Home Smell from the mouth The height of the dog at the withers. Withers in dogs - what is it and where is it located, how to use it to measure the height of an animal

The height of the dog at the withers. Withers in dogs - what is it and where is it located, how to use it to measure the height of an animal

A dog is man's best friend. Every owner should know as much as possible about their pet. For example, what is a wither, where to find it, and how to use it to measure the height of an animal. All this is important information, which is strongly recommended not to be ignored.

Finding this mysterious place is not difficult at all. The withers are the area on the dog's back, between the shoulder blades, on the spine. The point is that this is the highest point on the back. It is from here that all measurements are taken, for example, to determine the height of an animal, find out the volume chest to choose a harness, to purchase a suitable carrier, etc.

There is also a lot here blood vessels, muscles, nerve endings. This part is very important for the dog.

Where is she located

As mentioned above, the withers begin immediately after the neck. These are the first five vertebrae, approximately in line with the front legs. If you look closely at the pet from the side, you can see that this is the highest point on the back.

A person can feel this part of the body. This is a small but noticeable bump at the end of the neck. This is a soft place, the skin stretches well here. You can even take it in your fist, and the animal will not be hurt. It is behind the withers that parents carry their puppies. Man does the same.

The withers begin immediately after the neck

If the withers are not the highest part of the animal’s body, then there is some kind of pathology. For example, this could be a curvature of the spine, sagging of the back, problems with the limbs.

It is important to understand that the withers are the most high part the back, not the animal itself.

It is clear that the neck and especially the head are much higher. But if the pet tilts its muzzle to the ground, for example, when eating, then you can see that the high point will become just the same withers. Its height can be changed only by bending the paws, but such a gait is unlikely to be comfortable for the dog.

Why does a dog need withers?

It is clear that this is a part of the animal’s body, and therefore there is a specific need for it. It contains the most important muscle bundles and ligaments that control the work of the front legs, back, neck, and chest. There is nothing strange in the fact that strong withers lead to increased power of the entire dog. The strength of the back and front legs also depends on this factor.

It is clear that not all breeds can boast of developed withers, such as, for example, fighting dogs. It is unlikely that you have such an advantage. However, this area of ​​the body can be trained. For example, loading your neck with weights. No need to feel sorry for your pet - physical exercise They are very useful for him, and besides, it will allow him to train this part of the body, thanks to which he will become stronger and more resilient.

Determining the height of the withers is a very important measurement parameter applied to dogs. For example, this is one of the existing breed standards. That is, some animals must have a height in a given part of the body that meets established standards. This parameter is also used to distinguish varieties within the same breed. For example, a poodle, which can be dwarf, small and royal.

As a rule, height is measured at various exhibitions and competitions. This is necessary to determine many important parameters:

  • elongation index (ratio of height to body length);
  • leggy;
  • neck length;
  • massiveness;
  • chest volume;
  • endurance;
  • correct development and much more.

The most important muscle bundles and ligaments are concentrated at the withers, which control the work of the front legs, back, neck, chest

Depending on what these parameters are measured for, they can be interpreted as advantages at exhibitions or to determine the coefficients necessary for any competition. For example, if a particular dog most closely matches existing breed standards, it may be recognized as the winner of the competition.

But even if you do not participate in exhibitions with your pet, the ability to find the withers and measure its height is still very important. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to find out the necessary information about your dog, as well as carry out a number of activities.

What does this knowledge give? Explanation
Selection of clothes How to choose clothes for a dog? It is clear that in terms of the volume of her chest and torso as a whole. Without finding and measuring the withers, it will be impossible to choose clothes that fit. Remember that clothes for four-legged fidgets are sewn exactly according to their height.

The same goes for the harness. This is not a collar; you can’t just pick it up. The harness covers the chest and withers of the animal. If it is small, you simply will not be able to put it on your pet.

Carrying is another reason to become thoroughly familiar with the location and height. You need to select a carrier based on this parameter, and not on head height, as many people think.

