equipment. It was his trouble-free operation ensures the preservation of comfortable living conditions for fish and plants.

Filtration system

Water filtration is provided by internal and external filters. If you need to save space inside a small container, choose an external filter. This placement has undeniable advantages if the aquarium contains small fish that tend to seek shelter in unusual places, including in the filter. A powerful device can suck in small fish and eggs.

The internal filter is easy to clean - it takes a few minutes to clean the filter element (sponge). In addition, such a system costs less than an external one. Placement inside the aquarium prevents leaks and does not require additional space for placement. But it also has disadvantages, the main one being weak system cleaning. The internal filter is not equipped with fillers for chemical cleaning.

The external filter may have several sections that fill activated carbon, peat, zeolite, special fillers with antinitrate and antiphosphate properties. In addition, fillers for biological treatment can be placed in it. The performance of external filters is higher, and the degree of water purification is better. These advantages are especially important when filling an aquarium with fish species that are sensitive to the composition of water, as well as in maintaining biocenosis in large-volume containers.

Filters need to be periodically cleaned and fillers replaced. Small internal filters need to be cleaned more often. Mechanical particles clog the pores of the sponge, reducing system performance. If the aquarium contains fish that love to dig in the soil, then you need to clean the filter often. The filter is disassembled, the fillers and sponge are washed under running water without using cleaning agents or detergents.

The internal surfaces are wiped with a cloth to remove accumulated mucus and dirt. Ceramic rings are washed in aquarium water to preserve beneficial bacteria. Internal filters are cleaned every 2-4 weeks, and external filters every 3 months.

Aeration system

Aeration equipment is necessary to maintain dissolved oxygen levels and agitate the water. Some types of fish are very sensitive to oxygen levels, so an aeration system in such an aquarium is mandatory.

In home aquariums, membrane and piston compressors are used. Vibration or diaphragm pumps are quite powerful, have low energy consumption, are cheap, but produce a lot of noise.

Piston compressors, which have a large number of modifications, can create high pressure. They are best used in aerating large aquariums. Compressors do not require frequent maintenance.

Water heaters

To provide comfortable conditions for tropical fish and plants, water heaters are used. Spawning, the condition of the fry, and the activity of the fish themselves often depend on its temperature. When choosing a thermostat, pay attention to:

  • ensuring uniform heating of the entire volume of water. To do this, the length of the heating element must correspond to the depth of the reservoir;
  • safety and tightness, compatibility with a thermostat;
  • correctness of thermostat readings and maintaining the set mode.

The heater must be periodically inspected in order to eliminate leaks in time. Using a conventional thermometer, the heat production of the heater is checked. The permissible discrepancy in readings is ≤ 2°C.


The lighting of the aquarium is also of great importance. Some plants prefer intense light, while some fish prefer dim light. Therefore, when choosing lamps, you need to correctly calculate the power. When exposed to intense light, they can heat the water, which promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid this, the lamps are shielded with reflectors and placed at a considerable distance from the surface.

It is imperative to include maintenance of devices and systems in your aquarium maintenance schedule. Starting a new aquarium requires compliance with certain rules. After all systems have been installed and tested, the pond must “stand” for at least a week. Only then can you put fish in it. To speed up the formation of a suitable biocenosis, capsules with microorganisms are used - Biocorin, Biostarter.

Soil selection

Soil plays an important role in creating a winning background for fish and a substrate for plants. For fish with light, bright colors, you should choose dark soil. Against its background, the fish will look more impressive. For dark fish it is better to choose a light background.

Some types of fish like to burrow in the ground. To prevent turbidity from rising, the bottom is covered with small river pebbles. It is easy to clean (siphon), water does not spoil, does not emit harmful substances and does not harm the fish. If the inhabitants do not require living plants, then the soil can be decorative. But it must also meet safety requirements.

If the aquarium is decorated with plants, it is necessary to provide a nutrient substrate for their growth. For this purpose, special substrates are used, which are placed on a glass bottom and covered with pebbles, pebbles, and sand. However, they can affect water characteristics, cause bacterial outbreaks and uncontrolled plant growth. It is better for experienced aquarists to work with such soils. Beginners can plant unpretentious plants that grow well on sand or gravel without a substrate.

