Home Prosthetics and implantation The healthiest nation on earth. The healthiest countries in the world have been named

The healthiest nation on earth. The healthiest countries in the world have been named

According to Bloomberg, the most healthy nation- Spaniards. The United States ranks 35th in the ranking; Russia is not included in the top fifty healthiest countries.

Spain overtook Italy and took first place in the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index 2019. In the previous ranking, which was compiled in 2017, the Spaniards were in sixth place. Italians two years ago were considered the healthiest nation on the planet.

Bloomberg analysts ranked 169 countries on a 100-point system according to life expectancy, taking into account penalty points for risks such as smoking, obesity, etc. In addition, when compiling the rating, factors such as environment, access to clean water, conditions of sanitation and hygiene and others.

The result undoubtedly pleased the Europeans, since in the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index 2019 there were six in the top ten European countries. In addition to Spain and Italy, these are Iceland (3rd place), Switzerland (5th), missing Japan to fourth place; Sweden (6) and Norway (9). The top ten healthiest nations also include Australians (7), Singaporeans (8) and Israelis (10).

Spaniards have the highest life expectancy in the European Union. According to UN data, according to this indicator, they are second only to the Japanese and the Swiss. It is not surprising that, according to the forecast of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington (IHME), by 2040 Spain will overtake Japan, Singapore and Switzerland and take first place in life expectancy, which will approach 86 years.

Scientists can cite many factors that influence the health of a nation. One of the most “understood” is nutrition. In the case of Spain and Italy, which occupy the top two places in the ranking, it is, of course, the famous Mediterranean diet, combined with olive oil and nuts, which can significantly reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. By the way, the rest of the European Mediterranean countries also occupy high places: France - 12, Cyprus - 21, Portugal - 22, Greece - 26, Malta - 27.

The absence of American countries in the top ten is noteworthy. The top twenty includes only Canadians, who are in 16th place. The next healthiest country in the Western Hemisphere is... Cuba, finishing third (30). The United States dropped one place compared to the previous ranking and occupies only 35th place. In the United States, life expectancy is low, mainly due to drug addiction and high suicide rates. In addition to the Cubans, the Americans also missed out on the Chileans and Costa Ricans, who shared 33rd and 34th places.

Experts believe that Cubans are superior to Americans due to the fact that Cuban medicine emphasizes disease prevention, while American medicine emphasizes diagnosis and treatment.

Europeans dominate the ranking of the healthiest countries on the planet. In the top thirty, only 8 countries represent other continents. The most impressive jump was made by seven positions compared to the 2017 rating South Korea, ranked 17th.

Chinese doctors also have something to boast about. China, with a population of almost 1.4 billion people, moved up three places to rank 52nd in the 2019 rankings. Moreover, according to the above IHME forecast, China will surpass the United States in life expectancy by 2040.

If you look at the latest top 30 in the 2019 Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, there's nothing surprising there. 27 of the 30 worst countries for health are in Africa. Three more countries from the last thirty are Haiti, Afghanistan and Yemen.

The Japanese lead an active lifestyle, their teas are much healthier than ours. Among them there are almost no overweight people. Out of 100 people, only three can be fat, which is 10 times less than the Americans.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, women look much younger than their true age. 45-year-old ladies are often confused with 25-year-old girls. Even 80-year-olds are young and active - they play golf, ride bicycles and drink alcohol in small quantities every day.

Why does a nation that loves good food have the lowest obesity rates of any civilized nation and the longest life expectancy in the world? Below are several rules for a healthy lifestyle that will help you live at least 100 years.

Active lifestyle

When we go to work, we drive a car and then sit at an office desk all day. The Japanese are accustomed to using public transport, a car is a luxury for them. They try to move more, and some even do sedentary work while standing.

Proper nutrition

When eating, the Japanese adhere to the “80%” rule - they do not eat everything, leaving a small part.

Their plates are smaller than ours, and they use chopsticks instead of spoons.

Many of us love fatty and fried foods; the Japanese prefer to cook their food. Instead of rich soup, they eat low-fat seaweed broth.

The main products of Japanese cuisine are fruits, vegetables, soybeans and rice This is what local residents eat in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Each Japanese person eats about 68 kg of fish per year.

The Japanese love seaweed, and these plants have very valuable nutritional properties. They cannot live without soy - miso soup, tofu cheese, etc. Soy is a rich source of protein, contains all the amino acids necessary for the body, and is low in calories.

Health control

In Japan, healthcare is at a very high level. Residents of this country are examined at least 12 times a year. Patients have the right to choose their own doctor to see.

One of the secrets of Japanese longevity is green tea.

Japanese tea is much healthier than the one we are used to drinking. Preferring green tea, they drink it with meals, between meals, early in the morning to wake up their bodies, and before bed as a means of relaxation. Japanese restaurants offer this drink for free.

In addition to green tea, the Japanese also drink black tea, and in the summer - cold barley.