Ease of vaccination As mentioned above, the withers are a place where there are a lot of muscles. Some injections are given intramuscularly, due to which they are absorbed faster and, accordingly, provide best effect. In addition, due to the stretchability of the skin, injections here are very easy.

This is one of the few places on the animal's body where it cannot reach. That is, the pet will not be able to lick the medicine. That is why flea and tick medications are applied here.

This may be needed, for example, during a visit to the veterinarian to place the pet on the table and secure it. It is also important that when you hold the dog by the withers, it cannot reach your hand and bite it.

Definition of developmental disorders As mentioned above, this part of the body should in any case be the highest point of the back. It is finally formed by two months. If the animal is already older, but the withers are lower than, for example, the croup, this indicates developmental abnormalities. Such a dog must be shown to a specialist.

You can measure your pet's height correctly even at home. To do this, you do not need to have any specific knowledge or set of tools. All you need is a ruler (meter, tape measure, etc.), as well as patience and skill in handling a dog.

You can measure dogs of any size – small, medium or large. Of course, there are specific species, and measuring their growth at home can be problematic. But, as a rule, most dog breeders do not encounter such a problem.

You can measure dogs of any size – small, medium or large.

You can make a simple measuring tool. To do this, take two wooden planks, one about a meter long, the other about 20 cm. Next, these boards are attached to each other so that the letter G is formed. A measuring tape is glued to the bottom plank. Using a homemade tool is very simple - it is put on the dog, and its height is determined by the tape.

You can get by with standard means - the same meter or tape measure. It is advisable not to feed the animal before the event. The dog should be calm, limbs straight and relaxed. It is advisable to measure together - one measures, the other strokes the dog. It is very difficult to measure puppies, as they are fidgety, and it is extremely difficult to calm them down.

The measuring tool is applied to the highest point between the shoulder blades. If the fur is thick, spread it apart. You need to measure down to the floor.

There is an even simpler option - you will need to bring the dog to the door frame, measure its height and make the appropriate notch. Then you simply measure this notch with a ruler or tape measure and get the desired result.

It is advisable to start measuring the height of the dog at the withers at two or three years of age. The fact is that by this moment the skeleton is fully formed, which means that the measurements will be the most accurate.

Measuring dogs, carried out according to a certain scheme, serves as a valuable addition to the visual assessment of the animal. Correctly carried out measurements clarify the description and allow you to have absolute digital data on individual dog articles. Such measurements allow you to: compare dogs various types and breeds that lived in different time, in different places; determine characteristics individual animals and their peculiar body proportions; study and evaluate the processes of growth and development of young animals.

To measure dogs, use a measuring ruler or a universal square, a compass and a centimeter tape. In order to avoid distortion of the actual measurement value, each measurement must be carried out with a device specially adopted for this purpose. It is impossible, for example, to measure the height at the withers with a tape, since it is not a plumb line corresponding to the height of the dog that is measured, but a curve that runs vertically from the ground to the elbow, then goes around shoulder muscles and ending with an arc at top edge shoulder blades. In practice, when measuring dogs with a tape, the result is always 2-3 cm larger than when measuring with a ruler. The measuring tape should be soft and flexible to accurately mark the bulge and shape of the dog's individual sections. For this purpose, a regular measuring tape 1.5 m long is used. The tape must be checked periodically, as it can stretch.

To carry out vertical and horizontal measurements, measuring rulers of several systems are available. The simplest and most convenient ruler consists of a massive wooden quadrangular rod 90-100 cm long. Measurements in centimeters are marked on opposite sides of the ruler. Two parallel strips are put on the ruler, one of which is fixedly fixed at the end so that it serves as an additional horizontal support, and the other is made movable. If necessary, the movable bar can be moved along the ruler rod at any distance from the fixed one.