The soil is periodically cleaned of detritus using a siphon. But the microbiocenosis of the reservoir depends on the composition and condition of the soil. Bacteria live on it, utilizing most of the ammonia, nitrates and nitrites. Disturbing the surface and mixing the soil can lead to their death. The thickness of the layer depends on the soil fraction and the type of plant root system.

Caring for fish and plants

In caring for fish, in addition to maintaining the conditions of their environment, it is necessary to provide them with regular good nutrition. The inhabitants are fed in the morning and evening. Nocturnal inhabitants need to be fed evening time and early in the morning. Excess food floating on the water is collected with a net. The process of dosing food and uninterrupted nutrition during periods of absence of owners ensure automatic feeders, pre-programmed for a specific time.

Also, the fish must be regularly examined, their activity, behavior, and appetite monitored. An attentive pond owner can quickly identify sick fish and isolate them in time. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the plants, preventing them from excessive growth or death.

At proper organization Aquarium maintenance requires a minimum amount of time and money. Proper care of equipment and inhabitants will make the aquarium the center of the interior, a source Have a good mood and health.

Video about aquarium care

Beginning hobbyist aquarists usually have a lot of freshwater aquarium fish in their first home aquarium, and, as a rule, lose all the pets within a few months. And beginners are often very surprised to learn that in fact the normal lifespan of pet fish varies in years, not months.

Depending on the species, aquarium fish at home live from about three to seven years or longer, while goldfish live for more than 20 years. And the better care you take for your fish, the longer they live.

In fact, fish live even longer at home than in wildlife, and often differ better health. In nature, the food that fish eat comes and goes with the changing seasons and different weather conditions. Food supplies may be limited, and fish often need more energy to obtain enough food to survive.

In addition, predators and larger fish do not give fry and young fish, and even often adult fish, rest. In nature, fish rarely die of old age - weak and slow ones quickly become lunch. Therefore, although the home aquarium is a very limited aquatic environment, if you properly care for your fish, they will be healthy, energetic and will delight their owners for many years.

There are three basic rules for caring for pet fish.


Rule one - do not overfeed the fish! All uneaten food in the aquarium quickly pollutes the water. Caring owners are usually very worried that their fish will remain hungry, so they feed them too large portions, thereby killing their pets. The best rule: Feed the fish enough food to eat it within five minutes.

Most fish can be fed flake food. You need to use only branded, high-quality food products. There are many manufacturers of flake food, and it is better to buy several types and feed different ones each time. This way you can provide your fish with a more balanced diet.

Larger fish and catfish can be fed pellets. Freeze-dried foods are especially beneficial for fish that need more protein. If pet fish are occasionally offered fresh frozen and live food, the fish will receive adequate nutrition.

Commercial fish foods have a limited shelf life, so keep this in mind when purchasing them. If food containers at the store look dusty or like they've been sitting on a shelf for a long time, look elsewhere.

It is better to buy feed in small packages, since within three to six months more than half of its original value is lost. nutritional value. Therefore, if there are not enough fish to eat a large amount of food within 2-3 months, you should not buy flakes in large quantities.

For vegetarian fish, flake food is available that contains more plant matter than protein.

If there are small bottom-dwelling catfish in the aquarium, do not forget that they must also receive a sufficient amount of quality food, just like other inhabitants of the aquarium. Bottom-dwelling catfish need to be given food just before the lights turn on. In this case, the food will not be eaten by other fish, and catfish usually eat in the dark while other fish are resting. It is better for catfish to throw sinking heavy food in granules.

Healthy pet fish can go without feeding for one to two weeks. If you're going on vacation for a week or a little more, don't worry about the fish starving without food. Fish die much more often from severe water pollution or overnutrition than from malnutrition.

Rule two is to spend 30 minutes maintaining your aquarium at least once every two weeks - this helps prevent common and long-term problems. the main objective regular care- stable and balanced aquarium. If everything is working properly, the fish will be healthy even if the pH or hardness is a little out of range.

Water changes

Water changes are the most important part of caring for your aquarium and fish. It is recommended to do partial changes at least once every two weeks, 10-30% of the water volume, depending on the biological load on the aquarium.