Exercise for the spine

According to healer Katsudzo Nishi, the root cause of all diseases must be sought in the spine. He described useful exercises for unloading this important part of our body. The most effective of them is " Goldfish" It is called so because the movement of the body in its characteristics resembles the movement of a swimming fish.

Execution technique

Lie on your back on a firm, level place. Raise your arms as high as possible and tighten your spine as much as possible. Your legs should also be straight and your feet bent 90 degrees so your toes point toward the ceiling.

To relax your muscles, you can start by doing a few stretches, then placing your hands behind the back of your head, pressing your entire body toward the floor, and pointing your toes toward your head. From this position, you need to swing your entire body left and right, reminiscent of a fish swimming. Do this for 1-2 minutes.

With this exercise, the performance of the entire spine will improve and, therefore, general condition health.


An important component of the life of every Japanese is cleanliness. They wash themselves twice a day and keep their work and home in perfect order.

There is nothing complicated about these rules, and it is worth considering that their implementation can increase the standard of living and its duration.

Incredible facts

They live to be 90 years old, and sometimes even celebrate their centenary. These people live healthy lives, but as a rule, the main reasons for this are embedded in the culture of the country.

In reality, it's not just about people taking care of themselves, but also about habits developed throughout the country.

Why do some countries have the healthiest people? happy people? What do they eat and how do their habits differ from those in other countries?


Due to its small population, Iceland is one of the least polluted countries peace. But clean air is not the only reason why Icelanders are so healthy. Because of the cool weather that prevails most of the time, Icelanders love to exercise physical activity to cope with winter depression.

The country is experiencing one of the most high levels life expectancy(72 years for men and 74 years for women), as well as one of the lowest child mortality rates (2 deaths per 1000 births). According to the magazine Forbes Iceland is considered the healthiest country in the world.


Swedish government policy promotes healthy lifestyles, including positive balance between work and rest. Also, people here like to spend a lot of time on fresh air, and the stunning landscape of hills, mountains and glacial lakes contributes to this to the fullest.

Also, due to its location, people often eat fish, which means healthy fatty acids omega. In Sweden it is common to use more healthy ways cooking. So, instead of using large amounts of oil, they boil, ferment, smoke and dry the food.

New Zealand

Just like Iceland, the low population and pollution have made New Zealand a great place to live. New Zealanders love to spend time outdoors while doing hiking, camping and fishing. All this contributes to the fact that it is much easier to conduct here healthy image life. No matter where you live, you can always get to the ocean in just over 1.5 hours.

Plus, the country has an abundance of whole foods. Residents eat fresh seafood, which they often catch themselves, and local organic vegetables and fruits. Everyone tries to grow something, and neighbors sell to each other fresh food.

Sardinia, Italy

Sardinia is autonomous region Italy, where he lives a large number of centenarians. Sardinia has a strong sense of community. People are most often closely related to each other, and the older generation lives with their family.

Many men work as shepherds and walk 8 km a day, and their diet consists mainly of whole grain tortillas, fava beans, tomatoes, herbs, garlic, various fruits, olive oil and pecorino cheese, made from the milk of local grass-fed sheep.


According to the magazine Forbes Just 30 years ago, Finland faced one of the highest mortality rates from heart disease. As a result, the country began to actively promote a healthy lifestyle. The number of smokers has decreased markedly, and the consumption of fruits and vegetables has doubled. This once again proves that if you try to change something, you will definitely succeed.


World Health Organization(WHO) analyzed the countries where people live in good health the longest, and it turned out that Japan, where average duration life is 74.5 years, was in first place.

For the most part, all of this thanks to nutrition. Every meal in Japan looks like real art. The food here is particularly attractive exquisite taste and simplicity. Japan consumes more fish, whole soy, seaweed and green tea than anywhere else in the world. Here it is customary to approach food correctly. So, when a person is already 80 percent full, he interrupts eating, waits about 10 minutes, and then decides whether to continue. And in most cases, people stop without overeating.


Okinawa is a prefecture under the national jurisdiction of Japan. It is worth noting this area separately, since it is believed that this is where they live the most healthy people in the world. According to Study on Okinawa's centenarians, the ratio of centenarians here is the highest in the world - 50 per 100,000 people. Also the country is home to many supercentenarians, people who have reached the age of 110 years.

Okinawans attribute them not only to long life, but also healthy life, a diet that features plenty of local fruits and vegetables, as well as plenty of soy tofu and seaweed. This region is also characterized by a strict lifestyle and low level stress.

6 tricks that make the Japanese the healthiest nation in the world. Interestingly, most Japanese believe that a crooked neck is one of the first signs of a short life.Japanese engineer and aikido master Katsuzo Nishi was very sickly from childhood. His doctor told his parents that the boy would not live to be 20 years old. To improve his health, his parents sent Katsudzo to a monastery, where he spent 3 years.