The universal square of A.P. Mazower consists of two strips placed at right angles. One of them is applied to the place to be measured, the second serves as a guide for the tape, which is tightly attached at the junction of both strips. For greater accuracy, to avoid skew, to inside. A small plumb line is attached to the guide bar. For horizontal measurements, the free end of the tape is threaded into a second square of the same sample, which has an eye along which the tape slides. The advantage of a universal square is its portability (can be carried in your pocket) and the fact that the dog is not afraid of the device.

To measure the head, it is convenient to use a compass. During the measurement, the dog is placed on a level place: it should stand level on all four legs, in a natural and correct posture, with a normally raised head and neck, with a non-curved torso. If the head is positioned incorrectly or the limbs are placed inaccurately, as well as if the measurement area is uneven, incorrect results are obtained and all work becomes impractical. The measurement should be carried out in a free place (the size of the area should be sufficient so that the dog can be approached from any side and freely use measuring instruments). Usually, only such measurements are carried out on the basis of which it is possible to determine the main developmental features and proportionality of build characteristic of dogs of a certain breed, or to determine whether these features are organically related to the main ones. physiological functions and breed traits. It is not advisable to complicate this work with additional measurements.

The first measurements should be made with a tape that does not frighten the animal. The measurement is accompanied by gentle stroking of the place where the tape is fixed. Then they move on to measuring with a stick and a square. When measuring, the stick is hidden from the dog by approaching from behind. The person holding the dog covers its head. Before starting the measurement, it is recommended to pet the dog or give a treat. Vicious dogs are muzzled or their muzzle is secured with a bandage.

The measuring instruments are applied so that they touch the dog's body tightly and only press the fur, but do not press into the skin. In very long-haired dogs, it is recommended to sort out the hair in the place where the tool is applied.

When taking vertical measurements (height at the withers and rump) with a ruler, you must ensure that the ruler is strictly vertical. When taking measurements with a square, it is necessary that the plumb line does not touch the guide bar and the tape is pulled tight and vertically.

When measuring the oblique length of the body, first place the fixed end of the ruler in front of the shoulder-scapula joint, and then carefully bring the movable bar to the ischial tuberosity (with a sudden movement and a push on the rear, the dog hunches its back, which makes the measurement inaccurate). It is better to measure a dog with three people: the owner of the dog holds it, the third person measures, the third person writes down the measurements (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Measuring dogs: with a measuring tape: 1 - head length; 2 - muzzle length; 3 - chest circumference; 4 - metacarpus circumference; measuring ruler: 5 - chest width; 6 - height at withers; 7 - heights in the Sacrum; 8 - chest depth; 9 - oblique body length

The dog's height and weight vary. The concepts of large or small growth, heavy or a light weight in dog breeding are often subjective. As a result, the description and assessment of the dog are inaccurate. Below are the average dog measurements.

Dog measurements
Name of measurement Tool used Measuring technique
Head length Measuring tape or compass From the occipital protuberance to the end of the nose in a straight line
Muzzle length Same From the interocular socket along the line of the inner corners of the eyes to the end of the nose
Width of head at cheekbones Compass, measuring ruler, universal square In the widest part of the head, in the middle of the forehead and zygomatic arches in front of the ears
Height at withers At the highest point of the withers
Height at the sacrum Same In the highest place of the croup, in maklok
Oblique torso length " From the front ledge humerus to the ischial tuberosity
Chest depth " The fixed part of the device is placed on bottom part chest, movable attached directly behind the shoulder blades at the withers
Front chest width Measuring ruler or universal square The distance between the dog's shoulder joints is measured. Measurements can be taken from the front and top
Bust Measuring tape The tape passes behind the shoulder blades near the elbows
Front leg length Same The tape runs from the elbow down in a straight line to the ground (not in line with the leg)
Pastern girth " The tape passes below the wrist, above the base of the fifth finger

(Note. For the sake of brevity, when describing a dog, the results of measurements are indicated without a name, in the sequence in which they are given in the table.)