First of all, for the replacement procedure you need to use a siphon. Using a siphon, the soil is “vacuumed”, food uneaten by fish, fish excrement and other harmful waste that has settled to the bottom are removed.

Tap water contains chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine is exhaled if water is left to sit for 24 hours, but chloramine does not erode. In any case, it is better to use water conditioner to neutralize harmful impurities. If there is ammonia in the water, it will be destroyed by nitrifying bacteria present in the aquarium.

Well water does not contain chlorine or chloramines, but it may contain phosphates, iron and other heavy metals.

But even if filtered water is used for replacement, it is recommended to regularly check it for vital parameters. Testing is carried out using tests for nitrates, nitrites, pH and carbonate hardness. It is recommended to test the aquarium water after each partial change.

Nitrates. Nitrates should be 10 ppm or less in a freshwater aquarium.

Nitrites. Nitrites should not be detected in the aquarium, only at the start-up stage. If nitrites are detected, then you need to test the water for the presence of ammonia.

pH should be stable, usually in the range of 6.5 - 7.5 for most types of freshwater aquarium fish, but slight deviations from the norm are allowed.

KH (carbonate hardness) is an indicator of pH stability. If KH drops to 4.5 dH (hardness level) or 80 ppm, then the hardness must be monitored more often. When the hardness is below 4.5 dH, the pH of the water in the aquarium drops. Adding half a teaspoon baking soda per 100 liters of water increases hardness by approximately 1 dH (17.8 ppm).


The filter must be washed at least once a month. Aquarium filter This is a container for waste; cleaning it is as necessary as taking out trash from the house. For rinsing, use clean water or water drained from the aquarium. If necessary, filter media must be replaced. Never use detergents or cleaners, bleaches or other chemicals to clean the filter.

Pet fish care schedule

Daily check that all equipment is working correctly. The fish are fed 1-2 times a day. Monitor your fish while feeding: if the fish's behavior changes, this is likely an indicator of a potential problem.

Weekly check the number of fish. If any of them die, their decomposition can lead to the appearance of ammonia and nitrites, and as a result high level nitrates

Every second week check the water for vitality important indicators: pH, carbonate hardness, nitrites and nitrates. Using a siphon, drain 20-30% of the water. Rinse the filter sponge in drained water. Add clean water to the aquarium.

Monthly rinse the filter, clean algae from glass and decorations. Check the equipment, replace filter fillers, check the expiration dates of fish food, tests, air conditioners.

Diagnosing diseases in pet fish is extremely difficult, and many books have been written on this topic. Pisces get sick the most various diseases and few people know how to treat them correctly. Therefore, preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. And here the third rule works.

Fish living in clean, high-quality water, receiving balanced diet and those who do not suffer from stress very rarely get sick. The immune system fish is quite capable of protecting them from pathogens that are always in the water. And even if the fish get sick, clean water You can always notice the symptoms at an early stage.

First of all, the disease can be determined by appearance and behavior of fish, which is why it is so important to observe them while feeding. If something in the behavior of the fish worries you, it is better to check the water parameters to make sure that there are no problems. For prevention, you can wash the filter and replace 1/3 of the water in the aquarium.

If you suspect any disease, do not rush to add medications to the water. Many medicines for fish are ineffective or contain few medicinal components, and without knowing what the fish is suffering from, you can bring it to it more harm than good.

For example, when treated with antibiotics in small doses, bacteria will not die, but they will develop resistance to the drugs. And when treated with antibiotics in excessive doses, colonies of beneficial nitrifying bacteria can be destroyed, which is even more dangerous.

The instructions for most medications for fish recommend changing the water before each application of the medication, and most often it is thanks to changing the water that the condition of the fish improves.

Avoid using medications containing copper. Copper can accumulate in the aquarium and be suddenly released when changes occur chemical composition water, killing fish. Copper is especially dangerous in soft water aquariums.

Another common and easily treatable fish disease is fin rot. This causes the fish's fins to look uneven, break down, and become shorter and shorter. This disease most often occurs due to bad water and irregular fish care. First of all, you need to put things in order in the aquarium, and then proceed to.

Another common disease among pet fish is a fungus that appears as a fuzzy white cottony spot. This is a secondary disease that occurs at the site of physical trauma. If the water quality is poor, fungus can enter the wound. This disease is also treated proper care for an aquarium and the right medications.