Looking for ways to improve his health, Nishi read not only many books modern doctors, but also ancient treatises on Eastern and European medicine. The result of many years of work was the work of Katsudzo, in which he describes the system he created for healing the body. The work was published in 1927, when the author was 44 years old.

A few health rules from Katsuzo Nishi

6 tricks that make the Japanese the healthiest nation in the world

1. Hard bed

A curvature of the spine that is not so a rare occurrence , may entail various diseases internal organs. Therefore, you need to monitor your posture and posture not only during the day, but also at night.

Nishi believed that a straight spine makes a person a couple of centimeters taller, and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive organs.

2. A hard cushion instead of a pillow

Interestingly, most Japanese believe that a crooked neck is one of the first signs of a short life.

During sleep, it is difficult for us to control the position of our neck, so Nishi recommends replacing a regular pillow with a hard cushion that will lie in such a way that the 3rd and 4th vertebrae will be on it.

At first this will cause discomfort, so wrap the roller with something soft, removing these layers over time.

3. Exercise “Goldfish”

Lie down on a flat, hard surface. Stretch your arms up.

Place your feet so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Extend your left heel forward and simultaneously pull left hand up without lifting it from the floor. Repeat the same for right heel And right hand. The entire exercise takes 2 minutes.

Next, place your palms on top of each other, bend your elbows and place them under the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae, bring your legs together and spread your feet slightly to the sides. Move your feet left and right so that your whole body vibrates. Do the exercise for 2 minutes.

4. Improving capillary blood circulation

Lie down on a hard, flat surface. Place a hard cushion under the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae.Raise your arms and legs up, bend them slightly and relax them at the elbows and knees.Start making vibrating movements with your arms and legs. Do all this for 1-3 minutes.

5. Closing feet and palms

Lie down on a hard surface and place a hard cushion under the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. Bend your legs at the knees, without lifting them off the floor, and close your feet. must be repeated 10 times.

Bring your palms together perpendicular to your body and squeeze the fingertips of your left and right hands. Repeat the same movements, but now close not only your fingers, but also your palms. Without opening your palms, raise your hands up and lower them to your solar plexus.

Turn your clasped palms towards your face, place your hands behind your head without changing the position of your palms, and then return them to your solar plexus.

6. Belly and spine

Sit on the floor in the lotus position and clasp the ankle of the “upper” leg with your hands, lower your shoulders. Repeat all exercises 10 times. After each block of exercises, do the following: extend your arms in front and place your palms perpendicular to the floor.

Turn your head towards your left shoulder and look at your back, repeat this with your right shoulder. Do the same, raising your arms above your head.

Katsuzo Nishi argued that everything that a person needs for health is inherent in us, the main thing is not to succumb to laziness and reveal our potential.

Japan tops the top ten healthiest countries in the world, according to a large-scale survey International research, dedicated to health and disease in 187 countries. Russia ended up in 97th place in the ranking of healthy states. As the study showed, people began to live longer, but, alas, the statistics are spoiled by the diseases that plague humanity.

Japan has held the title of the healthiest nation for many years - it first took the top line of the “health ranking” 23 years ago. Moreover, neither the male nor the female part of the population complains about health here. "We don't know whether it's their amazing diet or good health care, or maybe it's just their genes. But whatever the case may be, after two decades, the Japanese are still the healthiest nation in the world," said Dr. Lauren Brown, one of the study's authors.

Scientists divided the health rating into “male” and “female”. Japan topped both of these rankings. Singapore took second place in the list of countries with a healthy male population, and women's list- South Korea. The third place in the "men's" list was taken by Switzerland, and in the "women's" list - Spain, reports The Week Magazine.

4. Spain
5. Italy
6. Australia
7. Canada
8. Andorra
9. Israel
10. South Korea

4. Singapore
5. Taiwan
6. Switzerland
7. Andorra
8. Italy
9. Australia
10. France

In the consolidated ranking of healthy countries, Russia is in 97th place, MedVesti reports.

As the study states, total duration the lives of people in the world have increased. Scientists also recorded a 60 percent decrease in child mortality between 1990 and 2010.

At the same time, experts note an increase in the number of people unable to work due to illness. On average, women remain in a state of incapacity for more years than men - 11.5 and 9.2, respectively. Experts explain the difference by the fact that women generally live longer than men. Among the diseases that most often lead to disability are called mental disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, loss of vision and hearing.

"We are moving to a world in which disability becomes the dominant issue as opposed to premature death," said Christopher J.L. Murray of the University of Washington, co-author of the study.

According to doctors, heart disease and strokes are the diseases that most often lead to fatal outcome. Diabetes and lung cancer also increased during the study period. Dangerous factor called an increase in the number of car accidents.

Scientists also compiled “male” and “female” ratings of the ten most unhealthy countries in the world. These “dozens” included mainly disadvantaged African states, such as: Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic Congo, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Burundi. Also on these lists were Haiti and Afghanistan.

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