Absolute measurements of individual sections of a dog are usually insufficient to compare the body proportions of individual individuals and do not allow an accurate assessment of the exterior. To compare exterior types and determine the development of a particular feature, indices are used - the ratio of one measurement to another, expressed as a percentage.

To calculate a particular index, it is necessary to take anatomically related measurements. This method is widely used in animal husbandry. In dog breeding, indices for various breeds are poorly developed, which causes subjective and inaccurate formulations (for example, good bones, etc.).

It should be borne in mind that indices cannot replace an individual examination of the animal, but serve only as additional material.

In dog breeding, the following indices are most often used, showing basic data on the animal’s physique.

Extension index (format) - the relationship between the length and height of the dog: oblique length of the body x 100/height at the withers. A format index of 100 indicates that the height and length of the dog are equal—the dog is square. An increase of more than 100 indicates stretching - a more elongated format.

Boniness index - the relative development of the bone structure based on the ratio of the metacarpus to the height at the withers: metacarpus girth X 100/height at the withers.

High-legged index - the relative long-leggedness of a dog, the ratio of leg length to total height at the withers: length of the front leg to the elbow X 100/height at the withers.

Breast index - relative development of the chest, ratio of chest width and depth: chest width X 100/chest depth.

The massiveness index is the relative development of the body, the ratio of chest circumference to height at the withers; chest girth X^OO/height at withers.

The long-headed index is the relative length of the head, the ratio of the length of the head to the height at the withers: head length X 100/height at the withers.

The broad-brow index is the relative width of the dog's head: forehead width X 100/head length.


Measuring dogs, carried out according to a specific system, serves as a valuable addition to the visual assessment of the animal. Correctly carried out measurements clarify the description of the dog’s exterior and make it possible to have absolute digital indicators of individual parts of the animal. The presence of such measurements allows:

Compare dogs of different types and breeds that lived at different times and in different places;

Determine the characteristic features of individual animals and their peculiar body proportions;

Study and evaluate the processes of growth and development of young animals.

To measure dogs, use a measuring tape and a measuring ruler or a universal square.

Each measurement must be carried out using a specially designed instrument, otherwise the actual measurement value may be distorted. For example, you cannot measure the height at the withers of a dog with a tape, since in this case what is measured is not a plumb line corresponding to the height of the dog, but a curve that runs vertically from the ground to the elbow, then curves around the shoulder muscles and ends in an arc at the upper edge of the shoulder blade. In practice, when measuring a dog with a tape, the result is always 2–3 cm larger than when measuring with a stick.

The measuring tape should be soft and flexible to accurately mark the bulge and shape of the dog's individual sections. For this purpose, use an ordinary measuring tape 1.5 m long. The tape must be checked periodically, as it can stretch.

To carry out vertical and horizontal measurements, measuring rulers of several systems are available.

The simplest and most convenient ruler consists of a massive wooden quadrangular rod 90–100 cm long. Measurements in centimeters are marked on opposite sides of the ruler. Two parallel strips are put on the ruler, one of which is fixedly fixed at the end so that it serves as an additional horizontal support, and the other is made movable. Depending on the need, the movable bar can be moved along the ruler rod to any distance from the fixed bar.

Universal square A.P. Masovera consists of two solid strips placed at right angles, one of which is placed on the place to be measured on the dog, and the second serves as a guide for the tape, which is tightly attached at the junction of both strips. For greater accuracy, in order to avoid distortion, a small plumb line is attached to the inside of the guide bar.

Rice. 46.1. Dog measurement: 1 - head length measurement; 2-measurement of muzzle length; 3 - measurement of width at cheekbones; 4 - height measurement at the withers; 5 - height measurement at the sacrum

For horizontal measurements, the free end of the tape is threaded into a second square of the same type, but with an eyelet along which the tape slides.

The advantage of a universal square is its portability (can be carried in your pocket) and the fact that the dog is not afraid and does not react as strongly as when measuring with a stick. To measure the head, it is convenient to use a compass.