In order for the bright, graceful inhabitants of the aquarium to live harmoniously and not get sick, you need to know the rules of their maintenance and compatibility. In this article we will tell you how to care for fish.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Various exotics

How to choose the right aquarium?

“Living jewels” is the name given to aquarium fauna in Japan. Watching these amazing creatures of fantastic shapes and colors glide in clear water is not only pleasant, but also useful for nervous system. The variety of aquarium inhabitants is unusually large. Some are unpretentious in care, others require special conditions content.

To ensure a comfortable existence for the inhabitants of the aquarium, they need not only proper care, but also a suitable habitat. In an overcrowded container, the fish will get sick, and the conditions for reproduction there are unsuitable.

To keep your aquatic pets healthy and pleasing to the eye, you need to adhere to a few general rules aquarium care:

  1. Contrary to popular misconception, you should not completely change the water - this is a huge stress for the inhabitants of a glass reservoir. Water that has been standing for at least 5-7 days must be added at the rate of 20-30% of the volume at least once a week.
  2. Do not place your home pond in a brightly lit place - the water will bloom.
  3. Remove plaque from the walls with a special scraper; remove design elements in the form of stones, driftwood and decorative figures at least once a month and clean them of plaque. Remove waste from the bottom using a funnel, which can be purchased at a pet store.
  4. Pets need to be fed twice a day at the same time. And don't overfeed them.


Many people think: I’ll get myself a small aquarium, it’s easier to care for. But everything is just the opposite! The larger the “bank”, the easier it is for both its inhabitants and the owner. In a large reservoir (from 200 liters) a stable biosystem is formed.

The most common myth: gold fish V round aquarium. This form of vessel is completely unsuitable for them. Your beauty will quickly die in a tight body of water from lack of air. A round house is difficult to clean; it is difficult to install equipment for filtration, aeration and heating.

But they keep fish in a jar and even in a glass! This is possible if you choose the right inhabitants of the mini-reservoir and carefully care for it. For example, a couple of guppies for a long time will live and even reproduce in a three-liter jar. A single male betta feels quite comfortable in a two-liter round aquarium.

Consider Compatibility

Before you get a representative of a certain species, ask what is needed for her happiness. Some breeds cannot live without aeration, others do not need much oxygen at all. Required for certain breeds heat water, while others prefer coolness. There are lovers of bright light and those who are active only at dusk.

Some fish cannot stand being alone. They need a couple or even a flock of five or six friends. There are individualists who do not get along with other species, or, on the contrary, do not tolerate competitors from their relatives.

You cannot place aggressive and peace-loving fish in the same environment. There will be nothing left of the good-natured “weaklings.”

Cockerel fish: care and maintenance

These beautiful fish are very unpretentious. They feel good in a small aquarium due to one feature: the bettas do not breathe oxygen dissolved in water, but atmospheric air. They happily eat any food and get along well with other species.

Only males show aggression. Such a cockerel behaves like a real rooster: it spreads its fins and gills, attacks its opponent, and tears out pieces of its tail and fins. It’s not for nothing that this breed is called the fighting cock.

But close relatives of the gourami cockerels are not at all aggressive, but they are very curious and jumping, so the aquarium with them should be covered. Gourami live up to 10 years and can reach a length of 15 cm. They need spacious, light houses with dense thickets at the bottom.

Guppy dupes

Guppies are considered one of the easiest fish to keep. Bright rainbow-colored lively males and modest females feel comfortable in a fairly limited space, eat everything, and have no special complaints about the purity and composition of the water. Moreover, they produce fry with enviable regularity.

But these fish are susceptible to various infections. To prevent aquarium pets from getting sick, you should follow important rules:

  • make sure that the acidity of the water is 6-7Ph;
  • When replacing water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in it per 10 liters.

Guppies get along well with relatives of similar character: platies, nimble swordtails, velvet-black mollies. But you can’t keep them with aggressive goldfish, bettas and discus fish - there will be a real war!