To measure, the dog is placed on a level place so that it stands evenly on all four legs, in a natural and correct position, with its head and neck normally raised and its body not twisted (Fig. 46). If the head is held incorrectly or the limbs are placed inaccurately, or on an uneven measuring platform, incorrect results are obtained, and all this work becomes impractical. The measurement should be carried out in a sufficiently free place, allowing you to approach the dog from all sides and freely operate the measuring instruments.

Rice. 46.2. Dog measurement: 6 - measurement of the oblique length of the body; 7 - chest depth measurement; 8 - measurement of chest width; 9 - chest circumference measurement; 10 - measurement of the length of the front leg; 11 - measuring the circumference of the metacarpus

Usually, only such measurements are taken on the basis of which it is possible to determine the main developmental features and proportionality of build characteristic of dogs of a certain breed, or to establish how these features are organically related to the basic physiological functions and traits of the breed. It is not advisable to complicate this work with additional measurements, of which dogs may have countless numbers.

The first measurements of the dog should be done with tape, since, flexible and soft, it does not frighten the animal. The measurement is carried out while simultaneously gently stroking the place where the tape is fixed. Next, measure with a stick or square. When measuring with a stick, it is hidden from the dog by approaching from behind while the person holding the dog covers its head. Without these precautions, the stick sometimes frightens the dog, which interferes with further work. Before starting the measurement, it is recommended to pet the dog or even give it a treat. Vicious dogs are muzzled or their muzzle is secured with a bandage.

The measuring instruments should be applied so that they touch the dog's body tightly and only press the fur, but do not press into the skin.

For very long-haired dogs (South Russian Shepherds, poodles, etc.), it is recommended to part the hair in the place where the tool is applied.

When taking vertical measurements (height at the withers and rump), if the measurement is made with a stick, you must ensure that it stands strictly vertical; When taking measurements with a square, it is necessary that the plumb line does not touch the guide bar and the tape is pulled tight and vertically.

When measuring the oblique length of the torso, first install the fixed end of the device in front of the glenohumeral joint, and then carefully move the movable bar to the ischial tuberosity. With a sudden movement and a push on the rear, the dog usually hunches its back, which makes the measurement insufficiently accurate and reduced.

It is best to take measurements with three people. The owner of the dog holds it, a second person measures it, and a third person writes down the measurements.

The height and weight of dogs vary greatly. The concepts of “large” or “small” stature, “heavy” or “light” weight in dog breeding are often subjective, as a result of which the description and assessment of a dog becomes inaccurate.

Here are the definitions of these indicators:

Absolute measurements of individual sections of a dog are usually insufficient to compare the body proportions of individual individuals and do not make it possible to fully understand the exterior. Therefore, to compare exterior types and determine the development of one or another trait, indices are used. An index is the ratio of one measurement to another, expressed as a percentage. To calculate a particular index, it is necessary to take measurements that are anatomically related to each other. This method is widely used in animal husbandry.

Rice. 47. Dog format: 1 - square dog (stretch index 100)

In dog breeding, indices for various breeds are poorly developed, which leads to subjective and inaccurate formulations (for example, “good” growth, etc.). However, we must remember that indices cannot replace an individual examination of the animal, but serve only as additional material.

Rice. 47. Dog format: 2 - stretched dog (stretch index 110)

In dog breeding, the following indices are most often used, providing basic data on the animal’s physique:

1. Stretching index(format) - shows the relationship between the length and height of the dog. The index is calculated using the following formula:

oblique torso length? 100/height at withers

A format index of 100 indicates that the height and length of the dog are equal—the dog is square. An increase of more than 100 indicates stretching - a more elongated format (Fig. 47).