The very first ones are golden

The goldfish was bred from the common goldfish almost one and a half thousand years ago. Initially, they populated small decorative ponds. Over time, interesting varieties of this breed appeared:

  • telescope;
  • veiltail;
  • comet;
  • astrologer;
  • Little Red Riding Hood and others.

Most of the fish of this breed were bred in Asia, but there are also those that appeared through the efforts of Russian breeders, for example, the black Moscow telescope.

f"> Various cichlids

Most aquarium beauties are not averse to feasting on their offspring, but not cichlids. These devoted parents boldly attack anyone who approaches their clutch. Cichlids are unpretentious in food, but are demanding on the quality of water. The most popular among them are angelfish and parrots.

Bright parrots coexist peacefully with other species, but show aggression towards their relatives, especially during spawning. Therefore, there should not be two males of this breed in one aquarium. Good health The cichlids Nannakara and Liliupi are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, but they are quite aggressive.

A relatively peaceful species is the blue dolphin, which rears its young in its mouth. But these individuals are very shy and require a space of at least 200 liters. Only experienced hobbyists undertake to breed discus and blue dolphins. The compatibility of these breeds is very low; they are usually kept separately.

Cichlids are not the only aggressors. Such individualists as Labeo cannot be kept even in a couple.

Neons and company

Neon fish feel confident only in a school. Small, nimble and unpretentious neons are great for small-volume aquariums, but placing them with big fish not worth it. Small schooling fish also include:

  • red minors;
  • brazen robbers barbuses;
  • multi-colored ornathuses;
  • red-nosed rhodostomus;
  • cardinals resistant to temperature changes;
  • live indicators of Ternetia water quality.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the cute Rasbora fish. Among them, the most beautiful is considered to be a small galaxy with an unusual “star” color. Rasboras have no less interesting relatives - zebrafish. These are very strong individuals who practically do not get sick. The veiled-tailed variety of Daniorerio is especially beautiful.

Various exotics

Colorful irises are an excellent choice for a small aquarium. They appeared on sale not so long ago, but are becoming increasingly popular due to their modest demands and peaceful nature.

If you have a spacious aquarium, you can get such an interesting fish as the sacbranch catfish. This predator grows up to 35 cm, has a snake-like body, eight mustaches and poisonous spines. He can get out of the aquarium and crawl, and also whistle!

The aquarium can also contain such exotic fish as Seville stingrays, reef dwellers clowns, and garrarufa manicurists. The main thing is to constantly take care of your pets, and they will give you many wonderful moments.

In this article we will talk about how to care for your home aquarium and fish. This question has been discussed many times on the pages of our website and forum, however, we decided to create another article for those who have just purchased an aquarium or are planning to do so.

So, you need to start with the fact that an aquarium is a complete living organism in your home. When wondering how to care for fish, whether or not, you need to understand that they are not the only inhabitants of the aquarium.

An aquarium is a collection of millions of living organisms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa that interact with each other. Therefore, the most correct care for the aquarium will be the one that leads to stable operation of all links.

What should you do for this? This question is extensive, requiring the novice aquarist to spend time reading, studying and understanding the basics of aquarium keeping. Study information about your aquatic organisms, about the biological and hydrochemical processes that take place in the aquarium. Right, knowledge is the best remedy aquarium care.

As for the actual manipulations for caring for the aquarium, they come down to weekly replacement of part of the aquarium water with fresh water, periodic siphoning of the soil, wiping the walls of the aquarium, cleaning the filter and other equipment.

In general, it is worth noting that the degree of care for an aquarium directly depends on its type. One question is a luxurious aquarium with plants, the other is just a home aquarium with guppies and other viviparous fish.

An important issue in caring for an aquarium is its proper and high-quality cleaning. By cleaning we mean: changing water, cleaning walls and decorations, maintaining equipment. All these manipulations are quite variable and depend on the lifespan of the aquarium, the prevailing aquarium circumstances, as well as the type of aquarium.

However, we can give generally accepted, basic care recommendations, which are as follows:

Turn off all aquarium equipment - filter, heater, drain the water a little from the aquarium so that the water level drops about 5-10 cm below. This will allow you to perform maintenance without spilling water on the floor.

Use a clean dish sponge to wipe the inside of the aquarium walls. You can also use toothbrush for cleaning stones, other decorations, and areas where careful cleaning is required.

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