2. Boniness index- shows the relative development of the bone structure based on the ratio of the metacarpus to the height at the withers:

pastern girth? 100/height at withers

3. High-legged index- shows the relative length of the dog, the ratio of leg length to total height at the withers:

length of front leg to elbow? 100/height at withers

4. Chest index- shows the relative development of the chest, the ratio of the width and depth of the chest:

chest width? 100/chest depth

5. Massive index- shows the relative development of the body, the ratio of chest circumference to height at withers:

chest circumference? 100/height at withers

6. Long-headed index- shows the relative length of the head, the ratio of the length of the head to the height at the withers:

head length? 100/height at withers

forehead width? 100/head length

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The withers are the initial part of the back, which is located between the shoulder blades and consists of the first 5 vertebrae thoracic spine. Also, this place is the highest point of the back of a calmly standing animal. Externally, you can easily recognize it - it is a small tubercle of elastic and mobile skin. This part is where dogs carry their young.

Why is it measured?

Almost from the first moment a puppy appears in the house, it is important for the owner to know where exactly the withers are. Changes in its level are used to monitor the development of the puppy and its compliance with breed standards. This parameter is important in order to choose the right carrier for the animal, in which the dog should be able to not only lie or sit, but also stand at full height. This information will also be useful when purchasing or sewing ammunition.

If the withers of an animal are not clearly marked, this means that developmental defects are possible, which are expressed in a curved or sagging back. It is important that the withers be sufficiently muscular, wide and developed, since thanks to it the neck and front legs are driven.

Height at the withers is an important parameter for show dogs. It is one of the three key standards of exterior: the girth of the pastern, the oblique length of the body and the height of the animal itself.

At an obstacle course competition in mandatory measure the height of the animal, this is necessary to determine the jumping potential.

Note! Maximum muscle relaxation can be obtained if the animal does not lean on its front legs; in this position, the injection of drugs will be completely painless.

How to measure

The puppy must be taught to measure the height at the withers from the very beginning. early age, but the dog’s final growth ends by 2-3 years. To correctly set this parameter, you must perform the following steps:

  • The animal must be placed on a flat surface and preferably secured.
  • Determine the dog's withers.
  • Place a ruler, a building level or just a book in this place.
  • Measure the distance from the floor to the plane on the dog's shoulder blades.

Important! The measurement should be carried out by the same person and preferably at a certain time of day.

You can find out the height at the withers in the same way as determining the height of a child - at the door frame, making the appropriate mark. This method good for medium and large breeds, with a height at the withers from 28 to 56 cm. Small breeds are more convenient to measure on a table or other flat surface.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

Height at the withers is one of the main parameters that determine the breed. In addition, it is needed for selecting a harness and carrying it. Many dog ​​owners have difficulty measuring the height at the withers. The article and photos will help you measure your pet correctly, as well as take measurements for purchasing a carrier and harness.


The location of the dog's withers

For control physical development puppies, determining their proportions and compliance with breed standards, various measurements are taken. Measurements are additional confirmation of visual inspection of dogs at exhibitions. The main parameter by which compliance with the standard is assessed is the height at the withers. In addition, this parameter is measured to determine the height of the jump during competitions between dogs.

The withers in dogs are the highest point on the spine and are located between the shoulder blades. It is formed by five vertebrae located at the very top spinal region spine. This is the highest point on your pet's back when he is standing quietly. U different breeds The location that is the highest point may vary, but approximately it should be looked for where it is in all dogs: between the shoulder blades. The picture shows what the withers are and where they are located.

How to measure your pet's height at the withers

Height at the withers is measured from the withers itself, the space between the shoulder blades, to the floor. A special ruler is used to measure dimensions. If you don’t have such a ruler, you can make it yourself. To correctly measure your pet, you need to place it on a flat horizontal surface. If measurements are taken regularly, they should be taken at the same time of day before feeding.

To correctly determine the starting point at the withers, you can substitute a book or any other flat object and place it parallel to the floor. The length from the withers to the floor will be the height of your dog. You can determine the height to which a dog can grow by knowing the standard height of your dog's breed. The photo shows how the height depends on the breed.

The height of your pet may differ from the breed standard if the parents were not of the same breed at mating. For example, non-pedigreed dogs may have unpredictable growth, since they are not a pure breed, so the pet can either be larger than its parent, or vice versa smaller. If the dog is purebred, then its height depends on the standard established for the breed. According to this standard, the pet is assessed as a representative of the breed.

Taking measurements to purchase a harness

It is best to take measurements using a sewing meter, which is convenient when taking measurements, since it can be used to grasp any parts, for example, the neck, and accurately measure the required part of the four-legged body. The dimensions for purchasing a harness must be measured accurately so that the meter does not sag during measurements.

For non-riding harnesses, 3 measurements are taken:

  • from withers to tail;
  • circumference of the chest at the widest point behind the paws (you can leave 2 cm for a loose fit);
  • neck girth.

Non-riding harnesses are not designed to withstand heavy loads, so they are often not very durable. This fact must be taken into account when choosing harnesses and measuring: it is necessary to correctly assess the dog’s temperament and the purpose of using the harness.

For riding harnesses, you need to measure 2 parameters: the distance from the withers to the base sternum, which is between the front legs, and the distance from the base to the end of the sternum, including the base of the tail.

For riding harnesses, you need to take precise measurements so that the harness does not sag anywhere and nothing interferes with the dog while riding. The palm of your hand should fit freely between the harness and the dog so that the harness does not put pressure on the dog and does not restrict movement when riding.

If the sizes are chosen incorrectly, the harness may begin to press and the pet will experience pain when moving. Ultimately, prolonged use of an unsuitable harness can cause the dog’s posture to deteriorate and the spine to become deformed. The parts on the harness should not put pressure on the animal; all fasteners must be well made and firmly fastened, since they can come off during movements, or some parts can dig into your pet’s skin.

Taking measurements to purchase a baby carrier

Carriers are necessary for transporting pets to the veterinarian, for a walk somewhere, or when transporting them on a bus. This way, your dog will not be worried when traveling and will not get his paws dirty.

When taking measurements, you need to decide which carrier will be most convenient for both the pet and the owner. Because even if the size of the carrier is exactly right, the dog may still feel uncomfortable. The pet must be able to change body position: lie down, sit down. At the same time, it is important that you also feel comfortable carrying it. The length of the handles should be optimal: such that no matter how you carry your friend, he cannot hit or get hurt.

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When purchasing a carrier, you need to determine the weight of your pet and, accordingly, select the necessary carrier that will support it. It is also necessary to choose the appropriate length of the carrier so that your pet can sit comfortably in it. To do this, measure the length of the back, that is, the distance from the dog’s scruff to the base of the tail. It is important to determine the height of the carrier and, accordingly, the height of the animal itself. The height of the dog is determined by the distance from the front paw to the withers.

For winter time, it is necessary to take into account when taking measurements that the animal may be wearing additional clothing. Therefore, it is necessary to make a reserve for it. The carrier is mainly designed for small dogs, so it will look awkward if you carry a large animal in the carrier, and the carrier may not withstand such a load.

Your animal should feel comfortable in the carrier so that it does not restrict movement. The carrier should not put pressure, but, on the contrary, be a little more sizes pet. For example, if the carrier is too small for your pet, he may choke or damage his paw when trying to scratch or change position. A carrier that is too large may sag under the weight of the pet and, thus, the dog will hit his back against something, which will harm him.

Depending on the size, carriers can be of the type of bag in which the pet is located, and you carry it by the handle, or they can be in the form of a backpack that can be worn on the shoulders and not interfere with movement. The carriers themselves must be made of natural materials, do not have specific odors that can harm the dog’s sense of smell. The inside of the carrier should be soft, mold to the body, and provide comfort. To make it easier to carry, you can place something favorite pet so that he feels comfortable and gets used to being carried.

You must understand that your pet will be in the carrier for a long time, and most likely may sweat. Therefore, the carrier should, if possible, be ventilated if you use it in the summer, and keep your pet warm in the winter.

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Video “How to take measurements correctly”

This video demonstrates how to measure correctly pet.

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